12 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 26. 1914. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Longs in Wheat Will Have to Hustle to Stampede Market. CORN HINOmQ ON WEATHER ItepoHs from Southern Hemisphere TelllnK Abont Continued Rain nnthrrlnir nnd Keeping Stnrket TTncrrtnln. OMAHA, May 28. 191. The wnet talent la mainly short In that market, hut It will take only a few sharp twUta of the principal longs to cause a general stampede of the pro fessionals and to make them bid the market higher. The situation surround ing wheat at present Is mixed and It will take continued good report In order to prevent an advance In valuca. Rome new territory was added to the "crop damage section" And thes came from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, where the. crops heretofore were paid to be In Ideal promise. These reports wero from somo of the best millers of the stales mentioned and they say there must bo a downpour of rain to give the ground enough moisture, as well as to dlslodgo tho Insects now In the wheat On the other hand, the advices from well known crop experts In Oklahoma and Kansas told of the conditions as excellent, save In scattered parts of the latter state, whero there have been additional losses by fly. The larger men In the wheat trade have secured the profits of late They are more than likely to continue on the bull nllo of wheat and this In the face of the fact that the harvesting of that grain will soon be under way In the south and southwest Cash wheat Is soarca In the winter wheat belt and the best Judges of that grain advance the opinion that It will sell higher. Spring wheat has been seeded under most favorable conditions and the pros, perts are bright for the growing crop In our northwest as well as In Canada. The best Judges of market conditions are now carrying a lino of long wheat, not only at Chicago, but at .Minneapolis and Win nipeg, In the belief that a change will be seen In the spring wheat promise In a short tiros. Those In tho speculative wheat world who take on a Una of that grain during the growing season are generally the winners. There have been exceptions to this rule, however, and heavy losses have been made In the Chicago market by speculators who adhered to the hull side of wheat In the expectation that crop damage would help them out. The corn market continued to hlngo On the weather conditions in the south ern hemisphere. There wero additional rains there and conditions aro poor for the shelling and movement of the large quantity of corn held In that country. A great deal of this grain Is said to be In bad shape, and the importing coun tries, Including the United States, are refusing to take tho grain already pur chased unless it Is "guaranteed." Crop reports on oats were rather un favorable and there was somo shorts to cover on these advices, and there waa some demand on Investment account A larger run of hogs Is expected the coming week and there was some selling on this Information Baturday, when Urn feeling was quite tamo. Cash wheat was Ho lower. Cash corn-was Uc to 4c lowor. Cash oaus were unchanged to Ho higher. Clearances ot wheat and flour were 1, 47J.OOO bu., corn, 21,000 ml.; oats, 94,000 bu. At Liverpool wheat was UW-Sid lower, corn lHQIHd lower. and shipments 296.000 bu., against receipts and shipments S6.00 bu., against receipts of 627,000 bu. and shipments ot 631,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 906,000 bu. and shipments 615,000 bu., against re ceipts ot 646,000 bu. and shipments of 205,000 bu. last cyar. Primary oata receipts were 871,000 bu. and shipment 549,000 bu., against re ceipts of 938,000 bu. and shipments of 87,- 000 bu. last year. CAR.LOT ItECBlPTS. Wheat Corn. Oau. Chicago 127 SI 153 Minneapolis ...... 22S ... ... Duluth 51 Omaha 54 254 34 Kan. City 54 184 ' 16 8t. Louis 59 HI fcS Today Is holiday in Winnipeg. These sales were reported today: Wheat -No. 2 hard winter, 3 cars, SSlic No. 8 hard winter, 1 car, SSWjo; 1 car, 87H: Vi car, S7c No. 4 hard winter, 1? car, 6o. Corn: No. 2 white, 6 cars, 70c. No. 3 white, 2 cars, 65io; 6 oars, Hic. No. 4 white, 1 car, GiKc; 1 oar, tisc; 1 car, 67 Wo; 1 car, 67a No. I yellow, 10 cars, C9c; 6 cars, OH4c; 9 cars, c No. 3 yellow, 6 cars, 694c; 13 cars. Cue. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 68io; 2 cars, C8c. No. 3 mixed, 11 cars, 69c No. 3 mixed, 14 cars, 6SVio; 3 cars. 6$Hc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, exc; 3 cars, u?ho; 1 car, 66c, ityo; No. 3, I car, 6Kc. Oau: No. 3 white, 1 car. 3S!io; 10 cars, SSc. No. 4 white, 6 cars, 37 No grade, 3 cars, 7 He Omaha Cash Frlcos Wheat: No. 2 hard, fHc; No. 3 hard, WflSSMfc; No. 4 hard. MtjSTc, No. 3 spring, SJUiJfKSc; No. 4 spring, 83H64e; No. 2 durum, tfiUWe; Jo. 3 durum, 85086c. Com: No. 2 whlt. CStKOc; No. 3 while, 69Vi0tOio; No. 4 wnue. wvitjwir ; j,o. yellow, 06iG9Vic; No. 3 yellow, t8Hi360ic; No. 4 yellow, No. 4 white, 37iit7ic. Barley: Malting, waoic; mo. i ieea, 4iwc. live; No. 2, ltSc; No. 3, 67H86SC CHICAGO GRAIN AND I'UO VISIONS CHICAGO, May 35. Period weather conditions for ripening the wheat crop which Is now near to harvest In Okla homa and Kansas more than offset to day unfavorable advices from other states, especially In Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. Strength was maintained only In the May option, in which speculative trading had come nearly to a standstill. Most of tho transactions were in the new crop