The Omaha Daily Bee FARM LAM) Adrtrtlscd In The Bc Is the very eflvtiro of productiveness. Heal farm fact will interest a largo and appreciative, audience. THE WEATHER Fair "VOL. XLIII NO. mi a ti a unwhu' uAtint,- .. . " 1 OMAHA, TtTSSDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 15H4.-TWELVE PAGES. VEILED THREAT COMES FRDMTHEENEMIES OF IE RULE MEASUR E Passage of Bill by House of Com mons Brings Strong Words from Opposition Leader. WALLACE DIES OF INJURIES' Victim of Street Car Accident Sue-' cumbs at Local Hospital. WILL HOLD INQUEST TODAY Coroner Crosby Will Inquire Into Cans of Collision Tills Morn InK Mnrnn In He Hurled nt llolj Sepnlrher.' Hotel S-ava "toads. Bo, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. MAJORITY OF 77 FOR THE ACT Carried to the Lords by Shouting Irish Patriots. MDREHEAD DECIDESTO Rill FORJMRNOR Executive Says Demand for Him Has Been Too to HAD MIND William Wallace. Detroit, Mich., who was fatally hurt In Sunday afternoon's ! NeWSp rucei car acciuent at Twenty-fourth .sud Pinkney street, died early .Monday room Ing at the Swedish Mission hospital. His brother-in-law, Thomas Moran, Benson, with whom he was riding In a one-horee riff, was thrown from the FUTILE 1 vehlcl B"d Instantly killed when upon uirmng soum on Twenty-fourth nfter LIKES mi gPMind. SOWN PLACE Part in ADMINISTRATION LORDS' OPPOSITION IS Will Berome Tiw Unm Wn MQ4,. ernf,rslnK from ,,nknfy street, they were win jseoome Law Now No Matter . MrUPk ,rom thc rear by a ,outhbountl wnat upper House Does Rather of Opinion that It Has Been a Good One. WILD SCENES ATTEND PASSAGE Itenl FlEht Amnnsr Lords Will Come In Middle of Jnnr When Ihnt Home Will Tnlie Mean nrc t'p. LONDON. May 25 -By a vote of S51 to 274-a majority of 77-the House of Com mons today passed the home rule bill The end of the hard fought struggle came quite suddenly, the Unionists re fusing to debate the bill without further iniormatlon as to the government's In tentlon In regard to the proposed amend ing measure. Premier Asqulth lifted a corner of the veil, but though Andrew Bonar Law, leader of the opposition, admitted that the premier's words were conciliatory, he hastened to add that Mr. Asqulth had not told them anything. To discuss the third reading under the circumstances, would, he said, be futile and ridiculous. He added: "Let the curtain ring down on this contemptible farce. It Is only the end of aji act and not of the play. The gov ernment can carry the hill through Par liament, but the concluding act of the drama will be in the country, where an appeal to the peoplo will not end In a farce." Crowds Avrnil Result. The closing scenes In the fight for home rule brought together a crowd of mem bers and siectators which filled the chamber to Its utmost capacity. Outside great crowds gathered to await the result of the debate on the third reading of the bill. The vote was: For. 332; against. 274. The house was seething with excitement from the moment the speaker took the chair. Members of the various parties Indulged In loud outbursts of cheering when their respective champions entered the chamber, while at the. same time mocking banter was shouted from the opposite benches. Measure Sent In Lord. The home rule bill was subsequently eent up to the House of Lords. It was' accompanied by a group of Jubilant Nationalists, who escorted the official learcr of the bill and sang "God Save Ireland." The House of Lords afterward for mally read the bill n first time. The real fight on the measure In that cham ber will begin in the middle of June, after the Whitsuntide holiday. What Hill Contain. The Irish home rule bill which passed the House of Commons for the third time and which will become law whether the House of Lords assents or not. contains the following provisions: A senate of forty members; a House of Commons of 164 members. Irish Parliament cannot legislate Park street cnr. The buggy was de molished. While no definite funeral arrangements will be made until' after the Inquest this morning, it has been practically decided that funeral services for Mr. Moran will bo held at the Benson Catholic