Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1914, PART TWO, Page 4-B, Image 20

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' Tho Doe PublUhin g Company. Proprietor.
KnltTfd at Omaha. postofflee as second-class matter.
THKMS OF aunscmiTioN. "
Uy carrier By mall
per month. Per y w.
rally and Sunday .. 'J
Pallr without Sunday....' o-
Kvenlnp and Sunday.. t.Wc b.ot
Kvcnlng without Sunday
HnndAV lie only vC
Sold notice of chango of address or complaints of
irgtiiartty In delivery to Omaha Bcc, Circulation
rtemlt bv draft, exprooa or postal order. Only two
cent postago stamps received In P""1.0' ,",arc
counts Trrixinal cheek, except on Omaha ana eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omnha-The Bee Building.
Fouth Omaha 1 8 N street
Yiunrtl Bluffs 14 North Main street
J.inroln-M Little Bulldlnp.
rhlraco-901 Hearst. Building.
New York-noon) 1106, 28 Fifth avenue.
Pt Louls-K New Bank of Commerca.
Washington 7X Fdurteenth St. N. w.
Address communications relating to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department
Bnt f Nebraska. Cmmty of Douglas, is.
Pwltfht William, ctrcfllrtlon manager of The Be
publishing company. betnz duly sworn. Hays that
the av.raKe Sunday circulation for the month Of
April, fll, was .4U
I WIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
utsrlhed In ray presence and nworn 10 before tne
t..U Cth day STinTlHUNTBn. Notary Public.
Nebraska's Semi-Ccntennial.
One of tho dtitlos devolving upon toe next
legislature will bo to make .provision, If pro
vision is to be mado at all, for an official cele
bration of Nebraska's sotnl-centennlal of atato
hood. The proclamation admitting Nebraska
into the union carries tho date of March 1, 1SC7,
over tho signature of President Androw John
on, so that tho fifty yoars will have olapscd on
March 1, 1917. That tho occasion warrants a
sultablo commemoration necda no argument; In
fact, it is taken for granted that it will havo not
only official cognizance, but will bo tho focus
of a colebratlon extending over tho whole state,
and enlisting participation of all classes of our
people. ,
In this connection we would llko to direct
attention to the historical pageantry, which is
tho principal foabiro of a similar celebration at
St. Louis, portraying in tableau add dramatic
form the succession of events upon which tho
progress of tho city rests. Tho performance in
St. Louis is to bo upon a mora huge scale than
would be possible in any smaller place, but tho
underlying idea could be easily copied and
readily adapted to the resources and limitations
of any enterprising city or town.
Lot us urge, too, that in laying out a pro
gram for tho Nebraska soml-contennial the ele
ment of time requirod for preparation must by
all means bo considered, so that the details may.
not be neglected, and crudities be excused on
the score of olerenth-hour haste. It Is none too
early for 'those Interested to gtvo the subject
bctIous study, and to begin to formulate prac
tical suggestions.
Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily
Ahoulri have Tho lieo mailed to them. Ad
dress will bo changed as often as requested.
Thoso Italian volcanoes aro smoking up
As a mero suggestion of tho coBt of devasta
tion In Mexico, note that 300,000 horsoB havo
boon killed in tho Btato of Chihuahua alone.
"It's aa useless to worry as It Is to tell peo
ple not to." Yos, and refraining from telling
thorn deprives thoni of ono excuse for worrying.
" "Twas over thus." Thoso to whom Joba
aro offered on tho federal reserve board don't
want them, and those who want them most
ran t got thorn.
Huerta sayn ho la In the lion's mouth, Ijut
tho lion will not find him easy to oat. It tho
lion cared tb eat him ho would mako just about.
half a mouthful.
Tho Retailers' association objects to tho bill
board monopoly. Tho public, 'which hopes some
day for a city beautiful, .objects to tho bill
boards altogether.
