Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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TrtHteei of School Accept Offer of
Site in Fairacres.
rUn of rropateA Bnlldln Ire
rntPd nnd Will lie Shown to
the Fnhllo Xext Motodar
Brownell Mall. th Nebrk tehool lor
clrii that ha bn maintained on South
Tenth tret for fifty yean. U to movi.
J t U to so to Falracrea. Jut wert o the
cltr Ilmlti, and la to b located upon a
ttn-acre tract donated by C. C. and J. B.
George of the real estate firm ot Oeor
& Co, Thli much wt decided at the
meeting- of the board of truatee held
-ecterda) afternoon.
Btaldes the truatcea, both Bishop Will'
lama and Blahop Beecher of Kearney
were In attendance. They advocated the
erection of & new bulldlnc and aasured
the trustees that the people ot Nebraska,
trho have supported Brownell lull for
the last fifty year, aro now ready and,
willing- to take hold-and. do more thart
ever before In behalf of the ichool.
Bishop Beecher added enthusiasm to.
the meeting by assuring- the trustees that
the people of the western part of the
itate look Upon Brownell Hall as one of
the leading- find aubatantial achoola ot the
country and that In the future they aro
totns to patronize It to a much greater
extent than In the past.
Plana Are fthovrn.
During the meeting the committee on
plans and scope was called In and with
the members came Architect Print, who
had prepared preliminary plans. These
were examined and at the noon luncheon
at the Vnlverslty olUb Monday noon,
where a large number of- the alumni
members of Brownell Hall will be pres
ent, they will be, shown to the public,
The plan contemplate a building, or
rather three buildings, all undtr one root
and costing In the aggregate $2o0,000. The
buildings, as contemplated by the plans,
will consist of a malp, or central struc
ture, three stories high, with a high base
ment On either side there will be' wings,
two stories, and a basement. The build
ings are to be of pressed brick construc
tion, fireproof and modern In every par
tlcular, somewhat ornamental. The cen
tral structure la to be used as. an admin
istration building, with dormitories on the
upper floors. The wines will ba for class
and recitation rooms, gymnasium, dining:
halls and dormitories.
Out of respect to the memory ot the
episcopal bishops ot Nebraska, who have
had so much to do with making Brownell
p. success, the buildings are to be
named for them. The central structuro
will be known as the Talbot house, one
ot the wlnga the Clarkson and the othor
the Worthlnston house.
To Start Thla Year.
The provision 6f the gift of land by the
Messrs. George provide that. If accepted,
the buildings shall be commenced this
year and be completed and ready for oo-
supany not later than October, 1918. feel
ing that the Ore la short, the truateea
and all conneoted with Brownell Hall wilt
Inaugurate a campaign and begin the
work of raising funds. Already numerous
subscrlptleita have been. Promised, though
fto canvass has 'been made. T The trustees
.r of the opinion ihat little difficulty
wilt be experienced In raising the necm
sary money required to erect, complete
and equip the buildings.
The site has been examined and has
been pronounced Ideal. It lies well to the
north of Fairacres and stopet gently to
the south.
At the meeting of. the trustees. Miss
Johnson, principal otv'Brownell Hall, was
present and .submitted her report as to
the condition, ot the school. This report
shewed an Increased attendance, splendid
worit done by the pupils and the finances
In excellent shape.
Body of Former Omaha Woman to
Be Brought from St Lonii.
Funeral SerrJce to lie Held at First
'Coriarrrsratlonal Chnrc"h llozle
Clark nnd Family to Areom
puny nody to Omaha.
The body of the late Mrs. 8. H. II.
Clark will arrive from St Louis early
flunday morning, coming In a. private car
over the Missouri Pacific It will remain
In the car until about 1:39 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, when It will be taken to the
Hrst Congregational church, where at 3
'clock funeral services will be held. In
terment will be at Prospect Hill. The
pall bearers selected are as follows:
Honorary Active
George Barker. Of orge S. Brewster,
S. D. Barkalow. Charles It. Gratton,
Joseph It. Millard, Charles W. Axtell,
O. W. Megeath, Albert F. Mayne,
F. A. Nash. Judge Howard Ken
Thomas Swobe. nedr.
Q. II. Thummel. Wm Hoagland.
lenryw: Tales. Frank B. Johnson,
.. ueorge.H. Btebbtns,
From St Iiouls the body of Mrs1. Clark
wjll be Kccompanlftjd by her son, Hoxle.
his family and a." number of" personal
friends. . .
