THE BEE: OMAHA. Tl KSUA , MA 2ti, UU4. 1 1 Ull ill ill 111. i i . I I Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable ( 1 ( V Every Home Should The Electric Shop 1810 FARNAM STREET. "We Are as Near to You as Your Telephone Tyler 1414" Tiia psaple of Omaha like to "Shop AFBURtl," Aetna careful buyers, they like ig liRV's a ''look-In" at tho Special offers 8f ) fir" .1 dealers and thoa "come back" ia He0PJ2'g. And. so wo say, "Try Hospe's Last." f'iin wo ituow your mind will bo made up to try" Mai Quality. No matter whether It Is a Piano, a Vlo llUi IV Painting, Art Brlc-a-Brac, or a plc tllra frame wo positively guarantee sat isfaction, One. of tho "67 Reasons" la this: Hospo's Is' ill8 only mupto house In Omaha that has oporftted continuously under one head ana W&nageipnt for iO ."ears. Ask any old timfr, Do your "looking around" if you will, but "Try Hospo's Last." A.HOSPECO. mm Oouains Bt. iO Voiu-Bs Personally Conducted. IWTHiiCTiWHP Every Dollar Deposited, to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of TIE MERCHAHT8 Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 the meichmts mhioml mm 13th and Farnarn Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice President PRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier B. H. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier KOTJSs Votes will not bo allowed for other than bona fide Dew aaTtnei Recount. Full number of votes will be allownd tip to sixty days before clbc of raitei when b limit at 10.000 will bo placed on each new account. Vs. in The Proper Graduation Gift is a WATCH Get a watch fcr tho young man or girl that will last a good long whllo and servo as a kindly memory of childhood days-; the days that, liko timo Itself, ncrer come back. A Watch for the Young Man Hero Is a moat appropriate tlmo piece with a 15-Jewel movement, either Elgin. Waltham, or Hampden, fitted in a 20-year, 14k gold tilled Uunlins esse, with either plain or engraved art designs. On account of our immense baying power we can tf" A QC offer this watch at PJLtc.OO A W atch for the Young- Lady A beautiful 00 rao Standard American watch with fine reliable Hampden movement. It has a 1 0-year, 11-k gold Oiled case, hand enKrcred cr plain. Oar xpaesAi rrice 1 tfexsuKbcr ctrr guarantee, v frc cf ctc-rsB ct.r.r- i jimxu iTTTiZSIGN Or VP Tit Z GOLDS! STAJRS IS 9$mde& QVjM cog 16th L DOUCtAS Sts. ' l Have a Vibrator The need of the Vibrator in tho liomo is becoming1 more universally recognized daily. AVlion j on consider the joy df siood health and then con sider the small cost of the .machine that will brintr health to vou. it is really sur prising that any homo will lie without a " ibrator. ROYAL and REX VIBRATORS Demonstrated and For Sale by LAST'. J -. hare try wts keep wutth hi repair I $11.60 i in .1 .-a-j iv . r B J H s X,VKe S SB VI ' Z-l t3 'J I III NOTICF TO CONTESTANTS XTsxt Tuesday wo will pntulsh the standing- of all contestants who have turned In their nomination conpons or caih checks for ait In thli con test. Get your reoelpts In by Satur day artnlng-, so that yonr standing will appear In the Hit, thai letting your friends know that you are competing- for a trip to the Panama ex Volition. Contestants' Standing Kama. jo. of vote. Tay M. Watts 8,934, JYo liuth A. Vlnney a,34J,190 Mrs. Emma Perry l,tto,507 Charles Hall 1.704.J3 Sylvia Bahne 327,099 V'Uks Ward SotviO O. A. Mystrom 177,418 itohert x,wls owman laa.siU Mary J. Aberly 61,815 Daniel A. x.ans;feld o.tHQ Bam Steinberg V.all Mrs. n. a. smith a,03a Boswell Potts 4.71J Clyde J. X,uther 1,83b Son Schalek I,2b0 Pred Horn 1,133 Grace JJ. Baker. Beatrice, Neb.. 1,000 Herbert O. Wells l.oou W. J. Mettleu 1,00 J Chris Slmonson, UUca, Hob.... 1,000 Julian Harris 1,000 Harry J. Severson 1,000 Minor O. Kennedy 1,000 Herbert O. iundoa 1,000 Marie H. Ulvtrs 1.000 Jennie X, Washburn l.oou Charles a. Thomas 1,000 Myrtle a. Harrison 1,000 Mrs. James Mortlmore l,oo Honrletta Swensen 1,000 Mrs. Robert T. Jones 1,000 James I.. Kulakofsky t. 1,000 Myron Berorrest 1,000 T. a. Thompson 1,000 Mrs. Oeorre E. Evarts 1,000 Louiie Pannlnffbercr 1,000 Paul Hot-ton l.OOu Henry H. Hlna; 1,000 Mrs. Lillian rowden 1,000 Samuel I. Book 1.000 John Pllcksr 1.000 Juls Wachsteln 1.000 Harry Ernsy 1,000 Mrs. E. Heverldge 1,000 Mrs. Pinna Circle 1.000 William winquest 1,000 Oretchen Ed par 1,000 James C. Wisely 1.000 Sara Eee 1,000 Wayne Blley 1,000 H. W. Becker 1,000 Mrs. Jennie Martin Lillian XMckson. Kearney. Neb. 1,000 John Ceplecha. BurweU. Neb... 1,000 Mrs. Battle Osburn 1,000 How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Rnlea of Contest. 