THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1014. 11 SWAPPERS COLUMN li APARTMENT AM & i AITS PKIi K 140.000; mtK-. H.oO0. 6H per cent, runs S years; rents yearly Will trade (or good farm or cell, about 3 years old. high-class Address 8 C. TM. car Hee. KOUJITEEN IvkLLKltsfllASS WHITB Orpingtons. 2 years old. What have you to offer Address S C 804. Bee. 180 ACRES, CLKAR. WANT INCOME. S. C. TI5. Omaha Bee. AUTO WORTH tm, TRADE FOR A good clear lot Address S. C. SSO, care Bee. FINE. SIUHTLY LOT, TWO BLOCKS north from Krus; Park. Trade for dia mond, piano, or what have youT Address S. C. 802 Bee. THREE 6-ROOM COTTAQKS, PAVHU street, good location, rented, only mtge.; want JS.GJO gen. stock for equ-ty, must he running. Address H. C. 4. Ilee. GOOD SO ACHES FUR MDSE. Trade Inn roved fO-acre farm, best rich tillable soil, R miles from County Seat In 8.-E. Nebraska, level land, will raise 60 bu. com per acre In fair year. Near dis trict school. Price JIO.000. mtg. J3.:ox Equity tor good little stock of General Mdse. Addresa I? C. 745, Bee. OmahL. BATES AUTOMATIC machine, five wheel, cost $15 und as food as new. Will soli cheap or trade tor anything can use. Address S. C. 70i care Bee. GOOD CLEAR LOT IN SOUTH OMAHA to trade for a 2-passeiiKer Ford; bo quick. Address 9. C. SOS Bee. 640-A. IMPROVED NEBRASKA RANCH, clear, want merchandise. S. C. 741. Bee. 80 ACRES, CLEAR. WAIN TV L'QUITV In homo, S. C. 742. Bee. I HAVE A 4 HORSE-POWER INDIAN motorcycle engine with Bosch magneto; will sell for $35 cash, or what have you to offer In exchange. Address S. C, SS9 Bee. 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON BIG LOT IX exchange for acreage near Omaha. Ad dress S. C. S36, Bee, EIGHTY ACRE IMPROVED IRRI gated farm In artesian belt. s ater ights paid up, In San Luis valley, Colo rado, to trade for Omaha lots or Incomo property, or eastern Nebraska farms. Ad. dress B. C. S21. PROPERTY ON HARNEY ST., WEST of 20th St. worth $16,000; half cash, half trade, for good residence property. Ad dress S C 727, care Be. I HAVE A 6-ROOM HOME CLEAR; $3,000 to trade for 2 to 5 acres even up. S C Sll, Omaha Bee. TWO NICE LOTS NEAR 45TH ST. AND Mlllltary Ave ; clear; trade for good auto. Address S. C, R56 Bee. FIVE LOTS IN ORCHARD, 15 MILES of Oklahoma City. Trade for small equity In house or Omaha lots. Price $500. Address. S. C. 693. Bee. FINE MODERN HOME. Very well located, six Living rooms, largo reception hall and bath room, full attic, and full basement, full BO-ft. lot, nice lawn, trees, and garage with electric, llBhts. Lady owner must sell on account of health, or would exchange for new modern bungalow, If up-to-date and well located In good neighborhood, and priced on cash basis Cash valuu of above, $4,000. Bee It. Address S. C. 747. Bee. Omaha. GOOD RENTAL INVESTMENT Have client with a nlco up-to-date hotel hulldlng and furniture, in good town In eastern Nebraska H-jiit $GOo per year. 26 rooms Prl:e $6,000. Trade at real value for small farm or home In Omaha. Lincoln or Nebruska City, or may considor a siouk of merchandise. Address S. C. 743. Bee Oiraha. WILL TRADE CLEAR w'.ND AND mortgages for Omaha Income property or vacant lots. Address S. C. S20. 240 ACRES IMPROVED LAND IN Philips county, Kansas; 200 acres in cul ttvated, balance pasture. Price $40 per acre, mtg. $2,000. Want Income property or mdse. for equity. What havo you? Address S. C. 720, care Bee. 60 ACRES, ALL IRRIGATED, 2 MILES south of Fort Morgan, Colo.; finest lt.nd of beets and altalfa raised on this land. Price 56.000; mortgage ol $2,000. I want to trade equity for grocery or Omaha pro erty; or what have you? 8. C. 7iL Bet. HAVE A FISHER PIANO IN GOOD condition; will consider anytnlng. S. C. 722. Bee. . ... HAVE 20 LOTS IN ONE OF THE Ur-aV little towns in the state of Iowa, uasii value $4,000; want the best s:ock of genu' clothing and shoes. hat have you lu offer? Address to. C. 12S, Bee. S40-ACRE FARM IN H EaTER.S IOWA, would exchange for merchandise oi equal value or mdse. and c.ty proporly. S. C. M0, Bee INCOME $107 MONTHLY; WANT clear ranch In Nebraska. S. C. SCI, uco. $17,0u0 CLEAR INCOME IN OMA ; want equal deal for merchandise on I.'. P. R. R. S. C. E62, Bee. TWO HOUSES ON CORNER LOT IN north part of city; will trade for some thing larger in southwest part. S. C. 7.6 Bee. I OWN 320 ACRES LYMAN COUNTY. South Dakota; biack soil, well grassed end fenced. I have been holding my land at ,$20 per acre, but I want to get Into the grocery business or general mer chandise, eo If you have ubout a W.uiM stock running I will give you my land subject to $6o0 loan, runs Ui years yet Address -S. C. 52, Bee. GOOD HALF SECTION Unimproved black soli, rolling, pari fenced, 12 miles from good town. South Dakota. Worth $lf.00 per acre. For short time will exchange at $3,200 u.i all or part payment ou good Omahii house to live In. About even deal or nearly so preferred, with owner. Aildre&j 6 C. 744. Bee. Omaha DANDY 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR DIA monds, grocery, auto, lots or acreage. Address B. C. 853, Bee. K3GHT THOUSAND SEC. BRICK. want hogs, chickens or offer. S. C. 733, Bee. HAVE UNDERWOOD T YPEWRl 1 t-R, No. 4. latest model, with two-color rib bon, stencil cutter, back spacer, etc.: lit tle use. A bargain at J.0, bat will accept tlrst $55 offered. Address S. C. 730, care Bee. IMPORTED AND REGISTERED SHET land stallion pony, 4 years old, want stacker and rakes, or any good live stock. S. C. 833. SHELDON SALESMANSHIP COURSE, complete set bookt. cost i&i. Sell for U or traae. Aaaresa s. i so;, care nee. COMPLETE I. C. S. COURSE. 