'UtTP. "UPTT. fiAf VT.TA POTHAV "r.-vr rtft ini i 13 SWAPPERS' COLUMN. PROPERTY ON HARNEY 8T.. WEST of 20th St. worth $18,000; halt cash, half trade, for Rood residence proprty. Ad dress 8 C 777. car Be. TWO HOUSES ON CORNER LOT IN thing larger In aouthweat part, a C. T36 Bee. FIVE LOTS IN ORCHARD, IS MILES of Oklahoma City. Trade for imail equity In home or Omaha lota. Price 8500. Address, S. C. 691. Bee. ' GOOD RENTAL INVESTMENT Hare client with a nice up-to-date hotel building and furniture. In good town In eastern Nebraska Rent IflCO per year. 26 rooms Prise J8.000. Trade at real value for small farm or homo in Omaha. Lincoln or Nebraska City, or may consider a stock of merchandise. Address S. C. 743. Bee. Omaha. AUTO WORTH $500, TRADE FOR A good clear lot. Address a C. S30, care Be.e. GOOD 80 ACRES FUR MDSE. Trade lmtrov1 fO.it cm farm, hat rlrh tillable soil, S miles from County Seat In S.-E. Nebraska, level land, will raise 63 bu. com per acre In fair year. Near dis trict school. Price $10,000. mtg. $3,200. Equity for good little stock of General Mfise, Address a C 716, Bee. Omah. OFFERED FOB RENT. Apartments and Flats. FIVE-ROOM new apartment, the Chula Vista, aoth St- and Poppleton Ave.; Nothing better In the city; lowor ront than similar flats in this vicinity. Con rad Young, 32! Brandels Theater. D. 157L Tir- PIimpo JL YVU V11W1VV- Apartments Ten minutes' rldo from downturn, on Sherman Ave. car; fine surroundings of shade trees, pretty lawns; nice residence district, Plenty of air and breathing space and not crowded In with other buildings. One apartment has 6 rooms; oak finish with beautiful mantel and gas log In living room; fine dining room with paneled walls and celling; bedrooms In white enamel, mahogany doors; nice coat closet with mirror door; good sized kitchen, built-in cupboard. The other apartment has 3 rooms, and fine screened porch, 6x12; large living room 12xl6H, with coat closet and mirror door; large bedroom and dandy kitchen. t Irat class Janitor service and all other conveniences of the modern, up-to-date apartment house. Call offlco and we will be pleased to show these at any time. Douglas J000. Scott & Hill Co., Douglas 1009. 306-7-8 McCague Hldg. FOR RENT New 6-room modern apart ment, brick building, oak finish; will omyrj32B0 ' tenant: 35111 and ulge. 132 S. 35th St., new 8-room modern brick A house, beautifully finished. $40. I W. R. HOMAN, , 331 Board of Trade Bldg. w2 N. 17th St. 6-r., all mod. apt.. $36: 1622 Cuming, 4-r., all modern. $22.50. iwoi- Hitua., .Douglas 1653. VdUiM:' near BrowneU ". "&?!Lbli Hi"' 5"?.r ot Sth and nunuiB pin., r uresT. xlui. SiX?1 KSpSr ,art.mnt wlth sloping Globe Van & Storage Co. Stores, moves, packs and snips; 3-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; storage $2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Douglas 433S and 3785. 4-ROOM apartments, near postoffiee, $18, steam heat, winter, witnout extra charge. G. P. Stebblns. L,lFTT,JS.cJant Properties with BOCK HACICER. 407 State Bank. D. 8637, WANTED to sub lease a beautiful r.-room . apartment. Apt. 1. The Genoa, 2S30 CasB. Gordon Van Co.s3h 21 N., 11th 6U Phono D. 33t or Si. 5911 NEW brlox apurimenta. ready to move tumjjiuicijr lurnnnea, uisnes and Hi 4 rooms, $6 par week; 2 rooms. $i per week. Call Doug. 8711 during office hours. t-R. modern flat. $22. t3M S. 2Uh. It. 471L OGDEN ANNEX rooms, with kltch enets. Council Bluffs. St. Clare Apartm'ts 23d and Harney; open for Inspection, the most up-to-date conveniences; beau tifully decorated and finished, 2, 3 and 4 rooms. Call Harney 647 or Doug. 6505. R-R.-25C6 ST. MARY'S AVE,; walking distance; newly papered throughout; 6-ROOM-2579 Harney, walking distance, strictly modern, oak finish i H2.60. Doug. 1606. o 7-R. 3122 CASS, practically new; beautl- fully decorated; good location. $35. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St WE' RENT your houses free of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY. 316-330 Paxton Bldg., OMAHA. BARGAIN HEATED APARTMENT 2D1S Farnam, a. strictly modern and up-to-date apartment; only $25. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 7-R.-S29 S. 19TH. practically new; close In. $45. Douglas 1606. 0 1106 N. 23D STREET Neat press brick flat 4 rooms, modern, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, water rent paid, $17. RASP BROS. Douglas 1653. Board and Room. THE HELMAN, 2t03 St Mary's; pleas ant rooms; board optional. D. 880. BOARD and room. $4.50. Red 0067. Furnished Apartments. FOR RENT Small housekeeping apart. In the New Hamilton; furn. or unfurn.; for summer or longer, Doug. 6S13. Fiirulahra Houses. 7-ROOM modern house for rent Fur nished. Near 40th and Harney Sts. Dur lng summer months. Phone Harney 1512. Fnrnlsbed Honaekeenlnir Rnnm.. N. 20TH. 615-3 mod. front rooms, com- fieie. cooi .airy. Doug. 8257. TWO large beautifully furn. rms.. com Plete. walking dlst 574 S. 2Sth, H. 15S0. DODGE, 2119 Some nice housekeeping rooms. 1909 DOUGLAS Two cool housekeeping rooms. Davenport 2018. 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms. TWO modern, ensulte. Harney 4146! Furnished Rooms. PBIVATE RESIDENCE 906 S. 26TH, suite of 4 rooms, 2 bed rooms with parlor connection each, lava tory and bath: can have use of sttle above if desired; private entrance with second floor porch; east front with south ex posure; beautifully furnished: suitable for two gentltmen; plenty of shade with beautiful surroundings; on park car line; reference exchanged; walking distance; Price reasonable to right parties. Call and see these rooms toduy. FOR cool, modern room in private family tee 702 So. 24th St. 1?ILGIASMKRB' front room, private bath, Hanscom park district board. "FRONT room parlor, strictly modern. -Private residence; beautifully furnished. :63?HARNEV-Nlc,1' furnished room. $1.60 per week: board It desired, H. n7!i7. NEW neatly furnished roams 117 N. 20th SUMMER oDDortunltv. front narln, .Ann modern, airy; private family. Call 2127 Douglas. Down-town district, well furnished, cool rooms, reasonable. 