Admiral Fletcher is referred to as a pirate
by Boino pf tha Mexicans. Well, this sort 'of
piracy may havo been needed to put tho affair
in tho way of BOUlomont
Tho offlco hours enforced by tho Water
board boss may be top long for his employes,
but when tho ubo of tho water was limited from
8 to S fliey were too short for the consumers.
Tho Ak-8ar-Bon Initiation mill Is getting
- ready .to resume .business, at tho old .stand. .This
I is; ono Industry whoso whools go round regard
loss of war, famine, pestilence, earthquake or
Secretary Bryan thanks God that we havo a
prosldont who hopes that mediation will sue
ceed. But, aa the part of wisdom, tho president
will tako no chances In being caught unpro
pared it mediation falls.
Why this haste to repeal tho tolls oxoxnptlon
for coastwlso shipping, when tho canal wljl not
be open to commercial traffic for another year
at best? Tho repoalers mUBt feel that delay is
dangerous to their causo.
8lx University of Chicago Btudents havo
been, Jallod on n gambling charge for playing
golf for money stakes, If that notion Bhould
spread and tako root, tho Jails everywhere
would havo to bo enlarged.
coMitcB rnot ace riLma
All About the .Bobbery.
Tho Beo Joins In tho protest against the
threatened boost of 25 cents a ton in hard coal
transportation charges. If thero Is any possiblo
escuso for such a grab camo, except that the
Individual consumer of anthracite is absolutely
helpless, it 1b not visible on the surface.
Tho truth Is, coal-carrying rates now ex-
actod on shipments of anthraclto from the lakes
to tho Missouri river aro altogether excessive,
and should bo brought down instead of y being
pushed up. .
But the hard Coal robbery affects not only
Omaha, but every city and town In the whole
Missouri valley. Concerted action all along tho
lino vigorously Impressing tho Interstate Com
merce commission might put a check to It and
givo a measure ot relief.
What Draws Industries to a City?
Every Hvo city ambitious to bo an Industrial
center has its linos out all the time for now en
terprises. What are tho really, effective draw
ing cards? In tho competition for- a desirable
concern seeking a satisfactory location, is it one
determining factor or a combination of circum
stances that wins out? i
In answorlng these questions wo will find
holpful tho points urged aa inducements for
manufacturing plants to locate In a certain bor
der atate city which is conducting an aetlvo ad
vertising campaign tor that purpose. Hero 1b
tne magnet that it Is employing:
Three glgantlo hydro-electric plants competing
with steam coat at 81.60 a ton iitv.rr'nnw.n .....
lowest in country. Cheapest Iron town In South.
Anr anient into wniph mttnn wma .... - .
- . . w . nwvu W IfUII lllliO
can do niaae ana aistrtbuted to advantage. 7io ram-
ant unionism. I'lentv mnrf toll t ihi nc.,..
faoturors havo climatic advantages over their north
ern comneiuors. Freight mtca nn nin tin., r.n
road favorable because regulated by river navigation
to Allsiosa nni. and oulf. No bonus or nrt flHul In.
ducemonts offered. '
This nrosDoctUs furnishes fond for thmicht
for our own city builders. Chcao nowor. dlroct
access to raw materials, ample and roliablo
labor supply,, good transportation facilities
tbeso aro tho things that count. An assured
market at homo, or close by, must also In most
cases bo considered, and, above all, the future
growth of the city and lta tributary territory as
affording opportunity for corresponding growth
of the Industrial undertaking, lr n, nutshell, It
ia tho assuranco ot success In buslnosa. and thn
profltB which go with buccosb, that must be most
potential, a misfit factory In tho wronir lnca.
Hon is a mlsfortuno rather than an asset. Cer
tain lines of Industry, properly financed and
managed, will thrlvo In Omaha as in no qther
Place, and our attention should be dtrectod tn
ward their acquisition and development with
out wasting tlmo and effort on qucatlonabli
for doubtful venturos.
