14 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY $7, 1914. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET longs Show Remarkable Strength in Holding Up Prices. CORN ALSO BATHER STAUNCH In Fnee of Ilreirlsh Condition Tel Iott Crral Holds Vp We-.11 World' Shipments Are Somewhat Smaller. OMAHA. May tt. 1914. The May wheat futures swung between 9T'y snd 95c yesterday, which was nar row, when the open Interest In that month la considered. The longa were not Inclined to permit a runaway market, as thev Mrnlahed the buyer with the grain ns they bid for It May wheat was more or less congested and with only four more business days in which to even up their position, short aro likely to make an attempt to set out via the pit or private pettlement before the close) Friday. There Is no corner Intended by the largo holders of the May wheat as comers arc a thing of the past In the Chicago mar ket. being knocked out by J. C F. Mer rill several years ago. The cash wheat situation, while quiet, may be called strong. Advice were re ceived hero yesterday from Interior itoo tions of the southwest saying millers are scouring the country for supplies and that the old wheat will doubtless sell much lower Tho transactions here yesterday on milling account amounted to only io.OOO biifhels. The deliveries on May con tracts amounted to 290,000 bushels, show ing that the wheat which was bought at Kansas City and brought here by Uie cleator concerns Is being used to oven up tho position of some of those who sold themselves Into a hole. C 11. Jenkins, one of the leading millers of Indiana and located at Noblesvllle, In a, message to Paddleford, said the wheat plant not only In that section of the state, but elsewhere, according to his advices, is deteriorating. Mr. Jenkins Is on of the best posted men on crops In the "Hoosler" state, and he can see nothing but higher prices for the cash ar ticle, as the bins of the farmers have been pretty well cleaned out The government June report will make its appearance on the fth day of next month, and, according to advices received by B. Frank Howard, from tho Agricul tural department at Washington, a par of 19.5 is to be used In figuring It. It the decline In condition should reach 90 per cent, the approximate yield would bo 621, 000,000 bushelf, and it the condition Is un changed the yield would be 0)1,700,000 bushels. When the bearish conditions surround ing the corn market are considered, that grain held well. The more favorable weather In the Argentine caused freer offerings In the pIL Not only were longs sellers ot corn, but there wcro short lines put out. World'a shipments were smaller than comparative periods; In fact, there were decreases In nearly all the routine statistics, Including the visible supply, as well as stocks hold In the regular eleva tors at Chicago, The cash trade was alow at 160.000 bushels. The market for oats opened higher and closed strong at fair advances. Tho In creased complaints of dry weather throughout tho belt wero tho principal bullish Influences, Cash sales wcro small. The heavy hog run at the yards ami decline in price was tho leading help favoring the bears. 1 'ackers offered moderately. The demand came from shorts. Cash trade in meats was reported as only fair Cash wheat was Ho lower. Cash corn was UWlko lower. Cash oats wore unchanged. Clearances; Wheat and flour, 475,000 bu.j corn, 22,000 bu.; oats, 775,000 bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to fed higher; corn, ViGHd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 151,000 bu, and shipments 412,000 bu., against receipts ot 631,000 bu. and shipments of 4S7,OuO bu, last year. Primary corn receipts wero 813,000 bu. and shipments 379,000 bu., against receipts of 553,003 bu. and shipments of 216,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 647,000 bu, and shipments 614,000 bu., against receipts of 91 i, 000 bu. and shipments ot 6t5,O0O' bu, last year. CABLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 239 213 139 Minneapolis ,. 57 .,, ,,, Duluth 123 Omaha I S. 170 12 Kansas City 1R lot) 11 St. LOUIS 23 111 41 Winnipeg 311 These sales were reported: Wheat, No. t hard winter, 1 car 87Mc; No, 4 hard win ter, 1 car S6Hc. Oats; No. 3 white, 1 car 3Sc; No. 4 white, 3 cars 37Ha Corn: No. S white. 7 cars 69Vic, t cars 60o; No. 3 white, 12 cars 68Hc; No. 4 white, 1 cir Mo; No'. 2 yellow, 2 cars (special) G9c, 11 cars 63fcc b cars C8Vio. 6 cars Cs'ic; No. 3 yel low, 1 car GSHc, 14 cars 6814c, 7 cars ttSo; No. 4 yellow, 2 cars C7Mc, 1 car 67c; No. 2 mixed, 9 cars 6SHc 4 cars 6Sc; No. 3 mixed, 1 car frSUc, 7 cars CSc; No. 4 mixed, 1 car 67o, 3 cars Gftc, 1 car 64c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. S hard, 87H89Hc; No. 3 hard, CTQStto; No. 4 hard, KtfSTo; No, 3 spring, 83iii8c; Nn. 4 spring, SJHSSGHc; No. 2 durum, 8WfS7e; No. 3 durum, UiQtttc. Corn: No. 2 white, 6SGO0Uc; No. 3 white, CXVtGtfSVic; No. 4 white, C6(367Kc; No. 2 yellow, 688o; No. S yellow, 07itrcSHc; No. 4 yellow, 64 7o; No. 2. 