624 8. 16th. Apt 12. HARNEY 2101, modern front room, ra sonable, LANDON COURT, 2240 Furnished rooms for rent large and finely furnished; large porch and yard. bath. To first class people. Tel. Douglas 365?. OFFERED FOR RENT Fnrnlkhed tloomi. STRICTLY modern, pleasant room, newly furnished, good location. Call at ilO So. 20th SI OUTSIDE rooms, shady, mod. ln Cass. 610 WO. th Cool sleeping rooms. DOWN-TOWN district, well furnished cool rooms. 821 S. 18th Bt Apt. It FRIVATE family, modern, cool, reason able for summer. Call &XI So. 17th Ave. DON'T miss this great opportunity; large, cool, nicely furnished room, fine location; walking distance, private resi dence; excellent board If desired. Refer rnccs exchanged, reasonable. Call Web. 4KB. PLEASANT rooms. 16 month; 2t3S Dodge, Unf urnlehcil Rooms, FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, close in. cool, front and back porch. No children. $30. 2562 Harney St Hotels nna Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern. KSAsonaOle. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates $2 and un. Douglas "OKI Housekeeping; Itoonis. DOUGLAS ST., 2314 Modern housekeeping suite; gas and electric light furnished. Houses nnd totiasn. NEW 7-room and bath, oak and birch flnlth. 3311 California St. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. full lot, fruit and shade. 3021 Emmet Webster 491. 6007 Military Ave new, modern, 6-room house: rent free from now till June 1. Call Benson 155-W, FREE RENTAL LIST. Complete "for rent" list of houses, apartments and flats on file at our office; no charge whatever. Union Outfitting Co.. 16th and Jackson Ota. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and linen closet on second flour. Vestibule, reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, p'.ntry nnd Ice room on first floor Fr.il cement base ment with toilet, furnvco heat, gas and electric lights; nearly new and first class In every way, at 1511 S, 29th St, one block from Hanscom Park, near Park school. tne block from car line. Tel. Harney 1509. ago Co.. packs. ' v -- moves, stores & ships household goodsfe pianos. D. 1490. TTT"T7T TTv7"owra,j, .d Van pill p . 1,1 I T Co. Goods stored, A A-i-'A-'J-'A A A Inoved, packed, shipped. 16'.h and .laukson Sts. Doug. 118. .1 CJ Ropfl Exp Co.. furniture. & piano 517 N. 18TH ST. 6 rooms. Harney 5061. U-ROOM modern nouss with barn; not water neau otis Harney at inquire t, J. O'Brien, H. 10&4. D. 1216. (-ROOM modern house. 2710 Dvntur St; $23. Phone Harney 6132. Houses ln ali P"1 o :tlB clty- $42.60-Biick, 130 S. 35th at, just north of Farnam. Owner, 20i Ramgo Bldg. Phono Douglas 222L FOB KEMT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Umaha Van it Stoiane Co.. MC S. 16th 8t 6-R., 536 So. 24th Avo., newly painted, mod. luiimiiQi buuu ynru, close in, HASTINGS & HAYDEN. 1614 Harney St 7-R. HOUSE, modern, opposite Omaha University. 2Uh and Evans, $30. W. 4007. STRICTLY modern bungalpw. Harney 7-ROOM; modern; oak finish; 601 Park Ave.; 6-room; modern; good neighborhood; 2012 Elm St.; $24. H. 1510. FOR RENT 8-room flat. 2306 Douglas St. Appiy 10 . v. unanibers, 230 Brandels 3-ROOM, $10; 3-room. $12. 1817 Cass. FOR RENT One of the handsomest and most up-to-date and most modern 7 room houses In Omaha, east front; trees, shrubs, flowers, large lot, 150x60, east front! hnllJIA llllllt nnlv 91X ..on . best care line In city: 2232 South 32d Ave., a half block from Hanscom Park. Call rininey uu, or see owner, it. JNasn, one block west of this house. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, modern ex cept heat $13; family without small rh'ldrfn preferred. 3310 Cass St NKw o-room house, modern, $35 per momn Asat uass. Harney 59SS. WE rent your houses free of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY CO., 316-330 Paxton Bldg., OMAHA. 6-ROOMS, all modern, nearly new, cheap m urairauie tenant, liarney 6U17. Pleasant 4 and 5-room apartments, newly decorated; walking distance. 401 N. 24th. WE rent your houses free of charge. NO COMMISSION REALTY CO.. 316-330 Paxton Bldg., SQUARE 6-R. AND HALL. Very modern. 1 block to 24th line. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'h Doug. 2715 2.'03 BRISTOL, 6-room, all modern, $IS. 2917 Caetellar, 5-room, modern, $15. 6S03 N. 27th Ave., 5-room. all modern, $20 RASP BROS.. Douglas 1653. "Warehouses. Wholesale or Storage N. W. corner Sth and Jones Sts. Build ing Is 66x132 feet with trackage. Over 50,000 Square Feet of Floor Space. Five stories and basement Good steam heating plant and a large freight e'e vator. Will make lease for one, two or three years. M'CAGUE INV. CO. 1506 Dodge St Stores and Offices. STORE FOR RENT. 16th Bt.. near Farnim St. GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D, 756. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. REALi ESTATK. FARM A RANCH I,A.DI Fori SAI.B 'Canada. FOR SALE by owner, fifteen or twenty Quarter sections A No. 1 farming land, Central Saskatchewan, Canada; plenty of .,,aln' .Ji,ear towns and railroad: price S J?' per acrei eas terms. Address 27. Bee. o Missouri. $J DOWN. $5 monthly, buys 40 acres grain. fruit poultry, land .near town, southern Missouri. Price only $225; excellent bar galn. Box 425. Carthage. Mo. FARMS for sale; $J down. $5 monthly. buys 40 acre; good timber land near town. Texas county. Mo.: price $200; per fect title. J. B. Jarrell. Mt Vernon. Ill Minnesota Minnesota Farm Lands From $15 to $75 per aero. Aro the equal of any in the United States that are selling from $150 to $300 per acre. These lands can be bought on easy terms. Minnesota's 1913 corn crop, 40 bushels per aero, stands first of all states in the union. SEND FOtt SPECIAL PAGE OP 'MINNESOTA FARM BARGAINS, Published in tho MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Minneapolis, Minn.. March 29 to April 4. A 2c stamp will bring it. FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALU REAL ESTATE Nebraska. FOUND 320-acre homustead In settled neighborhood; tine farm land; not sand htllt; cost ou $. filing fee and all. J. A Tracy. Kimball. Neb. ON LY $1 PER AORrt. Buys 640 acres, being stato school land, lease running twenty-one years, in Keith County. Nebraskn. Only tight miles from town. Would make a dandy dairy ranch; 2rt acres can be put under cultivation. A bargain; terms one-third cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. Write owner, L. C Crnn dall. 1641 Locust St.. Lincoln. Neb. EIGHTY acres, $3) an ncre, $30 down and $20 a month no interest. Fine farm land. J. A. Tr.