8 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 30, IflH. THE . OMAHA DAILY BEE ' FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. Tho Doe Publishing Company, Proprietor. BHE BI ILD1NO. FARKAM AND SEVKNTKBNTlT i Enttrf & at Omaha, poitofflce as second-clan maUr. TERMS OP BUBSCniITION. ' By carrier By mail permonth. pr year. pally anrt Sunday ttc SS.W Dally without Sunday.... ...,Kc 4 00 , Fvenln ami fundny 4c ." ' BvenlnR without Sunday Zc.,, 4.00 . Sunday Bra only 50c 2.0) . Send nMIre ef rlmr.Rp of addtffs or complaints of I irrcKularlty In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Remit hr draft, rxprcta or poita) order. Only two cent Mamp received In payment of amall ac counts lYTnonil chreka. except on Omaha and eactern exchance. not accepted. OFFICKS. Omaha-The Ueo Bulldlns. South Omaha SIR N street f'ounMl lllu(r-M North Main tret. Lincoln-K Little Hulldlnjr. fhlcaeo-901 llearat HullillnK. New Vork Iloom IIO'-. 2SS Fifth avenue, ft Louln-KS New Bank of Commerce. WaahlnRton S Fourteenth Bt, N. W. OORR,BSPpNDKNCt3. Addrera communlcatlona retatlnt; to nswa and cdl torlal matter to Omaha Uee, Editorial Department. APRIL CIRCL'IiATlOJt. 58,448 Room jot for a lot more "Safety first.'' Something about to fall nt Nlngnra, It eccms. Whllo remembering the dead, do not forget tho living. Every little sun-klea addn new flush to tho pale check of tho convalescent peach crop. Memorial day, fifty years aftor, finds the na tion's sratltudo to ltn defenders stronger than ever. "How may desert land prosper?" asks an exchange. Simply make It "blossom as tho rose." After It Is all over Governor Morohead can charge It up 'to tho "siren voice of the reactionaries." Borne one assure ua that Villa has horse sense. Probably means ho Is stubborn like those Moxlcau burros. Getting tho right man to supplant Huerta continues to, be the most perplexing part of tho problem of pacification, They do say that professional brlbe-trappers of public officials' nro putting on tho aoft pedal Just a wco bit these days. Tho courts may chango the ownership and control of tho St. Joo & Grand Island railway, but they can't tako tho road away frohj us. Sir A, Conan Doylp saya If tho suffa do not lot up soon, the British will logo their patlonco. In which enso ull Americans nro from Mlzzoo, As soon as he gets tho geography of the world rendjuecd, tho colonel will turn again to tho Job of taking tho kinks Of Inaccuracy out of It history. It wos a safo puess that Colonel Mathor's typewriter could not long remain Inactive under tho temptations of this bright alluring spring weather. Atlanta has forbidden the sleeveless bathing suit for men. Goodness, gracious! And how abouttthe sleeveless and neckless gowns for the fair ones? From n6w until about September every one In tho corn belt country will pursue the ex pectant policy of watchful waiting, so far as his highnctv, the weather man, Is concerned. The pain of belng'onco snubbed by Mr. Mor gan Booms almost counteracted In Mr. Mellen's mind by memory of tho fact that he froze the real coin out of Mr. Morse, whilom ice king. "Have republicans reformed:" nskB the democratic St. Louis Republic. Call u what you will, they have resolvod to staud togothor and put d own tho common enemy at the next election. "Clear the track for prosperity" Is tho shout of our amlablo democratic contemporary. Well, the track has been cleared all the time, but nothing has come along but an ox cart labeled "Watchful Waiting." tratL( fnom ace ritt The Memorial day prosram waa carried out aa arranged, the Pflrade starting ahortly after JJ o'clock. In three dlvuioiu marshaled by . E. Large. A. M Clark and Adolph llurmelater. At tha cemetery Hon. A J Popploton delivered the oration or the day. which waa printed In full in three columns of fine typo. Members of the Omaha dlee club were tntcrtalned laat evening by Mr. and Mm. Lcavltt Burnham at their now home on Caia atreet, uaalated by their niece. Mlia Mollis Addook of Botpn. Jamea BtocUdale' of the Union Paclfle ahopt. and ox-prealdent of 8t. George's club, will leave with hla family tn a day or two for Australia, where they In tend to make tie r home. They ao first io their old homo in Kneland for a brief visit. Their removal la wado In the hope of benefiting Mr. Stockdale' health Friends or William I'mperson helped h:m celebrate bl rlfty-clghth birthday lest week. Mr. and Mra. George S. Kriisht entertained an audience at the Boyd in a bill a()ed "Otto." Too Vnion raclflcs played the Ilaatlngs Beds hi fore about SCO spectators and beat them, to 6. Boek well umpired. Five dollar reward la offerod for the return of a lost Pony bclonelne to Harry, aoa of General O o. Howard, Several fno tfecond-haod bookcase are for sala. Jn'jUir of John JU IVebater, over A. D. Morse a storo. 