14fc"'; - OjaW 2-C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 31, 1914. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha J NSW, OLD PHONE DOUGLA8 fat. COM&, CALL. OB WRITE. HUB BER GOODS. . kxiaha nn.Tziw co.. mi Cumin. Li Dour. 367. ResoraUa feathers atM mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses. Call or write tor prlc WE root, repair. Mil needlea and parts for all a awing machines. Ntbraaka Cycle Co.. Mlckel's" 36th and Harney fits. Douglas 1664. Adding" Machines. Calton Adding Machine. 4H 8. 15 P. 1449, adder Mch. Co. (Walti) W. O. W. P. Ma. AnnountanLs. maa, 8. McConnelU 741 Om. Nat Bit. P.337 Melville P. Tnoresa A Co.. m City Mai.UK. Advertising-. J. B. HAYNKa. 7t Om. Wat. Bk. P. . .- n.i lf.rhlnn Hepairinifi Magnto repair work - specialty. P. 3416. Auctioneer. Dowd Auction Co- iixi w. o. w. nca Architect". . HORNBY CO.. BLUb FKlNTiau- u. mi. f-!kr,r,r V, Wuilngton. B. 18th. IMJai. uaneoln-Wells. W state Bank. P. .' . iwm.. nil l-axton, P. I fin a OMAHA film axe uux Dll?oa picture machin and lm - Barbers. 11 fi-.iri. 10c ahave. ncn shave. 1617 Far. Bottled Goods. Concordia Park. t9U Center. Har. 368. Ilxlllllt. Uradlcattor. FOOS-G A.f.EluN U auaranued. P. 8507. Foundries. latfln-Mlf..neii Co. tu anil Martha tits. f'llfarntft , Lands. W.T. Smith Cu.. sis City Nat. Bk. P. 331. chiruuraetors. I.C Lawrcnca. b. c, iXti HowarJ. P.SU1. W. K. rurviance. U.CM fax. UU. l. t41 L' C HAYEB. P. C. tou Bee Bid. It t:..fci..rl. lialriea anil ttuuoUea. Civil KuKtneera. M. J. Lacy, avlt Knginer, lot sad id. dluon surveys. 6i Bee n.dg. P. 4TI. Collectors. Mutual Rating ft Adjusting Ats'n.. Bee Check Protectors. O. W. Todd it Co., U. W, A OIK. Mgr 30 a lith. P. TSL . China Painting. W. C Haynea, decorntinn. tiring. P. Ruth Jetchford. Pee. & firing. It. 48a Crcant. bei'ftraton. The Sharpies beparator Co.. th & Fara Dancins tnetrnetlon. Class & private lessons. Mackle a. P. Mfa Turpln'a' Panclng Acaoemy. xatn u js'arii. Curtain Laundry. LAOS curtains laundered. Tyler 1431W. rentlsts. On Bradbury, no ptln. WA Farsam. Pr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 408 Brandela JaaHey the Pentlsu 7uti City Nat' I Bank. Tart Pental Booms, UU Pouglac. IX UML 99etectlves, 3AHXX ALLAN, 312 NevlUe Blk. Kvl deaos secured In all caaoa. Tyler UW. OMAHA Secret denies Petectlve Ageaey, bonded. P. 1119. 47-42 Panto n block. Dressuaklaa;, Terry Preasmak'g college, aeth Farsatn. PJMMW Making reas., wrk guar., W. SO70. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices; rrolslit paid im tit orders; catalogues frea, tinermaa 4k McConneit Prug Co., Omaha, Neb. Uaytleat Saanlles. QUICK drying Ink. M.TS lb. Wax stendla, l.. Irtd. stencils, 42.10. H, & M. Co., 07 lUnige. Douglas lttt KrerytklnK for Women, Flumes mad over, cleaned, dyed, durled. uerma jt.ruger, tsi jraxion uia. u. st DREWS pleating, buttons covered, all klxcs and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT. 1NO CO.. W PouaUs Blk. Pouglas m VVonvWa Exchange, 432 Pax. Blk, R. 4 Mi Kiectrlo anpplte. NEW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electrlo works, Sit 8. utn. uoug. xiTa LB BRON Elatx Wks. TO B. tan. P. 211. Vsrrlera. BEN FHN8TKR. 1419 N. 24th St W. 7777. OfFERKD FOR HALE. fr'ttraltarr. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDlNAIliT PJUVATE SALE. ELABORATE FURNITURE ANP JTURMSH1NOB. , Thrte massive pallor HUttea in Circas sian walnut and ttenulne mahogany, up holstered in apanlsn leather, worth up to ju. for 6i to 17V. solid mahogany library tables, US; mSylVe fireside chairs In blown goatskin, worth t7S. for Xr, other rockers. 2 VP, two Pullman davenporu m Spanish leather, worth tS5, for tta; beauiltlil fumed oak dining set large .-iBch' plank top table, with 6 slip so at chairs, all for.tu: Urge butfett an elegant piano with bunch, worth V, will sacri nce for U0, not a mar on It; very mas sive brass beds, completo with hand-made box springs and mattresses, worth up to Mao, lor VA to t; beautiful dresser and chiffoniers In Circassian walnut and ma- hugany; many oriental rugs, U0 to IbOj large Uorhavan. worth t360. tor HOu; xl3 Vliton rua. worth t0, tor a; tine col lfctinn oil calntlnxs. This is a raro op portunity for parties contemplating housekeeping to secure very high-grade furniture, as everything la in pertcct con dition, snowing ansoiuteiy no wear, waif day or evening al) week at J12 K. 40TH ST. Truenrlters. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and 6mlth Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12S4. Rental credited if you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, three months for 4) tor unaerstroKe machines or W per menm lor latest moaei visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. uutts Typewriter, is Farnam. D. ant TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired, Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 8. 17th RENT AN Oliver typewriter. 3 months for 34. Th Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 1513. Mnsleal instruments, EVERETT upright piano, cheap for 150, rnoiM iarney Mlsceilantvons. BAFES-Overstocked. S-dhand, all makes. u. j. uentni paio uo., 1211 t srnaro. ATTENTION Saloon, Pool Hall and Moving ricture Show, Bag punches weighing scales, match and music machines. We are selling out without reserve. ACME MACHINE CO. till Leavenworth Bt Harney lit afciUB mche Qrott Wreck, Co. ft & PauL A SNAP t houses. M stories: 1 cottage, to be moved JmmedUtely, th and JorUa Su? JL Kerap. 