The Omaha Daily Bee The Best Business Booster an advertisement in The Boo. It Brings tho Customer to Yon. THE WEATHER Unsettled VOL. XLUI NO. 261. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1914. FOURTEEN PAGES. On Trains and at Hots! Ksws Stands. SV SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TaR.ANDWILSONJOKE ABOUTTHECOLONEL'S SDUTH1RMER1CAN RIVER President and Predecessor, Once Re moved, Ignore Political Sub jects in Talk. NO MENTION OF THE CANAL Meeting of Big Chiefs Lasts for More Than Half an Hour. SPEAKS TO GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Teddy Cheered by Several Thousand as He Leaves White House. PENNSY FIRST WAR SCENE Kormnl Cnmpalgn of Roosevelt Will Hp Opcnivl In Quaker State, lie Milken It Known While In Phlladelnhlii. WASHINGTON, May 26.-Colonel Roosevelt and Ills party arrived here at 3:20 o'clock. They were met by officers of tho National Geographic- society ami the colonel Marled on his program which included a visit to the (Smithsonian Insti tution, a call at tho White House, a visit with Senator Lodge and Ambassador Jus serand, a dinner, his lecture tonight on his Brazilian tour, and ending with a political conference with the progressive leaders In congress before departing for New York at midnight. Jnk- About Illver. Panama tolls and other political ques tions were absolutely Ignored In the talk between the president and Colonel Roose velt, which lasted for more than half an hour. They met In theBlue room of the White House and later went to the cool south portico. They Joked about Colonel Roose velt's South American rjver. When Mr. Roosevelt left the Whit House he was enthusiastically cheered by a crowd of several thousand. Tonight Colonel Roosevelt delivered his lecture before the Geographic society on his South American tour. II Ik HImi tv Open In I'ennsy. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., May 26.-Colonel Roosevelt's formal campaign for the pro gressive party this year will be opened in Pennsylvania. He promised today while on his way to Washington to speak in Pittsburgh on June 30. Tho date is six weeks after Colonel Roosevelt Is to re turn 'from Spain, and his address in "all likelihood will be tho first extended politi cal utterance of the campaign unless he decides to make a speech or a statement before ho sails for Europe on Saturday. A delegation of Pennsylvania progres sives boarded the train and rode through the. city with the colonel. To these Mr. RpPSSYflt told of his intention 'iSP'speak at Pittsburgh. "I am in Pennsylvania now," he -said, "and 1 am coming back, and when I do I will havo Dean Lewis and Plnchl with me." As he said this, he slapped Dr. Lewis on the back. "I am taking an enormous Interest In Pennsyl vania," he continued, "and that Is why I am going ot speak In this state." Scvdrnl hundred persons greeted Mr. Roosevelt at the station, where he left the train to shako hands with as many as he could before the train started. There was a great shout when some one called ffor "three cheers for the old war horse." Brazilian minister of foreign affairs, was read by Colonel Roosevelt: To his excellency, the minister of for eign affairs, Rio De Janeiro: My deir General Lauro Mullen I wish to express my profound acknowledgement to you personally and to the other members of tho Brazilian government whose generous courtesy alone rendered possible the i-x pedlcue Sclcntiftca Roosevelt Rondon. 1 wish also to express my high admiration and regard for Colonel Rondon and hi assistants, who have been my colleagues in this work of exploration. In the tmrd place I wish to point out that what we have Just done was rendered possible only by the hard and perilous labor of tho Brazilian Telegraphic commission ln tn unexplored "western wilderness of Matte Grosso during the last seven years. We have merely put the cap on tho pyramid of which they had. previously laid deep and broad the foundations. We have had a hard and somewhat (Continued on Page Five.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday. For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled, possibly showers; not much change In temperature. Temperature at Omnhn Yesterday. Hours. Dog. E a. m 72 6 a. m 72 7 a. m 73 a. m. 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 rn 1 p. m p. m.. S p. m 10 4 p. m. & p. m... C p. m... P. 8 p. m 85 Local Weather necord. 1914. 1913. 1912. 1911. Highest yesterday 91 72 96 91 Lowest yesterday 69 67 69 ,o Mean temperature SO 61 82 Precipitation 34 .00 .01 .00 Normal temperature 66 Itxcess for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 124 Normal precipitation 15 Inch Uxcess for the day 19 inch Total rainfall since March 1.. B. 46 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.