Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Former Governor Considering Filing
on Republican Ticket.
Not Ye-t Entirely Drclriril, hut Very
Much Inclined in Ktttr-r C4rKt
lor the .Vomlimtlnn of
Chief Hxeentlve.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 2S.(Spclal.) Ex
Governor Chester H. Aldrlch may entor
the race for the republican nomination
for irovernor. This la the lattut turn
In. the field of politics and may result
In another campaign between Governor
Morehead and Governor Aldrlch.
Persistent rumors slnoc Governor More
head has been considering the matter
of a second term, hae Jinked the former
governor's name with the nomination
and since the acceptance of the present
governor of the flllnir made by demo
crats of the state, the rumor -as be
come more persistent.
Governor Aldrlch today said he hail
been receiving many assurances of sup
port from those who, had opposed him
two ream ago.
"If I get into the fight." sold he. "1
will do so on my own Initiative. Of
course, I could get into communication
with 'my former appointees, while 1 was
governor and In a short time I would
have telegrams and letters coming In to
me by the score asking me to make the
race, .but 1 do not put much stock In these
manufactured demands, and It I file, and
1 will ay right here that 1 may. It will
be on my own responsibility anu 1 will
have some things to say relative to state
affairs, which will be Interesting."
MnrxliHll Kile In First.
Charles Marshal of ,Otoo county, has
filed for the republican nomination for
congress .in the First congressional dis
trict, calling at the office of the secre
tary of state, this afternoon for that pur
pose. Mr. Marshall served In the lower brancn
of the Nebraska legislature In 1901 and
in the senate In 1903. Ho came to the
state In. 1S72 and drove a stage from
PlattamoUth to Weeping Water. He Is
farmer-banker and very popular In the
county In which he lives. He Is .a brother
of Senator Marshall of IancaRter county,
who served In tho last legislature.
Keester of Alma Files.
It, L. Keester of Alma has filed for the
bull moose nomination for congress In
the Fifth district, his filing having been
received by tho secretary of state this
morning. Mr. Keester Is an attorney and
made the' fight' for the nomination In the
primary against the present congress
man, Silas R, Barton, two years ago, but
was defeated. His campaign Is made not
with any Idea of winning, but for the
purpose probably of defeating his former
1 -Day
If you want to appear at your
best on your Decoration Day out
ing or trip, you may well wear one
of our famous blue serges. .
We contract every season for thou
sand of yards of the finest quality, true
blue, puro wool, serges. "We have It
made Into suits by tailors known for
their exactness and skill in fitting. The
coats are hand tailored throughout.
They fit and rotain their shape through
long service.
Thero are styles here for every man,
at $10 to $25, with Special Values this
Week at 913.75 and $17.
Big Sale of Suits
Now in progress. The surplus stock
' bt the 'Heriry" Sonftfeborn factory, with
our own broken lines In three great lots:'
Suits Suits
to $20-
to $25-
f141 ll1
I $111111
to $15-:
republican opponent of two year ago
and electing a democrat, which seems to
be the bull moose- program this year.
Deputy Attorney General George W.
Ayers' filed last night for the republican
nomination for attorney general.
Nerr Stntft Ilnnk.
Ts Nebraska State bank of Beatrice
has been granted a charter with a capi
tal of ISo.OOH. W. A. Wolf Is president,
and D. Colt cashier of the Institution.
Optometry Ilonnl Mrets.
Dr. J. H. Itlfe of Hastings, president,
Dr, U Davlcs, vice president,, and Dr.
E. Hi Fllttpn, Omaha secretary, compos
ing the officers of the State Board of
Optometcry, met In-Llncpln today to go
over the examination papers of the class
which took examination at Omaha last
Omnliu Couple to Marry,
Daniel W. Campbell, Omaha, aged S3,
and Lucy B. Houghton of the same city,
aged 21, were granted a license to wed. In
Lincoln yesterday.
Two Boys Drowned
in the Blue River
FAinBfnT, Neb., May 2.-Speclal
Telegram.) Fred Messenger, 1 years of
age, a Junior of the high school, was
drowned In the Uttle Blue river this at
ernoon, a half mile above the mill dam.
He was bathing and It Is sold he at
tempted to swim across one of the deep
eat holes In the Little Blue river. The
young man evidently was seised with
cramps as he sank Into the deep hole.
