Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Vnits Into Focrign Lands Gives
Tourist Wider Views o Life.
Good Tropin Con lip. Fonnil nrer-
rrhrrr Just n Can Also thi
Undeslrnhlr U I Vp to
the Initlrlilonl.
TVhat," ask Dr. Johnson, "does a man
learn by travdllns?" To which Macnuley
makes reply. "The real use of travelling,
lrto keep men from belnc what j
Dawson was In fiction and Samurl John i
eon In reality." I
Dawson. It may be remarked, was ar.
ultra-Insular English footman In a novel
called "Zeluco," and written by one Dr.
Moor, who has not achieved Immortality,
thouch he was known to his contem
torales as continental traveller of some
experience and a critic of contemporary
manners In many lands. Dawson was In
the habit of condemning foreign institu
tions as bitterly as Johnson himself,
though with less erudition. What travel
does Is to rub the edges off Islanders and
to open their eyes to a saner perspective,
so that when they bo among their neigh
bors they need not only follow their pre
judices by seeing evil In the best, but may
also reap the benefit of Intercourse and
see good In the worst. Travel teaches
other lessons, and Its school Is a pleasant
one. The gallant Prince Imperial once
wrote to a friend that "he woh wants to
learn by travel must go far." Yet, In point
of fact, many of the most valuable les
sons of travel may be learned near home,
and a man might garner more human
experience of the road In Provence than
In Patagonia. It teaches tolerance, charity
resourcefulness, and tact, virtues which,
though not always lacking In untravelted
folk, are more often than not acquired on
the long trait. It lessons are not set out
In the textbooks. It Intimates standpoints
that lie outside the crabbed outlook of the
slay-at-home. It Imparts a wider knowl
edge than that comprised In the curric
ulum of "muslo and the use of the
globes, and French and all the usual ac
complishments." Wipes Ont DUrespect.
In such fashion, says G. r . Afalo, In
the Fortnlghty Review, does world-travel
wipe out the bloody heritage of Babel.
Intercourse with other nations breeds
mutual respect, without distinction of
language, politics, or creed; and travel Is
wholly free from the rivalry of Interna
tional Olympic games, the mutual gain
of which Is at least open to argument.
Above all, It educates us to recognize ex
ception to the type of foreigner glorified
In Punch. The traveller meets with pious
Frenchmen, melancholy Italians, viva-
clous Scotsmen, modest Germans, and
other human surprises. He parts with
ths hole-ln-a-corner outlook of his native
vlllnge, gaining In exchange a sweeter
ferspcctlve. How badly some stand In
need of this wholesome correction Is evi
dent from their churlish treatment of the
stranger within their gates.
Shnnlil Omit Prrjmllrr.
Prejudice thould be omitted from the
traveler's outfit. Tlio tourist who leaves
homo In the assumption that every Qer
mnn Is a fire-eater, eery American a
braggart and every Italian a botharlo Is
sure to meet with awkward disappoint
ments and will certainly Impair his own
chances of getting the fullest enjoyment
nut of his experience. Oenerally speak
ing. k far, at any rate, as European
nations aro concerned, humnn nature Is
approximately homogeneous, and there Is
much to be said for Mr. Helloc's conten
tion that the differences between the na
tions are grossly exaggerated, nnd that,
In face of a common Mohammedan or
Mongolian enemy, these differences would,
ns likely as not, altogether d'sappear.
Travel teaches appreciation of another
uniformity of type, and that Is the like
ness between h llsmen. dalesmen, c ast
men, men of the plains and Islanders all
tho world over. Eoch type reflects Its
environment Irrespccdve of political
allegiance or religion.
Travel confirms Mr. Belloc's theory,
and this Is matter for rejoicing on the
part of those who prefer peace to war,
and who would rather look upon the
homely rep6se of the ''Angelus" than the
tremendous grandeur of one of Verescha
gin's battle scenes. liy so mingling as
to conceive mutual respect, tho nations
may yet avert Armageddon more chtaply
than by Increasing their already Intoler
able armaments. This pacifying Influ
ence of travel Is doubtless what Macau
lay had In mind when he praised he good
work done In the cause of civilization by
such Inventions as abridge distance.
Assuredly, from many standpoints
travel Is worth while. New York Post.
A Cnnanmptlvc Conh.
Stop It and get relief for weak lungs,
coughs and colds with Dr. King's New
Discovery. We and $1.00. All druggists. -Advertisement.
Key to the Sltuutlon -Dee Advertising.
NottvlthBtundlng thft popularity of our "OUT
Tl'EHK FIRST'' train to tho Twin Cities, you can
nearly nlwayn get satisfactory sleeping car accommo
dations. Wc anticipate your wants and see that
plenty of car a aro available.
Leave Omaha 8:30 p. m.
Leave Council Bluffs.. 8:30 p. m.
Arrive St. Paul 7:30 a. m.
Arrive Minneapolis. .. .8:05 n. m.
Day 'rain with cafe-parlor car and coaches leave
Omaha 0:30 a. m., Council Bluffs, 9:50 a. m.
