IP 13 SILK HAT MG jpRAweo HIS AAJKL WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock noon (or even Ins edition and 7.) p. rri. for mornlntf and Sunday edition. Want nda rectlvtfd after such hours wilt be under the head ing, "Too Late to Clailf" CASH "rates. One' time 12 cent a line. Three times within one week, 3 cents a line each inrertlon. Seven consecutive times, 7 cents a llnu each Insertion. CHARGE RATE8. Three times within ono week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. 8even consecutive times, 8 cents a l'ne each Insertion. Count six average words to a line. Minimum choree, 20 cents. The Ree will not be responsible for mora than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Clalmu for error must be promptly made. An advertisement inserted to be run until discontinued must be stopped by written order, i - Tou esh place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1CW. Undelivered Answers To the "Swappers' Column" . Letters addressed to tho following num bers have not been called for. Swappers are kindly requested to call at The Dee of ties for the same: S.C. B.C. 8.C. B.C. P.C. 749 718 719 793 (05 MS Ml Ml 815 K20 Wl S28 $W) M3 933 m m S43 H.O. S43 m m aa wo m VA S69 070 371 S3 m 001 90S Ml 850 MS m at 656 NIT 558 653 m its 669 570 574 673 576 sll MO 51 va 613 630 m C03 693 703 714 716 717 718 ',iO 722 729 732 7S7 7M 741 742 743 745 5M 657 MS 01 601 602 603 004 6fC m 607 COS 61 S 611 615 617 61S 623 m r.2 627 630 era 6(3 644 646 655 670 671 675 676 6S3 M DEATHS AND FUNERAL UOTICHS, KUB1IN Martrnret, daughter of Mr, itncl Mrs. W.-C. Kuehn, 11 Mnrcy St, Ago 18 years. Kunernl Thursday afternoon at I p. m. from residence. 1614 Marcy. Intormept tit Korest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. PAYNE Florence Miriam, 3 years old. younecst daughter of 11. B. Payne of Payno ft Blater company, at 7:30 a. m. Tuesday, Juno i, 191(, - Funeral at residence, IMS North Forty first avenuo at 5 p. m. Wednesday. In terment at Forest Lawn: will bo privates; no flowers. niRTIlS AMD l)KVTIS. nirths-RobL and Edna Smith. 1S22 Rln ney, boyi J. J. and Sarah Castles, bus. pltal, girl; M. F. and Edna Jensen, UM3 North Fortieth, boy: C. W. and M. Rogers. 2604 Hurt. Rlrl; D. and M. Jieu. atedt, 341 North Thtrty-seventn. Rlrl; II. M. and E. II. Hherwood, KOI Main, (Ctrl; V. and Lul Fondohren. 603 South Flttv atcond, boy; Byron and ChrUtlne Won der, hospital, boy. Deaths-11. W. Wassroner, 64 years. 103 South Twenty-sixth; Thomas J. HrU jr., S years, hospital; Mary Clara Erliard. 20 days, hospital; Margaret A. Jock, Fifty years, hospital, BUILDING I'KIIMITH. M. J. Qoodbody, 1010 South Thirty-first, frame dwelling, UO0: H. R. Swanson. 5115 Mason, frame. 12,600; Douglas Hotel Co., 1802-11 Douglas, fireproof hotel, lln.iO) 000; Steve Ketchel. 1931 South Sixteenth, frame, '2,600. ANNOUNCEMENTS. LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar- anteed. Phone Webster 48S1. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard's! Wedding announcements. Doug. Pig. Co. Gibson's Buffet S22 South l&th 8t HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protruding piles; E0c postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 73. B. Urlffitli. wig, mntr.. 12 Frenrer Blk. I, FJRED KUstil, will not be responsible for any bllla contracted by my wife, Mrs. F. nissl, from this day on. IBlgned), Frtd RImL . HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical mid Office. YOUNG lady with .experience in book keeping and stenographU work who la willing to commence at IM per month; permanent position. Address Iv 191. Dee- BOOKKEEPER ana tehographer....50.50 ! STENOGRAPHER, tnsutancu ....... ta.w STENOGRAPHER. wholca!e W W OFFICE GIRL, doctor1 office 10.00 Counter Clerk, office , 30.00 ' WEST. REFKRENI E A BOND ASS'N., . Originators of the Inference Business, TK Omaha yafl Bank Bldg. Fnctorr nd Trades. , Learn halrdtesslng. Oppcnhelm purlort. Housekeepers and Uorootlu. , WANTED-ilrl to assist In housework ' and care of children. Call Harney 4423. THE servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad ' FREE until you get the Jcslntd results. This applies to residents ot Omaha. South Omaha, and Council Uluffs. Bring ad to rhe of 'lea or teh phono Tyler 1000. i '. WANTED Competent girl for gnerat housework; family of three. 