3613 Leavenworth St. Poug. 17. Ttm' SAUC a a discount a full, uo- Florists." A. DONAOItnE, m lUrney Dou. tf)"1 I HENBERSON, lelsi Farnam. P. J3y Member Florist Teirraoh Del. Asm. HK88 RWOnOPA Ills farnam ot. BATH'S florist. Hovd Tnealer Hid. Hair Drtialns, MME. STEVEN80N. 210 llalrd Iil. D.IW Harper Method, It t. Balrd Bide P. Mil Llchtlna-, Fixtures nnrt Wiring. THOMAS DUIiKIN Electrical fixtures and supplies, con tracting and repair work dona reasonable. tilt CUM I NO. DOUOLAS Lire Stock tlemedles. OMAHA Remedy Co.. COT B. th. Red 4252. Larrn Mowers Sharpened, ALL MAKES, called for and delivered; work guaranteed, saws filed. P. 742S. Maaeeuaes. M1B3 JACOBS; mass.! bath, clec-trt P.86J Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Uk. P.4V Miss Jtan Hhonlar, 301 Wlthoell Bldg, Harney and loth. Mass., magnetic treat Rlttenhousa Co.. 214 Baird Bldg.. IT & P. aelentlllo Massage. Miss Ulbson. P. 4297. Wl tffVFH TnUAHHAOE BATH. Miss ruljli,jllKj upchurch. 2U Balrd Bldg. MASSAGE Mlsa Walton, room 224. Ne ville Blk.. 18th and Harney. Tel. P. 4297 Home for alck, 2594 Ames Ave. W. sua. Miss Fisher, mass, elect treat't Red COX MABtfAOK, 100 B. 17th. Mrs. Bteele. Mrs. Hnyder. Eleo. Trt. 140S a 8th. P. '330 MARSAOF. Swedish movement. 4 aiV100AUJ- 3 nidg. PoUBlaa 6J7t 4U KATHLEEN MACK, manicuring ft mas sage. Apt. 2, Pavldge Blk. Poug (751, PANAMAS cleaned & blk'd. 60a; dress mak Mrs. 11. M. Eck. 3J09 Marcy. H.KH5. AIovlnKt 8toras;e and Cleaning, W. C. FEHRtN. ltth and Capitol. Ty. U0O. Nurseries and heeds. HAZEL PKLL NURSERY West of Flor ence. Fruit shade and ornamental trees; shrubs, evergreens and rosea. Good, fresh stock at reasonable prices. Office and aaltsyard, 24th and Plnkner. Phones Florence wv, wen. mt. Uanllsta. Eyes examined, glassts fitted, pay as you can. Prs. McCarthy, till O. W. Bldg. Office Supplies. OMAHA TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, betr ter than you are now using, each Wo, doztta. IS. DuDlleator supplies 25 per cent less. E. & 11. Co:, 7 Ramge Bldg. P. 12S1 Patents. P. O. Barnel). Paxton Bin. Tel. Rd 7117 H A. Bturxes. but lirandeis Tneater uidg. Printing. DOUGLAS printing Cc. Tel. Poug. 644. WATEHH-BAHNHAKT Pig. Co., quality printing. Tel. uoug, giw. .- so. win. COKEY ft U'KHNZIE PTU CO. P. Wll III EE-It ALL Ptg. Co. 16 Capitol P. 1103, CENTRAL I'KlNTlMi CO.. POUU. 44. Roach Exterminator. B. n. B. Roach Powder at your druggist'. Bafo and Tlmeloak Experts. &AFE combinations changed, opened, re w paired, F.E.Pavenport. i Oodge.PlMl Shoe) Repalrlna;, El ec trio Shoe Rap. Co.. 1107 Bt Mary 'a At. OMAHA Shoa Hospital: llrsl-clasa shoe rep. factory. Call and del. 2013 Far. Q.614j REASONABLE. Farnam Rep. Co. tl 8.31 Steel Cclllngcs. CARTER Bhret Metal Works. UP B. 10th. Stores and Office Fixtures, DESKS, safes, scales, showctaies, 'shelv !u, eta We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture aniToupBly Co.. 414-Ib-U S. ltth P 3714. Towel SnppUes, OMAHA Towel Supply, 197 B. 11th. O. tzt, Trunks and Saltcasee. FRRL1NU & BTKINLE. 1IW3 Karnam Bt Vsoheim Cleaners. (SANITARY SERVICE CO., full line vacuum cleaners and sweepers, cleamnw done In the home. Tel. P. MM. Veterinarian. DR. O. R. YOUNQ, 4602 Center H. 8063, Wall Paper. W. L. TETTER A CO, 1U3 Howard. D. 67S. window shades and wall paper. EAOLB CO., 1405 'A N. 24th. W. 6644. Wig Makers. D. 8. ORIFOTTH. U rrenxsr DUe. D. 4S66. Winm and Liquor. ALEX JETEH. l-3 3. 13th. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner, 11 to 3. 10c. &UY your family liquors at Kleins uauor Mouss. U2 n. lath. p. uob HENRY IOLLOOK, LIQUOR HOUSE, ioia ana tapitoi Ave. iuo tuncn. OFKEU1CD FOR 8ALH Mlaeellaneoaa. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom aad feocket billiard tables aad bowling alleys ana accessories; bar fixtures oi all kinds: easy payments. The Brunswick- iiaiKe-vuiienaer uo.. vi-w a. in bi. PURE HONEY from the Western Honey 'Producers nf Iowa. Order from R. u. Savage. VU N. Sflth Bt. Could use some good can vassers, men or women, young; or oia. Phon webster si. o TWKNTY.FOOT "Aeroadster Blnlana under:'' cost izz nuw. ureeung, wix Locust Bt, Omaha.' PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are'inviiea 10 vim me xouna Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt and Bt Mary's Ave. where they win te airectea to suitable ooaraing places or otnerwise assisted, lok tot our travelers' aid at the union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag sslncs. We collect. We distribute. Phone Pouglas 416 and our waron will call. Call and Inspect our now home, 1U0-1U3- mi uoage st. WAMPA1CEENA Select summer home for children, leave them while on your vacation. Write for purticuiars. it u. no. i npx n. V1TOLOOY New mental science. Worry, blues, nervousness cured without ririm Tells how to get health, happiness and success. Vltology hand book free. Ad dress Thomson School, CIO Life Bldg., ivunaas i uy. aio.- JOIN our club, whole round trip expenses Dn r rancisco, payable 40 monthly. Address World's Fair Excursion Club. 633 wuiauiiuvn jiiur., pn francisco. o FITS 1 cured my daughter by simple dls- m.trr, uunora jmo ner up. Bent tree, ihieu, isianq Ave.. Milwaukee. W Is. ppuirny and supplies. STEREOTYPE watrtces make the best They are lioIS Inches, stronger and tSi durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Wo a hundred at The Bee "icIJPi'SP1? Hatchery, Exeter," Neb., la the limit In ih wa.m t...-k: Ins more than twn vgrln r hih thoroughbred chicks, not connected with broiler plant June discounts 10 per cents July discounts, SO per tjent Write mt. omiiii cgKs ior private cue iiu,yiw,,MKr juiy xa. Screenings. 31.35 pr. 100. Wagner, fidl N. 16 B1LKO chick food, Wagner. 301 N. IStli' AGENTS, lnvestlaata; 1QO nr .n, nlri,' season now on; get busy. Chicken Life oTgr wu.. mi i. Timing Bt. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks Florence Jit. Phone WANTKU To BUY. WE buy broken watchea. Nathan. ICS nii 4 or 6-r house to move. Wagner. SO! N.Hth. WANTED to buy young calves 1 to oaya od, Call Webster UOa LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST 8HIP live stock to South Omaha, riave mileage and shrinkage.. Your consign ments recelvo prompt and careful atten tion. 1,1 Clock Commlnlon aierennnte MARTIN BBOB. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT liartinenta and Flats. Two Choice Apartments Ten minutes ride from downtiJ-n. cn nti.min Ait car: fins aurroilmiintis oi shade trees, pretty lawnsi nice residence district. Plenty of air and breathing space ana not crowaea in wnn mn htiilriinrs. One BDartment has 6 rooms: oak finish with beautiful mantel and gas log in living room; fine dining room with paneled walls and celling; bedrooms In white enamel, mahogany doors; nice coat closet with mirror door; good sized kitchen, bullt-ln cupboard. The other apartment has 1 rooms, and fine screened porch. 6x12: large living room 12xl6W, with coat closet and mirror door; large oearoom ana aanay Kitcnen. First class Janitor service and all other conveniences of the modern, up-to-dato apartment house. , can office and we win be pleased to show these at any time. Douglas TOCO. Scott & Hill Co., Pouglas 1000. 3K-7-S McCague Bldg. CHOICE APARTMENTS. THE ANOELUS. (Cor. 2Sth Ave. and Douglas.) FIRE-PROOF. Two. three and four room apartments with tn-a-dor beds, giving them the ac commodation of three, five and six room apartments. Together with many other special features, this apartment houce has a beautiful roof garden, cons sting of a large ball room, ladles' parlor, gen tlemen b lounging room and up-to-aato kitchen, around which the rest of the roof la narked, all for the exclusive J of the tenants and their friends. Call at our office and let us show you through uiese apartments. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WARRBN APARTMENTS i 4-room apartments In the Warren 517- 19 South 25th St, Everything new: nicely decorated, beautiful fixtures, Murphy beds. Private entrance to each apart ment; also private laundry and store room. t42.W per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone P. m. 902 City Nat'l Band Bldg. "The Knickerbocker" 38TH AND JONES STS. Omaha's Finest Ap't House LATEST MODERN IMPROVE MENTS. Low Rentals Open for lnepoctlon every after noon. Detailed Information may be ob tained at any tlmo. ED JOHNSTON, 406 Bee Bids. Phone 7473. or from PAYNE, SLATER CO., Omaha National Bank Bids. Phono Douglas 1016. .ROOM brick flat, corner of Williams Bts.. Forest Hill. tth and 4-ROOM upper apartment with sleeping porcn. wo a. row Ave. jlobeVan&Storage Stores, moves, packs and shies: 3-hors van and 3 men, 31.23 per hour! storage 33 per mnntn. Bausraction guaranteed. mane wougias 4ski ana nu, 4-ROOM apartments, near postofflce, $18. steam heat wintw, without extra cnarge. u. p. stebbins. FIVE-ROOM new apartment the Chula vista, aim bl. ana roDDiaton ava.i Nothing better in tha city; lower rent man similar tiats in tins vicinity, con rsd Young. 333 Brandels Thaatar. D. 167L LIST vacant properties with BOCK- HACKER, 407 State Bank. D. 8057. FOR RENT New 6-room modern apart ment brick building, oak finish; win decorate to suit tenant: S3th and Dadsa. Only 332.60, 132 a. ath St., new i-room modern brick house, beautifully finished. 340. . W. It HUMAN, 831 Board of Trade Bldg. Gordon Van CoJg& 319 N. lltli St Phone P. 391 or H. ttlt. NEW brlcx apartments, ready to move Into; completely furnished, dishes aad alii 4 rooms, IS par week; 3 rooms. U per week. Call Doug. 8711 during office uour. t-It. modern flat. 3VX W 8. :4th. H. 4711. OGPEN ANNEX rooms. with kltch- enats. council uiune. St. Clare Apartm'ts 244 and Harney; opea for Inspection, the most up-to-date conveniences; beau tifully decorated and finished, 3, 3 and 4 rooms. Call Harney 647 or Doug. 5505. WE RENT your houses tree of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY. 316-sjg t'axton uiag., OMAHA. FLORENTINE AND CARPATHIA APTS , ct . 1. .a c 1 n 1 . v. d, m m m and 5-room apartments. New, Large light rooms. Coolest In town. Tennis court and large beautiful court Easy walking dis tance. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Douglas (98. 1623 Farnam St o VERY DESIRABLE. One choice apartment In the California, See janitor. Douglas 6237. t-ROOM. all modern, with Janitor servn Ice; first floor, Lorraine Apts., 17th and Maple Sts. Mengedoht Web. 3713, o 3-room flat, 310 per month. o-room flat 112.60 per month. 2118 LEAVENWORTH ST. J. I. KEMP, P. 387. ONE four and one six-room apartment. strictly modern: steam neat ana janitor service, uornisn apartments, very aesir able. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 133) Farnam St. MODERN BRICK. 5-r., 201 Bo. 30th 325 8- r., 113 So. 30th 335 9- r., near High school, SOS No. 50th. extra good, 360 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Pouglas 3715. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS of three and four rooms, modern, either lurmsnea or unturmsnea. at moaerate prices. Wright block, 31S No. 16th St See 0dStblUSIOH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 60S Bee Bldg. BOARD1NO HOUSE PROPERTIES 323 2564H Douglas St, rooms all mod. U3.10 zs o. sa ot. io-r.. ail modern. PETERS TRUST COM PAN, 1623 Farnam 6t Douglas 898. THE GEORGIA APARTMENT. 1042 & 29th St, 5-r.. all modern, east front tj winter ana summer, une vacant PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1623 Farnam St Douglas 80S. FLATS 1315 Dodge St, 6-r., modern, 337.50. 309 So. 24th St, 9-r.. modern, 335, 1717 Park Ave.. 8-r.. modern. 315. 