-cy. Kimball. Neb. South Dakota. WE WANT TO TELL you all about our deeded Indian lands: title directly from U. a Preferable to homesteads. Rich, black soil; no stone, fine soft water; one crop of flax pays for land. Write today for 36-page booklet Hartung Land Co Room 8, McLaughlin. FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE R. E. ONE Coltron cement mixer, 1 Marton rock machine cement, 1 Mai ton brick ma chine, 1 2-11. P. Monarch gas engine. All in good snap, k. i cumming, Elwood, Neb. Pianos for other musical lnstru'u. D. 2017. PIANOS for cement work; painting, paper Hanging. an uia uoston store, u. ton. FOR SALE CHEAP. OR WILL TRADE. 120 acres Iowa land, located 4Vi miles from wooaDine, u nines rrom Umaha, has 6-room house, barn for 4 horses and other outbuildings; 95 acres cultivated; l acres in pasture; about 1 acre orchard; want smaller piece of land near Omaha or Omaha property. Price. $100 per acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St REAL ESTATE WANTED REGISTER. EVERY KIND OF PROP ERTY OR BUSINESS FOR QUICK 3ALK UK ttA-UMAUfc;. If you want to buy a property or busi ness come to us. ur ir you want to sen a property or business come to us, be cause nuooay pays a commission. Come In and get our plan of displaying and advertising every kind of property ana ousincss. it means quicn service. Coll or write today for our plan. NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY, 16-3jv) Faxton uiag.t Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 to $10,v00 made promptly. F. D, Wead. Wcad Bldg., Hith and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ,& Co., 1320 Farnam. 6 PtTV 1 nAlCC ttaml..PD.th.r 0 110-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. HAHHlnUN j MORTON. 916 Om. Nat GARVIN BROS, 'fWanfc FIVE per cent farm loans. Optional pay ments and annual Interest W1L Mo CORVCK, 1201 Farnam. CITY und farm loans, i, bi, f per cent J. H. Uumont Co.. VM Farnam Omaha. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Co. MONEY on hand for 'Ity and farm loans, H. W. Binder. City Nat. Bit Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 223 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Douglas 2715. REAIi ESTATE. ACnEAlill FOR SALE. Found at Last A Market Place SVroWSr business. You buy, sell or exchange. NOBODY pays a COMMISSION. Hero Is where the BUYER can make a selec tion at prices and terms to suit for Just what you want BECAUSE our no COM MISSION plan to everybody brings us the best bargains to be found anywhere. Don't hesitate, but call or write for our registration plan. It bilngs quick results. NO COMMISION REALTY COMPANY, 816-830 PAXTON BLDG. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. efflcy In Nebraska 206 Brandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a inouern aosiraci oilice, iu so. 17th St Phone Doug, 5487. CITY PitprBRTY FOH BALIS. A. P. Tukey & Son Home and Invest ment At. 3532 North 27th St. w have a lot 10x157 feet, on which we have two five room cottages, one In the front and one In the rear; they rent for $15 and $16, re spectively; they are both now rented to good tenants who wish to live ln the houses. We offer tha two for $2,850. Buy them both and live In one and rent the other and It will pay out on both houses. Telephon us and wo will meet you at the houses any time. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-443 Board of Trado Bldg. Phone Doug. 502. $500 Cash, $50 Per Month Buys 4921 Chicago 8t must be sold this week. This Is a new, strictly modern 9- room nouse; living room, den, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, three bed rooms and sleeping porch; beamed ceil ings, oak floors, bookcases, fireplace; all decorated. Owner has left the city and reduced the price and terms. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Douglas 3962. OWNEB FOBCED TO SELL NINE-BOOM HOME OUT NORTH. i rivim. anil re..nHnn hall fl..t ,1 , large light bedrooms with good-sized bath rnnm Rlirnnd fnnr: hr.nH na, i light fixtures In every room, new duplex huuvd un hii niuuuwi, peautixuiiy ueco rated thrnuirhnut. hip nnrph cellar, furnace, garage, grape arbor, fruit trees, fine corner lot 122x125, overlooking park. Price, $,500; $500 down, balance en. iajriuviiiB. iiciea a. Knap. llld VUUCH llHAWI AUKNCV, 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 331. BU DIBECT FItOM OWNER. SAVE COMMISSION. Moving out of city and must sell my beautiful 8-room home, thoroughly mod ern, oak floors, fireplace, beautifully Jec. orated, big porch, garage, 3 large juts, right on the corner. 