Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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Buy Lot front Dr. Qifford at Nine
tenth and Harney Streets.
Plrrrlom Will Meet Soon In Decide
on th Rlie of Hip Bnllillnsr
find thr Number of (
The noWntid permanent $3M,000 hom of
the Omaha Grain exchange wilt t ou'tt
on the Olfford property at Nineteenth
and Hamer streets Just west and across
the street from the Omaha public libra')'
building. This was determined yrster.
dar. when at their meeting the director
of the exchange unanimously ote-l in
favor, of this location.
WhIM the price paid for the site for
the Olfford lots U not statod It U under
stood to have been H.W, the former
owner standing whatever exponse my
have to be Incurred In securing a foun
dation ahould such expense be found to
r necessary.
The character of building to bo created
In to be decided by tho director at
meeting to bo held In the near wire.
It U the purpose to hoW thin meellnK at
the earliest poMlblo date In order to kcU
the architects Marled on pians and have
them out so that bids on construction
may be secured. This haste that Is to bo
pursued Is due to a desire to have work
rtart on the building and have It com
pleted and ready for occupancy by the
first of next year If possible.
May He nluhl Slorlm.
The directors Wave bad a number of
meetings, and while they have not decided
upon the type of building, many fnvor
tin eight story structure, while others are
ct the opinion that It should not exceed
five stories in height. If the eight-story
building; is decided upon it will cover
Two Great
(fti :3jf?-.!S'yy.Kwrt?..yrnit m:s s shir
mBftml$ 60c
Hundreds of manufacturers' sample
Bilk shirts in neck band style or with col
lars attached, made to soil regularly at
up to $4.50; on sale Saturday, your choico,
1,240 High Grade Shirts, Worth
SAMPLE A11 tllc
n l 1 4 II iC Al1 tllQ
P A J AM AS All the
alert's sample title union suits,
worth to S1.50, rvP
at , 70 C ,
Men's lisle and nainsook shirts and
north 76c, on sale, at
only a portion of the 110 feet of fro nU ice
on Harney street. It will be on the
corner, with the vacant space to the
weL Should a lower building be a deed
upon It will be wider, covering the en
tire HOxltt feet.
Itegardless of the xlne of building the
first floor will be divided Into tore
rooms, the deep ones fronting on Harney
and two to three shorter rooms In tho
rear, facing east on Nineteenth street.
There Is a difference of opinion as to
where tho exchange room and offices of
the exchange should be located. If .he
eight-story building is agreed upon, It Is
generally believed that throo rooms
should be on the top floor, but If a five
story building Is erected It is thought
they should be on tho second floor.
Plrnlr of Tenants.
It Is said that regardless of the kind
of building erected there Is not going to
bo any difficulty In securing tenant for
tho offices. It la understood that prac
tically all the grain firms In the city
have agreed to go into tho new building
and that there are about enough of them
to take all the space.
Already several applications have ben
received for space on tho ground floor,
but so far ifo promises have been male
until now, tho exchange dlrectora not
having considered that the building was
a cortalnly.
As to tho building Itself, It will be a
modern structure, fireproof, modern In
every respect and designed for the con
venience of th tenants, nearly all of
whom "111 be stockholders.
nniitm la Pnlil.
The transaction Includes the nnvment
of a bonus of $17,500 to be paid the grain
Harney street and other property In the
Immediate vicinity of the location for tho
new exchange building. These people are
Interested in the development of Harney
street and made up this bonus to Induce
the exchange to decide upon this location.
T'hi transa' tlon was made through the
firm of Benson A Myers and through J.
Lots of Men's
A great lot of men's high grade madras and mercerized soisette
shirts in neck band stylos, with soft French cuffs, also with soft col
lars attached. Regular $2.00 shirts; on sale Saturday for
snmPle Sllk pajamas, worth $6.50, at $3.50
sanii)le Sllk nutl linon Pajauias, to $5, at $2.50
sample pongee and madras pajamas, worth to $2.00, at. . . . . . .$1.00
Men's sample lisle and nolmook
union suits, worth 11.00, r p
on sale, at
. . . UUU
and 50C
H. Pumont, who was railed In to assist
In the matter.