6 VOL'S dteam engineering, electricity and me chanical refrigeration. Worth ?30. Will trade for typewriter, or what have you? Address S. C. &55. Bee I HAVE A GOOD GUITAR AND A 1J jeweled watch. What kind of a deal can I make with you for a kodak or a bull dog' Address S. C 743 care Bee. TRANSFERRED TO OMAHA AND must dlspoce of mi home In Lincoln. Located best part, paved street, one block to car line. Full lot, east front, fruit trees. Six rooms, modern In every par ticular. Barn on rear of lot. Actually worth $4,000, about 41.(00 still due on it. Will trade equity for farm land, good lets, good auto and cash. Prlperty iow rented for first tune. Address S. C. 06. care Bee. 640 ACRES OF McPHERSON COUNTY Nebraska, land, for $3iO Relinquishment leady; hero Is your chance; get busy. Would take auto or clear lot. Addtess R C. 737. care Bee. MOVING PICTURE SHOW LOCATED la good Iowa town of 3.(00. One other show. Complete In every wa. Price $1.20). Clear. Will consider good auto tor part or will sell half interest to man who will run It S. C. fc66. Bee. OMAHA HOME WANTED-160 ACRES Stanley Co., S. D.. 7Vj miles southeast of Philip, a good railroad town. Cost me $3,200, will take $3,000 for It. and want a home In Omaha of about the same value, a C. 865. Bee. ACCOUNT ILL HEALTH WILL Ex change equity In good seven-room house op. beautiful shady paved street for a strictly modern five-room bungalow or cottage. Might consider good lot and cash. Address S. C 810, care Bee. 10 ACRES, MONROE Co., 1ND.. CLOSE to town. Price $2,UW. Encumbranco K00, due next September. What have you for $1.5u0 equity? S. C St4, Bee, iOO ACRES, 14 MILES FROM SIOUX City. Improved. All In cultivation. Rents for $5 per acre cash. Price $25,b00. Mort gage $4,900. What ha.c you In tneome property, cheaper land or merchandise? S C S63. Bee WILL TRADE A WHEEL IN GOOD condition for revolver, watch or foun tain pen. Must trade before Hay 25. Ad dress, a C., 715 Bee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN LADIES' WATCH. JO-VR GOLD KILLED hunting ease, in perfect repair, JS, also Kentlemen's 17-Jeweled and adjusted rail way watch, open face, silver case, a per fect time keeper. UK Will sell at prices mentioned or Irnde for anything can use oi cquni vaiue. s. t. s, uee WHAT HAVE V6ll TO EXCHANGE for arr International Correspondme- School reference library on Civil l!ntn- -r:nK f .narrs8 a. i no, care nee. Wit. I. thai i iff nrvm ivraMK omaiu property for an up-to-date auto In first class condition. Property rented by yeAily contract Address S C. Omaha lice M AC II KM IN BOONE I IH NTV. ,h braska, $126; mortgage W.0CO, to trade for apartment house Aouress 8 C. 71". 'ill At'lIKS MISSl-JStl'IM fl.KAll I'll'. -IP 1,2, exchange for house and lot about K.WO. 8. C. 716, Per.. I HAVE A TYPEWRITER GOOD A3 now for a Smith & Wesson Police posl ltlve. 38 cal., or good shotgun. Might con sider watch or easlv- Address S. C. 719, Bee. I AM LEAVING' TOWN AND MUST sacrifice furniture for ten-room rooming house. Good location, close In. Will take automobile, cash or what havo youT S. C. 870, bee. OMAHA DUNDEE. RESIDENCE 0 room, modern, 4 years old nicely lo cated; want cottage and the difference, or land. Addrcsg S. C. 871, Bee." WANT i-PASSENOElf FORI', OR STU debaker. 1318 model or later. I need It as city salesman. Have a brand new 6 room California Bungalow In suburban add:t on near good schools, car. park, etc; plumbing roughed In, piped for gas. new electric light fixtures, etc., with two to four lots, at only $2.:so. Write or call at once wr I'aston Block, city. A MANUFACTURING BUSINESS PRO tected by patent right, for any property or bank notes. Address S. C. S72, Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apurttuent and Flats. FIVE-ROOM new apartment, the Chula Vlstu, 50th St and Poppleton Ave.; Nothing better In the city: lower rent than similar flats In this vicinity. Con- - ' -. If I TI ..J.I. T I. .. r UTI I I au tviiMb, ... j.muucin incuiri. vj ,.',4. e-ROOM upper apartment with sleeping porch. R28 S. 26th Ave. 4-ROOM Apt. In new 4-Apt. brick; strictly modern: large yards; east of Hanscom Park. Harney LIST vacant properties with BOCK HACKER, 407 State Bank. D. S637. THE CORNISH. Brick apartment Five large rooms. Walking distance. Phone for particulars, Douglas 2187. 1609 FARNAM, ft rooms, completely mod em; suitable location for offices, stu dios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Thos. F Hall. 4 SI Ramge Bldg. D. 740rt Gordon Van Co.lS 2 N. 11th St Phone D. 391 or H. 5811 NEW brlCK apartments, ready to move Into; completely furnished, dishes and all; 4 rooms, $6 par week; 2 rooms, U per week. Call Doug. 8711 during offlc hours. -R. modern flat. $22. 23DS S. 24th. H. 4T1L OGDEN ANN.EX rooms, with kltch enets. Council Bluffs Glove Van and Storage Co. Stores, moves, packs And ships, 3-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hour; storage $2 per month. Specialty of moving pianos. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 433s and 37M. St. Clare Apartm'ts 23d and Hurney; opt., lor inspection, the meat up-to-date conveniences; beau tifully decorated and finished, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, tail iinrnoy pn m wub, ww. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam heated Himrtmunt on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBiNS, W2 FARNAM ST. WE rent your houses free of charge. No (.omiiiisbloii Realty Company., ilO-m Paxton Bldg, Omaha. It) S. 35T11 ST.. apartment No. 8, 6-room apartment, ground floor; private poiches; outside rooms; beautiful neigh boihood: on Farnam car line. Phone Harney 1)770 2MS HOWARD ST.. five rooms first floor, inooei n; hot vater heat CLOSE-to High School; elegant eight rooms; brick flat strictly modern; reasonable rent. For keys call Tyler 141'i or D. 8610. C317 Dewey Ave., 5-r.. mod. flat. $30. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-312 Urandela Theater Bldg. MHW 4-ioo. n !si. Loul-i (Int. modern, large nicely tinlshed rooms, U6. Best In city for the price. 2717 Howard. Inquire 27J5 ot phonn ll.rnoy Mil- Hoard nnd Iluoiu, THE HELMAN, 2403 St. Mary's; pleis ant rooms; board optional. D. CiiSO. ANTED Room and board, together or separate, preferably near Fort Omaha. RefTen'-eH "Iven Address. Y 51 Bet;. Furnished Apartments. Daenport 2018, 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms. Fnrnlshon Houses. FURNISHED T-r. house, sleeping porch, to responsible parties. Address B 150, Bee. 3 WELL furnished cottages Doug. 4633. I ELEGANTLY' furnished 6-room house, Field t;iub district, June to October. H. 6440. FnriiUtird IIourk plnn Rooms. MODERN, 4 rooms, $6 week; 2 rooms, 3; completely furnished for housekeeping, dlsnes, linen. eU. 1413 N. 32d. Call any time. 3-ROOM apartment, complete, for house keeping, reasonable. Call Douglas 873S for Information. DODUE, 2I1S &ome nice housekeeping rooms. Dodge. 2VO Mod., pleasant walk distance. B15 i0. 2uTH i modern tront rooms, coi.i. plete tor housekeeping. D. 8257. 1905 DOUULAS Two cool housekeeping rooms. Fnrnlnlied Rooms, PRIVATE RESIDENCE 006 S. 20TH, suite of 4 rooms, 2 bed rooms with parlor connection each, lava tory and bath; can havo ube ct attic above if deslied; prlvuto entrance with cecond floor porch; east front with south ex posure; beautifully furnished; suitable for two gentlemen; plenty of shade with beautiful surroundings; on park car line; reierence exchanged, walking distance; price reasonable to right parties. Call and see thete rooms today. New West Hotel; reaionahlw. 1414 Doug. NEW neatly furnished rooms 117 N. 20th S. 23TH ST.. 70S Modern, well furnished front room; private tamily; large lawn. SUMMER opportunity, front parlor room, modern, airy; private family. Call 2127 Douglas. LOOK at 2702 Farnam St for cool, mod ern rooms at reasonable prices. COOL sleeping room. 403 N. 19th. NO other roomers; pleasant room, very cool, strictly modern; close In. D 0066. Down-town district, well furnished, cool rooms, reasonable 524 S. 16th, Apt 12. HARNEY 2401, modern front room, rea sonable. NEWLY furnished room; cool, airy; fine for summer. Call 405 So. 25th Ave. Poppleton 2717, board optional liar. -3372 2128 Dodge, nicely furnished mod. rooms. NOW READY at 107 N. 2flth-Comforta-ble room for summer, reasonable. 1909 DOUGLAS aT.-Cool. airy, well fur nUhed. La.nuON COURT. 2240-Furnished rooms for rent. large and finely furnished; large porch and yard; bath. To first class people. Tel. Douglas 3657. STRICTLY modern, pleasant room, newly furnished, good location. Call at M So. 20th St. OUTSIDE rooms, shady, mod. 1921 Cass. 630 NO. 18th Cool sleeping rooms. DOWN-TOWN district, wtll furnished cool rooms. 624 S. 16th St. Apt 13 Hotels nnil Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. CALIFORNIA Hotel. ICtU and California. Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7083. OFFERED FPU RENT. llouaekeplna Rooms. DOl GLAS ST. IS14--Modem hourekecpi.-ig suite, gas and electric light furnished. llonaee nnd Cottite. GLOBE AND STORAGE CO. 3-horse van, 2 men. $1 35 per hour, moving wagon, 2 men, $1.00 per hour Household goods stored, $1.00 per month. Special rate for packing and shipping. Doug. m and Doug. j;i. BRICK HOUSE CHEAP RENT 2701 DAVENPORT STREET. 9 rooms, strictly modern, fine corner, cool, every convenience, owner's home. Call Harney 4SR3. NEW 5-room cottage, strictly modern; on car line 1816 I7th St. call wen. 101. 6 ROOMS, modern. 2M1 Pierce. Inquire 1.T01 South JMh Ave.' FREE RENTAL LIST. Complete "for rent" llt of houses, apartments and flats on file at our oftlca: no chargo whatever. Union Outfitting Co . Ifith and Jackson Sts. WE rent your houses ties o"" charge. No (. ominU.'Inn Reslty Compun, 316-3o Psxton Bldg., Omaha. NEW WEST FARNAM BRICK. Nine rooms, n. w corner, 35th and Dodge, branJ new and extra fine, will rent only on yearly lease. Reference required, price $65.00 per month. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. tOS-10-12-H State Bank Bldg. Tyler 1536. For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and linen closet on second flour. Vestibule, reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, p'.ntry and Ice room on first floor. Full cement base ment with toilet, furnMe heat, gas and electrlo lights; nearly new and first clasi in every way, at 1511 S. 29th St., one block from Hanscom Park, near Park school, cne block from car line. Tel. Harney 1500. SIX-ROOM house, modern except fur nace 71 Hickory St MAGGARD $ an and Stur- Co., packs, mrtl'fffl atnr.l & ships household goodn& ulanos. D. 14J4. P 1 JJjlil I Y - Uoods .stored. hipped. K'.h aim Jackson Sis. Doug. UK J. (J. Reed BxPt Co- furniture A piano v. j. i-Lu moving-, D. 6146. IV. 1748. H7 N. 18TH ST. rooms. Havney oww. 12-ROOM modern house with barn; hot water heat 2618 Harney 8t Inquire T. J. O'Brien. II. 10&4. D. 1216. (ROOM modern house, 27lu Decatur St; $23. Phone Harney 6432. HoiiRnu In A,l Parts of :ne city. nouses Ureli;'n'son,, & Co.. Bee Bldg. H2.t.0-Brick. 130 s. S5th at, just north ot Farnam. Owner, 20 Ramge Blag. Phone Douglas 2221 6-ROOM modern cottage, 2008 N. 37th St, $20. Call Webster 671. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can oe seen free of charge at uiuuiia van v aiorage co . wn ti. mth et WE tent your houses free of chargo. No i s.u,iiiiiiiuu ivcutiy company, 4ib-aoM Paxton Bldg., Omaha. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. 31W Burdette; $12 month. Webster ,WS. 6 ROOMS, all modern, nearly new, to de slrable tenant. Call Harney 6917. 7-ROOM modern brick Hat, vacant June i, S113 Leavenworth. 6-room cottage, ail So. 42d St. Call Harney 3562. 5-room. part modern, $12. W. 131. iW7 Military Ave., now, modern, 6-room house; rent tree from now till June 1. Call Benson 155-W. 6-R, 636 So. 21th Ave., newly painted, mod. tA. lunmue, fcuuu; close in. HASTINGS & HAYDEN. 1614 Harney St. uiarK, j rooms, $io. 2608 Hamilton, 6 rooms, $14. 4101 Farnam, 7 rooms, modern, $25. 1W3 Capitol Ave.. 11 rooms, $50. RING WALT. Brandels Theater Bide. NEW 7-r. house, strictly mod. 1725 8. 11th. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Five rooms down, two upstairs; $26.50 per month. 3828 Hamilton. FRANK '"AREY-Harney 1207. 5-R. MODERN, except heat. 1433 So. 14th. Stores and Offices. 1EU FARNAM ST.-4.000 square feet; 18094 Farnam St, 1,800 squire feet; 18W-IJO-1811 Farnam St (basement). 8,000 square feet, both Farnam St and alley entrances; abundant light; steam heat THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge BJdg. D. 7401 REAL ESXATK. FARM .1 RANCH LANDS FOIX 9AI.E Florid. SPECIAL bargains, fruit and vegetable lands, ner Fort Myers, 40 acres, $100 per acre, ten acres In grape fruit. G. 11. Steb bins, 1610 Chicago. Missouri. $5 DOWN, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres grain, fruit, poultry, land ,nuar town, southern Missouri. Price only $225; excellent bar gain. Box 425, Carthage. Mo. FARMS for sale; $5 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres; good timber land near town, Texas county. Mo.; price $200; per feet title. J. B. Jarrell. lit. Vernon. HI. FARMS for sale; $5 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres; good timber land near town. Texas county, Mo.; price $200; per fect title. J. B. Jarrell. Mt. Vernon. III. Nebraska. FOUND 20-acre homestead In settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost ou $200, filing fees and aU. J. A Tracy. Kimball. Neb. EIGHTY acres. $20 an acre, $30 down and $20 a month no Interest. Fine farm land. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. Wisconsin. SOO Line Railway grant lands In Wis consin. If Interested, address N. Emer son, Metropolitan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota Minnesota FarmLands From $15 to $75 per acre. Are the equal of any in the United States that are selling from $150 to $300 per acre. These lands can be bought on easy terras. Minnesota's 1913 corn crop, 40 bushels per acn-, stands first of all states in the union. SEND FOR SPECIAL PAGE OF MINNESOTA FARM DARQAIN8. Published in the MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL, Minneapolis, Minn., March 29 to April 4. A 2c stamp will brine it FOR real bargains, large or small, farms In Minnesota and near the twin cities, write for list. Fred Mohl, 511 Capital Hank Bldg.. St Paul. Minn. ttuntu Dakota. WE WANT TO TELL you all about our deeded Indian lands; title directly from U. S. Preferable to homesteads. Rich, black soil; no stone, fine soft water; one crop of flax pays for land. Write today for 36-page booklet Hartung Land Co., Room 8, McLaughlin. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE R. E. EXCHANGE. Have lands In southeast Texas from which can be raised two to four crops a year. Will exchange for ranch In eastern or central Nebraska. JOHN A. M'SHANE, 924 Omaha National Bank Bids. PIRATES TRIM SUPERBAS Dodgers Meet Victorious Pittsburgh for First Time of Season. CLOSE GAME, FIVE TO FOUR Visitor Tie Sporr In .Ninth, lint Wsnfr' Mtiulr vtllh Tito on tlnsr nnd Tvro nut (Jives IloniP Ten in Win. PITTSBURGH, May 2S.-Plltburgh nnd Brooklyn met for the first time this sea son today and the Pirates won a closely contested game, fi to 4. The visitors hit Cooper hard In the ninth and tied the score for the second time but Wagner's single with two on bases and two out gave the Pirates the victory. Score. imooKi.YN. riTTsminoii. All II O.A K. All. 11 OAR Plllcn. rf li I 1 0 OVloi, 2b ... 6 J 0 1 0 putrt. Id. 0 7 0 Crr. If ... i 2 t 0 1 Hlttert rt. 4 ISO cri.crunl, Ik I u 11 Hummel. It I i 1 0 0J.Wnr. m I I I 0 O'Mirn ... 0 0 0 0 OKonctthr. Ibll I M WTltst It.. 0 0 0 0 OKelljr. tt ... 