deliveries. Prices opened He off to So up and then suffered a material set bask. Auspicious tidings In regard tu the oro- gress ot the spring crop emphasized the prevalent oearian reeling. There was an unsettled close, MtHo lower to He. ad vance, compared with Baturday nlglu't Argentine advices that promised an en largement at exports had weakening effect on corn prices here. Demand waa of a scattering character. Alter opening Vic to He lower, the market showed but lit tle nower to react Demand from Industries brousht about later a moderate rally. The close was nervous, varying from He down to He net advance. Continued dry weather east of the Mis siasippl made oats relatively firm. Weak ness of other grain, however, prevented the bulls from being aggressive. Provisions declined with hogs. First ales were 2H to lOo lower and there was no sign or any important rally. Chicago future prices: Ajrtldel Open. I Hlgh. low. Close. 1 6at'y. Wheatl May. July! Com i Maj-.j July. Oats 1 Msjr.1. July-I Pork i July.! 20 00 Bepti Lanl I July.l 10 00 Beptt 10 15 Ribs I Sept 11 32H Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red. Pitjvjc; no. s naro. wmwc; iso. z north ern, 978Sc; No. 2 spring. 97C'JSc. Corn No. t, 71He; No. J yellow. IlHc; No. I yellow, 71871HC- OaU: No. 2 white. 4!U C4IVC No. S white, 40i41;c; standard. lt1iWvc. iye. tsa. t, ujc. itariey:. H 6tc Timothy; $3.7534.75. Clover: $10.a 15.00. Pork: $19.9i Lard: $9.83. Ribs: $10.$; (&11.37H. BITTER Higher; creameries. lfcB&Ae EGGS Steady; receipts. 23.270 cases; at mark, cases included, 16918c; ordinary rnEFi8B-6tfjdy: daisies. 14.m.:r twins, J3014c; American, 15QHWc: Ixinr horns. 14j.r4c. POTATOES Higher; receipts, 40 cars Miehlcan and Wisconsin white. tdfUL-u Michigan red, T075f, Louisiana new, 1 MJ. POt. LTRY Alive, steady; foa'ls, 15c. New York General Market. NEW YORK. May 2& SUGAR Raw, steady; moiaaeea, z.wc; centrtfugmJ. 3.29c 87 9$ 97H 97S 97H S7HI S7H S6T4 S7U 8Hi 69H 70H 69H 70H 70 6T!i 6SH 67H 67Tm 6S 42U 41 4 41 8H 40 S9H! S9H 3Mi 20 17HI 20 00 30 10 20 10 19 85 I 19 77H 19 82H 19 90 1 9 87H 10 05 10 15 10 05 10 06 10 20 11 I II 4A 11 Art 1 nr U-32HI 11 30 II 80 HUB refined, Mead . ut loaf. 5fc. rush'd, 4tc. nmuld A'. 4.'r. unes. 4 36r . XXXX powdered. 4.2c; powdered. 4.20c; fine granulated, 4.10e: diamond "A". 4.10c; confectioners' "A", i.Ks; No. 1, 3.90. HirTTKIV-Creflmery extras, 2mtWr; flrMs, 34646c; seconds, J243Hc; process extras, ftHflSlr; labels, current make firsts, lfrSmio. t'lLBBHB-mate whole milk, fresh white or colored specials. llHtftMic; average fancy, 12413ltc; skims, lHHIOc. KGClfT-Fresh gathered extras. SagaSHe; storage packed firsts, 20Vi)lHc; extra firsts, 20U71!ie: firsts. lOKOOTe. POl'LTKV-Llve, firm; western fowls, 174c; turkeys, lMic; dressed, steady; western chickens, frozen, lfcfraoc; fowls, 144319c ; turkeys, 2036c OMAHA GnTVrltAl, BtATlKET. BtJTTEn No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 27c! No. I, 60-1 b. tubs, 27c. CHKEBB Imported Swiss, 2c: Ameri can Swiss, 2c; block Swiss, 22c; twins, IKo; daisies. 18 He; triplets, 18Hc: Young Americas. 19c; blue label brick. 17!io; Urn burger. 2-lb., 20c; New York white, 20c. FISH White, c; trout 16c: large crap pies, 13c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe. per pair, 60c; salmon, 21c; halibut, 11c; buffalo, 9Hc; channel catfish, 15c; pike, 13c; pickerel, 9c. POUI.TKY-nrollers, 30c; hens, 13c; cocks, 10c; ducks, 12c, geese, 10c; turkeys. 17c; pigeons, per dozen, 90c; ducks, full feathered. 12c; geese, full feathered, 10c; squabs. No. 1. Jl.W; No. 2. 50c. BEKF CUTS-No. 1 ribs, 17c; No. 2, 17c, No. 3, 16a No, 1 loins, 19c; No, 2, 17e; No. 3, No. 1 chuckii, UlSc; No. 2, He; No. 3, 10He. No. 1 rounds. 14,4r; No. 2, 13V; No. 3, lJVic. No. 1 pistes, 9o; No. 2, 8Hc; No. 3, 8c fltt'lTB OranKers. F.xtra fancy Pun klst naval. 2.M per box; 99s, 100s, $2.75 per box; 126s. t3.no per box; 99s, 100. 12.75 box, 176s, Zofls, 216s, 2Mb, tl.50 per box. Med. sweet 176s, 250s, 2Ss, 324s, 13.23 per box. lemons: Extra fancy Golden Bowl, .IDs, 3)0s, J.1.f per box; fancy Silver Cord, .100a, 300s, 11.60 per box; extra fancy Sunklst Trail, 300s, .Vfls. $5.00 per box. Grape fruit. Extra fancy, 64s. 11.26 per box: extra fancy, 46s, $4.00 per box; extra fancy, 36m, 33.50 per box; Indian River, 64s, 80s. 35.00 per box. Apples: Bon Davis, 12.00 per box; Ben Davis, $5.60 per bbl. Cherries: California $2.25 Per box. Pineapples. Cuban, 24 size. $100 per crate; 30 size, $3.00 per crate; 36 size. $3.00 per crate; 42 size. $2.60 per crate: 4ft size, Z 35 per crate. Bananas. $1.75fjfl.50 per bunch. VKOKTABLEK Home-grown spinach, SSc per bu. Cabbage' New Texas, 2o Per lb ; California, 2He per lb. Texas Yellow Bermuda onions, $2.00 per crate, Crystal Wax, $2.60 per crate. Peppers, 60c per basket Fancy Florida tomatoes, $4.00 per crate; cnoire, n.wi per eraie. L-ucumners, hothouse, $1.00 per dozen. New beets, car rots, turnips. Mo per dozen. Celery, $1.60 per dozen. Head lettuce, $1.60 per dozen; eaf lettuce. 40c per dozen. Onions, home- grown, i6o per dozen. Radishes, 15o per dozen. Tarsley, 40c per dozen. Garlic, Italian. 20c per lb. Horseradish. S1.S5 ner case, Shell popcorn, 6a per lb. Cabbage Plants, ibc per box. Tomato plants, 7ic per box. Asparagus, home-grown, ner dozen bunches, market price, New pota toes, por namper; extra rancy Colo rado and Wyoming, white stock, 90o per bushel. HONEY New Colorado. No. 1. 