THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1914. Summer Porch Furniture On our third floor wo aro displaying n most complete showing of furnishings for tho porch fibre chairs, tables, settees, etc., as well as swings, hammocks and shades. Fresh Cut Roses In all colors. A great lot will be placed on sale Saturday; Main Floor, West End each, 10 June Ribbon Sale Bring Savings for Saturday One of the best lots to the sale Includes 6 to 7 inch warp print ribbons, Roman and gj byadere stripes, plain and moire bro- JPf 1 cades, etc, for summer dresses, mill I- Jl rjl nery, sashes and girdles, at yard W Sale of Ribbons at 25c ancy -warp prints In boautlful designs, also plain noire and high lustre mossaltno ribbons most in flooand for snmmcr needs. Special at 25c. Black velvet ribbon specially priced. Ex tremely popular for tho summer millinery. While the lot lasts: Non. 60 and 80, at 50c Nos. 22 and 40, at 85c The Popular . Normandy Collar The most favored summer neckwear for vaca tion 'tv oar Is the Normandy collar of real linen. Many .new and pretty stylos have boon produced, but non& have beon quite bo popular bb tho Nor mandy collar. Very dainty when mado of organdy and embroidered in whito and colors. ng Choice Saturday, at CtOC On Sale Saturday-950 Pairs of Kayser Silk Gloves Mostly Samples Worth up to ) $2.50 Pr. Regularly, at Only ) We can say, without hesitation, that this is the biggest bargain in silk gloves wo have ever offered. Every pair has the name Kayser stamped inside the glove. They aro made of best quality pure silk milaneso weave. Double tipped. Mousquetalre style. Part of them are plain. Others have beautifully embroidered arms, in simple or elaborate designs. Black, white and an almost complete assortment or staple and fancy shades. 1 filMfM We have never been able to offer gloves of such extraordinary merit as Kayser gloves at such a reduction. Particularly now at tho height of season when they are' most in demand, this sale should be a wonderful attraction. We advise an early selection as the quan tity Is limited. Prudent women will select a whole season's supply. Kayser's Bilk gloves worth up to $2.50 a pair, Saturday for" Lisle Vests Worth Up to $1.50, Saturday . . Thesr are Kavser vests of sheer mercer. ..ed uslo with dainty hand crochet lace yokes, beading fops and silk wash ribbon tapes. Qualities CQ regularly worth to $1.50, at each "vt Lisle Vests at 35c Women's fine lisle vests, plain or dainty hand crochet lace yokes. Regular OCJ 60c values, at OOC "M" Knit Union Suits Patent taped seams and buttons. Also some sizes In Munslngwear. All sizes for 9Kr boys and girls, 50c values, at yC Boys' Union Suits, 35c The genuine porosknlt mesh union suits. High neck, short Bleeves, knee lengths. Sizes 0C 8 to 16 years. 50c suits, at wOC Infants' Vests, 15c Knit Vests of light weight cotton, sleeveless or long sleeves; also part wool bands. i P Tho 25c quality, at ADC Women's Vests, 8l2c Fine cotton swiss ribbed vests. Fully taped with crochet beading tops. All Q 1 sizes. Worth to 15c at O jgC Art Needlework Specials Sofa pillow tops stamped and tinted in floral and conventional design, with back, 35c -j f value at . AUG ".Cordonnet Special" crochet cotton. White and ecru color. 15o and 19c spools, choice at each C Mercerized pillow cords and tassels, in plain or combination of colors. The 25c -j g grade, Saturday for t 1UC Perl Lusta. Four strand embroidery co.tton. Fast colors and guaranteed bollproof. Reg- j ular price 2 for 5c, at the skein X C Perl Lusta crystal rope floss. Good assortment of colors. Regular price 5c per skein. Special, 3 skeins for OC Saturday--A Cleanup Sale of Boys' Slipon Raincoats Formerly Worth to $2 50c Saturday wo will dispose of 135 hoys' raincoats at a fraotion of their xonl worth. Thoy aro of hombnadan, henrieita and mer cerized water-proof fabrics in grayB and tans. All sizes 3 to 8 only. Regularly worth to $2, Saturday on the second floor, old store, for Saturday Candy Specials stwr berry and' choco late tijavors. iiD Nut brittle Including pecan, Gilbert and hickory QUIS. f civ Dnuai lUn rwifolnrui nnnra fruit pecan nut toll, lb. . . . . . . Vanilla. 15c walnut, 25c 25c Our, famous maple confections in a Variety of centers. -Penochla caramel glace, cocoanut balls and vanilla nut kisses, lb .v Fompelan chocolate bitter sweets and Swiss stylo milk chocolates. Fruit and nut centers., Reg' ular 40c kind, Saturday, lb 20c 29c Special Values Saturday in High Grade Hair Goods Fine-quality of wavy hair switches, in every shados except groy. 18 to 20 rjQ inches long, Special for Saturday IJC Long hair switches, Natural wavy hair 26 and 28-in. lengths, switches, 26 , and 28 Unusually good val- Inches lpng. Not equal6d , Rt tn,B low. price, Satur- ues at $2. day, $3.R8. ' We also show a magBificcat lino of bangs, pin curls and hair rolls. Sale of Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Saturday wo will dispose of all jewelry ronialning from several big New York purchases made this spring. Jewelry of all descriptions, as well as watches and clocks, Included at about half price. A rare opportunity for those who aro planning to purchase gifts for June brides or graduates. Diamond Set Jewelry Wonderful Values J.uet a few of the hundreds of astonishing values: Solid gold cuff links with genu ino cut diamond.' Regular sale price U0; our tfjx aq sale price p..70 Men's solid gold . tie clasp with cut diamonds. Regular