Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TTESDAT, MAY 26, 1914.
SPECIAL Dainty Silk and Cotton
Dress Goods Tuesday 19c Yard
Something out of the ordinary, not only in style,
bnt value as well. For cool, dainty afternoon and
evening dressoss. Lines that aro to be discontinued.
Some cases but u single dress patteni left. Dress
Goods Section, Main floor.
White and Colored
Third Floor.
Women's Whito Dressing
Sacques Laco or embroid
er' trimmed, long or short
sleeve, low or high neck,
lawrs, Swisses, mulls or ba
tistes: sizes 34 to 46; prices
$1, SI. 25, $1.50, $2 to $6.
Women's Colored Dress
ing Sacques "Whito with
black or dainty colors; prices
90c, $1.00 to $3.00.
Son of Famous Hungarian Patriot
Dies in Budapest.
tin Succeeded Ills Fattier nn ,n.
tlqnnl Ilnntxnrlnn Lender Alter
Death ot Lntter Twenty
Years Area.
BUDAPEST, May Si. Francis Kossutn.
Ion of tha great Ilungarlon patriot, died
here today, aged 73 years. He had beon
an Inialld for many months f.nd nis
fieath Old not coma as a surprise.
In January last, during; a crisis in his
Illness, Kossuth was married on his sic
bed to Countess Benyorsky, widow of his
lifelong friend. Such had been tha wUh
of Count Benyorsky, made, on hla deatn
id, and Kossuth and the countess, who
Mended to marry In March, hastenet
he nuptials when Kossuth's illness took
I turn for the worse.
Francis Kossuth took his father's place
ts leader ot the Hungarians soon after
woula Kossuth died In 1S3I. Up to tho
Ima of his Illness Francis led his ;oun
rymen In their political struggles llh
'Igor and much success. Ha waa at one
' the Object of this Tree ffrsserlptlon
-ry tt if Von Syca blve" '
. TTou Trouble.
Thousands of peopla auffer from eye
trouble txcauio they do not know what
U no. They know aome good homo
remedy for very other minor ailment,
but none fr their eye troubles. They
neglect their eyes, because the trouble
Jt i.ot sufficient to drive thu.n to nn
lye specialist, who would, anyway,
.hHire 'hem a heavy fee. As a last re
sort they go to an optician or to tha five
Mid ten cent more, and lOttentlmes net
classes that they do not need, or which,
"',rhi),e,nB M"J lW0.,r ,hre.8 mcnth"'
v - IIIU.O IllJUiy mail gUVU
Hre la a simp. 9 prescription thtit every
)ne anculu uses
gmlns Uptona (1 tablet).
i pi.nca water.
I'te tntee or lour times 11 day to bathe
1h eyes. Tills prescription unit the aim
Pie Optona system Ktap the yes vleun,
sharpens the vision unj qulcxiy over
"omea inflammation, and irritation;
ck. watery, overworKed, tired '
ind "thet similar tioubUs are greatly
benefited and otuntlmca cured by Its
uat, Many reports nhow that wtnreitf
tt glasses have discarded Liim utter a
tew weeKit' use. It la good tor the eyes
nd contains no Ingredient which would
Injure the moat sensitive eyra ot an In
fant or tha Hgtd, Sherman ft McCon
rell's four stores or any other druggist
ran fill thJa prescription pmmptiy. try
It and know for onu whut real eye
comfort is.
XI' II"1
Our Chape!
is Non-Sectarian
Funerals may be held in
of any creed.
privacy is
the be
reaved, vho may sit In an
adjoining tnourncra' room un
observed, but with the entire
ceremony in full vloy;.
The chapel is adjustable Ink
elze. It will accommodate a
large funeral, and a small one
may be conducted so as to
spare any humiliation from .
empty pews. It is convenient
In every way; beautiful, yet
simple in its elegance; has
light and air on four sides.
We make no extra charge for
the use of this chapel.
Telephone Dougtat 3901
24th and Dodg. Reached br
Harney and Croii Town Unet
One of Ayer's Pills at bdtline Jut
eae. Actt on the live. Gen ay Uxsilye.
