mt TTi 1 .Tin m r a r 4 nmt i t, t - PEACE NOW UP TO CARRANZA Constitutionalists Asked to Partici pate in Mediation Conference. MUCH MAY DEPEND UPON REPLY Pnbtlcntlmi of Message Svitlihettl Un(ll Wont (jarnfn from Mexico butcomrv Ik Anxiously Annlted liy All. WASHINGTON,- June .-Whether the constlt'Ollonallsts of Mexico are to parti cipate In peace negotiations nt NJagam Falls probably will be determined be'ore another day has. pasted. Tonight agents of General Carranza. the revolutionary chieftain, were In it rect telegraphic comnrmloatlon with' the constitutionally leader, alter having for warded to him the answer of the South American mediators to his messase of protest cawled to Niagara Falls last week. Publication of the mersase of tha Markets of Country. ATTRACTS EYES OF THE WORLD AND PRODUCE MARKET mree bouth American diplomats fthWh ; sentatlon In the conferences here. Vpon Cah Wheat Shows Strength in All his word depends whether the entire Mexican problem will be settled by diplo macy or whether the constitutionalists will continue to flsht their way to Mexico City. The mediators have, In a dignified way, smoothed the path fot constitutionalist partloipatlcn The United States govern ment wants them to accept. A rejection of the Invitation may eventually mean the withdrawal by the Washington gov ernment of the moral support It has beon extending to tho constitutionalist cause. Tho mediators' tonight are hopefully OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET- Michigan and Wisconsin white. SOa$; . J aucnigan rea 7iwoc, Louisiana ana Texas new, Jl 25 40 lOt'LTRY-AllVo hlgheri fowls. 134c. NRW YOI11C CiKM-niAI, M.MtKKT Imitiriltntr Delivery Orilrra for Crnln Arc Overbalancing the Excellent Crop Ontlook of the Country OMAHA, June 4. 1914. The strength In cash wheat not only at PMrnirn. hut In nil the markets of the country, was the principal hull help yes- Tn'a condition oversnaaoweu negotiations will he Indefinitely pro. longed by such a course, they think a pacific- settlement would In reality be -more quickly obtained, as all parties In the Mexican dispute would then be here to shape the program of peace. There were no conferences today with either the Mexican ov American dele gates. It may be stated that all prln- mediators vas withheld here until Gen- j cipals hero would like to see tho constl eral Carrantn has determined upon his tutlonallsts enter the negotiations In a rrmfltlent that rS.nornt ("Vrrn,4n ivltl mnnA . terdrtV envoys here. Instead of believing the everything that was bnrUh and j neentlrfl1n wilt l, lH.flI..H. nro. Fal"? f . " . lC. " J"JX. .Lk. leply. Rafatl Zuburan, minister of the Interior In Carranza's cabinet und nt thif head of the constitutionalist agency In Washington would not discuss the natuie of the mediators' proposals or the prob able attitude of his chief. Persons jtf touch with constitutionalist agents, how ever, ventured the suggestion that the terms upon which the mediators pro posed to receive the constitutionalist Into the peace negotiation would be de clined. The note from the mediators, addresvcJ to Mr. Zuburan, reached Washington in the afternoon. As soon as the message was received Messrs. Zuburan, Vuscon celos and Urquldi, of tho constitutionals "agency, began preparations to communi cate .with General Carranza at Durango by a special wire. When th message of the mediators had been ftirwarded, con ferences with their chieftain were be gun over tho wire. It was stated that the message from the mediators was ac companied by a request that nothing be made public until a conclusion had been reached. Administration Officials "VVnlt. While negotiations between .Carranza and his Washington representatives were in progress, administration officials awaited the outcome with anxiety Throughout the day In official quarters there, were some expressions of appre hension over the BUccess of mediation plans as originally outlined. It was the first time that any admissions had been made of probable set backs in the pro gress, of peace. Yet those who admitted the possibility of obstacles In the way of settlement of the Mexican situation, In sisted that all difficulties would be over come. Secretary Bryan again reiterated hto Insistent declaration that mediation was jr6gresslns satisfactorily. Strictest secrecy was maintained rft .constitutionalist headquarters through out tie evening concerning tha proposals to Carranza from the mediators. it was reported to contain compromise offers upon which Carranza s representa tives would ho admitted to the peace ne EotlaCons. These included, it was said, .provision for a limited armistice and as surances of ample participation on the jparl of tho constitutionalists In tho pro Posed provisional government to repiaco the Huertareglnio pending 'a' "general election. , v - ... w ... ..--. r. I While ammunition for the constitution alists was en .route today to Tamplco ifrom the United States, admission came irom the State department of previously teported orders to customs officials not to clear any consignments of munitions of war to Mexican ports. It had been re ported that Secretary Bryan had warned American manufacturers of arms that they, must not make shipments to Mexico, llryitn Decline to Talk. Bryan declined today to reveal what ho ea.d to the arms makers, .but asserted that the collectors of customs had been instructed not to ptrmlt such shipments, He added that there seemed to have been some misconstruction of the original or der, although hu would not agree that this had anything to do wttn the depar ture yesterday from New York of tha steamer Antllla, heavily laden with war supplies for constitutionalists atTamplco.; Bryan also explained that th.s order ap plied to traffic In arms across the border as well as by water, Intimating that the purpose of Its issue was to prevent any 'discrimination In favor of the manufac turers who were shipping goods from the eastern Atlantic ports, while their west ern competitors were stupped from send ing their goods by rail Into Mexico through Texas under the orders issued Bome.time ago to army officers on the border. None of the cabinet officers who were concerned In- the Issue and execution of this order was willing ' to dltcuss the legal-questions that had been raised as to their authority In such cases. There Was no comment when their attention was di rected to the fuct that there had been no presidential proclamation such as in mentioned In the law as a condition prece dent to the stoppage of exportation of arms and ammunlt.on Into Mexico. ' No Orders Given. Assistant Secretary Roosevelt, who was acting as secretary of the navy in tha absence of Secretary Daniels, tald no or ders had ben given to American naval commanders on the Mexican coast in re- spirit of conciliation. Tnere will be no obstacles placed In the path of the con stitutionalists by tho Hutrta delegates. Million Dollars is Proposed for Missions NEWCASTLE. Pa., June 4.