621 So. 29th St, 4-r modern ex. fur.. 315. zouu iaae tit, e-r., moo, ex. rur., six S01( Ames Ave., 4-r.. city water, tH, GARVIN BROa, 845 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. VERY choice 4 or 5-room steam-heated apartment. 00 west arnam Bt JOHN W. BOBBINS, 18018 FARNAM ST, THE HELEN. Very choice 3-room apartment Tyler 1M1-J. Call THE HELEN S464 Harney Street- Very choice 4-room Apartment, la 00. MARIUS 6ORENSEN. Office 2464 Harney. Douff. fTtO. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartraentn nnd Flats. 909 N 17th St.. -r mod. AM -...() la Cuming, 4-r. mod. Apt... 23 50 1106 N. 2Jd Ht. 4-r mod. flat 17.00 RABP .BROS. POUKUS THE CORNIim . Fins larxa rooms, windows on four sides. Very desirable. Phone Pouglas 7731 1519 Podge, 10-rooni, modern. Seven-room flat, modern, ZXS Cuming. O. C. REDICK. ATTY.. 224 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT 4, 6, 7-room modern apart ments, steam and hot water. 118 and Ho wards; near postofflce. O. P. Btebblns. Hoard svnn Itoun. THE HELMAN, 2403 St Mary's: pleas- ant rooms! noara optional, w. h. BOARD and room. 14.60. Red 0067. Parulabcd Apartment. 330 No. 20th. 3r, furnished apt modern. FOR RENT Small housekeeping apart In the New Hamilton: turn, or unfurn. : for summer or ionger. Doug. ES1S. Fnrnlahed Ilonsekeeplnir Ron ma. N. 20TH, 61 3 mod. front rooms; com plete, cool ,alry. Doug. 3267. TWO large beautifully furn. rms., com- piete. wanting diat. r74 0. ath. u. lno. bOPOE, 341-Some nice housekeeping 190J DOUGLASTwo cool housekeeping rooms. TWO modern, ensulte. Harney 4146. Karnlahea Houses. 7-ROOM modern house for rent Fur nished. Near 40th and Harney Sts. Dur Ing summer months. Phone Harney 1312. THAT large modern home at northeast corner 3Sth Ave. and Davenport St Red 247.-o FURNISHED house for rent Field Club district; 7 rooms; modern; a bargain to right party with good references. Call Harney 6111. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent 1801 mnney. ici. w eoster ai. rnraliniv. PLEA8ANT rooms, cool. airy. 2116 Cass. Furnished Rooms. LARGE front room, all modern; right down town; for one or two gentlemen. Phone D. S663. 2013 CHICAGO, nicely furnished, large, cool room. Douglas E294. 2013 CHICAGO, basement room cheap. Douglas 6234. COMPETELY IT IT FINISHED. nut... 1.. l ... i, ... . move Into and start housekeeping; four rooms, a week; a rooms, 13 1 brick flat. wan mi w, sza any time." FOR cool, modern room In private family ace tu no, iiui 01. NEWLY furnished rooms in private fam ily witn or witnout board, ilea 3345. LARGE furnished room with board, gen- uoman. iianscom l'urK aist. lu VH5. 0 THE GRA6MERE, front room, private bath, Hanscom park district board. NEW neatly furnished rooms 117 N. 30th Down-town district well furnished, cool rooms, reasonable. Ml s. isth. Apt IX COTTAGE, Y. M. C. A. park. Doug. 4512. DOWN-TOWN district, well furnished cool rooms. 624 8. 16th 8t Apt 12. PRIVATE family, modern, cool, rcasoa- aoie ror summer, can 630 so. nth Ave. DON'T miss thla great ODCortunltv: large, cool, nicely furnished room, fine location, wanting aistance, private resi dence; excellent board If desired. Refer ences exchanged: reasonable. Web. 4026. PLEASANT rooms. 36 month; 263S Dodge. TWO nicely furnished rooms, reasonable. Phone Red 7045. FURNISHED room, modern, board If do sired; good location. Douglas 8093. Unfurnished Rooms, FOUR-ROOM modern apartment close In. cool, front, and back porch. No children. 330. 2562 Harney SL 8-r., to respectable parties. 1414 Chicago. 320 No. apt rt, a unfurnished rooms, mod. 314 Hotels sad Apartments. POPUE HOTEL Modern. Maaaonable. CALIFORNIA Hotel, l(tu and California. Weekly rales IZ and up. Poiiglaa 7063. llonaekceptBsj Rooms. A SUITE of rooms strictly modern. References. Apartment 7 Davldge Blk. Houses nnd bottaizva. A MODERN 6-room bungalow; good lo cation; built last summer. 1213 N. 43d St. Phone Harney 504X FOR RENT One of the handsomest and most up-to-date and most modern 7- room houses in Omaha, east front, trees, snrubs, flowers, large lot iwxw, east front; house built only SH years; on the best car line In city; 2233 South 83d Ave., a halt block from Hanscom Park. I will sell on favorable terms. PAYNE Bt SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat Doug. 1016. 6007 Military Ave., new, modern, 6-room nouse; rent tree irom now tin June a. Call Benson 155-W. FREE RENTAL LIST. Complete "for rent" list of housea. apartments and flats oa file at our office; no cnarre wnatever. union uutiuuog Co., 16th and Jackson Bts. tU.50-Brick, 130 S. 36th Bt. just north of Farnam. Owner. 306 Ramge Bldg. Phone Douglas 2221 YOUR opportunity for choice west Far nam 7-room nouse at low rental, sua Dodge. Ask Harney 1166. WE rent your houses free of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY CO., 316-330 Paxton Bldg.. OMAHA. MAGGARD Van and tftor- age Co., packs, moves. stores A ships household goods& pianos. D. 14ML TTNTY-VTTXT TTT T ti I I In. I .11 Y Co. Uooda stored shipped. 14th anil Jackson Sts. Poug. 1111 WE rent your houses free of charge. 816-330 Paxton Bldg.. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and llaen closet on second floor. vestibule, reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, p-ntry and Ice room oa first floor, Fivll cement base ment With tollat furnirx hi. electrla lights; nearly new and first class in avery way. at 1511 S. S3th St, one btock irom mniconi Park, near Park school, tna block from car line. Tel. Harney 1509. J. C. Reed gpyi'ri."' 517 N. 18T11 ST.-6 rooms. Harney UK4. 13-ROOM modern nouse with barn; not water heat 3813 Harney St Inquire T. J. O'Brien. IL 1094. P. 1316. 