12 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 191i. SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE Drawn for The Bee bv Tad 0 I J-TTT. .jc-r, rve AAOJr- WANT ADS Want ad received at -iny tltn, but to Insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock -oon for eve ning edition and 7: p. m. ftr morning and Sunday editions. Want adi teceived after euch hour will bo under thj hied Inc. ''Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. One time, 11 cent a line. Three tlmee within one week, S cents a line each Insertion. ,. Seven consecutive tiroes, 7 cents a line each Insertion. . CHARGE RATES. One time, IS cents a line. Three Umes within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. ,, Seven consecutive times, 8 cents a line each Insertion. Count sis average words to a line. Minimum charge, 20 cunts. The Dee win riot be responsible for more than one wrong lnsortlon due to typographical error. Claims for error must be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must be stopped by written order. You can place your want ad In The Dee by telephone. TELEPHONE TLBR 1000. DEATHS AMU FUNKKA1, NOTICES. CORCORAN Patrick J., Sunday, May 21 at his late residence, 3M Charles street. Funeral Wednesday at 8:30 from resi dence to St. Cecelia's church at 8 a. m. Interment, Holy Sepulchre cemetery. MORAN Thomas, Sunday afternoon, aged 48 years. Funeral from his late residence, Sixty eighth stroet ahd Grand avenue, Denton, at 8:30 a. m. to St. Dernard's Cathollo church at Benson at 9 a. in. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. - CAIIU OF THANKS. WE wish to thank our friends and neigh bors and our employes; also the Omaha Elks. Daisy camp of tho Royal Neighbors ana Omaha Supply houses and their repro stnuu.ei. for mo kmunenB una sympathy shown us during tho Illness and death of our son. William Johnston. Mr. and Mra, Joseph B. Johnston. BIHT11S AND DEATHS. Births Harry and Tittle Batt, 2531 De catur, boy; l'erclval and Loulso Mullls, Mil Lafayette avenue, girl; N. I, and Eva Scholtes, 3tlT South Thirty-first, boy; Ernest and Anna Turner, 6123 North Six teenth, boy; Anton and Anna Fornstrom, 5U Izard, girl; Karl and Julia Puchs, 1653 North Sixteenth, boy; Roy and Fern Fetters, 4811 North Twenty-ninth, boy; E. ana M. nee, nospuai, ooy. Deaths Bridget Carmody, 99 years, 2718 South sixteenth; Kllxabeth Dower, S3 years, 1K04 Lothrop; Ellen M. Dalce, 28 years, 3035 Franklin; W. F. Ferter. 44 years, hospital; N, M. Howard, St years, 3557 Farnam; W. R. Mulvehlll, 6 years, S413 South Eighteenth. MAHIUAGIS LICENSES. The following couples were granted marriage licenses! Name and Residence. Age. Vergil D. Spielman, Fonda, la, a Norma Austin, Laurens, la. 30 Fits E. Swanson. Springfield,., 3 Dena A. Jacob, Springfield S3 Louis Eckles, Omaha H Laura DeKalb, Benson X James lval Carpenter. Omaha 21 Nora Beckman, Omaha 1 Andrew Olsen, Benson 62 Annie Benson Omaha 61 Josef Stoufa, Omaha... ,. 25 Marie Kostalava, Omaha 30 Richard M. Taylor, Omaha 44 Emma Jaynea, Davenport, la. 19 Wilhelm B. Bonekomper, Portland, Ore ....over tt Grace I. Rohrbough, Omaha over Id Erie H. Johnson, Omaha 7 Amy Person, Omaha... 22 BUILDING VERM ITS. Frank Carey, SMS Hamilton, frame dwelling, $1,800; M. Garopp, SMO North Twenty-seventh. frame. 82,600; N. Uroen berg, isii North Twentieth, frame. 82.400; Mlnkjn Bros., 2.20 North Twenty-seventh. frame. 82.100; J. B. Qulney. U07 Sprague frame, 82,600; James Callahan. 47sa Mill- .r'..venu8' ,lore' yK0' J- n- -'owglll, 2311 Ellison avenue, frame, 83,600; Pvdsr Skriver. 4J3J Burdette. frame. 81 000; At IUJ ,suth Tenth, frame, 82.000; Joe NeJIplnsky. 1418-20 South- Sixteenth, brick atore. 83.600; v. HaUa, 2 South Twelfth, frame, 11.000. ANNOUNCEMENTS. LTJCKT wedding rings. Brodegaard'a. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Gibson's Buffet 822 South 16th St. "f?,VrK,1',L". Cone- Be" remedy ror Itching, bleeding or protruding pues; ttoDOitpsja. .impiej frts. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. D. & Orlfflth. wig, tnnfr.. U Fremer Bl THIS Is to notUy that Harry Tayne U np longer connected with the National R E.reBuchui: 7 UnaM' tlned) HELP WANTKQ FEMALE . iimiin svn., urniiacn oiorK WAMED-airls for choros, experience unnecessary; wire or write College Qlris' Musical Comedy Co.. Qeddes. 