4 Statu of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa Dwlnht Williams, circulation manager of The B Publlthlwr company, being duly sworn. aya that average dally circulation for tho month of April, int. waa M.4W. 11 DWIOIIT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manrr. Rubacribrd in my presence and aworn to before mo I una sin aay or .May, im. nOBEIlT 11UNTEB, Notary Public Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily should hnve Tho Hce mailed to tlicm. Ad dress will be changed as often aa requested. Memorial Day. Let no one longer dispute as to the name, Decoration or Memorial day, Time makes the mcanlngcl ear, and lends enchantment to the real spirit of it. The decorative Idea Is lost sight of In tho larger vision of memorlalinlng the" spirit of the valor of Americans offering their all, giving their best, for tho settlement of an issue In the only possible way vital to their common country's, existence. It Is that we com memorate more than the more victory of a sot of arms or men. It Is not a sectional triumph, but one In which bluo and gray alike may find common cause. Color UncH long ago have faded In the shimmering light of the reason of a re united country. This day, therefore, stands for that which Is dearest to every true patriot tho undying ardor or conviction, the Invincible love of country. To be wrong Is not the worst thing. To be afraid to stand or fall, If, maybe, for a conlctlon Is a far worse. No one today Questions tho scruples of thoso Americans who crossed swords In the '60s. It was not possible, of course, to take this broad a view a few decades ogo, but the view of truth always broadens and clarifies with the dissolution of rancor in the lengthening of tho perspective. We are not so eager for decoration or cele bration today as simply memorializing. "It is for us to be here dedicated to the great ask re maining that we highly resolve that these dead shall not hae died In vain." Ours the consumma tion. Wo stand, therefore, today one nation In common sympathy and rcerent awe of a single spirit and memory. Another Titanic Tragedy. Once moro a leviathan of the sea falls into the grip of a fog and is lost with its precious' freightage In a twinkling. Ten minutes after colliding with a collier the great Canadian Pa cific liner, the Empress of Ireland, sinks off the banks of the St. Lawronco, carrying down with It, as near as can now be determined from re ports, rnoro than 1,000 of tho M00 persons aboard its decks. Possibly later reports may show a smollor death list, but the hope now seonis slight. Rescue vessels apparently have completed their work and turnod in their ac counts and, instead of diminishing, the roll of the lost Increased. Thus again an "unslnkablo" ship proves the futility of man's science- and genius when pitted against tho dread foo of ocean travel, the fog. Fireproof, safety-Insured, wireless-equipped vessols prove as helpless as any others In the absonco of adequate regulation of schedule Something noeds to bo done to prevent two ves sels meeting In a fog. That Is obviously the remedy. Hut will the fate of tho Empress of Ireland sufficiently Impress the lesson? That of that Titanic failed to. . And how philosophically we take tho herald of this latter catastrophe. Its toll of death Is only a fow hundred less than that of the Tl tnnlc, whose destruction set tho nerves or two continents to vibrating. Thon we mourned, nnathomatlzed, resolved, passed laws, arraigned men at tho bar, held Inquiries, sued for dam ages and down goos -another tog-spent ship. There must be a way to prevent it and the way must be found, Reflection on the British. Sir A. Conan Doy)o is quoted In American press dispatches as predicting a "wholesale lynching beo" when finally tho English mob Is properly aroused by tho militant suffragettes. "Tho British government," he says, "follows public opinion, and