As many as twenty propositions were
laid before the Grain exchange in the
way of offers to sell them a site In
some of these bonuses were offered larger
than the one that cornea out of the pres
ent transaction. The strongest competi
tion came from the location at the south
east comer of Harney and Fourteenth
Oates Based Charges
for Wife's Murder on
Clairvoyant's Word
Jack Oates, colored, ntisband of Beatrice
Oates, who was found dead at Seven
teenth and Davenport streets, called
vpon a clairvoyant, who said the mur
derer of his wife would be located on the
street, with a patch over his eye, where
Beatrice Oates had bitten him, and that
he roomed at Seventeenth and Davenport
streets, where his picture would be lo
cated on a dresser and a card would tell
where he had gone.
Ontes Investigated and to far confirmed
the seeress' story that he had Jim
Stamek, 1210 Dorcas street, placed under
arrest. Stamek was released from cus
tody Thursday. Funeral services for the
Oates woman were held Thursday.
It Is likely that the cases will not he
set for trial until all of the members ot
the gang have been apprehended.
Oscar Everett, li-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Everett, 111 South
Twenty-fourth street, suffered palnfui
Injuries to his scalp, when he fell from
a wagon at Twenty-fourth and Mason
streets, The lad was given medical at
tention and taken to his home In the po
lice ambulance,
Men's High Grade Suits
Comprising the entire Surplus Stocks af the Mammoth Henry Sonneborn
Factory ( Ba(timore) together with all our broken lines and small lots
Tho majority of these suits are from tho nationally
born, being surpluses remaining after the season's selling. They are combined with
several hundreds of suits from our regular stocks small and incomplete lots, present
ing in tho nggrognte, the most extensive varieties and most wonderful values wo have been able to offer
this season. All styles all fabrics nil sizes a solectiou from which any man may choose in confidence
of porfect satisfaction. The entire 3,000 suits divided into three great lots, as follows:
Silk Shirts
All the sample silk shirts from the tig
purchase, including neck bands, soft cuff
and detached soft collar styles, made to
retail regularly at up to $6.00; choice, Saturday
$2.00, On Sale
All the (tne stlk four-ln-hand ties
sale at ,
All the fine pure thread silk hose
worth upto 50c a pair, oi
on sale, at pair mIC
Alleged Conspirators in Arizona
Wild Horse Fraud Out on Bail.
Cases Will Ni Be Set for Trial I n
III All tlip Member of (inner
llnrr Been I.nrntcd hy lli
Federnl Authorltlra.
Bonds aggregating 195,000 have already
been filed with n. C. Hoyt. clerk of th
Vnlted .States district court, to Insure the
appearance of a number of the alleged
conspirators who aro said to hae pro
moted the Arizona wild horse frauds, and
there are still a few more bonds to be
The alleged conspirators, who are said
to have secured more than a million
dollars from sophisticated and unsophisti
cated stockmm and farmers in Iowa,
Kansas and Nebraska and several other
states, are scattered all over the I'nlted
States, and It Is rumored on good author
ity that not all of the persons Indicted
have not yet been apprehended by United
States officials who are working on the
The larger bonds fixed by Judge Mun
ger, following the Indictments returned
by the federal grand Jury, have been
filed and approved. The price of liberty
for James Sidney Smith. A. C. Smith
and Charles M. Thompson was a bond of
110,000 each. Thoso given by A. O,
Perry. J. P. Shlrcllff, E. O. Ames. A. D.
Houghton, K. C. Hodder and F. V. Gru
dinger were for the sum of 15,000 each.
Bonds furnished by John Bolecy and V.
l Gullkkson were for 17.000 each. Ben
Fiddler, 8. B. Montgomery, Gharles V
West. Albert O. Hastings, It. B, Burwln
kle. Homer Carl and Victor A. Fallm are
at lllrty on nppearance bonds for 13,000
Key to the Situation Beo Advertising.