-The gen eral assembly of tho United Presbyterian church concluded Its work tonight ind adjourned. The 1915 assembly will be held at Loveland, Colo. A resolution was adopted today to the effect that Individual churches are ct liberty to uso either Psalms or otner scripture words In praise services. The question had caused heated discussions for several days. Rev. J. White of Cedarvllle, Colo., was elected secretary of the board of church extension. It was decided to make the supreme effort of the coming year thj raising of $1,000,000 for missions. Another effort of the church will be an Increase of work along evangelistic lines. The report of the general commltteo on appropriations show 611 congregations have reported a total of 1403,401 In pledges. The 364 congregations as yit making no report, last year gave $106,92. WHEAT ACREAGE SHOWS SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., June 4.-(Speclal.) Crop statistics from Hall, Sarpy and Red Willow counties have been sent in by the county clerks to the bureau of publicity and statistics of the State Board of Agri culture. Acreages of the. various crops and all tho data concerning Nebraska farms and farmers aro Included In these reports. In the three counties reporting the win ter wheat acreage has Increased 26,035 acres over 1913, or 15 per cent. In the same counties the corn acreage has de creased 19,93$, or 10 per cent. The wlntef wheat acreages for the two seasons is shown by the following: Acreage 1914. Acreage 1913. Hall 4... KfiV 75,109 Red Willow 55,995 76,018 Sarpy 20,054 21,385 Totals .19b627 772,572 Increase 1014, 20,035 acres, or 15 per cent. The corn acreage follows: Acreage 1014. Acreage 1911 Hafl ....J.-.-.7.'.. ..V. 64.101 .70,827 Red" Willow .V. C2.409 76,b03 Sarpy 42,374 41,510 Totnls 163,184 189,140 Decrease 1914, 19.936, or 10 per cent. Sarpy county increased both Its win ter wheat and corn acreages. In Red Wil low and Hall there were decreases In corn acreages and Increases In wheal sowing. SECRETARY M'ADOO BACK FROM HONEYMOON TRIP WASHINGTON, June 4.-Secretary Mc Adpo and his bride, who was Miss Eleanon Wilson, returned to Washington today after spending their honeymoon In New Hampshire. They made a brief visit to the White Hohse to see the president and other members of the family and then, went to their home. In- the fashionable section of the capital. Secretary McAdoo declined to discuss federal reserve board appointments. He will see the president tomorrow regard ing the two vacanqles still existing on tho federal reserve board and the noml natlqns of the entire board are expected to pe sent to the senate within the next few days. ARMSTRONG IS KILLED WHEN HIS MOTORCYCLE RUNS WILD PITTSBURGH, Pa., June 4 Archie Armstrong of Cincinnati, a motorcyclist, was killed and a large number of spec tators were Injured tonight at the Pitts burgh motordrome, when a machlno driven by Armstrong became unmanage able and dashed Into the crowd. A num ber of tho injured are In a serious condition. SULZER WILL TRY FOR . GOVERNOR AGAIN In the deferred futures. Those in tne trade who put out short lines or juiy lost week seemed to havo changed the r minds as to the probable course of the market, ns they were buyers of not only July, but tho September ns well. It was given out on goou nmnornj mm all the cash wheat at uuiutn nas nee" sold with the possible exception of 1.500.000 bushels, which doe not Include tho bonded stocks held there. New York, reported n cargo of cash wheat worked either to Spain or Portu gal, and the same message sa'd the Ar mour Grain company- has cleaned up all tho old wheat owned by that concern In the east. Old wheat Is strongly held, and those wanting It will be obliged to pay well. Duluth reported a good demand there on eastern milling account, with some export business as well. All eyes of the speculative world have been turned toward the cash wheat situation, which overbalances the ex cellent crop outlook In the southwest, nnd the first effect of the Improvement In the demand for cash wheat Is to he seen In the strength of the July com pared with the deferred months. Con servative men In the trado expect tho premium to widen further, and nearly all houses were advising customers to keep away from tho short side of July wheat. Joseph JHCkson, of Shearson Ham trill, wired Okahoma City asking whether black rust existed In that state and recolVed the following. "Thero are no reports of black rust at El Reno. It was reported In n small wav at Chlckasha but so far has done no damage" Holders of corn who wanted to secure profits vesterday and who sold earlv In the day placed their grnln around tho lowest levels reached. Final prices showed gains of Hcfi'Sic. and shorts and Investors were both In the market In a liberal way. Unsettled weather In Argentine was a help to the bill!. Weather In our own corn belt Is excel lent, and cash corn was In good demand In nil tho markets. Oats closed with gains of tfcflVc. The leading Influences were the unfavorable crop reports from Illinois, together with the strength In corn. Provisions were sharply higher, with commission houses buying freely. Sonio of the buying was doubtless thought about by the bullish views of Patrick Cudahy, the Milwaukee packer, who was here yesterday. The stock yards crowd bought freely and packers wore on thp selling sldo In a liberal way. The cash trado was. rather quiet, which caused some selling by packers. Cash wheat was unchanged to VSc lower. Cash corn was unchanged to Ho lower. Cash oats were unchanged to He lower. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to fiSS.COO bu., corn, 21,000 bu. and oats, 21.000 hu. Liverpool closed with wheat Hd lower and corn Vid to Ud lower. . Primary wheat receipts wero 610,000 bu. and shipments of 607,001 bu against ie eclpts of 422,000 bu. and shipments of 453.000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.145,000 bu. and shipments of 606,000 bu against te celpts of 1,026,000 bu. and shipments rf 226.000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 621,000 ou. and shipments of fiSS.COO bu., against re ceipts of 779,000 bu. and shipments of 116,000 tu. Inst year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omahu Kansas City St. Louis .... Winnipeg 42 ..127 16 .. 12 .. 35 .. 16 ..171 326 124 13S 51 151 ro c 45 These sales were reported Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 2 cars, S7".c. No. 3 durum, 1 car, 8540 Rye: No. 3, 1 car, 68V4c. Outs: Standard. 1 car, 3Sc. No. 3 white, 3 cars. ."WVSc; 1 car, 28V4c. No. 4 white. 1 car. 8814c: 1 car, 3Sc. Corn: No. 2 white, 2 cars. 70c No. 3 white, 7 cars, 694c, No. 4 white. 3 cars, 68c; 1 car (poor), 6So. No 2 yellow, 17 cars, 68V4c. No. 3 yellow, 10 cars, 6SVic: 7 cars, 68c. No, 4 yellow, 2 cars, 67V4c No, 2 mixed, 8 ears, 68Mc; 1 car, fiSc. No. 3 mixed, 2 cars, S8c; 6 cars, 674c. No. 4 mixed, 2 cars. 67V4c; 1 car. 67c; 1 car, 64c. No grade. 1 car, 62e. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. J hard. 8fiR8V4c; No, 3 hard, 85ST87Hc: No. 4 hard, 810?oV4c; No. 3 spring. 86V4Q87We; No. 4 spring. 83V4ff86c; No. 2 durum. S5HffVc; No, 3 durum, 84HEfS5c Corn: No. 2 white 6970c: No. 3 whlU". G9V4GDV4c; No. 4 white, 68Fj6S4c: No. 2 yellow. 6486!4o; No. 3 yellow. 6Sr6SV4c: No. 4 yellow, H7 67V4o: No. 2, CSig6SV4c: No. 3, 67ijr68c: No. 4, 64G74c: no grade, 60S66c. Oats: No. 2 white. 39JJ39V4c: standard, 3SWfT3Scr Ko. 3 white, 3SV4EtS8ttc: No. 4 white, 38(?38V4c. Barley: Malting, 62I60c; No. 1 feed. 4,4? 62c. Rye: No. 2, S8MS59c; No. 3, DS5SV4e rCHICAGO GRAIN AND PIlOVISItlN NEW YORK, June 4 William Suiter, deprived of his office as governor of New an- gara to tne treatment of the steamship York by Impeachment, formally Antilla when it appears in Mexican nounced himself ton'ght as an Independent waters. This was taken as an an&wer to ! Cand date for the gubernatorial noml- the question us to whether l he American naval commanders would extend protec tion to the Antilla in the event that uome of ihe iluttu gunboats, had been Informed of tne uutuiv of its cargo, snould attempt tu waylay the ship. So far tha Sute Utjpa.tment haj taken no action upon -the not.f.cailon received today through American Consul Canada at Vera Cruz that the constitutionalists nation. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK, June 4. COFFER Mar ket more than recovered yesterday's losses during today's early tradln'r. with December making new high ground for the movement. On higher European rabies and continued steadiness of Brazil, the opening was & to 12 points higher. After prices had reached 12 to 15 points net higher realizing caused slight reac. t ,Tmnlrn wnuM rrfuut. t-ntrv m UOni I lose was sicauy, iu in i points at jTampico wouta reiuse entry to any net hlliner. Balegi 53iC00 bugs. June, vessel whose rlcarames were not Issuev '8.(9; July. 9.07c; September, 9.27c; Octo by .constitutionalists consuls. Bryan ro. ber. 9.3to; December. 3.53c, January, 9.57c; V . .. . . . , March, 9.63c; Mav, U.6Cc. Spot market. garded . rather UMetched a suggerf- QXieU 'mo NJ,. 9Kc- Santos No. 4. UVic. tion that acquiescence by the Ui.rtedi Mild, dull; Cordova, 12Yxl6c, nominal. States authorities In th.s demand on the! " ' part of the constitutionalists Invohedj tK,'"n'",f,?2U Jr""1 "wu'frn legal recognition of that government. j"LJ ciiS"i It 18 believed, however, that the ques-ihard, SnKc; No. 1 northern. 9?Vl9lHc; No. tion soon will beeomo a practical une. jl iy?2un-,L-W,r!'2Bd' by the appearance at Tampico of an HAHLKY-Unchange'd. American vessel demanding entrance; .KYK-astf c. under clearance Issuec by the Uuarta consuls In the United States If suon ships have sailed from home ports be fore receiving .formal -notice of this ew demand on the part of the constitutional ists. It Is said the State department will HHAN-m.W. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 67C7Vic. CATS No. 3 white, 3S3SY4c FLAZ-U.MHS1.19H. Sugar Murket. NEW YORK. June 4.-8UQAR-Raw, firm: molassts. 267c: centrifugal. .22c: be obliged to upon the right of : rennta, sieaay: out toar. s.isc; crushed, ,, )5.(6c; mould A. 4.7c; cubes, i4,45c; pow- emry' Certd, 4.31'c; XXXX powdered, 4.35; fine irranuiaiea, .jc; aiamono a; i.wc; con. lectioner's A, 4.10c; No. 1, 4c. EVEBVTII ISO A WAITS CARRA ZA Features of the TraiUnir and Closing; Prices on Hoard at Trade. CHICAGO, June 4. ' Extraordinary promise of a bumper crop In Nebraska. Kansas and Oklahoma had much to do today with causing speculators to turn to the bear side In wheat. Tho dread of a black rust scare flattened out, und cables were disappointing to the bulls. Closing prices were steady but JiGHia to 1Q1V4C under last night. Corn showed a net de cline of c to H&lo and oats of -ftHc to Vic In provisions the outcome varied from 2 14c to a like advance. Black rust developments Innhe wheat trade proved almost wholly of a negative character. Oklahoma dispatches said that although rust spores were manifest no damage had yet become apparent. Stockton, Kan., denied outright that tho reported discovery of ruBt there was true. Ideal weather In both the spring crop region as well as In the winter crop belt tended also to prevent any important rally In prices, and there was gossip that the government tigures Monday would in dicate a huge total harvest of at least 900.000.COO bushels. Heavy and cheaper offerings from Ar gentina put the corn maikct under pres sure. It was said, too, that In the last week fully l,C50,tf0 bushels had been pur chased tu come irom Argentina to the I'nlted States. Cash demand here showed a falling off. Oats declined with corn and wheat and by reauon of good crop reports from nearly all sections except southern and central Illinois. Higher prices for hogs upheld the pro vision market. Support from packers was in evidence whenever a decided sag occurred. Closing prices of futures ArUclei Open. nun, i Uuw. . Ciuhm.i eVy Wheat I July. 87 87Vi 86H &6U S1H Sept. 83H H So', 85Vs 86 Corn ' July. Wi 70 4 96H 70tf Sept. 67H . MT4 u7, OalH i I July. 40H 40U 39HI 33 0 Sept. 3HI 37 377. 