8. ". May May f "er- D- My 3i Br. & i-. whANTEI-Slx refined ladles for house to and ?U.rrti,,,nFi n, xd hours and wages. Apply 1:80 p. m. to H. T, Hughes. Parlor. Her Grand hotel; EXPERIENCED TRAVELINO DEMON STRATOR FOR TOILET GOODS. MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH FACIAI TREATMENT. PERM AriSiS- POSN TION. EXPENSES ADVAnTed anh LIBERAL (lMI8SION WITH ? DRAW1NO ACCOUNT. ESTABLIBHEn ONLY EXPERIENCED DEMON 8TRATOR8 NEED ANSWER. An DRESS F 178, BEET AD' Favetorr and Trades. Learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm parlors.. Honsckecitera and Domestics, T.1"0"1. ,B housework oVnd sTaraX of MM.n . Till ..1 t: VUOOM AfOD VAJGfJ I GOTO GET" THE PIU. A MOW F&ET f-OAjfr IS OVET- IT G&fc Today's Complete Exclusively DOWN TOWN, CAMERAPHONE. 14OT DOTIOIAS LOTHROP THEATER. 3212 NO. 24TH. The Fringe on the Olove, two reels, The Two Ordeal, Kathlyn No. 2, 2-reels. Kalem. The Mirror of Death, Lubln. McBrldd's Bride. Kalcm, A Bnakevllle Bomance, Edison. Vengeance Is Mine, Lubln. CLUNK THEATER. 2W5R FAHNAM ST. PALACE, ZW DAVENPOIIT. Till .V f lKIln(J'r,,1'e, 8n' Urft Universal Ike and School Bellet. Univ. Ike. r?fiT:.fi,l6.tlVratlor,.,V:,'RllS,e P,raTnV Women and Roses, Nestor. rollectl-r the Bent. Comedy Royal. Dawn of Bomance. Imp Drama. FnMfh?vISi- .i.(?.U9nMn 8.T STAR THEATER, 1814 N. 24TH. nAiJ?NIi!? 1 nl.l r' nil This theater will be closed a week and Along Come a City Chap. Blograph. open under new 0Wnerehlp and manage- The Vengeance of Kvaquera, Kalem. n;pnt( newly quipped. uh'.T,? niilT.10.1.31 rAUNAM' 8UBUHDAN. 24TH AND AMES. a n.i, n?1--' 0PntJ"!' A Pack of Cards, 2-reel Lubln. A Pair of Stockings, Sellg. in. t,... r-n vitiLBriinh. The Voice In the Wilderness, 2-reel Ess. X TiokU to llapplness. Sellg. FARNAM THEATER, 1416 FARNAM TTTI-Fn ' Wns Hho lllght In Forgiving Hlm7 2- mnii. villi Vt rhi0-V,!,fr nll! t.u. APOLLO THEATER. 2824 Leavenworth. Three of a Kind, Comedy Royal. The AnUqUB Engagement Ring. 2-r. Vlto, HIPP THEATER. 16TH AN.D HARNEY. Romeo and Juliet. Blograph. A Tight Hqueere, Edison Comedy. Bronoho Billy's Bermon. Essanay. Etta of tho Footllghts,- two reel, COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON. Vltllcrftt"1' The Forest Vampires, 2-reet Domino. PARK THEATER, 611 NO. 1TH. Beyond the City, American. The Frlngo on the Glove, 2-reel Kalem. In Her Bleep, Princess. ThSni'thVr'Lyoi?.r''n-?:nl. THE FAVORITE, 1716 VINTON ST. The Father m Scapegoat. Blograph. Memories That Haunt, 2-reel Vita. Dra. PARLOR THEATER, HOS DOUGLAS. Tho Bundage Fear, 1-reel Blograph, As Fate Willed. Two-reel Victor. Bunny In Disguise, Comedy Vltagraph. mo?enrGloRp Cm' R8X OEM THEATER 1208 South 13th St moicn uiory, l owem. Frederick the Great. 2-reel Edison. THE PRINCESS, 1817-1319 DOUOLAM Featuring Mary Fuller. Washington at Valley Forge. A great Andy and 8horty Start Something. Com. vanVeaCnnrlcil'Ml pr01UCt,0n' No LYRIC THEATER 1817 VINTON ST. ance in prioe. CouM Yqu Bam8 Hcr? unnm.. Nest. Com. Disenchantment. Noivrn. 2-r. vict. DIAMOND TH EATER. ItTH A LAKE. T,AoT,x,re Tirn-ATPn i.v Nation Peril, two reels, Bison. Whistling PASTIME THEATER 24th and Leav. Hiram, Front comedy. Transformation BhoTty" Strategy. of Prudence, power drama. FRANKLIN THEATER, 24lh A Franklin imvr.rDi xtr .i m . The Cherry Pickers, 2-reel Sellg. J) 9u,DELANDxt J3"' and Vinton SU. He Never Found Out. Lubln. JCathlyn Scries No. 10, 2-reel Sellg. Broncho Billy's .Close Call. Essanay. Broncho Billy and Rattler. 8, & A. . ' Atong Come a City Chap. Com. Vlog. HIPPODROME, 26TH AND CUMING. mii.r..,. ahi Hearst Sellg. B. 80U111O3IAHA, In Royal Bondage, 2-reel Pathe. rtvnnp tiiu' atvt ihit avtx. The Second Wife. Se..g. TK BS'm IT THEATER, UTH AND IOCUHT 8TS. Dorothy Danbrldge. Militant, Vitugroph. A Mail for a That, 2-reel Eesanay. A Blind Business, Lubln. Setting the Style. Vltagraph. The Nurse and the Counterfeiter. Kalem. . HKNSOft, l)YAV7,KA.TK1K24th & UALDWELU BENSON. 6835 MAIN ST. Miss Nobody, 2-rje! Imp. Lucille Love. The Girl of Mystery, Series Mountain Law, Rex, No. 6. Ford & Cunard. Daisies Black Eye, Crystal Comedy. The Test, Nestor Drama. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. B..,i,0-"",k'?PJr." J?"?. UoBl",Ic Airents, Salesmen and Solicitor.. Th 2llLSlSlXlS!S'JrS, WANTED A high doss, reliable state FnKK WiiiiTi8 inht.H.rLiWrlt.e,iA.J nlc'' manager lor a store fixture, with ThJioonei & ro.'diwS n,AfiL.lhJ",x: out competition. Commissions 8300 to JVJ0 Onlihaand ttuWrftS M cWtynco,h,Llmid,0 ' th' BUCkley The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. clalty t--' Llm' ' WANTBD-Competent woman to take WANJ.fo.SSa!l,?i i,?tu ,.m"n Harneey0fS3,l73Ch"d- APP'y & 8Uh 8t h.Mo& narney sh. before 10 a. m.. Franklin. Hotel NevHe. famlW W4g8ne2hh80tU8eHO4355 Thre SALESMAN to call on physicians; establ J.a.w,'.'y' 604 a8t" " 43a; llshed trade,; expenses and commission- A YOUNG girl wanted to assist In general also one for central Nebraska and Iowa. housework in smalt family. Call morn- P. O. Box 121, Phlladelphla.-o Ings Apt. 4. The Elms, attend Dewey WANTED Salesman, fine specialty salesman for city work; one having ex- WANTED Two good salesmen to travel perlenco selling Insurance or books on with manager. Big commissions on an time payment plan preferred. Apply Man exclusive auto accessory. Big seller. See ftger. 1W) Howard St. Mr. Erlcson. Hotel Neville. 5pp. P. O. WANTED-Experlenced salesmen of GIRL for general housework, 128 B. 36th trunkh, bags and suit cases for Iowa Ave. Phono Harney 678. andNebraska. One who tins covered mis 'nim . , , . territory. I'. C. Murphy Trun't Co., Et. QIRL for general housework. 3008 Pop- Louis Mo. pleton Ave. Phone Harney 6908. l, "" ' ; -,.. ; WANTED Several newspaper or maga- EXPERIENCED, references; good wages. ne solicitors. Call at 8 o'clock to Phone Harney 3053. 4908 Davenport St, night. Mr, Dye, room 833 Brandels The- GOOD girl or middle-aged woman for ator Du".dl.nf: general housework; no cooking; private Clerical, nuil Office. family. 2123 Cass St. if y0u are looking for a high grade po- EXl'ERIENCED girl for general hoiist- Ulon. see the work In small family. Mr" B. K Bakor CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 102 South 38th St. Phohe lfarney 317. 1016-16 CITY NAT'L. BANK. WANTED Competent girl for general Factory and Trades. ri J11 306 douu' Hurry! Hurry1 SSSSasSSlA Du!e weMa?; EXPERIENCED girl for general house- ulPPd to give you. The auto season is good wages. 16&J N 19th st "u men as we torn out. VvV. ZZ . ' NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING .ASSN. WANTED A good girl for general house- 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. '?! ' H AV- Ph"8 Haf- CALVARY Mission Free Employment WANTED Competent girl for general bureau la prepared to supply skilled or housework. 438 N. 38th Ave. Phone Har- unskilled labor of all kinds. Ottloe, Jacobs ney 61J4. " Hall. ITW Dodge St. TeL Tyler lli after WANTED-Laundress by the day. 20C P' m wDttr im- Dodge SL Drug store Snaps; jobs. Knelst, Deo Dldg. WANTED A tfood whits girl for cenrr.1 WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR- housework. !SVWh SU Tel 'lla?! BER TRADE. Another rush tor bar- ney 363 "r bero. Our course prepares you for high- 1 tst salan'. Best trade In existence today. xA.NTKU Colortd or white maid.' &U8 a Good money. Light work. Easy to learn. 29thSt. ' Busy season now. Few weeks completes. COUI'KTKNT ' ' Investigate. MOLER BARBER COL- ChouseBwTodWb gd . UKUF" m8 "th 8U good home to right party; must brins: WANTED Good all around baker; must references. 11.-3061. " be clean, competent and steady. Only rmiil Wr !,,,.' -1. 1 i . good man neud apply. Address E. Wal- uihl. or woman for general housework; tner Armour S D. VP0" -Mrs. A. F.. Mullen, 718 er- Armour, p. u. IN. 3th. . . ailspellaneons. MAID for general housework. 1616 rii fFN lth Pat?Sl u1.6 1.d'MwU nan' Sth 8t.. bouth Omaha. 'South &4. dolph & Co.. Washington. D. C WANTED A competent Elrl for n.r.i RAILWAY postal clerks wanted; 878 housework? to .wort Tin UmilJ i? two month. Life job. Write Immediately good home f'or?rlght party. HaWy &' ,tu t,. lMtUute' ,u,u..,n . , . I. .mi Dept. 20 M. Rochester, N. x. AgNTKeXPl1.dnCog'ki " WM" WANTED Names of men-18 to lUh. "u,,HTU,n . ng to be railway postal clerks; 3i i,MA,NTMDr"n irtontej 2d gill cr month. AiWresa Y 6J. Bee housemaid. Plt0Ht 1Ur- EARN MORE MONEY WANTBI A good girl for general house- Learn the automobile business. Prepars work, ini Park Ave. Phone liar. 4502. for the SPRING RUSH. This Is the only WANTED A u experience obok" for an tc5iin!l!.ry,0,lnSan lfarn RlQHT Institution. Phone Harney 42. EXPERTS teach you. wAWi-DA-Tm for general hoUseoTk; Nebraska Automobile Soliool, 3210 Dewey Ave. Harney 4402. 