Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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T:J Pnn -V
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v AT
Reginald A. Bait Chokes Sweetheart
to Death in Playful Struggle.
Fourth Attempt to Commit Snlctile
I nl Tnkri Poison
TttIct nnil Jump Into Pool
lit Stone Qanrrr.
Hlgl) grado Panama hats trimmed
In white wings, white drapes, flow-
nto hart Ha nf vaKa( vIKlmn all Ha.
5l cldedly different and very smart In
effect. Now sailor and outing
Two representative models from
this sale are pictured here. There
aro several dozen other pretty
They are hats such as have
been selling regularly up to
$13.50. On sale Wednes
day, choice at
Women's Pumps at $2.95
Smart pumps for dross wear in patent
leather, duIJ kid, black satin and gray
brocade Colonials with artistic buckle
and flat bow styles. Cuban or
Gaby heels, new lasts and grace
ful patterns. All sizes and
widths, at, a pair, $2.95.
LISLE, III., May iti-Reglnald A. Barr.
leaving behind htm a note declaring that
his claying of his sweetheart, Florence
Bentley, at Downers drove, three miles
from here, last Saturday, was accidental,
Jumped In front of a moving train hero
early today and was killed.
It whs his fourth attempt at suicide,
in a note found on his person he de-
' clared ho took drugs twice In an effort
to die beside the body of his sweetheart.
i jt both times failed,
lie next Jumped Into a quarry pit, but
i he lit In the stagnant water and "I
j couldn't sink," said the note.
The clothing on his body was wet when
taken from the tracks.
The note said Miss Bentley was killed
when he tried to kiss her. She screamed
and he placed his hand on her throat.
"Sho became quiet all of a sudden," said
the note.
In remorse and fear he sat beside her
for some time seeking to find a spark of
11 fo remaining In her. Finally he gave
up hope and went to Aurora, whero he
purchased an anaesthetic. He returned
and, prostrating himself beside the girl's
body, swallowed It.
After a whllo he woke up. The girl
still lay very quiet beside him. Again he
made the trip to Aurora, says the note,
and again returned with poison to die
beside the girl he had slain. This at
tempt also was a failure. Then he wan
dered for hours through the woods, before
Jumping In front of the train.
Throws Self In Kront of Trnln.
DOWNERS GROVE, 111., May M.-Reg-In&ld
A. Burr, who had been hiding In
tho woods here for two days and whose
sweetheart since childhood was found
dead yesterday, as killed this morning by
a train at Lisle, threo miles west of here.
It was reported to Sheriff Kuhn of Du-
Tennis shoes and oxfords in white, 71- .
the kind w
black or gray. New styles
that fit. All grades for men, women
boys and girls at, a pair
We Sell "Trot-Moc" Shoes
Trot Moc, tho famous outdoor shoe for children, In white,
tan or black. Shoes and oxfords. Unl Inert and extremely soft
and flexible. Almost wearproof. Nature shaped lasts. All
sizes, at $1.50 to $2.18.
Dr. Bradbury, Dentist
1306 rarnam. Phone D. 17S0
at Tears Sam Offles.
Money-Back Guarantee if we cannot
please you
A Crown or Bridge Tooth $2.50 Up
Best Work Warranted 10 Tears.
Send for Illustrated Dooklet FTeo.
page county that Barr had thrown hlm
self In front of the trnln.
A statement in the young man's pocket
corroborated, according to the report, the
disjointed explanation of the killing of
Miss Florence Bentley, which Bahr gave
to two boys last night.
In the note Barr declared that Miss
Bentley's death was an accident and that
he nnver thought of such a thing as dolog
her any wrong. When he found that she
was killed he was overcome by grift and
This Is in accordance with the state
ment attributed to Barr by two boys
who were among those searching for him
last night. The boys, Mttvln Binder and
Guy Stmonson, said that Barr suddenly
peered out at them from some bushes.
He told them brokenly, they said, that he
had attempted to put his arm around
Miss Bentley and that In a playful strug
gle her neck was broken. The boys
tried to detain Barr, but he fled. Phy
sicians who examined the body said tho
neck was not broken.
The death of Miss Bentley took place
Saturday night. The body was found
yesterday. Meantime search was made
for her and Barr, who had started home
with her from the home of Barr's aunt
Saturday night.
