14 THK BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1914. WANT ADS Want ads received at -iny time, but to Insure propr classification must be presented berote u o ciook -oon ior n nine edition and 1:30 p. m. tur morning and Sunday edition, want ad icceivcd after auch hours will b under tns fund ing, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. One time, 12 cents a Itne. Three time within one week, 9 cenU a line each Insertion. , Beven consecutive times, 7 centa a line each Insertion. . CHARGE HATES. One time, 12 cents a line. Three limes within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. , Seven consecutive times, 8 cents a line each Insertion. ,, Count six averace words to a line. Minimum charge, 20 cunts. The Deo will not be responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error must be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must be stopped uy written ordci. You can plsce your want ad In The lice by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLB1V 1000. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. NF.LSEN-Lewls, died Thursdsy May 28, a Red 5J years. Funeral services under the auspices or tiie Danish society and Danish Brother hood of America. No. l, Sunday at 8 0 clock at his residence, 70 Hickory St. Friends welcome. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery JIIHTHS AND DEATHS. Births-C. and Marie Andersen, hospital boy, E J. and Kula Mario Hunncll, hos pital, slrl; rhtlllp and Daisy Kent, 5 hvaml. boy; A. and A. Johnson, JJW Reward, girl: Albert and Edna Miles, 2211 Kt Mar"a avniue. gltl. Nick and llr.r bata Nozlak. 137 South Fourteenth, hoy; Henry mid Odette W'oodruft. hospital, Slrl Death- -T J. Pace-. 'cft" no.;,'l,"l J M Lnngsdorf, o months. K51 Evan. John Saunders, 42 years, hospital, Beatrice Oats, 10 years, ITS! Davenport. Besslo Jaser, years, 1W Isard, MAIllll.VUI'. LICENSES. Tnt folio Ins couples were granted marriage licenses: Name and Residence Age. Paul Hay. Omaha 1 lata Hale, Omaha A John Alfred Nelson, Omaha Anna Oberg, Omaha 25 Mrli M. Haddon, IouIsvllle 28 Alice Twits. Louisville 20 BUILDING PERMITS. J. Chrlstensen, 2301 South Sixteenth, ftame addition, 1.0M; Frank Russell, 2110 frown Point avenue, frame, $3,000; Moybcl Sullivan, 6728 North Twonty-clrfhth ave nue, frame, $2,300, and North Twenty eighth avenue, $:.30o; E. Nielsen, mi Bedford avenue, 11,800. ANNOUNCEMENTS. LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar anteed. Phono Web. 4iSi, LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard's. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Gibson's Buffet 822 South 10th St. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Ucst remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; tto postpaid: samples free. . Sherman & McConnell Ijrug Co.. Omaha. D. B. Griffith, Wig, mnfr.. 12 Frenxer Blk. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ascals and Nnlcivf nmdn. Wanted At Once, EXPERIENCED Traveling demonstrator ' for toilet goods. Must be familiar with facial treatment, Pormanont position. Expenses ad vanced and liberal com mission with a drawing account. Established line. Only experienced demonstrators nced an swer. Address E 2i)2, Bee. I Clerical anil Office. STENOGRAPHER for Insurance office, willing to pay J60 to competent girl; give telephone. Address A 184, Bee. 8TENOORA PHER Young lady who Is good speller and nccurute; wholesale house, salary, toO. Address B 183, Bee. OFFICE girl for doctor's office. Must live within walkl.ig distance. IS per week. Western Reference ft Bond As sociation. 7o2 Omaha National Bank Bldg. l.OOKKEBPER AND STENOQRAPJIER. Young lady with some experience In both, rosltlon In up.town office. Small firm. Salary JSi. Apply at once. WEST. REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. 7S2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. factory and Trades. ' earn halrd wine Opnenhelm parlor U ANTED Experienced machine girls. Vfbr Tent ft Awning Co.. 700 So. 16th. Hourkrrrra nml Doiumllo. WANTED Girl to ax:st In housework and care ot children. Call Harney 4423. ANTED-C'ompotent girl to assist with housework and baby, two In family: good home for right party; good wages; must onng references, i-au jiarney Ton& THK servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents ot Omaha, South umana ami council muirs. Jinng ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. A GIRL wanted to assist In general housework In small apartment. Call mornings. Apt. I. The Kims. 2&th and Dewey Aves. Red 4WXS. WOMAN tor general housework, all 6. 31st St Phone Harney 3831. UlRL for general housework; 3 grown persons In family. MM S. Kth St. Har. UANTbD-GIrl for general housework; house cleaning done, four In family. 4U3 Douglas. EX PERIENCED girl for general house work; permanent place, good home. 1552 N 19th fit. WANTBD-Compctent girl for general housework; family ot three. 4K Cass Et Phone Harney 2318. W ANTED Girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 1S33 S. SJth Ave. Harney 2004. YOUNO girl to assist In housework not heavy work. 6032 Davenport. WANTED Good girl to help with cook Ing. 818 So. Mth St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. COMPETENT girt for general housework. Mrs a. E. Mickel. 