24 frame. $3.00 per case. NUTS Salted peanuts, $1.60 per case. No. 1, California walnuts, ISVio per lb. Pecans, 12Hc per lb. Filberts, 15o per lb. Almonds, loo per lb. Brazils, l6o per lb. Popcorn, 6c per lb. MIBCBL.LANEOUS Sugar walnut dates, $1.25 per box; limes, $1.75 per basket; Crackerjack, $3.60 per case; Crack erjack, $1.75 per half caso; checkers, $1.75 pet; halt case; Checkers, $3.50 per case. Corn nnd Whent legion Bulletin. Corn and WheAt reirinn hllllKlIn nf ha United States Department of Agriculture. Wfiather bureau, at Omaha, for the twen. ty-four hours ending at t a, m., 75tn mcnoian time, Monday. May 25: OMAHA DISTRICT. .rrTemp. . Rain- w. fall. Sky. 70 .00 Clear 67 .00 Clear 61 .00 Clear 61 .00 fear M .00 clear S .00 Clear 65 .00 Clear 63 ,00 Clear 60 .00 Clear 64 .00 Clear 67 .00 Clear 70 .00 Clear 64 . 00 Clear" 69 .00 Clear 64 .00 Clear 67 .00 Clear 69 .34 Clear 66 .oo Clear 60 .00 Clear 70 .00 Clear 70 .00 Clear DIBUOni. IIICII. 1 Ashland. Neb.. R3 Auburn. Neb... fa Broken Bow Nb $6 luoiumbus, Neb 89 Culbertson.N b. 93 jj-airbury, Neb. so Fairmont. Neb. 88 G. Island. Neb. 89 Hartlngton, Nb 87 Hastings, Neb. fa noiarego, Neb. fA JJncoln 00 North Platto.. M Oakdale, Neb.., 82 Omaha ., S9 Tekamah, Neb. 83 Valentine. Nb. M Alta, la. 84 Carroll, la 85 uiannda, la.... 90 Sioux City. Ia. S3 Minimum tamneratum fnr twvivji.hnii period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. , . . , No. of Temp. Raln DtstriCt Stat on. IIIcli. f.n i-oiumuui, u ik 82 63 .00 90 62 .00 SS 64 .00 80 62 .40 00 64 .00 88 69 .80 80 6R .30 86 66 .10 88 63 .30 Louisville ivy... 22 Indlanpolls 13 Chicago 24 bt. LOUIS 18 Des Moines 21 Minneapolis .... 62 Kansas City 32 Omaha 17 Varm weather nrevniurf 1 1. .ni.n,.i the corn and wheat rsirlon. Rnl general In the Mlnnennnlla mi nil districts and scattered showers occurred !J,i.ul5i,iraa.nB' ut ones and Kansas City dlstrlcU. , L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Kansas City Groin nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mav X.-WIII31T-U. hard- ?lfl2ci No. 3 red, tOSMo; Mayi Ho; July, 81Hc. wivn-no, 2 mixed, 7imiHc: No. 3. 71 72o; No. 3, 71fI2ci Na 3 White, 7676o; 18 JSM remsci J,ay 71Hci mfxOc? WhUe' 40Wi8 8 BUTTEH Creamerv. flr.t. seconds. ISc; packing, 15He. ' ' ia'uo-r irsis. ic; seconds, 15c. POULTRY-llens.' lie; springs, 16c Liverpool drain Market. i.ivnnpnni. uMinir steady; No. I Manitoba, 7 7d; No. 2. 7a 6Hd; No. 3. 7s 6d. Futures, easy; July. 7s 3Hd; October. 7s Id. COIJN-Spot. quiet; American, mixed. 6s 7d La Plata futures, weak; July. 6s FLOUR-Wnter patenU. 28s. HOPS In London: Pacific coast, fttj 4 IIS. St. I.ouU Cenernl Market, ST. LOUIS. S:v 25.-.WHBATvi red. 9MJ96Wc: N-. 2 hard. 94MTU. m... 94Wb; July. 840S4Hc " CORN-No. 2. 7IUc; No. 2 white, 74 w; Moy. tihc; July, 69Hc. OATS No. 2. 40140 Vto: No. 2 whit. Ji 41Hc Mlnneapol a Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Mav K VIf IT n May. 95ie; July. 9J'.io: No. 1 hard. 964 97c; No. I northern. 6iC05o. Chicago Live Stock Market. CHICAGO. Mav 24. OATTI.Bn.ii. 21.000 head. Market ateadv in loweri beeves. $7.40fl9.30; steers, $710ffS.20 aiucnrra nnu lecaers, cat.M; cows and heifers. $3.7508.7$; calves. $7.5010.50. iiuviD rveceipis, ne.wJ neaa. Market slow, 16o lower; bulk of sales, $$.2518.30; light $8.168.S5; mixed. $3.10fl.S5i heavy. $mJ8.33H; rough. $7.S5rj.00; pigs. $7.30ff $.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS n.r.lnt. ijim hf. Market generally 10c lower; sheep. H-JrtSS-S1 yfln"!- . SllOffTOO; lambs. $6108 30; springs. $6.60g.40. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Mav &-HAY-Ti,i.. m.i upland. $l4.0nsfi4.6O; n0. 1, $lV00tl.m; No. 2. $9.00913.00: No. 3. $7.00tJ9M. Clio ce mldlsnd. $13.6ftl4.(W. No. 1 flJ.tMlSOO: 3'13.00: No. 3. $7.0039 00. Choice i; uiJwawRt no. i. rooajoflo: Choice wheat. U.&(VMno Aif.ir. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 15,-COTTON-Fu. tures closed ateadv: Mav iik... l.i 12-SSo; August. 12.72c; October. 12.67e; De cember. 12.44c: Janiiarv n nv. c. steady; mldllng, 14.10c; gulf, it36c; saUs. Cotton Market. . LIVERPOOL, May 24,-COTTON-,SdoL steady; good middling. S.l8d; middling. 7.66d; low middling. 7.0fd. Bales? 8,0fio Elsrla Batter Market. ELGIN. Ill, May 25, -BUTTER S3ic. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Open Steady to Dime Lower Than Last Week. HOGS FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Valnes Ilrenk tlecanse nf Bearish News from Other Markets Sheep nnd Luihi Ten to Trrenty Cents Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. May 25, 1914, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Estimate Monday .... 3.700 6,800 4,600 Fame day last week . 2..MS 6.694 3,86$ Samo day 2 wks ago . 3.694 1.M 7,78t Same day 3 wks ago . 3,304 6,762 6,436 Same day 4 wka ago.. 3,603 4.862 3.9U7 Same day last year... 2.972 6,03 8,$S0 The following table snows nr receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with Inst year: 1914. 1913. Inc. Deo. Cattle 336,767 864.650 n.893 Hogs 1.09S.2S7 1,166,834 W.otf Hheep 9W.S20 848,333 134,47 The following table shows the range ot prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with romps ri sons: Date. I 1914. 1913. 11912.ll.1910, 1900. 190. May 6.. S 31 U 8 211 8 141 8 10 8 20 8 24 8 14) 8 16 8 22 8 22 8 241 8 29 7 441 6 66 9 27 6 94 9 18 685 6 76 6 97 6 77 9 18 6 79 926 699 6 12 0Z 6 97 6 9i 9 23i 7 01 6 97 9 S0 7 04 1 9 39 7 08 6 96 I 7 Uj 6 96 9 80f ( 6 89 9 36 7 061 6 U 9 441 7 Oil May 7. May 8. 8 36V 8 Z7U 7 49 7 59 May 9,, 8 28 7 69 May 10. 