thus for public opinion has not demanded the entlro suppression of the Buffrnglst. But It Is on the point of doing so, and when the British mob is thoroughly aroused It Is no respecter of persons." Eidently that part of tho British mob which has boon In action is not. But If Sir Artuh prop erly reflects tho situation, tho It Is discreditable to the British government. The task of control- llng lawless elements belongs, not to the mob, trut to me government, and cannot be loft to the mob without reflection on tho crown. Alt this, however, may be true without helping the situation a bit, Sir Arthur undoubtedly la- cor rect in defining the patienco of tho people of Britain as very near the breaking point. Wo need not bo surprised at the outburst against the militant mobs, careloss of both life and propery alike, any time. The only astonishing fact Is that such a reign of unreason and terror should have endured so long, especially In a country famed for Its fearloss enforcement of law. Old St. Louis. Stability of character more han age give to St. Louis the term, "Old." Its conservatism is as far-ramed ns Its Veiled Prophot further. It may not build as rapidly as some cities, but It builds endurlngly. If it Is a bit slow, I is also sure. It has force and strength of character in Its history that survive the span of human lives. It has always been known for Its tolerance of the rights and convictions of others and breathed as freely as any the spirit of freedom and independence. So It Is natural that it should count in the halls of Its fame so many forceful sons of foreign lands, The home and workshop of the Shurzes the Preotorlousos, the Pulitzers, the Denzero, It has been and Is today and deep Into the fabric of Its affairs these dynamic men have wrought their spirit and Influence. It may well stand forth famed for Its stability and conservatism, for such Is the dominant factor In the lives of these sturdy European-Americans, who have been and meant so much to our nation. In. commemorating Its 150th anniversary, Ft! L-ouls has as much to be proud of as any sister city. They are speculating a lot today about its ability to hold fourth place among American metropolises. We are venturing that It will, but It might fall back a notch, or oven two, without disturbing its splendid record of ahlevements In ommerce, art, science, and just mere living. For when It comes to "Old" St. Louis' hospital ity and enjoyment of life, we know of nothing to beat It. Senator Hitchcock will bo given an opportunity to mako an appeal In tho (lieutenant's) case, but tn Uew of the fact that tho president haa practically niada up his mind. It is doubted that an appeal, how. ever forcible, will be availing-. Tho aenator'a own newapaptr. That's a delicate way to prepare In advance for a falldown, and to remind constituents that our senator's Influence at the White House la a liability rather than an asset I El! Prudery. OMAHA, May 39. -To the Editor of The Bee: From the way one of the city ed Itots deflnta the word "prudery," I am led to believe that I am afflicted with that disease not practically, but theoret ically. 1 look upon those who have Bono entirely to the bad with feelings of In difference, yet for the young and Inex perienced who labor uhder those delu sions so common In a corrupt soelety. and who are dally seen In the company of vicious and unprincipled characters, I have extraordinary feelings of sympathy. I am neither ahocked nor surprised when I look upon r man or woman who la ap parently determined to plunge themselves Into ruin, and I have no Inclination to offer them advice or speak a word In their favor; but ,whcn I nee a young per son battling against, or yielding to their first temptation, I feel a lingering un easiness. When 1 hear one of thoso tip-to-dato obscene Jokes or riddle that raise so much applause In the theater I look around to see. If anyono Is offended, and If not t laugh with the rest; but I can never enjoy a vulgar atory or Joko when there are young boys and glrla present who I think will resent It. When I see an old cocalno fiend wapderlng through the blind alleys I pay no attention, but a boy and a girl spooning In a dark coiner of the park I look upon as a seri ous and melancholy situation. I have seen drunka piled up In saloons like cord wood without being disturbed In tho