Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Hwo Men Injured When Auto
Smaihup Takes Place.
liCTl Prondfoot Mrlrkrn with rni.
, ,. ., rnnaltln.. I
ti n ti - - -
FolloTTlnn tntnmotillr A !.
rtrnl nr I'npllllnn.
John Kllker. fireman. rwMdlns t
Q street, and Frank OnacrnskJ of Thirty
f Irat and Monro treeta nre In the South
Omaha hospital with broken collarbone
and fractured ribn a a remit of an auto
mobile collision last evening at Twentieth
and I trrt. The men were In different
car. They are said to be erlouMy hurt.
Kllker Is a fireman attached to No. 1
hall. Yesterday evenlntr he Is said to
have gone to a nearby BaraRe to set the
Ford runabout used hy the fire chiefs.
After KettlnR the machine he la said to
have irone driving In It for the purposo
of trytnjf It out. At Twentieth and I
atreets he crashed Into tho automobile
ovned by the O. K. hardware store and
driven by Frank Malney. Orwcenskl was
with Halney. Hoth machines were going
t a hitch rate of s.eed. It Is said.
The city runslxmt was demolished
7ialney'a car, which was also a runabout,
was taken to the shop for repairs. Kil
ker had his collarbone broken and one
rib fractured, lte was taken to tho South
Omaha hospital. Opacentkl also sus
tained a broken collarbone and several
broken rlba. Halney escaped Injury. Dr.
r. O. Beck sent Kllker to the 8outh
pmaha hospital and Dr. John Koutsky
attended Opacenskl.
Prnndfont In Spi-Ioiim Condition.
Levi Proudfoot, who was Injured In an
automobile wreck Thursday evening near
Papllllon, la net expected to llvo through
the- nidht at Wise Memorial hospital. Ills
life la threatened by pneumonia. Proud
foot sustained a broken collarbone, three
fractured ribs and a deep cut In his
thigh when the nutn In which ho was
rldln was wrecked the other day. Yes
terday morning he was thought to lw
doing nicely and an early recovery was
looked for. At noon symptoms of pneu
monia developed and It was said last
night that the Injured man has amall
chanca of recovery. An operation to re
move the broken rib from pressing on
tho lungs may be performed today.
nnl ftenppnlnlril,
Henry Deal has beon reappointed gen
eral labor organlier for this district by
.President Samuel L, Oompers, president
of the American Federation of Labor.
Beal la a member of Omaha Typograph
ical union No. 190 and has been an active
labor man for years. For eight years
he has been a delegate to the South
Omaha Central body. Four months ago
the printers withdrew their delegate frorr
the central labor body of South Omaha.
At the same time Ileal surrendered l;ls
commission as organlter. Tho printers
have returned their delegate to the cen
tral body of South Omaha and President
Oompers wrote Beal asking him to take
up the work of crganlter again. Deal
accepted and hi commission was re
newed. Heal la a night law student at
Crlghton university.
Bob" White Drnd.
Frank White, better known as "Bob
White, la dead of blood poisoning. Ho
died yesterday morning at Uie Swedish
Mission hospital In Omaha. He was 30
yeara old and for a long- time was ono
of the familiar flrures at the Union Stock
Tarda In the sheep division. At the time
of his death his sister, Mrs. Charles BUpp
f Alvo, Okl waa with him.
White broke his kneecap two months
ago. He received medical and surgical
aid at the time, but la said to have been
Impatient of treatment. Later the knee
caused him more trouble and had to he
broken over. He resisted going to the
hospital for a long time. When he did
finally m his condition waa practically
hopeless. Everything possible- was done
for him, but death Intervened.
The funeral service will be held this
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Brewer'a chapel.
He waa popular at the stock yarda and a
large delegation from the yards visited
the burial parlors yesterday and today.
The body will be sent to Alvo, Okl., for
Cnllina (irta Jin UrvcnRf-t
Justice of tho Peace George 8. Collins
ays that tho return of Pollco Magistrate
3arn Callanan from Excelsior Springs,
ttto., has saved the wily wight who pur
loined Ihe Collins steed from In front of
the city hall Friday night. Justice Col
Una admits that he wanted to be acting
police Judge when the police hud arrested
the man who stole the Collins horse.
EMvorth I'CHKiie Service.
The members of the Epworth league of
the First Methodist church will com
memorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the league by devoting the entire preach
ing. Sunday school and Kpworth league
services to topics concerning the history
And work of the Epworth league. Pro
grams have been prepared for both morn
ing and evening services. Ilev. J. W.