38S Pur. . i i July I 20 0 30 42V4 20 47H 20 45 Sopt.1 IS 3W W 19 ti 19 OTJ4I 19 1.8 rn 1 July 10 07V4 10 03 10 07H 10 10 Sept. 10 20 I 10 25 10 20 10 25 10 2i Rib July. 11 J2VS! 11 32V4 11 27V4 11 S7V4 11 30 Sept. 11 JS7WI 11 40 11 32V4 11 36 11 37J4 )ui(ntlnn of h Iiy nn Vnrlooa Commodities. NEW YORK, June 4 FLOUR Quiet; spring patents (4.6004 90; winter straights, 4 KJ( 3.V winter patents. Il.40ff4.7fl: spring clears, H0O4K16; extra No. 1 winter. . H.V: extra No J winter. $S.40frS.i. WHEAT Spot market, easy; No. i hard winter. $1.M, c. I. f., New York, now No. 2 red, mc, c. I. f., July shlri-ient; Mo. 1 northern Duluth, UW; No. 1 northern Manitoba, U.OS'i, f. o. b., afloat; July. 96'kc; September. W4c; December, ic. CORN'-Spot market, weak; No. ! yel low, 8lUc, c. I. f OATS Spot market, quiet; standard white, 4mW7c; No. 3, 46fl 4Hc : fancy cuppeu wnite, 7MH43HC. HOPS Steady, state, common to choice, 1913. 34tf4i)c; lsU2. IMHSc; Pacific coast, 1313. 18e20c; 1912. 1517c. HIDES Steady; Bogota, CS0o; Central America, 2S4c, WOOL Steady; domcsttc fleece XX Ohio. 2Sc. HAY Quiet: prime. Jl 15; No 1. 1 12Vr No. 2. No. 3, WcffSl.W shipping, 75T?0c. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 30c; seconds. !S2flc. I'ltur SION.S rork Rteauy: mess, J22.001J 22.50; family. J23.004t26.00; short I clear. tlU.5OIi21.50. Href. aUlnt: inuns. J1S.KK51S.50; family, 19 00f2a00. Cut meats. uuiet; picKlen hollies, lu to H los., jii.m 9T14.25; pickled hams. J14.W. Lard, quiet;, mlddlewest. J10.104T10.20; roflned. barely steady; continent, 110.06. South American, compound, c tin, sviirSHc. BUTTElt-Creamery extras. 27rt27H firsts, 2S',4WHc; seconds, 23HfS5c; process extras, 2lSI21Hc; ladles, current inakce, firsts. 19.gi9Hc. CHEESE-State. whole milk, fresh. white or colored specials, 14Hc; average fancy. 12J14ic; skims, lHfrlOc EGGS Fresh gathered extras, aiwre; extra firsts. 2MI23Uc: flrBts. 20rfi21e; seconds. 16HSVic. POULTRY Dressed, steady: western Chickens, ftozen. 13Htfi0c; fowls, 13JT19c; turkeys, 26626c OMAHA GlCMKItAl. MAllKKT. Cattle Receipts Light, Prices Gener ally Steady with Wednesday. HOGS ACTIVE, SHADE HIGHER Receipts of Sheep nnd t.nm1 U tremely Smnll for Thnrxdn?- Price Steady Tucnty to Thlrtr JlUlirr for Week. SOUTH OMAHA. June 4, 1914. Hogs, anrnp. Reeelpts were: Official Monday ... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Estimate Thursday. Cattle. .. 3,163 ,.. 2.400 4.411 7.30 10,!t00 31, 3 100 38,277 32.074 K.0?l Four days this week.ll.257 Same days last week..lS.9 Sumo days 2 wks. ago.l0.3s2 Snlno days 3 wks ago 12,016 Same days 4 wks. ngo.ll.SIS Snmo days Inst yenr,.1XuA The following table shows the-receipis of onttle, hogs nnd sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for tho year to dale, as compared with last year: 1914 1013. . lno. rvr Cattle :8,W0 377.(Vft Hogs 1.170.8SS I.272.1fi1 ... 92.MI Sheep 1.0O2.535 S77.16S 1J5.3. Tho following tahle shows tho range of prices for hog at tho South Omaha live stock market for the last fow days, with comparisons: . 910.ltn09.U9nS. 2741 3.161 3,0 1.000 10,745 i 15,123 1 S1.S7SI 30.461 1 33.1W ' 14.379 Icing received. The total for the four daja Is 31.496 head, being almost 7,000 head smaller than lust week, and close to 18,000 head short of the same period last year. Early ndvlces from othor points in dicated generally steady to strong prices and with a very fair supply In sight the local trade opened Just about steady with yesterdays average. Movement was rather slow early, but as the forenoon advanced prices strengthened a little and by the clofce things wore moving In lively fashion at prices that were a shado bet ter than Wednesday In other words, tho market opened around 17.96 and closed right nt J7.9.H, and the general market can be quoted as strong at Wednesday's average, On the whole trade was fairly actiNo and practically everything, was Cleaned tip by 10 o'clock,. Bulk of the sales landed nt J7.M07.97ii. with a, sprlpkilng as high as J8.00 and a few bunches of very common stuff down at low as J7.80. itepresontatlye sales: No. M . . is ... ....' !..., 73 ... .... Ar. ...fl ...SKI ...5 ...HI .9M 8l. rr. Ira 7 S!4 ... IM M 7 W 1 1 No. II... 47... M... 7S. M. Av. ...m ...1H I Mediators Are SlarUliiir Time Until I fntton Market. Ansrrer in ."Vole 1 Received. ! NEW YORK. June 4 COTTON Fu NIAGARA FALLS. Ont. June 4 - tures closed steady : July. 13 16c: August, Mediation tonight waitf on Gei ranza. commander-ln-c .let ol . June 4 'tores ciosea sieaay. juiy. ja t&c: August, ienerti Par.'1103- October, 1168c, December. I2.7c; tt tl Junuiry. Mar-h. 126c; spot, quiet! sf the con- middling, UGSc; Gulf, 13.JW. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. Kn -.-.. 9&fi05Hc; No. 2 hard, Wyjc; No. 2 north rn, $6HQ37tfc; No. 2 spring. 96397c Corn; No, 2, nM&iic. No. 2 yellow. u.& 72V4o; No. 3 yellow. 7li4372Ho; No. 3 yol low, 71Wg72c. Oats: No. 3 white, 40fc.M 41c; standard. 41c. Rye: No. 2, (5 Jge Barley, mmc. Timothy, J4.Cofll.75. Clover. J10.OOeiJ.00. Pork. fJO.50. Lsrd J9.97W. Ribs, Jl0.87eU SO. BUTTER Steady; i-reamerles. 20aU irnP.C r.n.lrl l Ell . mark, cases Included, l31SHc; ordinary CHEESE Market lower, daisies, 14'iSt UHcr. twins, UNrHc, American, 14l5V.j. tonghorns. 151.M,ic POTATOES KIrm; receipts, 24 cars, BUTTER No. 1. 1-R. ckrtons, c: No. 1. 60-lu. tubs, 27c. , CHKEPE-lmported Swiss. Zfc; Ameri can Swiss, 24c: block Swiss, 22c; twins, !.; daisies, 18c; triplets, ISc; Young AmerlcaB, 19c; blue label brick, 17c; Urn burger, 2-lb., 20c; New York white, 20c. K18II White. 18c; trout. 15o: larao crup pies, 13c; Spanish mackerel, ,6c; shad roe, per pair, bOc; salmon, 21c; halibut, lie; buffalo. 9 Vic; channel catfish, 15c; pike. 13c; pickerel fa. POULTRY Broilers, 2Sc; hens, 12c; cocks, 8V4c; ducks, 8c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 15c; plgecis, per dozen, Wc; duckB. full feathered, kc; geeso, full fenthciea, Sc; squabs. No. 1, Jl.nO; No. 2, 50c BEEF CUTS-Wholesale prices of bent cuts effective June 1 uro as follows: No. I ribs, 17-)ic; No. 2. 17c; No. 5, ldcj no.