least, but when I tee a young girl drink ing wine In a cafe It seems aa If I ought to raise a violent outcry, and yet I know It la none of my business and not my funeral. I would rather, as far aa my feelings nre concerned, see a dozen men die of delirium tremens than to see a young man raise the bottle to his mouth and take the first drink. I would rather prevent one young person from going to tho devil thon to have a part In all tho reformatory achemea that man ever In vented. I get an attack of prudlahneaa every time I see a bunch of gayety glrla on a billboard, and oven when" I sea pretty glrla shining men'a shoes I feel "prudish." E. O. M'lNTOH. .V Hot One from Wooater. SILV15U CBBKK, Neb., May .-To ths Editor of The Bee! What la all our trouble on account of Mexico about, anyway "Only this and nothing more," that President Woodrow WHaon refused to recognize Vlctorlano Huerta as president of Mexico. But Huerta waa In actual possession of tha government of Mexico, ho occupied the official palace of Chapultepec; his government was generally acquleacod In by the people, excepting a fow rebels, mostly In the north, and he was in truth tha defacto, president of Mexico Ho had been recognized by all, or nearly all, of the great powers, three of tho South American republics refusing to recognize him, perhaps because they thought so doing might he taken aa an approval of revolutions and revolution ists. Had Wilson recognized Huerta all would have been peace with Mexico, so far aa we are concerned, with no. t.hpught of war, except on the part of .a few American capitalist and ilmroes whn nro always demanding that we. take poa sesslon of Mexico And why would' not President Wilson recognize Huerta? For tho reason, as he alleged, that Huerta waa not rbe constitutional president of Mexico: that he -was a traitor to Madero, and that hla hands were stained with Madero's blood, I submit that It waa none of Presi dent Wilson'a business whether iiuerta was the lawful president of Mexico or not. That was a question for the Mexi cans to determine for themselves and waa none of our affair. Suppose that when Hayes took hla scat aa president of the United Btatea England had re fused to recognlzo him, or do buolnesa with him, on the ground that he Uad been seated by an extra-constitutional tribunal, which waa tho fact, and was not lawfully prealdent. England would at once have been told, with very great emphaala, to keep Its nose out of our affairs and all tho statesmen of contl nental Europe would have thought British statesmen had gone daft. But what bet? ter are we offi aa to Mexico? tiy should President Wilson be ao very so licitous aa to constitutional government In Mexico, and why should he have auch an antipathy to traltora? It la moatly a matter of a guilty conscience. Ho knows that alnoo he became president there has been no constitutional government In the United 8tates, and ho knows, too. that he owe hl own position as president to the work of two notorious, not to aay Infamous, traitors one of whom tho "Prince of Peace." he rewarded for his treachery with a place In his cabinet, and tho other haa been recently strenuously hunting tha presidency In South America. If an unconstitutional government Is a good thing for tho United States, why should it be auch a bad thing for Mexico? And If in the United States traitors are to be honored why in Mexico should they bo ao mercilessly condemned? But If the prince of peace betrayed Champ Clark and the democrats of Ne braska, and If he of the front teeth be trayed the republican party that made him prealdent of the United States, how much better off la Wilson as to Colonel Harvey of the North American Review who discovered him: who was hla stead faat friend and almost alono his friend; and who, single-handed and alone put him on tho broad road to the presidency only to be cast arlde In what ahovjld havo been his hour of triumph In a cold blooded, pentlemanty way iUcn M onJr tho prince of lngrates could be capable of? If Juatlce had been done, Cc-Ienl Har vey would now be the American lm baatador in London Instead of that abortion of a diplomat and statesman row misrepresenting us at the court of St. James. Verily "men do not gather grape off thorna or figs oft thistles." Neither will tho United Btatea gather either honor or Story In Mexico. CHARLES WOOSTER. Tectinteniltlea and Crime. Now Tork World. In S9i Charles Carlesl was convicted gf ountorfeltlng and served part of ajrlsot term, but waa pardoned by Fresldmt Roosevelt. Sentenced In February. 