"Plan tb tako lunch with your wife at the
) club ut IcaBt onco a week. You will both enjoy
it. xes, out what does that moan? Does it
I mean that you will 'both enjoy tho frcodom ot
I lunching with Boniopno else tho other days ot
Caught Jn tho act with tho goods, democrats
, Jn toncroiss havo resolved that it i nn vinininn
I ot law for senators and representatives to Bollclt
J political contributions to a political campaign
J Tuud from ono another. ' If tho shoo were on
a me oiuer iooi woy woum he yelling for Invest!-
v Kuuun ana prosecution.
t the dcmocratlo
f OTde by John A. .McShano and turned over to Charles
I Ofcden aa chairman. Delegatea wet appointed to tha'
tato convention and a. resolution presented by a
V Uallasher directing them to support James E,
Boyd for deles-ato-at-large to the democ ratio national
a second exnimuon Kume was played by the
I nlon I'aolfles asulost the Bed Hoc a. inm
- South Omaha, the. Utter belnc beaten by a, scors of
lo to 0. Sam C. Nash umpired.
The Board of Publlo Works received applications
, iroin juessrs raniuns, wanninc and MoGrath aa piv.
ias lAspeetora.
Tha homeopaths chose officers bfer. adjourning
inwr aiatej meeunir last, nigtit. Omaha being accorded
tha second vUo president, Pr. Q. It Tarssll, and the
treasurer. Dr. O. B. Wood.
Kecelpt Ja neknowledged ot a box or oigars duly
christened "Tho Dally Bee." th coyer label being
made up of a -miniature, front page of "this paper.
They we manufactured for the trade by Perrot &
g. U Owens, national bank .-examiner for Ne;.
traska. is in the city.
ftlKtutahft frntn WaaTitnalnn KnnnunrA IhA luiiiira
through th hou of a bill for another bridge asros's
in ouwhiii potween urama ana vouneii muiis ana
A runaway oa Tenth atre'et resu(le,d 'in th spllllnis,
a barrel ot candy No ono waa hurt, but It was a
plcnle tor tha smul boys.
A Case of Safety First,
Those Moxlcan constitutionalists, whn nm
pose to seize and oporato tho mines of th Par
ral district unless their rightful owners rot,urn
and reopen them within a glvon . tlmo, should
understand something of our "safety first"
campaign In the Unltod States, whexo many of
tneso mines are owned.
Americans, its well as other fornlcn nvmn
would bo only too glad to go back and resume
the operation of their properties, but thero as
here, and In diplomatic as well as Industrial
activities, they will Insist on thn 'snr- ti,t
principle. If tho constitutionalists aro pre
pared to secure It for us. they certainly win
find our people ready to tako them up on their
proposition. Until they aro, or until some power
in Mexico can offer thiB guarantee, we shall not
expect u resumption of operations by the foroig.
ners, neither will we expect It by tho Mexicans
either federal or rebel.
. Prevalence of Perjury.
You do solemnly swear that vmi will h tr.iii.
tha whole truth and nothlnir but thn
- - ---- v- v aavaa
Not a prosecuting attorney nor Judire l n lh
country but knows that tho conventional crime
or perjury lias mado a travesty of that oath
Witnesses aro Bworn, go upon the Btand and
reel off perjury after perjury so Payable that
a child could percelvo it
But let the same oath-bound person commit
what Is known as "contempt of court" aud
boo what happens. We must maintain a nronfcr
respect for our Judges, but what about a proper
respect for the truth, for the oath, for moral
principle? Here elt our dignified iudcea and
our austero proaecutbra countenancing this syv
tem it is nothing loss than ay8temof crime
t committed in tho very sanotuarles of "Justice
unaer me cloak of the law and the eaves of the
magistrate's dock without no much as the blink
of an eye.
And tho crooked lawyer, with his crooked
client or witness, aa the case may bo, shambles
out of court with a grin on his face. Why Is It
permitted? No ono protends to say that courts
and prosecutors aro ignorant ot it. Thoy oven
admit Its provalonce. But how many bench
warrants havo over boon Issued for tho arrost
of a perjured wltnors? How long shall we con-
tinUo to mako our "temple of Justice" an Incu
bator of liars and perjurors
Great Leaders.