1 1 ii in
ale Saturday
i sh i i i
on Special Sale Saturday
worth 50c,
Men'n fine Hale hose, worth
to 25c. at I Cr
pair .. IOC
on UC7V tM tf)
122, 1914.
helphahd's 1 Wonderful
Clothing, Hats, Shoes & Furnishings
We sav6 you money on every purchase no matter
how small or how big. We carry in stock good standard
merchandise. Our expenses are so small that we don't
require big margin of profits like those located in high
rental district. Please compare and judge for yourself.
Clothing for Everybody
Suits $5.00, $7.50, $10, $15
Hats and Caps
25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50
Hundreds of Items
J. Helphand
314-16 North 16th
A party of enthusiastic anglers from
Omaha will leave Sunday morning for a
week'H fishing trip In northeastern Ne
: braska and southwestern Minnesota. The
' party plans to visit several lakes and
; sti earns where tho fishing Is aald to be
; of the best and will spend the entire
I week In the open, camping out at each
stop. Among those who will make the
trip are Bay MfCabe, Emmet Dougherty,
1 Morris Greer, Harry Davey, Jim Barker
and Earl Glbbs. .
ii a H ii i n hi i ii N is
known factory of Henry Sonne
WORM UP 10163
Bargains I heiphahd's
Shoes for Men, Women
and Children,
98s, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3
Furnishings of All Kinds for
Men, Women mid Children.
Not Mentioned Here.
Clothing Co,
St. Near Chicago St.
It has always been the policy ot the
Stoetzel Stove and Furnace Co, to give
the people the best value for the money
and this is very emphatically shown by
the fact that they aro now selling the
Domestic Gaa Range, a stove that Is made
by a nontruet company whloh believes In
ttivlng the people values for their monoy.
Tho Domt'stlc Is made In Cleveland, O.,
by tho Trenkamp Co., a concern that Is
one of the very few that doea not operate
under the jurisdiction ot tho stove trust,
and one that has been successfully manu
facturing stoves and ranges for the last
forty years.
One of the essential features of the
Domestic Is that It la constructed so .that
the housewife does not Have to do tho
usual amount of stooping, characteristic
of ordinary gas ranges. This is made
possible by tha placing ot the oven and
broiler about three and one-half feet
from the base at the side of he store.
Of course, then ax other stoves that
also have this side oven and broiler
feature, but th4 oven Is placed so high
on thera that tha Machine; lor the average
women is as Uret6me as the stooping
with the olil-style Mova.
That Mr. Stoetzel Is a good Judge of
ctoves Is strongly evidenced by the fact
that he never drops a .line .of stoves but
what his competitors take on the sama
line, thereby admitting that the line he
was selling was superior to the line they
were representing. The Domestic) Una ot
stoves wilt be sold exclusively In Omaha
by the Stoetsel Stove and Furnace com
pany, and It Is now possible for ever'
housewife to have an up-to-date gas
range, and ono for which she will not
havo to pay trust prices for.
a complete display or. domestic gas
ranges Is now ready for your Inspection
at the Stoetzel Stov and Furnace com
pany's at 714 South Sixteenth street.
Tbe Shoes lhat All
Parents and Boys
The shoes that out
wear two pairs of or
dinary boys' shoes.
Button and bluoher.
Boys' 1 to 5V4, $2.50;
little gents 9 to 13,
Parcel Post Paid.
S Vigor
Clad to know you have used it Tell
your iriendi how it stopped your falling
hair aad greatly promoted Its growth.
Bargains Advertised Below
Are Only Good for the One
Day, Subject to Some Items
That Will De Sold Out Dr
fore the Day Is Over, So
We Urge You to Be With
Us ar Early as Possible.
BAItGAIN 0. I Ladles
waists of very fine, sheer
llnon, voiles and crepes, sold
regularly from 11.00 to $2.00.
gome or them aro slightly
soiled, all whites and can be
washed, Saturday Eft
only OU
BARGAIN NO. Ladles' Mus
lin Nightgowns and Slipovers;
actual price 50c; Saturday
only, limited two to a cus
n.vnGAiN no. n Men's Sox.