1 bloclt to school, 2 blocks to car line. Worth $8,000 for quick sale will take $6,500, on easy terms. Address D 181. care Bee. Who Wants a Bargain In a five-room, modern except heat, house, lnmt1 nn naVAil atr.at nnri II..... ln good repair ln and outside, Is worth . O fj-.t V.... 111 II fl fK - . uui win sen lur casn it sola soon. Addmss Owner, O 178, care of Omaha Bee. Prairie Park PeutifuJ t-room t. . . I house in a beau, tlful neighborhood; $600 cash and $30 monthly will buy this. 1. J. Scannoil, Ua Waro Block. Doug. 298 or Web. S611. NEW 6-R. COTTAGE, NORTH SIDE. All modern, decorated, east front lot. near school and car, paved street, sightly location. Price only $2,975; terms. Call Webster 7077 after 7 p. m MUST be sold. 3 houses 8. W corner lith and Castellar; rents $lj per month, each house has water, sewer, bath, gas, worth ti.000; will sell, If taken soon, for W.700. $700 cash. Phone D. I'M. ' ' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Shows Considerable Strength for the Time Being. CHICAGO CASH MARKET IS DULL Demand for Immediate Deliveries I Stagnant and Only Fifteen Than sand lluahe.la Sold to Millers for Use HlKht Army. OMAHA, May 58, 1914, The position of whent Is strong-at the moment The strength displayed yester day was largely because of the smaller offerings in thu pit and the general lack of pressure. Tho May was up le In price and the deferred months wore a small fraction hlrther for July nnd unchanged for September. Under ordinary conditions July nnd September would have sold off sharply, hut thu short In thoso futures havo just finished taking severe losses and thoy arc not Inclined to rctrnvel the samo road until the May future Is out of the way. Crop advices from tho winter wheat belt were more favorable. A orop expert who has just returned from Knnsua says that the .Sunflower sta will certainly havo 150.000,000 bush ls, If not .-noie. He said further that In case theie art losses In a few sections of Kansas, this tcct will bo unnoticed be- causa of tho heavy yields In nearly all parts of that Rrrnt wheat crowing state. The cash wheat market nt Chlcnen wits decidedly dull. Tho sales wero 15.000 nusneis to millers, but the larger holder of the No. 2 hard winter In this market says bids from abroad for round lots were more encouraging. It was expected the deliveries of wheat on May contracts will continue liberal during tha day and tomorrow, and there arc some In tho cash market who ndvanco the opinion that those who have tnken this wheat in and paid for It will not enjoy as smooth sailing as during the last few weeks, Tho western country Iibb been pretty well cleaned out of old hard wheat which has been received In this market and which Is now In position where holders are In hopes of merchandising It. The corn market was it most unnatural one yesterday, as tho May, which has been ln quite a congested condition for some time, closed at a loss of lc nnd was as much as l4o lower nt ono time The longs In that month wero eager to secure in of Its nnd the shorts, Instead of absorb ing the corn as thrown overboard, pro ceeded to back away from tho Increased supplies. The action of the market Indicated that shorts In May are pretty well In. July and September were strong and both months closed higher. The continent was reported as a good buyer oi Argen tine corn. Whllo oats held fairly well, the highest levels of Tuesday were not reached. Profit taking was popular because ot local showers ln Illinois as well as Ne braska. Commission houses led In the buying with professionals the largest sellers. Provisions closed firm nnd higher be cause of the big falling off In the run of hogs nt western markets. July and September ribs us well as September lard wero taken freely by commission houses. Part of the buying was credited to ono of the larger local packers. Cash trade was reported as dull. Cash wheat HEATj estate city property for sale. New 5-Room Bungalow $25 Down $25 $15.00 Per Month $15.00 Thill Pnllfrtftllo t r 1 . kuneralnt.. titill - -'- 4ii u v j iu uuii(,ciu n t uuiu o vi i iai MT3 lull, Willi an east frontage is a real bargain. -.ijr nmcr just put in street nna lo cated near beautiful city park. i-nono Douglas 2596 1 automoblli Salesman and automobile at your serv- H. H. Harper, 1013-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Will Build to Suit Purchaser We have three fine south front lots. paved street, on Hall Ave., just east of snerman Ave,, witnin 10 minutes' rldo ana -i to minutes waiK of inn post office. Will build nlco cottage or bun galow and sell on very reasonable terms. The surrounding neighborhood Is excel. lent; nfw homes on all sides. Lota In inis locality are bdoui an gone, we nave built and sold something llko twenty houses In this block. Scott & Hill Co., Douglas 1009. 306-7-8 McCaguo Bldg. New, Modern, 5-Room Home JURt mmn1tri ntirnnilvn n.l.Uxiit nnA within; well nnd carefully built; arrange ment splendid; all hardwood finish and floors; best of modern plumbing and flx- tureil! full ritmenlMl hn.Jim.nt' trrr.A nltln On south front lot 40x132; paved street; high ground; near Harney car lino. Com- i'oi" mini uiuers anu ) on win Know, as we do, that this Is the best value to be had for $3,500. Easy terms. Let ua take vml nut n r an in ?A1?l 9.iva, c, A It It you do you will telephone ua to urines ino ney out. Armstrong-Walsh Co. 203-10-12-11 State Bank Bldg. Tyler 1536. GOOD INVE8TMKNT. 5 per cent on your money, two 4-rnnm cottages and two 6-room cottages, rent ing $500 per annum. Price, $2,ouu. Phone D. 3607. LEGAL NOTICES. TO BONDHOLDERS OF THE SHERI DAN COAL COMPANY. The holders of bonds ot the Sheridan Coal Company are hereby notified that the undersigned trustee, under trust deed of tho Sheridan Coal Company, dated June 11. 1903, and recorded June 20, 19U3, In Hook 26 of Mortgage Records, on page 434, In the office of the county clerk of the county of Bhcrldan and state of Wyoming, has received notlco from tho Sheridan Coal Company that It will, on or before June 30, 1914, remit to the under signed $24,000 to take up and retire 24 bonds, as provided In said trust deed. Notice is hereby given that tho under signed has drawn and selected by lot tho following twenty-four numbers of twenty four of the bonds outstanding, secured by said trust deed, I. e., 17, 24. 50. (2, 64, 73. 82. 137, 114, 168, 184, 216, 238, 303. 323. 