Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Black Silk Taffeta Dress Skirts
, Dlack Silk Taffeta Is pnr oxcolloncc, ono of
tho most desirable fabrics for Summer wear;
the slylcs aro unusually pretty, all the now
styles aro now being shown. We Invito your
Inspection. Tho prices arc very attractive
$12.50, $14.50, $16.50, $18.50
and up to $24.50
No Extra Charge for Alterations
, the Store for Shirtwaists
tvj . Yesterday we received 100 verj
lieW beautiful, all-over embroidered
Organdie waists. They s are very Frenchy
Xt .. and chic. The.' price is $2.95.
yy aiStS Theyjare regular $5.00 values.
Beautiful Summer Dresses
Hundreds of pretty new Summer Dresses
just arrived, ready for Thursday selling.
They comprise the best of French linen,
crepes, voiles and other summery fabrics.
The prices range
From $5 to $50
Our dresses arc all dressmaker-made, and are indi
vidual in style and fashion.
Wo sell nothing but the best.
Best in Quality, best in Fabric and best in Workman
ship. We invite you to trade with us.
John Love of Oskaloosa Accused of
Appropriating Money.
Aecnsed Wn Grent Friend of Presi
dent of Honduras nnil IVim (n
MnUr Money by Internn
tlonnl Intrlcnr.
t (Krpm a Statx Correspondent.) ,
D$8 Mpmps, la.. jMay, :0".-Bpeclal
TeIe3ram,)Twenty or mpro we'll known
business and.; profcssjorial men, of Dor
Moldcs .are back of tho prosecution .
John U Love of Oskaloosa, a fcromotor,
who It In Jail here.
International Intrlguo, tho smuggling ot
arms to the Madero forces In Mexico
snda pull with tho .prsldentot, lto)t
cursa all led to tho formation ot the
C ontrol American Development Yornpany?
Into:. (Which between 18,000 and $10,000 was
dumped by Drs Moines men and appro
I rated, It Is charged, by Love.
Anions the Oes Moines men who, It Is
raid, lost In banking on Love's fflenl-
Greatest Event
in Woman's Life
All human experience looks back to
motherhood an tho wonder of wonders.
The patience, the fortitude, the sublime
faith during the period ot expectancy are
second only to the: mother love bestowed
upon the most, helpless but most marvel
ous creation a baby.
Women aro Quick J6 lcam from each
other those helpful acencles that aid tx
comfort, that conserve their nervous
energy and yet RJo perfectly safe to use
and among .these they recommend
"Mother's Friend."
It, Is entirely an external application
designed to lubricate tho broad, flat
muscles and -skin that protect the
abdomen. It has been In favorable use
for nearly halt a century and Is known
to mothers In almost every settled com
munity In .the United fitatos who highly
rccommindAJt, Too will nnd It on ealo
In drug scores. "Mother's Friend" Is
utterly harmless) contains no deadening
drugs and yet its Influence in the akin
and murclfa , beneath as, also upon tho
network of nerves beneath the skin Is
very beneficial, very soothing and a
v6nderful help. The muscles expand
naturally and are not subjected to unnec
essary surface strain and pain,
Get & bottle of "Mother'a Friend" to
day at any a rug store and write to us
for our Instructive little book to mothers.
Address UradflMd nrrulator Co., 418
Laser Did:., Atlanta, Ga.
The Beer for tbc Home, Hotel, Club and Cafe
ship with the president of Honduras iri
his brother, Lawrence Iovc, commissioner
of tho Iowa Conl Operators' association;
J. Carters and William Moore ot the
Mndlaon Coal company, Hdward Hwecncv,
stato rnlne Inspector; L. 12. Btnmm, sec
retary of the state mining commission:
Edwnrd Oray, roal operator; A. CI. Mc
Kay of the McKny Coal company, John
B. Jeffreys, state mlno Inspector, and
several others.
Iloir Clinlrrii KIkIiI.
Dr. J. I. dlbson, state veterinarian, Is
In Dallas county this week following up
tho "clean-up" orders Issued to the farm
ery ot that county recently by tho state
anlm'al health board. It Is planned that
every farm In the county shall ho
thoroughly cleaned up and disinfected aa
a part of, the general campaign this year
to reduco losses . to tho farmers. Dr.
