3-0 NS IN OMAHA AL . EST Investments Homes Vacant Property REAIj estate ACltEAlii: FOU SALE. REAL ESTATE At'IlEAfiB FOU KAXK. HKiVL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY I 'OK SALE REAL. ESTATE CJTY PROPERTY FOR SALE. HEAIj ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE. UEAL estates CITY IMtOrKUTY FOR SALIC. REAL ESTATE. rnorrcriTY for sale. CITY '.Ulfci UjuAMA SLMJA1 bhihi MAl dl, 15)14. 4: ) Little Farms piose to Omaha Why not arrange now for a few acres near Omaha, that is bound to increase in value as sure as Omaha continues to grow! And at tlio same time have something to depend upon in your older days and be able to make a living from theand and have everything fresh to eat! You can't invest your money in anything safer. You should look over our two acreage addi tions today and see for yourself what we aro offering. It costs you nothing only a little of your time to look it over. SALESMEN WITH AUTOMOBILES WILL BE AT THE ExVD OF THE BENSON CAR LINE FROM 2 UNTIL 6. BCIlSOn A.Cr6S joins Benson on the northwest, only a short distance from the carline; ib laid out into acre lots and is selling from $450 to $650 an acre; on terms of $10 cash, $10 a moutth for one acre, or $20 cash, $15 a month for two acros. Every piece is desirable. Richland Acres Mi?ins xyt prk noth no- west and is laid out in 2, 3, 4 and 5 acre tracts; has the richest soil of any acreage tract near Omaha; is only mile west of Benson Acres. Prices from $300 tfr $450 an acre. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. REED $10 Cash $10 Monthly Buys a high, sightly lot In Reed Acres, our beautiful new acreage addition at 52d and Q fits.. South Omaha. Chickens, Fruit, - Garden All. possible on lot In Reed Acres. The high cost of living problem has been uolved by people living on an acre or two near the city. Many Conveniences Ralston-Papillton lnterurban car line on Q treet. Telephone, Electric Light, public school only two blocks away, v-. As An investment Reed Acres addition He directly In the line of advancement: with car ser vice and nearly all modern Improvements at your door and the city building westward an Increase in value Is crrtaln. Special 'X Starts Decoration Day at 2 d ni, Salesmen on ground Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2 untl 7 p. m, , Take westQ car to end of. lne and our auto will convey you to the grounds, or take Ralston-Papilllon car going south on 16th (on the even hour) and grt off at 5 2d and Q. Prices Low $560 to $750. Only two higher. The Bvron Reed Co, Phone Douglas 297, Phone South 347. South Acre and Three- Room House $1,600.00 Easy Terms This acre Is a fine. rich garden spot. Small house with good chicken houso, wire fence. Some young apple and cherry trees and plenty of grapes, strawberries and raspberries. Near good car line. American Security Co- Pth and Douglas fits. Douglas 6013. Found at Last A Market Place 0rrPrVoEyrtyWodr business. You buy, sell or exchange. NOBODY pays a COMMISSION. Hera Is where the BUYER can make a selec tion at prices and terms to suit, for Just what you want BECAUSS our no COM. MISSION plan to everybody brings us the best bargains to be found anywhere. Don't hesitate, but call or write for our registration plan, it brlntca quick results. NO COMMISION REALTY COMPANY. J1C-330 PAXTON BLDG. Acreage Near . Omaha For Sale 27 acres. Just outside the city limits of Omaha and South Omaha, only 5 blocks from the street car line; can bo platted and sold out for double the owner's prlc. If you have $5,030 or $6,000 to make a pay ment on this land, come In and let us tell you about it. The owner will give easy terms on the balance. J. H. Dumont & Co. 1C03 Farnam St 'Phone Douglas . THREE ACRES, on paved road, out Ben son way; a bargain, etc., same as ad run In Herald, 5-24-14. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney 8t. AJISTIIACTS Oil" TITLE. REED Attract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska 30H Pranrtels 'Cheater- KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract of lice. .106 So. 17th fit. Phone Doug. MS7. CITi' PROPERTY KOIl SALE. NEW BUNGALOW 6 rooms, fine finish, omy $2,800. 