THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 25, 1914. T D UTC ATH GUI V X P R I W ! daughter had not eljpl with th young li lit ilia XJUU UJJU1 nUIUH Virginian, Mark Morton, head of To All Appearances He Is as Vigor ous as When He Went Away. APPARENTLY FULLY RECOVERED Politlcnl Ontlook In etr York find Ohio Considered nt War Coun cil irllh Rnrflrld nntl Othrrn. OV8TER CAT. X. V.i May -To ail appearance today Theodore Hooeevclt had recovered entirely from the effects of his trip Into the South American Inn Kits. Fle da vii at SKamor Hill have brought hack Ills full measure of strength find chased away the line which fur rowed his face when he returned. As he. sat on the broad veranda of his home on the crown of the hill today, looking over tha tofts of the trees below the bay, he appeared to be as fit' phys ically as before he went away. There are a, few. more Bra' hairs In his mus tache and his weight hna been reduced considerably; otherwise there were no flgns of change In his appearance from the day he set forth for the southern continent Ilnlila War Council. When Colonel Roosevelt returned to this country some concern was folt an to his condition, and a period of rest was prescribed. Ho protested that he wanteJ to obey Instructions, but the fact was that he seldom had been aa busy as at the present time. He found time today to take a Ionic walk across the country with Mrs. Roosevelt. The remainder of the day was given to & long council of war with a few of his assistants and to work with his stenographer. Tha political outlook In New York and Ohio na taken up today. Plans for a vigorous campaign In New York state were outlined. Much of Colonel Hoosevelt's time and energies are to be directed to tho fight In this state, which Is expected to give one of ther severest tests of tho strength of the new party. Theodora Doug las 'Robinson, chairman of the state com mittee, and Regis II. Post, forrrrar gov ernor of Porto lllco, who was ono of tho pioneers In this state In the formation of the party, spent several hours at Sag amore Hill. With them were James It. Garfield of Cleveland, secretary of the In terior under President Roosevelt, and Arthur I Oarford of Klyrla, both active In party affairs In Ohio. Not to rtn n for Governor. So far as could be learned the proposal that Colonel Roosevelt accept the pro gressive nomination for governor of New York was not brought up. Although the former president has been urged by some of his assistants to consider the pro posal, it can bo stated authoritatively that he can forsee no contingency in which he would give the matter serious thought Colonel Roosevelt would nay nothing to indicate that the stato ticket had been discussed today. It Is understood, how ever, that Oscar S. Strauss, who was the progressive candidate for governor two years ago, has been brought forward as a possible candidate this year for United States senator. For the candidate for governor" several names have been mentioned. They In clude Frederick M. Davenport, former stato senator and candidate in 1912 for lieutenant governor! William H. Hotch kiss, former superintendent of Insur ance, and Balnbridse Colby, New York lawyer and one of the most active pro- gresalvo campaigners in 1912. the Western Cold Storage company. Is said to have boarded a train for his ranch m Nebraska to seek rest from the worr e caused by his daughter's "runaway " Reasons for parentis! objection to the young woman's eastern trip and for the frantic efforts of relative and friend who tried and failed to Intercept her dre still a mystery. Mies Morton could not be reached last night In the Virginia city. Fellow Prisoner of. Silliman at Saltillo Tells of Experiences WASHINGTON, May 24. Vice Consul John Silliman, the cause of siich pro longed anxiety on account of his dlsap-ix-arance at Saltillo, remained at Mexico City today, recuperating from the hard ships of the trip from Saltillo, and ex pecting to depart for Vera Crux Monday, According to reports reaching the Stste deportment. One of his fellow prisoners In the Saltillo jail, Dr. Franklin Moore, called at the Stato department today and told of his experiences. Mr, Moore was a practicing physician of twenty years standing In Saltillo. He said tranquility had prevailed there all through tho earlier phae of the revolutionary movement, until April 23 n telegram signed "Victor land Ituerta" wss received from the capl tol, stating American warships w'ere bom barding Vera