Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1914, PART ONE, Page 16-A, Image 14

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Hotel Greeters to
Assemble in Omaha
Early Part of June
Omaha la to be mud a gathering
point for the eastern and northern hotel
creeters cn route to their convention tn
Xos Angeles during the early part of
June. The Greeters from th far eaat
trill arrive over tho Milwaukee at 7:0
the morning of June 3. During the day
other delegations will come In ovor the
Omaha, the Great 'Western, the Burling
ton, Rock Island and Northwestern.
Thy will all spend the day hen and
at 4;3) in the afternoon, a special -'n
over the Union Paclflo will carry tne
Consolidated delegation treat
The Omaha Hotel Groetera win be
hosts during the stop of the visitors In
the city and loin them on their trip to
the convention. Tt la expected that there
will be not lees than 200 delegates here.
Car rides and automobile tripe are being
An EmbarnustntT Moment
There are momenta when a man would
pooner be anywhere than where he la
Take the case of the young man who'
was talking with an heiress who can
Write checks with five figures.
"Which -do you consider the most con
ducive to happiness, Mr. Glggleaworth.
toioney or beauty?" she asked.
What oould ho sayT
, The heiress Is as plain as the law per
mits heiresses to be.
If tho young man said "beauty" the
lady would be offended. XT he said
"money" she might consider it a pro
xsal. Tlifcn ha rallied.
"Having neither," he aald, Td rather
not be quotcq." ciovmana iiaxn weaier,
XlenOrlx Close of Leajrae,
Chlfed fans are loud In their praises of
Claude nendrlz. They, claim that in tho
Pirate Jumper and Arthur "Wilson they
have the beat battery In the Fodsral
White House Wedding
(Margaret Wilson Issued
PRINTED Invitations)
Tn order to Introduce the latest In
wedding stationery we will print, your
fnvltaUona or announcements on the
white House grade, at only (7.50 par
hundred. Tills Is the very nowest..,sell
Ing In the east at 116 to $28.
w havo others as low as per
hundred. ' i
Samples on request.
Prompt service on mall orders.
Printing1 3apt Main Sloor. .
Homeopaths to Meet
at Lincoln Monday
The forty-tlrst annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Homeopathic M"" -
clety will be held In Lincoln, miinaky
and Tuesday with tho convention head
quarters at the IJndell hotel. Bevrrat
homeopaths from Omaha will attend the
convention and several are. on the pro
gram. Speaking In the 1 Horary session
will be the following Omahanss Pr, JJ.
Ix Alexander, Dr. Martha Clark, Dr.
Abby V. Holmes, Dr. Delmer It. Davis
Dr. X A. Angus, Dr. Charles A. Gard
ner and Dr. D. A. Foots. Dr. Stella E.
Jacobl of Omaha Is president of the or
der and Drs. p. A, Foote and W. K.
Foote are on committees.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,
Brodegaard Company
to Enlarge Quarters
On Douglas Street
1 The Fred Brodegaard Jewelry company
will In the near future enlarge Us pres
ent quarters at Sixteenth and Douglas
streets. The space formerly occupied
by the State Savings & Loan association,
has been secured on a long lease and dis
play windows will be. built In the stono
front around the corner of the Bown
building so that the store will faco Doug
fas street as well as Sixteenth street. A
large electrlo sign representing tho
Crown, will be, erected on Douglas
street and the Interior of the new space
will be fitted with fixtures exactly like
the present store. The partition will,
however, remain between the store rooms,
and It Is the purpose of Mr. Brodegaard
to utilize the newly acquired spneo as a
selling roera for ruch articles n may
be sought at special prices and call for
quick realization. Workman are now
busy on the premises and It Is expected
that the new annex will be opened In
Key to tho SItuatlort-Bee Advertising.
Again Monday
Apricot Trees ;
Choice varieties, healthy;'
trees, 4 to 5 feet high.,-
Also Pluptn .trees
10c EACH
' . -.
Hardy troes, threo yoarB old, '
4 or 6 foot h'igh'
Peonie Bulbs
This Weather
TT7B SAJTB-KEBP .THEM hrandrcds of thousands , of
V V dollars' -worth each ypnr in tho most t scientific' off
AiU QIA7JI JUlUWyU4 VUJ, V tTili WV1U VUiiUlUf U4-lV4Ui.
care of expert farriers.