&7 Inches Uxcess for cor. period, 191S 3.27 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1912. 2.92 Inches Ilrports from Stations at 7 P. M. Etatlon and State Temp. High- Rain of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, clear ,.. 72 74 .00 Denver, clear ... 78 SO .00 Wes Moines, cloudy S8 93 .04 Lander, clear 74 74 .00 Omaha, part cloudy S6 91 ,81 Pueblo, clear SI 84 .00 Rapid City, clear .70 72 .uo Fait Lake City, clear TO ,0 CO Sante Fe, part cloudy.,.. 70 74 T Sheridan, clear 70 72 .00 Sioux City, cloudy S6 94 ,00 Valentine, clear ,, ... 74 80 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. li, A. WELSH, Local Forecast. MEDIATION REACHES CRISIS President Wants Definite Asiur ances on Agrarian Question. MEXICANS WRITE A STATEMENT Document Stnttne Inability to rledffe Any Fntnre Government Prepared, but Withheld at Lnat Moment, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont.. May 26.-Th wind has suddenly veered once more. When all seemed going well and every one was optimistic, the delegates, be lieving they had reached an accord with the Americans, were about to Issue a formal statement explanatory of their position o"h the land question and regret ting hat It' was clearly impossible for them to give guarantees as to the action of a new sovereign and recognized gov ernment, there came a sudden halt. The Mexican delegates had their sten ographs work finished, their hectograph ready to print the document, and then they stopped. They said they had con cluded to Issue no pronunclamento. It would bo indiscreet, they said. Then, whon every one, amazed at this sudden step, was speculating on the rea son for It and the air war filled with tumors, probable and absurdly Improb able, the American delegates dashed up in their automobiles. There was a hur ried mounting the staircase to the room of the mediators, tho door of the mystic chamber was slammed and a prolonged and earnst "conversation" was entered Into. It was obvious that there must ho some more definite assurance respecting the land question to meet the declared purpose of President Wilson. Precisely how It was tobe worked out or how It could be worked out was not altogether alear, but little doubt as felt by those participating that it would be worked out. After the conference between the me diators and the American delegates Tu tlco Lamar dictated the following state ment: "We have begun to discuss the terms and details of a plan .of pacification. On a number of them we find ourselves In substantial agreement. Others are still under discussion, and as to them them has been no disagreement. Wo havo an appointment to go to Toronto tomor.-ow to attend a social, function there, but wu expect to be able to continue meetings along tho trip." I.nnd Inline Most Itnportnnt. The Mexican land, question Is recog nized by all as a fertile breeeder of revolutions or sectional uprisings. It is virtually conceded here that .the Insistent demand of the United States for a guar anty In precise terms cannot be met by the Mexican representatives. The Mexican delegates are about ready to present a list of suitable persons from which to choose a provisional president tne American government and mediators to Indicate one who would be acceptable. Theyexpeot the provisional presldenOto be chosen will appoint a cabinet repre senting, the varied political Interests of the' country knd?hat there shall be nasured a fair election for a new president arid chamber of deputies, with guaranteed for tho equitable treatment of all factions in the forthcoming campaign. Hatchtown Dam in Utah Gives Way; Many Are Homeless RICHFIELD, Utah, May 26. The dam of the Hatchtown Irrigation reservoir in Garfield county, sixty-five feet high ana 300 feet long, broke last night and re leased a flood which Is rushing down the Sevier river valley. Telephones and horsemen warned settlers and It la be lieved no lives were lost, but many per sons are homeless. Wire communication was interrupted this morning and fears are entertained for the safety of tho Piute reservoir, further down the river. The Hatchtown reservoir was part of a. state irrigation project, completed last year at a cost of J175,000. The reservoir held 17,000 acre feet of water in a res ervoir a mile and a half long in Sevier river canyon. The break Is attributed to a landslide. . Kaiser's Fifth Son Engaged to Countess POTSDAM. Germany, May 28. The en gagement of Prince Oskar, fifth son of the German emperor and empress, to Countess von Bassewltz Levetzow, maid of honor to the empress, was announced today. The prince Is 26 years old. Lively comment was aroused - by the announcement of the engagement owing to the fact that the marriage will be the