Crlis. Immediately follow ing tho signature were the words "Hang all Americans," presumably added by ths telegraph operator. Messages from the civil governor sum moned all Americans in Saltillo to head quarters. Tho doctor excused hlmstlt from the patient he was attending, with a promise to return In a fow minutes, nut li waa fifteen' days before he was agnln at liberty. He was first placed In a cell thfeo feet by seven feet for twenty- four hours, but tho following day he was admitted to a large room where all the American prisoners were gathered, In cluding Vice Consul Silliman. They wers treated fairly well and were released onlj after they had Jointly signed a statement reciting that they had simply been de tained to ensuro their protection against violence Ht the 'hands of the people, Silli man, however, was held after the1 others left, on the charge that he was a spy. Omaha Good Roads Boosters Will Visit . Thirty State Towns Thirty Nebraska cltbtt will be visited by tire Oimhana on tHe.Qoqd Roads run which Is to bo held on Jun S and .6. The run will ba by automobile and thirty-five representative business men of the city. have made arrangements to make the trip. The run starts Thursday evenliur. whan the Omahans will Journey to -Urn coin before starting In earnest the follow-; leg jnorning, The itinerary ts-as lollops: THURSDAY. JUNK 1 Leave Omaha ft jx in.: arrrve Ashland b.jw isuppen; arrive Lincoln :io p. m. FRIDAY. JUNE . Leave Lincoln 7; a. m, Arrive emerald, six miles, 8rf0 a. m. stop 6 minutes. Arrive Pleasantdale, ten mile, 8:30 s m.. stoD 10 minutes. Arrive Mllford, seven, miles, 9:00 a. m.J stop IB minutes. Arrtvo Ruby, five miles, 3:30 a. m.J atop. Arrive Seward, five1 miles, 9:&0 a. m,; stop 40 minutes. Arrive Tamora, seven miles, 10 $0 a. m.: stop, 10 minutes. Arrive, Goehner, five miles, 11:15 a. m., stop 10 minutes. Arrive Reaver Crossing,, seven miles, Arrrlve Friend li:S0 p. in. (lunch): Mori uuur. Arrive Dorchester, nine miles, 2:0) p.,m.; stop 10 minutes. Arrive Crete, ten miles, 2:10 p. m.; stop w minuici. . Arrlvo Sh&stak, five miles, 3:90 p, m. stop S minutes, Arrive wiiocr, live mues. sits p. m.; stoD 20 minutes. Arrive DeWttt, seven miles, 4:15 p. m.; Arrive Beatrice, thirteen miles, 6:30 p, m., (Remain over night). SATURDAY, JUNE 6. Leave Beatrice 7:30 a. m. Arrive Filler, thirteen miles. S:10 a. m. atop 10 minutes. Arrive Crab Orchard, nine miles, S:M a. m., siop iv minutes. Arrive Vesta, seven milts,- tM a. m LtOD a minute. Arrive Tecumseh. eight miles. 9:ifi a. m.i top ju minutes. Arrive Graf, eight miles. 10:0 a. . top ip minutes. Arrive Johnson, six miles, 11:10 a. : stop 10 minutes. Arrive Honrs, lour mues, 11 ; a. m. siop o minutes. Arrive Auburn, five miles, 110 a. 1 StoD one hour (lunch). Arrive Julian, ten miles, 1:30 p. m.: stop 10 mlnutfia. Arrive Nebraska City, twelve miles, 2:30 p. m.; stop 40 minutes. Arrtv Union, fifteen miles, l:U p. m.j nop iv minutes. Arrive Murray, eight miles, 4t2S, p. m. atop 10 minutes. Arrive riausmouw, nine mues, a. 10 p. iu-. nop w minutes. Arrive Omaha 6.30 p. m. notified by her sister of her husband's death she collapsed, but was Inter able to Journey tb the coroner's where her hus band's body had been taken. Wallace Is reported to be very low at tho Swedish Mission hospital, with but slight chances for recovery. II. Beam, conductor of the street car declared that he had no Inkling of the accident until the car was brought to a sudden stop. ai inirteeriui ana uorcas streets a northbound Benson car loaded with pas sengen, vhose crew, oonslsted of Motor man O. Ferrll, S024 South Twenty-fourth street, nnd Conductor E. r. Wright, 181H Bprlng street, ytiLt, struck., from the' rear by an empty special Krjig.park car, .whloh had turned from Vinton street onto Thir teenth street. The brake on the lattor refused to work and the car, coasting at a high rate of speed down the grado on that throughfare crashed with consider able force Into the car ahead. Motormun C. K. Hansen, 3123 South Twenty-second street, of the Krug park car avoided a very serious affair by keep ing (he gong sounding loudly, nnd warn Ing tho Benson crew'who opened tip tlIr power Just before the two cars mot, thus lessening the shock. Hansen and his conductor. J. D. Lack. ard, 321714 South Twenty-fourth street, are both comparatively new men with the company. Besides those Injured In tho above list about 'ten people were cut by flying glass .or bruised from the sud. den Impact- Those hurt were removed to their homes after receiving the atten tions of ths police surgeons. Helen Morton Not Wedded to Bailey CHICAGO. May 2l.