5331 Harney St. Phone Harney 2996. C APABLE girl for general housework In family of two. no Uundrying. 418 So. "lyiT,"rJ,rt tor peneral housework. tM a arth. Mrs. W. E. Maloney. MAID for general housework. 410 Dav- V ANTED-GIrl for general housework, mall famlli . good wages. Phone Har. ry 348. ".?KnlP.Nr'U; f'WKW good wages: !tn- tSX Davenport t Today's Complete Exclusively in The Bee DOWN TOWN. NORTH. CAMimAPHONE. HOfl DOUGLAS BT. LOTHnOP THBATlSTt 3M2 N. 24TH ST. ,? J.8.101 of the Adventures ot Broncho Billys Sermon. Essanay. . ,,?n-.. . . ... Doc Tak. the Marksman. Scllg. Also, Refined Ice Water. A Man's Bout, 2 reels. Kalcm. CLUNG THEATER" 3C68 FAHNAM HT. PALACE, 2303 DAVENPORT The Underworld of Paris, a masterpiece Tragedy of Whispering Creek. 2-r. Bison. In three parts. Exposing Hand-Cuffed Kings. Powers Mutual Weekly, latest current events. comedy. ELITE NO. 1, 1316 DO Ut) LAS ST. STAR THEATER, 1814 N, 24TH. This theater will be closed a week and U. S. Army and Navy, 3 reels. open under new ownership and manage- Mexican war picture. ment. newly equipped. , ELITE THEATER NO 2. 1313 Farnam SUBURBAN. 2TH & AMES . Pathe Weekly No. SC. Tho Ohost, 2-rcel drama. Pathe. The Warrior Maid. Kathlyn No. 10. Musle Hath Charms Not. Hellg. A mind Business. Lubln. FAHNAM THEATER, 1116 FARNAM ST. SOUTH. The Wharf Rats, 2-reeI Bron. drama. APOLLO THEATER, 2824 LEAVENW'H An Exciting Courtship. Komlc comedy. Sandy and Shorty Start Something. Vita. HIPP THKATIiRTlGTH AND HARNEY T??lrra?e?l!o?eC"anary. The Two Vanrevels, 2-reel Edison. The greater Ixive. Essanay. . Mr. Bunoghuff Buys a Hat for His COMFORT, 2TH fa INTN Bride. Vltagraph. Footprints of Mozart, 2 reels. American. e. B.ograV HT-' gggylL- V1NTQN 8T- Tl'WlTd Jlf$E& PARLOR THEATER. 1403 UUtU,,,., Marry'ing ffretch"1 toSnaycom'eSy. Hills of Silence, 2-reel Bison. OEM THEATER, 13 !"H ST. Vasco the Vampire. Imp comedy. At Last We Are Alone. 8ellg comed. PRINCESS. 1317-1313 d6U0LAH HT.' HecretcKne' '& drama. Beautiful Barbara Tenant and all-star He cr et vintov ST cast In "The Link In the Chain." 3-reel LYRIC THEATER. 1"X,?XHi;V Tragic Detectlva Mystery. Adventures of Llmberger and Schweitzer, 2-reel Powers. NOItTH. Thru the Snow. Imp. , DIAMOND. 24,0 LAKD BT. PASTIME THEATER, 24TH & LEAV. Boob'TheTe'wa.. Hex. Th LortBermoi.. 1 reels. American. lNKlX , 2ITH FRANKLIN fS ' The Nurse and the Counterfeiter. Kalem. Yarn a Tangle. 1 reel. Essanay drama. ' pfcclir? 'vi$ V.rig'r'kph1.'"""- ?"f BPttl nomance. Pathe comedy. HIPIODROME. 2TH ft CUMINQ SOUTH OilAllA. ?S. vXft&ZoT Km- iBESSE THBATBlTTmi AND N BTH. In Splto of the Evidence. 8ellg The Antique Engagement Ring, 2-r. Vita. JmtFt morssanay. He WRSSd IT". . mN LOYAL THEATER, 2TH A (JALDWELL BENSON THEATER. 6S3T. MAIN ST. Dolores D'Aiada, 2 reel. Bison. Miss Nobody from Nowhere, 2-reel Imp. Strenuous Honeymoon. Nestor comedy. with Ethel Grandln. , The Siren Dr. The Skeleton, Power drama., HEL1 WANTED FEMALE WANTED -H1TUAT1QNS lioiiarkeeiiers unU Domestics. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, willing to do WANTED- A maid for general house- other work around house. Also able to worl.; small family, best wages. Har- take care of all minor repairs to ma- ney 2M. Vila South 3Jth Ave. chine.: Best of reference. Phone Douglas WAN'l ED-Oermau or Swede woman for ASiTCBH 1316 C'""', goneral housework; two In family. Call ' A.:3-7-, VUTOMOBIliES ulRL for general housework. 83&0 Har- ney St. Tel. Harney 2SM 100 forfeit for any inugncto we can t re- OIRL for general housework; wages V. Palr. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer.noN. .W3 Mason St. WE make a specialty of aufo foredoor w-'avVvh (nmn.i., .i,, : ' ..., body building and jialntlng. Highest howork f L Baker 618 S 32d Ave i t'u1"r work- Wm- W""" Carriage noiiBeworK. j. i uaKei. bi h. a.q Ae.' -Vks. D. B922. 2th Ave, and Leavenworth; G?mill folnny8 'good wale7fencT.0r.: AMERICAN -a.), ' excellent condition. In quired" 1 a'miSt 'ffirrSy W " gulreJWl Mynster St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. OIRL for general housework; two-in lam- Industrial Oaragu Co., 20th ft Harney SU. Ily; good wages. Mrs. J. B. Rahm, HOU Oreenoiigli Omaha. Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. q!!?-.81- """ m CUT PRICE pneumatlo tires. 318 Bo. 2QtI.: WANTED-Experlenced cook; no wash- ... . Ing. Harney 1103. Motorcycles. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; .Miscellaneous. bargains in used machines, OMAHA OUNO women coming to Omaha aa BICYCLE CO., 16th and Clilcago. D. 3728. strangers ure Invited to visit tho Young . ,,,h' ".T. -....i,,.; Women's Christian association building L'n"borg Bros.. 