prices $5 and $6; our sale . AO price . .r. .. p70 All our Diamond Set Jewelry, Scarf Pins, Diamond Rings, Dia mond Earrings, Diamond LaVal Ueres, etc., at about half usual prices. Solid Gold Jewelry Solid gold cuff links, filled posts, regular price ?2.9S, at 91. Solid gold-tie clasps, regular price $1.9$ to $2.98, at 80c. Solid gold brooches, beautiful designs, set in seml-preclous stones and real pearls, regular price up to $6, at $1.08. I Big 8r,erllng silver vanity cases, beautifully en graved, worth $9 to 15, special $5.08. Gold Filled Jewelry Great Bargains Ladles' lockets, beautiful de signs. Regular prices $1.98 t to $3.98; sale price $1 Ladies' and children's brace lets, finest gold filled. Reg- gf ular price $2.00; sale price $1 Ladies' bracelets, finest gold filled. Regular price d aq $3.50; sale price . . . . D I i70 All the ladles' bracelets which wore sold above $3.50 and up t,o . $7.50 we will sell ar aa at P&.Z?0. Values in Clocks $1 alarm clocks. Guaranteed. Special, 89c. $4 mahogany finish mantle clocks. 8-day time; at $1.00. $10 and $12.50 genuine mahogany mantle clocks. 8-day time, strike, gong, half hour on cup bell. Porcelain dial, bevel glass. Height 13 and 14 inches. Sale price, SR. Gold clocks, worth $2 to $5. One day time. Sale price, 81. Men's and Women's Watches at About Half Price Mon's Elgin set watches in 12 and 10 sites, in fancy sliver cases or plain nlcklo cases. Worth to $4.49 Men's 12 and 16 site open face and hunting case watchos. Guar anteed 20 years. 7 jewel El gin and Waltham movements Worth $12.50 to tj nn $15. Sale price. . . . H I VO Men's 12 size watches. Open face, gold filled cases with 7 Jewel standard movement. Worth $6. Sale. do QO price J)3 IO Men's 12 sise open face watches, 7 jeweled American movement in gold filled case. Regular price $5'. Sale price , $2.49 Men's and women's gun metal watches. Worth $3.98 to $5. Sale price y l GO Saturday P 1 UO Women's O size watches. Solid gold 10 karat cases. Hunting or open face styles, Elgin or Wal tham movements. Regular prices $18 to $22. Special nt $10 Saturday is Silk Hose Day Immense purchases of factory surplus stocks enable us to offer fine silk hose at big reductions Saturday. The quality of women's pure thread silk hose wo offer Saturday is iar superior to any we've snown nerore. Jvery pair is per fect in every way and of first quality. They aru reinforced with mercerized lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes. The color range Includes black, tan, white, sky, pink, navy, bronze, grey and many other fash ionable shades. Regular $1 silk hosiery Saturday for "Onyx" Silk Hose 85c 59 This brand of hose is well known. Women's onyx pure thread silk hose of fine smooth texture' and medium weight with double garter top of silk and high spliced heels and double soles. The regular $1,36 quality, black only, for 85c. 50c "Onyx" Hose 25c Medium . and gauze weight silk lisle hosiery with duplex and point? ex heels, double hem top; also fibre, and pure thread silk boot hose with lisle garter tops, heels and toes. Black only. 50c values, special at, pair, 26c. 35c Silk Boot Hose, Saturday 19c This lot of 1,200 pairs of hosiery is from a special purchase. Made with pure thread silk boot with wide lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes. Black only. Qualities regularly worth to 35c, at, pair, 10c. Sale of $3,50 and $4 Pumps and Oxfords $1.93 Choice of five hundred pnirs women's high grade pumps and oxfords. Made of patent and dull leathers, also satin with flat bow or colonial tongue and buckle. Gaby,' Cuban or Spanish heels. Perfect in every way and in new, up-to-date styles. Worth $3.50 and $4. Saturday in main floor shoe dept. at $1.98. 1,200 Beautiful Wash Dresses at About Half Price The summer 's crowning triumph in dress selling One of the greatest events we've ever annmnced in Women s Apparel A high class makers entire surplus stock included Come Expecting Marvelous Values You'll Not Be Disappointed IF ALL the women of Omaha could but know tho beauty of these dresses and realize the sensational prices we 'havo placed on them, there would not bo dresses for half who would come for thorn Saturday morning, The maker who sold them to us at half their average worth is known the country over as the producer of the most lovely styles in summer dresses, yet wo wore atye to obtain these 1,200 for you at prices far below tho cost of material alone. For Choice of Several Hundred Very Pretty Little Frocks That Are worth up to $450. $AO For Dresses That Are Actually 9 JO Worth up to $6.50. Dozen of Very Clever Summer Styles. Allows You to Choose From a Great Variety of Dresses That Are Worth up to $8.00. $198 $098 miA Ml! ww itr . iyy mat - r i rm 3 i Mti flif x Tint We've Never Seen a More Beautiful Lot of Dresses Than This THIS remarkable group includes every new model of the season. The long tunics the high girdles the ripple pannieres the combination waists the new coatee effects. They are made in the most popular summer wash fab rics in all the new colors. Liunens, ratine, voiles, crepes, pique, eponge, lawns, madras cambrics, embroidered crepes, twine cloths, etc. All sizes for women and misses. Scores of Dainty Dresses in Thid (ft Group. All Are Worth up toy $12.50. Choice Saturday at . . . COO Exquisite Dresses For Party and IJ($, Afternoon Wear. Styles That are : W wortn up to u,uut caoicc . . . up to $20.00 regularly, on sale at $ m 10