1 The Bco offers und will award three round-trip tickets and expenses to the Panama Exposition, the total cost of each trip to be 200. as prizes to the three con testants having the Greatest number o: points at the close of the contest 2 This contest open to everybody ex. cept employes of advertisers on this page and of The Dee. J The contest pa go will be published one day each week and will run for a period of one year. Points will be figured on the basis of one point for each 1 cent shown on cash checks or receipts for purchases made from advertisers on this pace. 6 Cash checks must bo deposited nt or moiled to "Panama Contest Editor" The liee not later than thirty days from data of payment of same and receipts will be issued for them. Contest to closo November 7, 19H. All cash tickets and receipts must be turned Into The Bee office net later than 9 p, m. on closing day of contest, or If mailed, must bo postmarked not later than that hour. Hamer Files for State Treasurer Franklin C. Hamer of Omaha has filed for state treasurer on the republican ticket, having decided again to make the race for this office. "I believe In conservative Investment of the state trust funds," declared Mr Hamer as he arrived after having de posited his papers with tho secretary of state at Lincoln. "Nebraska law now permits the Investment of such funds In local securittec, and a conservative course will best serve the interests ot all con cerned." No other filing has been made on the republican ticket so far for treasurer and but two on tho democratic ticket, Oeorge Hall of Franklin nd J. F. Gallagher of Rosalie. Sun Plays Havoc WithPretty Doll The first prostration from heat this season occurred Sunday afternoon, when a tall, beautifully gowned brunette suc cumbed to the blistering sun, and suc cumbed In the Douglas street window of Ilaydcn Brothers" store. With her head drooping on her breast, she was found early Monday morning, when tho first employes entered the sto'.e. The heat was so great that one cyo was entirely out, her neck split opn rn the loft side and an Immense hole In her forehead showed the fastening? of the switch of dark hair. The wax figure was melted beyond all possible redemption, and tho features of the foca nro un recognizable. UNION PACIFIC OFFICIALS AT BRINKERHOFF FUNERAL The Omaha headquarters of the Union Pacific has sent a large delegation to Kansas City to attend the funeral of the lote Jacob O. Brlnkerhoff, for nearly fifty years In the employ of the company and for more than twenty-five years superintendent of the Kansas lines Among those who attended from here were men who had known Mr. Brlnker hoff personally for a quarter of a cen tury or more. The Brlnkerhoff funeral was held from the residence In Kansas City Monday afternoon, and afterward tho body will be taken to Dundee, 111., the old home, for burial. Those of the Union Pacific' of- f totals In attendance from Omaha were. Vice President Uunroe, General Manager Ware, General Solicitor Loo mis. General Freight Agent Lane, General Passenger Agent Bsjsinser, Superintendent of Mo tree Power and Masrfctorry Fuller. Super tn Undent CahtlL eJujsrrtntendent of Tele graph Shtlon. Sapwrtataadcat of Dining Cars Lewis. Superintendent oC Transport Uitiaif rirwntn suzd Ctotm. Agvat Fat argon. DO NOT FEAR HESSIAN FLY Fcst is Fully Grown and Has Done His Wont CROPS REPORTED EXCELLENT Cnnillttnn All Ovrr the Stnto Arc Mill Silriulld, Arronllutt to tho llrporta of thp Iltirllnjc ton Anftitx. Tho HurllnKton'n Nebraska crop report for tho week ending Inst Saturday, donls with tho Hessian fly and inlnlmltes the damage done by thp Insect. The data, with refcrenco to the damage done by the fly. It Is nsscrtcd. Is given out after an exhaustive Investigation ha been made. Kclntlvo to thp wlntrr wheat crop, tlen eral SupcrlntenJont Allen maintains that on tho whole there has boon no fulling off In the gciuv.xl condition, which, on the various division, he places ns follows, the cstlmnte Leing on n perccntngo