1J1Z, to twelve years in prlaon for forgery as a second offender, he contended that hla full pardon made him flrat offender and hence. Illegally sentenced. This silly quibble, which common aenso Instantly rejects, has wasted tho time of judges up to the United States supreme court and kept Carles! mora than two year put of prison la there no euro for suoh de lays? Can lawyers always play with Ju dicial process with Impunity' t First Memorial Day Official Observance Began Forty-Six Year Ago. SUNNY OEMS. DealarnnUn thr Day. Forty-six ycara ago today the first official ob servanco of Memorial day, May 30, under tho auspleea of the Orand Army of tho Republic, occurred In the United Btatea. The Orand Array waa a babe-ln-armu, 2 years old, when, on May 6, 1868. Commander-in-Chief John A. Logan Issued generat ordora No. 11 desig nating May JO aa a day upon which flowers should bo strewn upon tho grave of the natlon'a defenders. In spite of tho ahort notice, the day waa generally ob served. Graves were decorated, addressea were de livered, there were parkdes, and business houses were closed during the exercises, "From that beautiful day In 18," writes Colonel J. A, Watroua In tho Chicago Record-Herald, "every succeeding SOth of May haa witnessed the same Im pressive, Inspiring, patriotic ceremonies. Indeed, they have grown more impressive, more patriotic, more beautiful aa tho years have come and gone, until now tho day is regarded aa the nation's time for a general review of the past and a better preparation of future citizenship. Many of tho states have made It a legal holiday. Others will do so. The literature of Memorial day has no superior In patriotic spirit. rtnvnnra of Time. "A glance through memory's eyes down the lines of the ex-aoldiera who obeyed order No. 11 and set In operation tho observance of .Memorial day, is pro ductlva of peculiar emotions. Then there were no gray beards, no bent forms, no trembling hands, no halting ateps. All were young, bright-eyed, trimly built nil save the maimed; all stood erect and marched like tho noldlera they had been through tho mightiest struggle of modern times. They had but Just begun tho work of their lives, outside of their service for tho country. They were hard at work lay ing foundations and building upon them. Tho moat of life was before them. They were full of hope, of confidence, of energy and boundless In their love for tho country that they had served when it most needed aervlco. In imagination I can sec those long lines of young men, ex-soldlers, winding through tho city or out in tho country and halting in cemeteries to re member tho dead who had died by their aide, died that tho flag' might continue to wave, to be sun kissed, to inspire. "Today, when tho civil war soldiers form In line to march In the memorial parade, please take time to glance through their ranks. There will be only gray, beards and whllo-halred men there. Few, if any, will step off as they stepped off In war days and as thoy did In 1S68, In the first memorial parade. Nearly all are wearing glasses, that they mny make no misstep In tho short parade. There are few whose forma are not mqre or Jess bent. There nre few Whose faces do not exhibit wrinkles more or less deep. But within their breasts there are hearts full of love for their country, whoso possessors are as patriotic It not moro so as they were when, aa young men. they marched and fought, and again marched to sprinkle spring's choicest blossoms upon the graves of those who Tiad been their tent-mates, their frienda, their comrades, But It could not be otherwise. More than an averago lifetime has passed since that first Me morial day. Tho world haa grown older and they have grown older with It. The world has grown better, and they havo contributed to making It grow better. May wo not bellovo that they have grown better with it better and stronger In mind, In heart. In character, In all waya that help to make up the desirable Ameri can citizen? Frnlta of the Obserrnner,, "Today mony millions of American citizens will again participate in or witness memorial ceremonies, nnd the participating and witnessing will make them