Klrkpatrick, pastor of the church, will
preach the morning sermon and at the
conclusion of the exercises ho will
formally Install the new Epworth league
Officers who were elected at a business
meeting of the league last Wednesday
evening at the church.
The. officers who will be Installed arc:
Estella Qrey, president; Fern Kads, first
vice president ; Monetha lec, second vlco
president; Frances Case, third vice presi
dent, Stella Holmes, fourth vice presi
dent; Mabel Henry-, secretary, and Harry
McWilllamt, treasurer. The work of the
league during the past has been along
octal, charitable, missionary and re
ligious lines and efforts will be made to
Increase its present scope during the coni'
Ing year.
Draii In n Mix,
If matters do not mend In the demo
cratic ranks of the Magic City, the Nl
gara Falls' mediators may be Invited to
come here after they have settled the
Mexican embroglio. Leaders, near lead
era, bosses and would-be bosses, candl
datea and may-be candidates are In a
writing, swirling mass of disagreement
V streets. .
over a thousand and one thlnga and noth
Of organization there is none. If there
1 anything Jn the way of preferment a
dozen "leaders" appear for the pie. The
qr jsts and very little of those are prom
ised to the rank and file. Morehead men
and Bryan men, La beck followers and
Dahlmanltes, the ins and the outa, go at It
merrily, while the officeholder and hunt
era alt mournfully by watching for word
from Washington.
After a long silence (he local demo
cratic organ tuned up the other day
and made some remarks about the repub
lican machine- The so-called republican
ma hln"ls an organization for republican
voters whh'h acts through regularly
elected leader. Naturally it gets re
ults. The democratic machine la an inner
circle crew of self-appointed directors gen
eral. J2vtaf once Jn a while there la a
re toll. One i-oterle of leaders wanted to
throw Tom O Connor .who Is a candidate
for re-election to the county commission.
The packing house men And the rank
ami file democrats got wise to the at
tempt and now O'Conr.or Is stronger than
Somebody wanted to get Sheriff Mc
Shane's job. The sheriff made r raid
one night ami now he has no rlvala here.
The council, which is violently democratic,
wanted to appoint some paving Inspectors
Mayor Hoctor appointed a number of re
publican friends and the council Is mad.
A larpe number are after the scat of
Police Judge .lames OaJlanan. There
la some merry war on among the demo
crats and the end Is not yet.
Snlrllpr to Decorntr iravr.
All old soldiers, the Woman's Belief
Corps. Spanish-American veterans, sons
of veterans and daughters of veterans
will unite May 30, 1314, In the observation
of Memorial day. Together with Mchool
children apd citizens they, will meet at
the ptntofflee at Twenty-fourth and Ml
streets, and at 2 o'clock proceed to
I-nurel Hill cemetery, where tho exercises
will be held at the graves of comrades.
The line of march from Twenty-fourth
and M street to laurel Hill will be a
Mayor nnd city officers.
Orator of the day.
Phil Kearney Post No. 2 Grand Army
of tin- Itepubllr.
All old soldiers.
Women's Belief Corps.
Mpnnlsh-Amerlcan war veterans.
fchool children and citizens.
The program at the comctery will bo
as follows:
Vocal music.
1'iayer, ftnv. R. H. Yorian.
Orand Army of the Republic ritual
Woman's Bcllnf Corps ritual service,
l'rajer. Bev Mr. Smith.
Benediction. Bev. Mr. Hill.
Lincoln's address at Gettysburg. F. A.
J. A. lagan's general order No. II, W.
J. Nagle.
Oration, Bev. J. W. Klrkpatrick.
"Tell .Tnlin House Una llurnril."
"If yoj see John, tell him tho house
has burned down," paid' Mrs. John Ole
wizkl last night over tho telephone, to
Captain Znloudck of tho local police de
partmcnt Mr. and Mrs. Olewizkl and family left
their homo at Thirty-first nnd F streets
early In the evening nnd attended, tho
carnival. When Mrs. Olewizkl returned
she found that In her absence the build
ing had burned. Neighbors turned In the
alarm hut the flames had too great a
headway to permit of saving the struc
ture. Tho loss Is about $7M.
Niimra' ffrndunllnn.
Tim graduating exercises of thn nurses
of the training school of the South Omaha
hospital will be held Tuesday evening,
May 26. at the First Methodist church,
Twenty-fifth nnd D streets, and tho fol
lowing program has been nrurnged;
Invocation Hev. J. W. Klrkpatrick
Song Dreams Anton Streleckl
Scripture Heading
Address Ilev. J. V. Klrkpatrick
Solo A Spirit Flower.... Campbell-Tipton
(leorgina Davis.
