The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES ELEVEN TO TWENTY. ADVERTISING makes the vrheols of business go round smoothly and pro tects them against blowouts. VOL. XLIII-NO. 270. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOftNING, JUNE , 1914-TWENTY PAGES. .On Trains sod at Betl Haws Standi, So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. LIFTS THE SCHOOL BOARD LID Br. J. J. Foster Tells What Has Been Going On Inside. PEOPLE TO JUDGE BY RECORD BomethlnR nt th Cancns.3Indo Plans of the nonrd that 3IU cnrrlcd and Some at the Reasons Why. "I do not seek any personal contro versy over school board matters, but neither do I want to rest sllent'under un deserved Imputation," said Dr. J. J. Fos ter, refeninc to what has appeared In The Bee about "the high school fracas." "Everything i have done since I have been on the board Is ot record, and I have tried to be consistent along lines deemed by me best for the schools. I have never denied anything 1 havo done or tried to do. As to 'double-crossing,' all I want is for the public to have the facts and Judge for themselves. "In the first place, I went on the board at tha same time with President Walker, and he and I and one or two others started out together with the same pro fessed purposes. We were opposed to the controllng faction headed by Dr. Hol ovtchlner, and opposed to his olectlon to the presidency. I knew we were In the minority and were sure to be beaten, and when Dr. Holovtchlner was elected presi dent I was excluded from any desirable commttteo appointments, which was what was coming to me, and I made no com plaint Let it be noted, though, that Kir. Walker was given a committee chair manship, and from that time was found voting with Dr. Holovtchlner to carry through all his plans. I want to say this for Dr. Holovtchlner, that he never told me he would do ono thing and then did the opposite. "When It came to the last reorganiza tion of the board a succession of secret caucuses were held, by the former mi nority, which was soon to be the ma jority. What was done in these caucuses has become known to all the board, and I feel free now to speak about them pub licly. James Richardson, as the mem ber of longest service, wanted to be pres ident, and I thought he should be, but Mr. Walker Insisted on having the pres idency for himself, and Mr. Wchardson yielded rather than have our combina tion broken and the policies we had all agreed upon miscarry. Practically our whole program was discussed In these caucuses and it was understood that wo were to support what was decided upon. Plan to Cnnnnre Superintendent. "Regardless of denials, it may as well be known that the displacement of Su perintendent Graff and tho appointment of Miss McIIugh In his place, was fully determined upon by our caucus. It had been reported to us that Mr. Graff had led the high school teachers to look for salary increases contrary to our policy of retrenchment, and President Walker was moat active and outspoken for the change. Superintendent Graff was called in and told he could find another place endows ascertained that Miss McIIugh was willing to accept, provided a vacancy actually existed and she was not to be a candidate against anyone. Mr. Walker kept Editor Watson and Editor Polcar of the two papers fully advised of thesa moves in fact, of all the moves of our caucuses and the publication In thoso papers of the coming change in superin tendency was made, I am reliably in formed with his knowledge and consent. The Bee was not supposed to be In our confidence, and was thus to left to get this news from its competitors. "What was our surprise then to find In' The Bee the next day a signed statement from President Walker, not only denying the whole thing, but pledging his nupport to Superintendent Graff for