4929 Cass Bt I'hone Harney 2318. WANTED Houekeptr betueen 20 and 86: no objection to one child. Addtess Y M. Bee. WANTED-Good girl for general house work; no washing. 3621 Lafayette Ate Phone Hsiney 30 WANTED A good launars for Monday. iw wo. zsa bt. WANTEP-i Competent girl for general Bouaewora, r.a. in family. Tel, Harney LARGE modem front parlor suite for nouseKeeping. m Morth nth st WANTED A maid for general house- woric; small ramny. oett wages, liar ney 3904. VSB South 3Jth Ave. WANTED-Experienced ti.ie nurse mold to assist in cans of three children. Good wages for competent sirl 120 No. 48th ku tet. narney wc WANTED Girl for aeneral housework. Ayply at 3627 Chicago Et Harney 6825, If BUMK'i SQ -T 1 WELL NW f AL'i ) COVMOjr HAvfeT I. tup ncr OP CAPS .' HARRY'S DIVORCE Today's Complete Exclusively DOWN TOWN. CAMERA PI (ONK, U03 DOUGLAS ST. A Paring Getaway, Blograph. The Treamire Ship. 2-roel Knlem. Ractus Itlntoiis. Path. CLl'NB THEATER, 2M FAR-NAM ST. A Social Ohost, 2-rerl Kay Uee. Comlns: t'cd. and Thtirs.; Helen CUrdner lit Cleopatra. Matlncn botlt day. ELITE THEATER NO. 2. 1318 Farnam. Thi Warrior Maid, Kathlyn No. 10. Peatlt a Wltneos. niogrnph. An Angel Unaware. Esana'. LUTE THEATER NO. 2. 1318 FARNAM. Ha Won a Ranch, Lubln. The Treasure Slip, two reels. ICalem. Lost a Pair of Shoer, Edison- FARNAM THEATER, 1415 FARNAM ST. From the Shadows, 2-reel Than, drama. A Prince of Bohemia, Amor, drama. HirP THEATER, 15TH AND HARNEY. Tha Stratirlers of Paris in alx reels, by David Relasco. PARK THEATER. M6 N. 16TH ST. Regeneration, z-reel Haicm. Andv Plava Cunld. Edison. Maklntf Him Over for Mlnne. Ksaanay. PARLOR THEATER. 140S UOUaLAS. Lucille Love Series, No. 7. Universal Ike, Jr., and Ills Mother-In-Law. U. Ike. Sisters. Powers. PRINCESS, 1317-1319 DOUGLAS ST. Eighth and latest Installment of Lucille Ixive, Girl of Mystery. Universal Ika In a Battle Royal, NORTll. DIAMOND THEATER, !4W LAKE Hills of Silence, 3 reel Olson. Neighbors, Sterling Comedy. FRANKLIN Theater, 24th and Franklin. Broncho Billy's Sermon, Eaaanay, Maniacs Three, Blograph. . , The Acid Test, two-reel. Dr., Vltatfraph. HIPPODROME, 2STH AND CUMING Behind the Footlights. 3 reel Lub. A Fugitive from Justice, Edison. Hearst-Pcug u. IT THEATER, 16TII AND LOQUST The Old Fire Horse and tho New Fire Chief, 2-r. Vita. Broncho Billy's Sermon, Fs. Building a Fire. Lub. LOYAL THEATER. 24TH AND CALD. llrnrt'n Highway, two-roel. Eclair. The Lion, Kerrigan. Her Husband, Nestor Lomeoy. HEM WANTED FKMALB HoBsckeeyors nuit Domratles. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. S618 Farnam St Phone Harney 118. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Inquire mornings. 113 No. 33d Street. WANTED A good :rl ror general houao work in small family. 3022 Paclflo SU, Harney 633. WANTED A maid for general house work; small family; best wages. Har noy sm. 1333 South SMh-Avo. WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wuges. 3109 Dewey Ave. Q1RL for general housework, -with ref erences; no washing. Phone Harney 3117. WANTED good 1.00k, and laundress. 46U Dodge St. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 1C34 Park Ave. Harney 710. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family, esjiy work, good yuges. 2S12 Dodge St. OIRL wanted. 1612 Corby. Webster 1141. WANTED A good girl for general home work. 1302 Park Ave. Harney 3363. GIRL for general housework; three grown 4K3. GIRL fcr general housework, small fam ily. Inquire at once. 1C1 S. 36th St. WANTED An exportenced housemaid; references required. Mrs. L. L. Kountxe, 423 So. 39th St. Phone Harney 187. WANTED An experienced second cook, Fhone Harney 42. WANTKD-UIrl to assist with general housework. Call in the afternoon. 1043 S. 28th St.. or Phone Har.ney 2706. GIRL to assist In gsneral housework; must go home at night. 1045 Pk. Ave. WANTED a young girl to assist with general housework. 2616 Harney St. Miscellaneous, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. 1-ook tor our travelers' guide at Union station. WOMEN u e t government Jobs; 170 month; many appointments coming; list positions available free. Franklin Institute Pant. && M. Rochester, N. Y. NEAT appearing thoroughly experienced colored waitress. Apply Green Room cafe, Brandels Store. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents, Satesmeu and Solicitors, I WANTED - FIVE YOUNG MEN OF GOOD APPEAR ANCE AND SELLING ABIL ITY7; NO OTHERS NEED AP- PLY. 312 BA1RD BLDG. WANTED Two goou salesmen to travel with manager- Big comnucaljns on an jjtclushe nuto accessory. Big seller. See ir. encson, iioiei nevilia. wpposite Post villi:. I SALESMEN WANTED-Tn runninnl i.. in unoccupied territories in Nebraska to sell teas, coffev, etc.. direct from the Importer to the consumers. Know one but a hustler and those competent to give bond need apply. Union Paclflo Tea Co.. 1611 Howard St. Omaha. Neb, WANTED - Salesman; fine specialty salesman for city work: one having ex perieuce selling Insurance or backs on time payment plan preferred. Apply Man ager, 1C0E Howard St WANTED A high class, reliable atate sales manager for a store fixture with out competition. Commission $300 to. $500 per month. Address. The Buckley Spe cialty Co., Lima. O. THE BEE: SAyouo&a tp venules A fpiEfJO op ntAT 1 1 TATtEVT - TEU MfM T5 TfctUE. A OATH OCCAJlOrJAt-t-V rWS FeTWJ6BH" JO giACK DtONT MO H AO OW Movie Programs in The Bee NURTil. LOTHROP THEATER, 3312 N. 24TH ST. Actur Finney's Finish. Kesanny. A Pair of Stockings. Selig. When conscienco cans, z-rcei i.uoin. PALACE THEATER, 2303 DAVENPORT. Lucille Love Series No. 4. Animated Weekly. STAR THEATER. 1811 N. 24TH. This theater will bo closed a week and open under new ownership and manage ment, newly equipped. SUBURBAN THEATER, 21th and Ames Slippery Sllm'a Strategcm, Ess. Love's Long Lane, 2 reel Lub. The Coward and tho Man, Edison. SOUTH. APOLLO THEATER. 2821 Leavenworth Madam Coquet, 2-reel. Lub.; Broncho Bllly'a Leap, Ess.; While the Band I'layea xiio. COMFORT. 21TH AND VINTON. The Dog of Flanders, two-reel, Than. Sheltering an Ingrate, American. When Reuben Fooled tho Bandits, Key. FAVORITE THEATER. 1718 Vinton St. Tho Tuttoo Mark, 3-reel Vita: Tho Coun try Girl, Lubln Com.; Tho Fold of the Desert, Vlosraph Dr. GEM THEATER. 1258 S. 13TH ST. The Southerners, 3-rce Edison from novel By Cyrus Thompson Brady. A Darktown Wooing, Kalem comedy. LYRIC THEATER. 1617 VINTON Si. Aurora of the North, 2-reel Rex. Sergeant iiormeycr, sterling. Featuring Ford, Sterling. PASTIME THEATER, 21TH & LEA V, The Double Knot, 2-reel Majestic. WONDERLAND. 13th and Vinton Sts The Klondike Bubble. 2-reel I.uhln licrre of the North, Ess. Drama; Sandy mm .Jim, Kjf BimB fcJuinvtuiHH, vim lOITl. MouTii Omaha, BESSB THEATER 21TH AND N. Tho Light on tho Wall. Edison. Tho Volco In the Wilderness. 2-r. Ess. The Clock Went Wrong. Sellg. UISNSON. BENSON, ' 6S35 MAIN ST. Lucille Lovo, the Girl of Mystery, scrleu No. 6, with Ford and Cunard. An Eplnode. Rex drama. HELP WANTED MALE Anronta, Snlesnirn nnd Solicitors, SALESMEN wanted on commission plan, selling water heaters and gas irons. Ap ply between 4 and 6 p. m. Omaha Gas Co., 1603 Howard St. Clerical unit Office. STENOGRAPHER for Dermanent nnat tlonl must bo accurate and canabln nf advancement: aDout tso salary to begin. .aaress j jz, lies. BROKER wants services of an Intelligent stenographer, who possesses ambition, to aevetop in nn old estaoilsncd business, must have permanent ldeatr, willing to pay 176 per month to commence. Address L. 19, care Bee. IF YOU aro looking for a high grade position see the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nat'l Bank Bldg Factory aud Trades. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Wo prepare you in few weeks. Can earn whllo you learn. Tools given. Jobs waiting. Bfg demand for our barbers at surprising wages. Coll or write. Molcr Barber College. 110 S. ltth St Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, such as only wo are equipped to give you. The auto season Is open and tho demand is great for auch men as we turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. 