- l loin, I9c; No. 2. lJ94c;,No. c, I6ic: No. 1 chucks. UUc: No. 2 11c: No. 3.- lOVic: No. 1 rounds, 14Vic; No. 2, 13ic; No. 3, 13Vlo; No. 1 plates, 9c; NO. 2, sytc; no. 3, sc. FRUITS Oranges. Extra fancy Sun klst noval, 80s, J2.75 per box; 90s and 110a, J3.00; 120s, J3.25; 15Cs, J3.50; 176s. 2O0s, 216s and 250s, J3.50; medium sweet, 17Gs, 250s, 2S$s and 324s, J3.E0 per box, extra fancy Olendora Valen'clas, 96s, 112s, 126s, 150a, 176s, 200s, 216s and 250s, J3.75 per box. Lemons; Extra fancy Golden Bowl, sOOa, SGOs, J6.00 per box, fancy Silver Cord, 300s, 3C0s. J5.50; extran fancy Bunklst Trail, 300s, 360c, J5.75 per box. Grape Fruit: Extra fancy, 54s, J4.60 per box; 46s, J4.00; 36s, J3.50; India River, 64s and 80s, J.00 per box. Apples: Ben Davis, J2.00 per box; California Cherrlee, $2.25 per box; Cali fornia Apricots. J2.50 per crate; Califor nia plums. J2.25 per crate; California peaches, 12.25 per box; red and black cherries, $2.25 per box. Cantaloupes! Cali fornia standards, J5.50 per crate; Califor nia pony, J4:50 per crato. Plnapplcs: Cuban, 24 size, J2.75 per crato; 30 size, J7.25 per crate; 36 size, J2.75 per crate; 42 size. J2.60 per crate; 48 size, J2.50 tier .crate; Florida. J3.25 per crate. Bananas. 11.75 to u.bu per ouncn. iimcs, uk per basket. VEGETABLES'. Spinach, homegrown, I5c per bushel; cabbage, new Texas, 2c per pound; cabbage, California, 2Hc per nAiin- nnlflni TftVO a Vlt'U Tlr.r,n,i,)n J2 per'hundred; onions, crystal wax, J2.54 per hunnren; peppers, ouo per DnuKot; to matoes, fancy Florida, J3.0Q per Crato; to matoes, choice, J2.50 per crate; cucumbois, hot house, $1.00 per dozen; beots, carrots, turnips, new, 65c per dozen: celery, J1.50 per dozen; lettuce, head, $1.50 per dozen; lettuce, leaf. 40c per dozen: Onions, home grown, 15c per dozen; radishes, 16c per dozen; parsley, 50c per dozen, 50c; garlic Italian, 20c per pound; horseradish, 1.85 per case; pop corn, shelled, 5c per pound; cabbage plants, 75c per box; tomato plants, 75o per box; asparagus, home grown, market price about 30a per dozen; new potatoes, 3c per pound; potatoes, extra fancy Colorado and Wyoming white stock, per bushel, cauliflower, St, Louis. $2.50 pei box. HONEY New Colorado, No. 1, 24-frame. $3.00 per case. NUTS Salted peanuts, J1.50 per case; No. 1 California walnuts, lSHc per pound; pecans, 12Hc per pound; filberts, 15c per pound; almonds, 2Jc per pound; popcorn, 6c per pound. MICELLANEOU8 Sugar Walnut-dates, Jl.25 per box; crackerjack, 53.50 per case; hlf case, J1.7E; checkers, por case, J3.C0; halt ase, JUS, Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. Corn and wheat region bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, nt Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a, m., 75th meridian time, Thursday, June 4: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln- Statlons. High. Low, fall. Sky... Ashland, Neb.. 88 70 .00 Clear Auburn, Neb... 91 69 . 00 Clear B'ken Bow, Nb 90 62 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb, 87 f8 .00 Clear Culbertson, Nb. 94 65 .00 Clear Falrbury. Neb.. 90 9 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb. 8fi 08 . 00 Clear x Or. Island Nb. 88 68 .00 Clear Hartlngt'n. Nb 88 62 .00 Clear Hastings, Neh.. SS 64 .00 Clear Holdrcge, Neb. 94 61 ,00 Clear Lincoln, Neb.., M 72 . 00 Clear No, Pmtte. Nb 92 58 .00 Clear Oakdale, .Neb,. 86 63 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb.,.. 58 72 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb. M 64 U Clear Valentine, Nb. 96 8 .01 Clear Alta, la 85 71 .06 Clear Carroll, la 87 09 .) Clear Clarlnda. Ia.... 92 61 .00 Clear Sibley, la 88- 61 .04 Clear Sioux City. Ia. 86 06 .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at b a. in. DISTRICT AVEHAGE9. No. of Temp. Raln- Plstrlct Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 84 64 .40 Louisville, Ky... 22 90 61 .00 Indta'polls, Ind.. 13 $6 64 .M Chicago, 111 M 84 64 .70 St. Louis, Mo.... 18 92 68 .00 Des Moines, la.. 24 90 68 .00 Minneapolis .... 62 84 58 .70 Kan. City. Mo.. 32 88 ' 70 ,0Q Omaha, Neb 17 00 70 .00 Rains were general In the northern portion of the corn and wheat region within the last twenty-four hours. Falls of one Inch or mere occurred at the fol lowing stations: In North Dakota WU listen. 2.10; Lisbon, 2.80; Jamestown, 2.20. In Minnesota Detroit, 1.40; Alexandria, 1.50, In Wisconsin La Crosse. 1. In Michigan-Grand Haen. 1.90; Flint, 1.80. In Illinois Sycamore, 1.30. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. Km n en City ftraln anil Provisions, KANSAS CITY. June 4,-WHEAT-Cash: No. 2 hatd. mnMc; No. 3. 88S WV5c; No. 2 red, 9ltiH4c; No. 3, 90391c; July. 81'WiSl'4r; September. 79c. CORN NO. 2 miXffl. 71JI72C:. No. 3. 70 70Vtc: No. 2 White. 7JV473c; No. 714 72Wc; July, lUHU0c; September, 7He. OAT.4-NO. 2 white, 43c; No. 2 mired. 41fi4Uic. . BUTTER-Creamery, 23c; firsts, 2lc; seconds, 18c; packing stock, 17c, EQOS-Flrsts, 18c; seconds, 15c. POULTRY Hens, 12c; broilers, 27c I St, Louis Oene.rnl Market. ST. LOUIS. June 4.-WHEAT-No. 2 red. 91395c; No. 2 hard, $3HQ7e; July, VJ'-ic: September, &t!c CORN No. 2, 71Q7!c; No, 2 white, 7Jf 74'-4e; July, TMie; September. C8ic. OATS-No, 2, 49Htlc; No. 2 white, 4Hic. Date ' l?H Mav IX. I May 19.1 May 20. 1 May M.I Mny 21. May 24. May 25. May 26. May 27. May 2.8. Mnv M Mav SO. Mat- 31 .1 .luno- 1. June 2. Junn 3. June 4.1 Pin.1912 '1911 I' 8 SONI 7 591 5 84 S 2.111 8 2 I 6 79 S 10 8 381 7 E0 5 731 i: I is ail ( vai -8 17H 8 291 7 451 5 64 8 15HI 8 SOI 7 4 8 31 8 MUI 7 97 8 45 8 01 H S 8 03 S 37 7 Poltl 8 41 7 461 5 621 7 461 & 701 I 5 S3 5 84 n Alt 7 (HI i; M 9 S8 (I 021 5 34 9 S9! 9S1 5 38 9 411 7 Oil 8 .11 I 7 TO 9 43 Ml fi 87 9 191 7 10' 5 37 6 26 7 XV 7 321 7 26 5 81 9 14 9 27 It 39 7 87SI 8 52 7 18 5 821 s ron i n ii 1 7 271 8 7M 8 45) I 5 751 8 231 7 35 5 781 R 19 7 36 I 14 7 14' i tn 7 02 7 SOW 7 86 7 94H 7 96'i1 9 33 7 111 9 311 7 14) 9 31 7 14 9 0PI 7 261 9 06 7 34 5 14 6 16 5 20 5 21 5 27 525 6 3S b 35 5 2.1 6 M 3ur.doy. rinrnintii nd disposition of live stock at the- Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-rour hours cnuing l '" ,0r',ayi RECEIPTS CARS, Cattle.Hogs.SheeP.Hrs. C, M. & St. P 4 2 Wnhnsh 9 Missouri Pacific 9 T'nlon Pacino ' & N. W., east.... s C, N. W.. wost.... 47 C. St. P., M. .