6-ROOM roouerc house, 3710 Decatur Bt: tSX Phone Harney 6433. HdUHP. ln al porta of :aa city. pUUBt3 CrelKh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. FOR BENT Wo have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that ara for rent 2 his list can be seen free of charge at maha Van at Storage Co.. fidl & l(th fit 91 N, 418T., -r.. mod.; Walnut Hill loca tion, H. 1135-lt. 3118, 7-R. HOUSE, modern, opposite Omaha University. 21th and Evans. 330. W. 4C97. bTKiCTLr modern bungalow. Harney NEW -room house, modern. ft& per mmun, wi v.asa. iiarney oM. 6-ROOM H, all modern, nearly new, cheap m ursjramo tenant, tiarner ow. decorated; walking distance 404 N. jh. Six-room modern house, hardwood fin. Uh throughout, beautifully decorated, eleotrlo 1 ht. 133 fl. 43d St. itxEO. .,Lnl?.)?Ln2.?ierL housa, with oak floors. 2U2 Wirt Bt, $30. T-roem modern house, newly decorated, electric Uirht 1308 N 16th St. 11 Modern apartment ln Davidge Bldg., ltth uu laimin 01s.. u.ou, t-room house, 2341 Davenport St. 330. K.room housa and barn, tin nhin 11 6. room house, newly decorated, electrio lighted, water. 1718 N. S6th St. jl4. JOHN W, BOBBINS, 1403 FARNAM ST. OFFERED FOR RENT Tlonaea nnd Cottnorea. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MOPBRN. B-r 1037 8. 20th. very close In. 111. 5- r.-ao S. 28th, very close In. 316.. 6- r., -2115 Nicholas (for colored), tlS, 6-r.-1623 Clark, good condition re duced to 116. 6-r. 2S10 Charles, all modern except heat good residence district 116. 6-r.-4B N. 28th 8t., modern except heat first class condition, good residence district, 1R. 8TUICTL.Y aiUUfciltni. 6-r. 2110 Seward St. newly decorated, first class condition, 830. 7-r. 2603 Dewey Ave., brick dwelling within easy walking distance; modern In every respect, reduced to 337.C0. t-r 2631 Harney, choice detached dwell ing, within easy walking distance; bar gain at 333.60. 8-r. 3415 Dodge, a brand new brick and stucco dwelling In the heart of the West Farnam district, io. 9-r. 2950 Farnam, choice brick dwelling within walking distance, to business cen ter and In a very good residence section, 142.50. 9-r.. 202 S. 37th St. choice detached house In the heart of the West Farnam district 10-r. 3430 Bristol, good brick house with large yard and large barn. Bargain at 327.60. FLATS. 3-r.-1408 N. 17th St.. close In 38: partly modern. 6-r. 3115 N. J4th St., first or second floor, 315. htiuctijY MuuisurM. 4-r. 2047 Howard, a choice St. Louts flat, very close In, only 328. 6-r. 201 8. 30th Ave., 125. 6-r.-320 8. 27th Ave, 35. 6-r. 2706 Jackson St. a very choice Bt. Lou la flat Will decorate to suit tenant. Reduced from 335 to 327.60. 5-r 5tiS 8. 2Sth, choice Bt Louis Hat in a good residence district ana witnm walking distance to business center, 327.60. 10-r. 519 8. 25th Ave., very close in, re duced to 327.50. ll-r. lici H. zotn Ave., a gooa oncit dwelling In & first class residence dis trict, 335. HEATED APARTMENTS. 5- r 291 Farnam, strictly modern In every respect, 325. THE ANGELUS, cor. 25th Ave. and Douglas, 2, 8 and 4-room apartments In a brand new, strictly modern and up-to-the-minute fireproof building. See them today. 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7-room apartments in the ROLAND, STREHLOW and MAJESTIC, lfth and Yates. These apartments ate strictly modern and up-to-date In every respect and are of fireproof construction. In addition, they have lota of large porches, beautiful lawns, flower gardens, tcnnla courts, croquet grounds, sand piles and swings. Call at our office and we will r.how you through them. CHOICE FURNISHED APARTMENT IN THE CHULA VISTA. 6- r. strictly modern. 355 per month, for June, July and August. X? Wo have others. See our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, ' OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN. 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. HOUSES ALL MODERN. 2804 Caldwell St., 5 rooms, new brick. .320.00 2209 S. 29th St., 7 rooms.., 23.00 2423 Poppleton Ave.. 6 rooms 25.00 4107 Lafayette Ave., 9 rooms 29.00 2301 Dewey Ave.. 5 rooms, close In. very desirable 27.50 4903 N. 29th St.. 6 rooms 27.60 210 N. 23d St., 7 rooms, walking dis tance 40.00 3500 Dodge St.. 8 rooms, new brick, brand new and extremely fine... 65.00 HOUSES MODERN EXCEPT SEAT. 2906 diaries St.. 4 rooms '....112.00 2S03 Charles St., 6 rooms 15.00 2920 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, large yard, fine trees , 16.00 2917 N. 25th St, 7 rooms, newly decorated 18.00 2921 N. 25th 8t. 7 rooms, will be painted and papered 20.00 FLATS, ALL MODERN. Clyde, 1S00 Ohio St. 3 rooms 315.00 2622 Leavenworth St.. 8 rooms 27.50 125 B. 89th St , 4 rooms and bath, disappearing bed in living room, very attractive SO.OO 301 N, 31st St., 5 rooms, lower floor, St Louis flat 31.00 1626 Wirt St.. 6 rooms, upper St. Louis flat, splendidly finished, never occupied, fine street 32.50 609 a 31st St., 6-r., good location 35.00 562 S. 36th Ava., s rooms, upper part St. Louts flat, choice, close In... 35.00 725 S. 27th St.. 6 rooms, on corner... 35.00 FLATS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S200 S, 29th St, 4 rooms, rear 310.00 1401 S. 16th St. 7 rooms 20.00 MODERN APARTMENTS Bosworth, 2217 Howard St., 2 rooms and bath, beat and most conven ient: cool, comfortable; best Janitor service: sanitary laundry: private porch 330.00 uroana, wit park Ave., 5 rooms and bath; high class: right at the park 40.00 wroco, sis Forrest Ave., 5 rooms: new: southeast exposure: choice 47.50 A11M5JTHONU-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 203-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. HOUSES 8614 Chicago. 8-room. modern, only 122.50. 