3 t I t Hmtth. $b... $390 flfllbvn, e.... X 1 S I o Culnhsw. !M t 11 OCooer, p .. i 1 0 I 0 Erin, m .414 IM1-H 1 0 0 0 0 Mlllr. e S 1 1 3 A Huckfr. p .5 0 0 I 0 ToUls ....U5TII MrCirtr 1 0 0 0 0 ntn, p ooooo ElberffM 1 0 0 0 0 1 V.Wnr p 0 0 0 0 0 ' I TolI .M CM 1 Batted for Cooper In ninth. O'Mara ran for Huinmell In ninth. McCarthy batted for Rucker in eighth. Klberfleltl batted for Rngan In ninth. Two out when winning run scored. Brooklyn 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 14 Pittsburgh 2 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 l- Hits: Off Rucker, 9 In seven Innings; off Ragan. none In one Inning, off Wag ner, 2 In one Inning Three-baao hits: Rlggert. Cooper. Home run: Dalton. Stolen base: Kelly. Double play: Egan to Cutshaw to Daubort Bases on balls: Off Rucker. 1; off Ragan. 2; off Wagner. 1: off Cooper. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Rucker J. Wngncrl. Sacrifice fly: Smith. Left on basea: Brooklyn. 5; Pittsburgh, 8. Struck out: By Rucker, 3; by Cooner. 4. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Qulgley nnd Eason. Phlln Win Onc-ner. CINCINNATI. May 2. - Ineffective pitching bv Cincinnati twlrlere entbled Philadelphia to win the first game jf the FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. IMPROVED 160-a. Emmons Co.. N. Dak., In crop, to exchange for residence In Omaha: might assume some Ineumbrxnca If good. This Is a real farm and A. No. 1 soli. T RAVER BROS.. Phone Red 472. 705 Omaha Nat Bank Bid. 320 ACRES raw land In Hitchcock county, subject to, a mortgage of $3,800. Will trade equity for good threshing rig. Arthur Soss, Seward, Neb. REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Found at Last A Market Place O0trprvot.eyrtyklo? business. You buy, sell or exchange. NOBODY pays a COMMISSION. Hero is where the BUYER can make a selec tion at prices and terms to suit for lust what you want BECAUSE our no COM MISSION plan to everybody brings us the best bargatps to be found anywhere. Don't hesitate, but caU or write for our registration pl;in. It brings quick results. NO COMMISION REALTY COMPANY, $16-330 PAXTON BLDG. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. FOR Exchange, for San Francisco or California property, two lota on N St west of 26th St., South Omaha. Address, J. M. Caldwell, 630 Height St, San Fran cisco. Pianos for other-musical Inatru'U. D. 2017. PIANOS for cement work; painting, paper hanging. 207 Old Boston Store. D. 2017 REAL ESTATE WANTED REGISTER EVERY KIND OF PROP ERTY OR BUSINESS FOR QUICK SALE OR EXCHANGE. If you want to buy a property or busi ness come to us. Or If you want to sell a property or business come to us, be cause nobody payn a commission. Come In and get our plan of displaying and advertising every kind of property and business. It means quick service. Call or write today for our plan. NO COMMISSION REALTY COMPANY, 316-330 Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Weed Bldg . isth and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith S Co.. 1320 Farnam. 0 PITV I ft A KT hi ll.niU.r'Ai.lh.eii f 0 11Q-S12 Brandels Theater Bldg. HARRISON .MORTON. S16 Om. Nat QAliVLN BEOS. FIVE per cent farm loans. OpUonal jay ments and annual Interest WW. MC CORMICK. 1201 Farnam. CITY and farm loans, 5, 5V4, 4 per cent. J. H. Dumont Co . 10)3 Farnam Omaha. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans. J'otera Trust Co. MONEY on hand for "lty and farm loans. H. W. Binder. Cltv Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 .State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101G Omaha Nat Douglas 2715. I IK AJi ESTATE. ABSTRACTS OP TITL1S. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska 300 Brandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstrsct office, Mfi So. 17th St Phone Doug. M37. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR SALE My Dwelling 132 North 39th St. S. S. Curtis, 150S HARNEY ST. $400.00 Cash Buys one of those beautiful new, all modern bungalows I built at 2836-3$ Bin- ney St. Stucco gable, main rooms fin ished In oak. nice large lot, most at tractive homes in Omaha for the price. See them. Harry A. Wolf, Ware Block, 15th and Farnam Sts. Douglas m. HAVE buyer for 6-room bungalow All modern. Jioo cash, balance mommy. BOCK HACK KB, 407 State Bank I). M67 4-ROOM bungalow, large clothes closet and pantry, lot 60x)uK. fruit and shrub. berj . Webster 24. NEW HOUSE. 20 EVANS BT Six rooms and bath, sun room, stair way to attic, modern in every respect. Terms. Phone Webster 3006. HERE'S TWO SNAPS 6-room, new, mod. bungalow, 17U N 2Sth St.. I2.3S0. 3300 cash. (-room, 2700 Blondo. must be sold. 11,600, easn. rnone u awi TO BUT, SELL OP. RENT. KIRST SEE JQtin W. RUUU1N0. UU3 AlUS Ail H7. i series toda . S to 4 Itowan. w'ho started lor i Inrlunatl. was hit hard, allowing Philadelphia to score five runs Inger soil, who succeeded hlui, urn wIM P-ore: xtHiltrd for Bales In seventh xxtlNn for Chirk In seenlh xxxBatted for Rouan In seventh xxxxllatttd for lngrrsoll in ninth Philadelphia 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 1-6 Cl ulnnatl 0 o 0 0 1 I 2 04 Two-base lilta: Lnbert. Kllllfrr, iMark. Three-baso lilts: Rwd. Cravath, Mayer. Hoblltiell. litis: Off MHjrr. ! In 7 2-3 Innings; off Marshall, none In I 1-3 Inn Ipks. off Itowan, S In 7 Innings, off In gersoll, 2 In S Inning. Sacrifice hit: Mayer. Pnerlflee fly lbnt. Byrne. Marsons. Stolen bases Herd, Lobcrt. Magee, Heriog. Left on bases. Phllndl plila, Cincinnati. 