bettfci1 citizens or the' republic. Tho thousands of pa triotic addresses, tho Inspiring music, the universal display of the flag, tho generat rovlew of the past all these do much toward Implanting In the hearts of tho people deoper and more abiding love for the free republlo given by Washington and hla associates and confirmed by Lincoln and his armies. "What ore some of the fruits of these observances In tho last forty-six years? Their Influence In edu cating tn patriotism cannot be overestimated. Thu value of patriotism In a republic like ours cannot be overestimated. The deeper, the broader, tho firmer and tho more abiding the love of country, the whole country, la, the stronger, .the better, the greater and the more influential will bo the country. No other one thing In all thoso yeara has contributed more to the creation of patriotic sentiment, filling the hearts of tho pcoplo with love for country, Its Institutions, its people and Its flag. The Introduction of Memorial day seems to have been .the beginning of a splendid system of presenting In a proper light before the public, and particularly beforo the youth of the land, facta Well calculated to give them a keener apprecia tion of the blessings of a free republic and to show them the demand and value of enlightened, patriotic citizenship- Without Intending to boast, the Grand Army of tho Republic points to Memorial day, Its establishment, its upbuilding, its observances for more than a lifetime, as a monument over which any class, In any ago of the nation, might well have rejoiced. Tho Orand Army by no means claims for Itself that all of these good results havo come through lla un aided efforts only that It haa been the leader." People and Events Just as Henry Frd Is reducing his working force tho Ford company declared an extra cash dividend of 10Q per cent. Considerable sugar with tho vinegar. Prof. Albert Bushnoll Hart of Harvard, declares that "Captain John Smith gave ua tho story of hi rescue by Pocahontas, It la all untruo-a He!" Gee, whiz, must the Ananias club take In dead ones, tool Henry Dorman, 115 years old, died at hla home In Liberal, Mo., tho other day. He served In both tho Mexican and Civil wars. Family records show he waa born In 8teuben county, New Tork, January, 10, 1753. Under the management of George B. Cortelyou fO-cont gaa is turning huge profits Int tho treasury of tho company In New Tork. When tho 80-cent rate waa demanded eight yeara ago It waa denounced' as "confiscation." When Thomas Davis applied for a marriage license In Cleveland, O., the clerk asked where tho bride was, and then, looking over tha counter, saw her. Bho waa exactly four feet high, but said that aho had been married, twice before. A 12-year-old girl, daughter of Judge Catherine Waugh McCulloch of Chicago, waa tho only ono of several score of Btble students able to anawor twenty six quetlons In Bible facts. The same questions stumped eight out of twelve ministers. A feast of watermelons grown laat summer, picked In August and preserved since In a dry room, waa served to the frienda of John Crowell, a farmer living In Boird Creek, Del. During tho recent cold anap a fire was kept In tho room where the melons were. Tho seizure by tho government of the boat en gaged tn tho recent gun-running In north Ireland putt tho earl of Mltrim In the hole tor 140,000 damages, payable to the owner of the boat. This Is an in stance where Irish' humor couldn't break in with an ax. Mra. Klotz of Brooklyn, gave a party the other day In honor of her "hired girl." who had comptated fifty years' continuous eervlco In the Klots family. The generation that Is now beginning to hire ser vants will, perhaps, bo happy beforo long to hold a celebration when tha servant has "stayed" for a year. Qua Hanoi, British aviator, promises to make a try for tho Atlantic flying record and a purse of S0, 004 next August- Tho start Is to be made from New Foundland In a 900 horsepower aeroplane capable of carrying a total weight of 4.M0 pounds. If ha doesn't win tho roooty ho Is faMr "- c saving funeral exponsoa. Marks ts that concern you work for a close corporation? ParKs-l should ssy It Is. 1'vo been try ing to get a raise of alary foi the last eight years. Boston Transcript. "Great Scott, but that fellow they sent here a dumb one! "Is he?" "I should sav! You Just Ought to hear him talk!" Baltimore American. "Joslah," said Mrs. Comtossel, "you're going to church right regular now." "le. I want to learn as much about heaven na possible. I'm getting up a prospectus for the summer hotel we're going to start nnd I want as many at tractive Ideas us I can get."