67jC&Vto; No. 3, S7MfSKo; No. 4, M(7Hc, Oats: No. 2 white. 3SHif c; sianaara. ittfwyic; no. a wnito, 3c no, 4 wnue, x,y,c, uariey: .Mailing, K ' 0c, No. I feed. tKgSJc. Rye: No. 2, 6S4 CHICAGO GIIAIN AMD I'UOVISIONS Chicago future prices: Artlclel Open. I High. I Low. I Closc.Yes'y Wheat! May. July. Corn May. July. Oats May. Fork July. 9SH 9SH 98 91 97H b'H S7i $614 tH tVA Wi 72 70i ?1H 7014 68 -fXM 67 67 67 42!4 43T4 4I 42V4 42U 40 40!4 S0H 39H 3DS 20 12 SO 17 19 95 19 92 ' 20 10 19 75 19 $0 19 65 19 67 19 S21 9&t 9 85 973 9 75 9 S7H 10 00 10 02 9 90 9 90 10 03 11 17 11 20 11 10 U 10 11 20 U 22 111 27 11 17 11 17 U SO Sept Lsnl July. Kept. nibs July Hept f'Mrmrn fA mh Trrsu Uftt.nt, x- . m e .wv. u 1 -4A t . etW. rflj, SOgWHc; No. 2 hard, 8fiWic; No northern. 97HO0SHc; No. 2 spring, 97We Corn: No. 2. 'li72c; No. 2 yellow. 720 72Uo; No. 3 yellow. 7lliC714c Oats' No 3 white, 4141Vio; standard, 43Vic. Ryn No. 2, 6c Oarley, 60Q65c Seeds: Tim othy, t3.763T4.76; clover. HO.OOfrlJ.Oi). p,,,. visions: Pork, t.82H; lard, W.70; rlbj 310.87H11.37H. ' rtlHKSR RttutAv .4.1.1... iKu.i... twins, 13HQ14c; American, lfca-lSfcc; long EGGS Steady; recelpU. 19,619 coses; at mark, cases included, 16l&c; ordinary firsts. 1717Uc; tlrsU. UcT y v.T'1011""' ,"Pt. cars; Michigan, red, 70350c; Louisiana, new! POULOTIY Alive, higher; fowls, liVi New York General Market. NEW YORK. Moy 2.-BUaAR-vRaW. steady; molasses, 2.67c; centrifugal 3.32c; refined, steady; cut loaf. 6.05c; crushed lSlv","u"1. , ' w; cuoes, 4.36c; XX XX powdered, 4.25c; powdered. 4.20c! fine granulated, 110c; diamond "aT' .10o; confectioners' "A." 4c; Na 1, 190o. BUTTEa-Creamery, extras. SJViSKKc: exuVSicT 218U:,V4Ci PrOOC" CIIEESE-Btate whole milk, fresh, white or colored specials, UtBOSUo; av erage fancy. 13HOW4c: state and Wis consin, whole milk held, lSHOlSVa EOUS-Fresh gathered extraVTltorage packed, firsts to extra firsts. 20vesoSc: same, regular packed, extra firsts. 3K aVic; same, firsts. l9H20a PO ULTKY Dressed, steady: western chickens, frozen, Wfi20c; fowls, 14019c; turkeys, OQWe. St. Loots General Market, ST. LOUIS. May at WIIEAT-No. S red. 95H&961ic; No. 2 hard. 93WHc; May, !K We; July, iSUesSHc. ' COnx-Ko. 2. 7H4; Na 3 white. 7SJ4 74c: May, 71c; July. tSXc OATS-No. 2. 40c; Na 2 white, 41e. Metal Market. NEW TOrtK. May II METALS-Lead. QUjeL 2.K93.9S. London. 18 Us td, Epelter, dull. JS.0&36.16; London, 2t 7s 6d. Topper, quiet, spot and July. $UT0tf 14114. eiertroitlc, lit . lake, nominal, casUncs. 14.on4fl4.114 Tin, firm, spot, 2M.1R9M.36: July, .3ft8.. Antimony, dull. Cookson's, rr.2fH7.37Vj Iron quiet, unchanged. I.ondonpriccs: Copper quiet; spot, 38 .vi ?d; ruturee, fn im id. Tin, quiet; spot, uisi: rutures, MZ. iron, meveiana war rants. Ms 1UJ. ST. LOUIS, May Ifl.-MBTALfl-Lead. auii, fi.wyB.eaH. bpeiier, uuu, a.w. Knnsns City nrnln and Prorlalons, KANSAS CITT. Mav M. WHEAT No. 2 hard. !OH0oic; No. 2 red, Pl&Otttc; May, sm.c. July, sosc CORN-NO. 2 mixed, 72fl72c; No. 2 white. 75c; May, 7ic; July, who, OATS No. 2 white, 404c; No. 2 mixed, 59Vt40c. DUTTEIV-Creftmery, 23o; firsts, ale; seconds, 18c; packing, lSVfco. EGGS Flrnts, lBc; seconds, 15c. IOtTLTIlY Hens, 14c; springs, 10. Liverpool firnln Market, LIVERPOOL, May M.-WlIEAT-No. J Manitoba, 7s 7Ud; No. 2. 7s 64: No. 3. 7.-J 4Vid; July, 7s 3d; October, 7s lUd. CORN American mixed. Gs 7d: July. Ks 2d. Omnhn liar Mnrket. OMAHA. May 2fs HAY Prairie; Choice upland, 314.00314.60; Na 1. 113.0034.00; No. 2, 19.00(012.00; No. 3. T7.00B9 00. Cho ce midland. 13.tOlt00; No. 1. IlltftSUOO; No. 2, 9.0O012.00; No. 3, H.0O39.00. Choice lowland, I10.0010.50; No. 1, r9.00&10.00; No. 2. I7.00fl9.00: No. 2. 35.0037.00. Straw: Choice wheat, ISMc.OO. Alfalfa. Choice, J14.00; No. 1, I12.asrl3.'.l; No. 2, j2.w; no. i, vi.wyw.w. Cotton 3Inrket, NEW TOItK, May 26. COTTON-Fu-turos closed barely steady: Mav. U.tfo: July, 12.87c; August, 12.72c; October, 12.42j; iecemDer, u.ax; January, u.uc; spot, ncaay; miaaung, ii.wc; gull, 11. wo. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 26. WHEAT May, 904c; July, 91Ue; No. 1 hard, 96 96c; No. 1 northern, 925iS044c; No. 2 northern, 905109294c. Stocks nnrt Honda. Number of sales ana leading quotations on stocks were as follows: BtU: tilth. Law. Clmo. Amilfimitf! lV)pp.r ... a,7OT 7SH 72H J2H Amrlrn Asrlcullurat M AtnAriud tvt buiw tii AntMiaui Uui too J7S 17' V mi cui ptd aoo 90 nii Amerlfl C. A V W4 Amrrlaui Cotton Oil 4U Am. I( HmuVIIIm 604 11U ilH. II Am1rn linoaM , , tu Atnfrlua Ijocomotlra ... too J2'4 li'i lit Airwrlua 8. 