11.300 for 5-room cottage. $100 or $200 own. $4,000 place for 3,500, 7 rooms, all mod ern; a great bargain. BEAVERS Ito Umana National Bank. Douglas 2459.' FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE. The Immediate cioalng of an estate necessitates my selling at sacrifice Drlce the nice rental income property at 2124 see me umutia 1836. indexed. i-ket size, bv mall. Cbar.cs E. Wililanuun. Real Estate In t trance, care of Pro.xsrty. Omaha, Neb. -o V'hlo street, ii win sen quit. Jtomorrow. rrank wncox. tsws f Nat I Bank Kldg. Phone Uouglaa RMAP OK OMAHA STREETS.. also Omaha red bonk, vest poi ire at our offli-e: two stamps ACRES Sale 212 So. 17th SU 603 No, 21th St. Omaha. CITY PrtOl'ISUTY KOIl SA1U. Why Pay Rent? mis desirable 5-room strictly modern house that was built by the owner for a homo can be bought on easy payments. It Is on a largo south front lot, good neighborhood, close to school and car. Address 3420 Parker St. See today, suro. 3410-12 Burt St. Two G-room modern, ex cept heat, houses that you can buy on easy payments, Houses are In good re pair, close to car, on paved street and near Bemls park. At the price asked you will make at least 7 per cent on your Investment. 2533 No. 19th St. A good 5-room, modern except heat, cottage that you can buy for $100 cash and balance monthly. It Is on tho boulevard and near stores, school and car. Will make a comfort able homo for you and Is well worth the price asked. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 205T BOS Bee Bldg. Kountze Place Bargain 1C17 Evans St. Brand new modern home, having large living room, vestibule en trance and coat closet, dining room with paneled walls and window seat, kitchen, fine pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bedrooms, sun room or sum mer sleeping room and bath on second floor. This is a well arranged and beau tifully finished house. Plumbing and heating guaranteed. .House has Just been decorated on both floors with expensive paper. Full set of screens go with the house. Yard Is nicely sodded and street Is paved. See this today. Can make good terms, Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bang Bldg. In Norwood On Florence Boulevard Just finished a beautiful new resi dence. Finished In oak, and oak floors throughout. A largo living room with fireplace, bookcases, open stairway, beam ceilings. Dining room with fine largo built-in sldoboord, quarter sawed oak wainscoting five feet high, beam celling and ' beautiful wall decorations, I.rge butler's pantry, good sized kitchen with rear entry. Four nice sleeping rooms and bath on second floor. Large attic. Full basement with laundry and toilet. Lot 4x20l. Price only $1,950, and upon investigation you will find this Is an exceptional bargain. Terms, Norris & Norris 40) Bee Building. Phone Douglas 427a Bemis Park Home S rooms, strictly modern, oak woodwork and oak floors in first Htory; pine, with birch doors, upstairs; full omented base ment; floored attic; hot water heat; south front; lot 0x120 ft.; streets paved and cement walks. A very desirable home in a good neighborhood; convenient to street cars, public and parochial sehoola, churches and parks. Price, $5,650. I. H. Dumont & Do. 1 'f't Farram 'Phr.na Ijoii'Iom ., I Persistent Advertising u tua iiuuu to Big Iteturas. Beautifully Improved Lots On the Easy Payment Plan "Wearno Park, not onl.v offers you au opportunity to buy Highly Improved Homo building lots in a beautiful and wolt located ; ' residence section it also affords you an opportunity to buy property which is bound to increase in value because Wearno Park is in the direct path of Omaha's growth. We Want Every Rent Payer and His Wife to Come Out to Wearne Park Today DON'T BE AFKAID OP SHOWERS. Cement walks are in and there aro many new houses under construction, in which you can seek shelter should it rain. Take a Benson car to 5Qth and Military avenue, right at the Southwest corner of Wearne Park.' Salesmen on grounds all day. Hiatt-Fairfield Go's. List of Good Values On Easy Terms $3,0002137 Camden Ave, 5 roorai on first floor, all modern, newly decorated; lot 45x136, close to excellent car service. $3,1501317 Lafayette: two full lots, 00x160 each;, 5 rooms, .all modern 'and In tine condition: big assortment of bearing fruit trees; also fine gar den. 