-Washlnston 8tar. "Every man should be nmbldcxtrous," observed the sage. "What ono hand can do the othar hand can be taught to do." ' Well, let s see you put your right hand In your left pants pocket, ' said the fool. Cincinnati Ennulrer. "I thought you were working on Jay Krank s new house," said a house paint er's friend. "I was going to." replied the house painter, "but I had a quarrel with him, and he said he'd put the paint on him self." "And did he do It?" "Yes, that Is where he put most of It." Philadelphia Press. A palatial touring car had attracted the attention of a visitor to Boston and he asked hla friend; "Who Is tho man seated In that car?" The Bostonlan glanced In the direction Indicated and replied. "That Is the poet ' laureate of a well known biscuit factory." Everybody's Magazine. "The people In the slums ahout hur resort entirely too much to tho castlga tlon of their offspring." 1 "Oh, no, they don't. They would ho t0.aif, at the 'do ot urh a thing.". . Then what do they do as family dis cipline?" "They wallop their kids." Baltimore American. . , . IDA N0E. There Is a boy named Willi Pass We heard of weeks ago' It Is a girl I speak of now Her name Is Ida Noe. She Is a menace to tho boys And girls in every class. And always tags close to the heels Of little Wllllo Pass. Thin Ida Noe Is not In love With rudiment and rule. But she laid tho cornerstone last year Of our vacation school. Now, If Ida Noe Is discouraged And supplanted by lkln Dlgg, The Cloud that appears at passing tirrte Won't loom so black and big. Then let's put Willie Tass on a way And bid Ida Noo aklddoo; For lkln, Dlgc with his hand st the wheel Can steer most any boy through. For lkln Digg is the captain Of the boat that sails afar To a Jolly and free vacation land Where no grammars nor 'rlthmetles are Omaha. -BAYOLt, NE TRELE. By right of conquest the Ford is Jking of cars. No matter where you go you'll find the Ford the ruling favorite. It has a well-earned, world-wide reputation for dependable and economical service. It's the Universal Car. Five hundred dollars Is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car Is flTe fifty; the town car seven fifty f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from Ford Motor Company. 191 C Harney Street. How to Get a Job The next best and wisest thing for a work-hunter to do after and while ad vertising in the "Situations Wanted" col umn of The Bee is to study the HELP WANTED advertisements and to answer all that look at all likely. The job you probably ought to have 10 apt to be advertised any day. Whether or not you find and answer that special advertisement, may change the whole course of your life. Make one of these ads worth more to you than it is to anybody else. YOU CAN DO IT. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Rtadt Be Want Adt, JUL. Make Your Dollar Produce More in a New York City Hotel .50 $2 $3 r-- A Pleasant room with private bath, PER DAY facing large open court. (Not one room, but one hundred of them.) An excellent rnnm uHh .00 PER DAY SJaCing Strfiet Suthern (Not one room, but eighty-seven of them.) Also attractive Room without Bath for $1.50 per day. The Restaurant prices are most moderate. Location One minute from S of the largest department stores. f,lT.1.mInuJfs',wLk rom 19 Principal theatres. Within a block of the Fifth Are. shopping dls- Erry line of transportation puses the door, Fifth Avenue Bus lines and principal surface lines. The Hudson Tubes across the street. Elerated Railroad Station across the street Subway Station three minutes away. Grand Central Station within seven minutes. Pennsylvania Railroad Station Just one block away. For convenience one could ask no more. The Hotel 600 ROOMS 400 BATHS EVERYTHING NEW AND MODERN. A FIVE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL, EOUIPPED TO SATISFY THE MOST EXACTING TASTE. All Baggage Transferred Free to and from Pennsylvania Station THE HOTEL MARTINIQUE On Broadway, 32od to 33rd Streets, New York CHARLES LEIGH TAYLOR, WALTER CHANDLER, JR. WALTER C. C1EN i -KM. .1