"Tho Ideal Nurse '....Dr. 15. F. Shanahan
Presentation of Diplomas..,. C. B. Watvrs
Epilogue Finnic, from "Oolden
Legends" , Dudley Buck
After the program Is completed a re
ception wilt bo tenederd tho grnduntts In
the assembly room of the church.
The publlo In Invited to attend the
graduating exercises and the reception.
Month Omnlin llnapltnl Note.
Mrs. Lottie Cox of 4219 1 street waa
operated on at the fniuth Omaha hospital
last Monday and expects to leave for
home this afternoon.
Mrs. Hazel Lucas of the Besse theater
had a minor operation performed at the
South Omaha hospital this week and ex
pects to he out soon.
William Green of MS North Tvrcntv-
flrst street, a brother of Doll Green of
South Omaha, waa taken to the South
Omaha hospital Wednesday.
The alumni and the trustees of tho
South Omaha hospital will entertain tho
graduating nursea nt a dinner-dance at
the Seymour Lako Country club Saturday
evening, May 30.
K. C. Wnlker of Be levue. who has
been with the Cudahy Packing company
for about twenty years, has been In the
South Omaha hospital for several days
and Is getting along nicely. His son,
Ilobert, Jr., la also In the hospital and
doing well. He expects soon to bo able
to go home.
HlRh School .Note.
Paul McBrido has been re-elected can-
tain of the basket ball team for noxt
Coach J, M. Pntten of the high school
has culled off the games schcdulod with
ucuevuo and other schools.
The Junior banquet to the graduating
seniors will be held at the PreRbyterlan
church, Twenty-third and J streets, on
June 6.
Arrangements are being completed to
have a track meet at tho high school
athletlo grounds In tho rear of the school
during commencement week. t
The tennis tournament will be opened
about June 2. It Is estimated thnt about
thirty contestants will compete both In
singles and doubles for the champion
ship of the school.
The Gavel club will meet at the Peter
sen studio next Tuesday afternoon to
liavn the members PholoRranhed In a
body. Tho picture will be," printed In the
commencement, issuo of tun Tooter.
i no second semester sonhomoro class
will glvo a hayrack party next Friday
evening from tho high school building 'to
Gllinore. Tho class will meet In a body
at the high schoo at 7 o'clock and start
on the trip at once.
The second half sophomores cavo a
party last Tuesday ovenltiH at tho homn
of Mrs. P. M. Campbell, HH North Twen
tieth street About thirty attended and
thn evening was spent In dancing and
playing game. Miss Horon, Miss Spears
and Mr Mooro of the high school fac
ulty ware chaperons.
With thn finish of last HYMnv ni-nln.
detmto with (he freshmen debating team
of tho University of Nebraska, the local
debating season Is closed. There will
prouamy do no more debates In the
Uavel club. A larRf number of students
have reported that they will enter the
contest for the two teams next year.
The Vellum society will meet next Fri
day afternoon after school In the high
Hiiiool miutnrliiin A study of tho life
and works f O. Henry will be taken up.
i no unrei ciud win meet in a short
session In the Board of Education room
of the high school next Tuesday even
ing at 7:30 o'clock. This will probably be
me insi uicrunK oi me year.
Society 'nt,
James Murrav or Tai-kln. tn u
Ing with Mrs. V. B. Cheek at her home,
91S. North Twenty-second street.
Mrs. William C. Bronson or tlila ritv i.
visiting for the week end with Miss
uennie Ayers or central city. Neb.
Mrs. Vrbner of Chicago. 111.. it,.
guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. L Kwllog at
inor num,c. jwi Kuriu i weniietn street
Tho Hmanon dub entertained at a mis
cellaneous shower last Tuesditv vnlmr
complimentary to Miss Margaret Connors,
who win ie a June urine.
Mrs. It Trembley of Independence,
han.. left last Tuesday morning fur her
home after a very enjoyable visit with
her dughler. Mrs. J. K. Connell of this
Mrs John Kexton assisted by Mrs. M.
Fitzgerald will entertain the Ladles'
Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of H Iber
ians next Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. R. Sexton. Twenty-seventh and
Mrs. P. ('. Peterson entertained at
bridge yesterday afternoon at her home.
1101 North Twenty-third street. The
rooms were decorated with aweetpeas.
