6 THE BKE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1914. 2 By MELLIPIOIA. Monday, May 25, 1914. BELIEVE tho play, 'Tho Butterflies," to be presented this evening at the Brandels theater for tho benefit of the Visiting Nurse association, Is going to be quite a style show, The other members of the company heard that Miss Margaret McPherson, (leading lady), had borrowed some Parisian creations from her guest, Miss Marguerite Falrchlld, of Santos, Brazil, who arrived here from Paris just in time to be of service. So, yesterday, I happened to be at a friend's house when one of the playors telephoned for the very now. est gown my friend had, and I called a messenger whilo my friend packed her gown in a box. "No, ray new cape hasn't arrived from the dress maker; perhaps you can borrow one at one of tho shops," I heard her say. Can you imagine any one lending their very best clothes for any thing but charity, but whon it is for the benefit of the Visiting Nurse as sociation, every one is outdoing his neighbor to lend assistance. Others are lending mahogany furniture and exquisite lamps, and the millionaire's home this evening on the stago is going to bo most realistic. Miss Marie McShano has charge of the decoration and was requested to furnish a millionaire's home without spending one cent. All of tho boxes have been engaged, and many will entertain family parties. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Nash will have one of the family parties, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Redlck and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr., will entertain box parties. Mr. and Mrs. V. B, Caldwell will have as the.lr guests In their box Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Wattles, Mrs. H. M. Caldwell of Tioga, Pa., and Miss Baldwin of Tioga, Pa. Foitoffiee Clerks Entertain. The postofflc clsrks will rfv the last of a rli of social ntrtaJnmnt Tut day evening at Jacob' hell. A musical program will be given the first part et the evening, followed by dancing. Informal Kensington. Mm, Henry Doorly nai hostess at an In formal kentlngton tbla aftfrnoon at her home In honor of her home guest, Mrs. Samuel Doerly, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz will entertain a family party, including Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Metz, Mrs. Albort Weiss of St. Louis, Mrs. Anna Peycke. little Misses Helen reycke, Gertrude Peycke, Olga Metz and Master Louis Metz. With Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShano wJU be Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall, Mrs. M. E. Barber and Mrs. .Herman Kountzc. Commencement exercises for the Methodist Episcopal Hospital Train ing School for Nurses will be held Wednesday evening at the First Metho dist church. Rev. Titus Lowe and Dr. J. M. Alkln will deliver tho ad dresses of the evening and C. W. De Lamatre will preside. Tho exorcises will conclude with a reception to the seniors In the church parlors. Music for the occasion will bo furnished by the First Methodist choir lth Thomas J. Kelly directing and Martin W. Bush at the organ. luncheon for June Brides. Complimentary to Mis Katherlne Bee on and Mies Henrietta Flack, both of whom will be June brides, Miss Alice Carter entertained Informally at a lunch eon today at her home. Pink peonies were used in decoration and covers were placed for twelve guest. At the Country Club. Mr and Mrs. H. Prltchett entertained at the Country club Sunday evening-, when their euests were Miss Elisabeth Davie, Miss Mellora Davis. Mr, Averlll Harrl man of New York, Mr. Fred Hubbell of Des Moines and Mr. Milton Denman of Des Moines." Mies Louise Dlnnlne had as her guests Mr. and Mr. Edward O'Brien and Mr. Charles Crane of Chicago. With Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellnewere itrs. Frederio Lake and Mr. Emll Gerlch of Milwaukee. , . At another table vere Mr. and . Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton and Mr. and Mts. Atosher Colnetxer. Mr and Mrs. Fred Hamilton and Mr. E. M. Fairfield were, together., Mr- Ben Gallagher had as his guests MUs Mildred Butler, Miss Elisabeth Bruce, Mr. Gerald Wharton and Mr. Hal Brady. A. C. A. Meeting. Mrs, lit Roy Havell was elected leader of the musical section, Association of Col legiate Alumnae, at a meeting held .at the home of Mrs. Roy Docherty, Satur day afternoon. MUs Elizabeth Fry Is the assistant lender and Miss Mabel Kelly, secretary'treasurer. Italian muttc will make up the program of study for next year The following program committee has been named: Mesdaines Le Roy Cavell, Roy Docherty, H. U Mossman, Miss Avllda Moore and Miss Dorothy Frants, The department wilt enjoy ev eial picnics during the summer months. Tor the Future. Mrs. T. D. Olln will entertain the monthly social meeting of the Chrlstlsn church Wednesday afternoon. The hos. tess will be assisted by Mesdamtts -McKay Martin, C. D. Oauldln and ?. D. Hill. . TJ.i C. T. Banquet The regular monthly gtt-togethe. meeting and banquet of the 'United Com merclal Travelers waa held Saturday evening at the Henshaw hotel. Thote present were: Misses Dorothy Suntteld, Edith Jones. Messrs Jerome Latch, H. E. Greelev. u. it. mce, or uncoin nta. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Olln. Mr. and Mrs. I. W- Pope. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. F Harkleroad. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dystra, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Leptin. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. West. Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Smith. Mr and Mrs. If. Cuntleld. Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise was given Friday evening In honor of William. Cathroe Jr.. at his home HOT South Tenth Streetj The evening; was spent In muslo and game. Those present wtre: Mlxssa Mtrsea Hattie bletsch. Ruth nickard, Nellie Hanna, Fannie Uilllan. Fannie Kane, Helle Cathroe, . Esther Fisher, May Cathroe, wiukui Asuciofo, jonnsen, Moines and Mr. Emll Gerlch of Milwau kee. Mr. Sylvlo Burkenroad, who has re cently signed as one of the soloists with the Metropolitan Opera company for next season, will arrive in Omaha June 15 for a four weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Burkenroad. At Happy Hollow. Miss Marlon Carpenter will have twelve guests at dinner Tuesday evening at (Happy Hollow when she will enter tain Miss Hcnnrletta Flack and Mr, Miles McFayden And the members of their wedding party. Entertaining at supper Sunday even ng at the club were A. F. Williams, wno had covers placed for .two; E, J. Wolf. two; J. O. Yelser, Jr., two; A. II. Howell, six; E. T. Manning, tour; M. F, Engle man, two; charlea Burke, two; Dr. A. H. Hippie, ; A. S. Prentiss, three ; F. n.i Aldous, four; Dr. J." E. Pulver, two; H. A. Thompson, two; 0, W. Updike, three; C. H. Marley, four; W. G. Silver, four. . Coronado Club. The Coronado club will' be entertained Thursday evening by Miss Helen Howell at her home, Forty-first arid Uard streets. Ringwalt-Stowitta Invitations. Mr. and Mrs. Gterge Francis Banchard have Issued invitations for the weddlmf of their granddaughter, Miss Marguerite Htowltts to Joseph Oarneau Rlngwalt. The marriage ceremony will take place Thursday evening. June 4, at 6:80 o'clock, at St. Paul's church at Fafayettevllle, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Rlngwalt will be at home at 1 Lexington avenue, New York City, after July 1. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. M. Hemelster of San Francisco will arrive Thurwday to be the guest of Mrs. T. D. Olln for several days. Mrs. Hametster, who Is a former resident of Omaha, Is on her way to Aberdeen, 8. D. Mrs. Stanley Hartman of Chicago ar rived Friday to spend two weeks with her father, Mr. Albert Cfthn. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ICoerpel of New York, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Drelfuss, left last even ing for thtlr home. Miss Rose Wolfncr of Peoria will ar rive this evening to be the guests of Miss Mildred Ttutiel. Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg and small daugh ter, Beatrice, of St. Joseph, have ar rived to spend a month with Mrs. Ach tenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Robin son. Airs. F, IV. Brown of Lincoln and her sister, Mrs. Wade of Omaha, started east Thursday to be absent until fall They will visit Jackeonvllle. III., Niagara and other points east before going to Boston to spend the summer. Mrs. John A. Dempster has returned to her heme after visiting her cousin, Mrs, J. A. Elam In Lincoln. COUNCIL BAffi UP MAYOR Accepts Dahlman's Recommenda tions in Detective Squabble. WOLFE'S EFFORTS ARE TABLED Wlthtiell Prepares Jfrvr Specifica tions to lie Used In Cnc (he CHr Deride In Itepnlr Old Cilr Unit nnllem. pointed liens Nrf;her did presidents of the United States give away golden pens with which they signed Important bills In congress, and thus stark the dens cf the senators high with souvenirs. So fenator Millard has an old nulll pen which he keeps at the bank for his own personal and private use. Avoid ninn.l Polnon by using Bucklen's Arnica "alv3 on nil wounds, bruises, sores, scalds, salt rheum, etc. Prompt relief for piles. 