first morganatic union which has occurred in the Hohenzollern family since 1S53. In Jun ot that year Prince Al brecht of Prussia, brother of the old Em peror William and the king of .Prussia, married Countess Rosalie von Hohenau. It is assumed that the emperor will confer a higher rank In the nobility in the young Countess Ina Marie von as- sewitz-Levetzow. His majesty's consent to the match is said to have been granted because ot the lack of available German princesses and to his aversion to a for eign marriage for his son. The countes was born on January 27, 18SS, and her father, count Charles von Bassewltz-LevetzTow, Is premier of the Grand Duchy o'f Mecklenburg-Schwerin, TWO YOUTHS ARE PLACED . ON TRIAL FOR MURDER ALMA, Wis., May 26.-RaIph Clark and Ralph Schultz, 19 years of age, .each, were placed on trial here today for the alleged murder of Ole Jjorom on Now Year's day, KJorom was a wealthy re. cluse who was known to have money hidden In his house. He was found beaten to death with a club. The slay ers missed his treasure, finding only i before they were frightened away. Clark and Schultz were arrested at Wausau, Who's Comin' Back? The Katzenjammers JULES GCUX BREAKS RECORD FORM UP EDWAY in 1:31:71, at a spproximately 98 1-3 Miles an Hour. FASTER THAN THAT AT START Goes with Velocity Never Before Witnessed on that Track. SAYS "I KNEW I COULD DO IT" i Frenchman Laconic When Friends Crowd to Congratulate Him. THIRTEEN ELIMINATION RUNS Joe Dbttkoh, Who AVon the. Nine teen-Tirelve Rnce, In One Un official Lap Ilrats Record of Ilerrlnt. INDIANAPOLIS, lnd May M.-Jules Groux, winner of the MO-mlle race here last year, broke the record for one lap on the Indianapolis motor speedway today. He circled the two and one-halt course In 1:31:71, a speed of approximately ninety eight and one-third miles an hour. The French driver In his first trial in the elimination laps, sent his car down the straightaways at a speed estimated 'at US miles an hour, the fastest that ever has been seen here. When his car stopped and admirers had crowded around the Frenchman, his only reply to their con gratulations was the same as when ne won the race hero last year, the laconic "I knew I could do It." Joe Dawson, who won the 1913 race, to day drove one laV, unofficial, In 1:34:, beating the record recently. set by George Berllot, In a French car. Dawson hardly had taken his car Into the garage whon Tetzlaff sent his racer around tho courao In 1:33:4. Thirteen I.npn linn. Thirteen of the elimination laps wore run today. Other racers who made tho tests are. Name. Oldflcld .., Dawson V Thomas .. Burman .. DePalmn Time. ....1:43.6 ....1:36.S Name, Guvot Wlshart 1:39.73 .1:33.01 Pullen ..1:46.4 ..1:36.6 .,1:46.6 ..1:00.0 l:39.uT) Carlson. ....l;4S.9S Keene . ....1:3S.G7 Welgel Christians Klnnl Humiliation. Final eliminations start tomorrow, speed trials of one lap each being made In the Inverse order of entry. Three at tempts will be given each man, his fast est performance counting as official. Those' to survive will assemble Thurs day, to receive final instructions and draw tor positions. Theprder of . trlsa tomorrow Ja .04. follows: ; Car No. Car, " Driver. M, ...Shambaugh ...Shambaugh 43 Isotta Gllhooley Ray , Brock 47 Tltza........ Melaun 4 Rayfield,. ...Hughes 45 Tatter MazzUcco 12 Mason 1 Mason , 43 Duesenberg Haupt 42 Duesenberg Rlckenbacher 41 ., Washington., Stringer 39 Pope Ballet Roberts 3S Braedder Chandler si Keeton itnipper 37 Great Western,f.TRadlna 36 Great Western.. ..Price 35,... Great Western.. ..Jenkins 34 Bugattl Frlcdrich 3.1 Texas Clark 32 Maxwell 8 Maxwell Tetzlaff 23..... Maxwell Carlson iO. ...... ...Metropol Horan 2$ Stafford Callahan 27 Sunbeam Grant 26 Marmon Dawson 24 Stutz Anderson 33 Mercedes .Mulford 22 Mercer Pullen 21 Mercer Bragg 19 Mercer , Wlshart 15 Mercedes De Palma 16 Delage Thomas 15, King Klein 14 ..Peugeot, .....Duray 12 Sunbeam Chassagne . 10 Delage Guyot 9 Excelsior.. Christlaens 7 Peugeot.... Boillot 6 Peugeot Goux 1 Burman Dlsbrow 6 Beaver Bullet Koene 4 Gray Fox.... Wilcox 3 Stutz : Oldfield 2 Stutz Cooper 17 Burman Burman C,W. Bryan Surprised at Morehead's Move (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, May 26.