Great crises and emergencies always have
their groat loaders. Sometimes they seem to
develop thorn, sometimes simply to discover
them, most spontaneously. But he reads history
amiss, wo think, who docs not perceive tbo evl
denco of an overruling Providence In Unking In
evitably tho man with tho movement.
Sometimes these leaders come from the most
unexpected places and people. Here again wo
find the providential, significance. Abraham
camo from far-off Ur ot tho Chaldeas whon
surely it would Boom that from among tho hosts
of Israel, themselves, at least ono could havo
been found with tho qualities of' tho required
leadership. The mystery of tho choice seems to
havo been as untathomablo to Abraham aa the
rest of tho world, but mark this, ho responded to
tho command: "Got theo out of thy country and
from thy kindred and from thy father's house,
unto a land that I will show thee." Sometimes
tho best thing a man can do is to get out of the
country in which ho was brought up, leave his
father's house and hospitality and launch out for
himself among strangers.
The same significance lies In the calling of
Moses for the exodus. Moses demurred, even
attempted to parry w,ords with tho Lord,
pointing out that ho was slow of speech and not
a man ot leadership caliber. But the Lord had
Aaron handy and pressed Moses Into service.
And for a long tlmo it seemed, humanly, a poor
choice. So In tho new dispensation, according
to holy writ, Paul, tho reformed persecutor, 1b
brought forth as the groat Gentile apostle, a
leader of loaders. Thero was Barnabas, there
was Luko, there was Petor and others, all ablo
mon, none ot whom had been "tho chief of sin
ners." Why take thlB Saul of Tarsus wljh such
men at hand?
For tho same reason wo must conclude that
every great crisis has Its great leader. So we
find It all along down through our own history
Washington, Lincoln, McKinley. Never has
tho progress of America waltod for tho want ot
a loader. But wo may go back and return
through tlmo and note this, that overy great
leador had bis indispensable followers and help
ers, each of whoso roles is big with importance,
bo long as he fills it well. For, as It. Browning
, All service ranks the 'same with God
W(th God, whoso puppets, best and Worse, -Aro
we; there Is ho last nor first.
' ' Grand Opera Next Scasbn.
Undaunted bv a SCO. 000 deficit on Us recent
western tour, tho Chicago Grand Opera com
pany announces plans for another season. And
let us.hopo tho results much bettor. But
this much should be conceded, that the condi
tions that brought disaster in the season just
passed must undergo radical change to lnsuro
the patronage needed. In tho first place, It Is
not safe to let everything dopena on a single
star around whom tho wholo publicity campaign
revolves. In tho second place, the prices paid
tho stars are loo high, forcing up tho prices de
manded of tho public disproportionately. Grand
opera must be popularlred to be a true success,
and it Is not possiblo to make it popular except
by bringing It within the reach of tho majority
of tho people. Its cultural influence Is far
abovo its more money-making possibilities, and
yet it stands to reason that it must appoal to
moro than tho exclusive and wealthy classes to
make it profitable from a financial standpoint.
Selfishness another name for self-love.
A poor reputation may be better than
none at all.
The long distance phono makes the heart
throb faster.
If you don't want people to like you
criticise what they do.
One of a boy's first ambitions Is to get
all the pie he can cat.
Presence of mind' In lovcmaklng It apt
to Indicate absence of heart.
Many a man who has that tired feeling
did not acquire It legitimately.
Thcro'a always room at tho top and al
ways a crowd at the bottom.
A bully 19 a man who Is always want
ing to fight some other man half his size.
.Still. If you find yourself In a rut, re
member that a rut Is the smoothest part
of tho road.
A bunch ot women don't seem to be
having a' very good tlmo unless three or
four are talking at once.
However, the -woman who marries a
preacher doesn't have to nag him In or
der to get him to go to church.
The mystery of the Mona Lisa smile
has at last been solved. The artist caught
her expression when she was trying to
laugh at one of her husband's Jokes-
Chicago News.
Incident to Growth.