8 IS 7 66 May It 746 7 441 7 65 7 69 May 12. May 13. 8 1?H 8 18 8 19 8 MX 8 29H May 14. May 15. May i May 17, 7 65 7 62 May is. I May 19.1 May 20. 8 SOU 7 6: II 6 Si I 6 79 6 731 8 23Hl 8 9 S8 6 02 5 84 9 391 6 981 6 38 8 19 8 24 7 601 nay 2i. May 22. May 23.1 May 24. May 25. 8 34 7 42 7 45 7 49 7 46 9 411 7 01 8 17V 8 29 8 30 5 64 7 00 8 16 6 69 6 62 9 43 0 39 8 39 8C0H) 7 491 6 701 9 19, 7 101 6 14 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union stock yards. South Omaha,' for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. C M. & St. T 5 3 Wabaah 2 .. .. .. Missouri Pacific... 3 'Union Pacific 61 C. & N. W east., 7 C. & N. W.. west. .38 C, St. P., &U . O.. 11 C, B. & Q., east., 3 C, B, & Q., west.. 3 C, R. I. A. P., east 4 Illinois Central .... 1 Chicago Gt. West 4 18 6 32 2 1 3 2 3 1 10 Total receipts... 166 95 21 DISPOSITION HEAD. cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Morris &. Co... , 60S (livlfl i. 1,180 4 1,460 1,529 1,657 .499 1,186 1,336 1.189 Cudahy Packing Co.... 793 Armour & Co 695 J. W. Murphy Morrell 10 Lincoln Pack Co 6 S. O. Pack. Co 6 Kay P. Co 481 W. B. Vnnsant Co Benton, Vansant & L. Hill A Ron 3 47 46 F. B. Lewis 90 J. B, Root & Co, 20 J. II. Bulla , 13 Roscnstock Bros 49 Worthelmer & Degen.. 110 it. v. Hamilton Rothschild Mo, & Kan. Calf Co... Hlgglns Huffman Roth Meyers Baker, Jones & B Tanner Bros. Other buyers 8 79 15 10 13 7 7 33 196 165 34 TotaU 2,461 6,611! 4.221 CATTLE The week CDfiiis out with a fairly liberal run, ana the general qual ity of the offerings was hardly as good as last week. Yearlings ot fair to me dium quality predominated, and a good share of tho heavier cattle were on tho rough and unfinished order. On account of the warm weather cattle were tak ing on a heavy till and this lead dressed beet raon to delay their purchases as long as poiilble. First bids were anywhere from steady to a dime lower than last week, the decline being heaviest on the plain and only partly fatted cattle, while some ot the best yearlings went at figures that compared very favorably with the latter part of last week. It was a slug gish trade, however, from start to fin ish. Advices from eastern markets were somewhat bearish In tone and It was lata in tne lorenoon before anything like a clearance was effected. The market for cows and heifers pre sented no new features. Demand from' both packers and outside butchers was very active for the very few desirable cows that ware offered and prices com pared very favorably with the latter port of last week. There is some complaint as to grassy stock, but demand from all sources Is so Keen tnat up to date there has been no discrimination. Veal calves bulls, stags, etc.. found the usual vigor ous demand and prices were firmly held tor anyimng at an useiui. The trade In stockers and feeders was moderately active as far as It went and prices fully steady for anything good enough to attract competition. Light weight and good quality steers and belt ers sold readily at strong figures, but the heavy and plain kinds were appar ently not wanted Dy reouer buyers or packers, and In some cases values looked a little lower. Volume ot business In this line was comparatively small. Quotations on cattle: Good to prime yearlings, $S.3u&9.00; good to choice beet steers. $8.40428.86: fair to good beef iters. $&00$.40; common to fair beef steers, II.wbwju; gooa 10 cnoice corniea neir ers, $7.60iQ.60: good to choice cornfed cows. $6.k27.&0; fair to good grades, $4.00 E6.75; common to fair grades, $4.6036.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.75 418.10: fair to good stockers and feeders. $7.40a?,75; common to fair stockers and feeders, $7.00Jj'7.4Q; stock cows and heif ers. $6.00i37.76; stock calves. $6.60(a.25; veal calves. $S,0OfflLW. bulls, atags. etc.. $&76 uepreseniauve saies. BEEF STEERS. No. At- rr. ..... W4 7 eo lttM T 74 Ml 1 10SO I 00 UM I 00 414 t 04 ..1U1 8 04 No. I... T... 17.., 17.., 1... 30.. 11.. a.., i.., 41... 11... 21.. tl... H.. 24.., 1.. ... Av. PT. ......UL1 8 1(80 I 40 Ml 8 44 7t I 44 1114 t 44 ..1441 4t IK I 41 1 I M s... 4... 11... 11... II... 20... ... 17... Tan i m 1... 1 1 list t m 21... SB... ..1136 I 20 I 20 t 2S s u I 26 23 8 24 I M 14 I 14 ::::::::S ., 1U1 1102 1111 .111 441 ........ S60 12 49 un 1111 1311 718 ........ M0 lie I'd I 14 I t t M I T I I M 17... 24... II... 6... I., i IS... .1HI .1211 BTEElltJ AND HEIFERS. ...WO 7 40 11 720 I 20 ...til III l...v UM I 20 14.. 11.. .... a?5 1 w It MH 8 3B TSl m 1 10 in I as i ii COWS. ee 4 u W0 4 80 1000 40 MO.IOI 204 00 1004 14 10(0 t 810 2 1070 K 1021 0 ....11S 4TI ....itoo t n ....1C40 I tS .... KO 7 00 ....1207 7 10 ....127 T 10 ....1170 7 26 ...1( 7 4 . .140 T U ...120 7 W -... HI 4 10 HEIFER& 4 Tl 2 00 SO 7 00 1 7S , 214 W ...122 t Q ... 811 7 C ... 4(4 I 00 ...101 t 10 ... 470 I 10 ...IMS T ...1240 4 Tl ...1970 T ...1X50 M ...14M t0 ...MM TOO ...in t oo ...420 T 10 ...MM Tta ...400 T ... 240 It (A ... 14S 1M ... 17 10 TJ ... lt 11 00 ... 21 11 00 ... in u oo IM 11 M M0 T 10 7 2 BULLS. 440 IM 1.. 102O 10 I1U 10 1210 14 1214 2 110 IrM SO 1240 14 0 40 i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. t.. 2.. 1.. 1 . .. t . .. 1.. I.. ., 1700 6 71 CALVES. 42 111 T 40 211 8 50 111 I M 20 20 20 IA n l. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. , eo u 1(1 t 4i TW t IS 44 TW TM tl T It M4 T M t T I IM T 4 14 . . . m T II $41 T P) WESTERNS. Idaho. 46 feeders 10M 7 40 steers.. 