7 Bbso on balls. Off Mayer, 3; off Marshall, 2, off Rowan, 1. off Ingersoll 2. lilt by pitcher: By n grrsoll iReed). Struck out. B Mayer. 3, by Itowan, .-. Time 2 11. Umpires. Klein and Hart lli'innrrr llnril lilt. Cub "Win. CHICAGO, May S5.-nenmree was hit hard in the third inning today nnd Chi cago won the first game of the series. 6 to 1. New York's lone run came In the fourth. After to were out, Coirlilen threw Grant's grounder high to Suicr. Doylo singled to tlglit and Hood booted the ball around whllo Grant scored. Score: NKW YOIIK CltlCAOO All II. O A B At). II O A f. IlNthrr. ct . 4 0 1 0 OLrseh if. . 4 0 4 0 0 Hums. If. 3 0 4 0 OUwil. rf.. .. 4 I 0 1 Grant, 4 I 1 I (Malrr, lb. .31700 IVyle Jb . . I 1 1 1 OZIm'mn. lb. ! H It MnVlf. lb . J Oil 0 OSfhulK If.. 3 0 10 1 h'mHrvu. rf 3 0 0 0 0Swnfr. -b. 3 0 110 Jlober'n. rf I 0 0 0 oOnrrldf n. 4 1 0 I Flock. 1!) I 1 0 S onrMtttvin.r 119 10 MIr. c. 10 11 OChnSfy. p.. 3 1 0 0 0 IMm 00000 Mfbun. ... 1 0 0 0 0 TotOi ....17 X II 4 IVmrw, p. I I 0 1 0 nonlln ...1 0 0 0 0 Ffhauer. p. 0 0 0 1 1 Th.vr ..1 0 0 0 0 TottU .. Jl 1 14 II t Rnn for Meyers In the seventh. Batted for Demnree in the seventh. Batted for Schaurcr In the nln.h. Now York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Chicago 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 Two-baee hit: Snler. Thiee-hnse Mt: Saler. Hits Off Demaroe, t in six In nlnRs. off Pchaurer, I In two Innlnga Kaiilficn hits: Zimmerman 2. facrl fir f'.y Schulte. Stolen imses. Beschc-. Grant. Zimmerman. l.eft on bases. Chi cago. 8; New oYrk, K Bases on balls: Off Demarec. 2; off Cheney, 3; off Schnurcr. 1. Hit by pitched ball. By lumaree (Schulte); by Cheney (Meveral. Struck out: By Domnree. 3, by Cheney, 7. Wild pitch: Schaurcr. Time: 1 II. Umpires. Orth and Byron. 4'nnl Lour l llrnTO. ST. LOUIS. Mo., May -Boston. by hunching hits with errors In the first two Innings, scored three runs, a lead St Louis, by clean hitting, could not over come, nnd the visitors took the opening iiontcst of tho scries, 3 to 3. Robinson pitched a Rood game, but Dolan'a error In tho second Inning paved tho way for two runs, giving the visitors a lead. Score: BOSTON". 8T. Ilt'IK AII.1I OAK All HOAR Even Hi... 4 111 Ollucxlni. tb. 4 11 J J 0 Mrntlllf. 4 J : S 0)ln, rf.. 4 I 10 0 Murmr. rf. 4 3 2 0 ollolin. Sh .11111 OUbert. It.. 1 0 10 0J Mlllrr.lhl 1 11 1 0 0 0 r : iqt 'IPIumSHWIInon, rt . 4 I t 2 0 Whaling, e . 4 0 1 orthr. If. . 4 1 2 0 0 Martin, lb . 4 1 10 OWHuo. c .41010 Mann. rf... 4 1 1 0 UUck. , 4 0 I A 1 Tjler p... . 4 0 0 0 oltoblnaon. p. 3 0 0 2 0 Totala . . 31 11 1? 8 1 THal . 11 7 27 17 1 Boston 12000000 01 St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02 Two-bnso lilts: Murray, Wlngo, Wll son. father. Mnrtln. Sncrlflce lilt: Gil bert Donbtn play: Beck to Hugglns to Miller. Left on bases: Boston, fi: St. Ixuls. fi. First base on balls: Off Tyler. 2. off Robinson. 1. Struck out: By Tyler, fi; Robinson. 2, Time: 2:10. Umpires- Rlglor and Emslle. I)n v hi Cits' AVIiia from Colnlillmn. DAVID CITY. Neh.. May Z ISpv!lal.l In a flcrco wind nnd dust storm. David City won today from Boettcher's Colts of ColumbUH by a score of 15 to 1. Two singles and an error In tho ninth robtied Pescliek, the local twlrlcr. of a shut out. Thin In tho locals second win from tho Colts this scnAon. The score: R.H E. David City 70200501 -15 11 3 Columbus 00000000 1- 1 7 0 Batteries: David City, Pescliek nnd Talbot; Colinnhtts. Douglas, Vlerguts, Wolfo and Danlles. . 4'rilnr Bluff Urfrnla Lincoln. CEDAR BLUFFS. Neb., May r.-(Sp-cialj Cedar Bluffs, defeated the Hand era Giant team of Lincoln here today by a score of 7 to 6. It was a well played game considering the high wind. The foature of tho game was tho batting and finldlng of Keller for Cedar Bluffs. He secured a home run that whs one of the longest hits seen hern for mnny games. Lincoln 3 3 0 0 0 0 u 0 0-n 8 a Cedar Bluffs.. 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 7 10 4 Batteries. Lincoln, Cramax and Gana; Cednr Bluffs, Holier and Krause. Trimbles Ilent Went noiIpra. Bunday afternoon the Trln'bla team took nn auto ride out on Wer Dcr?ge street and defeated tho West Dodge Milk Producers 15 to 4. Norton for the Thim bles struck out fourteen men. Next Bun day the Trimbles play tho West Fide Electrics. Batteries: Trlinhls. Nortrn and Moorman; West Dodgo Milk Pro ducers. H. Bull and Kuehl Ainerlcnn Asaorlntlon Results, R.H .K. Minneapolis 3 3 Louisville 2 8 3 St. Paul II id 4 Columbus 12 11 6 Milwaukee S 13 4 Cleveland B 13 3 Kansas City 5 12 4 Indianapolis 6 13 4 Preacher Who Signed ' Wet Petition Quits BIOUX CITY, la.. May 2S.