4 II 2.S00 64 63H tM American H. A tt. pfd.,, , 100 Amrr Sutar Defining,., Amfrlrin T. A T , Its American Tobao u u Anaconda itlnlns Co J29 Atrninon 200 4H WH M Atthlton Dfd , tv; Aiunnc umh Line 12J ntltlmora Ohio M0 C5U tu tiethlehem fiteel too 41 4iu 42 Ilrooklm Rnctd Tr 3.00 1 02K fcu CanadUa Pacirie l.VO M UiK WV4 rVintral Leather 1,100 SH 36 3Z ChMak & Ohio 200 I2K t2H t&A inicmca 11. w , 13 Oiieaco, It A . P.... Ida 100 100K 100H Chlcero A N. W mu Colorado Fuel A Iron..., ,, , , 27ft Consolidated Oim IM Virn rroducta 900 I ITi Delaware Hudeon ,, 160 Denrer Aftlo Orands , ,,, 11 Denver A 71. O. pfd 1 DUtlllen Securities .... 904 UK ItVfc U Ktlt too t(i 29 2 Rri let pfd.. 2O0 44H 4U 43 K Krl 2d PM 34 OeneTal Klectrlc 100 IUU 143 1lU Oreat lorthern pfd 400 124ft 12414 124H Illinois Central no Intnrbomush Met. ...... (00 14 14 ItU Inter. Met pfd l.ono iiu iu ait: lntnM4lonal llarrealer ..... ..... 104 inter-Marino pfd 1,000 ItH 1014 10U Internattonal Japer t International Pump ..... Hi Kanaaa Cltr Bouthern ?ait Iiclede (ki m' Iehlah Vallir , lu LouleTllle A N4uhTlll ISSli M., St, P. A B, Hts. M 122 Mlajourt. K. A T 20d 1J l4 iyt Mlaourt raclflo , , X"u IT 1H 1641 National IMwult im KaUonal td ; , a N. It. II. ot M. Id Pfd 10U New Tork Oontml... too t2H 2V4 W N. Y 0. A W -&u Noriolk A Wentern , 40 104ft 104H m, North American ;td Northern Paclflo 200 no iloii no Paeine MU , ., u renntytranU too 1I2U lis 112 People's Oaa 600 ltlt 121 llt'i P., C , C, A Bt, I KS I'lttabursh Col u, rreeeed Steel CUr,..,, , Pullman Pataw Cr. .mu ltea4lnc S.000 184H lMft l8ft rtepubllo Iron Rteel,., til, mepablle I, A 8, ofd 7 mock leland On ..... I Jtoek Inland Co. pfd ,,,, 4vi u ft a r. poo.. .,. U 8ebmrt Air Line , itu tVahoard A. I pfd S(u SloiKt-WheOTeia B. A I M outhwn Pacific 1,(00 Cl'i 53H K'i southern iuilwr 1,100 a ss hl Bo. ltallwar pfd I T9'(, Tenneue Copper 200 24 S 24ft 24 Ten. A Patlflc isu Union Ilacltlo j.toi hu Union elfe pfa. ijit United -rttatea Ilealtr .. 53 United 8Utea Tluhber.... 2O0 81M 5u uU United Rtatm steel T.40) ajuj, ejft 2'4 tl. H. Rteet ptd KM 109ft lOtft 109ft Utah Copper l.SO) MS ,ju Va. -Carolina Ohemlcal tu Wabejih 3 WaUah pfd ,, , jii Weetern Mrrland im WMiera union 200 IU 1ft (u WentlcuthouM Blectrlo .. 2,400 7fi 71ft nl Wheollns A Ika Eri . 1 Chlno Qpper l.rro 4m 41U 41 u New uaren X300 4UU tJH 7U Hay Con. Orper 21ft Total sales for the day, 7,6300 share. Lorn! fteeurltlea, Ouotatfona furnished hv Burm rirtni,.. & Co., 449 Omaha National Bank build ing Omaha: Cornell Lumber Co AixXL Doere A fo. pfd j jj' r Mnavn, i.(riin,if pia. I per COM., 19 lftfl Ialrmont Creamtrr cuar.. f ner out., eiu .XT Omaha & C. D. Itjr. i, Drld. ti m union oToca jaroa, umana. n inn Swift Co.. T per cent .....lot lUK BONDS. " Columbsa. Neh., .Klee. LA. $a, lltL. (2 It Chlcaso A N. W. 4i, WJ7.. .......... 24 JJw Fall lilver Co.. 8. D 6. IWi joi ial.il Iowa ItJ. & L.U U. 1212 SB aa Ui Anselea Itr. la. 1141 , M U New YorU mat 4fti .....1MU 102 Omaha Klee. IX. A Power 2a. 1KB.... l mu City of Omaha 8ewr tftt. 1124 Ml ioi2 rity ot Oman 4,s. 1HI ioiu i0. Omaha A C. n. St. Ry. 8. M mu a? 1'uset Bound T. U. A P. (a, HU..1M iai nireralde Co . Oal. , HSO loju im ii Sacramento, Ca.. tfti IMS M ,jw Ban Dteso Water ta. 1220 , loift im 15 Swift A Co. 8a. 1244 4ft lift Sioux aty Week Tarda (, 1M0 3 JlS Blouz City Telep. 6a. l4 a J,1 VTeet Fenn. Trac ( per cent Botes,,. , lift m d. Dir. n Nctt Yopk Money Market. NEW TOITK, May 24. MERCANTILE IAPEH-4 per cent. STERXiINQ EXCHAN'OK Firm; sixty davs. 24.200: demand. J4.SSTS- rnmm.Mii bills 4.IWi. ' ' sii,VEii-Bar, xc; Mexican dollars. 44c. - CALIj MONET Firmer, nt 141 per cent: fullng rate. 1 per cent; closing rats. 1TUM ner rent Tim lAin, .l..u. .1-... and ninety days. 24 per cent; six months. e ir vviiw London Stock Market. were quiet and steady during the early iraums iwajr. uim tuvvnni aavanced most ot the list and at noon Prices ranged from i above to H below parity. Consols for money, 717-lt; for account, HIT.W.n Tier M 2 16-W per cent; three months, 2 la-is:. St. Joseph I.tre Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. May 35. CATTLB Re ceipt. 1,300 head; market steady: steers, t7.COtT9.26; cows and heifers, lt.6ft58.7j; calves, tS.00Q10.00. HOOS Receipts, 9.600 head; market 1'to lower; top, IS. IB; bulk. t7.96Q.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady; lambs, 27. 60- .75. Bank Clrmrlntrs. OMAHA. May 24-Bank clearings for Omaha today were .Jfi0,5SO.a and for the corresponding day last year 12,- 267S2.74 Girls wanted, 18 years of age and over, for wrapping and packing candy. Em. ployment given only to girls who Intend to stay with the work and give their entire Urns to It. John CJ. Woodward & Co., "The Candy Men." OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Pricei for Cattle Generally Steady to Dime Lower Than Monday. RECEIPTS OF HOGS LIBERAL Market Opens Dnll, with Valrjea Fln to 1en Cents Io-rrrr I.erel of Prices Is Lowest Since Jsnnnry, SOUTH OMAHA. May 2, 1914. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs, ftheep. Official Monday t.Of! KM9 4.5K Estimate Tuesday t.ooO 10.300 4,000 Two days this week. 8,607 16.849 8.625 Same dava last week ... fi.19t 17.711 12.274 Same days 2 wka, ago. 7.MS 17.279 17,920 name days 3 wks. ago. 7,605 11,992 14,247 Same days 4 wks. ago. 8,082 11.8S2 12,424 Same days last year... ,919 18,708 ll.SO The following tahlA innwi etiA reietnr w. vMMc. iiuna uuu aneep u.o oouui Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1914. 19U. inc. Dec. Cattle 341.S64 807,622 15,958 "ogs J.108,818 1.161.SS0 ...... 63,074 sleep 984,845 8S2.212 1S2.6J2 The followlne table PrtCC for hOfra At thn Fnuth Om.ha IIva tock market for the last raw day a, with Date. 11914. 19U.ll912.lIU.1910.1909.190a. May Mav 10. Zii 11. 8 15 I 8 1SH 8 14 8 18 8 16 8 19 8 22 sas 8 22 21 8 241 May Mav 12. IS. 11. 16. May May May May IS. 17. Aiay May 18. 19. 8 3041 I 8 2JHJ 8 28 8 19 8a May May May May 20. 21. 22. 8 17X 8 29 2i. B 16H 8 30 8 39 way May 24.; 2S, May 26,1 ....... I 8 4o 'Sunday. ItMrelntB mrtA i1l.n..lil 1 . at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, ui ixciuc-iuur noura enoing at. s o ciock p. m., yesterday: 1USCEIPT8 CARS. ntilH llAr, Wabash 3 1 " Missouri Pacific... 3 .' union Pacific 49 87 13 (J. Jtt fi. W. n.r 1 1 C. & N. W.. west.. B 61 -., 01, 1:, m, & o 19 17 1 C. U. & Q.. east... ft a C., U. & Q west... 28 26 3 C, It. I. & p., east 25 1 1 1 C, R. I. & V west .. 2 ,. Illinois central .... 1 3 Chi. Great West 1 3 .. ., Total rooelptsa..l 138 171 DI8PO6ITION-HBAD. (Tntlln. Mrtm Ktin IOF.r'" & CO 485 X.223 247 Bwift&Co.. ,....1.031 2.819 1,884 Ctidahy Packing Co.. ..1,213 2,718 64 Armour & Co 923 3,105 1,937 Morrell M Lincoln Packlnv Co 23 South Omaha Pack. Co. 7 Kay Co 4U w. B, Vaneant Co 1 Hill ic Son 2 V. D. Lowis 23 J. U. Root & Co 9 3. II. Bulla 69 " Sullivan Bros 1 Rothschild 5 ..... Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 45 Christie 4 3 IllBSln g .. Huffman 39 oth 17 : Meyers 26 , Baker, Jones & 8. 13 Tanner Broth an John Harvey 47 utner buyers , 187 870 Totals ,4,264 10,298 4,992 CAT1'1E There was a tolerably Ubernl lun of cattle today and the quality of the offerings was very good aa a rulu. iraae was siow. as on yesterday the hot weather caused stock to take on a heavy fill and all classes of buyers weru inclined to await developments and lot tho cattle shrink na much m noHalbla. Strictly desirable yearlings and the best of the hoavy cattle were peaked up in fairly Hood season at not far from steady tlHUres, but on tho goneral run of cattlu, until heavy and light, bids were wesJt tr. a ulmo lower than Monday and the bulk bt the offerings changed hands on thU basis. While it was a slow and drag ging market during the early forenoon indications Were favorable for a very lair Clearance finally. mere was no particular change in the murHct tor cows and heifers. Offerings wo 10 limited and consisted largely of small lots and odds and ends, and there wan the usual very active demand tor anything tit all useful It, this line. Prices wero firmly held at the high point of the soason. Inquiry for veal calves con tinues active and Diicea stronir. and theiu Is a good outlet and strong market for uuut, stags and rougn stock generally. There was not much dolnr in stacker. and feeders, as there was not a great aeai of stock of this kind on sale. Both yard traders and country buyers took on the desirable light and medium weight steers and neiiera at fully steady fig ures, but there was little call from any source tor the fleshy and plain steers and these largely went to the packers. Gen eral trade was of very moderate volume, uui I'lnmtaiiy sieaay. ijuoiauons on cattle; Good to prime yearlings, 28.a04t9.lM; good to choloe beet steers. M.4Uu8.&: lair to good beef stern. 18.U0&41.4U; com mon to fair beef steers, ti.jvjjiuu, good 10 cnoice cornioa hell ers, 7.60q.eo; good to choice cornfed tows, t6.aii7.60; fair to good grades, 2400 tj.:6; common to fair grades, t4.606.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, 7.7a tjtUO; fair to good stockers and feeders. H.itoWi.U; common to fair stockers and feeders, 7-GO7.40; stock cows and heif ers. t6.W87."5; stock calvei, t6.60tni.25; veal calves, la.00$ru.(JO; bulls, stags, etc., tATM? 7,75. Jiepresentauve sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. rr. No, At. Vt. 20 W IN 20 108J M 2 ., 10OI 7 70 lti iso 12 9 7 70 i:M I 24 H 7 7 11 1272 2 20 44 72 7 70 S5 ,,...122 120 2 K4 7 71 2d 7(0 I J4 223 7 25 T 1041 14. ........... 20S IM 2 114a IU )...