Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Own Importation of Blue
and White New Japanese Lunch
Cloths, Scarfs and Toweling direct
from Yokohama, which we have
specially priced.
25 dozen 18x54
15 dozen 45x45
Tea Cloths
These come
oriental dragon,
swallows, etc.
. .50c each
$1.00 each
in all real oriental designs, wisteria,
and butterflies, rose and butterflies,
bamboo and birds, grapes, wheat and
25 dozen 54x54 Japanese
Tea Olotlis . . . .$1.50 each
75 bolts Japanese Towel
ing $1.00 a bolt
$1.00 Imported 46-Inch Crepe Ratine
Wednesday, 50c a Yard
Beautifully woven with that stylo and fineness peculiar to
tho French brown, tan, roe, wlstocla, wild rose, etc. Wo arc
readjusting stock. Now Is the great buying time In cottons.
Thero are several broken lines of OOc colored Ratines; your
cholco Wednesday, 80c a yard.
A Complete New Showing of the
Popular Rampourchudda Skirts.
These skirts aro made of a mohair and wool fabrio by
Priestly of Bradford, England. A very desirable fabric
fdr summer travel or outing wear because it is cool, does
not catch dust and is practically unorushable. Its wear
ing quality is exceptionally commendable $16.50.
The Store for Shirtwaists
Middy Blouses, 95c
Senator Borah Predicts Party Will
Return to Power.
lift ar Tartr "Will Organise Com
mon Sense, Common Honesty
Comment Cant-age Into Mili
tant Force (or Justice.
DETROIT, Mich., May 98. A glowing
hro toC&y by Senator William S3. Borah
of Idaho, speaking at a stato-wlda "con
ference" or republicans.
The republican rrty," aaM the tn
otor, "I coming back Into power. The
proof of It li on every hand. The trend
1 unmistakable. I said a year ego that
the amalgamation which would take,
place would be an amalgamation of the
voter, not 'the assumed leaders. I said,
furthermore, that that was the only
amalgamation that w&i worth while
The men who voted the third party ticket
to the number of 4,000,000 for reason en
tirely satisfactory to them can neither be
questioned a to their Integrity of pur
post or their patriotism. But that It was
unmistakable purpose of those who voted
the third rarty ticket to ally themselves
with the republican party, In view of tho
determination to support Us principled
and Its policies, what Is the task before
u? it Is unquestionably to make our
party equal to the tremendous problems
which now concern us. It la to build up
this country, out of the traditions, tho
achievements and prestige of the past,
the duties and obllgatlans of the present,
and the hopes and aspirations of tho
future, an organisation etflcUnt, militant
and progressive-worthy of Its old days
and equal to the obligations which now
reet upon us. It la our duty, In other
words. In unmistakable, terms to make It
, - ... . 'dnwtvo, in uiuiuaiiuiaui
iwciur o. w. 4-vu. u .... ,.iwUv...ccar .j, tnB republican party Is to bo
vvir m"'Y : was In Its best days, a thoroughly
went, which left It In ttU. was painted DKer('.llva niirfv. ' u y
progressive party.
"What we want In this country Is 'a
party which will do tho simple but Pro
found thing which Lincoln did. that Is,
gather up tho common sense, the common
heneety, the common patriotism, the com
mon courage and the common righteous
ness of fh common people of this country,
and organUe It Into a. militant, progres
sive, disciplined force for legal and social
Justice, and do It all under the constitu
tion end laws of this blessed old re.
T. It. Combs, president American
a protest and no a manifestation of pur-1 has gone to attend the New York State
pose to permanently leave the party l; Retail Jewelers annual convention at
now established by facts and figures
which cannot be doubted.
-Now. In view of this pronounced and
DlnKhamton. Thursday and Friday this
week. This Is one of the largest con
ventions of tho United States. lie will
probably re. turn on Sunday,
FER ev'ry down in this
life thar's a up. It's when
the worl's the bleak
est an' barest, thet
th' 'simmon's th'
sweetest an' th' 'pos
sum's th' fattest.
VELVET, tho Smoothest Smoking; Tobacco
consoles ua in the "downs" and makes tho
"ups" more invful. Full weir-h 2 nr.. tins, 1.0c.
Coupons of Value with Velvet.
whenever you are troubled with minor ailmonts of the
digestive organs, that these may soon develop into
more serious sickness. Your futuro safety, as well
as your present comfort may depend on the
quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy.
By common, consent of tho legion vho have tried them,
Beecham's Pills are the most reliable of all family medi
cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach,
stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels.
Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks,
brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the
system has been cleared and the blood purified by
Beecham's Pills
(Tho Lure Sele As? Meefefea U WoAQ
V SoM Everywhere, ta boxes, lOc 25c
QloalmrJ Pinfnrno
Consul Refutes to Talk Until He Re
ports to Washington.
Consnl Grjiernl Ilnnnn Iteporta Nor.
mat Condition, nt Monterey and
that Itnllroncl to Saltllln
la Oprm
V&RA CnUZ, May 2.-John It. 61111
man, American vice consul at Saltllln,
arrived here today from Mexico City. He
declined to discuss hi experiences during
hi Imprisonment until after he had made
his official report to Washington.
WASHINGTON, May .-Normal con
ditions are prevailing again In Monterey
Consul General Hanna reported today to
the State department. The railroad to
Saltlllo waa to resume carrying passen
Rers today and the consul reported his
plan to ko to that city.
Mrs. John n. gllllmnn. wife of the vice
consul at Saltlllo, has learned of her hus
band's safe arrival In Vera Crur throuih
the State department and Consul General
Hanna. A message from Mrs. Sllltman
reeclved here today tells of the arrest
of her husband on May 12, his three
weeks' Imprisonment and departure for
Mexico City. Mrs. Sllltman expects to
leave Saltlllo later with a psrty of other
American women and a Mr. Wheeler of
the British consulate.
nebels Force Lnnn to Pay Troops.
MAZATLAN, Mexico, May 23.-(Vla
Wireless to Pan Diego, May 2S.)-Oeneral
Puelna, who was appointed governor of
the state of Teplc after the constitution
alist occupation of the city of Teplc, has
forced financiers there to lend GO.OQO posoa
to the Cnrrnni government for the pay
ment of the troops and other military ex
penses. This Information was conveyed
to the admiral of the American fleet hero
The Japanese cruiser Idxumo, which
was at anchor In Mazatlan harbor for
several days, departed today for Manta
nlllo. because of the expected arrival of
a Japanese merchantman at that port
May .
Word has arrived from Teplc that
Theodore Jones, an American held In
prison there by tho federals on a per
functory charge of murder, haa been re
leased by order of General Buetna,
Evidence of strong constitutionalist
sympathy among the citizens of Mazatlan
Is being shown. Officers of the American
fleet, while ashore today, were stopped
In the street by Mexicans who begged
that tho American launches be allowed to
transport them to the constitutionalists'
lines. They seemed disappointed when
it was explained that the rules of strict
neutrality prevented this.
Mr Sllltman intimated that the tales
of facing a firing squad and of other
Indignities he was reported to have suf
fered were much overdrawn. He said
he felt It was hla duty to report fully
at Washington before making public a
detailed account of his arrest and his
release through the activity of the Bri
tish vice consul at Saltlllo.
The trip to Mexico City from Saltlllo
was Interrupted several times by skirm
ishes between small detachments of con
stitutionalists and federal garrisons at
points along the route. The train on
which the conaul traveled waa preceded
by a, troop train which waa flred, on Re
peatedly and which waa delayed by torn
up sections of the track.
Mrs, Sltllman is still In Saltlllo-under
the protection of the British consulate.
Her husband apparently feels no anxiety
regarding her safety.
Bankers at Lincoln
For Group Meeting
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May J.-(Speclal Telegram.)
About ITS bankers comprising group No.
I of the Nebraska Bankers' association,
stembled at the Lincoln hotel today for
the annual meeting. Addresses by N. Z.
Snell, John Tully of Crete and Chancellor
Avery of the Unlvefslty'of Nebraska took
up most of the afternoon, while a banquet
In the evening finished the day's proceedings.
PARIS. May M. A severe cold wave
spread over southwestern Europe today.
Several Inches of show fell In parts of
southeastern France, while heavy rains
are reported from other regions.
Given Six Months
LONDON, May 2 -Suffragettes who
elsahed pictures In the National Gallery
and Royal Academy, together with a
number of window smashers, were con
victed and sentenced today. Six months
Imprisonment was ordered for each of
the picture destroyers, while the window
smashers in all cases were condemned to
terms of four months.
Several women refused to give their
names and were Identified by numbers.
One frail girl collapsed In court as the
result of a hunger strike and It was ne
cessary to give her a restorative. She
waa carried Into court by romen war
dens. Freda Graham, the suffragette who
slashed several valuable palntinga In the
national gallery on May 23, harangued
the Jury, declaring she 'had attacked the
pictures "as a protest against King
George's Illegal and unconstitutional ac
tion In refusing to receive a legal depu
tation of. women."