-(Speclal Telegram.) Just how Charles W. Bryan tells"' over the entry of Governor Morehead into the gubernatorial race, after promising tho democratic party that he would not do so, hay be gathered from a statement gjven out by him this evening commenting on the matter. He said: "I was surprised to learn that 'Governor iMorehead had yielded to the entreaties of the reactionary element of the dirno cratlc party to again become a candidate at the primaries for tho nomination for governor notwithstanding his various pledges to the contrary." WIDOW GIVEN JUDGMENT .AGAINST SALOON KEEPER SIOUX FALLS, S. D May -(Special.) After being out five hours a Tripp county circuit court Jury awarded Mrs. Alice Dlckman damages In the sum of 31,000 against F. C. Thomas, proprietor of a Winner saloon, on the charge that he was responsible for the death of the hus band ot the woman, who committed aul cldo while under the Influence of liquor. The costs of the case also were assessed against the defendant by the Jury. Dick man ended his life November 1, 1912. He had been blacklisted at the saloons. The South Dakota laws make a saloon keeper selling liquor to a blacklisted man liable for such damage as may result If It can beproven that the saloonkeepeOiold or gave intoxicating liquor to such person during the period of disqualification or on or about the day the Injury resulted. The Jury found that Thomas had sold liquor to Dlckman. iiH pep HI . ' KsT7 "" f w& wort HORtUEAD jtf Drawn for The Dee by Powell, ROCK ISLANDROAD IS SUED Government Proceeds Against It for Violation of Service Act. TELEGRAPHERS WORK TOO LONG Complaint ot Government Include Thirty Counts or Allotted Viola tions of thc Law In Ne-' brnskn and Knnana, One ot thtCilargest coses filed by th government against the ' Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway compa'bx:ln the state of Nebraska has been Instituted In a suit brought In the Omaha division ot the. United States district court, for vio lation of the hours of- service act. Tho petition, filed by F. S. Howell, United States district attorney, upon the sug gestion of the attorney general and at the request of tho Interstate Commerce commission, alleges that the Rock Inland has employed a number- of telegraph operators for a longer period than in permissible under the federal statute, and has failed to report such action, as required by law. The complaint of the government Includes thirty counts or al leged violations ot the law, many of which contain aoveral Instances of alleged law violation. In Nebraska, Lewlston. Murdock and Beatrice are named as points where telegraph operators were compelled to work longer hours than Is permlssablo under the federal statute, while other violations of the same law are said to have been committed In sev eral Kansas towns, Including Athol, Ken sington, Otego and Esbon. The government asks that a'penalty of 13,000 bo exacted- of the Rock Island for failure to report these cases as Is re quired .by Jaw. Shrapnel Grenade and Coils of Fuse Found in Suffragette Flat LONDON, May 26.-F1ve suffragettes, who were arrested by the police during a raid on a West End flat on May 21. were brought before a magistrate today. After seeing the exhibits, he took such a serious view of the case that he re fused all offers of ball. Tho exhibits seized In the flat Included a new shrapnel grenade of Ingenious manufacture, colls of fuse and plans of houses. Memoranda were found in the flat re garding payments to militant suffra gettes and also concerning traveling ex penses, Including the Journey from Paris to England of Miss Chrlstabel Panknurst. Two of the prisoners became so up roarious In the prisoners' enclosure dur ing the hearing that they had to be- re moved. One of them, Miss Emmellne Hall, shouted: "I have been forcibly" fed twice dally and am nearly dead as a result." She seemed half demented as she strug gled with tho police. Her hat was torn off, her clothes disarranged and her hair disheveled. "You devils! Vou beasts!" she shrieked as she was carried out of the court. BRADLEY'S BODY ON WAY BACK TO KENTUCKY FRANKFORT, Ky., May 26,-The body of the late Senator William O'CVmnoll take place In Frankfort cemetery late to on a special train, accompanied by mem bers of the family and the escort from the senate and house. The burial' will take place In Franfort cemetery laste to day. Arrangements have been made to close all business houses here while the funeral and burial services are being held. The Champion Hesitator Rule to Make Grain on Track Available for Delivery is Lost CHICAGO, May 2fl.