335, 377, 359, 460, 4S0, 492, 531, 554 and 5C8.' for payment from tho sinking fund, to be so paid to It by said Tho Sheridan Coal Com pany, under said trust deed and upon such payment of said $24,000 to the un dersigned on or before June 30, 1914, the undersigned will, at its offices, nt the corner of Dearborn and Madison streets, In the City of Chicago, Illinois, on the first day of July, A. D. 1311, pay to tha holders, or registered owners of said bonds, numbered as aforesaid, the prin cipal and accumulated Interest thereon, upon the surrender and delivery thereof to tho undersigned, uncancelled and ac companied by all unpaid coupons thereto belonging, interest on each of said bonds, numbered as aforesaid, will cease after said first day of July, A. D. 1914, whether presented on said day or thereafter. UNION TRUST COMPANY Tn,.t.. y jvuius r . ,napin, tsocretar, M 815-22.29 Swift & Company Union Stock Yardt, Chlcsgo, May 29, 1911 Dividend No. Ill Dividend of ONE DOLLAR and SEVENTY FIVE CENTS ($1.75) rr ih.ro on the capital stock of Swift St Company, will be paid on July ltt, 1914. u stockholder! of record. June 10. 1914, as shown on tha hooka of tha Company, P. S. IIAYWARU, Scorctarr was unchanged to lic lower. Cash corn was He higher to He lower. The whit coin li higher, with the remainder lower, v'ash oats wero unchanged to VtC loner. All grain markets will be closed Sat urday, May 30. Memorial day, . Clearances Wheat and flour. ll.OOO bush els; corn, II. (TO bushels, oats, 61.000 bush eh, Liverpool close: Wheat. Hd higher to Hd lower; corn. 4d to d lower Primary wheat receipts were RM.000 bushels and shipments 32.000 bushels, against leiolpt of 468,000 bushels and shipments of M,(X) bushels last year. Primary corn receipts wero MttTO bush els nnd shipments Ml. 000 bushels, against receipts of am(vo bushels and shipments of 2OS.00O bushels last year. Primary oats lecctpts were 640.000 bush els nnd shipments 62.000 bushels, against receipts of 591.WO bushels and shipments of M7.0X bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS, Wheat Corn, Oats Chicago Ill J62 166 Minneapolis 124 Duluth 43 Omaha 11 147 18 Kansas City !9 tS 5 St. Louis 18 8J 42 Winnipeg lis These sales were reported: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, 87c. No. $ hard winter: 1 car. 87c. No. 3 spring: 1 car. S7c Oats Standard: 1 car, Sc No. 3 white: 2 cars, 3Sc. No. 4 while: 1 car. 5Sc. Corn No. 2 whites 7 cars, 65c. No. 3 white: 9 cars. 68Hc. No. 4 while: 1 car, 68c. No, 2 yellow: 16 cars, 67Hc; 1 car. 67c. No. 4 yellows 1 car. 6flijc No. 2 mixed: 15 cars, 67c. No. 3 mixed: 8 enrs, 6fic, 1 car, 66Ho. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 66c, 4 cars, 65c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 5 hard. SSHftSS4c: No. S hard, R&ff87t4e; No. 4 hard. 81$54o: No. 3 spring. S6VH?S7c; No. 4 spring. 834fS54c: No, 2 durum. 85 Wic; No. 3 durum, S4fl$.c. Corn; No. 2 white. 6S4tc: No. 3 white, 6SUOSV4o: No. 4 white, 67068c! No. 2 yellow. 67 67Hc; No. 3 yellow. 66;?T67c; No. 4 yel low. 6JVj(ff6ri4c; No. 2. 66(fT67c: No. 3, 66CrWic: No, 4, M66c, Oats: No. 2 white. SSVV8S$c; standard. SSfTSSUc; No. 3 whlto. SSc; No. 4 white. 37H03Se. Bar ley: Malting, 52JTTOc; No, 1 feed. 4XSN2c. Rye! No. 2, 6SV4069C! No 3. MtfSSHc, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fentnres of ho Trndlncr and Cloalnsc Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 28. Discovery of black rust in Oklahoma carried wheat today to $1 a bushel, tho highest prioe of tho May delivery for the crop year There was a nervous feeling nt the close, which was Sift Ho above last night. Corn finished Ho off to He up, oats a shade to lHo down nnd provisions at 7Htf22Ho decline. Tightness In the May option of wheat was emphasized by tho chartering of ves sel room for 1.000,000 bushels to be shipped from here to the Georctan bnv nnA Mnn. treal. There Is but one mora day for May luniracn to run ana some gossip was in dulged ln as to tho chances of nn elev enth hour flurry among shorts. In corn, congestion of the May delivery gave signs of brine at an end. Besides. there were reports thut Argentine damage nau neen exaggernteu, &nowrrs favor ing a good start for the domestic crop tended also to offset the bullish lnfluenen of wheat strength, Country offerings nrro sinnu, iicuei irom uroutn com plaints permitted an easier feeling In re gard to oats. Mav brokn almost Sr nt ono time, but rallied toward the last Liquiaaung saies oy packers lowered the provision market all around. Shorts bought on the decline. Chicago future prtcea: Artlclel Open. High. I Low. Close.Yes'y Wheat I May. D9',i 1 00 MVi July. S6h 87H S6H Corn May ?i 71 6974 July. 67S 674 67H Oats May. 40H 41U 40 July. 334 29H S9 Pork July. 20 06 20 OS 19 75 Sept. Vi 77H 19 77H 19 65 Lard July. 9 80 9 SO 9 72U Sept. 9 97 W 9 77tt 9 87$ Ribs July. 11 17H 11 17H 11 05 Bept. 11 23 11 iS U E2H 09U SO 87 $, tOK TOty 6TH 7S 40Vi 41 19S2U 20 05 19 67H 19.80 9 724 M 9 87H 9 OTtt 11 10 11 20 ni7 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. a rem CI. VT n I. - H dlAfkl. X- M . . ' crn. 97H(!I9SMc: No. 2 snrlna-. 87irMite- Com: No. 2, 71cj No. 2 yellow, 71711se; .o. a yeuow, (ituuttc. uats: no. 3 wnite, 89M0c; standard, 40iic ltyel No. t. 6c. Barley, 5ftgi3e. Seeds i Timothy, $3.75(84.75: clover. $10.00frl3.00. Provisions: Pork, $19.70; lard, $9.62H; ribs, $10.S2fe 11 ,3. BUTTER Higher; creameries, 20o to 25H026HC. EGOS-Hlgher; receipts, 13,390 cases; nt mark, cases included, is31SV4c; ordinary firsts, 17017Mc; firsts, lSc. CIIEESK Higher: daisies. 14H3J144o: twjns, HBMHo; Americans, 15$16Vio; long horns. l&316Vic. POTATOES-Lower; receipts, 32 oars; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 80087c; Michigan, red, 7O3S0c; Louisiana, new, POULTRY Alive hls:her: fowls. lr ADD KANSAS CITY -h, BUTTER-Creamery, 23o; firsts, 21c; Bcconds. ISo; packing, 1516c. FIRSTS-lSc; seconds, 16c. POULTRY Hens, jtc; springs, 15c. Neiv York Oenernl Mnrkrt. NEW Vnntf n (lltninn... - . . . -, . I. j uLuniv iun. steady; molasses, 2.74c; centrifugal, 3.39c; refined, steady: cut loaf, J.Ojc; crushed, 4.95c; mould A, 4.63c; cubes, 4.35c; XXXK powdered, 4.2Sc; powdered, 4.20c; fine granulated, 4.10c; diamond A. 4.10c; con fectioners' A. No. 1, 3.90c. CHEESE-fitato whole milk, fresh, white or cqlored specials. 