Gibson will also mako Inspection this
week of tho railroad yards and loading
chutes and Insist upon having thorn all
disinfected sn nn JO nrnVont hrlnirlnir
tnWlho countyt any fresh'lnfectloit
Members of the stato board of control
aro preparing themselves for a thorough
discussion or. the- epileptic colony Ques
tion. Mr. Dixon of the hoard hoa gone
east to visit epileptic colonies In Indiana,
Nuw York and some other statea and to
attend a national conference on epilepsy
at Baltimore. Chairman McConlogue will
visit the Institutions In Ka has, Oklahoma
and Texas. During the year the Iowa
board will decide upon general plans for
the. village to bo established In Iowa.
Facts regarding the work being dono at
the ten existing villages In the United
States will bo made uso of. ,
nnnttnr)- Surrey.
Engineer L. Hlggins of the State Board
of Health went today to Postvlil t, in
northern Iowa, to make a sanitary sur
vey ot that town and to aid the people
there In deciding the better on how to
secure best drainage and a water supply,
Ijist week ho mado a survey of Eldon
where plans are maturing for betterment
of the water supply. Tho stato board Is
co-operating with local boards In all
matters of this kind and doing n great
work In getting the publlo Improvements
started In the right way.
Gets llhok Part of OvrrfehnrKCK.
Tho commorce counsel ot the stato to
day received word that tho Interstate
Commerce commission lias ordered the
railroads to rebate the Marshall Oil com
pany of Marshalttown. for overcharges
covering severnl years on shipments to
tho southwest. Last year the company
won a case brought to compel reudlust-
Pniont of the rates, so that It would be
Just as cheap to ship to Kansas from
Iowa aa to ship from Iowa to Kansas.
Now the commission alio orders .settle
ment for the overcharges of the past.
Kidnaped CJIrl Upturns Home,
Elizabeth Huppertz has returned, to nor
home In Oelweln after nearly u year's
absence, according' to Information re
ceived by tho attorney general. b"he came
back unannounced. She was kidnapped
by Frans Meyer, a musician, and state
that she had been living with him l
southern. California. At the time of her
disappearance there was groat excitement
and an effort was made to have Mjyor
found. The state authorities became in
terested and offered a reward. The girl
Is not yet 15 years old.
Nimv Stntr-Aldeil lllnh School..
Prof. Fred Mahannah, In charge of tho
normal training work In high schools nl
the state, reports having Increased tlw
: number of state-aided high schools -en-j
gaged In normal training work for the
rural schools by adding Adel. I'erry.
(Tabor. Brooklyn. Charles City, Missouri
v aiiey, uennox, wear iKe and llrand
Junction. It Is the plan to have about
100 of these schools In operation next
year and all engaged In the preparatloi
of teachers for the rural work.
AriKeuser Busch Co. of Nebr.
Family trado supplied by
G. H. HANSEN, Dealer
Phono Douglas 2508
Colonel Flans Political Tour of the
Entire Country.
He CnlM Prnnnord I'nymrnt of
Twenty-Five Million Illnrkmnll
(Ipponn Itepenl of Free
Tolls I.IMT.
OYBTEIt BAY, N. Y., May SO.-Twelve
hours after Theodore Ftoosevelt returned
(rem South America he was hark today
la the thick of politics. He was up early
and as soon as breakfast was over he
was hard at work picking up the threads
where he dropped them seven months
Colonel noosevelt, It was learned today,
looks forward to one of the hardest
polltlral campaigns of his career. Ex
cept for the time occupied by his trip to
Spain for the wedding of his son, Ker
mlt, ho expects to devote to politics most
of his time until November. Already a
tentative plan of action has been mapped
out Colonel Roosevelt has In mind one
of the longest campaign trips he ever
has made, taking him from the Atlantic
to the Pacific nnd severnl shorter trips In
nearby states.
By 9 o'clock today he was In his library.
Ho paced tho floor and dictated letters
and telegrams at top speed to the stenog
rapher whom he hod summoned from
New York.
ftnniernn Conference Planned,
For tho ten days before he sails for
Europe Colonel Roosevelt has mapped
out a progrom which will keep him busy.
His present desire Is to get back In
touch as soon as possible with the af
fairs ot tho progressive party In all parts
of the country and help to start the ma
chinery for the coming campaign. Be
fore ho left South America he planned
his work, arranging by cnblo for con
ferences with leaders of the progressive
party. The first of theso was sent for
today. Oeorgo W. Perkins of New York,
chairman of tho national executive com
mittee, and O. K. Davis of Washington,
secietary of the committee, were ex
pected, at Sagamore Hilt to give Colonel
Itooscvclt a. report on tho situation.
Colonel Kooseve'lt will, go to his edl
torint nfflco In New York) tomorrow
morning and will spend most of the day
In meeting political associates.