& O.. 17 C. B. & Q. east...i 3 C, B. fc Q. west C. R. I. & P.. east., i Total receipts US 115 7 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. cattle, nogs, oinxji.. U M IT Wl M S 72.. ......S i m i ....r. M JH 7 fit 3 !0S 41 . 4 . W.. T. 17.. (.. TO. . M,. M . M. n . M.. M. . M 0.. .. 4.. M.. 'io, 1M 80 38 6 50 16 1 35 1 Morris & Co 2S2 Swift & Co. 681 Cudahy Pocking Co M7 Armour & Co T.S Morrell Lincoln Packing Co. ... B S. O, Packing Co. 2 Cudahy. Knnsas City JSIorrln. Kansas City.... Hill .1 Son V. B. Lewis J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Werthelmer & Dcgon.. Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... Hlgglns Huffman Roth Meyers aiassborrc ... Baker, Jones & Smith. ... ,11...-., . JU1I11 Ji Other buyers 73 1.541 1,860 2,384 3,893 83 20 8 32 '.'4 9 3 6 6 31 18 8 13 82 068 90 630. 223 222 Liverpool (J ruin Market. Tc.ta,, , 2,636 9,681 1.731 CATTLE Thero was another small run of cattle here today, only nlnety-etght cars being reported In. Receipts for tho four days now foot up 11.257 head, being smaller than last week, hut slightly larger ,than two .weeks ngo. Beef steers, were rather slow, partly due to the fact that salesmen were mnklng a strong effort to force the mar ket upward. Buyers, however, dd not seem Inclined to put on very much,- tRk lng tho ground that the market hero was already too high as compared with other selling polntB. Still they evidently wanted tho cattlo nnd In the end pretty much ovcrythlhg chhngod hands nt prices that were not much different from those pre vailing yesterday. cows and hollers were again in very light supply and tho market steady, , Feeders did not show' nny material chnnge, tho few here selling in the same notches as earlier In tho week, Quotations on cattle Clood to prime yearlings. J8.00iZr8.85: good to choice beef steers. $8.2008.75; fair to good beef steers, J8.00ff8.20; common to fair beef steers, J7.40ff8.00; good to choice cornfed heifers, $7.fiWS.40; good to cholco cornfed cowh. J7.607.76; fair to good grades, Jfi.DOffl 7.00; common to fair graqes, J4.OGp6.CO; good to cnoico niocKcrn ana recuarr. $7.764M.00: fhlr ts good stackers nnd feed ers. $7. 40 7.75; common to fair stockors and feeders, $7.007.40: stock cows nnd heifers, J6.OO07.75; stock calves, J4.G03.25: veal calves, If, 00311.00; bulls, ntags, etc., $6.76(97.75. iteprcseniawvo saira; BEEF STEERS. 4t . w.. . , T 88 . 74.. (t 4(0 7 ?J HM... 1M 7 m M .. 160 7 M .., . . 7 M 71... I I 77.. 1M 7 M IS . S) T Jl.. . . 7 5 M . I'm 7 Oi 71 . ... : m . , 1X0 T K 7.. 1K1 7 W IT. , T.M .. 7 98 TO. . 7K ?J.., 7 PS 1 , .. 7,? 77.. .. .7 M . 10 '7 5 4.. 7S1 J... T S 19... 7 70. . IK t.. 7SK M. . 7M n.. 7 1 .. TM It.. 7 n m. . 7 11 II.. s.. I.. TS.. Tn,. 7. 7.. f . wv ,. 1. . n.. HO li SO 1W ...K ...4 .. 241 ...$U ...U ...I4 ...4J ... ...10 1 ... ...144 120 ...117 41 ...2 S40 . Ul l(l ...VII ... ...rrt f ...M7 W 7 fts . ,U4 . .! ...111 ...M7 ,.M4 . . :n . M . 41 .. Ill . t1 . HI . 1 1 7 jrt 1(1 7 S .., .7 XI IS) 7 M W 7 31 til Mil 71 in 7 in o 7 U TU M 7 M w m 7 1 1X J 1 MU 4 .ltt S4K . . . MS MS 0 .. ..14 Ill . til .. .tu .. . 7 11 St .... SS7 J0 tin m . .. tw 3M I6 .... 144 J04 T3 MO n JM s ro 1M rt 1M WT m IM ...IM JM .... IM ... ri4 Ml n i . . .tn ,IM . ,. M4 ... .XI gh. rr. 10 7 H .. 1 H 1)0 7 M no rtt m 7K 190 T M 10 7 Hit, no 7 ;t 1M 7 ti W 7 t 11 7 9TVi 40 7 9H, m 7 9TU 5 IIS 7 VT, 7 ITS 7 97V, 7 9IV4 7 0T11 7 K 4(i 7 ITS 80 ATS 7 ITS ,.. 7 MS 7 ITS 7 t!7S 7 ITS 7 9TS 7 ITS M 10 NEW YORK ST0GK MARKET Little Stimulus Apparent and Busi ness Continues to Be Dull. SOME INQUIRY LATE IN DAY Atnerlcnn Storks Mnke Hood Bhoir InK In London ntnl FnrelKii flur Inr Assists 1'rntesalnnnU In Stlffcnlnsr List, 40 lm T 1TS 7 91S . 9TS 7 MS I OA I 0 8 00 K 00 00 I fw nn i on on I (VI I 00 on ,. I on n oo n on in 0" 40 On l nu no n HO '((I tIV I0R? J,,no --Speculation suf iSI toJla "ni lack, of stimulus and !,.S4ftock mBI'ket wns a dull affair. Flue ,na.rrw nd Irregular with S.i2cc"flonnI s.,.lnrP !evlatlons from the 5540.Vsi'eYel' Nevertheless there was a ,.d. ""ertone and a degree of Improve, "'""'it eventually Was achieved. r!i1iJ?i"."ry, mo Principally from pro bhuhH?1 'C?"168 on outsldo interest lan- t wna hfi' l.,ack l,y weakness of LJL "JJvcm Jaml ih'Sh -nlley, whl h ...i X , recover before noon The whole list picked up with them and a general advance followed. Various sp i altlcs and seasoned dividend paying Is. vJfA Acludlng Canadian Pacific, New )iJj ntral, Oofctwaio e Hudson, Can. i .'. ""!' lwul "ugar, were prom -nent In tho rise. American stocks made a good n London nnd foreign buying amounting to perhaps 10,000 shnres was a consider able factor In stiffening tho list. The freight rutn dprlnlnn ii.i.nn1lnn M n street. Is likely to come out any day now J.OHUS qui not snare fully in tho im provement shown In stocks, as somo Is sues exhibited ronntlnnurv Onrfonl.. Tctal sales, Jt.Ktf.OOO. Vnltcd States bonds uncnangeu on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were: IUli. Hlsb. Low. CIom. STIEEP Todav's hustnoss In thn sheen bnrn wi the smallest for n Thursdav In severnt years, ns the receipts amounted to no more than 1.000 head, whereas last Thursday 3,11)2 hond were reported In, two weeks ngo .1.618 nnd on the same day a, vfnr ago S.047. Although receipts were light tho packers were slow to buy what rw otrerings or cupped inmhs were In sight nnd prices wero no better than nuotnhly steady with yesterday. As n. matter of fnct thero were really not enough Inmhs on snlo to try out values, Tne only snles or consequence Included n three-enr shipment of Montana clIprMd Inmhs thnt went to the onckere nt J7.60, with about 225 head out. This Is the price the same kind of lambs brotirht veator- dnv. With the receipts running below nnrmnl nil the week thus far prices havn slowly progressed upward until now they ore uuotahlv around JOtreOo bettor than the close of the previous week. On Monday tho market opened steady to a shade higher, followed by continued light re ceipts nnd n dime ndvanco on Tuesday, Duo to a meager1 supply clipped lambs' moved up nnother notch on Wednesday, the advance at this time being lftfl6c, so with values qdotablv unchanged this morning the present schedule of prices shows nn advnnco for the week as noted above. All Missouri river markets aa woll as Chicago have been featured with light receipts this week. Ruffnlo nnd Fort Worth were reported as being lightly supplied Wednesday. Quntntlons on sheep and' lambs: Shorn stock Lambs, good to Choice, J8.0038.S0; lambs, fair to good, J7.G08ti.00; yearlings, good to choice, J6.WX87.15: yearlings, fair to good, J8.8O7J6.00; wethers, good to choice. J5,65fl)5.W; wethers, fair to good, $5.4035,65; ewes, good to cholco. $5,40 7.76; eWes. fair to good. J5.10ia.4a Representative sale-.: No. Av. Pr. 262 Montana shorn IsrrVbs 64 7 60 2.14 Montana shorn lambs.. 