- 1120 2 00 J M , ,j 7 ..... J WJ 11 211,1 4 m. 2 CO 32 ltli a JJ II Utl . 2 CO ICJ 1 40 II ....10M 2 10 m, , , 17 IC0 10 10M t 45 2 12IS 2 11 20 12M I "i 2 ll 2 16 24 IMS 1 u IT ,1U2 2 SO 12 1JS6 a M 12 1111 IT UO I (0 24 IM 1 St.., lc, j, ta 24 244 2 2 12 1KM U 2 102 Itt It 1U2 IU 10 i 2 26 I BTEK1UJ AND HEIFERS. ' ' t 222 7 W 14.... rii IU 1 '721 1 M 22 ajl 1 M 2 20 2 00 27 US I It - J& 2 0 22....... ,.100 I to 1 .....770 l i .... 740 IM 1 I 10 U SSI I 0 m,"co- i:::-:::::1"? i::::::::::::5SS J 2 t M 1027 t" 2. .. ... UK 7 0 4 lit t 00 1 , jiia T 00 2 I 0 7 00 i i2co i to i mo t A 1.. 1C2 t II ...107? 7 10 1 1 UO 0 1 lOM 710 J 1144 Tl ::::::::::: :?5 IS J::::::::::::15S ?U ,w SiniFERs! " 'S 1 no (te 1 MI T u 1 TWts: T ' l., o m l ma Tej i.' w i HM tS 1 1214 t 1.... Wo 7 OS 1 lt i 10 1 too t It 2 1142 trt 1 ... lt 7 It 1 U0 tt 1 Jtoo Tis 1 1M0 J 11T0 t 2 121 M 1 uo 7 JJ 1 1J10 IM CALVES. .1 ! 4 tot ltW J f J WU0 7I 1N1 2 71 2 24 tt 0) 1 ll 1 0 C 1(2 11 to 1, IftOltfO 1 IM 11 M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 177 7 2 lit T n . . 117 7 U It ..IK TT t mm u in a HOGS-8uppltes were liberal again to day. about l&S cars, or 10.300 head, belnir received For the two daya receipts foot up 16,149 head, being almost 1,000 smaller than last week, and about the same num 7C6 6 79 9 269 7 46 t 82 9 21 6 97 6 41 6 96 9 23i 7 01) 5 42 744 697 930f 7 04 l636 7 66 231 7 08 8 24 768 898 j7Ul62a 765 696 9 SOI 624 7626S9 9 36 7 06 I 7 69 6 $4 9 441 7 021 6 SO I 6 79 19 38 1 6 02 1 5 24 7 60 C 731 9 E9 6 98 6 38 743 9 11 7 01 638 7 46 5 64 7 00 5 37 7 49 6 6 9 43 5 J6 746662 9 89697 7 15) 6 70 9 191 7 10 5 14 S 83 9 14! 7 14 6 16 ber as were reported on the correspond Lng dsvs a year ajro. Trade opened dull and weak, and early bids were all of 64J10c and In some cases a flat 10c lower. Shippers and specu lators bought a few early that were a nicxei lower, out tncir purcnases were not very large. Things were very slow durln; thB early rounds, as buyers failed to better their bids and sellers were ask ing steady prices, but along towards 10 o'clock offers strengthened up until they were no more than 6c lower. Quite a tew nogs wero casned at these figures, but a good share of the salesmen were still sticking for steady figures. Once things had started to move competition became keen, and under this Influence values continued to Improve until on the close quite a number of strings moved at figures that were steady, or very nearly so. Summing up the general mar ket. It can be said that the trade opened 6c lower, and closed active and about steady with yesterday. The average Is Just a shade lower, BUlk of the supply sold at IT.lKvalCO. and the top again landed at 28.06, although there are not so many loads at this figure as on Mondey. Trade was very slow early, but towards the lost end became lively, and the liberal supply was practically cleaned up by 10:30. Hog values are now at the lowest level they have touched since January 8. this year, when the average stbod at 87.93. Representative sales; No. 44... 11... M... 44... AT. tfh. IT. .801 10 7 W .122 M 7 Jtt .NO. at... 19... 71... ... ?(... tr... Vi... M... 22... 42... 25... 24... 12... 70,,. 61.,,, 75... 61.... 6... 47... 47... 66... 25... M... 61... 45... 40... 66... 2... 72... 67... 72... At. .240 an. Pr. SO 7 97H 40 7 7Vk .24 271 U0 vi ..r la 7 ..271 12U 7 271 ..212 ..260 ..24 .. 7 M SO 7 M III I 40 7 5 42... 22... 72... ..220 ..K4 ... 7 tiSa 40 7 lrt, ..244 7 p;u U... tt... 7t... ..206 200 V6 224 264 7 (IS ..261 ..221 20 7 ti ... 7 M 40 JK ..277 ano 7 ;, ..279 tO 7 9H .210 ... 7 t;i ..SO ... 7 97', ..279 40 7 97H ..2SS 160 7 97 Vi . Mj no a w ..271 ... 8 00 ..21t .... t 00 ..290 190 8 00 ..214 160 t 00 tl... ..211 ,212 200 7 22 i... .232 40 7 9.1 .....244 IM 7 IJ ... ..231 . . 7S .....290 40 7 (3 .....272 ... 7 i ....Ml 220 7 (4 ..1P0 W 7 92 ....2JJ 0 7 92 to... 22... 64... (2... .373 7 .244 M I 00 (2... .210 120 7 PS .264 .242 .279 .274 .291 .221 .252 1 no 61 M7 7 22 00 ... I 0 ... 8 On . . . 2 CO 40 2 M VI no 40 2 00 22 221 40 7 95 20.. 72.. ...24 IM 7 95 ...t H IK ...232 IM 7 7. W. 241 140 7 M . .15 ..204 ..20 89 7 92 .. 7 92 40 7 CS 0 7 9S M4 .268 120 8 04 ..242 40 8 AO ' US t m 24 sno 7 97W 68 247 200 8 no 71 2fO ... 8 00 62 ,262 40 8 re 23. ,302 .. 2 00 17 224 ... 8 00 .W 120 7 t7v; .252 7 Jj 227 '120 7 t'i 22 ...282 ... 7 97U 09 191 40 7 97V4 29.. ..274 10 t 00 ..222 11 8 no 2W ... 