Tho addresh which Colonel Itoosevelt
Is to make before the National
Geographic society fn Washington has
been set for next Tuesday evening. It
In in this ud dross that the colonel will
make the first formal Hnnouncement of
his discovery cf a river In Brazil.
Objects to Colonililn Urn!,
The Wilson administration's attitude In
the controversy with Colombia over thfl
Panama canal was criticised today by
Colonel Iloosevclt. He objected strongly
to the payment of what he termed "black-
mull" to Colombia.
In submitting to this," he said, "It I'
Just as 'though eomo future president of
tho United States should apologizo Ij
the successor of Hucrta for tho sclr-un
of Vera Cruz. As for tho payment it
125,000,000 to Colombia" hero tho colonel
threw up his hands "well that Is un
Colonel Roosevelt expressed himself
strongly opposed to the repeal of tho law
jr the exemption of American coastwise
ships from payment of Panama tolls. Ho
said he thought It perfectly right to arbi
trate the question If tho rights of tho
Country to grant exemption woro ques
tioned, but declared that to yield the point
uncqulvocnbly without arbitration was
Indefensible, as ho was convinced the
United States wan within Its rights in
freolng coastwise ships from payment f
When he goes to Washington next
week, he said, ho will bo ready to rofuio
statements of Henry Savage Landor of
England und others who Tiave expresse'l
doubt as to tho correctness ot his state
ment that he had dlscovored a great river
In the wilds of South America.
"Tho river Is still there," said the
colonel with a laugh. "It was not like
climbing an unexplored mountain or go
ing to the North pole, for such expeditions
leave no traces which are there a year
later. But nobody Is going to roll i;
that river and carry It off. Anybody
can go down thero and see It for him
self. I will give him the address of the
owner of a rubber plantation who will
furnish river men for tho trip."
The colonel wont on to explain why ho
made tho trip to South America.
"I wanted to do something more." he
said. "I was getting to tho age where I
felt If I was to do anything rcqulrln?
unusual physical exertion I must do St
now. In fact, I was Just a little over the
age. but I put It through."
.Monkeys for Food.
Colonel Roosevelt said It was pretty
hard going for a few weeks. Rations ran
short and they got down to eating mon
keys, which, the colonel declared, could
hardly be considered a delicacy. How
over, he said, at about that tlmo he w'as
hardly well enough to eat anything.
The colonel protested that he felt aa
well aa event
"That is." he said, "I'm going to be
as well as I ever was." -
Ho said that the return to a norther i
climate had caused him to have chills,
but that they were not serious, and tha
he was feeling entirely fit.
HOIiDItEOK. Neb.. May .-Bpeclal
Tctogram.) Tho annual convention of
Broup four Of the Nebraska Hankera' a
aoclatlon closed In this city last nigh:
with a banquet at which covers were
laid for ove,r 100 visitors.
Resolutions favorl
Irrigation scheme recommended by Mayor
v. .Mcuonaughy and other bulnei
men of western Nebraska wer n.i.,i
and representatives In congress were
cauct cpon to aid In the consummation
of the project. The convention declared
for legislation
of a state and national bank within the
same minding.
The new officers of the
j F. A. Oean, lloldrege. president. J. V
j Auld, ned Cloud, vice president; Van
Petersen. Curtis, secretary. Next year'
'mestlng will be held at Hastings.
WASHINGTON. May JoArmed with
tables of figures. Senator Smoot of Utah
today tohl the senate that the tetal loss
to the commerce of the country In the
tronth of Anll as a result of the passage
of the Underwood tariff law had been
tSI.OOCUOO. II. bated this, he said, on
reports as to Increased importation and
decreased oxpoitatlon He said this waa
at the rate of JW,0iiO,0ftj Ion a ear
JoknD,, Jr., Comes
Out of His Retreat
NEW YORK, May 20.-John n. Rocke
feller Jr. has returned to work aftv
twenty days spent at the country estate
of his father at Pocantlco Hills Since
May 1 when he went Into retirement
most of hla tormentors under the leader
ship of Upton Sinclair have been silenced,
sevoral by being sent to Jail. Sinclair
is In Colorado and Marie Oanz and the
Rev. Houck White are serving sentences
on Blackwclls Island, the latter for hav
Irig broken up the sen-Ires at the Cavalry
Baptist church ten days ago. "Mother
Jones alone remains In the lecture field
nnd nightly denounces the Rockefeller
Interests In the Colorado coal districts.
Mr. Rockefeller's secretary said yester
day that he was making no Investigation
of conditions In Colorado. He was only
a minority stockholder In the Colorado
Fuel and Iron company. It was said and
whatever recommendations he could offer
might not Influence the officials of the
company In dealing with the miners.