2514 N. 20th St. Omaha. Neb. Drugstore snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. CALVARY Mission Free Employment bureau Is prepared to supply skilled or unskilled labor of all kinds. Office. Jacobs Hall. 1716 Dodge St. Tel. Tyler 1971; after 4 p. m. Webster 4797. Miscellaneous. EARN MORE MONEY Learn the automobile business. Prepare, for the SPRING RUSH. This is tho only school where you can learn RIGHT, EX PERTS teach you, NebrnsUa Automobile School, HIS Dodaa St MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph & Co. Washington. D. C. WANTED Names of men-18 t6 35 wlshlng to be railway postal clerks; $75 month. Address Y IS), Bc. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN, WOMEN Get government lobs; Mg pay: examinations announced every where July 15; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 221-N, Roches ter. N. V. WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing. Ironing. Harney 6311 EXPERIENCED man wants position us horse aollar-maker, buckler and stuffer. Address Y 61. Bee. YOUNG lady with 3 years of steno graphic eperlenco desires position; can give references. B 235. Bee. COLORED glrj wishes position where she can work 3 or 4 days out of tha week. Call South 3272. EXPERIENCED man wants position as bookkeeper. Address K. Bee Office. South Omaha. BOOKKEEPER, city salesman and col lector. 8 years' experience; references. Webster 2673. llRNlTl'RE finisher wants position, with five years' experience. Addrei S. Jurlshlch. 912 N. Uth St.. City. WANTED-Housework or other work by young woman wno aesires to go noma maws. Aaaress i i. tin. t.-U.irjSTt;:sT nousckeener. with on child, wishes position for bachelor or wiaower in c:ty. Aonreia u-383. care Bee. COLORED woman wishes position, can give me dck or references, a sps. Uee ATTRACTIONS FOURTH OF JULY celebration and Fair Association race meet: 20,000 people; concessions, stands, racks and attran. Hons of all kinds write, A. 1L Berblg, v.nsirraan, n-carney, reo. OMAHA, EDXFNP.YY, JUNE 3, 1014. lit. DO THAT 00C- )J DO TW'T -1 i AUTOMOBILES M.G00 3-PASSENGER roadster, run less man i.ooo miles, 3700. Address H., uu Farnam St. $100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, coll reparg. o. uaysdorrer.sio n.is. WE make a specialty of auto foredoor Douy uuiiding and painting, msiiest quality work. Wm. Pfelffor Carriage Wks. D. 6922. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. AMERICAN "30," excellent condition. In quire 601Jt)terStouncllBluffs, la. Industrial Garage Co., 20th & Harney Sta. ftreenough Omaha Rod. Rep. Co 2020 Far. CUT PRICE pneumatic tires. 318 80. 20th. Motorcycle. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains in used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. D. 3728. T")-. 19' model now ready. Bargains 1 OljPln usc1 machines. Pope Motor vrCo 2T.72 Leavenworth. R-3335. BARGAINS in all makes of used motor- cvol PH. V lot fP TI T7 rr at "Thu fni cyt'le Man." 2703 Leavenworth St EXPERT motorcycle repairing, enamel ing and reflnlshlng- our specialty. Fles-cht-r Motorcycle Co., 1622 Capitol Ave. WRITE FOR T.TRT OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., laxil A IN U HAKHEr, Llndborg Bros., 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkel) DUSTNESS OnANOES TRUSTEE'S SALE OF MERCHANDISE. Tne m. e. naignt trormeny Stacy, Cox & Company) stock of general merchan dise and fixtures wll be sold at trustee's sale for the benefit of creditors, at Pal mer, Merrick county. Nebraska, to the highest bidder for cash, on Thursday, June 4, 1914, at o'clock p. m. It In voiced SS.5S8.42, Is a clean, well-kept stock, In excellent condition, located in one of the best retail towns In central Nebraska, and offers a rare ' business opening. A new 9-drawor electrical attachment cash register will be sold separately, If desired. Invoice can be seen at the Palmer State bank in Palmer, Neb., and stock will be shown to prospective purchasers on re quest. For further particulars address H. J. Tcmplln, Trustee. Palmer. Neb. o A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants re llnblo party to establish office and man age salesmen. Should pay 33,000 to 316,000 annually. $500 to $5,000 will finance busi ness; you handlo own money. Inferences exchanged. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Bldg.. Chicago. III. o PARTNER In established business; must be a man of excellent character; refer ences; business experience not so essen tial as a willingness to follow sugges tions and vork; cash required, $2,600. Sound, safo and profitable Investment Don't reply unless in a position to do business. Address G 194, Bee. FOR SALE General merchandise etook In Alliance, Nob.; good location; will sell right; good live town. Address Y CO, Bee. FOR SALE The best paying motion picture business In a live Nebraska town. Clearn better than $200 a week. Don't answer unless you have cash money to Invest Reason for selling I hove other business which takes my time. Answer this ad, Y 69, Bee WANTED Ah idea. Who en think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Lu., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C WANTED At once, a loan of $10,000 from prlvato party tor three years. Call at 1225 City Nat Bank Bldg. Must see party personally. CANDY, cigar, notion, bakery goods and restaurant combined for sale or trade. Business $300 week. H. McICearney, 301 N. 33d. South Omaha. Nob. Tel. So. 2681. TO GET in or out of business, call oa GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. rllOH-CLAStl business openings. Western Kef. St Bond Ass'n. 754 om. no. mx. miok. to BUY or sell a business. Call on Bockhacker. 407 State Bk. Bldg: D. 8657. BUY. lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1100 Farnam St Dougtas 1837. EDUCATIONAL The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. ISth and Farnam. Douglas 6647. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship in uoyies uusiness college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. THE FIRST SUMMER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE . OPENS MONDAY, JUNE L Uualnoss Dractlce. bookkefiDlnir. Den .H.UIn .InomaniKIn Vtsnlftnv sUtinfr. raphy, slenotypy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, tiling, private secretarial work and many other 'courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Call, write or telephone for latest catalogue. Day and night school all the year. BOYLES COLLEGE. ISth and Harney Sta.. Omaha. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR BALE. Horse mud Vehicles. OMAHA HAY AND COAL MARKET. Tho coal business Is over so we are compelled to Bell 0 head, consisting of matched teams and (ingle horses and mares, somo in foal, at a sacrifice price; from 900 to 1,700; gentle, pony. Call at of fice, 1613 Davenport St Tel. Douglas 2959. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Blutfa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it tn the street crs. Many articles each day are turned in and the company Is anxious to restore litem 10 tne nsnuui owner, can Doug las is. LOST Gold Initial fob. M. f- M with black emblem and pvarls. If finder will return to 1215 Harney St., second floor, iiuviMioniuu nui in Kiveii. XJUn 1 A UUllCII Or KAVI I&EtAnMI nn m chain. Please, call Douglas 2517, before v.jv p. in. uewara. TAKEN UP Black horse, himev ness. It not redeemed on or before June 12. 1914, will be sold at public auction at 2721 Leavenworth 8t.. Omaha, Neb., at 10 . 111., w uiliin, uiuuvr idt cun. f OMTMCRfi TVS ) UCLLO BOWKIE rA-V Ooy-V T I T A?.pi.nMT 1 VJ-r-tE- aJ J . DID I rCrfCJAJ i i LOST AND FOUND LOST Black horse, weight 800 lbs., white spot on face, rore on left eye. Call Web. 7972 or Web. 633S. PART bull, brlndlo and whito dog. Re ward. Phone Harney 1474. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dlsoases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY7 See its. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MONEY furnished salary people and others upon their own names cheap rates-1 asy payments. Norton & Co., 335 Board of Trade Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Cnrnltnre'. New ft 2d-hand furnlt'e, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16th. ONE flat-top solid oak sanitary office desk, four oak office chairs. Telephone Doug. 3612, between 9 and 11 a. m. DROP-HEAD sewing machines, excellent condition. $5 to $15. Web. 4026. 2414 Shcr- man Ave. Tyiteivrlters. TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 307 S. 17th. RENT AN Oliver typewriter, 3 months tor $1. Tho Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2913. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $5 for understroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1803 Farnam. D. 6031. , MlacellnnexiaH. 