-(Special )-What was at first thought to be an elopement of Miss Helen Morton, daughter of Mark Morton and granddaughter of the late J Sterling Morton, has been shown by the young woman's relatives to have been trip east, resulting In her buying an old Virginia homestead adjoining that of Clay Balloy, a young man who recently was her guest at the Morton home In Lake Forest This waa given aa the answer to the mystery surrounding the young soclsty girl's sudden disappearance Wednesday night She was located yesterday at Pelaplsne, Va., at the nome of one of ONE KILLED AND ONE MAY DIE FROM CRASH OFJJAR INTO BUGGY (Continued from Tage One.) HANSON HAS JUMPED BOND (Continued from Page One.) requisition waa to come up yesterday and Hansen did not appear. Mr,. Lynch, who Is from Kansas City. with Frank Murphy, an Omaha detec tive. Is stopping at the Jefferson hotel. "Ths democrats arc In power In the city and the republicans In the county," Mr. Lynch said. "The Independent ele ment has been trying to shako up both city and county and get control. The Burns detective agency waa hired. The the Information leaked out. Pick ard and Hansen opened offices In the Brandels Theater building and Installed a dicta phone. The opposition also installed one and secured enough information to send both Burns men to the penitentiary. The Burns agents were at work five months. "Frank Best, another county commls- sloner. was approached on the smoke consumer proposition and all the. con veraatlon took place where both dicta phones were working." Pickard was arraigned before Justlco Charles H. Clark late this afternoon on fugitive warrant and his bond placed at w,too. He was unable to furnish It, The hearing was set for Friday. Frank Murphy, a detective, la awaiting requl sltlon papers on which to take Pickard back to Omaha. John A. Gustafson. manager of the uurns agency In Kansas City, denied to. night that Plokard waa connected with nis agency. T . . . . never neara or ncicard until to night, afed if he waa one of our men he would have called upon me for assist ance," Mr. Qustafson said. 'The Chi cago oince may be worklnc on the Omaha case, but I have not heard any- ining aoout it. If the Burns agenoy Is handling It I should be Informed and I may near something tomorrow." OHIO STATE IS VICTOR IN ANNUAL TRACK MEET COLUMBUS. O., May 24.J-OhIo State yesterday won the track meet in which nine Ohio universities and colleges com peted. The Ohio Stato athletes scored sixty points. Oberlln was second with forty-nine, Case third with twelve and Cincinnati fourth with ten. Two, state records were broken. Harvey of Oberlln clearing the bar at 6 feet 1H inches in the high Jump and Kessler of Ohio State making U feet t Inches in the pole vault (ttrenuthrna WrnU Kltlnna. Electric Bitters will more than urpr! ynj micr ins iirsi nam. tir Ktti Mr Ballee friends, Mrs. Frank Neer, Jr. today. Safe and sure. Mo and 1 All jtuu Huiiocw nai nis aruggista Advertisement. TT.B.. .li' I 1.1 Pt. I Never Before has it been possible to buy n new edition of the Encyelopnedin Britannica at such low prices as will obtain until May 28th 3 days after today. Never Before has the demand been so great, the manufactur ing so extensive, the capital invested so consid erable, tho book itself so good a piece of work, and Never Before has anyone been able to pay $5 down with his order iind reeeivo the whole sot 29 magnificent volumes complete in one shipment. All previ ous methods of publication have involved the is sue of each volume separately, and its sale and delivery to subscribers separately. Tho 25 vol umes of tho 9th Edition, for example, were is sued during a period of fourteen years 1875 Nto 1889. Tho present plan of, publication all the volumes issued at one time, and therefore all of uniform date was a Revolution in Publishing Several men sat down together in London and discussed ways and means of making a com f lately new edition of tho Encyclopaedia Bri tannica the great standard work of reference of tho whole world. "Wo will go to work," said one of the men, "and make tho whole Encyclopaedia Britannica, the whole story of human, knowl edge down to date, as one complete work, before we put a line of it into type, or print a copy for sale. This is the way the book ought to be made, but has never been made." Eight years wore given to