1905 North 25th St.. 5-room. modern, kav at iua uaiaweii 01,, same oiag., xit, 301 So. 36th St., 8-room. strictly modern, newly decorated. West Farnam Diet, 340. (UAia SIX 514 and 20 South ltth St.. thren St Louis flats, strictly modern, 5 rooms and reception nan in eac 1. uiose-m. aestr. able location. Keys with Janitor Sterling Apartments across street. Rental 335. 413 and 415 South 15th 8t, 4-room flats, partly modern, 310. 2575-77-79 Cuming St.. 2d and 3d floors. 3-room flats, 83 and 39; 6-room flats J6 to 41740. APARTMENTS THE STERLING. 19th and St. Marv'a Ave., substantial reduction in summer rentals; 3 and 4 rooms, strictly modern. janitor service, spienaia, auiot location. see janitor at rear 01 Duuaing. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, 303-305 So. 13th St. First Ns, Bk. Bldg, Phone Douglas 1151. 840 S. 13T1I ST. O-room modern iiuuai, just rencweu; rent rcason&Die to the right party. paxton uik. NEW BUNGALOW-Just finished, five rooms, an moaern. to aesiraoio people iviuioui ciiuureu. iu n. win Ave. upon BEAUTIFUL -room. modern brick house ana barn tor rent. JWi Davenport fiarney xm. 7-ROOM house, all modern. 6310 N. 25th Ave.- HOUSES FOR RENT. 317.50 5-r.. 2614 Sherman Ave., modern except neat. tJO.00 6-r.. 1615 Howard St. modern ex cept heat s.w--r., mm j&ramet St. Kountio Place, modern. , 335.00 6-r., 623 Park Ave., modern, nice location. tt0.00-7-r., 3319 Dodge St., modern, fine repair. APARTMENTS. 135.00 4-r. The Harold. 27th and Jack son street. 14J.G0 t-r., The Warren, 617 South 2Sth street. 345.00-7-r.. 619 South 16th street. 317.50-7-r.. 516 South ltth street, GEORGE A. COMPANY. Phone D. 756. 903 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 3753402 Lincoln Blvd., 10-r., modern: garage: large sightly grounds. 350 SSCS Poppleton Ave., 7-r., all rood., newty aecoratea. 350-420 S. Hat. 8-r.. all modern. 330 654-6 S. 2Cth Ave., 6 and 6 rooms, all moaern. 339 C564H Douglas, 9-r.. modem. 331-418 N. 17th., 7-r., rood. ex. heat. 3303037 Larlmore. 6-r., modern. 130 1507 Marcy, 5-r.. modern. I17-62I & 22d St, 5-r., mod. ex. heat 116-023 N. 37th St. 5-r. 310-2999 S. 28th Ave., 4-r. 3102516 N. 31st.. S-r., mod. ex. heat 310-222 Ixard Bt, 3-r. PETERS TRUST CM PA NY, 1133 Famam St Pouglas SOS. DETACHED HOU&ES-- 307 So. S4th St.. ll-r irlodern. 350. 1111 So, 31st St. 8-r.. modern. 345. 1113 80. 30th Ave,. 9-r., modern, J 10. 3070 Mason St, S-r., modern, 335. 1103 So. 29th St, 8-r., modern. 35. 133 Sfe. 35th Ave.. 6-r., modern. 30. 1111 So. 38th St, 7-r., modern. 326. 3419 No, 14th St, 6-r., modern, 325. 4000 Seward St, 6-r., modern, 323.60. 1337 So. 37th St. 6-r., modern, 321.50. 1013 No. 31th St. 6-r-, mod. ex. fur., 320, 218 No, 25th St, 6-r.. mod. ex. fur., 116. 2004 No. t3d St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. fur.. 314. 3011 Franklin St, 6-r, city water. 314. 810 So. ltth St, 5-r., city water, tlx 3714 Tates 8t. 8-r., city water, 39. 3314 No. 33d St, 3-r., city water, 36. (05 8). 34th St, E-r.. city water, 112, GARVIN BROS., 344 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Honaea nnd Cottnsres. 1422 N. 19th St. 10-r., all mod., 3. 1424 N. 19th St.. 10-r. all mod., W. 4011 Izard St. 7-r., all mod.. 336. 1006H 8. 22d St. 6-r.. all mod.. 325. 2539 Caas St.. 6-r., ail mod., 337.60. 1500 Yates St. 5r.. and bath, all mod., 325, 3SC5 N. 25th St. 6-r., m'dd. ex. ht.. 316. 3S0S N. 26th 6t, 6-r.. mod. ex. ht, 316. 1011 Pacific St., 4-r., mod. ex. ht, 316. 1129 N. 17th St 3-r., part mod.. 312. 1413 S. 17th St.. 6-r-, all mod.. 325. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 631 3 rooms, 1613 Csss St 3 9.00 3 rooms, mod. ex. heat, 1819 N. 17th St 12.50 4 rooms, mod. ex. heat, 521 N. 32d St. 18.00 4 rooms, 2019 Clark St 10.00 6 rooms, modern, 2626 Dodge St...... 25.00 7 rooms, modern, 1301 8. 28th St 26.03 8 rooms, modern, 1430 Sherwood Ave.. 23.00 8 rooms, modern, 606 S. 22d St.. 45.09 5 rooms, mod. Apt, 416 S. 25th Ave.. 42.50 BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 746. 5-ROOM modern. 815 N. 27th Ave. 7-room modern. 2723 Cuming. NEAT modern house, Douglas 8145. 513 Chicago Bt 5 ROOMS, MODERN, 31,300. On second floer that's why It's cheap, but will pay you to look and sec First class family on first floor and separate entrance. Fine location, paved street trees, etc. 2638 Hamilton St WILSON & WARREN, Tel. D. 1533. 604 Bee Bldg. 6-r. cottage, modern ex. heat 318. 6- r. cottage, modern ex. heat, 316. 7- r. cottage, strictly modern, 325. 7-r. bungalow, strictly modern, 330. R. 8. TRUMBULL, Doug. 6707. 448 Bee Bldg. t 8.oO-4-room cottage. 2221 N. 20th St. t 9.006 rooms, 2250 Pierce St. 332.50 Beautiful 5-room St Louis flat, up- to-the-minute. 2Siz Jackson St. tl2.0O- rooms, nice flat. 2225 N. 20th St t 7.50-3 nice rooms, 1917 Clark St II. A. WOLF, Ware Blk., 15th ond Farnam Sts. D. 805S. NEW, up-to-date bungalow finished In oak, built-in bookcases and outlet, near good car line, rent 327.60. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Douglas 6013 17th and Dougloa. DETACHED HOUSES FOR RENT 7 rooms, all modern. Bemls Park dis trict, 335. 8 rooms, an moaern. Jttanscom ran. district. 330. 7 rooms, an moaern, on :n at, norm of Dodge, 335. J. H. DUMONT & CO.. 1608 Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 690. 1906-8 Farnam St.. 5-room flats, mod. ex. neat, each m.w. 1313 DaTennort. 8 rooms, mod. ex. heat 14GG-C8 ao. ietn St., 7-room nais, moa. ex. heat, each, S30.C0. 1S0S Grace St. and 2012 No. I8th St., 19 rooms, modern, 322.50. zoji UQUgios tit., b rooms, tiz.su. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. 26i8 Capitol Ave., 7-r., modern, $33. 1517 no. zisi bi., i'T., pan moa., n. 1624 No. 29th St., 4-r., part mod., 312. 4723 No. 40th St, 5-r., part mod,, $14, 3463 Miami, 6-r well. $9. 3723 Ohio, 8-r., well, $10. OREIQH. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. 