Zapata Junta
Asks Recognition
WASHINGTON', May 26. An axent of
General Emlllano Zapata and the Junta
In charge of tho revolutionary movement
In central and southern Mexico Is here
and at tho suggestion of Secretary Bryan
has laid before President Wilson and the
State department Information Intended
to controvert Ideas that Zapata is merely
a bandit and that his followers are a
hordo of freebooters,
Tho agent submitted to Br. Bryan A
statement of the Ideals, program and
plan of campaign of Zapata and his fol
lowers, tho strength of his forces and the
extent of territory over which ho claims
control and asked that In any settle
mcnt of the Mexican problem full con
sideration be given to the Zapatistas as
a leading element In the Mexican revolu
tion. The Zapatistas base their pretensions
on an assertion that they represent the
revolutionary movement In the most
thickly settled portion of Mexico, con
taining 75 per cent of all the population.
Zapata, the agent Informed Secretary
Bryan, has an army of about 21,000. The
emissary assured Mr. Bryan that Za
pata and his followers would observe all
the rules of civilised warfare.
Discussing the relations of Zapata to
Carranza, the agent, In the memoranda
presented eald that the two elements,
while not united, havo the some ends
and purposes and were working In concert.
Sick Ilenitnche.
Mrs. A. U Luckle, East Rochester, N.
V., was a victim of sick headache and
despondency, caused by a badly weak
ened and debilitated condition of her
stomach, when she began taking Cham
berlain's Tablets. She says, "I found
them pleasant to take, also mild and ef
fective. In a few weeks' time I was re
stored to my formtr good health," All
dealers. Advertisement.
Author and Social Worker Dies
After Long Illness,
Mnnr Important tlrfornm In Tene
ment Districts In New York Are
Due to Ills Kffnrt Writes
Scvcrnl Honk.
BARRR. Mass., May 2i.Jacoh A. nils,
author and social worker, died at his
summer home here todayt after a long
Mrs. Rlls and a son were nt Mr. Bits'
bedside when the end came.
Mr. Rlls was brought here about iwo
weeks ago from a sanitarium at Battle
Creek, Mich., where ho had been a pa
tient tor several months, taking treat
ment for heart trouble of long standing,
Jacob August Rlls became, through his
work In behalf of the poorer people In
New York, "tha most useful cltlien" of
tho metropolis, according to a tribute
once paid to him by Theodore Roosevelt,
his Intimate friend,
Rlls was tho thirteenth child of s Latin
teacher In Rlbe, Jutland, Denmark.
Ho was born in 1549. Protesting at the
literary career which his father had cut
out for him, young Rlls decided to work
with his hands and bocamo a carpenter's
apprentice. Tho vocation he had chosen
did not prevent him, however, from
falling In love with Elizabeth Nletson,
daughter of one of the richest men In
his native town. But she refused him,
and when RUs was 21 years old, having
learnd his trado, he embarked for New
York with only $40 in his pocket
Rlls led a varied career during the fol
lowing six years. Ho built miners' huts
In a Pennsylvania construction camp,
mined coal, made bricks, drove a team
and peddled flat Irons and books. At 27,
he accepted a beginner's place as a ro
porter for a New York news bureau. At
the very first ho made his most con
spicuous success In tho study of conditions
of the East Side of New York.
Ilnya Newspaper with Note.
With only J7S capital and notes for J675,
he succeeded In buying the "South Brook
lyn News," which was on the verge of
bankruptcy, and made such a success with
th property that ho was able to sell It
at a considerable profit a few years later.
He returned to Denmark and married the
girl who had refused him flhen ho was a
arpentcr's apprentice, This first wife died
In 1903, and two years later Rlls married
Mary Phillip of St. Louis.
As a reporter on tho New York Tribune
and later on the Now York Sun, Rlls took
up his real work In slum fighting. Whllo
attending to routing duty as a police re
porter, he worked day and night to arouse
tho popular need of Improved living con
ditions. One of tho first of his cam
paigns was against the Impurity of tho
city water, and it was his fight which
finally led to the purchase of tho Croton
watershed to assure safe drinking water
for New York. Theodore Itooscvclt.
Theadore Roosevelt wbb pollco commis
sioner of New York when Rlls attacked
tho evils of pollco lodging houses. He
won his point, and Incidentally, a strong
ally In Mr. Roosevelt.
After twenty-seven years as a reporter,
Silk Hosiery
Best Qualities
Women 's pure dye and ingrain v.
thread sillr hosiery. Some all silk
to the top and silk with lisle
garter tops, lisle double soles,
high spliced heels and toes. Pull
fashioned. Black, tan, white an,d
colors. Kavser, Onyx, Gotham
and other well known makes
priced Wednes
day, at, per
50c Onyx Hose 25c
Women's silk lisle hosiery with me
dium weight "double" heels and toeB
and gauze weight "polntex" heels,
double soles, wide hem tops,
Regular 50c quality, for OC
Women's Silk Hose 50c
Women's pure thread sljk bopt hose.