7 IrrH HI, wi,..,.,,.zj ziu i m 80.. l 1A M 2T.7 80 I fO M 542 . , S 6IW 252 120 8 00 66 201 40 8 05 It 252 120 t0 BliEEP-l.lght recelpta again today sorvfel to give the general trade some ac tivity aa comDared with the dull nf'nit. yesterday, though prices would average iiu ucurr man tuny nieaay. ueporis rrom other markets indicated slow business, which might be taken as on Indication that the eastern trade in dressed mutton has shown no material Imn rnVftme-nt. An outstanding feature today and for sev eral days bock has been a scarcity of good toppy offerings and this fact In liselt nas not helned the murker inv especially from a seller's standpoint About 4,000 head made up the recelpta contrasted with 9,621 last Tuesday, 10,130 uvu wockh ana ana o,ew on tne same day last year. Taklne todnv Anrl MnnHav in. gether the killer supply foots up no more than some 8.6CO head, as against 13,a74 head during the same two daya last week and 11,889 a year ago. Clipped lambs formed the big bulk of reePt and the quality showed little if any change from yesterday. The range of nrlces was nrnnnri n uvnv i. Three cars of the California spring" lambs! . . vrvan uns morning, 'mere were similar to those at t9.10 yesterday brought tho same price this morning. There were low ironsuoiions in aged snoop, as not many wero here, Some yearling wethers a out of which sold at t6.45 toward the close of last week, went to the packer buyers today at t8.SS. The market on tho whole being fairly active a very fair clearance was made enrly In the forenoon. Quotations on Bheaft nnrt T.nmho. stock: Limbs, good to cholco. t7.65ijS.10; lambs, fair to good, tl. 6037.75: yearlings, good tc- choice. 8.9u7.15; yearlings, lair to good, t3.sS36.90: wether. II Srh?ii J6.5CC-90! wethers, fair, to good, (SJOGCSi: ewes, good to choice, t5.40W 7.76; ewes, fair to good, S.25.40. Representative tmlea: No. Av. Pr. 8 00 6 J5 6 85 5 2o 6 26 7 75 5 23 3 60 7 6 7 IS 800 7 40 675 7 oO 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 283 shorn lambs 7S 94 93 60 69 jv xea yearling Sit fed rearliiursi ..... 184 Arizona fed lambo. 4i7 Ariionn shorn Teorllnn.. 499 shorn lambs $3 dj snorn ewes 20 culls 119 118 83 81 83 4 63 60 63 64 67 67 203 shorn lambs 878 shorn Iambs 671 shorn lambs 03 shorn lambs 117 shorn lambs 283 shorn iambs S23 California spring lambs. 62 California spring lambs. 288 California spring lambs. 284 California spring lambs. Chinamen Smuggled Into United States in Engiue Tool Box SEATTLE. Waah..May 26, George Nel son and reter McGregor, fireman and engineer of a Great Northern train, were arraigned in the United States district court today, charged with smuggling two Chinese Into the United States from Can ada In the toolbox of their locomotive. Tho prisoners were Indicted by the federal grand jury last week. On May 16, the federal inspector at Blaine, on the boundary, found the en Bine toolbox padlocked. The -Inspector obliged Nelson to open the box and found In It Hong Git and "Wong Bow, natives of China, who are now In the Seattle de tention station and will be used as wit nesses against the prisoners. McGregor was at the throttle of the en gine on three previous occasions when aliens were found In the toolbox, the government avers. BURLINGTON CHILDREN HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT BURLINGTON, la., May 26,-Two chll dren of Fred lAietger of this city wero fatally hurt and other members of the family Injured when the automobile In which they were riding struck a horse, and buggy last evening. The automobile turned on its side and spilled out the occupants. Washington Affairs The supreme court dismissed an aniuii from the supreme court of Texas, which held Valid an ordinance of the rltv nt Ennls, Tex., annulling the franchise of me cnnis aior woras company. The Oklahoma reciprocal demurrage law was annulled as unconstitutional bv the supreme court on the ground that the uKianoma court naa neia it applied to Interstate commerce as well as state com merce. Dr. Maurice Francis Egsn. American minister to Denmark, is seriously ill In . A4UUI.IUI1. ui . cm vaiue 4 rom Copen hagen recently for a vacation to lecture through the south antt'west. All ot his engagement; have been cancelled. More than 1.000 delegates attended the opening session at Washington last night of the thirty-sixth annual conference ot the American Library association. The conference and meetings ot affiliated organisations will continue throughout me wTjes:. The body ot Senator Bradley of Ken tucky was taken from Washington yesterday for burial at Frankfort today. Both houses of congress adjourned as a mark of respect, resolutions were In. trod need and eulogies were SDoken. Tho funeral party Included fcnators James u si linger, warren, amoot, overman, Shlvely. R00L Kern. Martlne. Polndeiter. O'Gorman. Fall, Smith of Arixons. Hughes: all the Kentucky delegation of tne nouse. except Jtepresentatlve Powers. .., .,v,..v.i,n.,,to aubhiii nu, urccn, Smith ot Michigan, Bwltrer and Johnson 01 wasnington. BEEF CATTLE LEAD ADYANCE Farm Prices Advance Three Per Cent Boring Last Year. SHEEP AND HOGS ABE LOWER Department of Aarrlcnltnre Points Ont the Variation netireen Vntnntlon of