Sugar-coated, All .vegetable.
Sold for OO year.
A Yer Doctor. nftfifc
friTnftH . WFfft S1 H1
Printed Voiles
A 40-inch fabric in neat
floral effects fancy stripes
and plain colors. All the
newest spring shades. A
splendid value at, rr
a yard SOC
time In the cabinet as minister ot com
metce of Hungary.
Kossuth was born on Noveber IS. IW,
and was the oldest son of Louis Kosauth.
At the age of eight ha wns taken prisoner
by the Auslrlans and wna kept for a
tlma at the fortress of Pressburg. Then
he was sent to Kutlahla. Asia Minor,
where he Joined Ills father and ocetn)r
they went to England. The boy whs
educated at London .University collece
nnd In 1S61 went to Italy as n vlvll engi
neer, attaining promlnenco in this pro
fession, When his father died Francla took tho
body back to Hungary, In accordance
with tha demands of his countrymen.
Tho funeral was accompanied by unprece
dented popular honors.
It, was then that ho was Invited to take
his father's place as tht- Hungarltn
national loader, and h accepted, declar
ing .ho would work for Hungarian tnda
pondence. Colonel Theodora Roosevelt, in April.
1D10, during Kossuth's Illness, visited him
at I Is horn.
Fremont Ordinance
Hinders Marking of
Lincoln Highway
Unless the council of Fremont repeals
Its ordinance against putting idgns on
the lamp posts of Main street and Hlxth
itreet. the Lincoln Highway will avoid
those, two streets, and swing around In a
lees important part of the city. Senator
Crorge Wolz, 'ex-mayor of Fremont, Is In
vmana in conference, with U. U. Fred
rlckson, national consul, of the Lincoln
Highway, and H, B, Waldron, state con
ut. In refford to this mutter.
The business mm of Kremont are very
nxlous that the Lincoln Highway should
tans either sixth or Main street through
Fremont. An ordinance In force in Fro
Inont now forblfis painting any kind of'
signs on the poles on these two streets,
Tho Lincoln Highway association re-
quired inai me Lincoln Highway slsn
shall be painted on the poles of
l'el through which tho route pa
passes In
tne united Mates. The council must re
peal the ordinance or tha highway will
hunt a street on which there Is no restric
tion, "Tourists have complained to me time
s.nd again," said H. E, Fredrlckson.
"that thty get lost In Fremont and can't
find their way through simply because
the poles are not marked. Every town
In the United tBates Is marked excopt
Fremont and Columbus. Dodge county
Is perfectly marked all tha way through,
but when you strike Fremont you can't
find the highway. U'a ridiculous."
(Continued from Page One.)
In .this belief. I have not listened to thit
appeal of any faction or special Interest.
but wholly to the voice of the people.
I shall not at this time formulate anv
Platform rela'tlng to the details of tal-i
government. Later on t may do so. out
feel that my administration has been
democratic, and 1 have attempted ta
make It a successful one. With the tor-
perlence that this, my first term,
brought me, 1 feel that I will be oetto'
able to assist the legislature than I wa
two years ngo, and. If elected, I shall n
deavor to bring about auch legislation as
win majpe for the greatest efficiency In
government at the least possible expense
to the taxpayers Of the sUte.
Poar fot nrrnn Mm.
l am remlndod that my tvclectlon will
be a vindication of the party In, the state
and I am ambltlou to make the state of
Nebraska a leader In all the .great reforms
that have come to the country, and to
place the home state of our great secre-
Ury of state, permanenUy In the demo
cratlc column as an endorsement that
cannot be misunderstood, ot the Inspiring
policies and splendid administration of
President AVtlson.
"During my term of office. 1 have en
deavored to give the state an economical
business administration and I feel that
I have made much progress and have
established a better spirit and a higher
appreciation ot duty In official Ufa.
"I would noth ave my determination
to enter the race construed to tho pre
judice .or detriment of any other Aspirant
for the nomination. It la to be sincerely
hoped that this may be a friendly contest
tor this high honor, and I pledge myself
that no action of mine shall militate
against the success of the party durtnif
100 campaign.