basis and comparod wan former years: Omaha division, 100 ppr cent. Lincoln division, 102 per cent. Wymoro division, 102 per cent. McCook division, K per cent. As to the Hessian fly and the damage that It has wrought In tho Nebraska wheat fields, the Burlington report says: ' Tho pest tn.ido Its appearance during the week In the central and eastern parts of Richardson and Nemnlm counties. Tho fnlverslty Agricultural deportment has I Investigated and reports that over this small area, aa compared with tho entire n.crnge of the state, fields have lieen dumnged from very llttlo to 91 per cent, nnd a few fields in the vicinity of Au burn In Nemaha county havo probably brcn damaged M per ocnt. PI j- I'ull (iriinii. "It Is stated by Prof. Bwrnrk, who conducted tho Investigation and mad the report, that the fly Is now full grown. This means that practically no more damage will bo dona and that the area, of further damage, will not be extended. The professor estimates that the yield of wheat In these two countlos will not fall below tho average, due largely to an Increased acreage. With fair weather from now on, most of tho damaged flolds will make a full crop, but under favor able weather conditions, would result In nlmost n total failure. With these facts in view, some farmers are plowing their wheat fields within tho damaged area nnd planting corn." The Burlington's report Indicates that oats nnd ifprlng whrt Is In perfect con dition and making good progress. It Is estimated that corn planting is prac tically finished in Nebraska and that the conditions for n big crop were never bet ter. The acrcago Is about tho same ao FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor" of the Bee and you will receive 1000 votes in tho Panama Contest. Only ono coupon will be credited to a person. Name Address - Make Permanent Customers Streets aro full of customers these spring evenings the buyers of tonight aro tho buyers of tomor row. ITiey will mako thoir purchases at your store if it is marked by an Electric Sign, the most striking, economical way of compelling attention and attracting trade. Let An Electric Sign Be Your Salesman You will bo surprised to find oat how little it costs to operate one of these business-getting Electric Signs- Make up your nund now that yon srill increase your patronago by utilizing this electrical salesman. Complete Sign with, fall eqropraexit furnished and instilled an easy terms. Cab. for our Sign. Spe cialist for fall iaformAtion. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co -Do It Electrically" last year and fields planted early arc now being cultivated. i According to the report, there was not a station on the Burlington system In Nebraska that was not Malted by rain last week. At some points It was llRht. amounting to not more than from one fourth to one-half Inch, but grnerttlly tt wna heavy, the precipitation at unity of i tho stations and In the vicinity being from one to two Inches, with four inches I at Osmond and Plntnvlew. Nothing is Found ! to Disprove Any Word of the Bible ! Rabbi Frederick lohn lectured yester day nt tho University of Omaha on Mod ernism. Ho briefly outlined tho develop ment madn by eoloneo nnd showed how it went hand In hand with religion, font paring aclenco with tho Bible. Rnbbl Cohn said: "Nothing has ot been found that can disprove n slnglo word of the ltlblo It stands for truth and uprlghteousncss." in all religions there Is the same method. It Is tho belles Ing from tho finite to tho Infinite. All Imvo reverenco for sonto higher being and all look upon that higher being ns a creative power Tho scientist Is giving ntoro nnd more crcult to the Bible. Alter each great dlscovory; after tho explaining of each great miracle; wo but have to look to tho bible and see it verified. KIPLINGER BUYS LOT FOR LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE O. D. Klpllnger has purchased the plot of ground between Harney and Karnam streets, on the west side of Thlrty-nlnth street, from C. K. McOrew. Mr. Kip linger will start tho erection on large apartment house on the slto at once It will contain sixteen nevcn-room apart ments. The property bus ninety-five foot fionts on Harney and Fnrnum streets nnd 137 feet on Thlity-nlnth street. It Is understood tho price paid was $12,000. FOUR BIG STORES