re-election and, upsetting the whole program. I h&.va nothing personal against Superintendent Graff, although I admit I was ready to make the change in the superintendence as a part of the general policy we were seeking to apply to the schools. How Retrenchment Projrrnm Fell. "The same thing is true with reference to the abollitlon of the summer school and of the teachers' training school, and the I eduction of certain excessive salaried, except that discontinuance of the summer school alone has been pat through as agreed upon. I am willing to have every one know what salaries I wanted to cut, ana my reasons, and to stand by them 1 never opposed the election of anyone to a position I thought he or she was not qualified for or entitled to and then turned around and voted an increase in salary after the appointment was made over my protest. "Now, as to the high school vice prin cipalshlp, I think I have been consistent here, for I have steadfastly favored a man for the position and Mr, McMillan being the only man candidate, -with no ono questioning his fitness, I was for Mr. McMillan. Member Richardson, it Is true, felt bound to have the position go to a woman, supposedly by his enthusiasm for woman suffrage, and thought he had the unwavering support ot President Walker, The two of them came to the teachers' committee meeting when that question was to be settled with the under standing that they were to tell us they would both resign unless a woman were named. Mr, Richardson has resigned, but his is the only resignation eo far re-, celved. "Lot me repeat again that I am stand ing squarely on my record In the school board, and only want all the facts known, so the public may Judge fairly." TWO MEN TALK TOO MUCH TO JUDGE FOR OWN GOOD The gift of speech turned the tide In police court and sent two men. Sam McKnlght and Jim Kelly, to Jail for SO days after they had been given a sus pended 60-day sentence for prowling about the Illinois Central yards. "Will you prpmlia to stay closer to your homes if I let you off with this sus pended sentence?" jisked Police Judge Foster. fSure we will. Tour Honor." spoke up McKnlght, "but let me tell you one thing, wo ain't guilty of nothing and ' oughtn't to be in court here at ail." Thirty days each for too much gab " I t a d the Judge, and the prisoners were j it. II Jabbering when led back to the i ullpen. Omaha real estate is the beat Investment you could make. Read The Bee's real estate columns. I -Storo Hours. 8:30 A, M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M. Bathing Caps A completo line at tho Toilet Goods section. Carnations i lc Fresh cut carnations, as sorted colors, long stem, Saturday, each lc Peonies nt 3c Assorted colors, fresh cut. BURGESS-NASH CO Durgeas-Nash Go. Uain Floor. "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Friday, Juno 5, 1014. Bathing Suits For women. Several pretty stylos. Made ot all wool mohair, satin, etc Black or blue; wide range for selection. Splendid Talues. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs For men and women, pure linen, plain or fancy border; slightly 1 f soiled, each .... IvV STORK NEWS FOR SATURDAY Sixteenth and Harney Streets. Total Eclipse of Felt HATS Saturday-GET YOUR STRAW POCKET comfort, too, when you pick from theso Saturday at 9Sc and $1.45, because they are really worth double the prices quoted for Saturday. Perfect goods. Bennett, rough straws, Mllans, etc., In a wido variety of styles and shapes; every ono a value, at 98c to $1.45 Other Straw Hats In a variety of styles and shapes to suit every fancy; tho product makers., . '$1.50 to $6 Sennett Braids, $1.50 to $3. Milan Braids at $4.00. PANAMAS, genuine South Ameri can, all the latest shapes Satur day At . . .Sl. no. sr nn ,n.i an nn nurga.Nash Co. M4n Floor. KODAK TIME Get Your Supplies Hero. ASTD our department of supplies is very com plete. Wo will develop your films free of charge when an order Is left for printing. M. Q. Developer, Sat urday, tube Acid Hypo, Saturday, Vi -pound Burgsss-Nash Co Main Floor. 