Befreshments were served and tho after
noon was spent In playing bridge The
guests were Georginia ai.d Del Davis,
Ann Itowley, Flora Worth. Louis Schouler
Inez Bloom Bess Mitchel. Frances
Wllllard. Hertense Geest, Zera King SJera
Du Bols, Htella Johnston. May Maloney.
Charlotta Lodley Mary Moore now? M"--Hnn,
Ann M. Mann, Kade Ash. Ruth
Wllllard. Mrs. Lefty IllKEIns. Mr. 1
Trimble, Mrs, Roy Condon. Mrs. Ken
rtewiwri, w, vwiuam muci, Airs.
lea Wilson. Mrs George Schllly, Mrs.
h. Allen and Edna and Lillian Rosen
zwelg. Mrs. Lulu B. Mathewr. Miss Jessie A.
Stilt and Miss Jeisle A. Bobeson enjoyed
a fins auto trip to Central City, Neb.,
last Saturday, where they were the Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bis
sell of that city.
Mrs. William Berry entertained the
Kaatern Star at a kenslngton last Thurs
day afternoon at her home, I4H North
Twenty-sixth street. Mrs W. . Munnon
of Pittsburg. Kan., spoke on the woman
movement of Nebraska. Kefreshments
were si-rved.
The women of tho First Methodist
church were cntertAlned at a garden
party last Thursday afternoon at the
country home of Mrs. C. V. Martin on
Thirty-third and Harrison street. Mr,
.lay Laverty assisted Mrs. Martin as
hostess. A ppannt afternoon was spent
by AH present.
Mr. nnd Mis. I-o Schlmlrk of Fifty
first and W strecs, celebrated their
Twenty-fifth marriage anniversary and
Ihe birthday of Mr, Schlmlck last Satur
cay evening at their home. A large num
ber of giierta were Invited and a sociable
evening was passed Those present were
Mrs. nnd Mrs. F. Johnston. Mr. and Mra.
J. I) lltiglies, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cope. Mr
nnd Mrs A Schceser, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ilaffstutter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cunningham.
Mr. nnd Mts. L. Schlmlck. Miss Mc
Carthy, Miss Miirlc Petersen, Miss Jo
sephine Loneggan. Miss I'ear Schlmlck.
Miss May f'ronlcan. Miss Josephine Gran,
Messrs. Robert Schlmlck, Iester Fogle.
Boy Copo, Matt Gear. Frances Schlelds,
Harry Stltt. Boy Warlck Floyd McCarthy,
James Jones. William Jones and Master
O. Schlmlck.
Tho Keno Kluh gave a dancing party
last Saturday evening at their club
rooms. KW North Twenty-fifth street. In
honor of several new members who have
Just been admitted. Several musical
pieces were rendered by uoinncrg s or
chestra. Those present were: Messrs.
.loo Ham. Russell Botilay, John Schultz.
ueorge schultz. Paul Jordan, jsnwaru
llumnal. Itnlnh Leach. John Campbell,
James Knutsky, Goorgo Hauptman,
ijeonartl mossing, lro lowry. i:nap iiur
ney. Wnldo I-aur and Misses Frances
Jlelovck, Paulino Faulkner, viola wm
lams, Amanda Petersen, Esther Miller,
.Tohnnna Sorensen, Frances Whecland,
Helen Travcra, May Dahl, Geneva Wes
ton. Anna Hlcclns. Marin King. Helen
Tyner and Carrlo Andreson. Chapcroncs,
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley swanoy.
Mnizlp Cllr Gossip.
For Bent Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping. f23 N. 22d St.
Mrs. II. Putnam nnd Mrs, J. B. Mon
roe are visiting with friends at Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
Office space for rent In Ren office, 2318
N street. Terms renrnnable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
Thn hlrlh nf a son Is rntiortcd at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Harder.
Fifty-sixth nnd Q streets.
P, C Caldwell, Justice of the peace.
Office In Murphy Blk., 433 N. 24th St.
Mrs. W. J. Cox, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles tiapp of this city, will be
taken from the hospital to her home,
4219 T street, next Wednesday morning.
Tho citizens of St. Agnes' parish are
planning to have a grand celebration and
nlrnln nn Ihe Fntirth of July fortho citi
zens of thn southeast part of thn city.
Tho Centurion club will glvo a danco
at the club rooms next Wednesday oven-
Ine for members only. Tho ciun rooms
nro situated nt Forty-sixth and F streets.
A big delegation of Sioux City Stock
Yurds folks mode a visit to the loial
stock yards last Friday evening to at
tend n smoker and visit with friends at
the yards.