Furs Stored Here &re Safe
When you entrust your furs to usypu.rafty put them quite out
ot your mind. Wo examine them carefully; clean them thoroughly;
placo oach piece on its own hanger in tho frigldor no packing, no
piling on tables; tho air about them is cold below tho freezing point
and dry; no brine pipes enter the vault to- spread 'dampnoss and
xalldew; tho air circulates constantly, keeping tho furs swoet-smeUing,
retaining tho glossiness, preserving tho natural- oils.
Draperies, Rug and Clothing alao Stored
Repairs and alteration will ba doM as the owner desires, reason
ably aad Id the best manner, by expert farriers.
Pbwae us and we will promptly send for your
furs, draperies, rugs or clothing "for storage.
Pretty nainsook
allp-over gowns.
Walking length
skirts. With em
broidery or lace
trimmed f ounce,
finely trimmed
drawers, corset
aover and chem
ise. Hpe.olol
group at
Our Annual May
Sale of Undermuslins
There Are Still Big Lots To Select From
Empire and ki
mono s o w rt s,
lonj skirt length
cliemlses, white
petticoats with
rows of lace In
sertion, daintily
trimmed draw
ers of excellent
ftibrics. Choice,
at, each-
Kalnsook and
soft i-ombrlc1
Kowiu anil
cliemlses, slip
over gowns with
French embroid
ered yokes, elaborately-
. pettlcoates and
drawers, WoU
made, garments
Elegantly made
skirts. S o w ns,
chemises, draw
era and corset
covers of the
richest fabrics,
with trimming
o f embroidery
and lace of the
most exquisite,
character - -
Large Lot of French-American Lingerie
jonunaiA-purenase, including several lots of this popular muslm
Uway below regular values are among the best values offered
wear at
In this sale.
Preach Americas Em.
lirolieraa Combination
Bulla In envelope and
Teddy Bear styles,
Worth up to tl.50.
Very specially priced
in iue way saie
Trench American Sm
broidered Bklrts, wins' -
and double panel
fronts, embrold,c red
scalloped edge and
viaooTOisijr enoroiur-
ed designs
worth 4i, at
Preach American Cor
set Covers, scalloped
embroidered edges and
embroidered designs
on fine nainsook; BOo
values 2Qq
Our facilities
for the storing of
furs during the
summer hayo no
equal in Omaha.
The charges are
very slight.
Bribe" tur sow-
photo film packs
and rolls to de
velop. We do
this work free of
charge, whether
you ordor prints
here or not.
Choice of Our Entire Suit Stock. Monday.
Tomorrow you may select from the very cream of tho finest
and most extensive suit stock in tho entire west for only $25.
This gives you an opportunity to secure suits of tho very smartest and
most aristocratic stylos at savings of one-third to one-half, and, in many
instances, oven more. Hundreds of suits included and represent the most
refined styles and the richest fabrics of tho season.
There are silk traits of every description, as well as scores of beautiful
models of summer weight wool fabrics. Never havo wo presented so
fine a range of suits at such a price, and wo urge very woman to tako
advantage of this offer.
Not a suit in our entire stock reserved.
excepting only those imported from Paris.
Worth $40
$50, $65
and $75
Choice of
of Handsome
Sale of Summer Coats Worth $17?
Several dozen attractive summer coats' on Bale
Monday at substantial reduction. Included are
the newest models of taffeta, moire, serges, mix
ture's, checks and plaids. They are samples and
odd lots ot coats, regularly worth to ilT.ffO;
choico, at v
Sale of Finest French Challis, 75c Values
Highest quality 32-inch French challis. manufactured by tho beat
.Ttnown' house in Muihouso. No finer challis in tho wbrld. Artistic
two -and three-color prints in classic, Chinese and Japanese, floral and
geometrical designs. RoalFrenchrprlntlngs, different from the domostlo
goods. Regular 7Eo challis, Monday, at. ... k
Black Check Suitings
Just received fifty places of smart
chocks in various styles' .and patterns.