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkel) at St. Mary's Ave. and nth 8t wheno WRITE FOR LIST they will be directed to suitable boarding OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES, places or othcrwlso assisted. Look for MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., our travelers' guide at Union station. liTjl AND HARNEY. AVOMEN Get government Jobs; J70 T3..191 model now ready. Bargains month; many appointments coming: iODGln u,e1 machines. Popo Motor list positions available free. Franklin - rvCo., 252 Iavenworth. R!3S6. Institute Dept. 668 M. Rochester. N. Y. BARCIaTnb In all makeTof used motoT- c?CIt"; Victor H. Roos. "The Motor- cyule Man." 2703 Leavenworth St. Asrents, Salesmen and Solicitors, WANTED Two good- salesmen to travel with manager. Big commissions on an exclusive auto accessory. Illg seller. See Mr. Eilcson, Hotel Neville. Opposite Post office. . SALESMEN WANTED To represent us In unoccupied territories in eorasKa to sell teas, coffer, etc., direct from the Importer to the consumers. Know one but a hustler and those competent to glvo bond need appiy. t'nion raoiuc lea. uo., 1611' Howard St., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Salesman; fine specialty l,.m.n fn. fllV wnrk fin. 1 V t Tl X peiience selling Insurance or books on time payment plan preferred. Apply Man ager, 1K Howard St. WANTED Two good salesmon to travel with manager, lllir commissions On an exclusive auto accessory. Big scllsr. See Mr. Erlcson, Hotel Nevlllg. Opp. P. O. SALESMEN wanted on commission plan, selling water heaters and gaa Irons. Ap ply between and G p. m. Omaha Gaa Co., 1S09 Howard St Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER who la able to take com plete charge; salary to begin, in, with excellent chance future advancement. Ad dress S 186, Bee. STENOGRAPHER for permanent .posi tion, with good future prospects; state experience and salary wanted. Address P. ISO, Ilea. IF YOU are looking tor a high grade Tho CO-OPKRATIVB REFERENCE CO., .a7 . . & m n a Mir nt rn Vmctavr and Triidrs. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge ot the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, such as only we are equipped to give you. The auto season Is open and the demand Is great for such men as we turn out, . NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. CALVARY Mission Free Employment bureau Is prepared to supply skilled or unskilled labor of all kinds. Office. Jacobs Hall. 1716 Dodge St. Tel. Tyler Wl; after 4 p. m. Webster 4797. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst, Beo Bldg. Miscellaneous. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph ft Co. Washington. D. C. RAILWAY postal clerks wanted; ITS month. I.lfo job. Write Immediately for full particulars. Franklin Institute, Dept. 220 M. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of men-18 to 3S- m 1 ttVil n sr 4 Ka re M u-a r ws t a 1 r aL- a r "-unU w 'V- vicia 875 month. Address Y 629, llee. EARN MORE MONEY Learn the automobile business. Prepare for the SPRING RUSH. This Is the only school where you can learn RIGHT. EX PERTS teach you. Nobrnakn Automobile Sohool, ma pooge at, 70 MONTHLY for man to manage branch ornco. eastern Kecrnaka: small Invest ment for fixtutes. Address Capital Col lection Co., Dcs Moines, Ia. o WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing. Ironing. Harney 6818. WANTED-Posltlon as butcher; will work reasonable to start; good experience In oia country, usn u. imp. YOUNQ man' wants position In lumber yard; A-l references furnished. Address Y 49, Bee. CHAUEFEUR-J1 years old, excellent ap pearance, sober, 3 years' experience, make all repairs, high grade car preferred. Address or call Room No. S18. Y. M. C. A. WANTED Position by young lady In soma clerical capacity; best ot refer ences. Address C 182. Bee. WANTED A position as chambermaid or ancnen gin. uoug. Jiw. WANTED Position at housework by middle-aged woman without a child. Telephone II 6715 WANTS a position to drive an auto truck References Addrrss M-ls), care Bee. Movie Programs mg anil mflnlAhlni?' nut. rM.lnl... in.. cher Motorcycle Co., K23 Capitol Ave. HU8INKBS CHANCES 1 m nip nii..l.rn ii 1.1 t itiu outiivBuio una re tail bakery and candy kitchen for sale ... mmy uuiynn i oo, uee VOK SALE Stock of xoneral merchandise In one of best towns. In central Ne r.r.".fc. 0$'e'L.Pia?!. tu . "tire trom S ;i..."'"..r.ntl iwcnty-nve years. . n'-iu-unic ann will oea with basement and wniehouses. Will rent Address Y 64. Beo. mY0K9 "D0Ut :0'000- TO GET in or out ot business, call on OANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. ". 3477. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write KennebecK Co.. Omaha. WANTED At once, a loan of HO.oOo from .Private party for three years. Call at l&S City Nat. Bank Bldg. Must see party personally. WANTED An Idea. Wo can think ot soma simple thing to patent? Protect f7?iir WM5 Uwy may bring you waalth. Writ for 'Noeded inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph ft C., .'aunt Attorneis, Wasnlngton. D. C to BUY or sell a business. Call on Bockhacker. 407 State Bk. Bldg. D, 8657. aiGH-CLAtttl business openings. Western uunu num ru ten tjm. iNa. xJK. uiog. RESTAURANT, sacrifice, must sell at once; old established business, day and night; excellent location. Make offer. Address H 177, Bee. Hoomlnsr Houses (or Sale. I ROOMS, full ot good roomers, furniture good condition, clean; bargain It taken at once. 334 No. 19th St NINE rooms, good roomers, bargain for cash; act quick. 638 So. lth St. EDUCATIONAL Tho Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOI ISth and Farnam. Douglas 47. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited BCholarshln In Bovles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. THE FIRST SUMMER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE . OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 1. business practice, bookkeeping, pen maruhlp, salesmanship, banking, stenog raphy, stenotypy, typewriting, telegraphy, ai-ivuuuiia, nuns, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while-attending. Call, write or telephone tor latest catalogue. Day and night school all the year. BOYLES COLLEGE, ISth and Harney Sts.. Omaha. Neb. SUMMER TERM JUNE 1. Unsurpassed classes tn all buslnesa'and English branches, shorthand, atenotype, telegraphy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, free catalogue, address Mosher Lampman College. ISIS Farnam Street, Omaha. Nebraska. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and Vehicles, OMAHA HAY AND COAL MARKET. Tho coat business Is over co we are compelled to sell 30 head, consisting ot matched teams and single horses and marts, some In foal, at a sacrifice price; from 900 to U00; gentle pony. Call at of. flee, HIS Davenport St Ttl Douglaa 2933. TEAM, sound Percheron mares. K3i uusrsmccu oreu to jaca; souna delivery horse. J60. South Omaha Transfer. 4a N. 3th St. HORSES FOR SALEPhone .South 3101'. Babcock, the 8outh Omaha auctioneer, for salo dotes. Residence MIS F bt. L08T AND FOUND OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PA NT. Persons having lost somo article would do well to rait up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tho street :rs. Many artloles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 4. LOST A bunch of keys. Please call Webster 6363: -MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TAItnY, 240 Bto Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? Sen its. quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., SOT Paxton Block. Douglas 14H MONEY furnished salary people and others upon their own names cheap rates easy payments. Norton & Co., 335 Board of Trade Bldg. OKFEHED KOU SALE S"urnltnrr. New ft 2d-hand turnit'e. cash or terms, reasonauie. Amer. f urn. uo but n. itm. ONE flat-top solid oak sanitary office uesK, rour oax otrice cnairs. Teiepnone Doug. 3dl2, between V nnd 11 a. m. DROP-HEAD sewing machines, excellent condition. 13 to lis. Web. xtit tmer- man Ave. Typewriters. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and oniy very newest and highest grauo ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for 85 for understroke machines or S3 per rnonin lor latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. uuns xypewruer, ism farnam. u. coal. TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired uenu-ai .Typewriter Jsxcnange, Ml H. 17th. RENT AN Oliver typewriter, 3 months i. J.HO unvcr -lypowriier i-o. u. viv. Mlscellnnrins, SAFES-Overstocked, 2-dhand, all makes. j. j. uengnt aare uo., 1212 Farnam. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck. Co. 21 ft Paul. A SNA'P 2 houses. VA stories: 1 cottaire. tn h moved Immediately. 23th nml .inni .r J. I. Kemp, 2G12 Leavenworth St. Doug. 987. BEAUTIFUL two-tone Axmlnlster rue, because It Is to large for our new living room. Call Harney 2937. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyle Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at tb office ot Tne Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables ad bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures ot all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 8. 10th St. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to ' Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young omen a christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave. where thv will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army industrial home no llclts your old clothing, furniture, mutt. axlnes. Wc collect. Wo distribute. Phone Douglas 413S and our wagon will call. uaii ana inspect our new Home. 1110-111 Hit Dodgo St. WA11PI k"Pt'V Select summer home for children, leavo iiirm nulla un jour vncnuon. write for rrucuirs. it. , u. io. 1 BOX 31 Benedict, Neb. rouirnY AND SUPPLIES. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry house. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75o a hundred at The Bee UlllVV. Screenings, l.3S pr. 100. Wagner, 801 N. is SILKO chick food. Wagner. Mil N. l$th AGENTS, investigate; 100 per cent nrofli: season now on; get busy. Chicken Life ssavcr to iwii uuming St. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save iimcoav .Liiu nuriaJtUKO. lour consign ments recelvo prompt and careful atten tlon. LIto Stoolc Commission Merchants MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. WANTED TU BUY. WE buy broken watches. Nathan, 109 S.18 4 or 6-r. houso to move. Wagner, SOI N.Wth. SWAPPERS' COLUMN 1813 TWIN CYLINDER MOTORCYCLE. wunn nw juat uern overna.uieu uiti in tine shape. Here Is a good ch&nca fnr some one. mbko me an oiler, a, c. 816, 1913 TWIN INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, good shape, What good offer have you to maKe. Aaaress a. tj. M4. iiec. VERY NEAR NEW Ia C. SMITH TYPE. writer, Just overhauled; will trade tor most any useful article of value; will consiaer secona-nana auto, Aaarcss B. i. w, isee. CLEAR LOT, WANT AUTO OK ROOM- ing nouse. u. u. 73S. uee. WANTED TO TRADE, PAPER HANG Ing and papering for rent ot furnished nouseKccping rooms. Aoaresa H. c. wi. nee. PROPERTY ON HARNEY ST., WEST of 20th St. worth 118.000; half cash, half trade, for good residence property. Ad- aress a u ui, care iie. TWO HOUSES ON CORNER LOT IN north Part of city: will trade for thing larger In southwest part. a. C. 72 isee. FIVE LOTS IN ORCHARD. 