Officer O. P. Pctrrinn. w
compassion, when he loarned that Or-
viue uaston, colored, was from "hi home
town," HuntsvHle, Ala., and he declared
to rolfcc Judge Hascall that th mm
as thoroughly acquainted with the cltv.
having described many ot the "crap
shooting" resorts of the southern city,
With Which Officer Petersen w. fnmltl.-
Gaston waa (Uncharged, In spite of. the
fact that an Inner .automobile tire, two
twilr of automobile- Kinases and other
paraphernalia unusual for a, side-door
Pullman traveler were found lit his pos
Andrew Myers, Frank Guide!) and Will
iam Bloemer, charged with Insulting girls
and women who passed along the street
near Jack Carney's saloon at IMS Vinton
street, were fined $10 and costs each by
Police Judge Hascall, and the sentence
waa suspended on their promise to be
Aged Woman Killed
Instantly -by a Fort
Crook Interurban
Mrs. Louise Haney, aged "0 years. 1KB
Monroe street, was Instantly killed Friday
morning by a Fort Crook Interurban car
at Railroad avenue and Monroe street,
outh Omaha. Mrsi Haney Ms said to
have been a little deaf, and when she saw
tne ncavy ear approaching became con
fused and after heaUUtlng about cross
Ing, stepped right In front of the con
veyancc. !
Her body waa horribly mutilated ,M
the head waa severed from, the body
The body waa taken In charge by Deputy
Coroner Larklo.
Mrs. Hintv m,i4ji.!hi. v. nM ... i , u , v. -
- . v . ,vtuc win, nor
son, J. W. lUfwy,, SOKE Monroo street.
oesiaea whom she. is survived by Mrs
Sarah Patrick-and .R, Z. Haney.' both ot
The car was In charce at K1 Ram.n
motorman. and George Chllds, conductor.
Wife of Lieutenant
Test Dies in Santa Fe
Word was received. In Omaha last night
announcing the death ot Mrs. Fred Test,
wife ot Lieutenant Fred Teat, h( Santa
Fe, N. M.. yesterday afternoon.' She
leaves a husband and an Infant daughter.
ine uoay -wu dc orougni here and will
prooapiy oe ounea in council Bluffs,
old home.
Lieutenant Test Is a ion of General
Test of this city. Ho ) a regular, army
oincer and is stationed ak8ant Fe.
was married last August to Miss
Bixby, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Frnk
C. Blxby, one of the well-known families
oi council J3iuiff. but now residing
SiBter Ship of the
One Sunken Always
Said the Unluckier
Maritime aupemtltlon about "lucky
and "unlucky" -vessels Is overturned by
the disastrous wreck of the Empress ot
According to Joseph Keenan, manager
ot the Henshaw, who made the trip
abroad In 1M7 on the KmDress of Britain.
sister isp of the one Just sunk, the
Britain had nlwnys been considered un
lucky since Its first voyage, whereas the
Ireland, now at the bottom ot tbe sen.
lied enjoyed the reputation of being the
lucky vessel of the two.
Regular and persistent good fortune
had always followed the Ireland on Its
voyages, Keenan says. On the other hand,
the Britain, which Is stltl In navigation,
had frequently had 111 'omens attend Its
sailings. On Its maiden voyage, he says.
It had a slight mishap, on Its thirteenth
voyage propeller trouble had hindered It,
and only a year ago It had collided with
a coal barge. Sailors, therefore, consid
ered the Britain unlucky, while the Ire
land, which now has had the worst ot
fates, always bore a reputation of good
Postal Delivery to
Be Out Saturday!
Mall sen-Ice at the Omaha postofflce
will be curtailed Saturday on account of
Memorial day. The regular three deliver
ies will be made to the business district,
but only one delivery In the morning will
be made In the residential sections of the
city. In the afternoon the postofflce will
be open, but only two divisions, tho gen
eral delivery and the postage, will be open
end only one window at each division.
Another hard rain was general ov-r a
large portion of Nebraska Thursday
night, the greatest precipitation being at
Mlnden, where it aggregated three
Inches. There waa two inches at Har
vard and Stromsburg, with frum nn Inch
to one and one-halt Inches at Krlcson.
Clay .Center, Schuyler, Fremont, Grand
Island, Seward and Columbus.
Along the Northwestern tlicro was a
steady rain during the last halt of the
night all tho way from Omaha to Win
ner, S. P.
The management of Krug p.rk has
everything In readiness to handle the
large crowd which la expected on Decora
tion day. in the afternoon a special mat
inee will be given In the dancing pavilion.
Lamp's orchestra Is as popular, aj ever
with the dancers, who throng the pavll
lion nightly. The new roller rink has
proved a great success .and the new
Frolle Is a close rival with the popular
On Saturday. 'June C Porno and his
band M come o Knit, park for two
weeks. Prof. Porno Is a very- able mu
itclan and director and hag arranged
programs to please the lovers of both
lassictl and popular music, .