They are very fashionable and come In the
soft French foulo de sergo.
'10-lHch width at BOc I BO-tach width at 78o
64-lBCh width at 9Hc to $1.85
Summer Dress Goodx.
Displayed on main floor bar
gain square and Include gabar-
Dress Goods in the Basement
G4-lnch colored mohair. 75c value 39c
54-inch green and blue check voile.
"Worth 50, at. 10c
42-inch costume serges. Worth 65c,
at 80c.
'36-inch wobl crepes. Worth 7Bc, at 89c
dines, French sorges, wool Cfpe,--
mannisn suitings, checks and
stripes, Vlgourouz and Victoria
suitings. $1 to J1.2F
qualities, at. ....... .
Odd Table Cloths
'Worth to $3 at $1.50
Large accumulation of good
quality Gorman and Irish linen
table cloths, interlock, scalloped
or hemstitched edges. These are
odd lots and regular $2.50 and
$3 cloths. On sale f Cfi
Monday , $A lUU
Breakfast Sett, $1.98
Fine imported mercerized Ger
man damask cloths. 6Cz66 size
with bIx inch wide blue, yellow
or lavender border. Also half
dozen 15-lnch napkins to match.
Special, tho set $1.08.
$3.50 aid $4 Cloths, $2.85
All pure Irish and German da
mask cloths in sizes 2x2, 2x2
and 2x3 yards. Regularly priced
nt $2.50 to 4.60. Excellent val
ues at S'J.Ho.
$6 and $7 Cloths at $3.85
About fifty table cloths in 72x
72, 81x81. 72x90 and 72x108 inch
sizos. Beautiful floral and con
ventional designs. Cloths always
selling for $6 or $7, on sale Mon
day, at $8.85.
Wonderful Value
in Pattern Cloths
These are among the blggsst
values that we have ever offered
in table cloths. Assorted sizes
in round, oval and square designs.
Quality that usually sella at much
higher prlco, on sale Monday, $3.
Sale of Rugs, Draperies and Housecleaning
. Necessities Tomorrow-Big Savings
Monday on tho third floor we will hold a sale specially intended to supply and meet the needs arising
from household activities such as moving and houso cleaning.
Sale of $1.95 and $2.50 Silks, Monday
1,500 yards of 32 to 36-inch smart tailor slllf suitings in two-tone and
self-color effects. Including blues, turquoise and' black, black, and
Danish, clarot and black, absinthe and black,' reseda .and. black, plum,
wistaria, now tans, Jasper and Copenhagen and bla'fik. Tho best Bilk
value offered in many months. Your choice, yard v.
. , ,36-Iiich Genuine Habutai
Fancy tub Bilks absolutely guaranteed
' to luiiflder. - Beautiful' range of stripes
in light blue,, .perjso, lavender, pink, grey,'
i Copenhagen, navy and black. Much in
demand tor hi ouBes afternoon frocks and
men's shirtB. Yard, 00c and 08c
Fancy Dress Silks at BOo
2.8 to 27-inch fancy dress .silks,
also smart printed foulards In
this season's most desired designs.
;They are specially, adaptod for
street 'drosses, frocks for traveling
and $1 qualities, tSQ
Fashionable Black Silk-
36-inch black dress taffetas, 08c.
36-lnch black puro dye chiffon
feta, $1.20.
36-lnch black moire velours, $125
and $1.50. 1
36-lnch moire medallion, $1.50.
Rugs Worth up to $16.50
0x12 Brussels rugs. Excellent quality in' attract! vo
norai ana oriental patterns.
Worth up to $16.50, on
sale Monday, at
Door Mat Special
Good quality cocoa door mats.
Slzo 16x27. Special Mon
day, .50c.
Rugs Worth up to $22.50
Small Rugs
27x54-inch Wilton velvet rugs.
