GSREB 12 SILK HAT Aj0 NOW VjgLL wow WANT ADS ""Want ad received at uny time, but to Insure proper classification muit be pretented before 12 o'clock loon Tor eve ning edition and 7:39 p. m. lor mctnmg and Sunday edition. Want ads leceAed after uch hour will b.i under tvu htd lng. ' Too Late to Classify" CASH HAT 143. One time, 12 cents a line. Three time within one week. 9 cent a line each Insertion. Seven comecutlve time, 7 cents a lino each Insertion. . ,. CHARGE RATES. One time. 13 cent a line. Three time within one week, 10 cent k Una each Insertion. Seven conecutlve time, t cents a line ach insertion. , . ,. Count six average words to a lino. Minimum charge. 20 cents. The nee will not be responsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error must be promptly made. An advertisement inserted lo be run until discontinued must bo stopped u written order. You can nlHce your want nd In Tho Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. IIIHTIIS AJtn DEATHS. Births -J. E. and Stacla Johnston. 2727 Davenport, boy; II. V. and Agnes "lock, more, hospital, boy, K. nnd B. Wcllfi. hospital, boy. S. nnd Etta Slegol, lUUi South Eighteenth, girt; John and Ada Smith, 7706 Corby, girl; A. and 11a Ma ihinnev honiua.. uuy, ll. K aim Jtecxia Moeller. 2241 Larlmorc, hoy; O, and Emma Honohoo, 418 Wnlnut, girl. Deaths-Anna Preston, 19 yenr. 2905 Lake. M. 1 Watt, 1 month, 6915 North Thirtieth, John Mwls, 2 years. filS north mxteenth. Cora M Martin, 46 years, 1521 North Twenty-eighth; J. F. Byrne 62 xurs, hospital. Dennis 1'. Moore. JO nny, io north Twentysecond; Mattlo Mo. 46 years, hospital. III II, HI V- PERMITS. Miss Emma Durr. 2613 south Thlity second avenue, frame, J..W0; ''faren Nielsen. 3017 Seward, frame. K.C1; W. II. t rutchfleld, K Patrick avenue, frame, v.i.W, Jasperson and Johnson, l!0 Iwitli rop. frnme, 14,Vi; Norrls nnd Norrl, four dwellings, each. AN NOUN CKM KNTS. it wedillntl rings, ilrodcgaard's. Wtci.iii onnounccments. Doug. IHs. Co. IANi embroidery work. Tel. liar. 21W. 1j. S. Qrlfith. wig. mnfr., 12 Frenter Hllc. Gibson's Buffet m South lth rit. HAZEL laf Pile Cone. Uest reniedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllcfci Ivo pjstpoid; ramplc free. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. II ELI' WANTED KE.M AIjE rlerlrnl nml fflcr. Dictaphone operator. Steno., &0; stcno. 380. Traveling demonstrator. Salary and com. West. Ilcfcronco& Bond Ass'n 762 Omaha NaU Hank Hldg. Fnrlory unit Trades. Learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm parlor Housekeepers nnd Domestic. THE Servant, Gin Probm,s,?JvedTr5 B will run a Servant Olrl Wanted . Ad FREE until you get the d"'" re.ut. Thl applies to realdetit ot Otiiaha, bouth Omah: and Council Hlutfs. Hrlng ad to The Hee oiiicb or wcpnuim WANTED Olrl to assist In housowork id carTot children. Call Harney 4433. Yt'ANTBD- Cook and kitchen Mussman House. Chamberlain. girl at H. D. GIRL to assist In general houwork; no washing. Phone H. 4, WANTED Girl to help In kitchen, small restaurant; salary 5 a wnok. Ad- dress Mrs. F. K. Ruff. HarUngton. Neb. WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages and good home to right party. Call W. 133 after 6:30 p. m. WANTED School girl to assist with housework. Phone Homey 6131. 43 N. 33th Ave. OIRL for general houaework. W8 Pop. plOton Ave. xu. xiarney OIRJU for general housework, 1 per wsok to good girt. Bo. 1000. WANTED lS-year-old girl to Ulp with housework. H. 102. WANTED Domestic help; no cooking; S in family ; the liousecleanlng Is all dona. Harney 661 WANTED Young girl, white or colored, to assist In general housework, small apartment. Live at home. Call mornings, Apt 4. tho Elms. 3uW6 Dewey Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work in small lamuy, reiorciuxw re quired. Mrs. U. S. Baker, 113 S, 23th St. Phone Harney M7. AN experienced second maid In family ot thre. References required, 607 So. Sth St- Phone Harney 3009. AV ANTED A girl for general housework, in small family; good wages. Call day time. Red 4721; evenings. Webster 4&S3. WANTED Good lady to keep house on email farm near Omaha; no objection to one child. Call Bouth 3141, between 6 and p. m. WANTED Good girl for general house work, four In family, good wage. KB a 2fth St WANTED Experienced