Onljr Una "UnoMO aUININB."
To get tM gtnulne, coll for full name.
for signature of B. 17. dUOVE. Cures
a Cold ta One Day. &
Kellr May- Janpi
The Boat on club bu sold First Base
MA Oeorxe Wilson, tha Lvnn rrult.
I to the Memphis club ot the Southern
I leaxus! aitd has bMn u-rlnr ta turn
1 Pltcber Hi Keily back to ue Spokane
I club ot the Northwestern league, but
I Kelly refuse to go, and may Jump to the
Colonel Will Meet Progressives in
Congress Tuesday Night.
Elreldrnt ta Rxpected to Fire the
Opening (inn Ilrfore lie I.enTen
for Spnln Mnr Stent Mnroh
on Ilepnlillcnnn.
OY8TIIH BAY. N. Y., May 55,-The trip
which Colonel Roosevelt Is to make to
Washington tomorrow took on a new
significance when It became known today
ho would hold an Important conference
with progressive leaders there. On his
arrival nt the capital, Colonel Itoasevelt
will go direct to the progressive head
quarters, where he expects to see all tha
progressives In congress, From them he
expects to ohtalp first hand Information
as to the course of events In Washington
during the lest few months.
This conference will determine In a
large measure plans to be followed In
starting the ball rolling for the fall cam
paign. Colonel Roosevelt has been urged
by many of his supporters since his re
turn from South America to lose no time
In taking Issue at oncel with President
Wilson, without waiting for the formal
opening or tne campaign, lie said a lew
days ago he desired to keep out of poll
tic as much as possible until after his
return from Spain, but recent events
have caused him to consider the ques
tion of Jumping Into the fray at once.
Mnr Fire Opmliiir finn.
He has already expressed briefly his
opposition to' the Wilson administration's
advocacy of the canal tolls exemption
act and to the proposal to pay 123,000,000
to Colombia. It Is understood he w'll
make his severost attack on the present
administration's foreign policy and on
the operation of the Underwood tariff
It has been suggested to the colonel
that by remaining silent he Is permitting
the republicans to steal a march on the
progressives by getting first Into the
field with their criticisms of the Wilson
policies, Tho suggestion has had con
siderable weight with the former presi
dent and It Is not Improbable that before
he sells for Europe at the end of this
week he will fire the opening gun In what
la expected to be the hardest tight ot his
Another posstblo outcome of the Wash
ington trip ts a meeting between Colonel
Roosevelt and republican leaders. Re
ports that such a meeting might take
place reached Oyster Bay today.
It became known today that Colonel
Roosevelt received a visit late last nl?h'.
from former Senator Albert J. Beverldge
ot Indiana.
Colonel Roosevelt will leave New YorkJ
lor wasningion at iu o ciock lumurruw
Ho will be at the capital from 3 o'c'ock
until midnight, when he Is to return to
New York.
Mr. Roosevelt confirmed dispatcher
from Washington that while there he
would pay his respects to President Wil
son at the White Houso.
Pinna for Conference.
The progressive conference tomorrow
waa arranged following telephone mel
anges between Representative Murdoch
In New York and Representative Hlne
baugh, here. Mr. Murdock said Colonel
Roosevelt wanted to gather with "the
boys," and Mr. Hlnebauch immedlajely
notlfied progressives In both housee tht
former president wanted to confer with
them The conference will begin at tl
o'clock tomorrow night at progressive
headquartern after the colonel's lecture
before the National Geographic society.
Senator Clapp and Potndexter, Repre
sentative Utnebaugh. chairman ot tho
progressive congressional committee, and
K. Davis, secretary ot the national
committee, will meet Colonel Roosevelt'a
Ualn at Philadelphia.
iarty plans, organisation and the fu
ture are to be talked over, acocrdlng to
Mr. Hlnebaugh.
"It Is my opinion," he said today, "that
It the progressive element In the repub
lican party can control their party, they
will endorse Colonel Roosevelt tor tho
presidency after he la nominated by the
progressive party."