12013V.c; av. erago fancy, 13V;Q13lic; state and Vls- wm'iii "num iiiiik liciu, laftlllOviC. BUTTER-Creamery extras, 260'c. firsts, 24V4325ic; seconds, 22MQ2IC. TYIOR Vt-.m1i rnth.mrl -. mm.. storage packed, firsts to extra firsts, 21 221c: extrn flr.ta. rAEriilap nanlf. ini SiOHc; firsts, 19OC0Vlc. POULTRY Dressed, dull; western chickens, froien, HViSOc: fowls, lag 19c, Live weak: WMt.rn fnwla 1 A u7ri turkeys. 14016c. u-7.-. Minneapolis Rralii Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. May 28. WJIEAT--May. 90c: July. 91V.C: No. 1 hard. stnut 96c; No. 1 northern. 92ifl9io: Nn 90)4Q92?ic. FLOl'n unchanged. BARLEY -438670. RYE 594361c, BRAN-Unchangbd. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 674QSc. FLAX-$1.65H31.67H. Knnaas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 2S.-WIIEAT-No. 2 hard, ftt01Vio; No. 2 red, 91092c. May. tvvsc; juiy, fru'usic. COltN-No 2 mlxea, 71Q72C; No. 2 whlto. 724ff73e; May, 70e; July, 69V4c OATS No. 2 white. 40HSi4G4ie: No. ! mixed, 40c. St. I.nula General Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Mav 2S.-WHEAT-No. 2 led. DMS97c: No. 2 hard. 93Wfl07c: Mav. 95c; July. 83T4684C CORN No. 2. Tic; NO. Z white, 71Q72V4c; May. 7Uic; July, 60Vic OATS-No. 2. 4034014c: No. 2 white. 40U 041V4C Liverpool firuln sliirket, T TrT7T TirWIT f r, at WltWlT aA No. 1 northern, 7s 7d; No. 2. 7s 6d; No. 3. 7s 4Hd; July. 7s S',4d; October, 7a IVtd. CORN tjpot, quiet; American mixed, 6s 7d. July. Es l.d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 28. COFFEE Con. tlnued steadiness of Brazil and renorta of Improved spot demand seemed respon sible for buying In coffee today. The opening was steady, unchanged to 10c lowor, and the closo was steady to 10Jf 12c net hlRher. Sates. (.000 baas. Jnlv 8.84c; September. 9.01c; October, 9.12c; De cember, v.jac; January, v.&c; March. 9.49c; April, 9.54c. Spot, steady; Hlo No. 7, &ttc; Santos No. 4, 12ic. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 12HQ18C. nominal. Cotton Murket. NEW YORK. May 28.-COTTON-FM. tures closed steady. May, ll.SSo; July, 13.27c; August, 13.12c; October, 12.73c; De cember. I2.8Jc; January, 12.67r. Spot, steady; middling, 14.60c; gulf, 14.7Cc. Cotton eloaod steady at a net advance of 22 to 38 points on old crop months, while the now crop was 4 points higher to 3 points lower. LIVERPOOL. May ss. COTTON Spot, firm: sood middling. 8.J7d. middling. 7 7Ed. low middling, 7 27d; sales, 5,(00 bales. Key to the SRuaUon-Bee Advertlaityr. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light, Demand Qood and Prices Fully Steady. HOG VALUES ARE SHADE HIGHER Good Demand nnit Moderate Re ceipts Make a Steady to Shade lllarher Sheep nnd Lamb Market. . SOUTH OMAHA. May IS, 1914. Receipts wert i Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Official Monday 4.007 .64 4.6X Official Tuesday 4.MS 10,537 4.272 Official Wedneartnv . i.TSS 10.0C 3.134 Estimate Thursdsy ... 2.400 11.000 8,000 Four days this wk 18,730 38,005 14.931 Same days last week 10.382 38.277 21.573 Same days 2 wks ago. 12.018 J0.8SS 30,441 Samo davs 3 wk nun 32.074 83.109 Same days I wks ago.17,193 SJ.64J 3O.S80 eame aays last year.. 12,027 ia,ow The following table snows h receipts nf cattle, hogs and fliefp at the South Omaha live nock market for the year to uaie. as compared with last year: 1914. 1913. Inc. Dec t"Attle 346,787 341.22$ 17,438 "ogs 1.130,083 1,18,075 6S.013 nneep TO1.251 f61,676 12J.5.5 The following table shows the range ot prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for tho last few days, with comparUons: Data. I 1H4. 11913, 1912.1)1111 i10.ll909.H9'a M ay 12 13. II. 18, 18.1 18. 19. 22. 23. 24. 8 19H 8 II 8 941 9 23 7 Oil 5 11 7 041 I 35 7 08 5 24 7 11 11 I 624 TOG 7 CCI s 02 5 34 .May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May a IS IB IS 8 19 8 22 8 "Til 8 22 S 291.1 8 241 T 441 7 U 7 59 7 $3 7 2 7 10 S 971 9 301 39 5 98 & 961 S 89 SOI I 8 29 8 80HI I 8 2-ml 8 n 8 19 S SSI sal 6 Ml 9 441 6 791 9 881 T Mil A Til 9 3V 6 Ml 5 SS b ;i s 81 7 431 9 41 7 01 S 31 5 37 6 26 S 17S 8 29 7 451 S l 7 40 5 691 7 46 E 62 7 00 8 15H 8 30 I 8 39 S00KI 9 43 9 39 t 97 7 ll R 70 9 191 7 101 5 14 2. 27. 28. 7 97H 8 01H 8 03 I 8 45 8 42 i 8 37 5 83 7 391 8 84 7 32 9 14 7 14 8 18 9 27 7 14 7 03 8 23 6 31 I) 391 Sur.day. Receipts and disposition or live stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending nt 3 o'clock p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cuttla Itntra. fthfutn. C, M. Si 8t. P 4 WnbAsh , 8 .. Missouri Pacific S 1 3 Union Pacific 38 38 6 C. & N. W., east 4 n C. A N. W west J8 & C, St. P., M. & 0 9 3 6 C.. B. & O., east 3 3 C , B. St Q west IS 43 3 C , R, I. & P., east 1A 6 Illinois Central 11.. Chicago Q. W I 3 Total receipts 105 1(1 15 DISPOSITION-HEAD. cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 378 1.S14 143 Swift and Company 653 Cudahy Packing Co.,,... 603 2,503 2,883 8,014 1,178 873 C93 "m 23 armour Ac uo. ,. Morre.ll 612 3 Cudahy, K. C. mil at con,. I !.. F. B, Lewis J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Werthelmer A Degan.i.. Kotnscnna tiros Mo. A Kansas Cnlf Cn . cnr.'stla Hlgglns . Huffman r:".v: R6th .... Meyers Olassberc 1 3 Tunner Bros fl John Harvey 23 utner buyers us .... :i Totals .2,475 10.014 8,193 CATTLE ne.lnta aP eattla nun varv light at all points this morning, the sup- fiy iocai iv amounting to less man loo cars. Still, for tha four davs this waek the receipts foot up 18,730 head, being larger than last week or week before., and larger man a year ago oy oout 1,700 nrau. The quality of the beef cattls In sight averaged up very well; that Is. there was a large Shoing of rood .kilters In the .yards. The feeling was. If Anything, a llttlo better than yesterday on some Kinds of cattle at least, and the general market was safely steady. The big and of the offerings changed hands ln fair season In the morning. Cows and heifers "were. In active demand at good steady prices, the moderate, offer ings changing hands quite readily. There wero hardly enough stockers and feeders ln sight to talk about, and the market was without any noteworthy change. Quotations on cattle; Qood to prime yearlings, $3.3039.00; good to choice beef steers, $$.t0Q8.85; fair to good beef stern, fS,0Oit8.40; common to fair beef steers, $7.4033.00; good to choice cornfed heif ers, $7.608.00; good to choioo cornfed cows, $6.8037,50; fair to good grades, $6.00 06.76; common to fair grades, Jl.60jj6.