A Bitter Tonic
Aids digestion, leetric Bitter will Sn-
crease your appetite, beln digest yojr
Every Correct Straw is Here
You will find our selection Complete In
overy detail, omlttng nothing that fashion
has approval for 'summer. The high taper
or boll crowns with narrow brims as well
as the lower crown, wider brims are here.
Young men who want the smartest hats In
Omaha cannot afford to neglect this display.
FAAsufea Hats, 97.60 nnd $10
Straw Hats, f t.60 fa, JS.BO, $8, 4 and 8.
. Gesulse Bangkok Rata at 4 f5 aad fe
Sale of $2 and $3 $ 45
Straw Hats at . . 1
These are the latest 1014 styles and aro the products of the best
makers. Qualities are thoroughly good. We secured them from
a JV. Y. commission houso at a special reduction, so can offer them
aj. about half price Actual $2.50 and $3 hats, Saturday at $1.45.
Extraordinary Values in Shirts
Fino percale, raadras and soisotto
shirts in noat patterns. Nockband stylo
with laundered cuffs, alBo extra pair of
cuffs. Flno solsette shirts with soft
ColUr attached or detached collar
with soft French 'cuffs. Regular
$1 and $1.25 values, at..
ShirU-Wtrtk tt $4, at $2.8
Fine. tub. .and crepe silk shirts.
These are the best shirt values we
have ever offered. Fine tub silk
shirts in neat patterns with soft
French cuffs, worth to
14.00. at
Sale of $1.50 Summer Shirts at $1
About 150 dosen In negligee and outing styles. Most of them
the "Faultless" mako, Very choice lot of tine madras, pongee arid
sotsetto shirts, most desirable for sumer wear. Many with at
tached soft collarq or detached collars. AU worth $1.50. On sale
Saturday at f 1.
Fine Silk Shirts
Highest quality Imported tub
and crepe silk shirts In plain
white and neat stripe effects.
Shirts worth to $6, for fS.OB.
25c Neckwear, 15c
Fine silk wabh tubular tour
. in-hand ties in neat patterns.
Regular 25c values. Special in
this sale for 19c
Regylar $1 Union Suits at
Long or short sleeves.
A special
union suits.
length style'. Regular $1 values,
color, Saturday at the suit.
Also knee
White and ecru
Regular 75c Union Suits at SOc
Men's Athletic nainsook union, suits. Kne length and sleeve
less. Regular 76o values. Choice ot 50 dozen at a suit 60c.
Last Day of the Wash Suit Sale
$1.SQ and $2 Manhattan
and Cadet Wash Suits
Plenty of these suits left for shoppers who come to
morrow, and they are well worth coping for. All new
styles Russian blouse, Oliver Twist, Balkan, middy and
fcatlbr styles. All are regularly worth $1.60 and $2,
Choice Saturday for 05c
Manhattan ail linen
Knickerbockers in
blue, ts or.
black and .white
Boys' white and tan sole
s'eUe blouses, reg- m
ular 76c quality. If ft
special Saturday, fljl I
Boys' washable tour-in-
.hand neckties In
a big assortment
ot pretty styles,
Boys' shirts of madras,
porcale and sol-
sette. regular 75c
values. Saturday
Store Your Furs
in our cold dry air vaults dur
ing the summer to protect them
against moth, fire, theft and dam
ago from hot weather.
Films Developed Free
We will develop your photo
film rolls and packs In the most
perfect manner, and charge you
nothing tor the service.
Store Closed Till Noon Saturday. Open for Business from 12 O'clock Until 9 P.M.
G-lnch high lustro mossaline. 5 A and 6- . u
Inch fancy warp prints, brocades, nil new
June Ribbon Sale
Begins Saturday
1 1 V
Xevcr wcro ribbons so much In vogue. Tho summer fashion de
ntnndfl ribbons for every garment, enhancing tho attractiveness of the
speclnl values wo nro offering In our Annual .Tuno Sale of Ribbons. Everything In ribbons is here for
sashes for girillc.5, minarcttes, jumpers, millinery nnd dress trimmings, all at most advantageous prices.
A most beautiful selection of the now fancy warp prints, brocades,
Roman and byadero stripes and velours in widths of 6 to 10 inches;
also eroscrain molro and satin taffeta ribbons in a. big variety of shades.
Extra values at YARD
5Va-inch all silk messalinos, satin and.
f-inch molro antique In
blue, pink and all the best
special, at ,
Velvet Ribbon
Black velvot ribbon.