(Continued from Page One.)
fore he did this he had talked very freely.
Also, every legal technicality to prevent
his return to Omaha to face the charge
against him had been exhausted. Maloney
e.yo, that while the ball money of U.QW
to secure Hansen's freedom was put up
by the Dumi agency, It Is the general
Impression among Chicago police officials
the money waa really furnished by the
Dally News crowd.
"Hansen told me he was employe! by
the. Burns agency and that the Kin s
agency was employed by the Dally
News," said Maloney last night. "He did
not want to come back to Omaha, be
cause he knew that he had violated th
law and that In defending himself ho
would hav to Incriminate the peip
who brought him here, Though tha
money far his bond was put up by k
Burns man In Chicago, I think tt viuus
out of the nocketa of the Dally News
They don't want Hansen back herj o
testify against them, as they tear- ne
might do In order to save his own hide.
Duma' Hand Directs Moves;
I had the hardest Kind of a battle in
Chjcago to get any kind of satlsfautl-m
t all. Every conceivable obstacle wa
placed In my way, apparently by ecc'-
dent, yet behind It all the fine hand of
Burns and Polcar was evident. Every
little delay that could be made to htnder
my efforts, every legal technicality that
could be Interposed by Chicago's highest
priced lawyers was used to keep Hanan
from being returned to Omaha.
"finally, It came to the point hen
Hansen had to come along or Jump me
JS.OOO bond, and he Jumped.
"His disappearance from Chicago does
not end our search for him. We'll get
Mr. Hansen somTday. and we'll put nlm
right .In the city Jail In Omaha, where
ne 11 siay uu a court order turns him
free. This Is a game to be Dialed to a
showdown, and to a showdown It will gi"
Maloney says that Hansen admitted
that he reported to. Editor Polcar of the
Dally News while In Omaha. He made
thla admission to me before. Detective
Lawrence Hunt and his partner e,nd
Lieutenants Tobln and Lrkln of the
Chicago force." tays Malanty. Hanteu
says that he reported to Polcar that he
could "get" some ot the city employe
for apiece, but that Polcar told, hint
to "get somebody higher up."
Maloney says that as soon as he
reached Chicago It woe pointed out to
him by the deputy state's attorney that
his warrant should have read, "City em
ploye," Instead of "public official." In
reference to Wolfe.
Maloney declares thai Hansen, in ad5l
tlon to contradicting the denials of Pol-
ear, admitted that hla brother-in-law, J. R,
Wangberg, 341') Ames avenue, living In
Omaha was also In the pay of tha Dally
New, through Burns. Wangberg re
ceived tl a day for weeks and a new suit
of clothea becauso ne waa closely ac
quainted with city officials.
Wangberg, It lit understood, did not
know he was dealing with a Burns opera,
live or was mixed up In a matter that
might get him Into trouble. He was In
duced by Hanson to help him on the
other's promise to secure him a job In
Knnsas City. Wangberg Is a steam
(Continued from Page One.)
Charles N. Diets then conveyed all '.hee
holdings to the Sheridan Coal company,
a Nebraska, corporation organized anl
controlled by him.
The government contends that the Ne
braska corporation, the Sheridan Coal
company, accepted this property with full
and complete knowledge of tho acts of
the defendant, Dletz, and by said nctlon
unlawfully converted to their own use ill
the property and assets of the Sheridan
Fuel company.
The government then states that It has
attempted to recover the value of the
timber cut from the government land
from the Wyoming corporation, but that
It hea no office or representatives In
Wyoming, and service being Impossible,
this suit Is brought In equity In the No
braska division of the federal court.
The government asks for Judgment
against Charles N. Dletx and the Sheri
dan Coal company for the sum of 17,639.0?,
the alleged value of tho timber cut from
the government lands In Crook county,
Wyoming, and interest on that sum from
December 21, 1901, at the rate of 7 per
cent, and such other relief as the court
may give.