15 MILES ui uiiiun yuy. iraae zor small equity In house or Omaha lots. Price GOOD BENTAL INVESTMENT Have client with a nice up-to-date hotel hulldtng and furniture, in good town In e&stora Nebraska Rent 1890 per year. 26 rooms Price IS, 000. Trade at real value for small farm or home In Omaha. Lincoln or Nebraska City, or may consider a stock of merchandise. Address S. C 743. Bee. Omaha. AUTO WORTH 8500. TRADE FOR A good clear lot Address 6. C. 830, care Bee. OOOD 80 ACRES FUR MDSQ. Trade Improved SO-acre farm, best rich tuable soli. 6 miles from County Seat In S.-E. Nebraska, level land, will ralirf 60 bu. com per acre in fair year. Near dis trict school. Price 810.000, mtg. SJ.300. Equity for good little stock of General Mdse. Address 8. C. 746. Bee. Omaha. HAVE "UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, No. 4. latest model, with two-color rlb- (w.n at.n.ll ...... V. - - "... .u.ici, ihkk ousuvr, etc; ill" tie use. A bargain at 870. but will accept ti,.t tec .......... . .... .- ... . , - uiiucu, Auunn o. w. 1 14 care Bee. I HAVE A 6-ROOM HOME CLEAR: 83.000 to trade for 3 to 6 acres even up. 8 C SR. Omaha Bee. EIGHT THOUSAND 8EG BRICK. want hogs, chickens or offer. 8. C. I, Bee. A FINE LEVEL QUARTER OF LAND In Perkins Co., Neb.. J miles from R. It Best ot soil and free from all encum brances. Valued at 84.CO0. To trade for a nice modern home In Omaha of 7 or 8 rooms and worth up to 84.000, In a good neighborhood, close to school and car line, or for acreage close in. S. G 531, Bee WILL TRADE FURNITURE FOR THE papering of three rooms. Address. S. C 85S. care Bee. I LIVE WIRE. BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO., NEW LOCATION. 131S FARNAM. EVERYTHINQ NEW. OLD PHONE DOUQLAK 2423. COME, CALL OR WRITE. RUB BER GOODS. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes leather mattresses. Call or write for prices WE ront, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska fVOa . i i. . i i. ' . r , v. .. Harney Sts. Douglas 1661. Adding: AInchlnea. Calton Adding Machine. 411 S. IS D. 1445. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. Ittis. Accountants. Chaa. S. McConnell. Hi Om. Nat Bk. D.S27 Melville D. Thomas u Co., uul City Nat.Bk. Advertising. B. HAYNES, 748 Om. Nat BU. D. 827. Autos and Machine Renitlrlnir. Magneto repair work a epeclalty. D. 2418. Anctioneera. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Rod 32S5. HORNBY CO., BLUE PRINTING. D. 3157. Clarence W Wicington. go S. lath. U.4at. Oagneoln-Wells, 1AI State Bank. D. 22S3. Everett S. Dodils. 612 Paxton. D. j"l- Arn41ons. OMAHA fUm exc, 14th and Doug. Motion picture macnine una mm Barbers. U Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. nnttlcd Goods. Concordia Park. K)U Center. Har. 368. UedbnK Eradlcator. FOOS-OA-CEEN Is guarantfeed. D. 8507. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mlf .heil Co . 27tn and Martha Sts. rllfninlia Lands. W.T.Smith Co.. 816 City Nat. Bk. D. 2S1- Chiropractor. .C. Lawrence, D. C, t&U Howard. D.846L. W. E. Purvlance, U. C. fax. Blk. D. 4 L. C. HAYES. 13. C E60 Bee Bid. It 37&S. Creameries. Dalrlea and Suptflles. DAVID COLE CREAMER! COMPANY. Cirll Engineers. M. J. Lacy. Civil linglneer, lot and ad dition surveys, bin xiee tans. u. Collectors. Mutual Rating ft Adjusting Ass'n..- Bee. Coatumersj. FULL disss suits. 81.60 per night: party dresses for sale or rent Ooen evanlnea Joht. Feldman. 206 N. 17th. Doug. 2118. Check Protectors. O. W. Todd ft Co., U. W. York. Mgr.. a b. uin. u. rai. China Painting;, T. C. Haynea. docorntinx. firing. D, 4998. Ruth .Letchford, Dec ft firing. R. 4942. Cream. Separators. The Sharpies Separator Co., 13th ft Farn. Dancing; Instruction. Class ft private lessons. Mackle's. D. 8418. Turpln'a Dancing Academy, 28th ft Farn. Cnrtnln Linnilrr. LACE curtains laundered. Tyler 1 433 W. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury, no pain. 1506 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentlBtry, 403 Brandels Bailey the Dentist, 706 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. Iul7 Douglas. D. 218S. Detectlva. JAME3 ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Etl- "'uw aeuureo in an L'ases. Tyler UJ8. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, bonded. D. 427-428 Paxton block, Drc'ssninklutr, Terry Prcasmak'g cotlege. St Farnam. MISS STURDY, .S3S 8. 24th St Doug. TZli 1 Piece dresses, snirttvaists. spec. W. 1B3J. DRESSMAKING reas.. wrk guar. W. 8070 Drags. DRUGS at cut prices; rrelght paid on 810 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Duplicate Snppllcs, QUICK drying Ink, 8175 lb. Wax stencils. 81.2a. Ind. stencils, 82.10. E. ft H. Co.. 207 Ramge, Douglaa 1281 Everything; for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk. D. 8394L DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all ,i,4c",ina.",tys- ,TUE IDEAL PLEAT. ING CO., 230 Douglaa Blk. Dougfaa 1938. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4942. Kieotrio Supplies, NEW and second-hand electric fans and ,.tll. Utlt. LE BRON Elec. Wks. 318 S. 12th. D. 217. POUIiTRY AND SUPPLIES GAS 8TOVE. COST J37 8 MONTHS AGO; new lawn hose, 60 ft, cost 115 last sum mer; lawn mower, cooking utensils of aluminum and enamel, dishes ot all kinds. Havlland china set cost 865; bed, springs and mattress, etc. Will consider dia monds, piano or good lot Address 8. C 02. Bee. FINE MODERN HOME. Very well located, six living rooms, large reception hall and bath room, full attic, and full basement, full CO-tt lot, nice lawn, trees, and garage with electric lights. Lady owner must sell on account of health, or would exchange for new modern bungalow, It up-to-date and well located In good neighborhood, and priced on cash basis. Cash value ot above, 84.000. Bee It Address S. a 747. Bee. Omaha. BATES AUTOMATIC NUMBERING machine, flvo wheel, cost 815 and as food as new. Will sell cheap or trade or anything can use. Address S. C. 732, care Bee. GOOD 9LEAK LOT IN SOUTH OMAHA to trade tor a 2'Passenger Ford; be quick. Address 8. C. 803 Bee. 89 ACKEb. CLEAR, WAMXY EQU1TV In home. S. SI. 742. Bee. 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON BIG LOT Iff exchange for acreage near Omaha. Ad dress S. C. 836, Be a EIGHTY ACRE IMPROVED 1RRI gated farm In artesian belt Water tights paid up, in San Luis valley. Colo rado, to trade for Omaha lota or incomo Sroperty. or eastern Nebraska farms. Ad rcsa 8. C EZt WHAT hav you to traae for a l H. P. electrlo motor In perfect condition. 8. C 670, Omaha Bee. FINE. SIOHT.LY LOT. TWO BLOCKS north from Xrug Park. Trade tor dia mond, piano, or what Have you? Address a C 602 Bee. GOOD HALF SECTION Unimproved black soli, rolling, part fenced. 11 miles from good town. South Dakota. Worth 115.00 per acre. For short time will exchange at 83,203 as all or part payment on good Omaha houso to live in. About even deal or nearly so preferred, with owner. Address 6 C. 744. Bee. Omaha, GOOD AUTO, "WORTH SS00. TRADE FOR a good clear lot 8. C. KB Bee. I HAVE A BRAND NEW INDIAN. single engine, only been In use three weeks. Had accident and will sell cheap. Engine In perfect running order. Will sell for 83S cash, or what have you la exchange T Addreai. S. C. 888. Bee. FOURTEEN KBLLERSTRASS WHITE Orpingtons. S years old. What have you to otter? Address 8 C 804. Bee. U APARTMENT AND S LOTS; PRICE. 140,000; mtg., 814.500, EH per cent runs t years; rents 14,950 yearly. Will trade for good farm or sell; about 3 years old; high-class. Address 8. C. 7S3. car Bee. WE WILL TRADE PAINTING FOR furniture or furnished room rente Ad dress 8. C. S9S. Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A late model twin cylinder Reading Stand ard motorcycle, worth JITS? Address S. C. 9il, Bee. l'lorlita. A. DONAOIHtr, Wlarney. Doug. 1OT I. HENDERSON. IMS) Farnam. D. i Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 141R r'srnsm St. BATH'S flonstj. Uovd Tlieatcr Bldg. Furriers. BEN FEN8TER. 1410 N. 24th St W. 7777. Hair IJreaslnar. MME. STEVENbON. 210 Ualrd Bldg. D.SCt Harper Method. R, & Ualrd Bldg. D. 361L LlElillngr, Fixtures nnd tVlrtnir. THOMAS DURKLN Electrical fixtures and supplies, con tracting and repair work done reasonable. 2410 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2M1. . u, I. ., ... ' r alii 1 C Oiwtsi J silt; 11 CM OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 8. 13th. Red 4251 I.ritrn Mnnrm Sharpened. ALL MAKES, called for and delivered; work guaranteed; saws filed. D. 742f. MuuaeuHea. M1S3 JACOBS; mass.; bath, electrt D.SGJ Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Blli. 0.594 Miss Jean Shonler, 301 Withnell Bldg., Harney and loth. Mass., magnetic treat Rlttenhouse Co.. 214 Baird Blug.. 17 ft D. acieMitlc Manage, Miss Gibson. D. 4297. F.T.F.nTRTfiMASSAGE BATH. Miss MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 221, Ne. vllle Blk 16th and Harney. Tel. D. 42; Homo for sick. 2504 Ames Ave. W. aw8. Miss Fisher, mass, elect trcat't. Red !mh. UASSAGE. 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. lra. Snyder. Elec. Trt, 110R S. 8th. D. 43S0 A RS A (1 V. Swedish movement. 418 KATHLEEN MACK, manicuring ft mas sage. Apt 2, Davldgo Blk. Doug. 8731. Alililuer. PANAMAS cleaned ft blk'd, 503; dress mak Mrs. II. M. Eck, 3003 Marcy. H.5046. Movlnir, Stornnc and CleanlnK, W. C. FERRtN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. IMP. Nurseries nnd becds. HAZEL DELL NURSERY West of Flor ence. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees; shrubs, evergreens and roses. Good, fresh etocK at reaaonamo prices, umce and salesyard, 24th and Plnkney. Phones Florence 4B06. Web. 54G7. Ocullata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Drs. Mcl'ai-tlu. lili . . u. V. Blag Office Suiipllea. OMAHA TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, bet ter than you ar now using, each SOc, doxen. 85. DuDlIcator supplies 25 per cent less. E. ft H. Co., 207 Hamgc Bldg. D. 1233. Patents. D. d. Bamell. Paxton Bin. Tel. RgJ 7117 H A. Sturges. bib Brandela T'-eitter Hide. PrlntlnK. DOUGLAS Printing Cc. Tel. Doug. 61t V ATElts-BARNriART l'tg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2ia.i C4 So. 13th. COREY ft M'KENZlE Pit CO. D. J6IL RIES-HALL Ptg. Co. 1620 Capitol D. 1U.3. CENTRAL PltlNaiNU CO.. 1HUU. 3l4. Roach Extcrmlnntor. B. B. B. Roach Towder at your druggist's. Safe and Tlmeloclc Experts. SAFE combinations changed, opened. t paired. F.E.Davenport. iX Dodge.Dliai Shoe Repalrlnir. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary'a At. OMAHA Shoe Hospital; f Irsl-class sho rep. ractory. t,a,i ana oci. .-vi REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 S.24 Steel Cclllnss. ' CARTER Sheet JVletsl Works; 110 S. 10th. Stores and Office Fixtures; DESKS, safes, scales, showewjes. shelv ing, etc. We nuy, sen. umana rixiuro and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Torrel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Jlth. D. 528. - Trunks nnd Suitcases. FRELING ft STEINLE. 1803 Farnam St Vacuum iCIeaners. SANITARY SERVICE CO., lull Un vacuum cleaners and sweepers, cleaning done tn the home. Tel. D. 6101. Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center H. 6083. Wnll 1'nper. W L YETTER ft CO.. 1U3 Howard. D. 978. Window shades and wall paper. EAGLE CO.. 14Uon N. 24th. W. U844. Win- ainkers. D. B. GRIFFITH. It ITenxer Blk. D. 4866. Wini and Liquors. ALEX JETES, rjl-3 3. 13th. Wines. Ilquora. cigars. Plate dinner. 11 to 8, 10c. BUY- your family liquors at Klein's UQUor HoUse. 528 N. 16th. D. 1809. HENRY POLLOCK, LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Avw. 10c lunch. SWAPPERS' (X)LUMJ 640-A. IMPROVED NEBRASKA RANCH, clear, want merchandise. 8. C. 741, Bee. COMPLETE I. C. S. COURSE, 6 VOL'S, steam engineering, electricity and me chanical refrlgeraUon. Worth 830. Will trade for typewriter, or what have-you? Address S. C. S5S, Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE for an International Correspondence School reference library on Civil Env.n eerlng? Address 8. C. 839, caw Bee. 190 ACRES, CLEAR, WANT INCOME, a C. 745, Omaha Bee. NEARLY NEW NO. 5 UNDERWOOD, used less than three months, for sale or trade. Must eelt this week, no what have you to offer. S. C. 899, Omaha Bee. ONE LOT AT CASPER. WYO., CLEAR title; Reglna music box, 850, with rcc. ords; very flno Burton mandolin; small gasoline engine, like new. Will trade all of the above far lot or equity, or what have you to offer? Would consider a Twin motorcycle. Address B, C. 859. care Bee. TWO GOOD LOTS IN COUNCIL Bluffs, centerally located, worth $300. Will trade for a good fi-passenger Ford or what have you to offer? Address S. C. 850. Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 ACRES land In Kimball county, Neb., worth 81S per acre. Wanted equity In cottage In or around Omaha or what have you to offer? Address 8. C. 849, Bee. 1 HAVE A TYPEWRITER GOOD AS new for a Smith ft Wesson Poll LKlve, 38 cal., or good shotgun. Might con rrtder watch or cash. Address S. C. 719. Bee. LET ME FURNISH PAINT AND PAINT mat oiu nouse; win lane in exchange anything I can use. What can you offer. Address 8. C. 900. Bee. I AM LEAVING TOWN AND' MUST sacrifice furniture for ten-room rooming house. Good location, close In. Will take automobile, cash or what have you? 8. C. ST0. bee. I OWN WHOLE CITY BLOCK IN county seat town In northwest Nebraska: can subdivide Into 20 lots. I will exchange mi- Brocery store, auiu, piano, house, or what can you offer. Adilri... s c nm Bee. ' 640 ACRES OF MCPHERSON COUNTY Nebraska, land, for 8300. Relinquishment ready; here Is your chance; get busy. Would take auto or clear lot Address SC. 737. care Bee. ACCOUNT ILL HEALTH WILL EX change equity In good seven-room house on beautiful shady paved street for a strictly modern five-room bungalow or cottage. MJgbt consider good lot and c&sh. Address & C. 840. care Bee. 40 ACRES. MONROE CO., IND.. CLOSE to town. Price 82,000. Encumbrance SOW, dua next September. What have you tor 81.500 equity? S. C. $64. Bee. 200 ACRES, 14 MILES FROM 8IOUX City. Improved. All In cultivation. Rents for 85 per acre cash. Price 825,000. Mort gage 36.900. What have you In Income property, cheaper land or merchandise? S. C. 863. Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN LADIES' WATCH. 10-1R. UULl KILLED hunting cane, 1st perfect repair, H; also gentlemen's 17-Jeweled and adjusted rail way watrh, open face, a'lver rase, a per fect time heeper. (16. Will sell at prices mentioned or trade for anything can use of egual value. S. C. MW. Bee. A M N 1 ' I'" A C'T U R I NO BUSINESS PRO-' tected by patent right, for any property or bank note. Address S. C. 872, Bee. WILL TRADE GOOD INCOME OMAli V property for un up-to-date auto In first. class condition. Property rented by yeaily contract. Address S. S9. Omaha diet. 240 ACRES IN HOO.NK t'tJU MTY, Nh- braska, J125; mortgage $3,000; to trade for apartment house. Adores S C. 7L, Bb. 20 ACRES MISSISSIPPI, CLEAR. PRICE Jl,200; exchange for houso ana lot aooui S2.000. S. C. 716. Bee. IMPORTED AND REGISTERED SHET- l..rt ,u11ln nnnv t ..on P. nlrl. tVAnl stacker and rakes, or any good live stock. I HAVE DIAMOND RING BETWEEN l'. vnA U. irnrai n-lll ,. V.h U HCf- fnr good second hand piano. Address H. C. 903. Bee. I HAVE A GOOD GUITAR AND A 15 Jeweled watch. What kind Vif a deal can I make with you for a kodak or a bull dog' Address S. C. 749 care Bee. TRANSFERRED TO OMAHA AND must dispose ot my numo u umbuiu. Located best part, paved street one block tt.,11 1... ..at front, frull IU CHI I1UC, . " 1 .v. ' trees. Six rooms, modern In every par ticular, warn on rent v. - . .1 .. . . 