2c 7c TENNIS Supplies PLAYERS who know sny our supply of ten nis goods is very complete. We carry the Wright & Dltson line of rackets and balls. Wright & Dltson Rackets.$1.25 Wright & Dltson Champion Balls, 3 for $1.00 Practice balls, each 25c Tennis nets at ... .$1 to $2.50 Tennis rackets from 75c to $5 Burgees-Hash Co, naiement. Sale of MEN'S SILK SHIRTS That Were $3, Saturday at $1.95 HE REASON? Wel, they are slightly soiled from display, but otherwise very desirable. Patterns aro new and neat. You'll appreciate the true Importance of the offering when you see the shirts, choice Saturday at $1.95. Another Lot of Silk Shirts, $2.95 New designs, good patterns; "some all silk and some part silk. Men's Sillt Fibre Hose, 25c High spliced 'heels, double toe and sole; black, navy, gray, tan. Washable Neckwear at 25c Tubulars and tub silks. f-STisMSr"5! four-ln-hands", the regular crli,iBiiiji;iW 35c and 50c kind: splendid A'r selection of patterns. Athletic Union Suits Made of good quality Nainsook, regularly $1.00, special for 7tc; 2 piece suits 30c. Bnrsreaa-Wash Co. again Floor. A Glass of Armours Grape Juice Free at Drug Section Saturday We aro demonstrating this delightful and refreshing summer drink and want you to.comoand enjoy a glass with our compliments, You'll llko It. Special prices, by bottle or case. 4-oz., case of 72 for $5,40 or bot tle 8o S.oz., case of 36 for $4.90 or bot tle 13o 16-z , case of 24 for $5,20 or bot tle Mo 1-nt., oase of 13 for $4.95 or bot tle 380 H-sal., case of 6 for $4.20 or bot tle 69o Burgsss-Kash Co. again Floor. Boys' Graduation SUITS $6.76 That Were $8.50, $10 and $12.50 THERE are no better made garments to be bad at any price than the suits we are of fering you In this sale. Any boy would be proud to be tne wearer or one on the day he gradu ates. Theso suits represent the last word In boys' clothing, and embrace the latest Norfolk styles; newest patterns and materials of the season In sizes from 7 to 17 Gift 7C years, at pO. O Our Tiino of Straw Hats for Idttle Fellows Is very complete, embracing all the latest Ideas In children's head wear. Prices to tfA range from uOC Boys' Wash Suits, 08c Oliver Twist style. They are made In many different combinations of colors, In galateas, madras and chambrays, and are suits that are worth from $1.25 to $1.50, spe- qq dally priced for Saturday at OC Burffsas-Nasn Co. Mln Floor. The New "CLEQ" PUMPS for Women Saturday at $3.50 Pair ONE of tho best styles this season la the "Cleo" colonial pump with tongue and side ornament trim. We are showing this stylo In French bronze and soft patent leather with, flexible sewed soles and half Louis heels,' In the new receding toe last. Perfect fit ting, something out of the ordinary, pair Women's White Canvas Pumps Saturday at $1.95. Made In the new colonial and flat bow styles, witn meaium neeu and soft turn soles, cool and com fortable and very special values at. pair.... Outing Footwear for Everybody in a splendid assortment and at the rlglU price. Bttrgsss Mash Oo. Main Floor. Soap Specials in the Basement Y OU will want to take advantage of this offering made by this new section in tne uasement Saturday. J e r g I Kirk's Soap, I H o u sehold Boap, 5c I 10c size, 3 a in jnonla, sue, at canes, at nuart bottle 190 130 130 Slatno n d 0" laundry soap ces 250 9 cakes Whits X,Ujr Boap,. hat. urday spe cial. Jft cakes fcU Bnrf s Hash Co. Bsssment. Great June Clearance of Womens COATS i $ 2? 