25o. All druggists. Advertisement. City commissioners are baxking up Mayor James C. Dahlman In his fight to expose the plot alleged to have been con cocted by the Dally New against city and county officials by tricking them Into accepting bribes, through Bums de tectives. At a meeting of the counoil In committee of tho whole the mayor's recommend ations In the matter were accepted and his statement placed on file "to be brought vp later." I The mayor's recommendations are In 1 reference to the installation of a new bolter plant at the city halt or the se curing of heat from The Bee Building company's plant. The boiler Inspector s specifications havo been tabled. Commissioner C. H. Whltnell has pre pared new specifications for use In cas the city decides to spend $15,000 to repair the old boilers. These specifications will be submitted to the council Tuesday, P. J. CORCORAN MAIL CARRIERPASSES AWAY P. J. Corcoran, for nearly twentr-seven years a letter carrier at the Omaha post office, died Monday morning at his home, JVM Charles street, of tuberculosis. Mr. Corcoran was born In Liverpool, Febrpary 7, 1S37, coming to tho United States when he was little more than a boy. Ho started his wprk as letter car tier here in February," 1SSS. Besides his wife, he is survived by two brothers and a sister; Mike Corcoran of Green River, Wyo., and William Corcoran of Concep tion Junction, Mo., and Mrs. W. E. Met calf of St. Joseph, Mo. Funeral sen-ices wilt be held from St. Cecilia's church AVednesday morning at 9 o'clock, con ducted by Father Harrington. JOSEPH H. MILLARD SIGNS PETITION WITH GOOSE QUILL "Joseph H. Millard" signed with n goose nulll appears on tho petition for the candidacy of A. W. Jcffcris for con gress from the Second district. Senator Millard Jlkes some of the old things In life. One of them Is a good old goose quill pen. Back In his boyhood days there were no steel, gold nor dlamoni it s Good! That's one reason for serving Heinz Spaghetti. Another is its high food value. Still another convenience, Heinz Spaghetti One of the 57 Varieties An ideal summer dish, appetiz ing and nourishing without being heavy. A welcome change some thing new prepared with tomato sauce and a special cheese. It's Cooked Ready to Serve . t Your money back if it ever fails to please. Try it today. For sale by all grocers. H. J. Heinz Co. am Ovr 80,000 Vitltor Impact Hlna Pan Food Kitchens Every Year Delicious Pastry and Cake depend largely on the flour. To avoid disappointments uso a prepared cake flour. Swans OWN Prepared ; D CAKE FLOUR (Not Self-Rt.ing) Is prepared especially for cakes and pastry. It holds the In gredients of tho cako In alight fluffy compound. Order a packago of your grocer by phone and try it. You will bo delighted with tho results. Valuable coupon In each package. Write for "Cako Secrets." a valuablo book of cake, pastry and pudding recipes. It . Igleheart Bros, DeptQ Eransvillc, Ind. Your family will like Swans Down Pure Wheat Graham Flour and Swans Down Pure Wheat Sterilized Bran. Ask Your Grocer i For Swans Down Products 1 mm tVt THE ' TALK OF THETOW. Misses. Mrs. Jtan Oerman Messrs A- It. Hoffman, O. It. Peters, Marion OUlI&n, Msars Joe Vaaoua, Ed. Kmpf. Jim Robinson, "Win. A. Cathroe, Joe Phelffer. win cathroe. Marquardt, Juessra-. Hugh McKirer, Fred Shipley, Arthur Cathroe, Elmer Nichols, Kroeet Cathroe. Itarroond Rlckard, Mrs. A. Mattaon. Lo Annlu Mr. and Mrs. William Cathroe. Mr. and Mrs. William Rlckrd. Sermo Club to Meet. The Etrmo club -will meet Tueaday at tho homa of Mra. J. P. Barnhart. Luncn. eon will be followed by a program on "Meilco,' and papers will be given by Mrs. J. 3. Mess,. Mrs. Paul.. Tnerean aon ana Mrs. C. W. Bergen. Mrs. J. E. Goodrich 'will give current event. Pertonal Mention. A number Of out-of-town visitors who Pnt the week-end hero and were enter Uliied at the Country club returned to their homes Sunday evening, Including; Mr Charles Crane of Chicago. Mr. Fred Hubbell and Mr. MUtcn Penman ot Vt$ Make this a your "Meat" A nourishing, satisfying strengthening dish that tempts , the palate and gives stomach comfort after the digestive organs have wrestled with high-proteid foods Shredded Wheat Biscuit With Strawberries Nothing so delicious, nothing so easily digested, noth- ' ing so easy to prepare. The only breakfast 4 cereal that rnmhinM natnralltr xxriV Kai'ao on nik 4V. . ; . ' it Heat one or more Biscuits in the oven to restore crispness; then cover with berries or other fresh fruit ; serve with milk or cream and sweeten to suit the taste. Better than soggy white flour "shortake" ; contains no yeast, no baking powder, no fats, no chemicals of any kind just the meat of the golden wheat, steamooked, shredded and baked. The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Pretty Wash Dresses!; Q4R worth $4, $5 and $6 Lk Nearly four hundred beautiful lingerie and colored wash dresses In fancy crepes, plain white lln Eerie, striped tissues, fancy ging