Woman and Son
Burned to Death
ST. IiOUIS, Mo.. May 20.-Mrs. Rebec-a
Solz and her 3-year-old son were burned
to death early today when flro destroyed
a three-story frame building In which
they were living. A daughter, 4 years old,
who was trapped with her mother and
the llttlo boy In a middle room on the
third floor, still was nllve when firemen
reached them. The little girl was rushed
to the city hospital, hut physicians held
out little hopo for her recovery.
Samuel Solz, the husband, escaped from
the flames by leaping across a s'x-foot
areaway into tho next house- Solz was
cut off from his wife and children by an
Intervening room, which was a roaring
furnace when the family awoke. He re
mained In tho building until the greater
part ot his room was on fire and then
Jumped to safety only after he had In
haled some of the flames and severely
burned hla throat.
Penrose and Pinchot
Named for Senate
PHILADELPHIA, May 20,-Bolso Pen
rose, republican! A. Mitchell Palmer,
democrat, nnd Glfford Pinchot, progres
sive, will make the fight for United
Stctes senator from Pennsylvania In the
November election. Theso three won their
rcKpcctlvo party nominations yesterday
in the first state wido primary held In
Pennsylvania under the new federal con
stitutional amendment, providing for the
election of United States senators by
popular vote.
Penrose won a sweeping victory over
J. Benjamin Dlmmlck, former mayor ot
Scranton; Pnlmr defeated- Henry Bud;
of Phlldelphla In a bitter fight, and
Pinchot wae unopposed. At republican
Btnte headquarters It Vao estimated that
Penrose had; about 175,000 majority over
Montana Sheriff is
Shot by Outlaw
KAL1SPELL, Mont , May 20.-Deputy
Sheriff Drake of Lincoln county was
shot and probably fatuity .wounded today
In a duel with an outlaw believed to be
one of the robbeiB who held up the Great
Northern's Oriental limited near Rondo,
Mont., last Friday, The outlaw escaped
with a bullet in his leg. Bloodhounds are
In pursuit.
Persistent Advertising is the Sure Road
to Business Success.
One does not enro to have dentistry done even though it saves teeth, unless it
looks well. Personal appearance is one of tho greatest assets in our earning capacity;
our efficiency cannot be 100 if our facial appearance is not up to standard.
Kstubllshcd 1888.
Ilr. R. W. Bailey.
Dr. Shiphcrd.
Dr. I.udnick. (
Dr. BroHufleltl.
BAILEY, The Dentist
ON improved, or to improve, real estate. Funds
on hand. No commissions to pay. Loans
repayable in full or in part any day without
notice. See us at once for terms, etc. ; : :
Thp fftnsprvafive SaiinfiQ and Iarf Accnpiaflinn
Continued from Page One )
rapidity of their rifle fire. As the fed
erals swarmed out of their cars and took
up positions In open order along the rail
road track they were mot by a withering
volley. For a time they faced the hall
of bullets stubbornly and sent back an
effective fire in return, but the constitu
tionalists under Villa tihd his brigade
commanders. MacLovlo Herrcra, Trinidad
Rodriguez. Raoul Madero and Perchea.
were not to be denied. The constitution
alist advance never faltered, and as the'r
lines dashed forward from three sides
under Villa's personal encouragement and
that of the brigade commanders, all of
I who distinguished themselves for bravery.
ine icocrais oroho anu run.
McCumber Blocks ,
Vote on Tolls Bill
WASHINGTON. May 50.-An attempt '
by Senator Kern, democratic leader, to
get unanimous consent for a vote May Z!
on tho Panama tolls repeal, bill, was de
feated today when Senator McCumber ob
Jected. "The tlmo has not yet come to
JlQ)omansdcink fyerjlodis Drink
you tee an
Allow think
of Coca -Col
A igorously good and keenly 1
m delicious. Thirst -quenching I
and refreshing. I
1 The national beverage m
and yours. M
Demand the genuine by full name JK'
Nickname! encourage lubthhitioa. Jm
tK tup. rnrA.mi a thmpanv ar
kw Atlanta, Ga.
Dr. Bailey:
I never realized until Dr. Ship
herd of tho Bailey Dentists ex
plained how teeth -could be firmly
fixed to two or moro teeth or
roots in each Jaw. The full up
per and lower dentures ho has at
tached to threo teoth above and
three teeth below are firnr and
solid. I chow everything without
trouble from thom. Moro psoplo
should know about this method.
(Signed) F. S. Robertson.