Alrdome, 35th Hnd O Sts.. South Omnha,
opens for summer season Sunday, May 24.
Two big acts of vaudevlllo and four reola
best moving pictures. General adinlstlon
10 cents. Children 5 cent.
The Mystic Workers of the World will
meet noxt Tuesday evening at the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows' hull, Twenty-fourth
and M streets, In their regular
weekly meeting.
Tho Equal Franchise league will meet
at tho home of Mrs. O. I. FletcHer. 673
South Forty-eighth street, next Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. M. B. Munson of
Pittsburg, Kan., will speak.
J. D. Kaufman, prominent feeder and
raiser of Newmnn Grove, topped the cat
tip market nt tho Stock Yards yesterday
morning with a consignment of mixed
ycarllnga thnt nveraRod 861 pounds,
F, W. Bnnda of Gcrlng, was at the
stock yards yesterday on a business trip.
He reports that the North Platte valley
Is In splendid condition nnd there Is every
Indication of a good crop next fall.
The Indies of the Grand Army, Orand
Army of the ncpubllc and Sons of Vet
erans are Invited to attend thn memorial
services at tho church'of Rev. Mr. Cor
nish at Forty-first and Q streets this
morning at 11 o'clock,
August Ourada has concluded his course
at the high school and accepted a po
sition In a pharmacy In Wichita, Knn.
After working s an apprentice for a
few years he will tako n course In phar
macy at the Crclghton College of Phar
macy. Dr. C. M. Day of tho Nebraska Stato
Live Stock Sanitary board, has Just re
turned from n week's lecture tour through
the counties of Imperial. Scott'a Bluff
nnd Seward. He will spend today iwlth
his family at his home, 1002 North Twen
tieth street.
Tho South Omaha Central Labor union
will attend nnd take part In an open nlr
meeting to bo held next Friday evening,
May 29. at their headquarters. Faijnam
and Nineteenth streets. Omaha. All
union men tire urged to attend. Thn
South Omaha central body will leave
Twenty-fourth and N streets at 7:41 In
tho evening.
Police Make Raid on
Places in East Omaha
Council Bluffs police Saturday night
paid a visit to resorts In East Omaha and
placed twenty-flvo persona under arrest.
Tho number waa so much In cxces of
the transportation facilities provided by
the officers that cash bonds were taken
on the spot In the sums of $25, 510 and
$5 for the nppearanco of the keepers. In
mates and frequentcm of tho place Mon
day morning In the pollco court at Coun
cil Bluffs. Arrests were made at the
place of Martha Howe. A place operated
hy 11. J. Gibson was raided on a charge
of btliiK a gambling resort. Nine were
arrested there.
The following program for commence
ment week at Bellcvue college has been
ThutsdaV, June l-S p. m., musical re
cital. First Presbyterian church.
Friday, Juno S-U a. in., senior class
chapel exercises; R p. m., teachers college
and high school graduation exercises, ad
dress by Dr. Charles Kordyce, dean of
teachers' college, 1'nlverslty of Nebraska.
Saturday. June 6-8 p. m.. musical re.
cital. Mlaa Jcannettc Goodwill and Miss
Susie Klnnler. First Presbyterlair church.
Sunday, June 7-11 a. m., baccalaureate
sermon, by Rev. Stephen Phelps, 1). D..
First Presbyterian church; 8 P. m., ad.
dress Deiore c unman wuv,ov.,,, .
W. Stookey. I.L D., Coe college. Cedar
Ilapias. la . rirsi i-itbuj
Monday. June 8-8 p. m., academy play,
'Little Lord Fauntloroy, Clarke Hall.
Tuesday, Juno 9-11 a. m , annual meet-
...' . I ..r (rnla.s. ClarllM Hull.
5 39 p. in., senior rlasa play, A Comedy
m ... ' ' I tl, opnva' Si n. 111., muni
cal recital. First Presbyterian ohurch;
,;n n. in., niumni "
Weflnesaay, juno ,
II-.' n.Ktrt m.nP.m.lll 4Vfkrf.lRtt. Hl.
vuc i-uurc i ........ -, -
drcsa by Rev. Alexander Corkey, D. D..
Wayne. Neb., First Presbyterian ohurch:
S p. m.. Alumni reunion and business
.. ,.. , , , t- 11'!...!..
ai 7 n. m.. nlumnl banquet. Fontenelle
Ithenmntlo l'ntna llellered.