church. Interment will be in Holy Sepulchor cemetery. The body of William Wallace will be taken to Detroit for burial. Although the deceased's two brothers wa notified iiumciiiHiciy knowing me accident, no word has been received from them by the family. Mrs. Turner's eldest son will take the body to Detroit and may pos sibly be accompanied on the Journey by his mother. Both dead men left Insur ance and property. .Mrs. Mornii Hysterical. Mrs. Moran. who Is staying with her sister, Mrs. Dan Turner, was so hys terical Monday morning that her con dition bordered on nervous collapse. She was under the care of three physicians during thc night. Mrs. Turner stated: "This Is the sec ond bad accident we have had In our EXPLAINS ONE-TERM PLEDGE I Friend of tlrynn nnd Wltaon lit the Assertion Given Ont After the Visit to Lincoln of W. II, Thompson. Oat and MouseThen and Now (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 25. -( Special. )-The next primary -ballot will show the name of Governor John H. Morehead thereon i as a democratic andldate for renomlna- tlon. Governor Morehead today decided to accept the filing made In his behalf George W. Berge Is already In and Charles W. Brayn may yet make good his promise to get Into the battle and say some things long corked up about the reactionary democrats who have forced the governor Into the fight to head off the Bryan crowd. W. II. Thompson on Ilnnil w. H. Thompson, the Grand Island democratic statesman was a state house visitor this morning before the governor spoke. It Is denied that he called on the executive, but the r.tatement was given out that he would file for the democratlo years ago my husband . nomination soon after Mr. Thompson family. Some "uoyea in some repairs arrived, and as the telephones were In In the water plant, and had climbed a I good working order from the office of step-ladder to do the work. He slipped Food Commissioner Herman to the office and a lighted lantern which he was using of the executive, and as the Orand Island broke. Igniting his clothing and burning j statesman was seen to take the elevator him terribly. 1 had prayed that wc would I In the direction of the food commission- be spared another such experience, but jer's office. It Is presumed that the propo this Is the worst possible.' Funds for Nebraska Building at Expo to Be Raised This Week Money for the erection of a Nebraska building at the Panama-Pacific exposllotn Is to be raised In the state by July 1, ac cording to a positive announcement made by -8. It. McKelvte. member of ths rov. ernor's commission on yays and means j ticuunK Buvn a uuuaing, this was an nounced after a meeting labtlng some hours at the Commercial club The meet ing was called by the ao'vqrnor',B com mission, consist ng - of Peter Jankcn of Beatrice, John L. McCague of Omaha, George W0I2 of Fremont and W. It. Mel lor of Lincoln, together with the ex- of ficio members S. B. McKelvIe and W. B. Howard of Lincoln. This committee In vited in a committee appointed by the State Association of Commtrclal rluh This committee was represented by Ross i Hammond, Robert H. Manley and W. S. i Whltten. Members of the Omaha press j and railroad men were also Invited to the meeting. Ways and means of raising the funds to build a Nebraska building were dis cussed at length, and a tentative plan 1 was adopted according to the announce j ment, but the committee was not, ready on 1 to make lhn nlnn mitilli- f,mH1,.1., TVnrA or wnr. navv nrmir nr. -i i nn. .1 . ' ' or military force, foreign relations, trade outside Ireland, coinage or legal tender. It cannot make any law either directly or Indirectly to establish or endow any religion or prohibit the free exerclss thereof, or give preference, a privilege or advantage, or impose any disability or disadvantage on account of religious be lief or religious or ecclesiastical status. Temporary restrictions are placed on legislation, on land purchase, old age pen sions, national Insurance, labor exchanges royal Irish contabulary, postofflce and other savings banks and friendly so cieties. The executive remains- Invested in the sovereign or in his representative. Forty-two members still will be sent from Ireland to the House of Commons. The Judicial committee of the prly council to give the final decision as to the constitutional validity of any act passed by the Irish Parliament. The Irish exchequer to defray the cost of the Irish administration except for reserved sen-ices mentioned above. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday. For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair, not much change in temperature Temperature at Oninlin Yesterday. Hours. Dec. a a. m.. 6 a. m.. 7 a. m. S a. m.. 9 a. m.. 10 a. m.. 11 a in... 12 in 1 p. m.. 2pm.. 3 p. m.. 4 p. m.. 5 ). m.. 6 p. m.. p. m Victims of Titanic Cannot Recover for Loss of Baggage WASHINGTON. May 25.-Practically nothing may be recovered by those who lost relatives or baggage In the Titanic disaster, as a result of a decision day by the supreme court. The court held that the liability of the Oceanlo Steam Navigation company against the J13.O0O.OOO In claims against it as owner of the Titanic . Is limited In suits In the United States by the Amen can limited liability law of 1S31, to the value, of the salvage recoered and th freight and passage money received un the Titanlc's voyage. That amounts in all to about 891.000. The decision In no way affects suits brought against the owners In other countries. Widow Pours Oil Over Her Clothes and Ignites Them sltlon of "cause and effect" might work out In this case. There is a rumor that a coldness has recently sprung up between. Mr. Thomp son and Charles Bryan, ah d Jilt is pre sumed the wishes of Mr. Thompson to have the governor run again caused the break : "Two years ago I voluntarily became a candidate for governor and sought a nom ination and election to that high otflce. My ambition was to serve my state and my party, and I consider tint position of governor of Nebraska a prize thit any citizen should be .most proud to hold. "During the course of mv campaign I- stated that I would nst Use. my poslMcn to obtain further political prefemifM und would not .aspire to mjt.icr term. I ?' successful In the campilnrn and I believe that I 'have filled this nigh office credit ably and given the eUta n goo-', admin istration. "I think I need not remind you that I have not aspired to another enn. I Would rr.uch prefer that my party mK'ht w,o uron some other more worthy man I'cr-M-nally my desire was to either seek another office or retire in private life. "Demnnd" Too Stroncr. "For many weeks I have been Impor by democrats from every part of tho state to stand for a renomtiailon, regardless of any faction, mvl so unani mously have come these persistent re quests that I am convinced that it is my duty to place myself at the service of the party for thc voters to decide whether or not I am the most available candidate to stsnd for the Nebraska demo;ricy during th- coming campaign. I r.ifcy say, too. I am deeply grateful to my repub Hear, friends who helped n:o In the last campaign and who again ofer their as- slrtance. "I fully appreciate the honor that nn been conferred and feel that I am in debted to my party for the consideration It has shown me and the support It his given me. I would feel that I was guilty of Ingratitude If I did not heed the voice of the party and permit myself to be come an Instrument to carry It forward to further success. MEDIATORS FIND WAY TO GET LAND ISSUE INTO THEPROGRAM Statement Issued After Talk with Mexicans that Negotiations Have Reached Satisfactory Stage. BEST OF FEELING PREVAILS Plan for Provisional Government Now Under Consideration. YAQUI INDIANS NEAR REVOLT "hi TTi i lij Tin i ll iP General Anapolis Ordered to River on Request of French Colony. SALUTE IS MISINTERPRETED Mlnntc Rnn Fired hr Jnpnneie nnd American Wnrnlilpa Off Maiat Inn MUlnken for Attack Upon the fltr SUES FOR PRICE OF PROPS Government Starts Action Against Sheridan Coal Company. HOW DIETZ GAINED CONTROL Graphic Ilrrltal Is Mode In the Pe tition Filed lr United Urates District Attorney Ifo-rrell In. Court. Kenapaprr Candidate. "If I considered only my personal de sires I would, not .take this step, but ths advices received from leading and zeal ous democrats admonish me that 1 shou'd defer te the wishes of my party. Per haps I may say also that the attitude of certain newspapers has confirmed me 19 S P. ni rt Local Weather Ilerord. Highest yesterda; M 74 X M Lowest yesterday 75 CO 4 M Mean temperature 8S 67 72 S2 Precipitation 0 .10 0 0 Normal temperature u Excess for the day is Total excess sin--e March 1 122 Normal precipitation is Inch Deficiency for the day 1 inch Total rainfall Blnre March 1.... 