THE BEK; OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, llAY 27, 1914. Worshipping King Cobra ?vj A Startling Commentary on the Brutalizing Influence of Ancient Superstitions ami Uncorr Garrett P. Serviss Oldest Iuhabited Lands of the Globe ected Ignorance in One of the ..J Seven Gods on a ltnlscd Altarplcco in Suutliorn India. Look at the' photographs here of the ' strange sods In India, and then reflect upon the fact that these things have their uncounted thousands of devout' worship ers now, even now, who we are apt to think that the 'light of silence- and free intelligence. has penetrated all parts of the inhabited world. , Superstition and its mother, Ignorance, have relatively lost ground, but still they control, in the aggregate, almost as many million, minds as they did a century Ago, No man can find a better proof-of the world's crying need of education, educa- , " -Zf-V3" ' tlon in the broadest-nd -mwt . liberal sense, not In any narrow sectarian sense, than Is furnished hy a glance at these pictures of what actually exists today in southern India, ore of the oldest In habited quarters of the earth. Kneeling Before the Snake Goddess in Southern India, highest mountains on the globe, like a thcedas. It taught the worship of nat- great funnel, and that funnel Is filled ilrH objects, such ns the sky, the clouds, and packed with humanity, tracing Its origin back to the earliest recorded time. The Hindoo people, according , to the opinion of the 'anthropologists, are our own blood cousins, belonging to the rool stem, of the conquering and civilizing white race. They aro essentially Intellectual, but their minds, more than those of the west ern Aryans, have for ages been ghen to dreamy methods of bought. Their rel'gtous beliefs have acquired a charac ter! which seems to our most practical Intell'gcnco mystical, theoretical and imaginative. Some of thelr-gods are re pulsive (o us. and rather objects'of terror and abhorrence than of religious senti ment, as Christianity develops It. the wlnas, the dawn, but later It becamo more philosophical In Its teachings. Tho tendency of the Indian, mind waa shown by the development of the Hindoo, or Brahmanlstlc religion, with Its wor ship of things and forces In nature to which godllko powers and qualities wen) ascribed, mr-ritfcsts itself again In the moro brutish forms of religion that" exist along with It, and to which such gods a those shown in the photographs are due. That row of carved and decorated deities consists of cryatallzed superstitions. They are-the dreams of a disordered Imagina tion made visible, and solid. You may think that the Grecian marble Images of Aphrodite (Venus), and of Jupiter (Zeus), were no better, except that they were beautiful Instead of ugly, but there was ..... - ....... tT J. I n I a ! ( Urn a vt- 1I1C il UC I.I.UUVJ ICllhlUil la uiuiiiiiau- . MCUUUIU1 maiKnu " B J Ism, Buddhism having almost d sappeared j n great difference in the thought back of from the Indian peninsula Brahmanlsm ' them. The Greek's carved gods never kept The peninsula of India hangs down from developed the great Sanscrit i lerauirc. ; h!s BOui in nonaago ana m mum ... -the vast belt of tho H'malaya ranges, tho 1 represented by the sacred books called , tmce. They were purely symbols, while r'- Fashion I Two Charming Stylos Fully Described by Olivette So That You Can Copy Them .J) these repulsive Indian idols thrill tht souls of their worshipers with a mystle sense of some menacing power possessed by the Imago itself. India contains one of the most evil creatures In the entire range of the animal kingdom, the dreadful eobra-dl-capello, the very Cham of venomous ser pents, to whose fatal bite about 55,000 human beings fall victims every year In Hindustan, as the annual eta tlstlcs of the government prove! and it Is but natural that the Image of this fearful snake should find a conspicuous place among the Idols worshiped by lh Ignorant natives, Carved in stone, or bronze, placedr upright against the front of an altar, the snake goddess of south ern Indls. with Its trembling worshipers bowing down before It, with their faces In the dust, offers -a type of human un reason and Rbjcet superstition that should act like a trumpet call to all those who would help, however little, in the great work of educating the world. THE PROFESSOR'S MYSTERY WELLS HASTINGS and BRIAN HOOKER WITH ILLUSTRATIONS by HANSON BOOTH COPYRIGHT 1911 tp THE bODDS MEHRILL COMPANY You Can Begin This Great Story To-day by Reading This First Prof. Crosby casualty encounters at a suburban trolley station Mlzs Tabor, whom he had met at a Christmas party, both being bound for tho Ansleys. On the way thes trolley is wrecked, near the Tabor home, and there Crosby goes to spend the night. After retiring he is summoned and turned out, to find ac commodations at a nearby inn, no ex planation being given him. He en counters Mf. Tabor in a heated denote with a rough looking Italian the next day, and learns the Italian Is one Caruccl. Later at the Ainsleys he meets Miss Tabor again, and they are getting on famously, when Dr. Walter Held, Miss Tabor'a