the undertaking, and $1,500,000 was paid out to do it. When it was all finished and ready to print, the manu script contained about 44,000,000 words. When you buy tho now Britannica, therefore, You Profit by a Napoleonic Idea an idoa which not only ensures a much better book, but a much cheaper ono than ever before, because it was now possible to print and bind the whole 29 volumes of an enormous encyclo paedia, as ono complete book, and therefore re duce all manufacturing costs to a minimum. (H it had been produced under the old piece-mear, volume-by-volumo method of publication, tho selling price would have been 30 to 40 per cent higher.) Also, it enabled tho publishers of tho work to conduct the rt X2TDIA. 7APBB BUT. oocupjlss? 3 cnbio ft. I or apaoei eacn vol ume but one Inch thick. A FEW FACTS ABOUT THIS GREAT WORK OF ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE 39 Volumes; 44,000,000 Words of Text 41,000 Ar ticle: 30,024 Paget; 14,689 Illustrations;, 450 Fall-Paga Plates in Blcch and White and in Color; 300 Maps, Show ing 123,000 Plow; 600,000 Separate References In the Index. There are 1,500 contributors, of 21 different countries. Including the chancellors, presidents and principals of C4 universities and colleges, besides S50 other members of the faculties of these and 92 other such Institutions; 101 members of the staffs of observatories, laboratories and surveys; 126 ambassadors, diplomats, and officials of various governments; 327 historians; 107 agricultural ists and biologists; 62 business men and manufacturers; 76 physicians and surgeons; 72 engineers and architects: 75 lawyers; 1(1 theologians; 79 naval and military offi cers; 93 chemists, physicists, and mathematicians; 65 meteorologists, geologists and astronomers; 64 geogra phers and explorers; 72 economists and sociologists; as well aa other specialists of other kinds, representing, In all. 6t distinct professions and occupations. Manufacturing On a Gigantic Scale 10,000 sets at a time. Printers and binders could be employed continuously, as long as there was a ready demand, and a new printing could follow immediately after the preceding one was off the press. The demand, fortunately, was constant, so that the mere saving in print ing and binding in large lots was sufficient to justify the publishers in keeping the selling price at a low figure. If the manufacturing had been in small lots instead of large lots, we should long ago have had to increase the prices. When you buy the new Britannica, therefore, you profit not only by an idea Tvhich has given the public the best, tho fullest and most nearly perfect encyclopaedia ever issued, but You Profit by Large Savings in cost of raw materials, printing and binding. You niay gain some idea of the magnitude of the manufacturing from the fact that we have had to use more than 2,100 tons of India paper for the 11th edition, the skins (for binding) of 825,000 sheep and goats, and' that 16 large cyl inder presses have been at work continuously for more than two years and a half. 65,000 Sets have now been printed, bound and delivered to date at these low figures, which wo. are about to increase. You can share in the present success of this offer at low prices, and, if you send your order at once, using the attached order fonn, you will never regret it. But Never Again can you get these beautifully printed, hand somely bound India paper volumes at suoh a low price. After Thursday next we must ad vance the prices by $29 to $50 a set, according to the binding. Our letter of instructions from the publishers of the Now Encyclopaedia Bri tannica, the Cambridge University'Press of En gland, says: 'Under no circumstances, will 'any extention after May 28th 'be given, and orders at present prioes postmarked after that 'date must be .returned. ' (Signed) C. F. CLAY Manager After May 2Sth the new Britannica will be manufactured in small lots, a few thousand sets each year, and, as tjie manufacturing cost will be so much high er, the selling prce will have to be increased in proportion. . ' f It Is Impossible . , v at the Moment to promise any immediate deliveries ajt all,' be cause of the fact that the demand, for. the work is still insistent, and has, in fact, more than .trebled within two weeks, so that no more com plete sets can be sent out until a new supply ar rives from the binder. If You Don't Want to Wait a Long Time for Your Books Order Today. 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