A 20-Year Written Guarantee
COM) CROWN .. 1 T.ft Fgk
8 A. M. to 6 P. M,
w Jtagtr UUU
fix a date for voting, the North Dakota
senator Insisted.
Thousands of rata aoo women suHcr from
nead aches every day, other thousand! hare
healsches every week or every month, nd still
others hro headaches occasionally, but not tt
regular Intervals. The best Doctor I) often unable
to find the oauie of many of these headaches,
and la mot other cases, knowing the cauie, be
does not know what will remove Tt, so as to giro
a permanent cure. All be can do l to prescribe
the usual pale relievers, which give temporary
relief, but the headache returns as usual, and
treatment Is again necessary. I f you suffer from
headaches, no matter what their nature, take
Antl-kamnla Tablets, and the results wilt be satis
factory In the highest degree. You can obtain
them at all druggists In any quantity, 10c worth,
35c worth or more. Ask lor A-K Tablets.
Sick-heartache, the most miserable of all sick
nesses, loses Its terrors when A-K Tablets are
taken. When you feel an attack coming on,
take two tablets, and In many cases, the attack
will be warded off. During an attack take one
A-K Tablet every two hour. The rest and com
fort which follow, can be obtained In no other
Gnon A-K Tahiti i btar th K none
gram. At dll druttlttt.
S.A-K Salom for Skin Dinaitt.
Ayer's Pills
Headaches Biliousness
Constipation Indigestion
Sold for 60 years.
Asfc Your Doctor. LSr
""'If If it f.v
for the Sky Scraper When Coming
To Our Office
lady Attendants.
X.XXTCOX.N Omar 1105 O St.
Sr. Mccormick, Mgr.
IM.J& f V1U BJI Vl J
1614 Harney Street, Omaha j
The House of Menagh
1613 Farnam St.
All wool suits worth from
$17.5 up to $50.00, to clean
up, go nt
Tho Store for Gentlewomen.
1613 Farnam St.
The Studebaker
SIX motor is
one of the best
small bore (3V6
in.) and long
stroke (5-in)
This elze is the accepted
standard of Europe and
America for evenness,
fuel economy and power.
Our SIX engine consumes
less gasoline than
"FOUR" engines of larger
bore and stroke.
Our SIX weighs less than
300 ppunds.
It Is evenly balanced, and
holds the road behind and
In front. ' .
Compare this weight with
competing "Fours" and
You won't find a lighter,
more economical car on
Our- reputation of G2 years
is behind this car.
It is an honest car.
It Is giving satisfaction.
We sincerely recommend It
to automobile buyers.
r. o. b. Detroit
FOUR Tourlnsr Car., . .JlpSO
SIX Tourlntr Car.......JJ6'a
SIX Landeau-Uoadster Jt800
SIX Sedan
35" Tourlnc Car 290
R" Coupe 2;?52
Blx-Paasenger SIX ....$1550
2429 Farnam Street,
Local Dealers
Buy It Because It's a Studebaker
A20-cent lunch of
clean, pure wholesome food Is
400 times better to work on than
a $2.00 feed in a Lobster Palace.
Look for this PURE FOOD SIGN
Quicksorv Cafeteria
Basement City Natl Bank Bldg
Or Boston Lunches.
210 South 10th St.
1400 Dou-Jns St.
1408 Farnam St.
Two More Days
in Greater Omaha
at a new location every day.
t p. m. Two Prtonnanrti Dllr I n. ra
9 En Especially reduced prices qc.
C UU for Groater Omaha only, uuu
Grand Street Parade Kacn Day. 10 a. m
Today 38th and Dodge Sts.
Tomorrow 24th and Castellar Sts.
Tb now tnt .nlr I nam and cnliaru
vblch ihtr nir lUmd wttfcout eicort.
BRANDEIS Toni?ht p.m:
SXCHABS BSinniTT (c CO. Workers la
3 Say May aa, 33. 344 Snows Sally
at 3, 4. 7. 9 P. M. 7
MEXICAN Wflft In Ma"a Ftotures.
. 5 Great Battles.
Picture Taken on the Tlxlar x,ine.
Prices i Mat.J0gjEv.. loe, laS andjsc
Omaha vs. Topoka
May 20, 21, 22, 23.
Friday, May 22, Ladies' Day.
-iucu at li p. ni
3 Hour. Blsplay, Pamou. p.ture PUma
Not a nlshtrnare of some fevered fancy
but a truth aa terrible aa a! Dlai5e '
? J Weber, Tfceatt cubist
Katiae. Every 2,1-
By Rex Beach 3 Acts, Reel,
All Seats 28c