3-hand mch. Gross Wreck. Co. 21 & Paul. A SNAP 2 houses, VA stories: 1 cottage, to be moved Immediately, 25th and Jones Sts. J. I. Kemp. 2512 Leavenworth St Doug. 087. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Pitch red cedar and white pine, 25c and 30o per poet Cord wood $5 per cord. Address M. M. Woolley, Up ton, Wyo FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-400 a 10th St. FOR SALE 60-gallon gasoline tank and portable shed, $5. C. D. Armstrong, 3323 woolworth Ave. Harnoy 2180. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha .as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave. where they will be directed to suitable boardlnir places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothlnir. furniture, mag azines. We' collect Wo distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110.1112. 1114 Dodge St. FET STOCK ANGORA CATS; best stock In city; young, C n. . a rri-i .!.. -in hiji um ou Ac. n cuaier Mt. ENGLISH bull pups, 9 weeks old, for saie. .uvz o. una Ave., can Harney. 617. POULTRY" AND SUPPLIES. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest llnlne for nnultrv hnti.n. They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more ouraDie man larrea relt and practically fireproof. 75o a hundred at Tfw Rm. office. Screenings, $1.35 pr. 100. Wagner, $01 W. 16 81LKO ohlck food. Wagner. S01 N. 16tli, AGENTS, investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on: set busv. Chicken Ltfa Saver Co.. 3021 Cuming St WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks. Phone r lorence zib. ROSE-COMB R. I. Red, 75o setting. T 3074. WANTED TO BUY, WE buy broken watches. Nathan. 109 S.13 4 or 6-r. house to move. Wagner. 801 N.16th. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. LItsi Stuck Commission Merchants MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS' COLUMN GOING AWAY. HAVE LATE MODEL visible typewriter: will trade for small diamond or anything 1 can use. Address . l:. m. care umana uee. GOOD STANDARD VISIBLE TYPE- writer. will exchange for suit of clothes or what have you? Have no use for typewriter, but it is a good one. Address S. C. 7S6. care Omaha Bee. WANT LATE MODEL FIVE-PASSEN-ger automobile. Have some cash and well located clear vacant lot Address S. C. 735, care Omaha Be. WALL PAPER AND PAPERING TO swap for anything we can use. We havo an arrangement with a large wholesale wall paper house to place their entire output on salo at U rer cent discount This Is your chance to buy wall paper at wnoiesaie pneo. .ruier soia oy sample lots only. Webster M2, and we will bring samples to your home. OMAHA HOME WANTED-160 ACRES Stanley Co., S. P.. 7V4 miles southeast of Philip, a good railroad town. Cost ma $3,200. will take $3,000 for It. and want a home in Omaha ot about the same value, a C. S63. Bee. WILL TRAPE CLEAR LAND AND mortgages ror Omaha income property r vacant lots. Address S. C. 820. or NEARLY NEW NO. b UNDERWOOD. used less than three months, for sale or trade. Must sell this week, so what havo you to offer. 8. C. 99, Omaha Bee. Drawn for The LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO.. NEW LOCATION. 1316 FARNAM. EVERYTHING NEW. OLD PHONE DOUGLAS 2623. COME, CALL OR WRITE. RUB BER GOODS. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses. Call or writo for prices WE rent repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., "Mickel'a" 15th and Harney Sts. Douglas 1661. Addtntr Machines. Dalton Adding Machine. 411 S. 15 D. 1449. Adder Men. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. 533S. Accountants. Chas. S. McConnelU 7 Om. Nat Bk. P.827 Melville D. Thomas & Co.. 601 City NatBkT Advertising, J. B. HAYNES. 748 Om. Nat Bit. P. 827. Autos and Machine Hepalrlng. Magneto repair work: a specialty. D. 2418. Aiintlnnf.erl. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 3285. Architects. HORNBY CO.. BLUE. PRINTING. P. SVH. Clarence W Wlaington. 230 S. 13th. D.4287. uagnebln-Weils. 420 State Bank. D. 2266. Everett S. Dodds. 612 Paxton. D. 2981. Attractions. OMAHA film cxc. 14th and Doug. Motion Picture machine and film bargains. Barbers. 13 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Buttled Goods. Concordia Park. E914 Center. Har. 863. nraaa VunndrleSi PuTton-Mltthell Co . 