1416 Dodge BL WANTED-Competent, whte girl for gen- RAILROAD firemen, brakemen, 8120; ex- eral housework, references required. perlence unnecessary. Send age, post- 3618 Farnam. Harney 718. age. Railway, Y 628, Be.-o GIRL for general housework; 2d does i 1 r .. , .aaa assist 108 So. SJd. Har. UM. WANTED Thoroughly competenT"" WANTED SITUATIONS ored cook with good reference; wages. BUNDLE washing. Ironing. Harney 6S48. Co. Wthand Jackson Sts utmUn WANTBD-Pcsltlon by expert driver and , - garage man. Thoroughly familiar with sttu.eliHiii.. leading cars. Best of habits and refer- YOUNG worn." co"n""; Omaha as Addr"' care B" strangers are invited to visit the Younc EXPERIENCED office boy wants post Women's Christian association building tion. years' experience. Harney 40M. the?rt5iiKd...utAi8tS-.w5fr QOOU "Wnltr wants screen or Job 2c$Z&&Ffft wTster Ly PhM our travelers' guide av Union station. "M'w WL -,,., ! WANTED Position by young man who W OMEN Get government Jobs; 170.09 speaks both English and German, on month; many appointments doming; farm. Industrious, sober and a good t!fiii.1?Sf,tf2". H'irbiTi'- Jtfnklm worker, an all-around man both for stock Institute. Dept. at M. Rochester. N. T. and planting, cultivating, etc Address C . T. . ir io 10 wait APP'; R C Phelps, Pcnpelan Room, Movie Programs in The Bee .NORTH. OUNG man wants position In lumber yard; A-l refertncs furnished. Address Y 48. Bee. NO JTIB.RMO- WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Two good salesmen to travel with manager. Blir cnmmliiAljnii nn nn xcluelve aulo accessory. Big seller, See Mr. Erlcson, Hotel Neville. Opposite Post office. YOUNG lady stenographer with 3 years MtcnoKrtiphlc experience, desires a posi tion. Can furnish references. Address, S 169, Care Bee. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as housekeeper, child's nurtc or second maid; highest city rcferenc.es. Address O 171. Bee, or phone Red 2IKL BOOKKEEPER nnd office mnn. slty salesman nnd collector; 8 years' experi ence; references. Phono Webster 2673. MAN and wife, oolored want position at general housework together, Wife good cook; man, handy about the house. City or coun try, nest rnrerenrpe. Tel. ilea 7B83. COLORED man wants position as Jan itor or fireman; good roferenoe. Call D. 85, kitchen. ACCOUNTANT. Traveling accountant with one of larg est corporations In United States wishes to give up traveling and locate In Omaha. Expert In oil modern systems: best of ref erences and bond If required. Will con sider any proposition where executive ability is required. Address E 180, Bee. AUTOMOBILES 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 210N.18 WE make a specialty of auto foredoor body building and painting. Highest quality work. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Wks. D. 6022. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. AMERICAN "30", excellent condition. Inquire 601 Mynster St., Council Bluffs, la. Industrial Garage Co.. 20th & Harney Bts. One good DETROIT ELECTRIC, In FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, for Bala cheap. Owner going away. Orr Motor Sales Co. 2416 Farnam. Greenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. ZOiO FarT CUT PRICE pneumatic tiros. 318 So. 20th. One good BAKER ELECTRIC In FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, for sale cheap. Owner going away. Can bo seen at Orr Motor Sales Co 2416 Farnam, Motorcycles. 