ARE TO CLOSE SATURDAY MORNING That their employes may observe Mem orial day four ot Omaha's largest retail stores will remain closed during tho morning hours fcfaturday and will not nmn for business on that day until noon. Burgess-Nnslt company. Brnndols, Thompson-Belden company ond Hayden Bros, nro the stores In the agreement. The stores will remain open from noon until 9 o'clock in the evening, the regular closing hour. sssapsjsje'V 9 JD YOU ever when your a small, close kitchen, or a basement room, it's a question whether it is really clean when you are through? jf AfttM- nil (lie hard work and tho costly day your garments cannot possibly be as sweet and as whole some as if they were washed and sterilized by our processes in our big, well ventilated establishment Cjf Work that leaves this-laundry is not only clean to the eye, but absolutely gormless. Every detail of our system, till the goods are packed for delivery, is better than home work can possibly be. Test this claim. Sond prove to you that our way will save you time, temper and money. 1KB "WAfXXWOKD" 1507-09-11 Jackson Street. "Critical Care" in Cleaning Gowns, etc. Wo KNOW tho CARE, loving touches, and gingered han dling n woll dressed woman glvos to hor finost gowns and drossos, and when VH clean tho gowns and dresses wo HAN DLE) thorn JUST aa carefully as tho woman who OWNS thorn. This Isn't mora talk. It's TRUTH. Bcoros of. our oaglo eyes are fan toned on thoso ft no drosses ot yours from tho moment they are gathcrod at your homo until tho moment they aro delivered. And SUCH cleaning an wo do. You'll say you nevor thought It nosslblo. Tho daintier and moro costly tho gown tho groator our prido In cleaning It. And what is our too for nuch enro, did you aokt Wall, tho drosses aro clean od at $1.25 and up and tho gowns $1.7o and up. IJttlo enough. Just tolophono Tyler C4C for a "Careful Man." Dresher Bros. Careful Cleaners $57,000 Plant Toilet Goods Week at The Sherman &McConnell Drugstores Last week wo announced that our stock comprised 276 Items In Hair Tonics shampoos, colors, etc. but wo find an orror In count was mado as It should bo 277 a recount showing this number. Our stock ot Toilet Creams, Talcums, Faco Powdors, Porfumo and Toilet Wnter is proportionately laigo. Wo invito tho public as well ao dealers to "tost" our stock and loarn for thomsolves whether our statomentB can bo substantiated. Ask us for tho real new onos. TOIIjHT gkkams About 150 kinds in htock 50c MeloroBO Cream for.... 20c 50c Hinds' Honoy and Almond croum, for "On 50c Cucumber and Benzoin cream for ale 50c Nadlnola Croam for. . . ."Do Jersey Theatrical Cold Cream, nt 2&c 40c and OBc 1-1X10 TOILBT SOAPS Wo handlo about 200 kinds of flno toilet soap. Ask us for your favorite 50c Douquet Jcnnlco Soap, .nno 25c Kirk Juvenile Soap for. .Ho 35c Roger & Callot, one-half doron odors, per cake....lo 25c, 4711 Whlto Roso Soap, 1-c ! SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG GO. Borntr 10th and Dodff Streets. SZarvvra Fharmaoy, 34th and Tanuim. Owl Drag Co., lttth nnd zurnsr Ots. XojrsJ FbarmaoT, 307-309 V. 16th. MS .El Cuts that print There Is often alleirrerrac4n-ho"w art 4 between a cut that shows up well la the engraver's proof and ono that shows up woll when It la printed. Cuts mode for a newspaper hav to bo made bo that they will give good results under the most advorso conditions. For that rea son, a newspaper en praying plant produces 'cutB'thaf tho ordinary printer can use and get good results. If yoa hare soma engraving to bo-done. enousk tho work and compare both tho results and tho prices withthat of ordinary engraving plants. Bee Engraving Department Bee Building, Omaha stop to think that washing is done in us n trial package. Let us OT TXU3 HOSCH Phone Douglas 919. 2211-13 Farnarn St TOILET WATERS 85c Plvor's Azurea T. W 00c 85c Roger & Gallefs T. W.. .SDo $3.00 Mary Garden T. W.. 92.20 50o Japaneso Honey Suckle T. W., for k 20o $4.15 Coeur do Joannette T. W for 93.40 TOILET POWDERS 85c Rogor & Gallot's Anthea Powder for 50c 25c Houblgant's Rico Powder tor 14c COc Moloroso Powder for... 20c GOc Madame lEebolls' Powder for 24o 25c Trailing Arbutus Talc, 115c Key to tb Sttoatioa-Octt ACrtrtlslnss. xmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammummmmmmmaA 1 I... i i Till mi iiiiii SSI