Panama hats and sashes:
Nob. 60 and 80. special, yd. 30c
Nos. 22 and 40, special yd. ROc
moire taffeta, in tht best new shades, on
sale, yard.....
4 and 5-Inch fancy warp prints and high f
lustre messaline ribbon specially priced for I zg
Saturday, at
Drugs, Toilet Goods
Pears' unscenteJ
cake ... .
Diamond Dyen
All colors. Qn
pack ou
Melba face how
der. AH O Qn
Palmer' to 1 1 o t,
:&c.r:.:?c !6o
Pond'n VanlHhlns
Cream, Jn
25c pit.. . I'U
IVroxIde of Hy
drogen, 1- Q.
lb. bottle. .
Williams Sh a v
Ing Soap,' 2 En
cakes for. . .
Creme Marquise.
50c nlze iln
jar for. .
fiUllmnn'H Frec
kle Cream, OQo
r.0o sire. .
Java nice row
dor; all I On
shades .at IQU
La Floris Tal
cum POTV- I Qn
der. S5c size
CUtlcura Soap,
2bc Mr.o I An
cake for. . 1
Carter's Little
Liver Pills, I
ZSc size.. I ll
Dandcrlne. K0C
alzb bottle 2Q(j
llorlick'a" Malted
M l I k. Hospttiil
Lapactlc pills
100 in
Hay's Hair
Health. BOn sin
for . . . .
a sin
$1.50 and $2 Bags at $1
Real morocco hand bags In the
popular small shapes. Silk lined.
Some with pannier handlea. Reg
ular $1.50 and $3 bags; special
at each $1.
$4 Hand Bags, $2.98
Real seal, real pin seal and
real walrus leather bags Includ
ing all tha now shapes, styles and
colors. :8omo silk lined. Some
leather" lined. Values actually
$4t8aturday at t2.P8.
Jewelry Specials
All the regular GOc Ivory mani
cure pieces, Saturday for 10c.
Long Jet earrings. Very new
and priced at 28c, 00c, OOc, J?l.
Aluminum braid pins. Beautiful
pierced designs with two rows of
brilliants. 76c values, priced for
Saturday, at each 50c.
ASplendid Selection of
Wash Dresses, $6.98
A variety of styles surpassing any we
have provlously shown at this price, and
Inmeasurablo superior to any othors you'll
see. Linens, voiles, eponges and combi
nation colored noveltlos. Many havo
Russian girdle and tho fashlonablo long
Russian tunics. Many aro vory extraor
dinary values at $0.08.
Tub Dresses at $2.98
Special lot or dainty summor tub dresses
arranged for Saturday's selling. They are
made ot checked and plain ginghamB,
plain and striped voiles, chambray and
other summor fabrics, and trimmed wlln
pretty laces and embroidery. An unusu
ally fine lot at $2.08.
Wash Skirts for $1
Again Saturday wo fcaturo women's
wash skirts at this price, offering
styles and qualities actually worth
much more.
Voile Waists at $1.00
Twenty-two now and different styles ot
voile wnlatB aro ready here for your se
lection Saturday at only $1,
A Special Lot of Children's Dresses
Children's wash dresses of plain and figured percales,
check and plaid ginghams. Pretty and practical styles.
All aro unusually good at
09 c
Saturday Sale ef
Muslinwear . .
Emplro and kimono gowns,,
skirt length chomlses, white pet
ticoats with rows of lace Inser
tion and daintily trimmed draw-,
crs all exceptionally pretty gar
ments at OOc.
Knit Underwear
At Special Prices
Swiss and fine ribbed. Cuff, and
umbrella knee, styles. Kayser
make. Values regularly i7A
up to $1.50; at, suit I J'
Women's Union Suits, SOc
Splendid quality garments of
fine lisle. Made In cuff and um
brella knee styles. Worth gn
up to 79c; at, the suit. . . . wwU
Women's Union Suits at 25c
Summer weight lisle union suits
In umbrella kneo styles. Garments
regularly worth 35c spo- og
clally priced Saturday for iwv
Women's 30c Vests at 35c
. Womente lislo vests with plaiu
beading top or dainty hand cro
oht lace yokes. Regularly worth
.'Oc, Saturday 3 for $1, OC
or garment ...,..,.. iswyC,
JJoys' Porosknit Union Suits,. 35c
The genuinely cool and com
fortable garments for summer,
Made with high neck;, short sleeves
and in knee length. Sizes qe
S to 16. 50c values, at suit OOC
"M" Knit Union Suits
The well known make for boys
and girls. Patent taped seams
and buttons. Also some sizes in
MunBingwear. 50o values, oj"
Saturday at fciOC
Sale of Fans $
Worth to $3.50
An Importer's sample line of high grade fans,
mostly of French make, at a fraction of their
regular prices Saturday.