63 7 50 ISO Montana shorn lambs........ 65 7 50 -222 Montana' feeder lambs.,,,,.. 69 S 90 ClIICAdO MVR STOCIC MARKET 2CM 1,000 200 too nis 1414 2S 4JH No. 11... 1... 1... (.., 17... U... 2... 40... 18... 21... 1... 2... t. , AT. DtiQ lMt t0 kTO 112 1005 916 UT6 10T6 .. 1050 1009 1090 UT6 1M0 1112 4 i J4 20 It t4 tl IT Tl tJ Sf. a I....... 19 4t ...1094 ...1Z4 . ..175 ...1181 ...1MT ...1414 ...1114 ... 911 ... PM ...iV ...ueo ...1101 ...10W ...1530 .1Mt IT. Tfi 7 Lh 7 W 7 Ul 7 ti 6 76 7 70 7 75 7 50 7 19, 7 15 s oo I 00 S 00 S 00 I 03 I 00 t oo on I oo Vi 8 05 S 10 ! I 10 IS 1 IS 8 JO I 0 No. 25 21 8 29 t 1 16 31 JU-... ir.... IT It 44 20 14 K 10 to 25 11 17 I 41 14 I. t At. K34 1192 io;t n5 1120 Tim 1SH 1158 not mi ...c.1114 Hit 10T9 1241 1ISS 1075 1285 .... lilt 110 1044 1000 u:i 1182 TBS 1218 1130 1121 11T6 IT1 Steers and heifers. J:::::: 6 It 2t 1 IT .. tot .. ts .. 118 .. HM ., t .! 7M 719 7 to 7 M 7 78 00 10 8 18 8 8 21.. 11.. I.. IS , 8 'l 20 12 798 . . 814 .. 127 .. 745 .. 807 . . 840 .. S41 9. STAGS AND STBBRS. ...10U 7 70 J.. me BTAQS. ...lOlt 7 10 COWS. i ! t90 740 tia m t 790 90 tu 990 1170 10V) 1110 911 1190 .... 1270 821 921 .... !! .tmt t TS 4 OO 4 M 4 TS 4 Ml 5 00 s t to t Tt 6 78 S 7t on 8 04 8 00 8 M n 8 15 r, to so n'.'.'. it. 10 58 2 It 2 S 7(0 HS ;it70 1120 1160 1010 791 1170 9t0 1(70 120i) ...,1W8 ...118 . 1071 ..1000 ..1077 ..1210 .1010 COWH AND IITJIFRRS. .... 706 8 7 IIBIFKRB. is:;.'.-; is-.;"! 840 t H ISO tu to 490 TI0 780 S10 . ... 900 1P 110 910 r ife 1411 UTt t oo 8 M 8 W 8 98 8 Ik 7 00 7 as 7 10 7 7 W liUl.l.rt. t. 1... n.. 3.,. I... I.., ! LIVERPOOL, June 4.--WirEAT-8pot, u. i Aianiiuoa, ib in. no. i, du'io; fo. 3. 7s 2d, July. 7s 3Sd; October, 7s lHd. CORN Spot, rjulet, American mixed, & 7d, July, 6s lld. 6 00 8 M 8 n X M 8 l t 1 en .... 1.... I.... J... 1.... .. 844 ..1041 .. tu .. 791 .. 87 .. 8S1 .. 740 .. 100 .. 610 ..1740 ..140 ..170 .. M0 .. son .. 480 .1144 Pr. i 20 t DO 1 u I 25 i li t 15 it :s 25 8 30 1 30 8 30 1 10 1 30 8 90 1 30 8 Si t IS 8 15 I M 8 33 t 44 49 x to 8 U 8 50 t 80 8 M 8 II 8 80 S 63 8 K t U t li 8 98 8 50 8 88 8 78 7 75 6 to 8 69 8) 6 CO 8 76 8 TS 78 6 80 7 00 7 (VI 7 00 7 00 7 14 7 16 736 7 40 7 40 7 eo 7 80. 7 (0 7 SO 7 50 T 76 7 Nt i V. 8 34 iff 1 on 7 00 7 (VI 7 31 7 44 7 84 t 26 r ft r. to so 1 Tn on i fn m m 1 ii t i rrn in 75 l lo i on j 1MII M i' jin in M I iro it on K ' 119 n w 4 ... . ! it 04 BTnC'Trno AVn FRKDF"S 6. , K14 T e t M T 78 MOOR A verv flr run showed up this morning, about 156 cars, or 10,500 head Amlrmle,I Copper ... 1,500 . 71 7m Amrrioin Agricultural American IWt Suw,... 400 MU H Amtrletn Cn t,oo U ITS AnwrlcMi run pM 8oo ti 91S Amrlon Q r. 440 SI M AmerlMn Oolton oil....,, Am. Ice Rerurttlra too 31H 81 Amarlrsn Unwed Amrlcn IenmotlT too Jts s Amdrlran H. A II l.OCO 6l' 62S Amerlctn S. It pM Amer. 8ir Reflnlns ...... American T, A T . .... 204 121V 123H Amrncui Tohro , ,,. Annrond Mlntn Co.... l.too StH Atrhlann JJon 98S Atchison rfd jOo 101 Atlintln Coit IJne...... 200 121 4 IHtllmora Ohio........ 1.1W 91 Brthlehem Steel 2.200 HSi tlroeklrn Ttria Tr tloa 91U CtntdlMi Pacltlo ........ t.nno 195 Central Lather 904 14V ChMp A Ohio 2,444 SIS Chlciso O. W 1,404 14 CMCftKO, M. 'ft 8t, P.... 1.404 s nj ChlCMo A N. Yf , . 204 i Colondo fuel & Iron... 404 t7 Conll4tKl a 700' 129 Corn rnxluctt 400 M DelAware A Hu4BOn t)nvcr A IWo Ormtide..., ienTr n. o. pfrt nitttlUrt' seairltln BrU Brie Ut ptd... Krl Id ptd Uoneral Elcrlrlo Great NMhcrn pfd Ort Northern Or etts. Illinois Ontrt I :, Intcrtmroush Met 1.204 Ui Inter. Met pM...,.,. .. l,O0 tii Interntttonal 1Um4tr.. too 108 IntrMJU n crd .'.'. .. Intrntlonl lNiper .,, Inttmatlonl rump .... Ktnun City Southern., Leled Ona .., Lettish Valler ........ LoulivtlU A NtkhTllU.. M., Bt. P. A S. 8t. M.. , Mlmourl, K. A T. Mlnourl. Paclhc 3,400 tits Nttlnnid Dltcutt ... Nttlontl lul , N. It. It. erf M. M BM New York Ontral 1,904 91V N. ".. O. A W Norfolk ft Weitern :.. lfilu North American . Tl Northam Pictflc 944 111 109H T10H racttlo Mall 21 'i 1'anniylrarvU 1,100 111 1UH 1HH PcopU's daa ,, 121 P.. C. C, ft PI. L .. 80t rittKbursk Coal , 304 SO .It" It PrrNwd BtMt Car ..,1 4SVi Pullman lHlace Car 1st fdln 20.100 lllVi l4"i 18411 jiepuDiic 1, ft if,....,..., sou nv 33 Otepubllo I. A B. ptd.... 200 SI ' ' IT Hock laltnd Co., ..' 'S0O 1U ilH. Hock laland Co. pfd..t.., 504 - : 4 ' S- St. L. A 8. F. 24 ptd... , t. fletboard Air Una ,. 300 20 20 Beabord A. W ptd S00 MVi 5(i Bloaa-Rherrleld' R. A 1 ' ,. 6.304,. 93.H. J.H, -llOKB Drniund for Cnttlo filotv. Htronnr nnd Itltrhvr. CnilCAOO. Juno 4. CATTLE Recelnts. 3.500 head! market, alow: beeves. 17.2543 ers, cows ana neuers, hmv 570 ; csives, )(,ZEXaiV.3S. ill him nai..ini. , K 11,1 h.. m B ,l.l . . w v. m .... v.'iu,.., . ... v., ,,n, nuL, strong to 60 higher: bulk of sales, JR. 20 8.25; light. Jft.tWiTl.27V4: mixed, W.afJ8.27Vi; neavy. i7.7ixBS.3o: rougn: ii.imi.wi pigs. I7.15fi7.tW. H1USK1' AMI) LiAMUrt IteCeiptS, IB.UW yearlings, f6.25(cl7.40; lambs, J8.6O4fS.OO; ipnngs, i.S)j'j.ti.i. S1H 98 101 in; 0H 42U 93 191T, M K Ui 99it. IMS 9 ..-.. UK ,41V, iii law- 14S T1H 1SH :H 91 '4. tOK 41'i il 9i 3K,i 82 rotvi 107 H 1MH 238 sm 9lt lOOli 121 90U H 92H 194 H 34H St im 91H 121H T 119 ' 14814 . '24 ,14H J8S 41 4H llTIi 1.JH 11 14S S3 404 too 9i 'si" 9 is TOO 11SH 134 107. .10m 9 S 24 98 118 . .,118 14 . . ' 1TH 1IU. AM Wl ,.46 90K 91 tCansns City Lira Htoclt Mnrkeit, TCANRAS CITY. .Tuns 4. CATTLE Re relDts. 1.400 head: market', steady; prime fed steers'. JS.uOfi.D0; dressed beef steers.. nrn steers. cows, n.i'mi.w. heifers, J7.00ot?.00; stockers and feeders, J0.25fi7.75; bullr, 15.507.50; calves, yi.Wlb J10.00. notiB nccipts, i,im neaa; duik, .w i.z'j: ucavy. M.iimo.zo; nacKers nnu butchers. W.10i9tl.25; lights, J8.0Oa8.17V4; nlKS. J7.HXB7.75. KI1KRP AND LAMRS Recelnts. 