Hla companions were unable to save him.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mes
senger, living several miles northwest of
Falrbury and was brought up In Fair
bury. He was prominent in athletic cir
cles and a favorite with high school stu
dents and was active In commencement
exercises to be held this week. A sister,
Miss Zala Messenger, Is a student In the
University of Nebraska.
HEBRON, Neb., May I6.-(Speclal,)-Wlllard
Swaney, aged 10 years, was
drowned in the Blue river last night
about 6 o'clock. He and his brother,
Lloyd, and Louis Carter, all about thi
same age, were playing on tha river,
and the two older boys were. In the boat
oomlng across. The younger boy went
out to meet them and not being able
to swim very well, went down Just as he
reached, the boat.
The Newest Straws
Every man must have one now,
and such as these are just the kind
you want. Stop In the East Arcade
at the Hat Store Wednesday and pick
the most becoming style to wear on
your Decoration Day outing.
Pannmn Hats at 32.05, $5, $0.50,
$7.50 and $10.
Straw Hats nt $1.50, "$2, $2.50,
$3,$ land $5.
Genuino Dangkok Hats at $-1, $5
nntl $0.
$40 Full Size Brass Bed $29
Best satin finish, 1 square posts, square cros3 rods and fillers.
d . .. .
uoaucuon ot su to
nearly 50 are. marked
on 29 dlfforent style
BraES Beds only one
or two beds of a pat
torn the remnant of
several carload pur
chases pricod very
low to dose out quick
ly, including beds up
from $15.00.
$13.50 Couch Ham
mocks $10.50
A full .length Couch Ham
mock, with heavy padded
mattress, linked springs,
wind shield and magazine
pockets; Includes ropes and
hanging, regular $13.50;
Camphor Chests
Half Price
Substantially made from
pungent camphor wood, ab
solutely moth proof In four
sizes, 24-ln. long to 48-in.
long formerly $15, $20,
$28 and $32.50 now
S7.50. SIO. S14 and
MADISON, Neb, May 2l.-8peclal)-Dlstrict
court reconvened yesterday af
ternoon with Judge Welch presiding.
The afternoon was largely devoted to
empaneling the Jury In the case of
Martha Christian Legg, et al, against
William G. Bcrner. Bmll Moeller, Martin
S. Rporn and Itlchard Adams, and Tltlo
Guaranty Surety company and Illinois
Surety company. The plaintiffs In- this
action bring action against the defend
ants, saloon keepers of Norfolk, charg
ing that Carl Christian, their father, fell
Into the Norfolk river and was drowned
v. hen Intoxicated, H. F. Barnhart and
William V. Allen are attorneys for the
prosecution and Burt Mopes, W. E. Reed,
Jae'k Koenlgstelri and .Charles G... Mp-
. Donald arc for the dt tease.
A marriage' license, 'was f granted .to
Clark -.Mink of Soldier, Ida.,- and Miss
Zcnna Osborne of Madison.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
i.ivrnT.K Mnv 26. (BDeclal.) Fees for
Innilnn of applicants for public ac
countant must be charged and collected
at the time of examination according to
h. ..tnii mat nf examination and cost
tifiroif according to an opinion
by Deputy Attorney General Ayers. who
also decides taht the board can pay an connected with the board and
turn the balance, If any, over to the state
Th. nhlnlon la riven In response to a
request of the state auditor as the right
ot the examining board to retain fees and
and pay expenses Instead of turning over
the fees to the state treosurer and draw
ing warants for the expenses.
WEAR-EVER" Demonstration
Aluminum Cooking Utensils.
Apples and tomatoes will bo stewod, later the tomatoes
purposely will be burned to a char and rcmuved without
injuring the utensil.
$2,95 Hammocks $2.25
Made of best satin cord and
of a higher quality than
can be obtained elsewhere,
hickory stretchers at each
end. Other patterns at cor
responding reductions.
25c VOILES- at 17 Jc
In white, ecru and ivory, 06
inches wide an exception
ally fine sheer quality at the
original price or 25c; spe
cial, yard 17
"SYLVAN" Rag Rugs 90c, $1.35, $1.65, $2.00, $4.50
In bluos, greens, pinks, yellow and tuns for bedroom,
bathroom and general summer use, in sizes 24x36, 27x54,
30x60, 116x72. 4x7 price
OOcS SI. 35, S1.65. S2.00 and 84.50
Other grades of rag rugs for $1.75 to $10,50 for 36x72 size.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th Street.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
t ,..wt v xfnv 56. (Special.) R. P.