-Rev. Wal lace M. Short, pastor of tho First Con gregational church here, tendered his resignation last night and It was -in cepted by a vote of 124 to 61. Many members of the congregation declined to vote. The demand for Short's resignation wat due to his signing ot the aaloon consent petition. Bev. Mr. Short In defending his action in signing tho petition of consent d clared that he was actuated by a con viction that tho methods employed by the prohibitionists to secure temperance reform were wrong and that under local conditions he regarded a vote for a le galized saloon to be the best temporary measure. Ha denied emphatically that he was opposed to the temperance move ment, but anserted that he differed from many as to methods used In bringing about the best conditions. Rev. Mr. Short waa pastor ot a Kansas City church before he came to Sioux City. Peel Dull mid AlnKVishf Stnrt Your Liver to Working;. It beats all how quickly Foley Cathar tic Tablets llren up your liver, overcome constipation, and make you feel lively and active again. They are so pleasant to take, and they never gripe or make you feel at all sick. They are thor oughly cleansing. J. L. McKnlght, Fort Worth. Tex., says: "My disagreeable symptoms were entirely removes! by the thorough cleansing Foley Cathartio Tab lets gave me " They're a wonder and cost only 25c. For sale by all dealers HIBJBJJJI -oft .1 SENATORS CREEPING ON UP Victory Over Tigers Places Them Five Points Below Leaders. JOHNSON IS NEVER IN DANGER 4SHe Wny to llentler In r.ln'hth When (anmes Seems Snfe Detroit Uses Three Pitchers Score I Ten to One. WASHINGTON. May SJl.-Washlngton climbed to within five points of first plase In the American eague pennant race to day by defeating Detiolt. 10 to 1, In the first game tit th series. Detroit's ono run was scored In the third when Mains singled, went to third when Milan fumbled the ball and scored on Bush's double. Johnson was never In trouble and gave way to Bcntley In the eighth, whon the game seemed safe. Detroit used threo pitchers. Score: DKTItOIT. All. II !!uh. II.... I VIU. ..!! 0 lllcti. ot. . . 1 I tlltlmnn. rt I 0 WA8HINOTOS. O.A K All. II O A K 1 OMtwIlfr. it. I S 01fMtr IK X t l 3 PMtlin. tt 0 IKlirhlli. lb. S 3 4 I n ostonk. If. . I Crwfor1. rf 0 OMorjm, lb.. 4 1 OMrllrMe. m. 1 0 U.Wlllin,e 4 1 veh. U .41 Ilurnt. lb . 4 0 MorlKrtr. Jh I 1 Punue. c... 1 (1 McKee. c. 0 0 l-Tt. p.... I Mulnn. b... t 1 ojarinpnn, p.. I 1 or.entley. p o 1 TaU1 .. 1 1 II 37 3 1 Hnjnoldri, p. 0 0 miftue .... i o C. Wllllsms 0 n TeUU ....II 7 24 It 1 Batted for Mains In eighth. Han for Stanagn In eighth. Detroit 001 oOOflOO-l Washington 0 4 1 1 0 0 3 -10 Two-base hits: Bush. Morgan. Three base hits: Gandll, Milan, Bhanks. Hits: Off Cavet. 2 In ono Inlng (none out In second Inning); off Mains. 10 In six In nines: off Ilevnold. 2 In one Inning, off Johson, A In seven inlngs; oft Bentley, 1 in two innings; orf lientley, l in two in nings. Sacrifice hit: McBrlde. Sacrifice fly: Johnson. Stolen base: Shanks. Double plays; Foster to Gandll to Foster, Foster to McBrlde to Gandll. Morgan to Gandll. Left on bases: Detroit. ; Wash ington, 7. Bases on balls: Off cavet, s: ntt ttrvnoldx. 2. off Johnson. 1: off Bent- ley, 2. Struck out. By Mains. 2; by John son, j; ny ueniiey. i. nme: um pires: Hlldebrand and O'Loughlln. White Hose Trim Ynnks. NEW YORK, May 25,Scott had tho better of Warhop In a pitchers' bitttlo today and Chicago won the first game ot the series from New York, 1 to 0. Scott held tho Yankees to three hlta and fanned seven. Only four men reached first base and Scott caught three of these napping. Ccorc: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. xn. ii. o.a e. An li.o A it Demrntt II. 4 0 I 0 OMiImI. II., I H 1 0 Wtttrr. .. 4 1 4 1 OlUrtirll, ct I 1 0 0 0 Ctuu. ll .. 4 i 10 3 OtVilih. if. . . 1 0 4 0 0 noiiini, rf.. 3 e i o orook. rf a o s s o Untie, ef ... 4 I 0 0 OWIIIIirat, lb 3 0 II 0 0 Alcock, lb.. 1 3 1 1 Orwklnp. I 0 t 4 0 Center. 3b. . I 0 I 3 (IHosers, r... a 6 a 1 0 Schnlk. e... 3 0 7 1 3 14 14 Bcott. p. ... 1 0 0 4 0Wrhop, p. . 1 (I 0 t 0 OaMwell . 1 0 0 0 0 Tolsls ....SO 17 II 0 ' . ToUit . IT inn 0 Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 New York o o o o u u u o -v Two-base hits: Weaver. Alcock, Bodle. Sacrifice hit: Alcock. Sacrifice fly: Col litis. Stolen base: Chase. Left nn bases New York, 1; Chicago, 4. liases on ta'ls: Off Scott. 1. Struck out: By Warhop. 2; by Scott, T. Time: 1:35, Umpires: Evana and Egan. Mnrlin nnmp Ilrovrns. PHILADELPHIA, May 35.-Pennock pitched a masterly game, today, Philadel phia winning from EL Ixiuls, 6 to 2. Pen nock fanned twelv e batsmen. Every man who faced him. except Pratt, struck out at least once. Prntt made two doubles and a slnglo and drew a pass In tour trips to the plate. Oldrlng's stick-work played a big part In the home team's victory. He scored two runs nnd drovo In three other tallies. Oldrlng's hitting Included a homo run, a triple and a single, and ho also received a baso on balls. Score: ST. LOUIS. rilILADEt,ril!A a v o'irnv An n o a b Hhotten, c(. 4 I I 0 OMurphr. rf. a 0 0 0 0 Auilln. lb.. I 1 3 QOMrlnt. If.. I a 1 0 0 rrett. 2b. . 1 13 3 OCoMlni. 2b.. 4 a 1 l 0 Rumler. rf . 3 1 0 OFWker. lb. . 3 1 1 1 0 C. VlW.lf 3 I a 0 OMelnnli. lb 4 I 0 0 Learr. lb .. 4 0 0 ODtler. ef. .. I 1 2 0 0 Wtree,. .. 4 0 I t Miarry. .. 4 1 I S 0 Asmw, 3 1 1 t OLwp, e.. .. 1 0 11 1 o OroHn. e.. 0 0 01 0 orennork. p. I 1 0 0 Jameft, p. ..20030 - - !,errni. p. 0 0 0 0 0 Tniali 28 10 37 I 0 Jnkln ... 1 0 0 0 0 Miller .... 0 0 0 0 0 ' TnUW ....Sol 24 14 3 I Bated for James In the seventh. Ban for Agnew In the seventh. St. Louis 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 Philadelphia 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 Two-baao hits: Pratt 1, Baker. Three base hits: Oldrlng. Daley. Home run: Oldrlng. Hits: Off James. 7 In six In nings: jff Ixivereni, 3 In two Innings, flacrlflco hit' Ixipp. Sacrifice flies Rumler, C. Walker. Stolen bases. Pratt (2); C. Walker. Collins. Double plays Pratt to Agnew; James to Agnew; Aus tin to Pratt, lft on bases: fit. Louis. S; Philadelphia. 