1814 INDIAS MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. lCth and Chicago. D. 37 iS. WRITE FOR LIST OF 8ECOND.HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICK.EL-S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND HARNEY. Pop 1011 mnHftl nnw rAv nnfpfllii. eln used machines. Popa Motor BARGAINS in all makes of used motor cycles. Victor II. Roos, "The Motor cycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth St. Llndborg Bros.. 2023 Cum. (Flying MerkeU EXPERT motorcycle repairing, enamel. lng and reflnlshlng our specialty. Fles cher Motorcycle Co., 1C22 Capitol Avd. BUSINESS CHANGES TO QUICKLY sell your buslmxs or real estate, write Kennabeck Co.. Omaha. TO GET in or out of business, call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. WANTED At once, a loon of 81O.UO0 from prlvute party for three years. Call ut 123 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Must e party Personally. MUST sell to settle estate, good paying grocery and meat business In Council Bluffs. Will stand close Inspection. Cheap, quick; owner. Address E, Omaha Bee, 11 No. Main St., Council Bluffs. NEW TOWN on the CUYUNA IRON RANGE IN MINNESOTA wants gro cery, confectionery, clothing and haid ware stores, boarding houses, liveries and all linos of trade. Fast growing country, good farming and millions of tons of Iron ore being mined. Address Box B192, Dour wood. Minn. A substahclal corporation wants reliable party to establish olfloe and manage salesmen. Should pay $5,000 to 816,000 an nually. 8600 to 85,000 will finance business; you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 40a Fisher Pldg., Chicago, lll.-o WANTED An Idea. Wnu en think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed inventions" and "Hov to Gel Your Patent aud Vour Money." Randolph & (... falent Attorne:, Washington. D. C. tO BUY or sell a business. Call on Bockhacker. 407 State Bk. Bldg. D. 8fiS7. aiUH-CLAad buslnes opening. Western Ref. & Bond Ass'n. 764 urn. Na. Bk. Bio. LADIES' hair dressing, manicuring and massage parlors for sale. All modern equipments and fine location. Address, K. 168. Bee. GROCERY and meat market doing a cash business. Address t 162. Bee. ONE of best locations in city; twenty years stand, day and night. Sacrifice sail). N 172, Bee. FOR SALE A good, clean drug stock, In eastern Nebraska; Invoice about K600; good growing town, will sell or rent build ing, rent reasonable; all or part cash; no trading. Address Y 62 Bee. FOR SALE A small stock of variety goods In good town, only store of kind. Will sell for 8100 cash. Must sell at once. Address Y 63. Bee. R EST A U RA N T, sacrifice, must sell at once; old established business, day and night; excellent location. Make offer. Address H 177, Bee. Mortuases. For Cash by May 27 GOOD MORTGAGE on a fine home. The security Is good ror a mortgage double the amount of this one. and the party giving the mortgage is absolutely good; both the security and the party will stand the roost rigid investigation. Draws 6 per cent and will be paid In about 20 months, I will endorse the note with recourse to me nnd also give a guarantee protecting the buyer from any loss In the event of a foreclosure, for 1 know It Is good. The face of the mort gage with Interest to June 1 is 8633.68. I will self It for 8490 cash by""May 27, or 2S at the latest. I havo a note for toOO due May 27, to meet this will make this dis count Address at once J-178, Bee, or phone Benson (16. nnouituK Houses for Sale. ELEVEN rooms, clean, furniture good condition, house full of better elm roomers. Sacrifice for quick sale. CU Tyler 1915. 8 ROOMS, full of good roomers, furniture good condition, clean; bargain If taken at once. 334 No. 19ttj St. x 1 "as3fwBFy ( owpefiiTTvs'P J LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO., NEW LOCATION. 1516 FARNAM. EVERYTHING NEW, OLD PHONE DOUGLAS 2023. COME, CALL OR WRITE. RUB BER GOODS. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses. Callorwilte for prices WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Mlel's" 16th and Harney Sts. Douglas 1662. , Adding Macblnes. Dalton Adding Machine. 411 S. 15. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D.Wi. Accountants. Chas. S. McConnell. i'42 Om. Nat. Bk. D.S27 Melville D. Thomas & Co.. 601 City Nat. 13k. Advertising. J. B. HAYNES. 748 Om. Nat Bk. D. 827. Autos nnd Machine Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Rod 3285. Architects. HORNBY CO., BLUE PRINTING. D. 3157. Clarence W Wlglngton. 230 S. 13th. l.42ai. Oagneoln-WellH. 1&) atate Bank. D. 2266. EvGrett U. Dodas, U12 IWxton. 