Full fashioned. WidB mercerized lisle
garter tops. Lisle and linen double
soles and toes. High spliced heels. Black,
tan, white and fancy colors. Pair, 50c.
Sale of Hose at 12c
Men's, women's and children's fine
cotton and silk lisle thread hosier'.
Wide hem tops. Some are full fashioned.
Ribbed tops. Regular and extra sizes.
Also misses', child's and boys' fine and
heavy ribbed school, hosiery with double
soles, heels and toes. Special, 12c.
50c Union Suits 39c
Women's fine cotton union suits with
cuff or umbrella knees and plain or lace
yokes. Regular and extra sizes. Our
50c garments, Wednesday for 80c.
Child's Union Suits 25c
Knit "M" waist union suits for child
ren. Low neck, sleeveless, knee length.
Patent taped seams and buttons. Many
Munslngs. 50c suits, Wednesday, 25c.
M,tailMwl.WBTOrjfclllMi ill- ni'H'iiiTiini nniiw
Swings, Porch Shades
Rlls resigned to continue his fight by
writing and lecturing Among the prod- I
uets of his pen are "How the Uther Half
lives. ' "The Children nf the Poor." "The
Making of An American-' (his autoblo-
graphy), "The Battle With the 8lum."
"Children of the Tenements," "The Old
Town,-' "Theodore Roosevelt, the CltUcn." I
and "Hero Talcs From the rar North."
(Continued from Tage One.)
dangerous, but very successful trip. No
less than six neeks were spent In slowly
Aft. I Wilt. nHI .nil tknil.Mnv 1 - Vtr,. fnr.
lug our way down through what seemed '
a literally millers succession of rapids
and cataracts. For forty-eight days we
saw no human being. In passing these
rapids we lost fove of the seven canoes
with which we started and had to build
others. Ono of our best men lost his life
In tho rapids. Under the strain one of
the men went completely mad, shirked all
his work, stole his comrades food and
when punished by the sergeant he, with
cold-blooded deliberation murdered the
sergeant and fled Into the wilderness.
Colonel Rondpn's dog, running ahead of
him while hunting was shot by two In
dians; by his 'oath he' In all probability
envoi the life of his master.
New nlvrr on the Mnp.
We have put on the map a river about
1,500 kilometers In length running from
Just south of the thirteenth degree to
north of .the fifth degree 'and tho biggest
affluent of ho Madeila. Until now its
upper course has been utterly Unknown
to anyone and its lower course, although
known for years to the rubber men ut
terly unknown to all carathgraphera. Its
course Is between the twelfth and thir
teenth parallels of latitude south and be
tween longtltudo M degrees, and longti
tude M degrees west from Greenwich,
We embarked on it at about 12 degrees t
mlnuta coui.h and longlltude 60 degrees
IS minutes west. After that Its entire
course was between the sixtieth and sixty-first
degree of longtltudo approaching
tho lattermost closely about In latitude
R degrees 16 minutes. The first rapids
were at Navartte In It degrees U minutes
and after that they were continuous and
very difficult and dangerous until tho
rapids named after the murdered srr
gent Pels.hen in 11 degrees 1J minutes.
At U degrees Z2 minutes it receivil the
Rio Kermlt from the left At 11 dereea
22 minutes the Marclano Avlla entered It
from tho right. At 11 degrees IS minutes
tho Taunay entered from the left. At 10
degrees 5S minutes the Cardoia entered
from the right. At 10 degrees 21 minutes
wo eneounteder tho first rubber men.
The Rio Branco entered from tho left at
degrees SS minutes. We camped at S
degroes 49 minutes or approximately the
boundary line between the Matte Gross
and Amazonas. The confluence with the
Arlpula, which entered from the left was
In 7 degrees 3t minutes. The mouth
where It entered tho Madcrla was in 6
degrees 90 minutes. Tho stream wo have
followed down Is that which rises farth
est away from the mouth and Its general
course Is almost duo north.
My dear sir I thank you from my heart
tor tho chanco to take part in this great
work of exploration.
With lilgh regard nnd. respect, believe
mo. Very Sincerely yours,
M - - sbst-
Your Unrestricted
Choice of All
Cloth Suits
There are in our suit stock today
275 fine tailored cloth spring and
summer suits, representing every de
sirable style and practically any size
or color. These suits were previously
pricqd at $35, $40, $50, $65 and some
as high as $75. Choice, $17.50.