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.75 QS.10; fair to good stockers and feeders, $7.4037.76: Common to fair stockers and feeders, $7.0Og,40; stock cows and heif ers, $6.0037.75; stock calves, $A.60Q&.25; veal calves. $8.00ftll.O0: bulls, stags, etc.. S5.7M 7.76. HOOS supplies amounted to something Ilka 101 cars, or 11,000 head, bringing the week's total up to 28,005. This la still a couple of hundred short of a wrek ago and Is more nan 8,600 smaller than a year ago. Trade opened out In fair shape, consid ering that all other markets were little It any better than steady, and the first sales wero made at prices that were steady to strong at yesterday's average. There was a fairly active movement after things started and values continued to strengthen up until at the good ttmo a good many droves were sold at price that were mostly 5c higher and a few sales at the extreme high spot looked fully a nickel higher. By this time, how ever, the packers' droves were Pretty well iiueu oui, ana wun oetter man imriy loads still In first hands bids eased off, until they were close to a nickel lower than the good time earlier In the fore noon. Even money was the popular figure of fered at this time, and, while the sales men who had hogs left held off In an ef fort to strengthen values up again, they were finally forced to cut loose at prices that vere close to 6c lower than the best time, and If anything a little easier than yesterday's average. The big end of these late sales was made at $8.00. Closing trade was dull, It being nearly midday before anaythlng like a clear ance was made, and even at this time there were a few scattering loads In first hands. Bulk of the sales landed at $8.0038.06, tho longer strings selling at $8,024, and $8.06. Quite a sprinkling sold as high as $8.07tt. top for the dev. and tha hiirh. eat figure thut has been paid this week. SHEEP A scareltv of rluhf vnnH vin. lng sheep and lambs was once more a factor of Importance on the sheep market today. Early advices from outside points were again bearish than mh.rwin. which indicated no material Improvement ln the wuiiuiuuuB mm nave prevailed most of the week. While the local packers made much capital out of the fact that the, eustern trade ln dressed mutton was still reported as In a weak and very uncertain nnntlttinn I k- A I . w..v.,.,v,., v. aun ucra louowea yester day s satisfactory business and prices gen- oiaii? .irnux 10 a snaoe nigner were re corded, with the movement lively on that basis. Though the receipts were light, being estimated at only some 3,000 head, tho quality on the whole was If any thing a little better and thin fart .n served to stimulate competition among The barn was praclcally cleared by 9;30 o'clock, The range of clipped lamb prices was around $7 70JS.10. the latter price being the highest point reached, compared with a top of $8.00 for several loads yesterday Few spring lambs wore available again today and among sales made were some Iambi at $3.00. Little better than a rfub of clipped ewes brought $5.65 and two cars of clipped yearling wethers the samo as some at $8.35 Tueeday, sold at $6.60 this morning. Quotations on sheep and lambs. Shorn stock: Lambs, good to choice, $7.90(38,25: lamba, fair to good, $7. 7007.90; yearlinga. uVu iu tiiyiv;o, o.imoi.js )earunga, fair to good. $.fi08.99; wethers, good to choice. $6.6&fi6.i0; wethers, fair to good, ..lwuiiiod, nncp, UUU IU cnOlCC. 13.400 7.75; owes, fair to good, $J.:tJJ.40. London Stock Market. j . nmaiiviw aa,uiUV. were quiet and featureless during the early trading today. At noon prices ranged from unchanged to t above parity, Consols, for money, 74T4; account, 751-10 (July). 8ILVER-Bnr, steady; 33 3-ld. MONEY 2UfWH i hort bills, i 15-16C; three months, 2 18-18. STOCKS AND BONDS. neTleTT of Operations on Slock Ex change During; the Day. NEW YORK. Mo7i-Unlmportnt va riations were the rule In the early stock market dealings today. The leaders were ""Idly reactionary and Ueneral Motors yielded 2 points of Its recent advance. Dealings wero In exceedingly large vol ume and the list as a whole bore the fa miliar ante-holiday aspect. There seemed to be some disappointment at the lack of more definite details regarding the Mex ican negotiations, this feeling finding re flection In London, where Americans were mostly lower. Number of sales and trading quotations on stocks were as follows: , , . 8l. Hlth, liow. Clow. Amtltwntl.a Coppr . . 3,800 7JU. 71 UK Amenein Agricultural tsu Anwrlctn llet Hutar ... 