-By a majority ot aeventy-seven vote today tho Chicago board of trado defeated a proposed rule whereby groin In cars on traok here would be available for delivery on con tracts during the laat three days of any month. If the rule had been adopted .J, Would not be necessary for grain to be Actually In warehouses here, and would have made wholesale eleventh hour de liveries and the possible uwAmpIng of the market much less difficult to accdmpllsh. FEDERAL TROOPS FIRED ON First Serious Disorder in Colorado 'for Several Weeks. SHOTS COME 'FROM HILLSIDE Patrol Mt with Fnslllndr, but All Men Karape In l)nrUnr La bor Ortranfaera from ISast Mny He llnrred. TRINIDAD, Colo., May 26. For the time since they assumed control In the strike districts In Colorado coal fields the United States troops were, fired upon last night, It was learned today. The shooting occured at a miners camp al Segundo, near Trinidad, where several shots were fired at the federal troops. The shots were fired at a patrol from a hillside overlooking the camp after a trooper, who had dodged a missile thrown at him through a window, an swered a shot fired at him from the darkness. The patrol, starting to search for the person firing the shot, was surprised by a fusillade of shots coming from the direction of the hills. Captain Cushman reported that one man was seen to run from concealment In a ditch but made his getaway. Colonel Lookett, commanding the federal troops would make no comment relative to tho shooting. Colonel Lockett said he was consider ing an announcement, made by William Diamond, of the United Mine Workers, that eastern organizers were to be brought to Colorado to conduct- the strike, and that he had reached no de cision as to whether or not he would bar them from entering the district. Jones Says People Will Rewrite Tolls Law if Repealed WASHINGTON, May 26. The Panama tolls exemption repeal was debated again today In the senate. Senator Jones, re publican, of Washington, led off with an attack on the bill. "The American people will not have their rights foreclosed In this way. They approved this legislation," said he. "Re peal this law now and the people will rewrite It and Insist on It." Senator Jones declared the time to ar bitrate the dispute with England was be. fore the repeal and not afterward. Ad vocates of repeal, he said, had exercised "Huertaitsn" Ingenuity seeking out rea sons. Senator Sutherland of Utah Introduced a resolution calling on the president to submit to Great Britain appeal for the creation of a special, impartial tribunal for arbitration. . JUDGES. POSTPONE ACTION Refuse "to Go to the Front" for the Indicted Attorneys, WAIT FOR END OF THE CASES At Lnat Moptlnsr of the llnr Associa tion n llrqnrat Waa Matlfx that n Committee ne Appointed tvlth Povrer to Inveatlsnte. TllA Omnhn. .Tlnr tnMftolfttlnn fBltH in induce the Judges of the district court 10 -go to the front" Tor the lawyers who were indicted by the recent grand Jury. At a meeting held yesterday the sub ject of appointment ot a committee ot lawyers to "Investigate" the reasons of the grand Jury for returning Indictments, requested by tho bar association, was postponed, Tho Judges decided that con sideration of the proposed action should bo postponed until after tho remaining cases involving alleged misconduct of lawyers aro disposed of, it wan learned. The lawyers profess themselves unable to bclleva that tho grand Jury acted upon adequate evidence or from proper motives when It charged members of the bar as sociation with criminal misconduct and at the last meeting ot the association a request was mado that a committee be appointed with power to make as much of an Investigation as it pleased. Burns Purges Self of Contempt and Case is Dropped ATLANTA, Go., May 26,-Charges of contempt of court against Detective W. J. Burns and Dan Lehon, his employe, were dismissed here today by Superior Court Judge Ben H. Hill. Judge Hill said that while the detectives techni cally were in contempt for having sent a witness outside the Jurisdiction of the court they had purged themselves by re turning the witness, whose testimony was sought In connection . with Leo M. Frank's motion for a new trial on the charge of murder, Frank was convicted of killing Mary Phagan, a factory girl. Rumors that Huerta is Ready, to Flee VERA CRUZ, May 26. Among those ar riving today by train from Mexico City was Mme. Simon, wife of Jone Simon, president of the Banco Naclonal of Mex ico. Many rumors were brought In today of Impending cabinet disruptions, of the flight to Vera Cruz ot some of General Huerta'a ministers and even of the ap proaching departure for Eurppe of Gen eral Huerta himself. Similar rumors have been pouring Into Vera Cruz for weeks. As an Instance of their vagaries one newspaper here today carried a circumstantial account of Gen eral Huerta's plan to depart by way of Vera Cruz, A Mexican paper put scare headlines to an equally vague rumor that General Huerta had already left Mexlro City, to go on board the Oerman liner Tplranga" there on his way to Europe. Vaterland Rirns Down Two Barges NEW YORK, May 26. The great steam ship Vaterland, which took nearly four hours to dock when It came to this port on Its maiden voyage recently, sank two coal barges as It steamed out of Its berth today No lives were lost. COMMISSION TAKES RECESS TO EXAMINE Books and Personal Papers of Lata Magnate Bearing on New Haven