4000 head; market, strong to im lower; lambs, J7.rwre.i5; yearlings, w.vinfiw wemera, J5.O04I6 00: wes, M,2S$1S.25; etockera and feeders. St. Lnnls Live Stock Markot. - 8T. LOUIS. June 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.R00 head: market, steady; native heef steers. J7.&OHO.00: cows and helfsrs. J4.25fi9.00; stockers and feeders, t5.0OfW.0O; southern sieors, a.iuus.tu; cows ana neu ers . J4.60rr6 65; native calves. Jfi.00ifpl0.00, HOGS Receipts, 0,100 head; pigs add lights, J7.0OffS.25; mixed and butchers, JS.10 G8.S0; good heavy, JS.15fl8.SO. SHEEP AND LAMUB-Recelpta. 5,700 head; market, steady; sheared muttons. J4,75JJ6.(n; sheared lambs, J7.00fi8.00; spring lamos, ly.wnv.w. St. Joseph' Live" Stock- MarUrt. RT .TOHRP1I. Mo.. June 4. CATTTjE Receipts. 600 head; market slow; steers, S7,5(Vff9,tV cows and heifers, J4.5036.75; calves. J5.J04Za.28. HOOS Receipts, 10.000 -neon; marKei, Houtharn PsrJtle Bnuthorn Hnllway 60. lUllwar pfd. Ttnnaaneo Copber ..... Tiaa A Parlflo Union Pultln 1...1 Union Paottlo pfd.....,, United RUtea ltMttT... Vnltad Btstta Rubber... t'ntd BUtes Ktel i' h. Hti pin UUh Cnppar Va, Carolina Chemical .. WLhlh ... wbaah Pfl ............. Wetfeni Marrland wtrn Union WretlnsnouM Klectrle . . Wheeling A Iaks Krte,. Chlno Copper New llarrn Ilay Con. Cooper........ Total sales for the dar, too ....I fi - JH il 's 24 "MVJ 18 1K 14H . is. joo nm 1 1 41.(04 1H 44'.109K 1,804 STt4 BIT) 1.704 404 S.T04 944 604 3,804 1,004 10 'ii'i 61 T8 J4 41i 88 4 21 U, 4Tt 1S4H 80H lots S6H 29 Vi "its 1 78 4 4PH 61H !1W 164.840 shares. j(t; It US 81M 86 ssu, m toon 16 i JO H 184 . MU T7H 4 4m 21 Lnrnl Securities. . 1 Quotations furnlahed br Murna. Drtnkei ft Co., 419 Omaha. National bonk pudding: Rtocka Tlld. Aaked. naatrlro Crnunarr pM.. .. 91 94 Dearo A Co. ptd 9lV4 95 Fairmont Cramry pfd, 7 per cent..' 99 ' 100 rairmoni urcamorr suar. a prr oantu 171, strong; top, J8.S; bulk. J8.00fl.i7V4. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipis. 2.000 head; market, steady; lambs, 17.50410.50. fllorix CltT I.lrat Htuck .ItnrUet. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Juno 4. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market, steady; na tive ntvers. J7.50iriC8.75: butchers. H.SOff E.00; cows and heifers, J6.75C7.60; cannen, 14.0IV15.S5; hulls, stags, etc., J5.75fi 75. liuucv lteceipis. D,ou neaa; mnrnei, nc hither: heavy. r.97V48.00: miied. .95ft 7.B74! light. J7.9O01.95; bulk. J7.J5J37.J1Vi. no sneep. Live Stpek In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prln 0 pal western marKois. Cattle. South Omaha 2,40 Sioux- City 1,000 Kansas City 1.400 St. Iouls ,.. 2.800 Chicago 16,000 Hogs. 10,500 6,200 7.000 9,100 2,600 Sheep. 1,000 6.000 5.700 tH.0ffl Totals 23,600 35,300 30,700 Jlelnl Mnrket, NEW YORK, June I. METALS Lead, quiet, J3.tt5fl8.45; London, 19 6s. Spelter, quiet. J5.or.tf5.15; London, 217sd. Copper, dull; spot and August. JiS.4ogis.90; elec trolytic, sit.lZrWit.zo; 1 ant, nominal; earn ing, J14.OOfll4.12Vt. Tin. firm;, spot, J30.9O8 31.12V4; August. J30.900S1.15. Antimony. iui; i.ooKton, 4i-;oni.iJ. iron, quici ana unchanged. London prices: Copper, dull; spot, 81 17s W; futures, C2 10s. Tin, easy: spot, 140; futures, 142, Iron, Cleveland war-, rants, 61s 4Vd, ST. LOt'IB, June 4.-METALS Lead, qulett J3.t0tRT.. Spelter, quiet, J4.87H. Treasury Ntntenirnt. WASHINOTON, June 4. The condition of the United States treasury at the) be ginning of business today wss: Net bal ance in general fund. $75,856,018; total re ceipts yesterday, J3,CSO,305; total payments vesterday. 11281.627. The deficit this fiscal vear Is IM.412.517. against a surplus nf Ji.fXH.OfQ last vear, exclusive of Panama canal and public debt transactions. Omaha A C. n. nt. Ilr Pfd. Omaha A l U. K, ft u....,...,.,,i,. Union Slock Ytrdi, Omaha Swift ft Co. 7 per cent....... ,' Bond Alberta Canada,. 4V4 Chlcaro A N. W. 4a, 1117 Chicago, III., (., Council Illuffa O. A E. Sa. 1028 Pall Itlrer Do,, 8. D. la. 193J (. Iowa, R. A L Sa. 13 Loa AnaTtlea Rr. Ss. 1911 ,. Norfolk. Neb., ta. 1914 New York Statu 4Ua Onwha B. L A P. Sa. 191 Omaha Gas S. 1917.. ,. City ot Oiwih 4Ha. 1941 Cltr ot Omaha 4a. ltl nmiha A C D. St. Rr U. 1929 Puset Sound T, L A P. 5a. 1928..,. Pacific fl A E. S p. e, note. HIS.,, 79 " .HH SI 98 100 108' 107 91 97 94 . 9m 99V 9911 fl ' 91V4 101 IM TS 98 ( tt (t 10414; lOVl 109H 14 91 95H 914 9jVa 19m 101 94 ' 95 9Si 9T 100 101 99. 100 Swift A Co. S. F let Sa, 19(1 96H HK Pelt Ik 8rhool 4s. ., 98 ' 96k Sacroinento, Ca... iK 1916 99 99H San DlK Water Sa, 1930 103U 103 IS flloux Cltr Rtock Yard 6. 19S4.. . 9m 92V4 Twin Cltr Rapid Trenalt. to, 1928.,,. 102 102H New Yiirk Dinner Market. NEW YORK. June 4. MEROANTIT.R PAPER-3iM per cent. STERLING EXCIIANQE Firm; sixty days, 4.8623; demand, 4.SS65; commercial bills, 4.85H. MONEY Call, steady. Hi0r2 ner cent: ruling rate, lttppr centi cJosnp;-llW, mtji li per cent; tlmo loans, weaTcer; sixty days, 2iff2Vi per cent; ninety days, 2ViiT2V4 Will, O . A ,,,vl,.l0, u-lU74 SILVER Bar. 56V4: Mexican dollars. 43Hc. IIONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. London Stock Market, LONDON, June 4. American securities were quiet and firm during the early trad- above to V below parity. J-bove to A below parity. .,- CONSOLS For money, 7313-16; for ac count, 14. BILVER-llar. firm, 25 15-llSd. MONEV-214ff2Vi per cent; discount, short bills. 2 per cent; three months, 2H per cent. Dank CIrartiiKS. OMAHA. June t Bank clearings today were J3.162.12S.66 and for the correspond ing day last year 23,173,730.74. 11 rr Hoods Market. NEW YORK. June 4. DRYj GOODS Cotton goods markets were firm today, with prices showing an upward tendency In gray cloths. Wash goods wore in demand- foe Immediate shipment. 4) ma It n. Hay Market, PRAIRIE HAY CMolee upland, JRuOft J15.00; No, 1 to lowland. J9.(XX810.TO; No. 2, J7.0CWIO.0O: No. 3. J4.00E!.. STRAW-Cholce wheat, SS.BOigfl.00. Sm(t & Company Ualon Static Yarde. Chicago, Jiipe 6th, 1914 Dividend No. Ill Dlrldend of ONE DOLLAR and SEVENTY FIVE CENTS (J1.75) per share on the capital atock of Swift 4 Company, will be paid on July ltt, 1914. to stockholders ot record, June 10. 1914. as ihown 00 the books of the Company F. S. UAYWARD, Sserotssr