maid for house work, W per week. Apply In person, 1607 Farnam Bt.thlrd floor. Miscellaneous. VOTING women comlnsr to Omaha trangers are lUTlted to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St UarVa Ave. and 17th SL. where they will te directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' guide at union station. WOMEN Get government lobs; HOW month: many appointments comma: list posltloas available free. Franklin Institute, Dept. B3 M- Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALIC Agents, Salesmen anu Solicitors. SALESMEN Salary or commission; ad vertising specialties; some exclusive idej. patented; manufactured and sold y us only. Wllson-Hurd Co., Wausau, WJs. IfTTTI f I I s k. r nvva - HARRY'S DIVORCE 1 VAT-JO' - MPW TH6M Today's Complete Exclusively IIOWN TUW.V. MUtTII. CAMBnAPHONK, H03 DOUGLAS. DIAMOND THKATKIt. 2110 LAKE BT. Regeneration. 2-reel Kalem. Tollers of thi Sea. Victor. The 8ea Gull. Vltagraph. 1'nlvcrsal Ike. comedy. 1 ndor the Skin, lllograph. The Qunck. Nestor comedy. CLUNB THEATER, 2&M FAIlNAM StT I.OVAL THEATICIt. 24th and Caldwell. Shorty's Strategy,, a-reel. Series No. 3. The Little MallcBrrler. 2-reel, F. Lawrence. The Different .Man, .MaJ. drama. Where There's a Wilt There's a Way, Imp. Calamity Anne's Love Affair, Ainer. Com. On Suspicion, Ilex. , , tX)THHOP THKATKH, 3212 NO 21TH- ELITE NO. 1. . The I'nwelcome Thionn, ICathlyn No. L 1316 Douglas St. The Rube's Duck, Ltibln. Outwitting Dad, Ltihln. ELITE NO. 2, 131S FAKNAM The Mother of Hrvcn. Sellg. tii'rn Martha's lUbtlllon. Kdlson? s "' A Parfctown mojng. Ktn. APOLLO THE. "isiT LEAVEN WORTH FARNAM THEATER, Hit FARNAM. Hearst-Sellg. ,. The Spellbound Multitude, Kathlyn No. S. Ilreed of the North, !-reel Hroncho drama. Alonr Came a City Chap, Blugraph. Issy. the Operator. Reliance drama. . . i'lll'P THFATBli. lliTH a, iiAliMi.-v' COMFORT THEATER. ITH .t VINTON. TIIKATlill, 16TH Ac HAIlNbl 0llr Mutual (llrl, Herl'r. 17, .Mutual. Lovo's Ing Lane, 2-rcel Lul.ln. ThS,,ndS0llfni KJiioni KelU,nC6 Actor Flnnoy's Finish. Esranay. A Buspendml Ordeal. Kostono. HI1.6 LDa.lCC'V.teh2'reel Ka'em- PthfK Ve0ek,(y.-;ae?e,tKnourr,ent events. Wiolngf h5!?' Tangled Tangolst. Vltngrsph comedy. PARIXJR THEATER, Hos DOUGIH OB MTHEATER, lltS SOUTH 1JTIL The llattlo of Waterloo In five parts. .J110 fnl ' Um,bl?"i,1' scvc"11' CnR,?,Jn Produced on the actual scene of battle, the active life of Dolly of tho Dallies. PRINCESS THEATER, 1317-1319 DOUG. LYRIC THEATER. 1617 VINTON. Renonth the Mask, Imp. . . , , A Raffling Mystery le.tturlng Eth.-I Gran- 'lo1' ,'.Jr vn"- 1,r c.omcl '., . . din. Family Troubles, a real comedy. In tho Fangs of Jealousy. 2-rcel Eclair. jNtMlTJir- ' PASTIME THE. 24TH & Leavenworth. FRANKLIN THEATER. 24th-Franklln. Thfl v'ooii ot MoMrt' 2-r' American. Tho Three Rugs of Silver, Kathlyn No. 6. When a Woman Guides, Hlograph. WONDERUVNI) THE. 13TH & VINTON. Guaranteed Rainproof, Lubln. The Wedding of Prudence, 2-r. Easanay. i-p 'phi- Tini TTrTT ami. .i..i ' "c,' tance In Life, 1-reel Lubln. XI. F, ii 16T.'.' ANV .'if cli8T- Fanny's Melodrama. Vltagraph comedy. The Cabaret Dance, two-reel, Alice Joyce. - 1. Rroncho Hilly. Gun Man. Essanay. Slagw Htrurk. Vita comeily. SOUTH OMAHA STAIt THEATER, 1811 N. 21TH. This theater will be closed a woek and KSR THEATER. 24TH AND N STS. open under new ownership nnd manage- l?.'elll?t.?'''lK- . .... nient. newly equipped. The Acid Test, two-reel.- Itngraph. t..i ..... n.i i . ..... , ,. Hroncho Hilly Leap, Essanay. PALACE THEATER, 24th and Davenport. J. ' Dolores D'Arada, two-reel Klson, Lured From Squash Center, Powers, 1IE.NSON. comedy, SUHURHAN. iTflf AND AMES. ' BENSON THEATER. M35 MAIN ST. Hahlnd the FootJIghls, two-reel, Lubln. The Ruby Circle, two-teel, Rob Leonard. Hroncho Hilly' Close Call. Essany. Faith of Two, slth Ed August. Andy Plnys Cupid, Edison. . Universal Ike, comedy. ! HELP W A N T E I MA LE Aitcnts, XnlesmiMi nnd Holleltor. WANTED 3 young men to travel with manager. -Coll. 8:30 Thursday n. m, MJ I'rnndcis Theater Hldg. WANTED A high closs, rcllablu state sales manager for a store fixture, with out competition. Commissions $300 to J.'00 per month. Address the Huckloy Spe 'lutty Co., Lima, O. WANTED Experienced solicitors for city nnd road; flrst-cla's proposition; easy sain and get your pay every day. Local Manager, Ml nrandel Theater Lldg. Call forenoons WANTED Several experienced newpapur or magazine solicitors. Call 9 a. m. Thursday rOZ Rrandels Theater Rlilg. Clerical nnd Office, IF YOU lire looking for a high grade position see tho co-operative REFERENCE CO. 1015-10 city National Hank Hldg. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AlU'OMO RILE UL'SINESS. such as onlv wa am equipped to give you. The auto season is open and the demand la great for such men as we torn out. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. 3S14 N. Mill St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED- MEN TO LEARN THE HAH- UKK TiiAuis lie independent. Few weeks completes. Positions waltlnc. Our graduates qualified for best Jobs. Wages whllo learning. Tools given. Call or write. MOLER HARDER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED Printer with some all 'round experience; must be sober: state wacee and experience. Eagle, North Rend. Neb. CALVARY Mission Free Employment bureau Is nrepared to sunnlv skilled or unskilled labor ot all kinds. Office, Jacobs Hall, ins Dodge st. Tel. Tyler 1711; after y. m. weoster vm. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelsu Be Hldg. Miscellaneous. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran- ooipn a co., wasningtnn. ). li. YOUNG MEN Wanted Young men 18 to 20 years old desirous of learning tlio department store business. Must have references. Apply business office, balcony main floor. Burgess-Nash Co. If ill AV A V ItAlfol . STTK month. Life Job. Write immediately ior iuii parucuiars. r runKiiu institute. Dept. 330 M. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names ot men 13 to 36 wish. ins; to be railway postal clerks; 371 month. A il re as Y 52$. Be. EARN MORE MONEY Learn the automobile business. Prepare for the SPRING RUSH. This Is the onlv school where you can learn RIGHT. EXPERTS teach you. Nebraska Automobile School, 1115 Dodge SL WANTED sn'UATIONS BUNDLE washing. Ironing. Harney sMs. FIRST class auto repairman wants po sition In country town Is married and steady; references furnished. Address A 151, care Bee. WANTED-By young woman, with child. position at housowork. Address Y 40, Hee. WANTED-Work of any kind, by steady young colored man. Call Shumake. Phono Web. 47. TFIK MKI'J: OMAII V. NOT OAO " Nrr BAV Movie Programs in The Bee WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man wants light work on form; no experience, small wages. Andross c 149. IUc. EXPERIENCED "typist, will alsodo of flco work. Tyler 219i5 W. WANTED position its stenographer nnd clerk or stenographer and bookkocrT: thoroughly experienced; first class retcr tmts, Phone Tyler 1903. AUTOMOBILES $100 forfeit for uny magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 210N.1S 70 Used Cars We enrrv tho lurirpst slnt-k nf uxpfl alitnmoblles ever offered to the public. v we nro exclusive usen-car dealers, which enables us to offer astonishing bargains. All of our cars arc thoroughly over hauled In our "wn shop that , wo may know the exact condition of tho mechanism. Write for our bulletin No. 5, prices and large list of satisfied customers. Industrial Garage Co. 20th and Harney. o FOR SALE Elegant upholstered 1913 Cadillac, llmouslno body. In use only part ot one season. This will be offered for a cash price upon Inquiry at 60 per cent first cost. Address Thomas Burtch, 201 Funka Building, Lincoln Neb. WE make a specialty of auto foredoor body building and painting. Highest quality work. Wm. Pfelffor Carriage Wks. D. 6322. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth Industrial Garage Co., 20th & Harney Sts. Greenough Omaha Had. Rep. Co, 2020 Fm. BARGAIN Two-cylinder Rambler. Just overhauled, good condition, good tires. Address Y S2, Heo. . ONE 1912 40 H. P. Carter Roadster. In V first-class running condition, new cus- t Ing and Inner tubes, will sell or exchange for tlrst payment on vacant ioi or nouie. Inquire at 221& Ogden St Phone Web, 7228. Il.&on EQUITY In modern 6-room bung alow to exchange for automobile. In quire 519 N. 22d St.. South Omaha. Motorcycle. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. USth and Chicago. D. 3728. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLE. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15TH AND HARNEY. T"i WH model now ready. Bargains rnnPl" used machines. Pope Motor - x 'Co., 2572 Leavenworth. R-3395. Llndborg Bros.. 2023 Cum. (Flying Merkel) BARGAINS In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor II. Roos. "Tha Motor cycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth St. EXPERT motorcycle repairing, enaraol Ing and reflnlshlng our specialty. les cher Motorcycla Co.. 1S23 Capitol Avs. DUSINESS CHANCES We hava for sale choice r7 T" mortg -r" g J amoui None mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bearing 7 cent ranging in mounts from 3350 to 35,000. of these mortgages exceeds SO cer cent ot the market value ot the farms. Call on us for lurther par ticulars. KLOKK INVESTMENT CO.. (01 Om. Nat Bank Hldg.. Omaha Neb.-o FIRST class bakery and confectionery, with good fountain, In live town of 6,000. for sale or trade. Address Y 34). Bee. FOR SALE Family hotel. IS rooms, new furslture; good dlnlnc room trnria and fine commercial trade: going to mountains tor mange ot climate, clearing (ICO month. Address Y 41. He e. NEW TOWN on the l'UYl'3jA IRON RANGE IN MINNESOTA wunt gro cery, confectionery, clothing and hard ware stores, boarding houses, liveries and all line of trade. Fast growing country, good farming and millions ot tons of Iron ore being mined. Address Box U192. Doer wood, Minn. Kran, m2a .l 'r W 1 . ar 1 , Till' RSI )AV, MAY 21, 1914. A FATHGAP PGO copped iHt- CAWT STTiWD ANO OUT UUHIXESS CHANCES FOR SALE Confectionery In county seat town, doing good business. Parties owning same have 'other business and cannot attend to It. Must be sold soon. Takes nbout f00 to handlo It. Allen & Co. PaplUlon, Neb. FOR SALE A well-established plumbing and heating business; good Jobbing trade; very reasonable. Address H 2S9, Hee. A MANUFACTURING busi ness in central Iowa, doing i very good business, must be sold to settle an estate. T 37, Boo. FOR SALE An old established under faking business In one of tho largest cities In South Dakota. Address Y 38, He FOR SALE Candy kitchen and tee cream narlor Gnn.l hn.lnp.. tj..i u ,alilc. Sll 'Central Arc. ' Nebraska t'tv WANTED An Idea. Wno can thlnklt somo simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" und "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Rundolph & (..... Patont Attorne:. Washington, D. c. WANTED At once, a loan of 310,000 from ..,i.rlinl'' Party for three years. Call at US City Nat. Hank Dldg. Must see party personally. HEbT paying moving picture show on Douglas St. Call personally. Manager Palm Theater. 1320 Douglas St. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Konnebeck Co.. Oms.ha. TO HUY or sell a business. Call on Uockhncker, 4OT Stato Rk. Hldg, D. SIOT. ilGH-CLAci business openings. Western iter, .e Mono ash n. iM om. Na. Ilk. Hldg, VARIETY store for salb"or trade. Good business. Hank book will tell. Would toko nutomobilo In part payment. What elso have jou to trado. Stock will In olcc J.'.MW. Address Y 31. Hcc. GROCERY nml moat market cash business. Addiess S 152, doing Hee. Itnnnilnic Holism for Snip. 7 ROOMS, full, good roomers; furniture In good condition. Ill health compels sacrifice payments. 2100 Faruani St. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST STEPTO SUCCESS, A BUSINESS TRAINING. Huslness prnctlco, bookkeeping, penman ship, pulrsnmnshlp, banking, atenugraphy ttemttypy, typewriting, telegraphy, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work; many other courses open to you here. May work for board while attending. Call, or phono for lotcst cat. Day and night school hII year. Uoylea college, l&th and Harney. Omaha. MOS11ER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guaranteed good posltluns. Places provided for young peo ple to work for board. For a now Tree catalogue address Moshor-Lampman Col lege. ISIS Kitrnam St.. Omaha. Neb. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL, and Farnam. Douglas 6617 ISth FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the office ot Omaha Bee. LIVE STOCK I'OB 8AI.3. Horses and Vehicle. jce wagon; good condition. Wagner.801 N16 WAGONS All kinds. Barry. Harney 6M0. GOOD, heavy work horse at 1808 Pierce. I.O AND FOUND LOST Gold watch and fob, monogram "II. I. N.." between Burgess-Nash Co. and Rlvervlew park. Howard. Hazel Nichols, Burgess and Nash Drug Dept. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha A uouncil liiuua street iianway company to ascertain whetner they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. H Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write tor book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY'. 340 Bee Bide Omaha. .MONEY TO LOAN. NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service! Halt usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 30$ Paxton Block. Douglas 14U. OFFERED FOU HALE. Karnltnre. New & 2dhand turnlt'e, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. (05 N. nth. MAGNIFICENT FURNI- TURE, FURNISHINGS AT MI North 40th St. Beautiful mahogany and Circassian wal nut parlor sultvs in genuine Spanish leather, worth (250. for (65 to (76; solid mahogany library tables, massive leather rockers. (15; electric lamps, elegant fumed oak dining set, large buffet. HKAFTIFI'L MAHOGANY CABINET GRAND PIANO. COLONIAL DESIGN. W CRT II ttW, FOR (160. NOT A MAR ON IT. Masai vo brass beds complete, with French box springs and mattresses, dr8rs and chiffoniers. In Circassian walnut and mahogany, several Oriental rugs, large Gorhavan worth (350 for (100, also beautiful 9xlt Wilton rugs (35; oil paintings, portieres; everything In perfect condition, showing absolutely no wear The owner will conduct this sale per sonally, .''all today anj all week at 912 North 4Cth St Furniture ot 4 rooms, all or part cheap. 31SH N 16th. apartment 33. Doug. T3KS ACCOUNT ot sickness. (40i Hallet Ac Davis piano for (55. II California Arts, j J? LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO., NEW LOCATION. 1318 FARNAM. EVERYTHING NEW, OLD PHONE DOUGLAS IG23. COME. CALL OR WRITE- RUB BER GOODS. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes fenthor mattresses. Call or write for prices WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewlAs machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., Mukel's" 15th and Harney Sts. Douglas 1062. AddliiK Machine. Dalton Adding Machine. 411 S. 15 P. 1143. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales) W. O. W. D. 5331 Ai'viiuii tan tx. Chas. S. McConnell. i4i Om. Nat. Bk. D.S27 Melville D. Thomas & Co.. 601 City Nat. Bk. Ailvrrtliliinr. J. B. HATNES, 748 Om. Nat. Bk. D. S27. Anton nnd Mnclilni- Hcimirlnc. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Auctioneers, Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 3285. Architects. HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINTING. D. 3157. Clarenco W Wlglnston. 2M S. 13th. D.42H7. Gagnebln-WellH, 12U State Hank. D. 2265. Eerett S. Dodtls, 12 Paxton. D. 2081. Attructloti. OMAHA film exc, Hth and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Ilnrbcrs. 13 Chairs. 10c shave, nek shave. 1617 Far. IlnUcrlc. MODERN BAKERY CO.. Doug. 4561. Buttled (iuoils. Concordia Park, 5911 Center. Har. 363. HimIIiiic Krndlcntor. FOOS-OA-CBEN Is guaranteed. D. 8507 llrnnv Foundries. Paxton-Mlt'hcll Co. 27 tn and Martha Sts. Cnllfornln l.nnds. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat. Bk. D. 2819. Chiropractor. l.C. Lawrence, D. C. 2322 Howard. D.846t.. W. E. Purvlunce. IJ. C. 409 Pax. Hlk. D. 4943 1.. C. HAYES, D. C. 550 Bee Bid. R. 375i. t'rciuiicrlrs, Dairies nml .Mpille, DAVID COLE CREAMER COMPANY. Civil Enslnccr. M. J. Lacy. Civil Engineer, lot and ad dition surveys. 518 Bee Bldg. D. 4715. I Costiinicrs. FULL diess suits, $t.0 per night: party drcises for sale or rent. Open evenlnga Joht. Fehtmnn. 20G N. 17th. Doug. 3123. C'lierW Protector. O. W. Todd Co.. G. W. York. Mgr., 303 S. 13th. D. 7291. China . I'nlntliiK. F. C. Haynes, decorntimt. tiring. D. 4390. RUTH LETCHFORD, china and water color Instructor. 432 Paxton Blk. Flrc Ing done. o Ruth Letchtord. Deo. & firing. R. 4942. t'renni Nrpn rators. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 13th & Farn. Collector. Mutual Rating & Adjusting Ass'n,. Bee DuurliiK Instruction. Class & private lessons. Markle's. D. M4s Turpln'a Dancing Academy, mh & Farn Dentist. Dr. Bradbury, no pain. 1506 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandels Bailey the Dentist. 