250 in the lot, including Ivory, bone and
ebony. Some hand painted, some lace trim
med, some ot plumes and many other styles.
AU worth $2, $3.50, $3 and $3.50. Choice ot
tho lot tor $1. Main Floor.1
New Corduroy and
Golfine Outing Hats
The natty little shapes of golfine and cor
duroy so popular among tho out-of-door girls.
Soft hood and sailor shapes in white, navy,
gold, tan and rose. Priced
$1.25 and $1.50
Pure Silk Hose at 50c
Women's pure silk
boot hose with vdo
mercerized lisle garter
double hem top,
double lisle, also linen
soles, high spliced
heels and toes. Full
fashioned. The shades
Include tan, grey, navy,
sky, pink, mahogany,
yellow, apricot, cardi
nal, purple, emerald,
b r o nze, champagne,
copper, Nell rose, as
well as white and
black. Exceptional val
ues, at pair SOc.
Women's Silk Lisle Hose at 35c
Quality unequalled for wear. Reinforced
with hem top, six thread toe and high apllced
heels. Full fashioned and regular made;
also pure thread silk boot, full fashioned and
fibre silk seamless' hose. Black, tan
and fancy colors. Pair OOC
Lisle and Cotton Hose at 25c
Very fine grade ot women's mercerized
lisle nnd cotton hose, full fashioned with wide
hem tops, doublo soles, high spliced heels,
and toes. Black, tan, white, pink, sky, grey
and bronze. Special for Saturday nfi
at tho pair CtJK.
$1.39 Women's Onyx Hose, 85c
The genuine ''Onyx" hoso, known tho
world over for Us excellence. For Satur
day wo otter the regular $1.39 quality
of ingrain silk with double garter tops,
doublo soles and toes, spliced QC1
heels, at pair OOC
Children's Hose at 15c
Dependable quality hose for misses, boys
and children. Fine and heavy ribbed mer
cerized lisle and cotton with triple knee
spliced "heel and toe. Black, tan, white,
sky, pink and red. Special - C
values at the pair IOC
Sale of Women's Pumps $f)50
Worth $3.50 and $4, for
500 pairs ot women's fine colonial
pumps with tongue and buckle. Now
Spanish or Gaby heels. Black or gray
silk vesting quarters. Handsome new
summer models, excellent qualities? reg
ularly worth $3.50 and $4, special, $2.50.
Men's "Trustworthy" Oxfords
These oxfords aro preferred by men who want
style and fit and sorvlce at moderate cost. New
styles in black and tan are now being shown.
All sizes and widths, at $3.50.
Bathing Shoes
Tho latest tango ef
fects with cork soles,
all colors, priced, at
pair, iOc.
Tennis Shoes
Tennis shoes and ox
fords for men, women
and boys priced at 40c
to $1.50 pair.
Odds and Ends Children's Pumps
Odds and onds In children's pumps of tan and
black calfskin, also velvet. All good style
and in all sizes. Regular $2 to $2.50 values,
Saturday at 91.30 and 91. (it) I
Straw Slippers I Bath Slippers
The Newest
Austrian straw slip
pers for lounging
wear. Men's and wom
en's sizes at 08c.
Bath slippers for
men. and women. One
large lot in all sires,
Saturday, at pair USc.
Women's silk taf
feta parasols In vari
ous pleasing colors
and comb i n a 1 1 o n s.
Novel and artistic
shapes. Some have
ribbon insertion or
fancy borders. Excep
tional values, at $1.1)8
White Parasols
A complete selection of fine white em
broidered parasols at $1. Others at $1.9S
and upwards.
Children's Parasols
Pretty little parasols In various colors for
children; regular 76c values specially
priced for Saturday at 50c.
Clearing Sale
of Corsets
A large assortment ot
broken sl?es of corsets
made ot batiste and the
new ventilated Vlntet
cloth, reduced for quick
clearance, regardless of
former 4i1 OQ
prices P
to Net Corsets
Summer net corsets
wjth medium bust and
long hip. Sizes IS to 26.
Regular $1.50 corsets,
on sale Saturday at 88c.
Girls' Underwaists
Girls' allover embroid
ery Underwaists, some
thing new and pretty for
warm weather. 8Ues 3
to 14 years. Special, SOc.
food and tone, up your eysttq? fOe nl
for. "Vt?".:?ti T,y M
tlM. AU druggists.-AarrMiment