1). MSI. Attractions. OMAHA film cxc. 11th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Unrlicrs. 12 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Unkeries. MODERN. BAKERY CO.. Doug. 466L Bottled Goods. Concordia Park, E314 Center. Har. 368. Bedbug Erndtcutor. FOOS-OA-CEEN. Is guaranteed.' P. 8607. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mlf.heli Co . 27th and Martha Sts. rTn I If s-t ftil n l.nmli. W. T. Smith Co.. 816 City Nat. Bk. D. 2319. Cblroprnctors. I.C. Lawrence, D. C 2322 Howard. D.B4S1.. W. E. Purviance. D. C. 403 Pox. Blk. D. 41U L. C. HAYESTd. C. 660 Bee Bid. R. iloi. Creameries, Dairies nnd Supplies, DAVID COLE CREAMER! COMPANY. Civil Engineers. M. J. Lacy. Civil Engineer, lot and ad dition surveys. 618 Bee Bldg. D. 4716. Collectors. Mutual Rating & Adjusting Aes'n., Bee Costumera. FULL dre-ss suits, 11.60 per night: party dretses for sale or rent.' Open evenings Johi. FeMman. 206 N. 17th. Doug. 3123. Check Protectors. G. XV. Todd !fc Co.. G. W. Xork. Mgr., 30) & 13th. D. 7291. China Painting, K. C. Haynea. decoriitinv. firing. D. 4330. Ruth Letchford. Dec. & firing. R. 4912. Cream Separators. The Sharplea Separator Co.. Uth & Farn. Dancing Instruction. Class & private lessons. Mackle's. D. 6 Turpln's Dancing Academy, atn is a'asn. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury, no pain. . 1606 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar Qentlstry, 403 Brandels Bailey the Dentist. 7uti City Nafl Bank. Taft Dental RoohiB. 1517 Douglas. D. 2188. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Kvl- """v wuinu in n cuaca. xyier 1190. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, bonded. D. 1319. 4I7-42S Pax ton block. Dressmnkiug. Terry Drossmak'g college. 20th tc Farnarn. MISS STURDY. 838 8. 24th St. Doug. 7314. 1 Piece diessea. snirtwaista. spec. W. 163J. DRE8SMAKINO reas., wrk guar. W. 8070, Drugs. DRUGS at cut prices; rreight paid on 810 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & tTnPAHM.II T ....... ... A I . . THE PEOPLE'S Drug Store. 26th and Cuming; fine soda fountain. Duplicate Supplies, QUICK drying ink, 11.75 lb. Wax stencils. 81.25. Ind. stencils. 82.10. E- Jt II. Co.. 207 Ramge. Douglas 12S3. Everything for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk. D. 8391 DRESS pleating, buttons covered. aU tlx nnrl alvl.. Til IT TIWIT ur . .n INO CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1934. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 9. tSiectrlo Supplies. NEW end second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electrlo Works. 318 S. 12th. Doug. 2174. EDUCATIONAL SUMMER TERM JUNE 1. Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, etenotype. telegraphy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, free catalogue, address Mosher Lampman College, 1815 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. THE FIRST SUMMER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 1. Business practice, bookkeeping, pen manship, salesmanship, banking, stenog raphy, stenotypy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attendlug. Call, write or telephone for latest catalogue. Day and night school all the year. BOYLES COLLEGE. 13th and Harney Sts.. Omaha, Neb. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE . DAX.AKD KIQHT SCHOOL. ISth and Farnam. Douglas 6847 The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Bus.ncss Success. Electric. LEBRONEIeo. Wks. 318 S. 12th. D. 2178. Florists. A. nONAOHt'K, 1622 Harney. Doug. 101 I.. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 'Ji Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Fornam St. BATH'S flonsu. Boyd Theater Bldg. Furriers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th St. W. 7777. Hair Dressing. MME. STEVENSON. 210 Balrd Bldg. D.316H Harper Method. R. 6. Balrd Bldg. D. 36U, Lighting, Fixtures nnd "Wiring. THOMAS DUEKLN Electrical fixtures and supplies, con tracting and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. D0UGLA8 2S10. Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 8. 