the Differ ent Meats. WASHINGTON. May 24. Farm prices for beef cattle advanced more than 8 per cent, but averaged quotations for hogs and sheep were lower on April 16 than on that date In 1913, figures prepared by the Department of Agriculture stated today. Cattle prices last month were t6.29 a hundred, an advance of 21 per cent. However, In Michigan, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, there wns no change In cattle prices from 1313 quotations, and In Wis consin there was a decrease of 30 cents a hundred pounds. State averages of prices for beef cattle shower greater variation than hog quota tions. Last month's lowest averages were In Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi 14.30, t4.60 and tl.40. respectively, com pared with 18.60 In Rhode Island, t7.60 In New Hampshire, and I7.G0 In New Jersey, the highest. Other state averages were: Pennsylvania and Iowa, S7.40; Maryland, t7.20; Ohio and Kansas, $7.10; Maine, In diana, Illinois, Nebraska, t7: Massachu setts, Missouri, Wyoming, Colorado, t.90; Washington, Nevada. California. $8.80; Oregon. W.70; Connecticut. West Virginia. South Dakota, tC.60; New Mexico and Idaho, t4.50; Delaware, Michigan, Ken tucky, t.40; Virginia and Montana, t6.30; Arizona, t6.20; Oklahoma and Utah, ts.10; Minnesota, 6. In other states the price averaged below t6. The average hog price to producers on April 15 was t7.80 per hundred, 14 cents less than on that 'date last year. In all the important hog producing states from Ohio to Kansas the decline was from, 30 to 40 cents, and In some of the New Eng land states and In practically all the south except Texas and Oklahoma, the prices were higher than a year ago. The lowest state average was $4.10 In Florida, and the higher, $9.60, In Rhode Island and Connecticut Tha- average form price for sheep was $4.96, compared with $5.16 a year ago. The veal calf average was $7.SS. On April 16, 1913, It was $7.38. John Redmond Says Division Equivalent to Passage of Bill LONDON, May 26Wohn B. Redmond, the Irish nationalist leader, In c state ment tonight says the division In tie House of Commons Is equivalent to the passage of the home rule bill Into law. Today's division," .Mr. Redmond con tinued, "marks the death after an In glorious history of the 114 years of foo union of Pitt and Castlercagh. Its place is to be taken by a new union founded on mutual respect and good will between the two islands." The nationalist leader asserted that "only two eventualities, both of them im possible, could prevent the bill from be coming a statue within a few weeks the first, that the parliamentary section should come to nn abrupt end; second, that the House of Commons should go mad and decide not to submit the bill for royal assent both as absurd con tingencies as the suggestion that the king would withhold his assent." AGED WOMAN TRIES TO DROWN HERSELF IN RIVER WATERLOO, la., May 26V-Speclal Telegram.) Mrs. Minnie Zeiglor, aged 84, demented, attempted suicide last night In Cedar River when she lay down in shal low water and soon would have expired"! but for timely rescue by E. A. Chapman who happened to cross the Isolated spot. It Is thought sho w)ll coon recover from tho shock and chilL Culls From the Wire An estate valued at nearly $2,000,000 Is disposed of largely to charity by the will cf Mies Elisabeth H. Shlppen of Phlla. delphla, who died a week ago. Hugo Poynter, son of Sir John Poynter, president of the British academy, and a cousin of Rudyard Kipling, arrived at San Francisco yesterday on the steamer Persia. Francis Bowes Sayre, son-in-law of President Wilson, was In Los Angeles yesterday in the interest of a campaign to procure an endowment ot $2,000,000, the purpose of which Is to Increase salaries of college professors. Mr. Sayre Is connected with Williams college and he sold It was the aim of that institution to Invest In teachers of high Intellectual attainment rather than In handsome buildings. Warrant f atv Sathtfmmtlim GonthaulPw Caustic Balsam His InlttUrs lit Ks Cfitopitltors. X Site, Speedy and FosIUto Cure for OniK fsllnt. owseay, Otrtti Heak, Btralsed Tcaiest, Jounear, Wla& rufj, u all Uaaaut trasa 21 earls, Klifken oaf ether bT turner. Caret all Ua Uimuii r ParaalU. " Tsroak, Dlf&UvarU. ketrurrat all Stack fa lianas srCtttlt, Yyery fcottle of Canati Saltan aeld I warrute4 le trie taUaUcttoa. fries $! 