706 City Nafl Bank. Taft Dental Itooina, 1517 Douglas. D. 2138. Drtrotli cs. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evl- (ICtlC .a .1 In all . .. . y. ,i. mi vnnco. xyier lijo. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, bonded. D. 1319. 427-428 Paxton block. DrmmiiitUInu'. Terry Drcasmak'g college. 20th A Farnam. 1 Piece dresses, shirtwaists, spec. W 1835. muisajUMAU fcy ouy in Good work guaranteed. Web. 6j. MISS STURDY, 83 So, 24th St. D. 73li! Driiux. DRUGS at cut prices; rrclght paid on (10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. THE PEOPLE'S Drug Store. 25th and Cuming; fine soda fountain. Dupllcnlc Supplies, QUICK drying Ink. $1.76 lb. Wax stencils. $ Ind. stencils. $2.10. E. & II. Co., 207 Ramge. Douglas 12S3. I7vcr thliiK for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk. D. 8334. DRESS plcatlnjc, buttons covered, all klies and styU-s. THE IDEAL PLEAT. ING CO.. 330 Douglas Bile. Douglas 193a Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4911 Elcclrlc. LE BRON Elec Wks. 318 S. Uth. D.Z17i. OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriter. RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premiers ot tbelr makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1231. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines rent out. Rates, three months for (5 for understroke machines or S3 per month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. ButU Typewriter, 1805 Farnam. D. om. Oliver 5, good as new, Nathan. 109 S. Uth. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 8. 17th. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 3 month for (4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2919 aiuslcal Instrument. WURL1TJSER Electrio Piano, slot box connection; one wall box and fifteen rolls. Piano in first class condition. Will ......... m ,,.nnKll A In flml I a a rnn. dltlon. Piano cost (1.000 new, music and ! boxes extra, Harry R. Cannon, Fuller- ton, Neb. o FREE Nonbreakable cylinder, two or I four-minute record. Plays any make phonograph. Catalogue of 1.000 selections. 1 5c for postage. William Cohen, Mlpne I a volts.- o KN ABB concert grand piano. 3336 Ames, riANOafor cement work. paintlngT paper I hanging. 07 Old Boston Store. D. 2017. Drawn for The Electric Supplies. NEW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electrio Works, 318 S. 12th. Doug. 217a Florist. A. DONAOHt'F.. HLK Harney. Doug. 1071 L HENDERSON, I419 Farnam. D. 125 Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS & SWOBODA. 1115 Farnam St. BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Bldg. Furriers. BEN FENSTER. 1110 N. 24th St. W. 7777. Hair Dt-eaatn&r. MME. STEVENSON. 210 Balrd Bldg. D.SHI Harper Method. R. 6. Balrd Bldg. D. 3011 LlKlitlncr, Fixtures nnd Wiring. THOMAS DURKEN Electrical fixtures and supplies, con tracting and repair work dono reasonable. 2419 CUTTING. DOUGLAS Sftiq. Live- Stuck lleiuedlca. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S. 13th. Red 1253. Jliimeukn, MISS JACOBS; mass.; bath, clec.trC D.SG3 Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Blk. D.5895. Miss Jean Sbonler. 301 Wlthnell Bldg., Harney and Uth. Mass., magnetic treat. Rlttenhouso Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D. scientific Massage, Miss Gibson. D. 4297. ELECTRIC"AS3AQK BATH. Miss MASSAGE Misa Walton, room 224, No vlllc Blk.. 16th and Harney. Tel. D. 429 Homo for sick. 2504 Ames Ave. W. 2308. Miss Fisher, mass, elect, treat't. Red 5036. MASSAGE, 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Mtb. Snyder. Elec. Trt.. 1408 8. 8th. D. 43M). MASS 4GFj Swedish movement. 418 illilOOAUU Boo Bldg. Douglas 6372. KATHLEEN M.ACK, manicuring & mas- na-gB. pi. i, uavioge MlK. uoug. Dial. auilluecy. PARL01& millinery and dressmaking. Mrs. H. M. Ecll. 3009 Marcy. Harney 6645 Alovlnir, Storne nml Cloajiluflr. W. C. FERR1N. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Nurseries nnd Seeds. HAZEL DELl. NURSERY West of Flor ence. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees; shrubs, evergreens and roses. Good, fresh stock at reasonable nrlces. Office and salesyard, 24th and Plnkney. Phones riorence SW), wen. 5467. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can Drs. McCarthy. UU W. O. W. Blag. Office Supplies OMAHA TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, bet ter than you are now using, each 60c, dozen. 