'Possession any time. $3,150-3020 Franklin; C rooms, all modern; full 2-story, nearly new. recently redecorated In latest designs; lot 60x127 feet! convenient to Harney car line; location Is high and sightly,', lias to be seen to be ap preciated. . . $3,650-4118 N. ISth St.; fi rooms and sleep ing porch; four rooms, including den, downstairs; two bedrooms and bath and sleeping porch upstairs; , full lot, cast front, close to N. 2Uh St. car. ,, $4,000-2616 Templeton St.; 8 rooms, all modern; three room? and den on first floor: four bedrooms and batn on second floor; full lot, south front, with beautiful shade. These homes aro all occupied by owners and can bo seen by going direct or call us up and we will take you out. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 498. FOR SALE at a bargain by owner, a handsome residence In Lincoln, Neb. Substantially mini oi . "''""' First and second floor finished In wax-ter-sawed whlto oak, including kitchen, butler's pantry and enclosed back porch. Large front veranda; plate and art gla". hot water heat: open fireplace In living room; beamed ceilings In living nd din ing room. Beautiful solid brass lighting fixtures; tiled bath and "xturea comple c Kour large uouruumn ""r. "1 finished sleeping porch with southern ex posure Third floor fin Ished-also has heat, lights and large clwct. Excellent cementca uascnienv umu rooms. Garage, walks, beautiful lawn and terrace, eigm iarne ire, re size lot. Everything new and perfectly modern. Fine, high, close In. Paving paid j-i Ua.. nhnnla nnrl r nil lift B In the city. Located In the best residence section, noi lar irora hb ow ...... building. One-half block from car line. .p-Arvl ..... ..rill tnba 110 hOO If HOla worm .o.vw, . i ..n soon. Address Owner, 1119 C. St., Lincoln, Neb.' DUNDEE HOMES. T" C a ttAnllHflll HciniT OU.W IJtt CUI'Ul l "... ' - . - room with flreplaco, dining room, sun parlor, wun lonei wiu ujvim. 1 I . Mlnh.n Willi AV.rV CDnVfU' CUIUlllUUIUUB ' " 1 ...... ...... " lence. On tho second floor are four fine bedrooms, one of which has windows, on three sides. Hot wuter heat. Recently built. Hake un offer, ... Cuming St. home, bungalow style; ele gant finish: six rooms. Owner leaving town, now o.iuu. 6016 Davenport St., a 7-room bungalow; hot water heat. To be sold at less than CObt .... 6011 Capitol Ave., a bcautirui six-room house. Owner desires an offer. Price Edw.' II. Benner, 437 Ramge Blk, D, 7406. Now Then That new house at 31th and Davenport has got to be sold at once. It's tho neat est thing In the way of an S-room house in town. Has built-in buffet that's worth while, bookcases, closets, sleeping poroh and lots or unique leaiures; races suuw and east on corner, paved street. It's a new neighborhood and five new homes are to be built within a half block right away. Come out this afternoon and see it. The terms are easy. Most anything you want. T. R. PORTER. Owner. Tel. Harney 3352. 3314 Davenport.' $2,500 Snap Near 24th and Bristol, a splendid all modern, almost, new cottage, C rooms and bath; 60x130 ft. lot. on paved street, pav ing all paid; $1,800 mtgo. Owner would like equity In cash, but will submit best proposition you can make. P. J. Tebbens Co., 760 Omaha Nat Bank. Phone D. 21S2- $2,650 Strictly modern 6-roora house at 413 Capitol Ave., only two blocks from Far nam street car; surrounded by new houses; only one block from Dundee. Owner has moved to Sioux City and has put the price down low for quick sale Rented for $25 per month. Investigate. Nathan Somberg 428 Bee Bldg. Douglas 033. Must Be Sold. Now frame and stucco, oak floors throughout, oak