6.12 Inches Deficiency Ince Match 1 2.7 Inchus Excess for -'or. pt-rlod, IS13 3.34 lnchs Deficiency for cor. period, 1012 2.7fc Incnes Reports from Stations lit 7 I'. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain of Weather 7 p. m. est fall. Pn.v.nn. i ' 0 A r, Davenport, cloudy w 9ft I Denver, clear .M 1 Des Molnei, clear H fi yi Dodge City. oar U $t .ijo North Platte, clear S4 Sn .fo Omaha, clear 89 W .on Rapid City, clear 74 78 .00 Sheridan, partly cloudy.. 70 7t .00 Sioux City, partly cloudy. 84 90 .00 Valentine, clear .... 78 82 ,34 X Indicates trace of precipitation, L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. I I DAVENPORT. Ia.. May 25,-Magdalena. 73 1 Pruter. aged 5. widow of Franklin 74 j Pruter. a retired farmer, burned herself I j to death today. 'Mrs. Pruter locked all gj j the doors and. going into the cellar, plied papers and wood In the coal bin. Then she sprinkled the heap and her own cloth ing with kerosene, laid down and touched a match to the pile. When tho police ar rived fifteen minutes later she was dead. Ever since her husband's death Mrs. Pruter has brooded over her sorrow. Ex-Mayor Nathan Reaches New York NEW TORK. May 2S.'-Ernest Nathan, Italy's commisiloner to arrange for her exhibit at the Panama Pacific exposition In San Francisco, and formerly mayor of Rome, who is head of the. Masonic order In Italy, was greeted by 300 Masons who met the PUmpalla at quarantine, The commissioner, who Is 71 years old, said he would leave for Washington lata today to call on President Wilson. (Continued on Page Two.) Fight to Save Pickard from Coming Back to Omaha C. F. M. Pickard. alia -Fr.nif rM-t,' J ard." Rums detective arrested in Kansas City Saturday for connection with the "any .ews-nurns' plot to bribe city and county officials in Omaha, naa released from custody until Wednesday morning yesterday afternoon when a professional bondsman put up 16.00D. Pickard was taken from custody of the marshal! by a writ of habeas corpus and brought before the circuit court. There. Instead of being released on the 82.000 bond previously fixed, he was held In the sum of JS.000, which was afterwards fur nished. Word received last night from Detee- live Frank Murphy of Omaha, by Chief of Detectives Maloney Is to the effect that the Duma people have tied up th$ requisition papers in the Missouri gover nor's office, and will commence their fight to resists extradition from there, unless Pickard flees before. Murphy told Maloney that he Is experiencing all kinds of difficulty In Kansas Clty-the ssme kind of treatment Maloney received In Chicago. "They still deny Pickard Is a Rums man but Pickard told me himself hs Is employed by Burns," Murphy told Ma. loney. The story of how Charles N. Diets se cured control of tho Sheridan Fuel com pany is graphically told In a petition filed by United States Distriot Attorney F. S. Howell In tho federal court of equity, In which the government is seek ing to recover the value of mining props and ties cut from the government lands In Crook county, Wyoming. The government alleges that between January ot ISM nnd December of 1901. 