90 Formerly Priced $15, $18 and $20 HL...;s au offering that oorders on the sensational. TLlnk of it women's coats In the latest styles In silk or wool materials garments that have been Included In our regular lines at $15, $18 and $20 for $7.90. Do you grasp the f ne bargain importance of such an offering? Tho Materials are taffeta silks, silk moire and silk poplins; also gabardines, serges, honey combs, Bedford cords, diagonals, golflnes, etc. The Colors include navy, Copenhagen, green tango and wistaria; also black and white. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 for misses, 3G to 44 for women. Bcrgess-Wash Co. gsoond Floor. THESE LONCj SILK GLOVES AT 95c ARE THE BIGGEST VALUES IN TOWN AT anywhere near he price, D6 not take our word for It com pare them with those offered around town and prove it for yourself. Pure Milanese silk or tricot weave with double tipped fingers, full 16-button length, white, black and colors, varloty of styles of embroidered backs, all sizes the pair. lO-BUTTON CHAMOI8ETTE GLOVES AT 8Dc. Launder perfectly; white, natural, grey, pongee, all sizes, very special. Burgsss-Nash Co. Main Floor. 95c Underwear and Hosiery for This Summer Weather Women's Union Suits, 50c Kayer make white cotton union suits, low neck and sleeveless, cuff knee, band top, reinforced. Women's Silk Vests, $1.50 Lorraine silk in white or flesh pink, lotv neck and sleeveless, em broidered fronts, several designs. Women's 50c Hose, 25c Black imported lisle thread, neatly embroidered, 60c quality, Saturday, pair 25c Bnrgsss-Kaah Child's Union Suits, 29o For boys and girls, white cot ton, knee length, drop seat; for ages 4 to 14 years; special values. Women's Silk Ho3e, 49c Black, pure thread silk boot, or all silk fibre seamless hose In black or white. Women's Silk Hose, $1 McCallum's pure thread silk hose, full fashioned, regular or white, pair. . ,$1.6o and 81.00 Co. Mln Floor. June Sale of Pure DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES Fels Naptha . An' soap, cake. . . xC Sal Hepatlca, 25c size for l-c Jad Salts, 75c slze. ltlc Bath Spray, $1.00 kind. D7C Mennen's talcum. .Oo Dabrook's locust blos som extract, oz.. .37c Cocoanut oil soap, 7 cakes 25c Palmolivo soap, cake for Be V 1 1 1 1 a ms' shaving soap, cake 3J(c Castile soap, large bar for 40c Ivory Soap, Be cake for 0c Java rice powder, 50c size , 10c P. & Q naphtha soap for 4o Toilet Articles Monoxide tooth pow der, 25c size 12c LaTrlfle or Azuroa powder 73c Massatta talcum, 25c size 13c Wllllow theatrical cold cream, li-lb,.18c Milk weed cream, 50c size 84c Jergen's violet glycer ine, 3 cakes 18c Patent Medicines Sloan's liniment, 50c size ...20c Lydia Plnkham's Vog Comp., $1 slze...00o Duffy's puro malt, $1 size 80c Swamp Root, $1 size, for 50c Syrup of Figs, 50c alzo for 20c Meatb o 1 a t u m, 50c size for 20c Bromo Seltzer, 50c slzo for 32c Bromo Seltzer, $1.00 size for ........ .00c Sodium Phosp hate, GOc size 28c Olive Oil, 60c size 82c Horllck's MaltedMUk, $1.00 Blze 07c Horllck's Malted Milk, $3.60 size . . , . ,$2.74 Abbott's Saline Lax :0c size 37c Seidlltz Powders, 25c size 12c Glycotbymoline, 50c size 20c n Vacuum Bottles Guaranteed to keep liquids hqt 12 hours or cold 21 hours, 1-pint size, 91.20 1 -qua it size $2.30 .Tap Rose Soap n n 4 cakes tuC Canthrox, 50c slze.28c Plnaud's lilac toilet water ...52c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder, 25c slzo 7c Physicians' and sur geons' soap, 3 cakes for 18c Graham's lana oil and buttermilk soap, 3 cakes for .17c SUNDRIES Straw hat cleaner, 10c size 7c Liquid Veneer, 25c size for 17c Liquid Veneer, 50c size, for 37c Colorlte, 25c size. 10c Chloride of lime, 1 lb. for 0c RUBBER GOODS Rubber gloves, 50c kind for 10c Hot water bottle. $1 kind 50c Borax Chips, largo size package, 19c jjjjjjij Beautiful New ALL WHITE TRIMMED HATS, at $5.00 PARIS says white hats and will accept nothing but white. Theso now crea tions are adaptations from tho latest