and birch finished, sleep ing porch, cement steps, Yale hardware, pressed brick foundation, floored attic, corner lot, fine Inrat'on. Best home in Omaha for the money WRIGHT & LASBl'RY, Tel, Douglas 152. M So. ltfth St and see what wo have done and what wo aro now doing to make Wearno Park one of tho prettiest and'most care fully developed residence sections, in which it is possible for Qmaha people. to buy lots at such reasonable prices and on such Easy Terms. YOU CAN BUY A LOT IN WEARNE PARK AND WE'LL BUILD YOU A HOME; YOU PAY LIKE RENT Bankers Realty T ( 111 VCbUnClllAUllipcUiy Doug. 2926 All Sold Bui; One Only ono more left of these new 6-room beautiful bunga--lows I built at Ulnnoy Streets, 1 superintended the building of thoso bungalows myself and can safely state that they aro the best built bungalows for tho price In Omaha, Living rooms and hall all finished In oak; built in bookcases colonnado open ing; window, seat, plate rail. Built on. a six by six sill, doublo flooring throughout, with tar paper between. Newest sanitary plumbing. Good furnace. Cemented. : cellar under ontlro houso: . large lot; sodded lawn; built In true bungalow stylo, with stucco gable. It has all the convenience? of a high priced home and Is still withon the . ' means of a man of moderate Income. You must see this homo to appreclato It. Price $2,909 100 cash, balancn on easy monthly payments. H. A. Wolf Ware Block, 16th and Farnam Sts, Phone Douglas 80GS. New Up-to Date Homes Bemis Park District PART CASH MONTHLY PAYMENTS. BALANCE 8 PER CENT INTEREST. Just finished; facing Bemls Park, at CSth and Cuming Sts. Three 7-r'oom strictly modern homes; living room, dining room, kitchen, sunroom, pantry, entry and small toilet room on first floor.;, 3 bed rooms, enclosed sleeping poroh and large bath room on second lloor. Phono owner and builder, N. J. Skogman, South 1081. 1100 N, 21st. South Omaha. Sacrifice Sale Hanscom Park District Owner wants offer on new, strictly modern two-storv dwelling built by day labor. Large living room, with flno press brick flreDlace and built-in bookcases: ! nice dining room, burlapped. plate rail, etc.; fine kitchen, butler's pantry. Oak ! finish In living rooms, three flno large. Dearooms ana nanay sleeping porcn; ele gant bathroom with tiled flnqr and white enameled wood work. Everything the best money could buy. Full basement, press brick foundation. One short .block from beautiful Hanscom park: fine shade, paved street, not far from Field club. Any reasonable offer considered as owner needs the irionov. Ask to be shown this bargain and Judge for yourself whether It Is all we claim for It. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. 306-7-8 McCagUO Bide. o Dundee Forced Sale $500 cash, $50 per month will, buy 4921 Chicago St. This Is a new house, well built, thoroughly modern and attractive lnstdo and out. Owner has left the city and will sacrifice. Want an offer at once. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Douglas 3963. For Sale 3925 No. 23d St., six-room house, larl reception hall, front room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor, three bedrooms and bath on second floor; strictly modern, combination fixtures, basement under whole house, with lot 54 xl28. Three thousand dollars, one thou sand dollars cash, balance on time. O. T. DICKINSON, OWNER. 611 Paxton Block. Phono Douglas U04.Q. GOOD BARGAINS, NORTH. 6701 N. 24th St.. "Silver Maples," a boautlful estate with garage and orchard. 'Mi N. 26th St., 6 rooms, modern, $2,260. 1431 Kinmet, 7 rooms, very attrictlve, $4,600. 2Wil Blnney, 5-room bungalow, $2,950, New bungalow on Hall Ave, rooms. $3,660. LIBERAL TERMS. 1917 Webster 10 rooms and barn, $3,000. Edw H Btnner. 