Why suffer from rheumatism whtn re
lief may be had at so small a cost Mrs.
Elmer Hatch, Peru. Ind., writes; "I
have been subject to attacks of rheuma-
tlam for years. Chamberlain's Liniment
always relieves me Immediately, and I
take pleasure In recommending It to oth
ers." 2i and 60-cent bottles. All dealers.
Benefit Performance for Visiting
Nurae in the Evening.
Loral Thespians Who Will TnUn
Part In (he Production llnvn All
Unit ConalilnraMn ISapnslennn
Upon thn Htnse,
Reservations of boxes for "Thn Butter,
files," which will be produced Monday
evening at the Ilrandels theater .for the
benefit of Ihe Visiting Nurse. assneUtlon,
have been made by Mr, and Mrs, O, O.
Itedlck, Mr, and Mrs, John MeMhane, Mr,
nnd Mrs, V, A. Nash, Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Mnts, Mr, and Krj, Victor Cald.
well and Mr, and Mrs, N, P, Dodge, Jr.
This play Is a Henry Guy Carle ton
comedy In which John Drew and Maud
Adams onro starred, Hach member of
thn nasi has had amateur or professional
experlenen and thn stage settings under
thn riirenllen uf Miss Maria McShann,
promise to bs very attraellve,
Tim Lead 1'nrtu.
For wnnUs past thn players havn been
rnhrarslng their rolo and every prepara
tion has been earefiilly (tone over,
Mia Margaret MoPherson wilt take tho
part played hy Maude Adams, while,
Thomna Mills Is to assume the nharaeter
of Frederick Osslnn, the one carried hy
John Drew,
Sonloty will turn out for the event and
tho not receipts from the performance
will go a good ways towards helplnir aut
the coffers of the visiting nurses in be
half of extending their welfare work
among the needy sick of Omaha. Sum.
mr Is coming, too, and many babies are
going to need lea and fresh milk to carry
them through thn hot weather.
The service performed by the nurses
in this dtrnctlon last year was astounding
when totaled up at the end of the sea
son and doubtless many a youngster owes
his or her existence today to the timely
assistance of theso unselfish workers.
Cast of Chrtrnntrra.
The east of playsrs follow:
Fredarlak nlnn Thn,. m vtm.
Andrew Strong rtobert I." Stout
iiro.ui uroon i; nanus it, nnenerty
Harrington, his on Paul W. Hornuncr
Nathan al ic n Kti-r....ri
Coddle, butlor to Oman ....B.'phlllp
Mrs. Osalan t,il. M.nt...
Bllsanne Rllse Grnlohnn MeConnoll
Mrs, imvsriy muart uonge,, ,,,
... Mrs, Tharles H, Docherty
Miriam, hnr daughter ,
aiargarnt MoPherson
Act IDr&wlnr rnnm rt ULmn
homn at Ht, Augustine, Fla. Time, after-
Ap.1 .V.-T.he same evening,
Ant III Yard of Green's cottage Lennox,
Injured Child Dies
Unconscious to End
Klliabeth Lidgett Mayne, the 5-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellrabeth Lid
gett Mayne, who was crushed beneath the
whnela of an automobile driven by Mrs.
George MoDonald of Omaha, died at 6:30
o clook last evening at Mercy hospital.
The little girl never recovered conscious
ness, and the attending surgeons had no
hope of hnr rncayery from tho start.
Tho accident happened In Falrmount
park JTrlday afternoon. Tho little girl
was one of a merfjr crowd of Oak street
sohool children who were enjoying a
plcnio in the park. She ran directly in
front of the slowly moving automobile
and stumbling, fell when the wheel that
passed over her .head was only a few
feet away.
The father of the' little girl. Clyde Lid
gett. lost his life at Clearmont, Wyo., on
September 8, 1006, while heroically trying
to save tho llfo of a boy who had fallen
from a bridge Into a stream. Little Eliza
beth waa then hut three weeks old. Clydo
Ltdgett was the son of the late Joseph
Lidgett, one of tho local wealthy farmers,
who died at his home In this city last
autumn. Tho widow married William
Maynn recently. The body of tho child
was removed from Mercy hospital to tho
Woodrlrur undertaking rooms and later
taken to the residence, 117 Glen street.
Thn funeral arrangements have not been
Key to the Situation bee Advertising.
ST. JOSKPH, Mo., May 23. St. Joseph
inaugurated a campaign against "Jay
walkers" today and the first man arrested
was Edward Walls of New York City.