stepbrother turns up, and carts her off home. Crosby le warned he must not try to see Miss Tabor again. He persists, and Is Invited to accompany her on a midnight trip to the city, where they rescue Sheila. Miss Tabor's old nurse, from the effects of an assault committed on her by Caruccl, who turns out to bs Sheila's husband. In escaping from the city with Sheila, they have brush with the police, but avoid being detained or Identified. This gets the newspapers Into the game, and one of tho reporters, who comes closest to the trail, turns out to be Maclean, an old pal of Crosby's, who Is persuaded to sup press the Tabor name, and to assist In cleaning up the- mystery- In the mean time Crosby has gotten Into the good graces of tho Tabor family, has learned that It Is Margaret who wedded Dr. Reld, while he is In love with Miriam, who answers to the family pet name of Lady. He and Maclean locate Caruccl working with a gang or graders near the Tabor home, and manage to stir up quite a row with him, when Sheila inter venes. Crosby returns to the Tabors, where he gets Into an Intimate conversa tion with Mrs, Tabor, only to be Inter rupted oy i.aay and ner father. As n result of the conversation that followed Lady is left with her mother, who seems unduly excited, while Crosby and Mr Tabor go to have smoke and talk over the situation. Tabor explains that his wife's health has been shattered since! I Rot out there, crossed over to the the tlcath of a daughter several years local platform, and waited. When the un&krabfo. 1 thVfourth and thev asree that he must be gotten 1 car. Tho center seat waB cmptj, and I rid of. Sheila is to help. Crosby goes back to town and encounters MacLean, who has dug up some Information as to Caruccl. MacLean explains the situation, that Is leading up to tho solution of 'the mystery. It Involves a visit to u spiritual istic sconce, which Crosby makes under Maclean's guidance It devolopes the medium pretends to produce the spirit of Mrs. Tabor's dead daughter, tho wlfo of Dr. Reld. Leaving the srene of the seance, Crosby tees Caru-yi on the street and follows him to a drinking place, where the Italian meets -,v. Tsld and a giant, and drinks are served for three. It becomes apparent that Reld has a scheme on foot, for Crosby notes that Caruccl's drink Is drugged, whllt) neither of the others Is drinking. A large roll of bills Is handed Caruccl Just before he collapses and Is carried out. The giant comes back with the money and gives it to Held. Crosby accosts Reid. and they quarrel. Held has planned to havj Caruccl ahnnghaied; Crosby meets Sheila and tells her what has happened to her husband. She tells him of the death of Miriam Tabor and her Infant child, and lays the blame on Dr. Reld, with a sug gestion that Mrs. Tabor needs a priest more than a doctor. While Crosby Is puzzling over Sheila's story, he Is called on the telephone by Tabor, who tells him Mrs. Tabor has started for town alone, and asks Crosby to keen track of her. Crosbv encounters Mrs. Tabor, and goes with her while she keeps an appointment with the man Reld had twic taken secretly to the Tabor home. After the Interview Crosby takes Mrs. Tnbor to the depot where he encounters ShelK and to her he gives his charge On call ing the Tabor home by 'phone, he gets hold of Dr Reld, who seems put out bv what Crotby learns. Crosby encounters tho mysterious stranger about to enter a train to go to tho Tabors, and follows him. Now Read On mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm To Regain a Healthy, . Girlish Complexion CIIAPTEII Concerning the Identity of the Man with the lllnrh Voice. (Continued.) Seventy-ninth and Eighty-sixth streets blurred past without a sign. Then a lit- I tie beyond the latter I caught sight -A jthe, local', and gradually we drew along- side He wan still there, drumming Idly on the window-pane with his white fing ers, and looking disinterestedly straight across at me. I had a momentary Im pulse to conceal my face, until a re If you would have a clear, fresh, girlish complexion, one ounce of ordinary merco. llzed wax will aid ynu in thin direction more than she ves full of cosmetics. It produces a natural beauty, completely ' n,r.,.T,A hnt he hurt never pn mo absorbs a bad complexion, revealing the : mw? ' ? ? ! 1.0 lor n nriuu.i w r eiarcu ai rauii uiuur, pursuer and pursued, the one utterly un healthy young skin underneath. Its work Is done so gradually, day by day. that no inconvenience Is caused The wax is np rjlled at night, like cold cream, and re moved in the morning with soap and water Another valuable re lUvenatlntr treat- . .1.1. ... I I . Kn A . . 1 t face In a solution of powdered saxollte, ;Mnet -sixth street or get off at Ninety 1 01. dissolved In 4-pt witch haze' 1 first and the chances were In favor of This hOB a remarkable action in smooth- my finding him still In the train at ing out the line and 'firming up U I vinetv. sixth loose tissue. Advertisement -inei sixtn. sought in vain among the passengers thronging to the doors. Then I hurried- back ahead of the crowd, and from be fore the ticket window ran my eye.i again over the platform to make cure. Well, he had left the train at the last tit a tlon, it was a question of seconds. 