This offer is for Wednesday only
No Suits oh Approval. No Telophone Orders.
None Laid Away. No Exchanges.
Willi sla An linmmnrlfR. Rnlpndld
m assortment, each, $1.
Hand woven hammocks with sproad
ers at both ends. Worth $2, each, at
Closely woven hammocks with deep
valance; also heavy canvas hammocks.
Special for Thursday, each, $1.08.
All plain and figured hammocks.
Dozens of patterns and colors, at 82. BO,
i . $2J)8 and 83.08.
Infants' hammocks. Special for Wed
nesday, $1.08.
Couch Hammocks
Well constructed, with steel frames,
pads and wind shields. Special show
ing. $4.08, $7.50 and $10.
Porch Shades
Bamboo porch shades, 6x8-ft ca., $1.
. Bamboo porch shades, 8x8 feet,
each, $1.50.
Woodweb porch shades, 8x8 feet,
each, $11.08.
Aorniur wood norch shades, 6x7-6
1 feet, each, $3.50.
Canvas awnings, 36 inches wide, com
plete ready to hang, each $1.25.
Porch Swings
Wood porch swings with heavy chains
and hooks, and steel frame, i feet wide,
at, each, 84.08.
Royal Society Packages
All Itoyal Society Packages at 33
discount. The lot includes all this sea
son's goods in newest designs.
$1 packages for 07c.
85c package for 57c
75c package for 50c
50c package for 8Bc
25c package for 17c
Be Sure to Visit the Brandeis Stores Pure Drug and Toilet Goods Show
A unique and highly interesting exploitation of tho best in drugs and toilet preparations. Novel displays Thousands of souvenirs
and samples distributed free every day. Be sure to attend this show Wednesday if you have not already done so.
SS.loroie Wall lustre
Gives a brilliant, lasting
lvstre to the nail, at........
M&rg-uezita Sylvft raos Powder
The velvety beauty that the Mar
guerlta Sylvia face powder Import
to the akin will dell&ht you; used
by aueens and' princesses; Efln
prided at 0U
Perfection Molorose Powder
Equal to any face powder on the
market; Imparts a dainty, velvety
finish to the skjn: praised by all who
use it; regular EOo site 3Qfi
for , u3U
Making Seidlitz Powders
A wonderful machine measures the
Ingredients and mixes the fresh, pure
? 'Orders right before your eyes, dur
ng this show.
Seldlltx powders 10 in box,
spec! demonstration price, box
60c box,
. 28c
Fletcher's Castortu
36c bottle, Qq
Sttllman's Freckle
Cream, 60c
Bromo Seltzer. $1
size bottle
Creme Marquise,
the EOc Jar 22C
Orange Flower
tiktn Food, 14.
25c Jar..... I fcU
Peroxide Soap In
2li 6o
Toilet Specialties
Mokes Vsiraty SJda
On VeJvettua Complexion Soap, B5o TBSB
Xemo-res all dirt, unpurltles, wrinkles, and
So that you may know Velvetlna Goods are all we claim for them we will
SfA?11058 w,th ,eacn Purchase, as shown, to complete combinations.
With every purchase of
Combination for use at nlgtit.
Invigorates tb skin.
VXI.VXTIWA vAxrxanxEra osbahi. boo. .on veiTetin raos rowder, aoo. rnxm
Combined for use in morning u a dressing. Vroteots delicate skins from
summer's son and wind.
. These four articles complete Velvetlna System Combination No. 1 a satisfaction-giving
positive result-giving combination to be ha1 In no other way;
economy even at regular prices. During this week all for SI.OO,;Y.ixA 8 XXV BBAUTZTZES, BOo One Velvetlna Borus, 38e. FBEU
Combination for the face, neck and arms a beautiful make up for evening
VEXVISTIWA TOOTH PASTS, 85o. . . . .One Velvetlna Tooth Powder, aflo. pkbzi
Pasts keeps breath sweet, teeth clean.
seeps gom worx ongai.
Powder polishes and removes tarter.