Do You Kofir Consumption f
Dr. Klng'a New Discovery will help
cure your cough or cold, no matter how
chronic It Is. Try It today. Mo nnd Jl
All druggists. Advertisement.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road 10
Business Success.
4 Eayden Piano to be
Qlven Away at
Douglas Auditorium,
Thursday Evening, May 28.
You're Sure of Absolute Satisfaction in Purchasing Here
In the first place, because we sell only pianos which can be depended, upon to
stand up under the most severe tests. Secondly, because we guarantee every
Piano which we sell to give the purchasers absolute satisfaction, and we are
here to back that guarantee.
Let Us Put a Piano in Your Home This Week
"We are making many special reductions on regular floor stock, and clean-sweep
Bargain Prices on Pianos that have been slightly used, rented or traded in
pianos Make tho home more happy by filling tbat piano corner right now.
1 Steinway Piano
1 Vose & Son Piano
1 Gerhard Piano
Several Special Clearance
at up from
We Will Make Terms of
Payment to Suit Tour Own
Pope Announces Elevation of Num
ber of Church Dignitaries.
Three American Cnrdlnnla Present
t Ceremony Pontiff Stake Ap
pen! for Pence Throogh In
fluence of Church.
ROME, May 28. At n. secret consistory
held at the Vatican tills nornln? l'i;e
Plus created thirteen new c.irdlnali.
A number of bishops from various coun
tries also were confirmed.
At the same time official announcement
was made of the creation of Monslgnor
Bello, patriarch of Llsoon, as cardinal.
Ills-name had been reserved "In pectore"
at the consistory of 1911.'
Tho ceremony was preceded by a short
allocution, after which the names of the
new cardinals were announced, as fol
lows: Monslgnor Louts Naxlre Beglh, arch
bishop ot Quebec, Canada.
Monslgnor V. aulsasola y Mender, arch
bishop of Toledo, Spain.
Monslgnor Domlntco Seraflnl, assessorn
of the congregation of the holy office.
Monslgnor Delia Chlesa, archbishop ot
Bologna, Italy.
Monslgnor John Osternock, archlblshop
of Katergom, Hungary,
Monslgnor Francis von Bettlnger, arch
bishop of Munich, Bavaria.
Monslgnor Felix von Hartmann, arch
bishop of Cologne, Germany.
Monslgnor F. Q. Pitt), archbishop of
Vienna, Austria.
Monslgnor Philip Glustlnl, secretary of
the congregation of the sacraments.
Monslgnor Hector Irene Sevln, arch
bishop of Lyons, France,
Monslgnor Michael Lege, 'dean of the
tribunal of the rota.
Monslgnor Sclpto Tecchl, assessor of the
conslstoral congregation.
Right Rev. Francis Aldan Qasquet,
president of the English Benedictines.
The pontiff was surrounded by all the
members of the sacred college living In
Rome, and by several others. Including
Cardinals Gibbons, Farley and O'Connell.
The pope appointed Cardinal Francis
Delia Volpo to the office of chamberlain,
In. which position he will direct the af
fairs of the church during the conclave. 1
Cardinal Dtomede Falconlo, formerly
apostolic delegate In the United States,
Pianos That Satisfy
A showing of more than twenty
different makes from the factories
of tho "World's most renowned
Piano builders offered you here for com
parison and seleotion.
Bargains on 88 Note Player
also wae raised to the rank of chamber-
The allocution ot the pope was a strong
appeal for political and social peace
through restoration of the Influence of
the church.
(Continued from Page One.)
gone on the warpath, without any ef
fort on the part of the Mexican consti
tutionalists to control them.
General discontent In the Yaqul valley
has been reported from Santa. Rosalia,
which Is directly across the gulf of Cal
ifornia from the mouth of the Taaul
river. The Mexican feders's have
adopted an apathetic attitude toward the
Indians, and there are reports that dis
content Is rife among the Huerta troops.
In asking for an American warship, the
members of the French colony expressed
fear that a. rising of the Huerto troops
against their officers was lmmlent, and
that this would destroy the last vestige
of a policing force to keep the Indians In
Plan to PrOToke Interrentlon.