1 was in the street above In less time than It takes to tell It, and swung myself recklessly aboard it parsing south-bound surface car, but a stream of trucks and automobiles blocked the track; and be fore we passed the next corner I Jumped off and ran. Three blocks I went at the top of my speed, my breath growing- shorter at every stride. And then, nearly a block away to the westward, I caught sight of the silk hat against the redden ing sky. H was an easy matter enough to over take the rnan. Ho walked along slowly and rather heavily, glancing upward at the numbers of tho houses; and presently lie paused to verify an address in a poeketbook. I might have spoken to him then, but I hesitated for a pretext. His name "was what I wanted first; and in my Ignorance of the circumstances It would be safer to settle one thing at a time. Whll I debated with myself, he went up the steps of a house near West End avenue. Bines It was evidently net his home, nothing could be lost by a lit tle patient consideration; so lighting a. cigarette, of which by now I felt con siderable need, I strolled to and fro be fore the house, .while 1 pondered my next move. Five or ten minutes went by, and I was on the point of ringing the bell and asking who It was that had Just come In. when the electric brougham purred around the corner, with my friend Thomas silting stolidly at the wheel. At the moment. I happened to be nearly at the other end of the block, and before I reached the spot where the brougham had drawn up my man had come out of the house. I could hardly question his servant before his faee. And the next minute he had clambored In and driven decorously away I ran as far as the corner, looklnr about In all directions for a taxlcab. None was In sight; and to follow afoot for any distance was, of course, Impos sible. 1 should have to be content with the number of the boroughs m and such Information as Inquiries at the two houses I knew the man to have visited back to you In an hour. Where do you liver- He told me in ft dazed sort of tone, and I was wavering on my way almost before he had finished. The wheel ran abominably hard, and was so much too low for me that my knees barey cleared the handle bars; still, It meant all the difference between losing the brougham altogether anrl being able to follow It easily. All the wsy down to the fifties It led me, and eastward beyond Madison avenue, halting at last before h rigid looking domicile whose lower window dis played a strip of ground glass with the legend! "Immanuel Faulus, M. D," Somehow, the name waa Indefinitely familiar, as the face had been. I wasted no time In surmise, but went straight up to tho door. "Was that Dr" Taulus who Just came in?" I asked the maid She lookod me over cautiously "Who was it wanted to see him. sir?" "He wouldn't know me." I said, "Jt'a only that I have something which I think he lost In the street." The trick worked, as I had expected. and a moment later my man stood before me Identifitd. even to the shrill preoi- slon of his voice with its tinge of German accent. I found this In front of your door, doctor," said I, "and T thougfit you had dropped It as you went In. And I handed him my silver poeketknlfe. De liberately he produced his own, and with deliberate courtesy pointed out my mis take. I thought as the. door closed be hind me that there had been a glint of recognition In his eyes, But the final step' remained to take: and with an ach ing swarm of suspicions writhlnr in my brsln, I sought out o public telephone. "Mac," I asked, "who and what Is Dr Immanuel Paulua?" an! the answer I had expected set the keystone upon a whole arch of tettering reminiscences. "Biggest alienist and nerve-shark In town; blgggest In the country'. I, puesi. He was the old guy slttln alone In the corner at that spook-hunt D'you remember?" (To be Continued Tomorrow.) H&nnoton gabardine is used to dovolop this delightful spring dress, on the loft, for the young girl. And Hanneton means, in simple English, "Maybug," which in nowlso detracts from the beauty of the frock. The kimono bodlco has a throo-quartor sleeve, finished by a high cuff made of two bands of tho material and trimmed with two horn buttons, and undersleove of white linen, cherry-dotted, Is bor dered by a softening edging of tulle. Deep, plaits are 'laid over each shoulder. The same linen makes a pretty rolled collar above a vest of the linen and net. At the back tho material is foldod Into a high standing collar, and from this falls a straight panel. The belt Is of yhlto Icathor, fastened byi throe buttons of cherry-colored enamel. Tho skirt Is a ono-ploco model, straight at tho back, and has an apron front formed of deep box plaits. This study, on tho right, In black and white, combines simplicity and distinction In equal parts. The bodlco In a simple blouse of heavy silver white faille. Two polriU of black velvet aro .united to form the pointed revere, anj are held over the shoulder by;rhlncstones. An ostrich feather band borders the&o rovers, crossing