13th. Red 4231 Masseuses. MIS3 JACOBS; mass.; bath, eleatrt. D.S6J Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Blk. D.feQj. Miss Jean Shonler, 301 Wlthnell Bldg.. Harney and Uth. Mass., magnetic treat. Rlttenhouso Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D. Scientific Massage, Miss Ulbaon. D. 4297. ELECTRICUASSAQE BATH. Miss uun;il10 Upchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 224. Ne vllle Blk.. 16th nnd Harney. Tel. D. 4297 Home for sick, 2504 Ames Ave. W. 29067" Miss Fisher, mass, elect. treat'L Red 6038. MASSAGE, 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder. Elcc. Trt. 1408 8. 8th. D. 4360 MASSAfrFl Swedish movement. U lVLtt.OO.tt.VjIli Beo Bld(. DoUKlafl 637J. KATHLEEN MACK, manicuring & mas sage. Apt. 2, Davldge Blk. Doug. 8751. AlllUliaMrr. PANAMAS cleaned & blk'd, 60c; dress mak Mrs. II. M. Eck, 3009 Marcy. 11.6645. Moving, Storage and Cleaning. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Nurseries nnd Seeds. HAZEL DELL N URSERY West of Flor ence. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees; chrubs, evergreens and roses. Good, fresh stock at reasonable prices. Offloe and salesyard, 24th and Plnkney. Phones Florence 4505, Web. 6167. Oculists. Eyes examined,, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Blag. Office Supplies. OMAHA TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, bet ter than you are now using, each 5Cc. dozen. 15. Duplicator supplies 25 per cent less. E. & H. Co., 207 Ramge Bldg. D. 12S3. Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxtoti Bin. Tel. Red 7117 II A. Sturgea.. 636 Brandels Tlieater Bldg. ; rrluting. DOUGLAS Printing Cc. Tel. Doug. Bit. UATEH&-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2130. 624 So. 13th. COREY & M'KENZIE PTG CO. D. 2ML RIE3-HALL Ptg. Co. 1620 Capitol D. U.02. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUO. 3744. Roach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist") Safe nnd Timelock Experts. AFE combinations changed, opened, re ' paired. F.E.Davenport. i Dodge. D1821 Shoe Repairing, Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's A v. OMAHA Shoe Hospital; first-class aboo rep, factory. Call nnd del. 2012 Far. D.6143 REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 3.24 Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Stores and Office Fixtures, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sail. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2734. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Trunks aud Suitcases. FRELING it STEINLE. 1803 Farnam St. Vacuum Cleaners. SANITARY SERVICE CO., full line vacuum cleaners and sweepers, cleaning done In the home. Tel. D. 6604. Veterinarians. DR. a. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center H. 6051 AVnll Paper. W. L YETTER & CO., 1112 Howard. D. 876. Window shades and wall paper. EAGLE CO.. l-JOS-i N. 24th. W. 6SH. XVtg .linkers. D. 8. GRIFFITH, 12 XTenier Blk. D. 4664. "Wines nnd Liquors. ALEX JETES, sa-3 S. 13th. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner. 11 to J, 10c tUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. 623 N. Uth. D. 1809 HENRY POLLOCK, LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. 10c lunch. EDUCATIONAL. FOR SALE at a discount, a fnlL un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and Vehicles. OMAHA HAY AND COAL MARKET, The coal business Is over eo we are compelled to sell 20 head, consisting of matched teams and single horses and mares, some In foal, at a sacrifice price; from 900 to 1,700; gentle pony. Call at of fice, 1613 Davenport St. Tel. Douglas 29J9. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the otnee of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whetner they left tt In the l reel cars. Many articles each day are turned la and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. las 48. LOST White dog; tag No. 274. Phone II. 1671. PARTY Is known who took brown and white "Buster" fox terrier. Return to 318 No. 19th. No questions asked. LOST Solid gold, black enameled face stick pin design of Turkish turban et with fresh water pearl. Generous reward. CaU Zacfaary, Harney 2160, MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boolc on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bide.. Omaha. .MONT5V TO LOAN. NEED MONEY 7 See us. Quick service Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names cheap rates easy payments. Norton & Co., 335 Board of Trade Bldg. OFFEUKD FOR HALE. Parnttur. New & Id-hand rurnlt'e, cash or terms icaauuitoie. in nr. urn. wo., wjo w. itoin. VERY beautiful, very cheap. 