1 inn cut At nn It Will trade equity for farm land, good lets, good auto and cash. Prlperty -low rented for first time. Address S. C. 805, care Bee. MOVING PICTURE SHOW LOCATED In good Iowa town of 3,800. Ono other nhntr. (Tnmnlcto In every way. Price 81.200. Clear. Will consider good auto for part or will sell half Interest to man who will run It. S. C. SCO, Bee. OMAHA HOME WANTED 160 ACRE8 Stanley Co., S. D., 7Va miles southeast of T'hllln. a cood railroad town. Cost mo 13,200, will take 33.000 for It, and want a homo in umana or. aooui uie same vtuuc S. C. E5, Bee. WILL TRADE CLEAR iAND AND mortgages for Omaha Income property or vacant lots. Address 8. C. 820. 210 ACRES IMPROVED MNU JL Philips county, Kansas; acres in cut tivatcd, balance pasture. Price 840 per acre mtg. $2,000. Want income property or mdsc. for etiuity. What nave you? Address S. C. 720. care Bee. , 60 ACRES, ALL lRltUJi, - -ULliS south of Fort Morgan, Colo.; finest kind of beets and alfalfa raised on this land. Price 56,ow; mortgage oi urn. i . faf. pwip.rv nr Omaha Pro'. crty; or what have you? S. C. 7a, Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Aiinrlmrllli itltll Flats. 909 N. 17th St, 6-r., all mod. apt. 830. 1623 uuming, 4-r., ail mouern, RASP BROS., Douglaa 1653. 6-ROOM brick flat, coiner ot Eth and Williams Sts.. Forest Hill. 6-ROOM upper apartment with sleeping porch. 528 S. 2Cth Ave. GlobeVan&Storage Stores, moves, packs and ships; 3-horse van and 2 men, 81.25 per hour; storage J2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Douglas 4335 ami ;uo. 4-ROOM njartments, near postofflce, J13, steam neat, wiutor, wiuwu, cw eharce. G. P. Stebblns. LIST vacant properties with BOCK- w a nt. ttti tnt s:i..a T?at.lr II Wrt7. FIVE-ROOM new apartment, the Chuls, Vista, 30th St and Poppleton Ave.: Nothing better in the city ; lower rent than similar flats In this vicinity. Con rad Young, i22 Brandels Theater. D. 1571. Two Choice Apartments Ten minutes' ride from downtwn, on Sherman Ave. car; fine surroundings ot shade trees, pretty lawns; nlco resldonce district. Plenty of air and breathing space and not crowded In with other buildings. Ono apartment has 5 rooms; oak finish with beautiful mantel and gas log In living room; fine dtptng room with paneled walls and celling; bedrooms In whlto enamel, mahogany doors; nice coat closrt with mirror door; good, sized kitchen, built-in cupboard. Tho other apartment haa 3 rooms, and flno screened porch. 6x12; large living room 12xl6',i, with coat closet and mirror door; largu bedroom and dandy kitchen. First cln.iH Janitor service and all other conveniences ot the modern, up-to-dat apartment house. Call oftlco and we .will be pleased to show these at any time. Douglaa 1000. Scott & Hill Co., Douglas 1009. 306-7-8 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT New 6-room modern apart ment, brick building, oak finish; will decorate to suit tenant; 35th and Dodge. Only 832.50. 132 S. 33th St., new 8-room modern brlclc house, beautifully finished, $40. W. R. HOMAN, 331 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED to sub lease a beautiful 6-room apartment Apt. 1, The Genoa. 2S30 Cas. Gordon Van Co.. 219 N. 11th St. Phone D. 211 or H. EJU. NEW brlcu apartments, ready to move Into; completely furnished, dlsnes and all; 4 rooms, $6 psr week; 2 rooms, 11 per week. Call Doug. S711 during office t-R. modern flat 822. 2304 B. 34th. H. 4711.' OGDEN ANNEX rooms, with kitch enets. Council Bluffs. St. Clare Apartm'ts 23d and Harney; open for Inspection, tho most up-to-date conveniences; beau tifully decorated and finished, 2, 3 and 4 rooms. Call Harney 617 or Doug. 1605. WE RENT your houses free of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY" COMPANY, 316-330 Paxton Bldg., OMAHA. BARGAIN HEATED APARTMENT 2918 Farnam, a strictly modern and up-to-date apartment; only $25. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Ien, 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 8317 Dewey Ave., 5-room, mod. flat, $30. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. 1106 N. 23D. STREET, Neat press brick flat, 4 rooms, modern, steel 'range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water rent paid, $17, RASP BROS. Douglas 103. 909 N. 17th St, 6-r.. all mod. Apt, $30. 1622 Cuming, 4-r., all modern, $22.50. RASP BROS. Douglaa 1653. GEORGIA APARTMENT. Flvo large, light rooms. Pine location with a big lawn. $40 the year round. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1622 Farnam St Doug. 898. FMJRENTINE AND CARPATHIA AITS 833 S. 25th and S3 1 S. 24th St. 3. 3. 4 and S-room apartments. New. Large light rooms. Coolest In town. Tennis court and large beautiful court. Easy walking dis tance. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Douglas 898. 1622 Farnam St. o TEN-ROOM NEW FIAT. Between Crelghton and High school. Mod ern brick; gaa, stoves, laundry. Janitor service; everything you want Heat fur nished at coat O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat'l. Douglaa 2713. Board and Itoum. TUB HELMAN. 3403 St. Mary's: pleas ant rooms; board optional D. 68S3. BOARD and room. IUO. llnl 6067. " FwrelshTel IIoamekfcrptnK; Rooms. N. JLTl'U, 425 3 mod. front rooms, com pletn. cool .airy. Doog. 8257. TWO large beautifully turn, ran, coiol plete. walking dlst 578 E, 28th. II. lap. DOIXJE. lua-Some nice) hooaekeeping rooms. XS DOUGLAS Two cool housekeeping Pa-retiport 2B18. 8 or 3 housekeeping rooms. TWO modem, ensolta, Harney ills.