2566 Douglao, modern, S rooms, 335. 208 So. 41st. HOT WATBR HJSA'i', . 415 No. 16th. 6 rooms. 325. 1515 No. 20th, 6 rooms, $20. ,Q1, 1 , 1 o, r HAM, .1 ? LBll ,,UiU .11.. V ,UI1D, Colored, 960 No. 28th Ave., $15. JOHN N. FRr.NZE.ft Douglas OM.' FOR COLORED. 3302520 Patrick. 6-r.. modern. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1622 Farnam. Douglas 896. 7 MODERN rooms, large lot, paved street. shade, water paid, 32b. jibth and unaries St. Tel. Webster 2502. 8-ROOM home, modem, shade and fruit trees; good garden. 3344 Larlmore Ave. Stores nnd Offices. SALESROOM or office room, second floor, 1504 Harney, New. centrally located hall, well equipped for lodge purposes, 16th and iiarney. s onices on tntra floor, iw iiarney. Store, 1020 North 16th. Store,, ltth and Harney. Store, 611 South 13th. Store, 336 No. 26th, Bouth Omaha. Store. 2101 Cuming. O. C. REDICK, ATTORNEY. 224 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1611 GOOD retail, steam-heated store, with basement. 18th and Farnam Sts., $100. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. TWO floors and basement of building 1213-15 Harney St. for wholesale, manu facturing or mercantile purposes. Apply Tel. Douglas IC64. STORES FOR RENT.. 423 So. 25th Ave, fine for barber, 315. 14C6 So. 16th St, 26x60, 326. 2868 Famam St., 24x40. $50 . 1408 Farnam St. 4.600 sa. ft floor sbace on 2d and 3d floors: elevator $125. ABMBTRUNU-WAliSH JOMPATJY, Tyler 1536. 203-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. 1311 Douglas St, store room 22x132, $175. 3137 Farnam St. store room 22x50, $30. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. STORES FOR RENT. 1114 Douglas St Will build modern building to suit tenant. Ground 33x132. Trackage at rear. ARMSTRONU-W AU5H COMPANY. Tyler 1636. 203-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. PART 107 So. 15th, modern, 340. 1904 North 24th St., brick. t25. 1324 North 40th St., brick, $25. 1318 Dodge St. brick. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. STORES AT TRANSFER POINTS. $50705-7 80. 16th St. water and heat FREE: 20x60 with run basement inciuaea. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1622 Farnam St. Doug. 891 HEAL EBTATJS. FARM . RANCH LAND.' FOR SAI.B Arkauiai. 160-A RICH creek Improved farm; 60 cul tivation: bal. timbered; $20 a. Sessions Co., Wlnthrop, Ark. o Missouri. FARMS for sale; $5 down, $9 monthly, buys 40 acres: good timber land near town, Texas county. Mo.; price. $200; per- tect tine. j. 11. jarreu, .mi. vemon. 111. Minnesota Minnesota Farm Lands ' From $15 to $75 per acre. Are the equal of any in the United States that are selling from $150 to $300 per acre. These lands can be bought on easy terms, Minnesota's 1913 corn crop, 40 bushels per acre, stands first of all states in the union. SEND FOR SPKU1AL PAGE OF MINNESOTA FARM BARGAINS. Published la tho MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Minneapolis, Minn., March 29 to April 4. A 2c stamp will bring It. FOR SALE Carefully selected farm land rich agricultural district, handy to Twin City markets, east central Minnesota. Hundreds of settlers coming in. $15 to $25 per acre, very easy terms. Address G. E. Johnson, Cedar Rapids Savings Bank, cedar Rapids. la. w nnt"U .til uirn .nor. 45 miles from Minneapolis, one mile to town, heavy black sou. lao acres la crop, balance timbered pasture: S-room house. large barn and complete set of buildings and personal property; 13 cows. 6 horses. young stock; chickens, farm machinery etc.; terms y cam. pcck, iz xora Ave, South Minneapolis. TODD Countv of creameries, com and clover. For information write Van Dyke a van Jjyae. iong iraine. aunn. The Persistent ana Juaiclous Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Uuccess. nnr. RISTATE. FAnM A RANCH LANDS FOn Minnesota. V BAY, MR. RENTER, OR FARMER, 1 . Who Has Boys to Buy Land Forf Aie you 'interested In buying as gooa soli as you now rent or own tor , tron one-third to one-half the price? Woe" you can raise any crop grown in tho state of Iowa and Nebraska? We grow wheat oats, rye, barley, flax, corn, potatoes, clover, timothy, blua grass, alfalfa, millet fruit, and aPPlej and many varieties of berries and wild grasses; and when It comes to small grain, clover and potatoes, we can rales a great deal more than you do. Inspection will prove that we have a splendid climate, plenty of rainfall, pure sparkling water, fertile soil, abundant crops one year with another best oc markets, ample railroad service, gooji schools, costly churches of every denomi nation, conveniently located, good graded roads, R. F. D. service and telephones in every home. ... , Here you can buy virgin prairie of good quality from 325 per acre to 340 an acre, one to five miles from market. Improve ment farms, one to six milts from mar kets, from J35 to 3S3 per acre, farms with improvement worth 110,000 ln some cases. These are the counties where alfalfa cuts four "crops a season and clover Is the worst weed the farmer haa to con tend with. Most of my farms are gently undulat ing well drained farms, without stone, pot-holes or a foot of waste land, with at least 90 per cent under plow: from ai Inches to 30 inches of olack loam and yellow clay subsoil; none of them over ono and one-half miles from school and six miles from railroad markets; located in Protestant and Catholic localities. I would like the privilege of Introducing you to farmers in thla locality who are raising from 60 to 70-bushel per acre of good, mature white and yellow dent corn. Here Is food for thought They are rais ing this corn on land tltat can be bought for a fraction of what land is Belling for ln Nebraska and Iowa of Similar pro ductive soli. Think this over. Can you produce as much net money on 1 aero there as you can on 3 or 4 acres here, and do you think the prices on land ln your locality will double ln the next fi years, but after you have looked thla country over you will agree with m that land that Is now selling from 340 to 370 per acre will be (.