tho chest In a slightly lifted lino. Tho skirt Is a ono-pleco model, draped up at the hip line, to suggest the pannier drapery. Bands of white ostrich foathers hem the gown, following the ,llno of tho rounded train and the high silt at olthor side. Many charming color schemes will suggest thonisolves silver gray with orchid velvet, deep cream with American beauty, wheat yellow with vanilla brown, or rose and old blue would be very lovoly but for sheer charm wo recommend tho combination of tho softest silvery Nile green and a dull leaf green velvet. If tho price of ostrich foather trimming Is pro hibitive try fluted ribbon or a rucho of soft chif fon. The shade of this puffing should always be a soft pastel coloring or white, like the original model. OLIVETTE. Little Bobbie's Pa By WILLIAM F. KIRK. Our teecher asked us to rite a essay on Ambtshun & 1 asked Pa Just what waa the meaning of the word Amblahun. Dident yure teecher tell you? sed Pa. No, I ed, she toald ua to look up the word in the dlckshunary then rite a essay on It. I cuddent find the dlckshun ary In the Jlbary. I toald Pa, so I asked you. Well, sed Pa, I think It wud be a gralo deal better 1 you, let me rite j ure essay for you, but if you think you can git away with it yunelf. I will tell you what the word meena & see how well you handel the subjeck. Amblshun meens deUrmlnaahun to make yureaelf bigger & better thn you are at present. It meens reechlng out, striving for sumthlng that It not at present within yure reach. It ! not alwaya a doeslrabel thing to have, sed Pa, beekaus no less a man than William Shakespeare sed onst, wen he was talking to Oliver Cromwell In a English gir mill, Cromwell. I charge thee, fling away Amblshun. Then Ma beegan to laff. Where Is the comedy? oed Pa. You are the comedy, sed Ma. Shakeapeer r Wanderlust might yield, Then a boy came by on a conscious of the other. My train paseed I decrepit bicycle, and I caught at his , forward with Increasing speed, while I i counted the cars one two three he was In the fourth. Either he must come Into handles "Iet me take your wheel,'' I panted. He twisted his face Into position for a howl, 'Nonsense, kid, I'm not going to teal It Look at me Here," I thrust a bill into his hand. That's more than your machine's worth, and I'll send It J Dy CONSTANCE CLARKE. A long stretch of road 'neath a sky half asleep, And the heart of a gypsy astirrlng In me The call of the wild In the call of the deep, The longing to know and to feel and to see. To read In the stars with a catch of the breath The laws of the Infinite, measureless, vast; To feel through a life but the mystery of death, To know In the present the thought of the past. A road stretching Into the great faraway, Pale stars still a-dream on an amorous iky, The call of a bird wheeling out on the gray, A chill In the breath of the wind rushing by. A stir like the rush of a far distant sea The birth of a day with the night scarcely gone, The heart of a gypsy astirrlng in me, The call to bo up end away with the dawn. newer knew Oliver Cromwell. The Crom well that Shakespeer merit In his play was Cromwell the servant of Cardinal Woolsey. Shakespeer made Cardinal Wooltey say tfiat line to his servant Deer me. sed Ma, you are getting thicker with every passing year. Well, sed Pa, be that as it may, I am outlining to our llttcl son the reel meen Ing of the word. Now go ahed, Bobble, & rite, a estsy on the word Amblshun. So I went to the llbary & thta la what I rote. Amblshun Is one of the noablest traits of the human mind. Amblshun Is what malks the soljer go. forth to battel. It Is what bllds cities. It is what maika grate blldlngs, grate ships & grate Indus-tries. Without amblshun, man wud he like a toad Inside a mass of stone, neether abel to move nor caring to move, Without amblshun Caruso wud still hava been a Italyun laborer. Harry Lauder wud still be & coal miner. Lillian Tlusselt wud still have been Jest a nice, prltty blond lady & the champion prize flter wud still have been a gentleman, Amblshun la back of almost our every every move. It is Ambtshun that malks us get up in the morning, It Is Amblshun that sends ub to bed at nite, so we can get a good nlte's' rest & be reddy for the grato work that we have mapped out tqr the next day. H Is Ambtshun that aumtlme malks us ferglt our fellow men, Jt that is the only thing that wn can say aggenst Amblshun It is called by different nalms, Sum call it akeemlnc, sum call it coneeet. ball players call It Ambler., & yet. after all. every man ehud call it noabtl, for It is tho foundashun of all that stands for clvlllzashun & the glory of mankind. Bobble, sed ma, I think that Is splendid for such a yung boy. Tou have, a right to feel proud of It. I don't think it Is up to Bobble's standard, sed Pa. He shud have let me help him. I doant know, I toald pa. The only essay that you helped ma to rite waa tho one. that my teecher sed' was not up to my standard, Then Pa dident say any rnoar. What It Amounts To. "I don't think a college education an'ounts to a great deal." "Don't you? Well, you ought to foot ray boy's bills and see." Boston Transcript