23,950 mining props and 67.avi mining ties were cut from government lands, with out authority of the government, and de livered to the Sheridan Fuel company at Sheridan, Wyo. The Sheridan Fuel company, a Wyo mlng corporation, was organized In 189.1, according to the petition, with a capital stuck of $100,000 and conducted a small but prosperous business In mining and selling coal and had no salaried officers excepting a superintendent, who was paid 8100 a month, and the defendant, Charles N. Dletz was not then a stock holder or officer of the company. Company Reorfcanlsed. The petition states that In 1S94, In order to provide additional working capital. the capital stock of the corporation was Increased to t&00,000. that the defendant, Charles N. Dletz, and hln associate, If, F. Cady, acquired a small majority of the stock and thereupon elected a board of directors In their own Interest and caused Charles N. Dletz to be elected president, with a salary of 815,000 a year. and his brother, Gould Dletz. to be elected secretary and treasurer with salary of 83,000 a year, and U. R. Woods to be elected manager at a salary of 8.1,000 a year. The petition recites that these salaries were grossly excessive and out of proportion to the business done and the profits made, and that by means of this and other manipulations. the defendant Dletz and his associates absorbed and converted to their own use. all of the working capital of the Sherl dan Fuel company. As a result the stock was greatly depreciated, it 1 said, and a large number ot small stockholders were led to sell their stock, which was bought by Charles N. Dletz for trifling sums. All Conrrrcd to lllrts. On November 21, 1903, C. N. Diets, after acqlrlnr a great majority of the capital stock. Is alleged to have caused the Sheridan Fuel company to convey to him without any consideration whatever ail Its property and assets of every kind and description. The petition then states that (Continued on Page Two.) The National Capital Monday, May 2.1, 1014. The Senate. Met at 11. a. m. and adjourned st 11:07 a. m. until 11 a. m., Tuesday, nut of ie spect to the memory of 1st) Senator Rtadley rf Kentucky. Judiciary committee favorably renonej the contested nomination of E. R. Moon as marshal for the northern Iowa district. The llnuar. Met at II a. m Resumed debate on Clayton cmnlbus trust bill. Progressives called a conference with Colonel Roosevelt for tomorrow night. Western congressmen appealed to the pxesldrnt to favor the bill to extend time of payments for Irrigation projects settlers. Says Minimum Pay of Minister Should Be Thousand a Year CHICAGO, May JS.-Onn thousand dnl lars as the minimum ,al y of n Presby terian minister was advocated today le fore tho general assembly of the Presbv- terlan .ohureh In the United States that men whose' life had been spent in the pulpit mlglit pass their ileollnlnt- yenrs In comfort. The "plea wm made by Rev. Murdock MeLeod of Tacinin, W'M.h., chairman of the committor on mlnlsiorlul relief. A plan tn conserve and unite the re ligious forces In small communities by the establishment Of u central chur-h .n Pisces of loss than 1,20) inhabitants wts also broached and referred for report at tho next general assembly. The resignation of Rev. qutlla Vbb of Louisville from tho post if lie moderator, was annuuncn.1, and liev George W. Ralley of the synod of Penn sylvania was appointed In his place by the moderator. Dr. .MaiMiud Alexander. The attitude of Dr. Maltland Alexander. moderator of the assembly, toward evan gelism campaigns was made clear yes terday when he declared himself in favor of revivals, even If some thought them lacking In dignity. That he Is a firm believer In the power of the emotions was shown In his sermon, one of Abt preached here yesterday by the commis sioners to the assembly. "To most persons, emotion is foolish,' he said. "We choke our emotions so is not to appear ridiculous to our friends Business, home and religion are lifeless without emotion. If our aristocratic families would set about to make emo tion fashionable they would accomplish far more than by Investing money in reforms," British Steamship Strikes an Iceberg; Damage is Slight LONDON, May 28. The steamship Royal Edward of the Canadian Northern steamship line, collided with an iceberg 110 miles east of Cape Race while on Its voyage from Montreal to Avonmouth The captain tn a wireless message to the owners today, described the Iceberg as a very large one and said that the steamer struck It end on, while going "dead slow" in a dense fog. The steamship's stem was twisted by the