In blacks, browns and fancy
SS colors, our regular 12Hc ;
; hose; limited six pairs to one
E customer, at, per ff
as pair OC
nAHGAl.V NO. 4 Dress Skirts,
ladles' and misses' sizes, val
s: ues regularly $2.00. 7Q
: Saturday only, skirts. .. IC
nAUGAIN NO. 5 Men's and
young men's Silk Hats; these
are used very extensively in
ST the east for men and women;
S: they are automobile hats and
SSS for everyday use; on fE
sale Saturday only IOC
Dresses, made out of the tin-
est percales, In tha apron
style, button down the front,
three-quarter sleevea, worth
to J1.0P, Saturday only, llm-
lted two to a customer, 89c
each, also regular QCi.
House Dresses, each....O7C
BARGAIN NO. 7 Children'
7- and girls' Bungalow Aprons,
age 4 to 12, In dark and llKht
colors; very nice article for
r the children at this time ot
: year; worth to Ztc; Saturday
SSS only, limited three 1 Q
r to a customer JL7C
In this Item we will also in-
STS Clyde children's rompers.
; worth to J 9c, at the same
BARGAIN NO. 8 Washable 2
sss: Crepe, figured, the most pop- 2SS
ular cloth of thin season, tor S
S waists, dresses, underwear, -
15 children's dresses, etc.; values -
SS r-
S limit, a yard 3C -
BARGAIN NO. nMen's linen
- rour-piy collars, from our
regular atocK, that are worth
tt- 15c or two for a Quarter: Sat-
urday only, 6 collars 30g f
: BARGAIN NO. 10 Ladles' and
; misses Trimmed Hats, values
; from $5.00 and some as high
; as J7.50, all go In one lot Sat-
j $1.48
3E BARGAIN NO. 11 Men's and
women's white oxfords and
S3 shoes, values up to 12.98, all
i no ouiuruHy umjr J 39
BARGAIN NO. 13 Men's and
: young men's Suits, In light
: and dark shades, all wool
: cloth, nloely tailored and nice-
: ly lined; made to sell from
$8.50 to S12.50; Sat- aA Qg
SZZ urday only, a suit.
BARGAIN NO, is Men's real
fine worsted Suits; very well
tailored and actually worth
from 316.00 up. Including the
finest ot true blue serges; for
the ono day, Sat- 7C
urday only pS t O
BATUSAIN NO. 14 Ladles"
Suffragette Corsets, actual re
tail price SOc; Satur- on
day only, pair OVC
BAtlGAIN NO. J 6 Men's
Dress Shirts, odds and ends, In
all sizes, worth to $1.00, 19o
each; also hoys' shirts, with
sort collar, auric colors, plain
and stripes, worth
to SOc, each
BARGAIN NO. 10 One big as
sortment of men's trousers, in
all the new spring patterns:
worth to $2.50, for f a q
the one day only... pi.0
HAJIGAIN NO. 17 Ladles'
Silk Boot Hose, In black, tan
ana wane, o -i q
values, per pair.
... 1
BAItGAIN NO. 18 Men's Bal-brig-Kan
Underwear, shirts
and drawers, all sizes, iq
at. each I3C
BAItGAIN NO. 1& Ladles'
Dress Skirts, all the latest
styles and oloths, one and two
tunic effects, actual value up
to $7.50. Sat- (To Q Q
urday only jpt,VO
EE BAItGAIN No. 20 Wen's and Es
boys' Sprlnc Caps, bis; assort-
r ment. worth to 50c; i q
Saturday only.... LXJC
EE BARGAIN NO. lil Ladles' and EH
misses' sprinic coats, all the
newest styles, all shades, val-
W ;rr..v.':"'.......$4.9S
314-216-218 X. ltith St. E
Short Sea" Route
From Montreal & Quebec
Akk mi'iit A lor rtrtkulta
Aad Your Doctor.