27th and Martha Sts. California Lands. W.T.Smith Co.. 816 City Nat Bk. P. 2319. Chiropractors. I.C Lawrence. D. C 2332 Howard. P.846L, W. B. Purvlance. D. C. 409 Pax. Blk. D. 4943 L. C. HAYES. D. C 650 Beo Bid. R. 3756. n.nin n-nnlnir. CISTERNS cleaned; water left in; no pay unless sansneu. a. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CR-EAMEIVr COMPANY. Civil ISnstneera. IL J. Lacy. Civil Engineer, lot and ad dition surveys. 518 Bee Bldg. P. 4715. Collectors. Mutual Rating & Adjusting Ass'n.. Bee. Chech: Protectors. O. W. Todd & Co., G. W. York. Mgr.. 309 a 12th. P. 729L China Painting:. F. C. Haynea. decorating, firing. P.' 4m Ruth Letchford, Dec. & firing. It. 4912. Cream, heparators. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 13th & Farn. Daneinxr Xnfltrti.tlnn. Class & private lessons. Mackle'a. P. 6448. Turpln'a Dancing Academy. 28th & Farn. Cartnln Laundry. LACE curtains laundered. Tyler 1433W. 1 n t f m f Pr. Bradbury, no pain. 15C0 Farnam. Dr. Todd'a aiVeolar dentistry. 4m Brandeia' uancy tne Dentist 7U6 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2186? J5? AN. 312 Neville Bile. Erl- v.icu iu w cuicg, Tyler liaa. tA.HA. 8"5ret Service Detective Agency, bonded. D. ie. 427.428 Paxton block! Drcssmaklmr. Terry Drcasmak'g college. 20th & Farnam. DRESSMAKING reaa., wrk guar. W. 8070 Dragh D HS2..at cu ,Pricea: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. NebT Everything for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. wumr, j x-aton H1K. D. 8394, DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all Te",in,1Jyie8' THB IDEAL PLEAT. INO CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 19M. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 012. Hlectrlo Supnlles. NEW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electrlo Works, 318 S. 12th. Doug. 2176. LB BRON Eleo. Wks. 813 3. Wh. D. tm. Furriers. BEN FEN8TER. 1410 N. 24th St W. 7777. Florists. A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001 SWAPPERS' COLUMN 240 ACRES IMPROVED LAND IN Philips county, Kansas; 200 acres in cul tlvated, balance pasture. Price 340 per acre, mtg. $2,000. Want income property or mdse. for equity. What havo you? Address S. C 730. care Bee. 60 ACRES, ALL IRRIGATED, 2 MILES south of Fort Morgan, Colo. ; finest kind of beets and alfalfa raised on this land. Price $9,000; mortgage of $2,000. I want to trade equity for grocery or Omaha prop erty; or what have you? S. C. 721, Bee. ONE LOT AT CASPER, WYO.. CLEAR title; Reglna music box, $50, with rec ords; very fine Burton mandolin; small gasoline engine, like new. Will trade all ot the above for lot or equity, or what have you to offer? Would consider a Twin motorcycle. Address A C. 858, care Bee, HAVE A BEAUTIFUL 1 1 AND-CAR VED platinum tie pin set with five -karat diamonds and six small diamonds, a man's ring set with five H-karat dia raonda and two small diamonds, also have 10 acres and one city lot in Florida and 10 acres and city. lot in Oregon. Will trade all for city property or use same aa part payment on a piece of property, or will sell any of the above outright Address S. C. 715, Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 ACRES land in Kimball county. Neb., worth $16 per acre. Wanted equity in cottage in or around Omaha or what have you to offer? Address S. C. 49, Bee. LET ME FURNISH PAINT AND PAINT that old house: will take tn exchange anything I can use. What can you offer. Address a C. 000. Bee. 40 ACRES. MONROE CO.. 1ND., CLOSE to town. Prle $2,000. Encumbranco JTiOOl due next September. Whst have i ou for $1,500 equity? S. C. S64, Bee. Bee bv Tad ,, r t 7 A Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. V25 Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS & 8WOBODA 1115 Krnam Sit. BATH'S florists. 1804 Farnam St. Our rtlttlnnf. AMERICAN MACHINE CO., 110 So. 11th. Hair Dressing. MME. STEVENSON. 210 Balrd Bldg. D.3431 Harper Method. R. 3. Balrd Bldg. D. SOU LlBhtlnir, Fixtures and Wiring. THOMAS DURKLN Electrical fixtures and supplies, con ractlng and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2R")i Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S. 13th. Red 1252. Lawn Mowers Sharpened. ALL MAKES, called for and delivered: work guaranteed; saws filed. D. 7428. Masseuses. 