437 Ramge Blk. D. 7106. Ground floor Bee Bldg. Tolehono Calkins & Co. 1313 CITY NA'L, DOUG. 1701. FIELD CLVB. $0,750 An 8-room till modern home, east front large lot, on prettiest street In Field Club district, quurter sawed oak finish, permanent deco rations and big bargain at the price. Houso Is too largo for present owner and somo one Is going to get a big barguln within tho next few days. $1,750 Near the Field Club. House only 1 year old. Hue 1)1 K living room, dining room nnd kitchen, besides 3 flno bedrooms and sleeping porch full slged ntt(c and basement. Owner luo reduced It to this price for ono weak only. Can handle on about $900 down. $.1,000 Finished In light oak. Fine decoru- tlons. Four bedrooms. Thoroughly modern nnd tins hot water heat. ' Th's Is the first time offered at thn price. Less than half block irom Woolworth Ave. ;t.250-East front. Ouk finish. Has 3 bedrooms. Beautiful shade trees . and a big bargain at the price. . House less than half block from Woolworth Ave. and only a hlock and a half from car lino and Hans com Park. DUNDEE. $7,500 Beautiful homo on very fine corner In Dundee. Located high and .sightly, ono block from the car. Houee practically new. Paving all paid. Has garage. TIiIb is a dandy and can handle It on $1,600 down. $7,250 Extra well built S-room housr, hot water heat. This Is brand new and all the latest effects are Incorpor ated Jn its building. You should tee It to appreciate It." Bargains in Trackage We sold last week M. F. Martin prop erty 108-110-112 and 114 S. 0th street, also 113-16-17-19-21-23 N. Oth St. We now offer balance of Martin Prop erty trackage. t 264 Ft.xl20 Ft. Four full C6 ft. lots between 8th and 9th streets, Just north of Bcebe & Hunyan 8-story wholesale house. U. P. tracks on all sides and North western and Burlington tracks on 8th street for $40,000 Easy Terms or will divide and sell lots 7 and 8, 131 feet frontage on Dodge by 120 feet on Sth street Immediately south of International Harvester Implement Warehouse for $16,600 or will sell lots 6 and 0, 132 feet frontage on Dodgo and 120 feet on Ninth street being corner of Oth and Dodge for $27,600. Terms to suit Immediate possession. McCague Invest ment Company Hole Asents.' Extra Fine Invest ment 2 Choice 'Close In St. Louis Flats, $8,000 Each These are the nicest, neatest Income proposition!! we have been. Built about five years, Tlioy are as good as the day thoy were finished and are up-to-date In every respect. East front on 26th Ave., near fit Mary's Ave. Each building contains two elegant flats and each flat rents for $36 all the time. There are In vestments that pay a higher per cent part of the time, but none that are more certain. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1630. 208-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. Big Bargain Close to car line In Clifton Hill, very good 8-room house, all modern except heat, not a new house, but In fine order, good worshop and chicken house, cher ries, plums and grapes and shade, paved street. This week for $2,250; $40) cash will handle this, balance easy paymenU. Why rentf start now, P. J. Tebbens Co. 760 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 3142. JF YOU want to buy, sell or exchango your property or business, go wheio that kind of business Is done. Everybody Kl-SE goes to the NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY, BEOAUHB no body pays a commission. NO COMMISSION HEALTY COMPANY, 216-330 Paxton Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Phone D. 1940. PARKWOOD For many reasons tho most dcsirnblo residenco section in iho north part of tho city. Florenco Boulevard winds through. PARKWOOD and Miller Park touches its Southwest corner. You must peo this beautiful addition to fully appreciate it. Water, Sewer, Walks, etc. Every Lot Protected by Building Restrictions Prices range from $550 to $1,000. Only a small cash pay ment; balance in easy monthly installments. Lots in this hitch class addition aro boing purchased by INVESTORS and HOME BUYERS, because they are suro to lapidly incroaso in value. Let us show you this addition. Salesmen on the ground today. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Beo Building. Good Close-in Bargain 2IST AND ST. MARY'S AVENUE. Wo are offering for sale tho piece of ground, having a south frontage of HO feet on St. Muiy Ave., 1J7 feet enst frontage on 21st fit., nnd ISO feet west frontage on 22(1 St.; paving all paid on 3 streets. Ten-room house, now tenting for $15 per month, nnd has been renting ut this ruto for years without being vsu vant, at tho very low nrlco of $12,000. This property Is In on excellent location and Is suitable for brick flats or several apart ment houses. Has an Income that will carry Itself for years. It Is only S blocks from ltith and Howard Pts., anil the sumo distance from the court house and city hall. This Is one of the best bargains we havo had on our list for a long time. This can be handled at a small payment down, with long tlmo and a low rato of Interest on the balance. Here In an op portunlty that you should not let go by, Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. West Farnam Home Near 35th 8 rooms, all modern, large reception hall, living room, dining room, finished in quarter sawed oak, fireplace, large kltchon, pantry and Icebox; 4 beautiful bedrooms on the secom) floor, maid's room In attic. This was originally built for a home, and is practically new: too large for present owner, Prlco and loca tion upon application. Can be bought at a bargain. Glover & Spain 819-20 City National. Douglas mi.' SOME BARGAINS. $1,760 Eight-room, two-story house at 2308 N. 21st, renting at $20. $2,400 Seven-room, two-story house nt 222S Ohio, south front lot, 33x122, with barn. $2,600 Sovcn-room modern house at 2S50 Meiedlth Ave., corner lot on paved street. $3,600 Eight-room modern houso at 2218 O rant: In best of order, with a garage; lot 60x132. $3,600 Six-room modern up-to-date house; lot 60x121; on Spencer St., near 21st. $5,000 Seven-room modern house at 1826 Blnney St; quarter-sawed oak up and downstairs; hot water heat; three sep arate rooms bricked up and toilet In base ment; tiled floor In bathroom! tiled floor In vestibule, also porch floor. Ono of the best of built houses; on corner lot, 60x121, with paving paid. W. H. GATES. Room 47 Omaha Notional Bank Bldg, Phones: Douglas 1X4; Webster 26S8. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW At Cost of Construction At 1710 Bahler St., Just completed, south front, large living room nnd dining room, finished in onk; pedestal opening, nlco kitchen, with built-in cupboards full busemont, strictly modern, beautllul lighting and plumbing fixtures. Two nlco sleeping rooms nnd bath on second floor. I need money. Buy this and save con tractors' profits and agents' commissions. Price, $2,l0l y too cash and $23 per month. Call owner any time. Web. 3630. Free Plans and Specifications We furnish them free on all dwellings where we arc awarded the contract to blllld. Consult us Ireniv: allhmlt vnllr Ideas to our architect to be worked Into a suitable house plan. We employ our .nipciucra aim painters DV I lie aay inn have only the best mechanics. An expert superintendent personally supervises all work done. Ask to see some of the hourcs wo nave ouiu. uur prices are reasonable, our nork first class. Scott & Hill Co. Modern Home Builders. Douglss 10O9. 300-7-8 McCague Bldg.-o Beautiful Stucco Residence East front on 45th St., In Clalrmont ad dition; 7 dandy large rooms with oeJc floors and finish, sleeping porch, concrete porch, in the vicinity of beautiful new homes. Can arrange terms. Further 'par ticulars If interested. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Douglas 892. DEXTER L. TUOMAti, 41! Beo Uldg. Vacant lots on terms to suit 100x130 feet, Sth and Plnkney, over looking boulevard $450 100x130, corner 47th and Burt ,. 