20 er Mine gen VT arvrgiti, or eent . Br, ctvarre paid, with (all dlroetlon tat lu km. ar&eaa for decrlf41re ctrcnlsr. MetimtaUl, etc Addree " Tk Uwrtset-Wllllimt Co.,CltvtUiuf, 0, 8L Lively Chicks BemHkr, be preof, prar Poultry ftegila.gr . Me, toe. H U J U. puU (tJ4 Befu esbeutnteej tuUt on rtmtt. SSatitfattita Gatraatttel or May Back STI1. For BtJ br firsUclua dealers Terjwhere' SOME MIGHTY INTERESTING PIANOS AND PIANO Men's, Wom en's and Clill drcn'n Shoes t Surprising B n r b a 1 n Prices. $1.00 shoots, size 81x90, special at 74d 76c sheets, size 81x90, speclrll at 63i MANY DELIGHTFUL SPECIALS IN WASH GOODS 10c organdies 5 10c printed Batiste 5 12c printed Crepes. .. .7Hc 25c Poplins 12 Mi 12 c Percales 10J 2Ec fancy Wash Goods, on sale at 12Jati EXTRA SPECIALS 6c Blue Apron Checks. .3 Si Drug and Toilet Omaha for amnartfla of Bpejclols for Wednss lay's Belling-. Here are a taw of tho many saving' offarlnffs. 26c site Corylopsls, 1-lb. can for lOo 25c size Hlros Root Beer Extract. makes 6 gullona, for 12W 10c size Corylopsls vollot or Jllao tal cum powders, at 3 cans for.... 10c 60c Canthrox hair shampoo 25o Cutlcura or Woodbury's Soap for 19o Ivory soap, 5c size, 3 bars for....lOo 11.00 Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, ,for 45o Larue size pure Hydrogen Peroxide, extra size, for ioe 25c size Mentholatum for lOo High Grade Wash Goods New Pllsses, new Crepes, New Ratines, new Voiles, new Brocades, now Batistes, new Organdies, all Just in and the very latest productions of tho leading mills. Crepes ........... ...120, 18V, SBo 38o, BOO, E9c, 700, 91X3 Vo',eH - 100, laito, 100, I80, aso, 30o, 6O0 Raines lBc, 85o, 38c, BOo, 75o, 91.00 Volles 10C, 1B0, 280, 380, BOo Fancies in silk and cotton, from 13$o to $3.o a yard WE ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO PUT UP PINE APPLES 1 We have a carload of delicious fruit for Wednesday's sale. This Is extra fine quality. No finer fruit grown for preserving. 'Wednooday Kxtra fancy, large size, each lBo Per dozen : 91.70 Kxtra fancy, medium largo size, each 12Vo per dozen 91.43 Extra fancy, medium size, each..lOo Per dozen 91J.U. Medium small size, each 7Uo Per dozen aso Small size, per dozen 7Bo Sa-LBB. BEST ORAXTOATED 4f I BUOAS, for I 48-lb. sack best high grade Diamond H Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cokes, sack $1,05 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C, Lennox or Laundry Queen white laundry soap, for 3 So, The best domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg. 7Wo Potted Meat, per can So 6 cons oil or mustard Sardines. . .aso fi lbs. choice Japan Rice aso 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10c quality, for a&o Large bottles Worcester Sauce. Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles (assorted ,Rt TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST r Wait llljl If s Time fop Low Ones vv This tea PC W3 IN PLAYERS THIS WEEK F 1 r o men's Summer Uni form Shirt nt Manufacturer's .Cost. Several Rousing Specials Wednesday in the Domestic Room 59c sheets, slzo 72x90, special 45d 50c sheets, size 72x90, special 374f 39c sheets, bIzo 72x90, special 2S yti 05c sheets, size 81x90, special nt ,.. 43i Pillow Slips, made to sell at lOo to 25c, on sale at 7MiS 8i 1VC XO. 15CS 18?. 10c Percales, 36 inches wide. 54 Simpson's 6c prints. .. .494 100 large Quilts, the $1.50 qual ity, at 98 100 large Quilts, tho $2.00 qual ity, at S1.24 A large variety of merchan dise not advertised, but greatly underpriced. Goods Market of the Peoole tl.00 guaranteed Bath Brusbea, tro at -esS 25c size Peroxide or Pond's Ex tract Face Cream, for , . JlOo 10c Diamond Dyes, all colors for ..80 26c Caloclde or Tlz, each ..IOo 16c Dkg. 20-mule-team Borax. M.. Bo 10c Jap Rooe Soap, per bar &Vo 4 10c rolls of crepe Toilet PaprB5o 26c size Violet Bath Salt for...lOa 60c Rubber Gloves, per pair... .,S0o $4.00 Wellington Syringe and bottle combined, guaranteed for 5 years. for , $3.00 J3.00 3-t. white rubber combination Syringe, for ..,?1J0 11.00 Bath Sprays, go at ,-5So THIS WEEK kinds), or prepared Mustard, per bottle 8H0 4 cans fancy sweet sugar corn...2Bo 16-oz. cons condensed milk. .. ...74o Tall cans Alaska Salmon. ...... .100 The best Tea Sittings, lb lOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb.. aoo All regular 15c Cookies, lb. ....laMo All regular 12Hc Cookies, lb. . ...lOo All regular 10c Cookies, lb 80 The Vegetable Market for tha jpoopla of Omaha. Fresh Spinach, per peck . . .... ..eo 8 bunchos fresh Radishes -..So Potatoes, 15 lbs. to peck, for....38o 6 bunches fresh Onions 60 Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch 4c Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb lOo 2 bunches fresh Asparagus. ...... .Bo 4 bunches fresh Pie Plant Bo Anything1 yon want at a truvinr of 100 per ont. special orairmo or advo raiii WEDNESDAY Madame Blgelow, after two months demonstrating in the south, is back In Omaha and will be pleased to meet you all Her free lectures and dem onstration will open Wednesday la Grocery department. This Is The Store A MODELS, Priced From 53.50 to $5- 1632 JDOlJGfcAa ' is India-Ceylon more refreshing than green tea and goes much further. ra)