Melba Face Pow
der, EOc box 2Qq
8 h a m r o ck Corn
Pompellan Massage
jar"."!".".0. 390
Mennen's Talc u m
Powder, 2So
Egg Shampoo Li
quid, 25c bot- On
tie IC
Wax, one
pound can
Diamond "C" Soap
fcVrr... 22o
Jap Rose
Soap, 5c
Made by Kirk's secret process
from purest vegetable oils gath
ered from Africa, Ceylon and
America, and delightfully per
fumed with dainty oriental flower
Set of Dishes Free
Guess how many ounces of 20-Mule
Team Borax Soap Chips there are In
the large Jar at the Borax Booth. We
will give a handsome set of dishes
to the lucky person who guesses
Wharton Invites
Postal Women to
Early Breakfast
Once each year Poetmaster Wharton
places a premium on early rising for tha
women employed In the Omaha postofflec,
when he Invites them to be his guests at
the annual May breakfaat, to be held at
tho Young Women's Christian associa
tion this morning. The post mas
ter, an early riser himself alw.ays extends
his invitation to the women employed at
the poetofflco and specifies In the invi
tation that the breakfaat Is to be at 7
o'clock. Tho breakfast is under the
direction of the Business Girls' club of
the Voung Women's Christian associa
tion and an unusually large number of
tickets have been sold this year. The
brcukfabt will be served from 7 until 9
a. m.
General Manager Walters of the North
western asserts that the Bonesteel Une
of tha road, washed out by tho flood in
Ponca creek, will not be opened for
traffic before Thursday night, Farmers
all along the line have been hired and
now fully SSO teams are being used haul
ing earth for the new grade, some S.0C0
feet of which was washed away. It Is
understood that the loss will exceed
Sixth ward socialists, through G. I
Morrow, B. V. Miller and H. B. Btrumpty,
have protested to the city council against
entering Into any kind of a contract with
the Omaha Klectrlc Light & Power com
pany to light the streets of Omaha. They
say the "company's "stock Is watered"
and that the only way to "bring them
to time" Is to refuse to consider any sort
of a contract. The communication tiui
been referred to the. committee of the
whole meeting Monday for discussion.
WASHINGTON, May .-(Spcclal Tele
gram.) W. D. Lovell, Mlnenapolts. Minn.,
lias been awarded a contract for the brick
school at Rosebud Indian agency, South
Dakota, at 932,250 and at Cheyenne Blver
for. 3.7no.
The Packers' National bank of South
Omaha has been approved ss a leservo
agent for First National bank of Bayuard,
(irncr Mr.etttiK Opposition.
ORLEANS, Neb., May 26.-(SpecJaU-Hon.
J. M, Grace, who recently filed as
a democratic aspirant for state senatorial
honors and served In the last session,
made his campaign on the promise that
he would only ask for one term. He Is
now meeting with opposition In his own
party. Louie Olson of Carter is belns;
urged to file as a democrat against Sen
ator Grace. Mr. Olson Is an advocate of
woman suffrage and. recently defete!
Mr. Grace In a Joint debate on the ques
tion. Hon. C. A. Luce of Rf-publkau
City Is being urged to get Into the race
for senator or representative as a re
publican. He has served in both capacities..
Assistant General Freight Agent John
son of the Burlington is in receipt of
Information from the company agent at
Seattle, Wash., Indicating that along the
Pacific coast corn from Asia is compet
ing with that grown In the Platta valley
of Nebraska. He writes Mr. Johnson
that a cargo of corn from Manchuria
has arrived and is being ground into
meal by the Seattle mills. In his letter,
the Seattle man writes that on the Seattle
docks eggs from China and beef from
Australia In large quantities have befn
unloaded during the last month and
placed in the shops and stores for sale.
Seventy-five reservations have been
made for the annual banquet of the Jack
sonlan club to be given at the Paxton
hotel tho evening of Friday, May 27.
Richard L. Metcalfe, vice chairman of
the Panama canal opening committee, is
to be one of the speakers at the dinner.
Other speakers schduled are I. J. Dunn,
formr city attorney; W. F. Baxter, John
Fits Roberts of South Omaha and Frank
P. Shields, Orleans, Neb., and Horace
M. Davis, Ord. Neb,
"Tiz" For Aching,
Sore; Tired Feet
Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol
len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired
Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and
raw spots. No
more shoe tight
ness, no more
limping with pain
or drawing up
your face in
agony. "TIZ" is
magical, acts right
off. "TIZ" draws
out all the poison
o u s exudations,
which puff up tho
feet Use "TIZ"
and forget your
foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your
feet feel. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ"
now at any druggist or department store.
Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet,
feet that never swell, never hurt, never
get tired. A year's fobt comfort guar
anteed or money refunded.
Doctors Endorse
It we did not believe doctors endorsed
Ayefs Charv Pectoral for csegt
colds, we would not o&cr It to you,
Sold for" TO ycsMW.
Ask Your Doctor.