-citing from 3100 to S125 in the next 5 years. Are you going to continue to lent larkl until you have plowed over every farm ln the neighbor hood, or are you coming to this section of Minnesota where you can duplicate in every important fcaturo the land you now own or rent for from one-fourth to one-third tho price. Come and investigate this country. I am sure that some of my fine farms will suit you. PHILLIP S. CONVERSE, Detroit. Mlrtn. ( Nebraska. FOUND 320-ac re homostead ln settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost ou 32UU, filing teas and all. J. a. Tracy, KlmbalL Neb. ONLY $1 PER ACRE. Buys 640 acres, being state school land, lease running twenty-one years, ln Keith County. Nebraska. Only elcht rwiles front town. Would make a aandy dairy ranch! 200 acres can be put under cultivation. A bargain; terms one-third cash, balance ta suit 6 per cent. Write owner, L. C. Cran dall, 1M4 Locust St. Lincoln. Neh. A FINE FARM AT AUCTION. 320-acre farm, tile drained, well Im proved, to bo sold at auction June 24; 203 acres In crop, 60 acres in corn, 225 ln win ter wheat, balance ln oats, with 15 acres in grass and buildings; Vi mile to school: rural phone and mall delivery; 6 miles north of Tekamah, 42 north of Omaha and 70 south of Sioux City. For particu lars address W. M. Scott, owner, or H. N. Marsh, auctloner, at Tekamah, Neb EIGHTY acres, $20 an acre, $20 down and 320 a month no interest Fine farm land. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. BUT A FARM FOR THE BOY. Wise fathers buy land for their boys. Sturdy sons make good on that $30 Ne braska land, WITHOUT IRRIGATION, fertile soil, perfect title, close to railroad. 'Write for description and booklet "Father, Son and Farm." ARTHUR CHASE, Sole Agent. E43 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. a Nebraska. 'HREE choice farms in Polk county, Ne braska, Vk cash, balance 10 years at thi per cent Two quarter sections rich, level, fertile prairie in Deuel county, Nebraska, at bargain price, a. uarson, route sso. 1, Clarke. Neb. - Orearon. OREGON. Do you. realize that the country about Ontario, will produce the very finest grain, grasses and alfalfa? Their feeding value Is far above the ordinary. Trans portation facilities are most favorable. Seven railroads radiate therefrom. Nu better market for dairy and poultry pro ducts anywhere. Wo offer our lands very cheap and on long time and easy terms. All ready for the plow. Join our exourslon first or third Tuesday of any month and see what we can give you. Write us for cheap ticket and liter ature. Oregon ond Western Col. Co.. 634 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. o South Dakota. WE WANT TO TELL you all about our deeded Indian lands: title directly from U. S. Preferable to homesteads. Rich. black soil; no stone, tine soft water; one crop of flax pays for land. Write today tor ou-pase DooKiec nartung i-ana co.. itoom 8. McLaughlin. Washington. WASHINGTON WANTS YOU. Ask Bureau Statistics anil Tmmlirratlnn of State of Washlnston for frei nff(fl. Homeseekers" Guide. Contains detailed Information by counties showing furmlng opportunities, general resources, land YtlA? I- M' Jfpwell. Commiss oner, Dept 18. Olympla. Wash.-o FARMS WANTED. YOUNG Hollander wishes to buy good ... m ,nu. -fmureas x M, wee. WANTED Farm barmlnn for h..h k.;' era. Real Estate Investor, Box 600 Jollet. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R, E. MERCHANTS! I want a stock of general nMrcha.l.. with established business for my 275-aere farm ln Doniphan county, Kan., nearly 173 acres of thla Is bottom or second bottom: about 100 acres ln timber and pasture, the timber being oak, ash, walnut hick ory, basHwood, sycamore, etc. Good five, room house stable cribs, cows, etc. Well bwu waitr nuar dock aoor. Till) land will bear close Inspection, belnr niu nr k. best and most nroductlvn farm, in fl; 1 only a few miles from Troy and ,. "HieiMi, me uooi truit section in tho state; on rural route nnd telephone lines; only a few rods to school; in good neigh borhood and close to church; some al falfa; big crop corn, raised In 1913, our dry year; rented for 1914: one-half crop going with the farm; mortgage, $7,000; might put ' w uu.ci inn, taxes ior ma paid In full; want to establish my son in bual. ness. Write. Can take In building on a U?ai'. U Woodford, P. O. Box 403, Washington. Kan. Pianos for other musical Inatru'tc D."20nl PIANOS for cement work; painting, paper hanging. 207 Old Boston Store. D. 20i7. HAvK ll-room residence in Hanscom Park district, all modern, will trH 5 or 6-room residence, clear, and will carrv M.wbw. . u v. . .ma K TV! , REAL ESTATE CITT Pitlll'KRTY POtl BALE, SOME BARGAIN 6-room bungalow, 4 rooms downstairs. 2 rooms and bath second floor, cement basement, electric light and gas. hot i?5. Wxi,!rnPr.ci,t3.ioR?th et't8 BOCKACKER, BOCKHACKER. 407 State Bank. D, 8657. J 700 30th and Charles, 64x75. Ji SfctL't C"J' Un an old houe. 62x150. $1,050 20th and Sprague. 60x120. $l.R00-Oth and Miami. 100x120 $1.500 15th and Miami. 120x122. Room 617, Omaha National Bank Bid? Phone Douglas 1234. las' 'wo"4t.oryj ' rooms and aleen, Ing porch, oak finish, oak floors. roon large, .corner bed rooms, house decorated, full cement basement ttSZtlZ. heat Press brick foundation paved K" only two blocks from Farnai? rJI!!!' r?lU psf 1 McCague Doug. 1553, J V