800 10x130. cor. 32d and Ohio (sightly)..., 430 Lots In all parts of city, South Omaha and Florence. Find where you want a lot and come to me. 0 Phono Douglas 4270. ARTHUR CHASE. Best Iiargalna for Iluyers. COTTAQB AND TWO 1XTS. Here's a dandy 6-room COttace and two tots, -barn, chicken houee, plenty bearing fruit, cherries. Plums, apples, fine garden. only two blocks from car. , Reasonable cash payment naianco w monm. uet out where you can enjoy life this summer. Will be sold to first comer. HOME AD INVESTMENT. Duy 1811 and 1815 Manderson St, 2 five room cottages with Bpacc for three more. Nonresident owner says to sell for $t.S00. THAT WIRT STREET DWELLING Last week's ad. brought out several land propositions In exchange for that S-room modern Itomo with hot water heat for $7,600, whero the owner will consider a, good ranch for at least a part Submit yours. P1NKNEY STREET PROPERTY. Aro you looking for a seven-room mod ern, almost new. built by the present owner for a home, but time works changes and now offered for sale at $4,600. MAKE OFFER, 25TH AND AMES. Fine corner, church property, building 40x40, T-room dwelling. It's coming prop, erty. HEIIE'R A VlPV. HnMK. Owner needs the money and needs It quick, for an eight-room, modern. up? date home place, hardwood finish through out, asking $4,600,' but dash would countt in this deal. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME. If you can appreciate a fine Piece ot property and would ha willing tn pay just. u rair pneo ror same, nere. it is. lis, a corner and the dwelling Is all finished In hard wood. There's tie sign on It. Let me tell'you abbut It ariyway. ARTHUR CHAMS, Sole Agent MS Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 6S0. Near 29th and Hamilton 6 Rooms, $1,600 This Is a first-class house, with sewer, water, gas and toilet. Newly painted and papered and In fine condition. Cor ner lot. 4 Rooms, $1,200 This house adjoins the above and Is also In first-class shape, with eewer, water, gas and toilet. Either house may be had on a small cash payment., balance monthly. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler IW. 208-10-1.-14 Slate Bank Bldg. Dandy 5-R. Home Terms $275 Cash Balance $27 a Mo. This la a good chance to set a fine, modern cottage home with a small pay ment down and balance like rent Buy this place and you will soon have It paid, for. Keep on renting and you will havet nothing but rent receipts to show for your money. This place Id completely modem, finished In oak In hall, parlor and dining room; oak floors throughout. All rooms beautifully decorated. Good plumbing and furnace. East front lot street paved. Go out today and look it over. Location, 4724 No. S4th Avenue, one block west ot Immanuel hospital. Price $2,976. Fred W. Shotwell, 354 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ph. V. 1229." Kountze Place B&rgain 1R17 Evans St , brand new modern home, having large living room, vestibule eni franco and coat closet, dining room with paneled walls and window seat, kitchen, fine pantry and Vestibule all on first floor; three bedrooms, sun room or sum mer sleeping room and bath on second floor. This Is a well arranged and beau tifully finished house. Plumbing and heating guaranteed. House has just been decorated on both floors with ex pensive ' paper. Full set pf screens go "ni tli the house. Yard is nicely sodded and street Is paved. Bee this today. Can, make good terms. Payne & Slater Co. , 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Modern Brick and Stucco Residence Located In the West Farnam District, near fome of the finest residences In Omaha. The first floor has a large llvinsr room with panelled walls and window seat, large pantry and well arranged kitchen. The second floor has three oed rooms besides a large bath and sleeping porch fronting south, east and north. Two rooms with complete bath on tho third floor. A full cemented basement with laundry and furnace room. Lot GOae 110 ft. Recently reduced for Immediate sale. Very reasonable terms of payment can be arranged. Key at our office. George & Company Phone D. frft 002 City Nat Bk. Bldg. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT Eloven-rotm house In fine condition and good vacant corner; just the thins for stores and apartments, at easy terms, or will take small cottage In part payr ment 308 -Bee. Douglas SG10. o Best Building Lot. In thw cltV for the price, $1,800. CALL OWNER. PHONE HARJTOY 2B. if 7