Teele of Washington. Inspector of irrlga-
tha nrvernment con-
Hon projevui uii-i.
trol, with H. C. Dressen, connected with
the North riatte experiment station,
called at the state house today. Both
are-TOduaes of the University of Ne
braska. ,
Plnysrronnils for Cnmlirtdgre.
nuiTininnE Neb.. May 26. (Special.'
-The members of the local Playground!
association. . which was formed hers a
year ago, have recently reorganized an'.
Reeled as officers It. H. Rankin president
and Mrs. H. Laurltson secretary. This
l . iL.i.l.a.lx itrnfl
movement nas me enwiu.m-nk.
r.t th vnrinun Imnrovement clubs of Cam
bridge and a large number of the citizen
express their willingness to co-operate
In the futhcrance ot tne piaygroun-j
movement. The members of this associa
te.. .r Vinnlnor In establish in this Cll
the best equipped playgrounds of any titv
In this section or the state.
Notes from Upland.
UPLAND. Neb., May :. (Speclal.)-
The Upland High school commencement
exercises were held In the opera house
here Saturday night. Dr. H. B. Brad
ford of the State Agricultural college de
livered Uie class address, his subject be
!lng "Vl'slont "
Colonel John O. Maher has accepted an
Invitation to speak at the Independent
Order of Odd Fell6ws' picnic here on
June 10. Grand Master Johns of Grwnd Is-
and and O. M.- Walling of Nerfolk,
grand master workman, will also deliver
nllih-Andrron Wre-llnir Pinna.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. May M.-.(8pecla' )
r-The marriage of A. B. Ballah of '.hM
city and Miss Ellen Louise Anderson ut
Seattle Is announced to take place yt
Norfolk, Neb., June 2. Mr. Ballah la a
recent graduate of the University of Ne.
braska and is the eldest son of Mr. an1
Mrs. A. F. Ballah of Norfolk, who for.
merly resided here, during which tlmo
A. F.' Ballah was president of the Cam
bridge State bank.
Dr. Klnar'a Npvf Life Pill.
For constipation, torpid liver, sallow
complexion. Their frtqueqt use wil
strengthen and add tone to .roar system.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., May S.-Bpedal.)-
The village board of De Witt held a
meeting Monday afternoon and heard tho
remonstrances against Jacob 'WUnnen
berg and Fred Schrocder, who recently
filed their applications for liquor licenses.
The remonstrances were overruled ami
licenses granted. The remonstrators Im
mediately filed notice of appeal to the
district court, and until tho case Is de
elded De Witt will lie without saloons.
An automobile crashed Into the buggy
of U IX. Dixon, occupied liy Mr. Dixon
and . J. Ijicfy of the Wymoro vicinity,
Sunday night at the vloduct south of
town, wrecking the vehlclft and thrown
Ing the occupants out Both men en
caped Injuty. The autolst drove to town
without stopping his car, and, although
the officers have been trying to appre
hend him, they have so far been unsuc
cessful. Mrs. J. B. Riley, who was Injured Fri
day at Buchard when a Burlington trnln
struck an automobile In which she whs
riding, died yesterday morning. She was
the wife of Rev. J. B. Riley, pastor of
the Methodist church at that place. There
were rlglii passengers In tho car, and
the little son of Fred Casety, a druggist
at Burchard, probably fatally hurt.
Mrs. M Inner, formerly of this city, died
Mondoy In a hospital at Uncoln. The
body will be brought here for burial. Tho
deceased was M years of age.
Marriage licenses were Issued Monday
In county court to Rank J. Lcners. aged
44, Ot Plckrell, and Altjellne Wlesc. aged
24, of Fllley, and Robert J. Smith, aged
i3, and lcna lnz, aged SO. both ot Bea
trice. Mrs. Dennis Clark, an old resident of
Beatrice, died Monday morning at Colony,
Kan., whero she han been receiving!
treatment for some time. The remains
will be interred at that place.
On account of the Illness ot Judge rem-
.' 1
Leara How to Secure Quick
Safe Relic!