Ask P. F. nONORDEN, C. P. & T. A
1522 Faroam Street, Omaha.
Phono Dour. 200.
Yellowstone Par
JUNE 14th
JUNE 11th
Excursion fares to Gardiner, Cody or Yellowstone. $32.00
Tour via Gardiner, rail, stages and hotels 82.50
Tour via Cody, rail, stages and hotels 84.50
Tour in via Gardiner, out via Cody, rail, stages,
hotels 89.50
Tour in via Cody, out via Gardiner, rail, stages,
hotel 87.25
Tour in via Gardiner,' out via Yellowstone, Salt
Lake and Scenic Colorado, rail, stages, hotels . . 105.25
Tour in via Scenic Colorado, Yellowstone, out via
Gardiner, rail, stages and hotels 93.50
Tour in via Cody, out via Yellowstone, rail, stages
nnd hotels 103.50
Tour in via Yellowstone, out via Cody, rail, stages
and hotels 93,50
"VVylie permanent camp tours, from Gardiner, 6 days 40.00
Wylie permanent camp tours, from Cody, 7 days ... 50.75
Frost & Richard personally conducted tours from
Cody, 16 days 80.00
Shaw & Powell camp tours, from Gardiner, 5V days 30.00
Free descriptive publications, "Yellowstone
Park," "Cody Road Through Yellowstone,"
"Wylie Camp Tours," "Frost & Richard Tours,"
"Colorado-Yellowstone Park Circuit Tours," and
others on request.
1503 Fnrnam Street. Phono Doug. 1238.
Highlands of .Ontario
C&zsda Low Round Trip Fares from Chicago
MoikokVLakes $15.95
Timagami . $21.60
Algonquin Park $18.75
Nipisiing . . $19.25
They will sooth your nerves, drive
way the blues, clear the cobwebs off
your brain and strengthen your physl
cat make-up. They will prepare you as
nothing; else will for a return to drudg
ery and routine. Canada awakens In
French River . $19.10
Georgian Bay . $15.65
Lake of Bays . $16.95
Kawariha Lakes $15.90
you a lovs for the beautiful and sub
lime In Natures you need not travel
farther In search of Nature's chlefest
pearl. You should see this Unspoiled
Wilderness for Its own sake and for
your own sake.
Write today for comprehensive, Illustrated eulde books Issued for free distri
bution by the Orand Trunk, the double tracked highway to the Highlands of
EPi 0nd.,A Montreal, Quebec, (StXawrenee River en route),PorUand, Doston.
Old Orchard, New London, New York and Niagara Falls. 3k.
AddrcMj. D. MeDonsld. AMltUnt On'l Ttm. Asent.
Otua Tnuik IUlhry Sjitam. Ill w. Idusi St, Ckktfo. 1U.
4 Daily Trains to Chicago 4
leave Omaha laS4 a, &L, 7llO a. m., 0:60 p. m., 7:50 p. m.
Arrive Ohloagro 1:30 p. m., 9:10 p. m., 8:00 a. ra., 9:18 a. m.
Equipment of these trains has every requisite of pleasure and travel
comfort. Including comfortable coaches or chair cars, standard drawing
room and compartment sleeper, unexcelled dining car service, library,
buffet and observation cars. Tickets and full Information at
1317 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
W. E. Bock, City Passenger Agent. '
Agents for AU Steamship Lines. Accommodations Quickly Secured to Any
Part of the World.
Have An Island of Your
Own Up in Canada
You tan, up in the beautiful Georgian Bay Country, right in the heart of the "bright
waters and nappylandV of Indian days. The ideal vacation spot, and not too far away.
Camp out among the pine, or put up at one of the excellent boarding houses.
Canoeing Motor Boating Bathing Fishing
Get away from the city noise and dust today. The Canadian Pacific
will take you. Direct connections it Toronto bythe new, quick
time-saving through-service from Chicago on the Michigan Central
Canadian Pacific. Send for illustrated Georgian Bay Folder No. 14
Write at ontt for all particulars to
Geo. A. Walton, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.
224 So. Clark St. OppotifPoit Office Chicago. Illinois
Telephone Wabash 5800
The Vacation
White Mountains
Sixty-four miles of wonderful mountains,
some rising above the clouds. Peaks with
views a hundred miles across New England.
Splendid hotels, marvelously situated and
surrounded by every form of
Joyous Summer Life
Perfect roads for motor
ing, riding and driving. Real
mountain climbing. Golf on
sky-high links. Charming
social life.
Air that makes new appetites,
new digestions, new nerves and
Strut for rVt booUtt,
SEND also for FREE booklets on Maine Sea Coast, North
Shore, Mt. Kineo, Mt Desert, Moosehead Lake, Cape Cod,
Berkshire Hills, Buzzards Bay and Marthas Vineyard. State
region ., ou prefer. Address
Vacation Bureau
171 Broadway, Room 214, Nsw York, N. Y.
New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R.
Maine Central R. R.
Boston & Maine R. R.
k t