35. Dunllcntnr minnllrs 25 Tver rant less. E. & H. Co.. 207 Ramge Bldg. D. 12SS. I'atntluir nuU fuper llancintr. OMAHA PASTE CO.. ils B. 13th. D 37 Patent. D. O. Barneil. Paxton Blk. Tel. R3 7117 II A. Sturxes, t36 Hrandels Theater Bldg. Printing;. nnuGI.AS Printing Cc. Tel. Dong. 644. WATEKS-BARNIIART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 So. 13th. COREY ft M'KENSIE PTG CO. P. 2644. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co. 1620 Capltofb. llttX CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUO. 3754. Itomcb Kxtermlnntor. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist's. HnJr nnd Tlmrlocli Experts. SAFE comblr.aUons changed, bpeiied, re paired. FJjUJaAeryportj Shoe ltepnlrlng;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 SU Mary'a At. OMAHA Shoo Hospital: .li""S. rep. factory. Call and del. 2012 Far. D.6143 Steel Celllnns. CARTER Sheet Metal Wurka. 110 S. 10th. . -.1 nfflof- Clitnm, PIUIC . DESKS, safes, scales, showcaa ea, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture aid Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. Uth. D 2714. StornBe and Vans. T7T?T?'RTrJ Van and Storage Co., 15th H JliXCXtJ-lN Capitol Ave. Tyler 1200. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 528. Truuus and Suitcase. FRELING & BTEINLE. 1803 Farnam Bt. Vacuisiu Uteauera- SANITARY SERVICE CO.. full line vacuum cleaners and sweepers, cleaning dono In the home. Tel. D. 5604- Ve terl uarlans. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center H. 5083. " Wall taper. W. L TETTER & CO., 1113 Howard. D. ?B. Window Bnaoea ana wau yupcr. EAGLE CO.. 1405 N. 24Ul. W. 6S44. Wis MnUcrs. D. S. GRI FFITH, 12 Frenier 31k. D. 4566. tVlne and X.ttuara. ALEX JETES, 201-3 8. Uth. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plato dinner. 11 to 1. 10& E.UY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. 522 N. 16th. D. 1S00. OFFERED FOR SALE Musical Instruments. MAHOOANY organ, cost (150, will soil for (45. Sim No. 33d. Harney 2937. Mlscellaneons. SAFES Overstocked, 2d-hand, all makes. J. J. Deright Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at th office of Tut Omaha Bee. 2-hand machinery, tilt and Paul. Gross Wrecking Co. ELECTRIC COFFEE MILLS. Five bargains In used machines. Ptices, $25 to (loo; (IO0 lower than cost price. All types, double and single counter and floor 110 volts, 60 cycles. H. E, Clay, care Omaha Van and Storage Co. Phcne Douglas 4163. FOU SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables ajtd bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures ot sll kinds: easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collendar Co.. 407-409 S. 10th St. PERSONAL THF Salvation Army Industrial home so. liclts your old clothing, furniture, mag attnes. We collect. We distribute. Phont Douglas 4135 and our wayon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1U2-1U4 Dodge St. Bee bv Tad PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Youns Women's Christie n association buildlns at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., whore they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look fot our travelers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. Live Stock Commission Merchant STEREOTYPE matrices make tho best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. Thev are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75o a hundred at The Be ouice. SILKO chick food. Wagner. 501 N. 16th. IT WILL PAY YOU to Investigate our chicken life saver. It will save the lives of your chicks; guaranteed to do tha work or money refunded. Chicken Llfa naver o., -u.i uuminc ot. I. R. duck's, eggs. Call Benson 235.' LIVE STOCK .MARKET OF WEST SHIP llvo stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments recclvo prompt and careful atten tion. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Hldg.' WANTED TO BUY. 4 or 5-r. house to move. Wagner, S01 N.16th. WANTED A modern bungalow of four or five rooms. Address G 290, Bee. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to lcaso or buy, by a re-i nponslblc party, family of three, modern! S or 9 room detatched house In West Farnam or Dundee, about (75 per month, State location and particulars. Address U-167. caro Bee. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is th Road ta Business Success. SWAPPERS' COLUMN 6!4 ACRES ON MACADAMIZED ROAlJ In "Florence Heights" to swap for cltS property. Address S. C. 725, care Bee. FURNITURE STOCK (35,000 STOCK. furniture ajid undertaking business (45,000 per year; will exchange for west cm land or Income. Address 3. C. 683i Bee. TWO HOUSES ON CORNER LOT InI north part of city; will trade for someV thing larger in southwest part. S. C. 724 Bee. EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE (SINGLE).' with magneto; just overhauled and In A-l shape. Worth $100, but need tha cash, so make me an offer. Address-8j C. 731, care Bee. 5V4 ACRES ON MACADAMIZED ROAD In "Florence Heights" to swap for cita property. Address S. C. 725. care Bee. A 40 II. P. ROADSTER I.N GOOD CON dltlon, to trado tor a good mortgage iq city property. Addr-iea S. C. M9. Bee. AUTO WORTH $500. TRADE FOR A good clear lot. Address S. C 830. card Hee. $300 - GOOD MORTGAGE TC EX change for 1913 Ford. S C S10. Omaha, Bee. WANTED RANGE WITH SOME GOOD hayland In exchange for $10,000 Inter est In good established wholesale bust ncss. Address S. C. 845, Bee. have $75 secondm6rtg'age, ta days past due, on Commercial hotel. Spalding, Neb.; first mtge.. $l,-.w. Make offer. Address S. C. S17, Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR late model turn cylinder Reading stand ard motorcycle, worth $1757 Address S. c. Mil, Bee. CLEAR LOT, WANT AUTO OR ROUMi Ing house. S. C. 738. Bee. AN ALL MODERN 10-ROOM HOL'Sfj near cathedral at sacrifice sale, or trade, for good clear land. Address S. C. 846, Bee. FINE, SIGHTLY LOT, TWO Ul.OCK.S north from Krug Park. Trade for dia mond, piano, or what havo you? Address 8. C. 802 Bee. GOOD MILLINEnx" SUUCK. WANlj auto or lot or what. S. C. 740, Bee. EIGHT THOUSAND SEC. BRICK. want hogs, chickens or otter. S. C. 7J9. Bee. I OWN 320 ACRES LYMAN COUNT South Dakota; black soil, well grassed and fenced. I have been holding my land at $20 per acre, but 1 want to get Into the grocery business or general mer chandise, so If you havo about a (l.OJO stock running I will give you my land subject to $600 loan, runs l'.i years yet. Address S. C. 852, Bee. GOOD HALF SECTION Unimproved black soil, rolling, part fenced, 12 miles from good town, South Dakota. Worth $15.00 per acre. For short time will exchange at $3,200 aa all or part payment on good Omaha house to llvo In. About 'even deal or nearly so preferred, with owner. Address B C. 744. Bee. Oraaho, DANDY 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR DIA-. monds, grocory, auto, lota or acreage. Address 8. C. 853, Bee. THREE 6-ROOM COTTAGES, PAVED street, good location, rented; only $2,300 mtge., want $5,000 gen. stock for equity; must be running. Address 8. C. 854, Bee HAVE UNDERWOOD TYPEWlUlElt, No. 4. latest model, with two-color rib bon, stencil cutter, back spacer, etc.; lit tie use. A bargain at $70, but will accept first $55 offered. Address S. C. 730, earn Bee. IMPORTED AND REGISTERED SHEir. land stallion pony. 4 years old. want stacker and rakes, or any good live stock. S. C. 833. SHELDON SALESMANSHIP COURSE. or trade. Address 8. C. 857. care bee. COMPLETE I. C. S. COURSE. 6 VOL'S steam engineering, electricity and inc. chanlcal refrigeration. Worth $30. Will trade for typewriter, or what have yout Address S. C. 855. Bee. $200 EQUITY IN GOOD CABLU-NhU son Player Piano, with large assort ment ot music. Will exchange for auto. Might consider other otters. Address 8. C. 809. TRANSFERRED TO OMAHA AND must dispose of my home in Lincoln. Located best part, paved street, one block to car line. Full lot, cast front, fruit trees. Six rooms, modern in every par ticular. Barn on rear of lot. Actually worth (4.000, about (1,400 still due on It. Will trade equity for farm land, good lets, good auto and cash. Priperty iowi rented for first time. Address 8. C. 805, care Bee. WHAT havt, you to trane for a i 1L l C. 670. Omaha Bee. SWAP, AS GOOD AS NEW STAND ard make runabout for a four tcr war. nuuitu a. is. WO, Bee. I HAVE A GOOD UL'ITAH AND A ij. ND AH jeweled watch. What kind .-.f .1 j r an . iuakc wiiii uu tor a Kooai. oc Uuil dos? Address S. C, 719. care eg,