The liver Is the largest gland In the
body, weighing nearly four pounds. Its
main purpose Is to aid digestion nnd
mako glycogen for the bllood. So it is
Important to keep It working right
If your liver Is loxy and your Sidneys
throb with a dull ache, you need the
scientifically blended and chemically
pure carbonated llthla drink called
Rheumasnlts. i
Lame back, shooting pains, tired feel
ing, dizziness nnd nervousness simply
mean that your liver and kidneys ore
clogged with Impurities, and that poison
ous uric acid Is retarding their work of
aiding the digestive functions and filter
ing the blood. Flush your liver and kid
neys and set them working right by
taking Rhcumnsalts In water for a fow
Nearly nil rheumatism, headaches,
nervousness, constipation, dizziness,
sleeplessness nnd bladder disorders come
from torpid liver and sluggish kidneys.
Take Rheumasalts. This delightful ef
fervescent llthla drink helps the weak
ened kidneys, and cleans out the stomach
and eliminates' tpxlns and poisons, and
leaves the Intestinal canal clean and
It Is urlo acid solvent as well as a
saline laxative. Acts quickly without
griping or nausea.
The next time your liver and kidneys
bother you or your back aches, ask your
druggist for a bottle of Rheumasalts.
It comes in 2Sc, EOc and $1.00 bottles.
If he hasn't the genuine Rheumasalts
send the price to the Rheumabath Com
pony, Dept. 532, Minneapolis, Minn., for
a bottle. For salo by all druggists In
Omaha and Council Bluffs Advertisement
berton. Judgw Rapar ot rwn City has
been called hem to hold a. brlot session
ot the district court.
Miss Marie lriarden. fortnorty of this
city, was married Monday at Ilcn-hoo,
Ida., to Mr. Sidney Bloom ot lUohfleld,
Ida. The brWo Is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. It. A. Harden of Plcaboo.
NDIIAWKA, Neb., May 2.-(8peclaJ.)
Tho grndunttng exercises of the first
graduating class of the Nehawka High
school began Sundn' evening at the Meth
odist church with tho baccalaureate ser
mon by Rev. W. F. Klledgo ot Weeping
Wnter. Tho commencement exercises will
be nt tho Methodist church Wednesday
evening. Tho address will bo ilellvere dby
B. Wolph. The diplomas will bo presonted
by ex-Congressman B. M. Pollard. The
graduating class consists of Norma Trol
ler, Verncr Lumlborg, Marttn E. Ross,
Alfred C, Andnrson and Ralph M. Sturm.
Ferslstent Advertising Is the Sure Road
to Business Success,
You'll Need a New Straw
For Decoration Day
And of oonrso you'll want
ono that ia "dead right" for
stylo, that's tho sort wo foa
turo horo, thnt's tho reason
you'ro coming horo. Expert
hatters to servo you.
Sailors, $1 to $5
Panamas, $5 to $10
The Persistent and Judicious Use of News
paper Advertising is the Road to Success.
Good Gasoline is worth giving a name
to. The Standard Oil Company makes
the best motor fuel that modem refinery
processes can produce, using selected
crudes. It is a straight distilled refinery
product, not a "mixture" or a "blend."
Red Crown Gasoline pcr-gallon is as
cheap or cheaper than ordinary mix
tures. The per-mile cost shows that the
use of Red Crown means' a noticeable
reduction of fuel costs. Its quality is
uniform, making carbureter re-adjustments
unnecessary. v
Our tank wagon service delivers Red
Crown direct into storage.
i iiiiiisiEililliiiliiiiiiii
SSSS- - S!::C31Z3IS5.. Mill I I BM II I II II
Thil uondriul vsiltrw cast ijjyixxxpoo and Involved nlix-mtU cut through mountain.
ll ihen5ruooofKpdrofp'ticlocki,ndidim If
II rone it stves6jooomlt urfllrrvolutionitc commence and place thUnitdSut fint II
II among the leading nations cf the world. The Aoheuirr-Dusdi plant cost about one -cevfMh. II.
been built up by the natural and
continued! choice of the neoole.
Its sales exceed those of any other beer
by millions of bottles proving its
ever-increasing popularity;
BucWeiser is brewed, aged
and bottled in the largest and
most perfect plant in the world.
occupying l42acres covered
by no separate buildings.
More than 7500 people are
required to help Budweiser
keep pacevWith the public
Anheuser-Busch Co. of Neb.
Family Trad Supplied by
G. H. Hansen, Diitrititer, Omaha, Neb.
Means lIodeiatio?i
Ij&U drug-fiefs. SSo. Advertlaiment