She added: "V lat are five pictures
compared with 80,000 pictures by the
greatest artist of all, which are being
shamefully defaced, damaged and de
graded bjr men each night?"
Mary Spencer, who damaged a picture
at the royal academy on May 22, told
the judge ,the only way left for women to
express their views was to damage prop
erty, as they respected human life too
much to destroy It.
Extraordinary . precautions have been
taken at. the Epsom race course to pre
vent any repetition of last year's tragic
Interference with the running of the
Derby, when Emily Wilding Davison met
her death by jumping on the course. A
force of 2,000 police will be on duty dur
ing the raee meeting. The arranrfments
to prevent King George and Queen Miry
being subjected to annoyance by suffra-
ettea have been made as perfect aa pos
Falls City Woman
Murdered in Home
FALLS CUT, Neb., May 26. Mrs. B.
F. Cook, between 25 and 30 years old,
wife of a fireman In the city light plant,
was murdered in her home early today.
The body was discovered by her hus
band when hd returned from his night
work this morning. Physicians who were
called said life was extinct two or three
hours before the discovery was made.
They said the woman had been strangled.
A little girl, one of the two children of
the home, said a strange man had
frightened her mother by appearing In
the house some time during the night.
The child is too young to give a con
nected story.
Ttto Drntha at Albion.
ALBION, Neb., May 26.-(Speclal-Mrs.
Ellas Atwood, a pioneer woman of thta
county, died at her home north 6f thU
city yesterday. She Is survived by her
huaband and a number of grown chil
dren. Mra. M. 0. Ncedham, wife of M. G.
Needharri, treaaurer of the Albion Tele
phone company, died at her home In, this
ctty last evening after a lingering Ill
ness. Interment will take place at Omaha.
DrlilK't Mnhrr.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb., May M.-(Bpeell
Telegram.) Bridget Matter, aged S3 yean.
died suddenly this morning of heart tall
ure. having lived here for over thirty
yeans. She leaves a son and a dauhter.
Thomas 'Maher anJ Mr. H- J, Trant of
this city. Funeral services are to-be heU
Thursday morning at the Catholic churcn.
Norman LaDlevr
YORK, Neb., May 24.-SpeclaI.)-Nor-
man LaDlew died at Jollet, III., Sunday
morning agted 63 years. He was a, resi
dent of this county a number of years.
Tho funeral services were held this aft
ernoon and the body laid to rest In Green
wood cemetery.
Ktumnnucl Babel.
YORK, Neb., May 26,-(Specal.)-Em-
manuel Babel, St years old, died 6u.-i.lay
morning at hla home, ten miles southeast
of this city, He had lived In York county
more than forty years. Funeral service!
will be held at St. Joseph's church on
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
O. (1. Norqneat.
YORK, Neb.. May Ss.-(9peeIal.)-G. U
Norquest died at his home, six miles
south of York, yesterday morning l 4
o'clock. He was 40 years eld.
Preher Badly Bitten by Boir.
TABOR, la., May 2.-(6peetal.)-Kev
George C. Jewell, a retired Presbyterian
mlnlater. waa severely bitten ere aatur
day afternoon during a dog fight that
started soon after he entered the Btate
bank with his big dog. A bujldog that
was kept next door was a party to th
fray and in trying- to hold his own dog
Mr. Jewell's left hand slipped through
and was twisted Into the brute' collar
to that the collar had to be cut off. hut
not before his hands and arms wer
badly bitten by the infuriated beast. U
took the combined strength of two men
to pull off the bulldog. Rev, Jewell waa
pulled down onto the bank floor before
being extricated from the melee. A phy
sician cauterised his wounds and it ii
hoped no serious consequences will fo!
low, thogh he Is confined to his home
at present
Thai tired feeling that 'comes to
you in the eprinff. year after year,
is a sign that your blood lacks vital
ity, J list no pimplos, bolls and other
eruptions are signs that It is impure;
and it is also a sign that your sys
tem is in a low. or run-down condition
in which it will be easy for you to
contract disease' if exposed to It.
Ask your druggist for Hood a ear-
saparllla. This old standard tried
and true blood medicine relieves that
tired feeling. Oct Hood's today.
Some people have
formed the habit of
hiding their valuables
at home. But this is
not wise, because the
risk from fire and
theft is too great. Be
protected. You nan
rent . a Safe Deposit
Box in our Fire and
Burglar Proof VauU,
$3,00 Per Year.
a Honra' BlsnUy. Tamous yeetnre Films
jil f MJimm Haunee. iooi
irtghts, 10a and SOo.