' "The cries that come to us from Colorado,
Los Angeles and from other scenos of strife
cries for vengeance and for blood are not the
death knell of this republic, but are the birth
pangs of a new democracy," said J. A. Mac-
'donald, the eminent Toronto editor-lecturer, In
a reccnt address.
By the force of this logic, these upheavals ot
Bocloty, or whatever wo may call thorn, are but
Incidents to the growth ot tho democratic ideal.
Tho inspiring vision is ot America as the cham
plon and purveyor ot that Ideal. As our mlsBlou
Is a largo ono, so our task must be a hard one.
Thus far In tho progress of our mission wo have
oncountorod grave obstacles, endured severe sac
rifices.. As an old German orator said: "Every
lesson tho past has taught has cost a lite. Every
experlonco Is supplemented with sorrow." But
he also said that "Every wreck upon tho shoals
of tlmo is a lighthouse to some future mariner."
So these are only obstacles to obutruct, not
stop our course, and every such obstruction thus
far has been followed by a new Impetus. So
long as wo catch the Ylsion before us, gathering
the lesson from each such experience, we havo
nothing to fear from those recurring social dls
orders, From this viewpoint they constitute no
menaco, not oven a permanent danger, to our
country if properly met. "Man's inhumanity to
man makes countless millions mourn." It will
make other millions mourn, but in the mean
time law and order, civil liberty and social Jus
tice will come out the conquerors and In tlmo",
let us believe, prove equal to a complete re
straint of tho basor influences.
In mitigating the sentence of a prisoner who
had pleadod guilty, Federal Judge Munger de
clares that a colored man accused of crime has
nowhoro near an equal chance with a white man
before a, Jury. It this be true hero la the tol
erant north, what must the condition be in the
south, where race prejudice ia rampant? With
all our boasted llborty, ti blaok prisoner ar
raigned In court below the Mason and Dixon
line is still, in nine cases out of ten, as good as
convicted before he can say "guilty" or "not
t Is announced that the Omaha Country club
directors have engagod a herd of sheep to clear
away the dandellonson their golf links.- Why
could not various neighborhoods In the city
adopt tho plan, getting, say, a oommunlt sheep
or two to do the work? As fast as they fin
lahed up one lawn thoy might go to another,
thus finding plonty ot work throughout the
feummor.' Who knows but in this Ilea the solu
tion of the dandelion problem
People and Events
Wireless telcDhonr Is belni tried out
between Berlin and Vienna.
If silver Is to bo stored nwv for nfinu
time, pack It with dry flour; It will re
main untarnished.
Tho North Railroad company in France
I making experiment on thn una nt
wJreless waves for clearing away fog.
To remove rust from a knife plungo the
blade Into an onion and leave It for an
hour. Then polish In tho usual way.
Frank B. Ollbrcth. efficiency enclnpr.
has started a museum of devices for
eliminating fatigue In Industry. Tho mu
seum is in iTovmcnce, it. I. 1
To remove labels from bnttt w tha
label with water and hold It over a
flame for second or two. The steam
qtilckly penetrates tho label and Softena
the gum or paste.
Boiled potatoes make an excellent mih.
Mltute for soan when thn hands hv ha.
come blackened by contact with pots and
pans. Rub a little potato well Into the
hands and wash in warm water.
Always sandnaoer tht unem nt v,w.
new shoes before they havo been worn.
Tills keeps her from sliDDlnc on thn hum
or polished floors and prevents many a
bad fall which could easily result In a
sprain or a broken bone.
Now Torlt Post: Lillian Nordlca was
tho greatest vocal artist America has
produced. No women have as yet ap
proached the most Inspired of men as
composers, but as singers not a few have
equalled If not surpassed them, and
among these our late prima donna Is con
spicuous. For sheer luscious beauty of
tono her voice has seldom been equalled
"glorious was an adjective frequently
applied to it
New York Sun: Tho career of the Amer
ican singer. Lillian Nordlca, ought to en
courage young aspirants for lyric honors.