hams and other dainty fabrics. In atzes 14 to 447 Many are manu facturers' sample dresses. They are very pretty designs. Regularly worth J4, J5 and $6. Cholco Tues day In the basement at $2.48 Sale of House Dresses Women's house dresses of good ginghams, chambrays, percales and lawns. Light and dark pat terns In checks, stripes and plain colors. Several hundred dresses in various styles; low or high necks, long or short sleeves. All worth 1, ?1.26 and $1,50, 7 on sale In the basement at. . . U C House Dresses Women's good quality percale nouso aresses. cut liberal and full. Very well made. Worth 75c. On sale Tuesday In the basement at 45c Pretty little dresses of fine wash materials for children 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. All worth 75c and 1. On sale on in the basement at JcC Child's 25c and 39c Dresses at 19c Children's wash dresses and rompors of good serviceable wash fabrics In stripes, checks and plain colors. All 25o and S3c values. On sale Tuesday in the basement at 19c. Women's $3 and $3.50 Footwear, $1.98 This lot comprises 500 pairs of women'B pumps and oxfords, all In tie new up-to-date styles in patent and dull leathers. Exceptional values selling regularly for $3 and $3.50. Choice Tuesday, pair, $1.98. Basement. Men's and boys' biacic canvas tennis shoes with good quali ty rubber soles. Worth 75c. All sizes, priced Wednesday ojj at, pair uUC Tan elkskln oxfords with elkskln soles for children's play wear. Very serviceable. Laoo Btyles. Worth $1.60, at 98c Odds and ends in women's ox fords and pumps. Mostly small Ca sizes, at, pair ueJV Regular $1.50 House Slippers for 98c Women's serviceable house slippers In strap styles or Juliets with patent tips and front stays. Rubber or leather heels. All sizes and widths. Choice of 600 pairs worth $1.50, r0 at pair DOC Barefoot Sandals with protect" I 8erge house slippers for worn ed toes. Well made. Pair, 49c. j en. Leather soleB, All sizes, 49c. On Sale In Basement Shoe Dept Pure Drug and Toilet Good Show Thousands who have attended this show during its first two days were amazed and delighted with -what they found. If you have not yet been here, come Tuesday sure, for It Is too interesting an event to neglect. Free samples and souvenirs to all visitors. No phone, or mall orders. Horllck's Malt ed Milk, 50c boUle 29C Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, size 29C Danderlne. Reg ular 50c on size bottle LuC M e n t h olatum. Tho regular 50c size on box CVC California Syrup of Figs, on 50c also. 6 !?C Daggett & Ramsdell cold cream, on. 60c size... tdXJC Malvlna Cream. Reg. 50c on size for, . . uoZ Lyon's Tooth Powder. 25c size can l o for lC ... I, i Kolynos Tooth Paste, i 25c size..! DC Canthrox Sham poo. Reg. 9Q 50c size... AqC Beeoham's Pills. 25c size li, box for... 1C Azurea Face Powder. A 1 1 8bhoaxd?!:...69c M 1 Btletone Cream. "t i 25c size,.. 1C Sal Hepatlca. 25c size 1 C bottle IDC Jad Salts. 76c size bot- CO Me for... Dal C S. S. S. for the blood. Regular felr!...49c Reslnol Oint ment. Regular 50c size fpr Rubber Goods 3-quart size hot water bottle, made of best red rubber, cloth Interlined, This bag is guaran teed and positively worth $2. Special in drug show.. Maroon seamless combination syringe and hot water bottle. Guaranteed and fitted with extra flow tubing. 3 pipes. d on Worth $2.60, special at.V--f 66c ,29c AB0N1TA Ono of tho Interesting feat ures of the Drug and Toilet Goods show Is the display of the celebrated Abonlta Toilet Preparations, perfumes, etc. Every woman Is urged to visit this booth. See the special demonstration. Pompeian Massage Cres.it $1 iize, 51c 75c size, 39c 50c size, 27c l25ManicureSet,49c 1 French ivory man. icure set nail file, cuticle unite, hoof stick and button hook, worth $1.25. la this sale at 49c. Ingram's Milkweed Cream, 28c Universally endorsed by lead ing beauties, both on and off the stage. Thousands ot women know that It is rapid and certain In giving beauty of com. plexlon and skn health. Sample Free Manicure scissors, worth 75c, 24c Emery boards, dozen package, 3c Jap Rose Soap, 5c Made by Kirk's secret process from purest vegetable oils gath ered from Africa. Ceylon and America, and delightfully pre fumed with dainty oriental flow er odors. SUMMER EXCURSION FARES EAST VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Effective June first Sumranr TCt be on sale to all principal points in the east, including Detroit, New York, Boston, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, etc. Tickets' good returning via diverse routos. Attractive Lake and Hlvor trips. ' Solid Steel Trains. U'' ? Office, 407 South 16th St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Doug. 264. juisinct rassenger Agent. M