103S 7 00 8 bulls. .. 14S6 6 36 7 bulls . . .114 6 3$ steers.. ..1317 IK, 36 steers.. ..1310 7 68 36 steers.. .1190 7 60 Montana. 1 feeders . 994 7 90 26 stockers. 1141 7 90 HOGS A sharp break In the market at other points ani line. .MmiJay rv,n at lh local yardj enab'pl porkers to con tinue to ioinJ pr 's till- morumg. Latiy In the day shlp.iers and speoulstots bought a few t t;n best hogs around $106, their puronnses being all of 1015e lower than SaturJay. Packers made their first bids at figures that were lie lower than the close of last week. Only a few loads moved ai mis time however and a little later offers dropped l?low 100, or to a LV820C lower basis. Things drag ged along with nothing mucn moving until about 10 o'clock, when prices braced up a little nnd regained their early level. By this time sellers had como to the con clusion that It was use'ixs to fight tho decline any longer, and when the supply finally began to movo It war at the fv Jires offered early In the morning, fully 15c lower. As Is conno.i on cur-h a lear wh trade movemont was dull throughout .Th long end of 'h sales landed at $?,00, although most if the shlpperV pu; chases and a few loads sold to parKc-rs reached $8.06, while a few featuring loads sold under the $x.i) murk. A liberal Monday supply showed u.i s,mfthlng like nlnety-two cars, or .t.lrt h..-ad l.eln received. This Is 600 larger thu.i a week ago. and almost 1..T00 homier than llio same day a year ago. Representative Bales: Ko. ... tl .. 74. . 7 . SO... At. Hh. Pr ,.iw 1M 7M . 114 119 7 as .114 110 1 K .110 ... 7 96 Hi H IIS ..111 N 1H No. 70... ... 15.. on.. 75... 70... ... II... 71... 7... 41... M... eo... 70 . 74... . At. Sh. Pr. 2S1 io I 00 ... loo ..2 130 100 . . 22 240 I 0) ...212 240 8 00 ...244 ... im ...Kl ... IOo ...aw ko too ...212 ... loo ...211 200 8 00 ...291 200 8 00 76... 71 334 130 7 97 U 71 1M 10 T ITS 1 ..2M ... 100 64 275 1M M " 105 ) St 00 71. ... 140 no ...2f un loo . ..UJ ... too ...SO SO 8 00 ...211 ... II 00 ...2SS 240 1 00 ...us ro j on ...2 in a no ...17 ... 00 ... 200 I 00 241 240 8 00 .J M 8 00 42... 44... .. 74... SI... .,. J... 69... t. . ..213 ..Ml 40 8 00 40 8 00 SO 8 00 .. 8 00 10 I 00 .. 8,00 .. a oo 40 oo 40 8 00 ..?J 79 77 t M 2(7 77 47 11 71... 27.. .. 0 .... M 71.... M ; B4 xi . . 71 . .. J M.. 78 61 . ... 4 M .ITS .235 .ro io I oo .2(4 ii) 1 m 119 200 8 00 224 80 8 00 2M 200 8 00 249 40 8 00 4 80 8 M in 4o a oo 218 80 8 00 lit MO 8 00 M ... 8 03 274 ... 8 0S 271 140 8 W 201 M m Ml ... 8 0S 4 271 300 I 00 M tX7 ... 100 Tl 2J 10 8 00 77 130 140 oo 44. .241 .. 8 00 W I 00 n oi 7.. 86. . 72.. W.. .2) .212 2T7 .211 in oo 40 oo no s oo 279 IM 8 00 " 9 ISO 8 00 4 208 110 8 00 2 7 ... 8 00 7? 1M ... 8 00 1 11 . . 8 00 1 12 110 8 00 44 21 .. m .210 .143 .VA .248 274 40 X OK 40 8 03 80 8 PS .. 8 M 0 t 05 BHEEP-Conttnued unsatisfactory con ditions In the east on the dicssed mutton markets exerted a bearish Influence at most Hye stock centers this morning, and. notwithstanding another very mod erate supply of killers here, trade waa sluggish most of the forenoon with prices on dipped ewes nnd clipped lambs show 125 adocln8 of anywhere from lOo to 20c. The receipts, most of which were clipped lambs, amounted to no more than abount 4,600 head, and aside from three I :2UJC,U',, n? K00d t0DPy Offerings were at the disposal of the packer buyers. The f5f5clt.y L ch0'f grades also helped the trade to drag along. It being well on to ward noon before anything like a clear ance was effectid. Most of the uippid lambs sold at a range of $7.6087.(6. There being a very scant supply ,f ..i ei:ee here n( many sales were rt.orted. Some clipped ewes changed hands afoubt the middle cf the forenoon at $4.75. Chicago was reported nr. having a good run for a Monday and prices showed a decline amount. jk to KffiOo. Quotations qn Bhoep and Lambs; shorn stock: Lambs, good to cholco, $7.66116.10: lambs, fair to good. $7.607.76; yearlings good to choice, $6.9uig'7.15; yearlings, fair to Rood. $6.6090; weUiers, good to &$2SJF-W't' WetlerS, fair tgocd" 035.65; ewes, good to choice, $5.40 ..75; ewes, fair to good, $5.Mi6.4o7 Repreaentatlve sales: " 312 shorn lambs 25 culls 163 shorn lambs 241 shorn lambs 250 shorn lambs 65 63 7 SO 6 13 S3 88 80 65 46 78 70 7 70 7 75 7 65 8 OO 8 09 126 shorn lambs 103 spring lambs zji snorn lambs 237 shorn lambs .... SS .... 88 .... 65 .... 64 .... 65 .... 66 .... 64 ....107 .... 88 .... 81 .... 70 .... 70 75 117 shorn lambs 293 Cal, spring lambs..... 2S0 Cal. spring lambs.... 292 Cal. spring: lambs.... 7 75 9 10 9 10 D 10 J i wai. spring lambs.... 63 Cal. BDrine lambs 10 9 10 5 25 127 shorn ewes 163 shorn lambs 7 25 244 shorn lambs 120 shorn lambs 2S7 shorn lambs 7 7 36 7 45 Kansas City Lire fltock Market. KAN OAS CITT. Mav K hattt n- jieceipis. b.vuu nead. Market stenriv tn strong: prime fed steers, $8.4036.90; dressed beet steers. $7.6033.40: weatam steers, $7.268.T0; southern steers, $6.60Q 8.28; cows. $4 507.60; heifers, $6.7509.00; stockers and feeders, $6.6003.25; bulls, $6.00 7.00; calves. K60310.50. HOGS-Receipts, 8.000 head. Market lower; bulk of soles, $8.0GS.28r. heavy, $8.20 w.ni pacKers ana ouicners, IS.10fif8.26: .(kllka, o.wuo.u; visa; I.OZlltJU. SHEEP AND LAMBS .Receipts, 10.000 ncuu. wirAci Bie&a yio luc lower; imhi $7.00(50.25; yearlings, J6.003.76; wethers. .wvuv.uv, OVYCfl, t.04j u. ID. St, Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, May 25. CATTLK-Tte. celpts. 