No observer of tho development of her
artistic powers ever failed to discern the
fact that she lacked that peculiar gift
called temperament. There were no light
ning flashes of. Inspiration, no divine mo
ments ot Inexplicable exaltation in Nor
dlca's art. What she achieved she did
by sheer force of Indomitable resolution,
unceasing study and fine Intelligence.
Springfield Republican: For the very
reason that her life ran In so many dif
ferent channels her fame was excep
tionally great, but her moat enduring
reputation waa won In the Wagnerian
field to which she belatedly came and
which for tho first time enlisted her full
enthusiasm. America has reason to be
proud of "Nordlca" the lady of tho
north, aa her name was reshaped on soft
southern tongues. Her ' career will bo a
lesson and an Inspiration to young' sing
ers. Boston Transcript: Nordlca was ono of
the first ot the great generation ot Amer-,
lean sopranos that made the position of
the American singer in Europe secure.
And It Is to her personal qualities' rather
than to her natural gifts that her emi
nence was due." She went to Europe as
soprano with Ollmore's band. Her oper
atlo debut waa In a smalt Italian town.
Sho made herself mistress of florid Ital
ian parts, but was not satisfied. Shi de
termined, to learn tho Wagnerian parts
In a new language and a new musical
tradition and became one ot the greatest
Gorman sopranos of her age. She grad
ually and laboriously developed herself
as an actress. More than any other singer
of the last generation she was able to
sing highly varied parts with equal great
ness. In her power over all the niceties
of vocal control there was hardly a
singer to surpass her. '
Derelict accounts of New Tork City
shows a total of S128.000 In wsges,, whjch
various city employes failed to draw In
tho last twenty-four years.
Philadelphia will spend $1,000,000 this
year In eliminating trade crossings.
Two hundred and eighty-five persons
were killed by firearms In Chicago last
Chicago does not advertise its gunmen
as extensively as New York, neverthe
less the Chicago gunmen do considerable
business. They have thirty funerals to
their credit In the last four months.
Tortland, Ore., has opened three publlo
markets, designed to hit the middleman
bciow tho belt.
Last year St. Louis street cara killed
thirty-five persons and autos thirty-four.
Cleveland switched from central to east
ern standard time, for the purpose ot
gaining an hour of daylight In the morn
ing. Electric horns mounted on tha corner
lamp posts of Oakland. Cal.t clear tho
way for the apparatus In case ot an
alarm of fire
BacR In Quarrysvllle. Pa.. Mrs. Win
field Stoner, mother of nine husky chil
dren, has been proclaimed tho champion
caka maker ot the buggy.
Cleveland Is about to add an electric
light plant to Its municipal activities.
The price of "the Juice" delivered Is ftxfd
at from 1 to i cents per kilowatt hour,
according to quantity used.
Mlnooka, one of tho Illinois towns,
which voted out saloons, has also voted
out electric lights for want ot revenue.
Tho town harks back to lamps and
candles, with an occasions flicker of
Emporia, Kan., Is hot for war and ex
pects to send to the front a homo grown
company ot fat men, minimum weight
m pounds each. This figure lets out
William White and Walt Mason, which
will cause great rejoicing south of ths
Rln Grande.
Shorter and tighter klrts are promised
for fall wear, Insuring a fashionable re
vival of the old time shoehorn, enlarged
for the occasion.
A wealthy young California woman
puts out the usual sign of self-confidence:
"Tho man I would marry-docsn'fllve,"
Thus does vanity "point: the way to a
"dead one."
A freakish cold wave from the north
touched up Vera Cruz ono day last week
end pulled tho mercury down to 02 de
grees, making the town more homelike
for visitors.
Uncle Joe Cannon was 78, years young
on tho ?th Instant and the tilt ot his
cigar announced there was another fight
In his political system. Ho will work (t
off next fall.
"General" Coxcy's army of Invasion
somewhere In the Alleghenies dwindled
from fourteen to nlno privates. No
wonder tho Mexican dictator perks up
and dashes oft another dcfl.