4. MISS JACOBS: mass.; bath, electrt D.S6J Turkish bath, mass. Davldgo Blk. D.iiflS. Miss Jean Shonler, 301 Wlthnell Bldg., Harney and 15th. Mass., magnetic treat Rlttenhouao Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17 & D. ELECTRICVt,AJlaAaE HATH, Miss w Upchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. ,a., Bolton, room. 224. No-' .-,..t aovii mm xiarney. xei. JJ. 429, Miss Fisher, mass, elect treat't Red 6036. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder. Elec. Trt. 1108 a 8th. D. 430. MASSAGE &wedi?.h movement 11a ""iwiiuij Bide. Dntlirloa (OTL KATHLEEN MACK, manicuring & mas sage. Apt 2, Davldge Bllt. Doug. 8751. PANAMAS cleaned &.bik'd, 60c; dress- Mnvlnp. Hit. fn ri-n n .1 f I ( W. C. FERRIN. ICth and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Nurseries and Meeds. ' HAZEL DELL NURSERY West of Flor ence. Krult shade and ornamental trees; shrubs, evergreens and roses. Good, fresh stock at reasonable prices. Office and saleayard, 21th and Plnkney. Phones Florence 4605. Web. 5467. ' Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Pra. McCarthy. 1111 W. Q. w. Bldg. Patents. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7j H A. Sturges. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. AMERICAN MACHINE CO.. U0 So. Hth. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Cc. Tel. Doug. 644, WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality Printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 634 So. 13th. COREY & M'KENZIE PTG CO. D. 2641. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co. 1620 Capitol D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 37M. noach Eitieriulnator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist's. Safe nnd TlmelocU Experts. QAFB combinations changed, opened, rt- paired. F.E.Davonport xu6 Dodge. Dim Shoe Ilennlrlnir. Electrlo Shoo Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary'a Av. OMAHA Shoe Hospital; first-class shoe rep. factory. Call and del. 2012 Far. D.S143 REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 &2i Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 3. l&th. Stores and Office Fixtures, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. P. 2724. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. 523. Trunks and Suitcases. FRELING St. STE1NLE. 1803 Farnam St. Vacuum Cleaners. SANITARY SERVICE CO., full Una vacuum cleaners and sweepers, cleaning done In the home. Tel. P. 5504. Veterinarians. PR. O. R. YOUNG, 4602 Center H. 6061 "Wall l'aper. W. L. YETTER & CO., 1113 Howard. P 97GT Window shades and wall paper. EAGLE CO.. 1405b N. 24th. W. C814. Wis Makers. D. B. ORnmTTH. 13 ITenzer Blk. P. 456. Wince and Liquors. ALEX JETE3, SJ1-3 S. 12th. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner, 11 to 1, 10a. 2.UY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. 522 N. 16th. D. 1809. HENRY POLLOCK, LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. lOo lunch. SWAPPERS' COLUMN I AM LEAVING TOWN AND MUBT sacrifice furniture for ten-roam rooming houBe. Good location, close in. Will take automobile, cash or what have you? 8. C. 870, Lea. ' I OWN WHOLE CVfx BLOCK IN county seat town In northwest Nebraska: for grocery store, auto, piano, house, or wnat tm jruu unci, jiauress a. U. 801 Bee. 640 ACRES OF McPHERSON COUNTY Nebraska, land, for $300. Relinquishment ready: here is your chance; get busy Would take auto or clear lot Address ft C. 737. care Bee. 200 ACRES, 14 MILES FROM SIOUX City. Improved. All in cultivation. Rents m WiOOOL . Mort! wttrvy. t ". j you in ineomfl aTcS. Bee?r rchandlse? PJ. TRADE MY t aaW' '"o"A"5f: ooa m new. FOR SALE-MY EQUITY IN A nana house. 20th and Bancroft Modern iv. cept furnace. Two blocks fronVcar-nai street. $600 cash, baUncVm20ontMv Will aJso take $300 cash, balMceTppileS KIMBALL PIANO PLAYER WITH about 26 rolls of muilcT to irsde to? motorcycle (no Junk), nearly new Undtr SSf?1 ?l nVSK.6m,t,h typewriter. motSr a CI 90S. Bee? E 1 can UM or va,"- M.OVII9 HCTUHH 8IIOW LOCATED h?we rmte ilown of One other snow. Complete In every way. Pries si sua or'wm S2?,n!M,er 1 a',.tV part