Walls Insisted on making a crossing
diagonally Instead of "squaring It." Ho
said he thought the policeman who ar
rested him was Joking.
I have solected this cap
tion because it will attract
more attention than if I
wrote it "How to Keep a
Town Alive." Everybody
thinks he knows how to kcop
a town alivo--but how to
kill ,a town that's another
question. The average man
wouldn't know exactly how
to go about it. "What do I
want to kill a town for, any-
way T" ho would ask.
Towns are an abnormal
excrescence on the body pol
itic. Cities and towns are
tho breeding grounds of vice
nnd crime. They attract all
that is ugly and unlovely in
communal life. At the same
time, they organize and con
solidate activities that up
lift and refine tho race. They
present advantages in cul
ture and education which the
country cannot supply.
Whilo tho country gets you
Missing Dry Worker
Is Believed Found;
Says Was Kidnaped
ST, LOUIS, May 38. A man who claim
to bn Bev. tauls R. Patmont, a prohibition
advocate, who has been missing since he
addressed a "dry" meeting nt Westvllle,
111., March 71, was found in an abandoned
farm house near Columbia, 111., late to
day. The man was found In tho house by
farm hands who were working about the
place. They heard cries coming from the
house and they went to Investigate and
found the man lying bound on the floor.
A gag that had been placed over his
mouth had been chewed loose. He was
released, but waa too weak to walk,
emaciated from lack of food and scarcely
oble to talk. When questioned about ths
disappearance of Patmont he wept and
en Id:
"I am the man."
When ho had recovered sufficiently h
told the story of his disappearance. Ho
said he was kidnaped as he was returning
home from a prohibition meeting. From
that time until his release he remembered
Milwaukee -Boosters
to Stop Over in Omaha
Word reaches the offices of thn rail
roads here that on June 16, 100 members
of the Merchants and Manufacturer's
Booster club of Milwaukee will spend tho
day In Omaha, enrouto home from a trade
extension tour to tho Pacific coast
The Milwaukee boosters leave their
home town Juno 1 and over the Mil
waukee road will go through Seattle.
Returning they will come to Denver and
then over the Union Pacific to Omaha,
reaching here at 10:30 thn morning of
Juno 16, remaining until 6:30 m the eve
ning, when they will leave for home over
the Northwestern. They will travel on
a special train.
As the result of a typewriter contest,
which waB held recently at the High
School of Commerce, seven winners have
been announced. Those who wrote at
tho required speed for fifteen consecu
tive minutes, and thus obtained certifi
cates which are presented In a neat
leather case, are: Anna Lawrltsen, Olive
Brown, Anne Kllllan, Nellie Metlne.
Byron Boyce, Margaret Roebllng and
Doris Whlted.
Insurance Notes.
The Lion Bonding company has com
pleted arrangements for entering r
Ing business In Michigan and Maryland.
Insurance companies In Kentucky havn
decided to bring suit to test the consti
tutionality of the new law reducing fire
Inaurance rates.
Tho New York Insurance department,
under the new law giving It supervision
of rating bodies, proposes to stop com
petitive rate wars hereafter.
H. R. Ioudcn of Chicago, deputy
assistant manager of the Liverpool and
London Globe Insurance company, spent
a portion of last week In tho city, calling
upon the Foster-Barker agency, the com
pany representative here
Insurance Notes nnd Penonsli.
W. W. Young, treasurer of tho German
American Llfo Insurance company, with
offices In Tho Bee building, has moved
his family from Stanton, Neb., and Is
now Hlvng In the west part of the city.
With the sumer season close at hand
tho Omaha Insurance agencies report the
writing of an Immense amount of tornado
Insurance. In fact, the business In Ne
braska has been good since the Eeaster
Sunday tornado struck Omaha last year.
W. A. Fraser. John T. Yates. Colonel
Patterson and their wives and J. E. Fltr
gerald, George Amos and Colonel Mother
have gono to OkoboJI, la., where they
will select thn slto for tho summer camp
of thn uniformed rank of the Woodmen
of the World. The encampment will be
held during July.