EL PASO, Tex., May 2S.-Rafael E.
Musqulz, constitutionalist agent here,
exposed today what he said waa a plot
to provoke American Intervention.
He said that telegrams had told him of
the movement toward the Texas border
of groups of "Reds," or former rebels,
who now are serving as federal volun
teers. Their Intent, he asserted, waa to
fire across the border at American
According to Musqulz one group was
headed for OJInoga, opposite Presidio,
Tx while another waa reported as hav
ing passed Cuatro Clenegas, south of
Eagle Pass. The exact number of the
troops sold to be engaged In this plan
was not given, but It was estimated that
they numbered nearly 1,000.
It was said that they hod been dis
persed in various recent battles In the
Interior where they fought with the fed
eral regulars of Huerta'a army.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Selected for Their
Prime Flavor
Our agents search the trop
ics for the richest, fullest
flavored spices. They accept
only the pick of the crops.
That means
are heavier laden with the pungent
oils that best penetrate the rood
and blend with it. We use every
precaution to make them free from
hulls and chaff. The protective
package keeps all their goodness.
Your grocer sell therm Always 1 0c a pkg.
Pepper, Selgon Cinnamon, Ctoeee, Mallard,
Ginger, Alleplee, Sage, Cayenne Pepper,
Afetmtff. Whole Mixed Pickling Spice
and all othere.
TONE BROS.; Des Moines
(EsUblUhod 1873)
Btenden of tha Famout Old Golden CoiVee
Every Admission to the
Douglas Auditorium
Gives Purchaser One Chance.
Piano Bought of Eayden
1 TVeiler Piano $150.00
1 Conover Piano $200.00
1 Hardman Piano $150.00
Pianos on sale this week
We're Glad to Have You
Compare Values Here With
Any Others on Earth.
Shirt Harmony
FsbHej grow lighter as days crow
warmer. Zephyr-weight sills and mer
cerized effects pointedly correct in
pattern and poie. Made on honor.
G) fi iris
Your dealer has them or can tet them.
$1 and up.
Dttizntd end lailerti in jfe.
A merica'tfotr most Union v em j
Shirt SAet ty the Jt. L.
St. Jc,tPK. ,Vu,our,.
1519-21 Douglas St.
In externals
alone the ex
cess value of
Studeb aker
SIX is appar
ent. Few "Sixes" even among
the highest priced- have a
full floating rear axle.
Studobaker has and every
"Six" needs this type to
promote the greatest motor
el flclency.
Few "Slxea are as thoroughly
Tlmken equipped as the
Studebaker SIX, with Tim
kins at every friction point
in transmission, diffential
and wheels.
Regardless of price, a better
electrical system than Studebaker-Wasner
can't be had. It
simply doesn't exist.
Finer finish la Impossible
twenty-four operations, seven
teen coats of paint, are re
quired for Studebaker SIX
Judging the Studebaker SIX on
these features only, you aee
how Impossible it la to get
And you know that no "Six"
can go beyond Studebaker manufacturing-
methods in thor
oughness and closeness; nor
beyond Studebaker materials In
Value Inside and outside the
greatest the market offers.
Send for the Studebaker Proof
Book, describing; Studebaker
manufacturer methods.
r. O. S. Detroit
FOUR Tourlnp Car.... 11030
SIX Tourln? Car tlSTS
BIX Landeau-Roadater I1I0J
SIX Sedan tZHO
2429 Farnim Street,
Looal Dealers
Buy It Becausa It's a Studebaker
a Konxe' XHepIari 3ramooa Teatora n'lms
2S6C2406 ftlattnees. 10o
SUMb, 10c and 30.
xn David xielaaeo'a Modern retry flay,
A deUrnt alike for child or adult. Tae
Teter ran" of Motion rhotoffraphy.
Omaha vs. Wichita
May 24, 25, 20 and 27.
Monday, May 23, Ladies' Day.
Games Called at 3 p. nu
Dancing and Othsr Attractions
Nathan's Lake
Summer Resort
Formerly Kelly's Lake. We will
m ip m iss i
IV ' r """" J