4.300 head. Market steadv: nativ beef steers. $7.60(39.10; cows and heifers. niocKers ana leeaers, .oo.oo; southern kteers, t5.7&JJS.40; cows and helf- ra. 14 KO)?Ml.AR. n.Hv. p.Ivm til mfhiA . . - w , ...... . w. . bw, ..v.VklV. HOOS Receipts. 11,000 head. Market 6o to 10c lower: pigs and lights. $7.00tft.4fl: muca ana uuicnera, ju.; gooa neavy, &.vnie.tv. RI1VFIT ivn T.AMriK Tl...ln.. c - . - ...... . .,Vvq,yM, V,UW nrau. aiarxei lower; snearea muttons, i.ip'Oo.cm, sneareu laniDS, (.WB.uu. St. Joaeph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 25. CATTT.K n. ceipts, l.wu neaa. Market slow; steers, $7.6009.25; cows and heifers, $4.60fl,76; calves, $a.0010,00. HOOS Receipts, 4.M0 head. Market IOOISq lower; top. $S.25; bulk of sales, $S.I0 3.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.500 ntau. AiarKai auu lamDS. i.min?.m Traffic Bureau is Saving Much Money for Local Shippers Freight bills are worth money, espe cially It one can find an occasional error In one's favor in them and succeed In getting a rebate on the strength of the mistake. The traffic bureau In the Com- mer.ial club rooms has been handling tho freights bills for many large shlpplft? firms in the city and has succeeded In saving them thoussnds of dollars by keeping a careful check on tha bills anQ collecting the occasional overcharges 'hstt oocur. The Commercial Club Journal la calling the attention of the big bustnesi houses of Omsha to the fact that the traffic bureau la doing this work, and says: "Do not merely file away your freight bills. Send them In to the tratflo bureau to be checked. It will mean xn appreciable saving In the end." X-RAY PICTURES FEATURE OF HEAVY DAMAGE SUIT An X-ray exhibition is tha feature of a trial in progress In Tudge Leslie's dis trict court Pitcures ot tha injuries ot John Kor lnk, who Is truing Morris & Co. foi- IV) 000 damages alleged sustained in the packing plant fire, are thrown n a screen In a darkened court room fr the benefit of the Jury This is the second trial of tha case the jury having disagreed in the first Bank Clearings Bank clearings in tha United States for the week ending May 21, as reported to Hradstreet's Journal, New York, aggre gate $3.I13,663.0f)0, against $2.93,637.000 last wee ana w.iwlu's.wu in this weeK lait Vear. Canadian rlearlnra annl ItlU . 9JV.0C0. as against $1S0,96,000 last week and $2nfi.293.000 In this week last year. Fol lowing; are me returns tor tnis week, with percentages of change from this week last year: J Clrartnn. Ine. Dee. ll.IOM41.000 1.2 j llI.7J4.OOi) 2.4 I IM.UI.OW t 170.072.01) 15 4 71.110.000 II 44,4M.O0O 7.7 41.170.0CO .2 47.M9.000 ...... 1 4 I7,r2,0 4.7 a.241.000 1.1 24.2tt.0O0 5 I 11.744.000 1.21 ..... 22.1M.090 4.0 14,710.000 1.0 17.4S2.OO0 4.4 lt.B21.00) 4. 11,2:4.000 2.4 14.9flS.OftO 24 4 12.40S.tOO 1 12,145.000 41 I 11.472.000 1.1 10,70.000 U.3 11.2O2.OO0 20.B 2.072,000 4.0 M5S.OO0 J.S 2.2.0O0 1.2 4.414.O00 2.7 i. .. 7.4M.OOO 2.1 7.27S.OO0 2.4 .. .. M4J.000 2 7.481.000 72 6.211,000 1.6 B.2M.M0 1.1 4.711.000 4.4 6.141.000 6.5 4.O44.0O0 21.2 6.247.O00 1,4 I.OM.OOO 2 4.011,000 2.0 S.lSA.ono 2 1 2.4.M.O0O It 4,144,000 2.1 4,11.000 4.2 2.271,000 20.4 ... . 3.2SS.030 2. 3.S12 0001 . . 0 2,144.000) 2.2 2,840,000 1 l.OOO.OOOj 2,441.000 U.I 2.462.OO0 4.7 2,442.000 1T-.0I . . 2.744,000 20.21 2.411.000 21. 2l .. 2.SM.000 7.0 2.114.0O0 15.4 S.104.000. 2.12O.0OAI 20.0 2.444.0O0 2.6 . .. 2.129.000 4.1 2.111.000 1.7 2.3W.OO0I 21 71 11(4.000 12.41 2S1.000I 17. ! CITIES. Nw York.... Chletco rnnturirnia boston PI Lotilt ... rittsburih .. Ktnui otr . 4n KrsnclKo Biitlmnra Detroit Clnclnnitl ... HlnnMpolla Cleln1 . . Loa Angla New OrTfani OMAHA Mtlwauke .. AlluiU LouliTllla ... Frattl Duftalo rortltn4, Or. St. Paul . .. Dnr In4UttMlls . ProtldMice .. Mtmphli .... HUhmond ... Fort Worth . Bt. Jetton WahlnitHi D. O NnhTlll Albany Columbuft ..... Salt Ldke City.... Baotinlh Toledo' Dm Molnm Rofheiter lUrtford rtuluth Spokane Norfolk Macon .... Peorl Oakland Floox City Jarkannrllla, Flo. Blrm1n1um Wlrhlta Grand Rapids .... Nfw Karen P-vraeua Rcranton Rprlntfl'ld. Maaa. Worrter San DIo Taeoma I'haltanoota. ...... Dayton IJttle- Tloek wiiMllns Lincoln Fremont btocks Ami noiras. IteTlerr of Operations on Stock Ex change Dnrlnpc the Day. NEW YORK, May 2S.-Llttle change from thn dullness and Irrecrularlty of last week was shown by today's early stock market. Initial changes were nominal. tho only stock to vary more than a very Bmau iracium ucuih .umiiiuiiciii uivm which rose k. Unite States Steel and Amalgamated were slightly lower and the movement elsewhere waa witnout especial feature. London's range of prices for our securities wsa mostly lower and general news from abroad pointed to a continuance or recent restraining, conui tlons. . Tho market closed heavy today. The brief period of activity and better prices resulting from the supreme court de cision soon gave way to a resumption of the early idleness. For the most part tha ntt changes were unimportant. Number ot sales ana leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Salea. II 1th. Low. Clot. Amalgamated Copper.,.. American Beet Surar ... Amarloau Agricultural.... American CanNN American Can ptd American C & F American Cotton Oil.... American lee gecurulee American Llnaeed American Locomotive .. American S. a R Amer. H. H. ptd.... American Sugar ltet.... Amer. Tel. & Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Mlnlns Atchlaon Atchlton ptd Atlantic Const Una Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Ktfel Brooklyn Rapid Tran... Canadian Paclflo Central Leather 1 Chesapeake A Ohio Chlcaso Ot. Weal Chi., Mil. A St. P CM. A tt. Vi..... Colo. Fuel t Iron Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta Del. a Hudion .' I), t K. O Dlatlllerar Secutittea .. Krle Krie lit prd Brie 3d pM General electric Great Northern prd flreat Northern Ore ctfa. Illlnola Central InterborouKh.Met. ptd. . Interborouch-Mct. International Harr eater. International Marine ptd International Pump .... Kanaas Cltr Southern.. Laclede Oaa Lehtih VaJltr Loularllte & Naahvllle.. M., St. P. a fl. 8t. M. M.. K. & T Mlaaourt Pacific National lUecult ....... National Lead ......... N. Ttr. of M. 2d pM.. New Tortc Oenftral N. Y . O. A W Norfolk A Weet........ Norfolk & Western North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Teonaylanla Peoplea Gna Pitta.. C. C. & Bt. L... Ptttabunth Coal Preaaed 81 eel Car Pullman Palaea Oat..... Iteadlns Republic I, 8 (Republic I. a 8, pfd.... Rock laland Co pfd.,.. Rock lektnd Co . I A a. T. Sd pfd. Sabeard Air Una Beaboard Air Un pfd., Sloae-Shameld S. A I.. Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd... Tenneaeee Copper Texea A Pacific Union Pacific I'nlon Pacltlo pfd United Hlale Realty .. United Statea Rubber. . United Ptatea Si eel pfd. Utah Copper Va-C Ch. (. riiht).... WaUah Wabath Pfd ...... Western Maryland ...... Weetero Union Weetlnshotwe Electric Wheeling A Like Brie. Chlno Coppr R. CVmi. Ooncwr 2,200 11H 72H TSH 22 U 600 2ttt 2IH 2iV4 400 2IVi 21V ) 41 W tu4 1W 200 21Va 21Vi 31 sua low t 2V DO (lit 64 64 100U 400 106U 1 106 Ij 400 121 1214. 121H ::vi au 400 94 Mil MU 122 2,300 m tlt 22 2.204 42 IH 4IV4 1,300 V2 2V 4.200 194H IMVi 1M1. 300 S4H 34H 3i, 1.400 41 42U 6 J "4 13 200 1004 lOOUj 100H 13H 27'i 200 1UU IM 1274. 1 200 141K 14141 140 11 14 1.000 SU 23 41K 2 200 142 142 141H 200 12411 124U 124H 600 32U lt 224 110 Vi 400 li 144 14Vi lost.. 700 141 44a Vt , 4 2614 H . 1,600 140 12H 1H 136 . ... 123 201 17 164 1H 4,200 HVt IIS 16. 130 45 1014 400 93i sm SS 26 S00 104H 104T4 104H 76H 400 UOH UOVi UOVt 23 700 11m mil nit; 200 111U 121 121 3i 20 4214 144 '4 10.400 146H 145H 164H H 200 SIS 47ti 47 2O0 4S 4S K 200 2 2 2 6 600 204 1V 194 600 644. 424; HVi 21 eno 22 92H 1 1.200 22 141. 7V 200 21 S 244i 24S lVi 4,600 141 117U 147 400 11H 2H UH r 6h 25.700 2S 2S MH 00 110 110 10' 4.200 blV, HS 47H 200 V 2SS 2SS H 24 400 so 1914 mt 1S 4,600 12U 7IS 7JS 3H 41S 700 SIS 114 US Total tales for the day. 111.600 aharea. Loral Securities. Quotations furnished by Burns. Blinker ds CO.. at? uxnana aiiuiiai x3o.ua, uuiiu lng Omaha; mo. Aiwa, Crowell' Lumber Oa. lllh Deere A Co. p Fairmont Creamery pfd. I per ceat.. M" 100 Fairmont Creamery guar , I per cent.. SH 101 Omaha A C. B. ttr. & Bridie 06 u Union Stock Tarda. Oman.. lira Swift a Co.. I per "gris "1M ' 1"' Columbua Neb.. Eltc. Lt. ' Sa. 1H4. .U M Chleaso A N. W. 4t, 1MI 24 MH Fall River Co.. 8. D.. Sa. 1M2 102 101 14 Un. Ky & Lt f. 1J2 Lea Anaelea Rr. ea. 1241 M 24 New Tork Bute iV,t 10IH 10 Omaha Elee. Ut. A 1'ower ta. leu.... 11 HH Cltr of Omaha Sewer 4Ha. 1234 101 101a Cltr of Omaha. 4Ua. 141 IMS 101 Omana a c . t. nr- ea, i-. i Ptint Sound T . L. P. (a. 1212. loo 101 Rlvenlde Co.. Cat Sa. 1210 102H lot 22 Cirnnanln. Cel.. Via lf n ni San Mi(o WaUr 2a. 1220 . .. 102T4 104 IS Swift Co. oa, iw h Sloui Cttr Pock Yarda Se. 1120 2m 22H Flout City Telep. a. 124 1 Weet Tenn. Tree. Pr cent notea... im 92 Ex. DlT, w Bank ClearingTs. OMAHA. May 25.-Pank clearinga for nmaha. todar were $2,660,827.37 and for the corresponding day last year 23.03,033.22. London fltoek Market. LONDON, May 23. American icurttlea were dull and featureless aunng ine nrai hour today. At noon prices ranged from Hd above to Hd below parity. CONSOLS For money, 7H; account 74 s-is. SILVTQR Bar. weak. MONOT1 per cent; short bills. Sale of Goodyear Raincoat Co. Stock Continues. All Coats Marked at One-Half to One-Fourth Usual Retail Selling Prices. Don't Miss the Furniture and Rug Eargains in Our May Clearance. White Chep Shapes Nevr mid-srnnnipr blocks, fine ends quality; your choice of the lot PANAMAS -Made to sell new styles Tuesday's Linen Specials Napkins, half dozen lots, pure flax, full size, values to ?5.00 dozen, 6 for S1.50 Guest Towels pure Irish Linen, hemstitched, with place for monogram, 39c values Tuesday, each 25 Table Padding, heavy and heat resisting, 54 Inches wide, our regular 30c quality, yard 20 Assorted lot Crochet Bed Spreads, values up to J2.75 each.. $1.98 Odd Lots and Broken Lines of Women's Ready-to-Wcar Garments at One-Half to One-Third Actual Worth One Lot of Raincoats from the Good yenr stock that sold at $3.C0; while they Inst $1.00 All sizes for women or misses. Nobby Tailored Suits Made to sell at $15.00 nnd $18.00; new styles, most desirable fabrics JS7.95 House Dresses I Japanese Kirao- Percnles or ging hams, pretty styles, $1 .00 and $1.25 values; on sale at . . . .45c Bungalow Aprons 75c values, cut long and full, best colors; on sale at . . . .39c nos handsomely em b r o i d e red ; on sale Tuesday at $ 1.&5 Spring C o ats Nobby new styles, $.10 val ues, 100 to select from, at $5.00 See the Beautiful New Summer Greatest variety evor shown: at S3.95 85.95 $7.50.810 Special Bargains In Our Popular Domestic Room Closing out lines of wash goods at vry low prices. 36-inch Percales, the 12 c grade, at 9d 25c Plain Crepes 152 25c Kiddy Cloth, so popular for the kiddies, on sale at . . 