In savld selaaoo's Modem lalry Play,
A delight a!lka for ehild or adult. Taa
Tatar Pan" of Motion ghotorrapay.
rklVir Day
Compare Them
CLOTH $137.75 cash
Full Sheepskin... $166.75 cash
All Leather.
Full'Limp Suede $210.25 cash
All Leather.
Full Morocco. .. .$217.50 cash
All Leather.
The sale of the new
11th Edition of the En
cyclopedia Britannica
at the present low
prices ends
Today you may secure
the 29 volumes, and
with them a bookcase, if
you desire it, for a first
payment of only $5.00,
the purchase to be com
pleted in 12, 8, or 4
months, if you' do not
wish to pay cash in full.
Or, you may pay as lit
tie as $5.00 per month.
After tomorrow the
same book will cost $29
more (cloth) ; $36.50
moro iFull Sheepskin) ;
S45 more (Full Limp
Suede) and $50 more
(Full Morocco.)
Use the Order Fdrm Below Mail It TODAY
$29.00 moro or $166.75 cash
$36.50. more $203.25 cash
$45.00 more or $255.25 cash
$50.00 more or $267.50 cash
Subscribers may pay, if they prefer, in 12, 8 or 4 months at
little more than cash prices, or at ihe rate of
only $5.00 a month. ""Hr
TODAY there is no time for you to read, there is only time for you to
write. -The order form at the bottom of this page awaits your sig
nature. If you sign it and mail it today, you will Secure the best of
books. If you wait until tomorrow, you may overlook the matter only
to find that you are too late. And if you wait until after tomorrow, you
will have to pay from $29 to $50 more for your set, according to the style of binding you se
lect. Orders by mail, if postmarked today, will be in time,
Orders are being received in such quantities that the only way to make sure of the stylo
of binding you prefer is to attend to the matter now, before yon forget it.
If you are doubtful about your letter being in time
TELEGRAPH Sending $5.00 by first mail
University Press,
London, 21st March, 1914.
This is to givo you official noti
fication that the sale of the new
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition,
at' 'the present prices ust cease on
May 28th, next. 'After -that date the
present cash prices must be increased ,
as follows:
$29.00 on the Cloth set
$36.50 on the Sheepskin set
545.00 on the Suede set
$50.00 on the Morocco set
The prices were increased in England
i on the 20th of December last and the
sale in America should have ceased at
the same time, but for the fact that
you had such a very large territory to
cover, and that two-thirds of all the
sets sold have been sold in the United
States and Canada. Under no circum
stances will any extension after May
428th be given, and orders at present
prices postmarked after that date must
be returned. I am.
Yours very truly,
C. F. -CLAY,
$5.00 DOWN Brings You This
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29 Volumes; 44,000,000 Words of Text; 41,
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There are 1,500 contributors, of 21 different
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World's Greatest Sensation
Omaha va. Wichita
uoumxo 9AMX.
May 24, 28, 38 nd 27.
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Game Called at 8 p. in.
Bucklen'a Arnlea Salve
For cut, bru'xe. sore and iktn trouble,
a box should bo In every household. All
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Order Form at Present Low Prices Not Good After May 28th
A NYONE who fills in tbte blank and sends it to us with a first payment of $5.00, will receive
a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in the style of binding ordered.
LBut any time after delivery, a subscriber may change the method of payment, pay
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saving. J
(PublUhmd bj thm Prmt o CmmbriJi University, England)
Tot the CLOTH BINDING the tabseriber seeds
J5.00 with the erdtr, tsd 1&J0Q tsch mouth tot
thirty moaths.
ER th subscriber sends 13.00 with the order sad
15.00 esch month (or thlrty-sU raoaths.
dudlos bookcsM), the tubecribcr sends J5.00
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five months.
LEATHER the subscriber sends 15.00 with th
order ud $5.00 esch month for forty-sit months.
Cath Payment in Full
It the subscriber prefer to make -full payment
now, he should send check ss follows;
For the set In CLOTH BINDING I1JT.75 (sfter
May 28th. I39.C0 more).
LEATHER JIWUS (slur Msy 38th. M.80
For the set la SUEDE FULL LEATHER ttiats
Includi&f bookcase, (alter May 38th. 5.00
J117.M (alter Msy 38th, 5&OQ more).
The EaeydopsedL Britanle Company. J JO West S3o4 Street. New York
Fleas send me the new (Uth) Edition of thiZeylapat4UBrOaniea, 29 volumes,
printed on India paper, bound In . for which I
enclose 15.00 and ape,to pay you 18.00 esch consecutive month for months.
It It agreed that I shall keep the books, but the title does not pass to me until th
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Address to which
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120 West 32nd Street, New York