blow. The captain declared the dam age was not serious, but It would be necessary to dock on Its arrival In En gland. A later message says the Royal Edward Is taking no water, but has been brought to a stop in the fog. Neither of the messages Is dated, Militants Shout "Shoot the King' LONDON. May 25-Shouts of "Shoot the king" filled a hall lit, which a meeting of the Women's Social and Political union, the militant suffragette organiza tions, was held this afternoon. Every mention of King George's name was greeted with angry derision and prolonged hissing. Mrs. Mildred Ella Mansel, who served a term of Imprisonment for breaking windows at the war office, presided at the suffragette gathering. She alluded to the scenes at Buckingham palace on Thursday when fifty-seven suffragettes, Including Mrs. Rinmellne Pankhurst, were arrested at the park gate and de clared both the royal name and the royal office had been disgraced. PICKARD TO FIGHT RETURN Burns' Sleuth Held in Kansas City not Jbager to Return to Omaha. HANSEN TALKS BEFORE FLIGHT Sleuth Who Jnmpert Ilnll In Clilrago Said lie Was Working for flnrns nnd Ilarns for Dally Nevrs. Frank M. PJckard declared Psturdsy In nansas City following his arrsst on a charge of attempted bribery that h would fight extradition to the end. but that if Drought back to Omaha he would tell all ne Knows and "take some more with him to the penitentiary." Ho made this assertion In a long "Inter view" given to a chauffeur who pretended to be a newspaper reporter following his arrest Saturday. xte admitted that he was a Burns de. tective, but declared he was employed In a "bank case" In Omaha and had nothing ,10 ao witn any bribery. The attempted sale of smoke consumers here was a ilda line, ne declared, Pickard Hrncly (o Tell All. m. result of willingness to talk manifested by PIckara, who was In tho employ of the Dally News In Omaha and who la charged by County Commissioner John C. Lynch with having attempted to bribe him, Mr. Lynch was enabled to re turn rrom Kansas. City yesterday with .uiuiun uuunnauon ana with a complete knowledge of Plckard's past and tecent history. "If Pickard la brought back to Omaha tne uums-Dally News gang will not make any more fun of that penitentiary threat," declared Commissioner Iiyneh. 'Tlckard Is ready to tell all he knows to save nimaslf," ncnara was arrested early Saturday aiiernoon in Kansas City. He had met - uustafson, head of the Burns-Kan sa agency In a hotel a short tlma previously. He had spent Friday nt uustafson's office, but kept away fintur. aay oecause he expected to be arrested. In Jail Orer Knnday. Judge Clark fixed his bond at 12,000 and Pickard made strenuous efforts to avoid staying over Bunday in Jail. His ball was not arranged, however, until late In the evening, and since the Judge could not De located Pickard remained In Jail until this morning when, It Is expectedhe will be released by the court. A surety com pany will furnish his bond. According to Pickard, he Is 4 years of age and was a lawyer and real estate dealer when he entered Burns' emnlov. i one time ne was employed by tho American Security company, lilt, home Is oi3 Mount Gall street. Kansas City, and he has a family there. His real name Is Allan Pickard. according to his friends In Kansas City. He told detectives that he had Intended to leave the state Satur. day night. The fight to resist extradition will be begun before the governor of Missouri at Jefferson City Friday for which date cKard's hearing has been set k. Jfernard, another Burns detective who "worked" In Omaha, Is the next man to be arrested if the local authorities are able to locate him. Bernard. It 1.1 said, hss been "fired" by Burns and is now at outs with his former employer. The trouble arose In connection with his work for the Dally News here. It Is re- ported. Two others are also wanted. Maloney ays Hansen Talked, Chief of Detectives Maloney came back from Chicago Sunday without T. G. Han. sen, the Burns sleuth who had been ar rested there for his share In the Daily a .... w jsews jod in Omaha. Hansen had Jumped nis dsji, as was already reported, hut