4. Bases on balls: Off Jame. 4; off Ponnock, 2; off Lovcrena, 1. Struck ruf By Leverenx, 1; by Pen nock, 1. Time 2:02. Umpires: Con nolly and Dlnecn. Red Sox: Defeated. BOSTON. May .-Sacrifice hitting as sisted In a victory over Boston today. Mitchell held the Red Box to three hits. "Del" Gainer, wno waa purcnasea irum tho Detroit club yesterday, reported to Boston today. He probably will play at first base In tomorrow's game. Sooie CLEVBI-AND. n06TON ill il o A T.. AB.H O.A E ,Llbold cf . 4 0 a 0 OHnorxr rf . 4 1 3 0 0 nuuuia. v i s uipmw, i " Oruier. If . 4 a 4 0 eLeh ";?! 2 2 Jtckwn, rf. 4 0 3 0 OSpeak.r, el. I.iol. lb. . 1 tl a I OBeott, ss.... 4 0 0 3 Wowl. lb.... a 1 I 0 OOu-drnr. 3b.. 4 1 4 0 1 Turner, lb. 3 1 1 0 0Jnrln, lb. 4 Ml Cfcrtuch. e 3 0 7 1 OCcirUtui. e. 1 a 3 1 0 Mitchell, p 1 0 0 0 oinommi, OoIHdi p . . 3 0 0 3 ft TotiU . . 2t S 27 7 OCnumbe, p.. 0 0 n 0 0 Trwter .... 0 0 0 0 0 flesh ft 0 0 0 O Tntilt ...Ti a 27 11 3 Ran for Carrlgan In the eighth. Batted for Collins In the eighth. Cleveland 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 S Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hlta: Speaker, Oraney. Hits: Off Collins, 4 In eight innings; oft Counmbe. 1 In one Inning. Sacrifice hits Carlsh. Turner. Sacrifice tiles: Mitchell, Lajote. Stolen bases: Turner. Ornney. Double play: Scott to Janvrln to Thomas, Left on bases: Cleveland, 3: Boston, 7 Bases on balls: Off Mitchell I Struck out By Collins, 2; by Mitchell. I. Panted Something About Business Chances The "Business Chances' classification in The Bee is a remarkable business market place. If a man wnnts to get into business for himself, a daily reading of this column will open tho way to scores of good chances. i You can get a deal in most any kind of business from The Bee's "Business Chances." This column is carefully scrut inized with a view to cutting out undesir able and get-rich-quick schemes. An in vestigation of these advertisements will be worth while to you and will save a con siderable amount of time. Telephone TylerUOOO THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bao Want Ada 17 A rail Thomas. Time, flilll and Sheridan. 1.29 t mi Ire The Persistent and Judlolous Us of Newspaper Advertising Is the Rart ta Business Success. The Liver as Aid To Blood Purity The Natural Stimulus Ro quired is Not the Pur gative Kind. Moat Pills Are Batter If Thrown A wny. Important as It to keep the bowels oten. It should be remembered that such action does not necessarily mean thst the llrer has been stimulated. The action of S. 8. R. Is a natural liver tonic, hut not a bowel mover. It works In the liver cells to assist in the natural and necessary function of converting from the blood certain constitu ents luto what are known ss assimilable products. These are readily absorbed Into the body tissues to constantly provide new arm neauny material lor mat wmcn is being destroyed by the energy of tissue changes. The presence of any blood trouble natur ally suggests a sluggish liter, but tbere Is required those medicinal properties which, upon reaching the liver, still retain their catalytic enrrrr to keen on through the blood circulation to do iinttle with Impur ities wherever they may have settled. ttheumatlsm. catarrh, anemia, most akin dleases and other results of Impure blood, while Implicating the liver by their morbid lDflurnces, are quickly checked by S. S. 8. Its action throughout the blood circulation results In the stimulation of the tissue cells to the healthy and Judicious selection ot their own essential nutriment. You can get 8. R. 8. In any drug store, but Insist upon having It. Take no chsnrn by permitting anyone to recommend a substitute. And If your blood condition Is such thst you would like to consult a specialist, address The Swift Sne cWa Company, 020 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Qa. iTftlUHPH IHTTtrAUT oroRiwtHe I1C1SAN TRAVEL. I Comparjnlc Gcnfcralc Transatlantlquc THE 5fc DAY ROUTE NEW YORK HAVRE PARIS DIRECT ROUTS TO CONTINENT New, large, fait, turbine, quadruple and twin screw mail steamers. rrora How Tori: Wednesday I, Ixrralne- -June 3 Julr a. Aug. 6. La Sarole June 10. Julr 1. Julr 2 L rrorlnce- June 17, Julr 22. Aug. IS. S. S. FRANCE (NEW) Sails May 27. June 24, July 15 Xiarge one class (II) cabin, twin screw steamship. Bupsrior service. Popular price. Trom ZTew York Saturday! Ctilrmo .June. 8. Aus. 1, Aus. 21. NMsarn June 13. July 11. Sept. 12. IlochamneaU'-June in. aui. . Canadian Service Montreal Quebec Havre La ToursJne May 30, June 37, Two captalna on eacb steamer. MAURICE W. KOZMINSKI. dan. West. Art., 139 IT. Dearborn t., cnioago; or iiocai Agent. Canadian" Royals" Northern- Royal Edward Royal George .Cabins de luxe suites and rooms with .private baths reasonable rates. MontrealQuebec to Bristol .a nouro to ixjnaonj i tS delightful days down theSt. Lawrence 3ft nays at sea in paiauai tripic-tumine steamers. Apply U aay aUawamp mm!, ot R. n. nr.IX, Oral Aient Canadian horthernfttetm alilpa laioago UROPE' Short'Sea Route BAtltNQ SATURDAYS From Montreal & Quebec UUREHTIC' "'TsSEGAHTlG" "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" Aaa lb Mnl Acent lr PrtluUr WHITE STAR-DOMINION LINE CniCAGO n