Insurance Commissioner Potts of Illi
nois has begun a campaign for a read
justment and reduction of flro Insurance
rates. He says on investigation has re
vealed discrimination against Illinois
risks as compared with other western
states. He also asserts that the compa
nies have been making large profits In
this state which they have been using to
pay losses In unprofitable states. A re
duction on Chicago dwelling rates Is also
Flro Insurance companies which suf
fered losses on property burned by strik
ers or troors during the Colorado mining
troubles will probably deny liability, un
der thn clause In their policies exempting
them from loss caused by riot and insur
rection. Thn Rocky Mountain Fuel com
pany canceled al Its Insurance two days
before the arrival of the troops, as It was
understood that the company will seek to
hold thn state responsible for the loss of
Its property. The Colorado Fuel and Iron
Iron company has not carried any Insur
ance on Its Colorado plants lor several
"Talk on Newspaper Advertising"
close to Nature, it lacks the
advantages of big libraries,
art galleries, schools and
highly organized merchan
dising. The city is a neces
sary evil. It is an evolution
from the commercial and so
cial necessities of the
l'ace. "Therefore," you ask,
"What is the use of trying
to destroy it!"
No use at all. It is best
to keep it alive with honest
enterprise, social uplift and
religious nnd educational
activity. But it is very
easy to kill a town, and
when you see how easy it is
to kill it you will know how
to keep it alive.
Here is a woman who gets
the "catalogue habit." She
falls a vietinrto the lure of
printers' ink. Tho picture
of a rug or piece of furniture
looks so much more attrac
tive in the catalogue than it
does in the local store in her
own town. One of these
pictures caught her eye and
she sent in an order. It was
a novel experience this
shopping by mail. When a
neighbor woman .called she
For Nebraska
A couple of district rrianarcrs. This is an excel
lent opportunity for a profitable connection with
a sound, growing, western company. Call or
write today.
The Bankers Reserve Life Company
B. H. Robison, Pres. R. 0. Wagner, Sec'y.
R. L. Robison, Vice-Pres. W. 6. Preston, Troas.
Within the realm of human need, comfort, foresight and kind provision
for loved ones. Insurance la the most practical form of applied Christianity
of which 1 have any knowledge. A poor man's best Investment la an insurance
policy. And that home possesses one strong anchor, at least, which can
boast of such a document among Its archives.
TOM S. KELLY. -Th r"
S l My BSll BBCf KB
Homo Insurance Company. Phoenix Insurance Company. Conti
nental Insurance Company. Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance
Company. New Hampshire Insurance Company. Liverpool and
London and Globe Insurance Company. Franklin Insurance Com
pony. Western Assurance Company.
Brandeis Bldg.
Lion Bonding & Surety Co.
Our Word is Good :-: :-: Try Us
Have you scon pur new Accident and Health Policy?
None better. Call Douglas 678 for information.
HOME OFFICES - - 9th Floor - - W. O. W. BUILDING
German-American Life Insurance Company
First Class Positions for
Live Wires
Three and One-Half Years Old
Inrornnco in force $0,000,000.00. Issues attractive and np-to-date
Policies. Liberal contracts to agents with or without previous
experience. If interested call at or write to the Home Office, Omaha
National Bank Bide.
The Commonwealth Life Insurance Company
FHANS NELSON, President.
E00 First National Bank Building.
The Persistent .and Judicious Use of Newspaper Adver
tising is the Road to Business Success.
displayed her "bargain."
The news of the "bargain"
spread from one home to
another until the wliole com
munity was infected. There
is a strange fascination
about "long distance shop
ping" which no woman
wants to enjoy alone. Con
nections with catalogue
houses soon were estab
lished by a hundred women.
Tho genn spread with great
rapidity and soon put a
crimp in the business of
every merchant in town. A
constant stream of money
going out to mail-order
houses year after year soon
sapped the life blood of the
town. And this woman who
inoculated here neighbors
with the catalogue habit
had no thought of killing her
town. She wonders why her
boys finally left the town
and yielded to the lure of the
big city and its sky-scraper
mail-order houses. Respons
ibility for the decay of her
own community and for the
loss of her boys is farthest
from her thoughts.
( There is just one cure for
Field News
Phone Doug. 29
Phone Douglas T.
the catalogue germ that
worms its way with serpen
tine secrecy into the brain
of a community and that
is newspaper advertising.
Surely the merchant can
print just as attractive pic
tures as the mail-order
houses can print in their
catalogues. Surely the local
merchant can describe his
wares just as convincingly
as they are described in a
catalogue. If he can't he
should employ an expert
a man who can combine the
lure of wordcraft with the
skill of a salesman. With
printers' ink he can pull a
town out of the "slough of
despond." He can match
the personality, acquaint
ance and reputation of the
local merchant against the
lure of long-distance shop
ping. The right kind of
newspaper advertising will
stop the ravages of the cata
logue house and will keep
at home the brain and brawn
and enterprise that are ne
cessary to keep a town from
falling into decay.