be. NIAGARA FALLS) Ont . May 23. After a conference today between the mediators and the Mexican delegates, it was announced that the progress of tho mediation had reached a most satisfac tory stage. The difficulties over the manner of ln- troduclng the land question Into the dis cussion are being overcome and this point will bo Inoluded In the scope of the mediation program. This was stated on the authority 6f one of the South Ameri can enroya. The diplomat pointed especially today to the good feeling that has prevailed between the American and Mexican dele gates and is constantly growing ntronger. Although there have been some differ ences of opinion, each side has recog nised the earnestness ot purpose ot tho other. It was revealed also today that tho discussion over tho land question had not so much concerned the merits of any plan for the nettling of Mexico's chief economic difficulties as the relative Im portance that should be attached to tha question In drawing up a program for the new provisional government. Salute Is Misinterpreted. MAZATLAN, Mexico, May 24.-Vlaj Wireless to San Diego, May 2i.) A. twenty-one minute-gun salute, fired by tho American and Japanese warships In tha harbor and by the federal fortifica tions, was misinterpreted today by the besieging constitutionalists as an attack; on the city, Instead of a tribute to tha late dowager empress of Japan. General Obregon's batteries promptly opened a spirited fire on the city, and a number of sheila and a hall ot machine gun bul lets fell In the streets. The Huerta steamer Herrera success fully ran the constitutionalist shore bat teries today and landed two pieces ot artillery and a quantity of provisions for the besieged federal army. However, provisions In tfca city are run ning vary low and hunger has driven many of tho poorer residents to theft. IxMting Is Increasing alarmingly, and as tha municipal authorities fled on the gun boat Guerrero some time ago, the prob lem of dealing with a horde ot petty criminals Is added to the troubles of tha federal military commander. Vnqals Near Ilcvolt. The gunboat Annapolis has been or dered from Santa Rosalia to the Taqul river in response to an appeal from tha French colony at Santa Rosalia for a warship to protect French and Ameri can residents Hgalnst Yaqul Indians. There are sixty-two Americans In tho Yaqul valley. It Is said the Indians havo (Continued on Page Two.) Thief Throws Fifty Diamond Rings Into Crowd of Newsboys CHICAGO. May 25. A shower of dia mond rings descended on a group of newsboys In the downtown district ve. terday. A Jewelry thief in cutody of two officers waiting for the patrol wagon suddenly Jerked two handful of ihe r'nga irom ms pocKct and throw them over his head, With wild shouts -if 'finder. Is keepers" the newsboys throw them selves on the diamonds and hldlns them In sleeves and pockets fled in ull dire-. Hons. Fifty rings, vnlued at 84,u00, wera missing when Inventory was taker ,f tha robbed Jewelry store. Two men were surprised by police Just after they had broken through the plate glass w nrtnw of a diamond merchant. One escaped; the other was taken. The newsies palh ered around the patrol box wondorlug what the man was arrested for when suddenly he got his hand free und then followed the diamond shower. Street car conductors and taxlcab drivers Joined, In the scramble. All the police picked up was four rings. (Continued on They're Comin9 Back! Who's Comin' Back? You Can't Lengthen Your Vacation But You CAN Strengthen It Your vacation: A delightful period of leisure completely surrounded by hard work. You can not. hv tnkln? thoucht. add n (lav tn Ma nimn. tlty; but you can mightily in crease its quality by heeding vacation suggestions in the ad vertising columns of The Bee, There 'b a wealth of Buch sug gestions day after day regard ing routes and resorts, camn equipment, comfortable duds, fishing tackle, and all tho other items that spell vacation pleasure. Your vacation is a most Im portant occasion. It means health and strength and In creased vitality. Don't mini mize Ub beneficial powers by falling to read the ads. 1 -.J