15c 10c Plain Cambrics 5 25c Silk Striped Crepes .... 15c 25c Chiffon Voile 15c 15c Printed Creps IOC 25c Rice Cloth 15c 18c Zephyrs, 32-irich ... 12c EXTRA SPECIATi 10c, yard wide Bleached Muslin, at 5c Simpson's 6c Prints . . ... . . . . 4c 59c Sheets, 81x90 37l4tJ 12 VtC Pillow Slips, 42x36 7?c 1 case of $1.50 Bed Spreads 88c 1 case of $2 Bed Spreads 81.19 1 caso of fine Printed Curtain Scrim, 18c quality, on sale 102 1 case of Indigo Blue Apron Checks, fast colors, 64c grade, at : 39ic 1 case of 40-inch Lawns, 12 Vic quality 5J 1 case of 22x46 Bath Towels, very heavy and large, made to sell at 25c, on sale at 10c Wash Goods Dept. Specials Just in, an entire line of new novelties in summer wash fab rics. Very low priced. Dolly Varden Crepe, worth 50c, at 38C Woven Stripes 25c Paris Foulards 25c Crepe Voile 35) 36-lnch Reception Voiles 25 $1.00 Crope de Chine.. 85c Batisto 12 Vic Organdies 18t3 Flannelettes 15c And thousands of other goods too numerous to mention, but priced equally low. 22 LBS. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR. 48-lb. Saok Best High Qrads (I fl C Dlaunond K Plour Q I lUaJ 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C, Lenox or Laundry Queen white laun dry soap, for SSo 6 cans LuLu scouring soap. It beats the Dutch Mo 6 cakes Seleno scouring soap....3So 10 lbs. best white or yellow corn meal for ISO G lbs, choice Japan rice .35o 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice, 10c quality. for 25o 6 cans oil or mustard sardines, . . 3So 4 cans fancy sweet sugar corn.... 35c 3 cans Early June peas 35o 3 cans solid packed tomatoes 3So 32-ox Jar pure fruit preserve 35c Tall can-i Alaska salmon lOo 16-oz can condensed milk 7Hc E. C. Corn flakes, pkg. ,...6o Grape Nuts, pkg lo The Best domestic macaroni, vermi celli or spaghetti, pkg 7Mo The best hand picked navy beans, U. for 80 Large bottle Worcester sauce, pure to mato catsup 'or pickles, all kinds 840 Hankln Bros. Electric Spark soap, notHlng like It for washing, 7 bars 35o THS VSOBTABX.B MARKET rOH THE FHOFLS. Fresh spinach, peck Bo it tbv uvns'Ci nmr it PAYS ini I in 8 3 15-153 per cent; three months. 2J per cent Metal Market. NEW TORK. May SB. it BT A LS Lead, quiet; SS.I&&3.96; London. 1S 10s. Spelter, quiet; JS.C6fr6.15; Ixndon, 11 7s fid. Copper, quiet; spot and July, 313.700 1UIH; electrolytic Slt-25; lake, nominal, castings, fU-0031i.ll Tin. steady; spot. Fireman's Un iform Summer Shhts at Man ufacturer's Oo.st Prices. 98c at $3.00; splendid $1.98 $4 values, Dresses up from 812.50 For Your Drugs and Toilet Goods Try Hay den's First It Pays. Note Special Prices for Tuesday and All This Week. lOo cake Palm Olive or Jap Rosa Soaps, per bar.... 3o Pear's Unscented Soap, per bar. ,7J4o 15c package of 20 Mule Team Borax. for 4o Pebecco Tooth Paste ....aSo Lyons' or Kolonos Tooth Powder or Paste ioo A2urea Latreflo Face Powder. .. .660 15c bar White KoBe Glycerine Soap 9o 1 Plnaud's Genuine HtUr Tonic. 79o 50c I. a Blanche or Carmine Face Powder 3Bo 25c Bath Sweet lOo 60o Stillman's Freckle Cream.... 35o 60c California Syrup of Fiffs...35o 05c Fletcher's Castorta ,.17o 60c Danderine or Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 05o 25o Cutlcura or Woodbury's Soaps, at 13Vio 50c size Bromo Seltzer -...350 25o size Sal Hepatlca 13Ho 100 Dr. Hlnklo's Cascara Tablets lOo Two doz. 5-grain Asperin 10c 26c Peroxide. Sanltol or Pond's Ex tract Face Creams...., lOo Eight bars of Ivory Soap aso 26c Santa Flush ....14o 10c Shlnola Shoe Polish... - 3o Three bars of Williams' Shaving Soap Bo 60c quality Rubber Gloves. palr..l8o 14.00 Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed for two years $1.39 Underwear Section Domestic Room Men's Summer Union Suits, balbriggan and mesh, all sizes 69c values, at .... 49J Ladles' Muslin Gowns, Combi nation Suits and Skirts, 75c values at 49c Boys' Blouse Waists, K. & S. Brand, fancy stripes, plain white, light and dark blue, chambray, with .starched collar band, values to 75c, ut...iaUo Ladles' and Misses' Gauze Union Suits, laco trimmed, all sizes, SSc values at..... 3So Mr.'s Blue Chambray Work Shirts, with collars, all sizes, 14 to 1?. Regular 50c values.. 3So 3 for $1.00 Ladles' and Misses' Gauze Vests, l!Uc values at 7Uo -J .$1.00 2 bunches fresh asparagus 50 3 bunches' home-grown radishes. ,. .So 3 heads fresh leaf lettuce.. lOo 4 bunches fresh rhubarb so 6 bunches fresh onions 60 ttebh beets, carrots or turnips, per bunch 4o Fancy Illpe Tomatoes, lb 100 A310THEK CAS Or PINEAPPLES W advlaa our customers to buy now. Extra fancy, large size, each,,..i8o Per dozen 81.70 Fancy medium large size. each.. 130 Per dozen 51.45 Jieaium size, eacn 100 i-er aozen Choice medium size, each. Per dozen Small size, each Per dozen . -S1.10 ...7Wo . ...85o - ..6VI0 ... .700 HAYDEH'S rOK BTTTTEB AJTD CHEESE, A Saving of 35 to 50 Per Cent. The best creamery .butter, carton or bulk, per lb 330 Fancy Jo 1 country creamery butter, lb ago The best dairy table butter, lb..,. 330 Full cream Wisconsin or Young Amer ica cheese, lb 300 Jenny Bms. famous brick cheese, nothing finer or like It. lb loo ssrsaal I 1 pfly$ 3.U10S83.30; July. 333.333.40. Antimony, dull; Cookson'B. t7.3atf7.3JVa. iron, steady! No. 1 northern. lS.35Jie 75. No. 3 northi ern. H5.6Jfil6.R0: No. 1 southern, 3R75 16 IS; No. i' southern. U.50fis.CA London prices. Copper, steady; spot. 63 2s 6d futures. 63 IRs. Tin. steady; spot. i , CT tP"18' "y 25. MBTA LB Lead, lower, 33.80; spelter, dull. H9ni86.0X P