Ther scoop scored by the New York
Globe In prematurely publishing the open
ing address of District Attorney Whit
man to tho Becker Jury cost the publishers
$1,000, assessed by tho trial court. A
scoop that scoops the till generates more
pain than pride. .
Astronomical aclence Is a source of
endless wonder. One of the professors
puis out tho prediction that In 2.000,000
years tho earth -will be a huge snowball,
frosted by tho cooling of the sun. Doubt
ers are) wfelcomo to stick around and
note the outcome ot the prediction.
Soap Is about to enter the charmed
circles of the British peerage, lining up
with beer, groceries and canned goods
represented in the House of Lords. Sir-
William Lever,-tho greatest soap maker
or the? kingdom, Js booked for the honor.
Among his associates already tagged are
ten representatives of the brewing Inter
ests, so that tho addition ot .soap mnkci
ample provision for suds and sousing.
The day. before the battleship Texas
(teamed out ot New York for Mexican
waters Thomas Gavan, a member of the
Crow, applied tox tho federal court for
final naturalization paperj. Ho has been
In the naval service sixteen years. Asked
by the Judge why he was so anxloui for
final papers, Gavan answered: "If I die
X want to die as thO seventeen died who i
were honored today an American citi
zen." ,
The Journalistic whale of Chicago has
three or four Jonahs In Its system and Is
canvassing Its readers for suggestions on
retaining one and casting out the others.
Mr. Keeleys Investment includes the
temnants of Storey's Tlm6s. Scott's
Herald, Laweon's Record and Kohlsaat's
Inter Ocean. The Herald appears to be
the favorite distinctive name for the Con
solidated quartet, which promises to be
a power for good In the middle west. A
new dress will be provided for the
St. loulo Globe-Democrat: The Nev
York church choir should practice up
some anthems to use on tho next crowd
of Industrial Workers of the World ln
Philadelphia Bulletin: The action ot
the socialist disturbers, who Interrupted
a religious service at the Calvary Bap
tist church In New York, yesterday, and
wore literally thrown out by pollcb 1n
consequence, wns either crazy or malic
ious, and, whichever It was. Its per
petrators should be rgarded and treated
as dangerous disturbers ot the poaco of
tho community.
Springfield Republican: The New Jer
sey diocese ot the Protestant Episcopal
church has unanimously chosen Bishop
Charles H. Bront, whoso work In the
Philippines Is well known, to succeed
th lato Bishop Scarborough. It remains
to be demonstrated whether Bishop Brent
will accept the call. Ho was twice
elected bishop ot Washington, D. C, tn
1909. but declined. '
-Houston Post: "The unduo multiplica
tion of laws Is tho suro mark of a de
clining llfo In tho eouls ot men," de
claied Bishop Warren A. Candler of ths
Methodist Episcopal church, South. In a
setmon preached to , an overflow audi
ence - at St. Luke's church, Oklahoma
City, Sunday. "Thero seems to be a
nctlon among men of our day that alt
evils can bo wiped out by m.7lng moro
laws," he continued; "they seem to think
tho ballot box Is the ark ot tho covenant.
In nothing could they bo moro grievously
mistaken." Dr. Candler Is perhaps tho
ablest among the bishops of ihj Southern
Methodist church.
Bomo people's religion consists ot &
firm .belief that tho Lord will provide.
Never tell a newly married man a secret
unless you want his wife to know t.
The old-fashioned man who didn't know
It was loaded now has a daughter who
regards Platonic love as harmless.
Nature made as, awful mistake when
she fixed things so that a. man could pat
himself on the back but couldn't kick
himself there.
When anything goes wrong a doctor
can make a quick guess and call It a.
diagnosis. But a bookkeeper haa"to hunt
until he' finds out the tiror.
After a girl has smiled at every man
In town and finally snared a boob Into
an engagement, she believes that thero
should be a law making flirting a felony.
Hera is something to worry about. A
woman isn't wearing half as much clothes
as she did ten years ago, and yet It costs
moro to dress her now than it did then.