Affair to Be Inspected. FOUR WITNESSES PLEAD ILLNESS Morehouse, Miller, Warren and Plant Unable to Appear. i LEDYARD WANTS TO TESTIFY Director Wishes to Deny Several Statements by Mellen. , IMMUNITY BATH IS REFUSED CommlMlon Hnya It Will Consider Ilia Proposition If He Waive All II 1m lllRhtn and Appeara j na Voluntary Witness, n WASHINGTON, May 26,-Further test!, mony before the Interstate Commerce commission on financial affairs of the New Haven railroad was postponed to day until Wednesday, June 3, to permit special examiners to Inspect the bookd of J, P. Morgan & Co. and personal papers of the late J. Plerpont Morgan. Four Important witnesses whose testi mony Is desired still are too sick to ap pear. Samuel C. Morehouse, George Mao Culloch Miller, DeVere Warren and Mor ton F. Plant today sent physicians' oer tlflcates to tho commission to show they were too 111 to be examined on the wit ness stand. The delay coming closely on yesterday's conference between President Wilson and Attorney General MaoReynolds, and per sistent reports that the Investigation probably would be halted, caused a great deal of speculation, but there was noth ing official to bear out the view that th conference of yesterday was responsible: for today's, developments. I.rdrnrd Wants to Testtfr. Lewis Cass Ledyard mado a statement saying he wanted to deny much of tha testimony of Mr. Mellen and protesting against tho hearing being closed without his testimony beng taken. He read a letter of May 23 to Commissioner Mo Chord, in which he saldi "The testimony of Mr. Mellen Is at variance with my recollection In a num ber of particulars and I think a very partial and Inaccurate Impression ot the affairs of the company would be given, unless other witnesses, having knowledge of the matters under inquiry, aro af forded an .opportunity to testify." Mr. Ledyard was handed a reply to his letter, written by Mr. Mcphrid under today's date, saying in part: pt Is quite true you werfc.acrvc'i jith a' subpoena tome weeks ago and tha Intention waa at that time to place toii on the stand, Since then, however, de velopments have been such that tho com mission has deemed It advisable to with draw the subpoena heretofore served 3n you, and you may take this letter as can cellation of the subpoena. Should you desire to appear vountarlly, waiving .nil Immunity by the testimony you may give, you may so advise the commission and the question of your being a witness will then be determined," Asrreea to WnUe Immunity. Mr. Ledyard, after reading tho letter, announced he would accept the sugges tion that ha be a voluntary witness. Ha asked, that he be notified when he could, testify. Examiner David Brown told of efforts he had made yesterday to see William Rockefeller in New York. He was in formed both at Mr. Rockefeller's office and home that he had been away several woeHs. Chicago Limits Sale of Firearms CHICAGO, May 26.-A drastic ordi nance against the sale ot firearms waa passed by the city council last night By Its provisions only licensed dealers may sell firearms and then only to persons who have permits signed by the chief o police. Loss of license and prosecution is the penalty for violation by dealers of the ordinance. Recent prevalence ot "gunmen" shootings and killings led to the action by the council. MISSING CHINESE GlRLS ARE FOUND IN WOODS SAN FRANCISCO, May .-The two young daughters of Shan Chlng 9hu, Chinese consul general in San Francisco, who disappeared from their home yester day and were believed to have been kid naped, were found today sleeping in a dry creek bed in tho Berkeley hills. They had wandered into the hills to pick wild flowers and lost their way. . Following the disappearance of tho children yesterday federal and municipal officials on both sides of San Francisco bay' engaged in an exhaustive search and officials In every Pacific coast city were on the lookout for the supposed kidnapers. The National Capital Tnrsdny, May -0, 1014. & 3J The Semite. Met at H a. m. Resumed debate on the repeal ot tho Panama tolls exemption. Jones of Washington spoke In orrno&t- , tlon to the repeal ot the Panama tolls I exemption. nonaior owanson iniruuui'eu a phi 10 convert the weather station at Mount Weather, Va., into a summer. White House. h Senator Frank S. White of Alabama waa made chairman of the revolutionary claims committee, succeeding the lata Senator Bradley. The House. Resumed debate on the Clayton omni bus anti-trust bill. Representative Metz Introduced a bill for the issue of a special 25-cent Piece to commemorate the opening ot the Panama canal. Democratic leaders reached a tentative understanding to satisfy the demands ot labor organizations In conaecUoawltb. the trust bills. " REC0R0S0FM0RGAN