70o 31 UH UH Am.r Iran C.n ji M j; 27 Amtrlcan Cun pti 4W 1 wfi tot Amorlran v. A F 600 MU (1 MV Amtrloan Cotton Oil j Am, Ice ftacurltlaa j.too lis JJ $34 Amrrlran MnI , j American Lnromfttlva (l ( jju Amtrlcan 8 A K Kx Mli m SIS American S. 4 P. pfd " Amfr Sutar Rallnlns M 1MH, 107U 101 American T. T ... ujti American Tobacco , JJJH Anaconda Mlnlns Oo. .. .. ll.ldo UH 1114 jl Atehlmn oo ojvi t;n 7 AtchUon rfd JOO 100 MU tU Atlantic CYut Una ,, jui! llaltlmer a Ohio f nu aiu 12 Pethlehem Steal joo (jij tiu Drookljrn Ttnpld Tr 2.900 5114 M M Canadian Picltte &. us m 19IH Central Leather tiy 1IU JJH CharaVa A Ohio JOO HI 8:, uv Chlcaao O. V ; . JJ? CMCtso, M, A St. T.... X.4M 101H 101 100H Chlcxo N. W ooo 1UK UJU isiu Colorailo Fuel A Iron.... to) SIU. rfC C'onroll.lated Q aoo JMVi US its Corn Producti ,. U Delaware A Huamn ui Denver A Hlo Orandt , n- Denter It a iifd 100 20U 1014 l" Dinuiert- Fecurltlea .... iiti Flrla 700 2H 1JU It Krle 1st r . -. Krle 2d rfd General Electric ., .. flraftt Vnrth.rn tA 214 41 II U'i WI ll 141 M 14SH 400 193 Ut 124 fl.a.l VmILm rt a... IZ14 ..... - - ,. ..... , ,i,uv ,..a .iia Ail-a tnlerboRHiih Met jM its US 144 Intw Met pfd H 1U u International liarreetar,, tio jmu ioj W7 Inter-Msrlna pfd ,,. ,,, 10 international rper ' ,,,,, International Pump ... t Kanw Otr Southern. .. Ki Ki Laclede nss Lhlth Valler ' ' .. ' mj LouliTllla ft Naahtllla ,. jjg J..' St' ,r-., 8' B,e' 1M lUVt Mlaiourl, K. A T ..... 17 , Mlisourl raflflo 11,706 11 17 ii National niacult , , .. J Netlonal Leart ' ' 4! N. R, R. ef M. 2d pfd ni Nfv.Tor.,,cw,!;:;:;::.!:!?0 ' Su Norfolk A Western...... S00 105U 1MV. wjsl North American , ., , ., 7114 rff.iri. '.i""10 raelflc Mall nv" Pennaanl mo nt Itlii mil People'a Oaa i P.. r.. C. A Kt. L . jjk PttUbursh Coal , ". jo Preesed steel Car..., u Pullman Palaca car...,-.. Hja fjeadlns u.VW IM14 1MH left's Repuhlle Iron A Steel ., MO 13V iik mv! nepubllo I. A 8. pld . Stl r.ock Island Co " , j ItoeV Island Co. pfd...., 400 IV iv 4f St. L, A B. F Id pfd . .... IS Peboard Air Line , ivZ Seaboard A. Ia pfd " gi fitoii-Rheffleld ft. A 1... .,. ' j Southern Paclflo ........ H.tM KU nvi (m floutlvern nallirar liti So. nallwar pfd 'JOO to a' TSV Tenneseee Conner JM JTi liv 14 Teiaa A Patlflo ..., V ITnlon Pariria a ?aa ,t.u ..a ... lllinAla I'.ntral 1 1IM ....7 mien r.cm; u.;::::: .. . jUu united ptate neallr ,. m United Slates Rubber ... sm MH 'itu uu rstV!"':;:": M" ptahOoprr , rofto 'int 'iiii itu .Carolina Chemical .. a 2Ju itu WJh X tj sj Wabash pfd .,. Jim su j2 w !irns Unlon M 1K MH Wheellns A Lska Erie.. 2 Chlno Oipper i..,.,..kt, fcfi llu m 411I N Y . N. JJ. A H. ...... 1.400 .SiJ 67 SI; Ray Con. Copper.,, 600 n rtH 21H Locnl Becarltleis, Qantaitlons MrnHtied bj Burns. Printer A Co.. Ill Omaha, National bank bulldlns: STOCKS. . . . W4. Asked. Diitrke Creamery pfd M 94 Deere A Co. pfd. ai-dlr..... u Fslrmont Crssmerr pfd. 7 per eant... tl JOO ralrmont Craamerr uar. t par cant.. ilU 101 Omaha A C B. R. A D si u Union Btock Yards. Omaha, ex-dir.. It 100 Ssrirt A Co. 7 per cent lotu J06U BONDB. Columbus, Nab.. B. L. 5s, 1114 II 91 Chlcsco A N. W. 4s, lift 14 U Chlcsso. III., la , '. u uti council Bluffs O. A EC. Is, 1IJ1 11 ciu Fall Hirer Co., B. D., ta, 1M1 101 ioj Iowa R. A L. . lilt S5 J Los Ancelea Tlr Ca. 1141 It S4 New York State 4Ha losu lt Omaha TS. U A P. Is, till tl S14 City of Omtha. Sewer 4H, 1911 10J loifi City ef Omsba 4Hs. 1111 10m ioJ7 Omaha A C. n. St. Rr. ta. Ills v Puret Bound T L. A P. a. mi.... 100 101 Barrsmsnto, Cat, iHs. Hit at nu Ran Dleo, Cat. Water la, 1M0 joj .sal Hwlft A Co. (a. mil t7U Bloux r4ty Stock Tirde la, 1M0 tl seil Bloux Cltr Tel Cs, 1111 ." n tl Nerr York Money Mnrbeit. ' wnw vniiir nr... - -,. .. steady at 1TB2 per cent; ruling rate. 1 oans, stronger; sixty ond ninety days. 2H vrr cuii bix. monin, 4h per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SXHti per cent. . RTFnr rvn wvou s x?nti. n daya. "i?905 demand, $4.M15; commercial bills, $I.S.SH. BILVER-Bar. S7c; Mexican dollars', 44c. BONDS-Government, steady; railroad. firm. flunk ClearlnsTS. OMAHA, May 28. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $2.42S,E3a.M, and for the corresponding day last year, $2,597, 244.11 w Kansas City Mr'e Stock. Market. KANSAS CITY, Ma.. May SS. CATTLE! Receipts, 1.E00 head; prime fed steers, S8.SO39.i0; dressed beef steers. $7.6038.40; western steers, $7.40ff8.60: southern steers. $6.7598.25; cows, $4.fi&a'7.75; heifers, $7.XWj. 9.00; stockers and feeders, I6.WMt8.2j; bulls, $6.00117.60; calves. $6.$010.BO. HOOS Receipts, 4,000 head: market 5a higher; bulk, $8.05B.20: heavy. $8.15tJ125: packers and butchers, $S.1&8.25; light, $S.OO .20; pigs, $7.40(37,90. SHEEP AND LAM B6 Recel Pts, 5,000 head: market 18c lower; lambs, $7.0038.75; yearlings. $8.2&rjr7.18; wethers, $5.40i5.S5: ewes. $4.50fi5.75. I Bt. Louis Lire Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. May 2S.-CATfLE-i Receipts, 2,600 head: native beef steers, $7.DOS9.00; cows and heifers. $4.2509.00; stockers and feeders, $5.00(38.00: southern steers, $5.758.40; cows and heifers. $4.50. 8.B3; native calves. $8.0039.75. HOOS Receipts, 7,900 head; market 5 10c higher; pigs and lights, $7.008.35; mixed and butchers, $8.200125; good heavy. $8.2538.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,600 head; market steady; sheared muttons. $1.75Q5.2S; sheared lambs, $7.0038.00. Blonx Cltr Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. May 28. CATTLE e Receipts, WO head;, market steady; native' steers, $7.5088.50; butchers, $8.23S.O0: cows and heifers, $8.757.20; canners, $1.25 fi6.00; bulls, stags, etc $6.50(37.33. HOOS Receipts, 6,000 head, market So higher; heavy. $8.0508.10; mixed, $8.00 8.05; light, $7.97H4T8.00; bulk, $8.0038.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S00 head; market had no tone. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST- JOSEPH. May 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 900 hea; market stesdy; ' steers, $7.5009.25: cows and heifers,. $4.5038.75; calves. $6.00(89.50. HOOS Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady to strong; top, $3.22tt; bulk, $3.10 BHEEP AND LAMBS-Hecolpts. l.OflO head; market steady; .lambs, $7.55(83 65. Evaporated Apples nna Dried Fruit fi NEW YORK. May 23. EVAPORATED APPLES-Qutet. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steady: apri cots, Inactive; peaches, quiet; raisin, dull. , Dry ftoods Market. Cotton goods held firm and showed & I A I . A . . A . uruKucillfiH iciiuviivjr luuuj. a urns Wera steady. Competition ln dome. tic wools was active ln tha west. Rjsw alllr ua- quiet, ,