1618 Burt. FURNITURE, excellent: residence phono, Harnnv 4158. op enll Mnnrtnv at sm a 27Ul Ave. ELECTRIC wash machine, nearly new. H. 2116. Typewriters. RENT Bemtngtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makors. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for (5 for understroke machines or 83 pee month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 8. 17thv RENT An Oliver typewriter, a months tor 84. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2919. Mnslcnl Instruments. KNABE concert grand piano, 3330 Ames. Miscellaneous. BAFES-Ov6rstocked, 2d-hand, all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam. A SNAP. moved immediately, 25th and Jones Sts. J. I. Kemp. 2512 Leavenworth St. Doug. 9!7. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of Tne Omaha Bee. 2-hand machinery. Gross Wrecking CoM 21st and Paul. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket 'billiard tables ad bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of U kinds: easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-400 8. 10th Bt. ONE display case 8x3 feet, glass slid- a IIUUIB. .1111 ucm, b. X V. DajQ 111 tfc barsraln. Underwood Typewriter Pn.. 1621 Farnam. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothtng, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 4135 and our waeon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112. 1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha oa strangers ore luvlted to visit the Youn Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., whore they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look foi our travelers' old at the Union station. WAMPAKEENA Select summer home for children, leava them while on your vacation. Write for particulars. R. F. D. No. 1 Box 81, Benedict. Neb, roTJirnr and suppnESk STEREOTYPE matrices make tho best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at Th Bes office. IT WILL PAY YOU to Investigate our chicken life saver. It will save the lives of your chicks; guaranteed to do the work or money refunded. Chicken Life Saver Hp.. 3031 Cuming St. Screenings. 31.35 pr. 100. Wagner, 801 N. 13 SILKO chick food. Wagner, 801 N, 16th. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Live Stock Commission Merchants SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. WE buy broken watches. Nathan. 109 S.13 4 or 6-r. house to move. Wagner, 601 N,16th. SWAPPERS' COLUMN VERY NEAR NEW L. C. b.Ml i xl Tlrt,. writer. Just overhauled; will trade for most any useful article of value; will consider second-hand auto. Address S. C. S97, Bee. CLEAR LOT, WANT AUTO OR ROOM lng house. 6. C 73S. Bee. TEN ACRES DADE CO., FLORIDA, for auto, or what have you? No water hole. Farmable now. Value 81.000. S. C.' 867. Bee. A FINE LEVEL QUARTER OF LAND In Perkins Co., Ncb 7 miles from R. R. Best of soil nnd free from all encum brances. Valued at 81, COO. To trade for a nice modern home In Omaha on or S rooms and worth up to $6,000, In a good nelehborhood, close to school and line, or for acreage close In. 8. C. 691. Bee GpOD AUTO. WORTH 8SO0. TRADE FOR t. vnnd clear Int. 8 f!. S n.. v" I HAVE A BRAND NEW INDIAN weeks. Had accident and will sell cheap. Engine in perfect running order. Will sail fnr 135 cash, or what h.v. ...... exchange? Address. S. C. 888. R. ONE LOT AT CASPER. WYO CLEAR title; Regina music box, 850. with rec ords; very fine Burton mandolin; small gasoline engine, like new. Will traae sll of the above fur Int rtr .fiit what have you to offer? Would consider a Twin motorcycle. Address S. C. &5. care Bee. 12 APARTMENT AND 3 LOTS; PRICeT ..,, 07J per ceni. runs 3 years; rents 14.950 yearly. Will trade for good farm or sell; about 2 years old: high-class. Address S. C. 733. care Bee. FOURTEEN KELLERSTRABS WHITE VIPIIIalUUI. a 1 -H rs nin W nil n B Va, ss 1 1 to offerT Address 8 C 804. Bee. ACRES. CLEAR. WANT INCOME." 640-A. IMPROVED NEBRASKA RANCH, clear, want m.frh.nl.. a - -it - r f, 1 1 r K J , .....v. -i u. JXS)