When we see a man do a mean trick
we want to adverttso the fact. But when
we seo him do a decent trick we know
he only did It because he knew we were
looking at him.
.You can't keep a reformer down. You
can give him a flO-to-1 beating at tho
' polls, blacken his eyes and kick his dome
In. But when he recovers consciousness
he will get up and announce that he has
won a great moral victory.
A man Is a' consistent animal. If a con
ductor won't accept a transfer because
the time limit has expired, Mr. Man gets
up on his hind legs, and haughtily re
fuses to be robbed by paying a nickel
fare. No, sir. He'll get off and walk
first. And. he will stop at thirty-one sa
loons and npend a dollar in each place
Indlgnattng about high-handed outrages
perpetrated' upon the common people.
Cincinnati Knoulrer
"Pa, what do people mean when they
talk of laying Up something for a rainy
'A rainy day means hard times, my
"Why so,-pa?"
"Because,. I suppose, on a rainy day
there Is no dust in sight." Boston Tran
script. "How is your boy doing at college?"
"Well," replied Farmer Corntossel, "I
doh't s'poao he's much fur Greek an'
Latin, but they do tell me he's mighty
highly considered by tho boys whon they
havo a little Job o' hazln' on hand."
Washington Star.
"They fooled some cops tho other even
ing at a tango dance contest."
"How did they fool 'cm?"
"Told m they had better raid tho
hall as a. lot or dips were getting In
their work." Baltimore American.
Interested Party You say this boat can
not upset? g
Inventor It's Impossible. The tanks
are filled with righting fluid. Buffalo
"How's your arm?" Inquired the man
ager of tho pitcher who had Just- re
ported. "Fine."
"Did you give H gentle exorcise through
4hA wlntnr?"
a mighty nice girl." Louisvlllo Courier-
Journal, .':
"t reckon you Baw some pretty high
buildings when you were in Now York,"
said lit Grass.
"Should say I did," .replied Si Hay
"Why, 1 was In ono building that was
so high that you had to' tako an elevator
tj get up to the basement" Cincinnati
VDld you read In the paper where a
woman stabbed her husband with a bread
"No. Probably he was cnlsty to her
when she asked him tor some of his
dough." Chicago Post
"When 1 was your age, I didn't spend
my days Joy riding," said the reproving
"Well," replied the self-confident youth,
"I'm going to avoid your "mistakes, too.
When I set to be your age, I'm not
going tq say up halt the night dancing
tho tangb." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Does this train stop at Blngvillo7'" tho
traveler on the Missouri Short Lino asked
tho drowsy conductor.
"Nope," tho latter replied, "but you
can stop oft an' hev all th' time .you
want there. It's a lectio upgrade an' 'we
never take less 'n twenty minutes to
pull past th' dcepo." Cleveland Plain
I saw a cloud descend from heaven,
And saw a magic force It wield
To rehabilitate and leaven
The dUBt upon the dying" field.
It was life giving fruit and grain
As manna falling with the rain.
I saw a man with piercing eye ,
Thrust fiercely in tho lions' den!
And saw tho beasts turn 'round and )o
In quiet as ho entered in.
Like Daniel, did ho overcome 1
The will of vicious, beings dumb,
I saw upon tho desert plain
A man with tools' beside a dyke,
With faith enthused; I looked again
And saw him lift his spade and strike
A rock, and lo! the valleys ran
With moisture tor the use tt man.
1 saw a mother in tho throes
Or wild despair. In tho bellcr
Her child was killed; her fear and woes
Brought sickness to her, but relief
Came quickly when hho was informed
By friend her child was still unharmed.
The Modern Style
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thus combining two articles of furniture in
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Among the other strong features of the Luger Cedar-Line are the
easy working drawers, the iuter-locking construction and 3-ply, one
pleee back whieh make for rigidity and durability, the dust-proof,
mome-proof bottom, etc. Luger .Dressers and Chiffoniers cost nothing:
extra because of these valuable features. Why be satisfied with
any other! Write u If your furniture dealer doesn't handle them.