Parisian ldons In laco, Panamas, Mllans and hemps. Beautiful wing and ribbon novelty JC effects P0 White Untrimmed Hats In hemps and Mllans, all the now qp shapes, special Saturday at p 1 Another Lot of Panamas Here in Time for Saturday And how they will be snappod up, too. Tho shapes are so pretty and the quality Is way out of the ordinary, at fc$1.95, $2.98, $3.98 Bursriii-Nth Co. flcooBd Floor. Dainty Neckwear and Fleatings, 26c A CHARMING display, In cluding sheer organdy Gladstone collars, flat venlce collars, cont sots, collar and cuffs, gulmps, vests of fine lace and net, also a big line of pleattng In organdy, nets, shadow laco and chiffon, white, black and cream, at 25c B organ-Wah Co. M"ln Floor. Sifk Ribbons, 25c TAFFBTAs, moires, satins, messallncs and fancies in ptnk, blue, light green, black and white; 5H Inches wide for girdles, sashes and trim mings; at, yard 25c SASHES TIED FREE If you buy your ribbon here we will make tho bows or sashoB free of charge. Burros-Hash Co. Mila Floor. Cool, Summery Tub Silk Blouses Specially Priced SATURDAY at $1.65--$1.95 HERB'S & Saturday blouse event ot unusual Importance, for. the reason that the blouses Involved are nil now. fresh and crisp just re ceived, and the values are so excep tional that you will want to buy fully halt & dozen. 1 The blouses are made in a variety of new summery effects ot good quality tub silks In stripes and plain white; all are made with the new style low neck, turn down collar and short nloeves. Some have the turn back cuffs. There Is a rontpielo range of sizes. In a word, It Is a group ot crisp, fresh Mouses at two extremely low prices; choice. . .$1.65 and $1.05 BuraasB-Kasli "Co. Soond Tloor. Girfs 2-Piece OUTING SUITS as Illustrated, $2.95 Instead of $3.50 Tr ADE middy blouse style ot tan colored linen. J.TJL good quality, finished with pip- $ftrf lng and buttons. Middy has turn back $ cuff, balmacaan sleeve, sizes 13 to 20 .z years. Regular price $3.50, Saturday. - Girl's Mexican Blouses, $1.98. Good quality Persian striped crepe, short sleeves, low neck, Mexican collar with black tie. Girl's White Dresses Reduced. Because they are slightly soiled from display, lawns and voiles In a variety of styles for ages 2 to 14 years; were $1.75 to $5.08; now. . .08c to $3.05 Girl's Silk Coats, -Price. All new this season's styles In taffeta, moire and poplin, originally $17.50 to $35.00, at half price, Girl's $1.25 Colored Dresses, 79c. Colored percales, ginghams and chambrays for ages G to 14 years, new long waist effect. Burffeag-ZTash Co. aoona riocr. Women's $1.50 and $2 Lawn Dresses Economy Basement, 98c IT'S a big lot Just In by express picked up by our New York rep resentative at a sacrifice. Pretty new styles in blacks and white stripes, blue, white, lavender, with lace collar, yO and cuffs and tunic skirts all sizes; really worth $1.50 f f Til 67c and Ox and $2.00; Saturday, choice 91425 Crepe Waists, 07c Pretty new effects with drop shoulders, silk cords in front; white, lavoneder and tan, worth every cent of $1.25, sale price Saturday Women's $3 and $3.50 Pumps fords, $1.05. THEY'RE the season's latest styles in colonials, button and laco oxfords, broken size assortment in $3.00 and $3.50 lines; all sizes are represented, but not every Blze In each style, d4 per patr P JQ Children's Oxfords, 81.3 Button or lace style. In all sizes; best leathers; were $2, and $2.50; qq Saturday, at 4 k tJ Boys' OVERALLS at 39c Made of good quality demln, with bib; guaranteed not to rip.' Men's Union Suits, 40c Lisle' spring needle rib; ecru color; all sizes. Men's Overalls, 60c Made ot good quality denim; all sizes; mostly bib style. nrri-Kh Co. Eooaoiay Buimtnt. :Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store16th and Harney.; i Burgess-Nash Co. -Everybody's Store 16th and Harney, 1