Large assortment of pretty styles,
worth $1.50. Special Monday, 08c
Ivory Soap, 6
bars for
Sanlflush. 2 Go
slzo can
Diamo n d G
Soap. 10 bars
Extra quality
toilet p a p"br,
1,000 Bbeets
to roll, 6 rolls,
Full qt. bottle
Whisk broom;
special at
Johnao n's
floor wax. 1-
1b. can
Sale of Window Shades Monday A Tg
Monday wo placo on sale ono hundred dozen good quality
linen window shades, 3G inches by 6 feet. uompicte
at only. -
Curtain Rods
CO dozen 45-lnch wide brass ex
tension rods for lace curtains. On
sale Monday, at each 5c
La co Curtain
Extra Quality 9xl2-ft. velvet rugs in small all-
over designs including many
actually worth up to $22. 5Q.
Choice Monday, at
Carpet Sweepers
Full patent broom action car
pet sweepers. Regularly worth
$2. On sale Monday, $1.20.
Wiiard floor
mop, $1.50
value and a $1
can Wizard
f 1 o or polish.
Special for
Monday at-
Porch Shades
Spilt bamboo porch shades, 8
feet wide. Regularly worth $2.25.
Specially priced for Monday, $1.50
Quaker lace, bungalow net, filet net, cablo net and
madras weave curtains, 40, 45 and 54 Inches wide, wnte 1 no
Ivory and ecru. Special, pair ...,tPJLI0
Madras Curtains 'A very special lot of pretty imported Scotch mad
ras curtains, comprising a few pairs of each -s CQ tfjl QQ
pattern. On sale Monday, pair P 1 3 and P JL ZfO
Six Wonderful Values in Wall Paper
Odd celling papers, suitable for
bed rooms and kitchens, with
border. Worth lOc; Choice -i
of five patterns, at roll. ... AC
30c heavy gold combination
wall papers with borders to match.
Good colorings and designs. Spe
cially priced for Mon- A
day, at roll C
Plain 30-inch oatmeal papers
in brown, tan, green and red
shades. Regular 20c " grade,
with cut borders, Mon- i A
day, roll 1UC
Regular 8c wall papers suitable
for any room, with border to
match. Choice of ten deslr- o
able patterns, Monday, roll. uC
Beautiful mica combination pa
pers for parlors and halls; also
floral bed room papers. C JL
Worth to 12c. Monday at Oljf C
New imported two-tone oatmeal
papers. English engraved grass
cloth and-tiffany blends. Worth
to 60 c. In two special lots at
12&c and 27c
Abserene wall
papor cleaner.
Regular 1 0 c
can, Monday,
mixed paint.
Regular $1.50
a gallon, Mon
day for
Art Gum.
DuBtless dust
cloths; Special
Domestic Specials
50c Bleached Sheets. 85a
Fine auallty bleached seamless
sheets with very light imperfec
tions. Extra heavy weight--Torn
and ironed. 81x90 and
72x00-Inch Bize. Worth regularly
50c. Special sale og
price OC
15c Pillow Oases, 12 c
45x36 and 4 2x3 6-inch bleached
pillow cases with 3-inch hem.
Made of good quality Bheoting.
15c values, at -t ol
each li2C
Ginghams at 894 o
Genuine Red Seal and Bates
seersuckers, dress zephyrs, etc
All choice designs and colorings.
Small, medium and large checks
and stripes. 12 c and 15c val
ues. Special lot for
Monday, at yard O4C
10c Dress Foulards, 5c
Five hundred pieces beautiful
mercerized dress foulards. Mostly
dark colors, neat stripes and fig
ures. Very serviceable for ki
monos, house dresses, etc. 10c
quality, to close, g
at yard OC
10c and 25c Wash Fabrics, lSo
Silk stripe poplins, beautiful
mercerized finish in all tho lead
ing shades, so much in demand.
Also elegant silk Jacquards, mostly
dot effects; beautiful lustrous fin
ish. Fabrics for evening wear,
party dresses, etc. 19c and 25c
values, at the ftl
yard X& 2 C
Summer Dress Fabrics at 5c
300 pieces fine printed lawn,
batiste and crepe in neat figures,
Jouy and other popular designs.
Fast colors. 10c rl 12o val
ues, Monday, to close J
out, at the yard OC
Tomorrow An Important Cut Price Sale of Pure Drugs and Toilet Goods
Dai tett ft
Ramsdoll's Cojd
Cream., OQM
50c slzd
La Florls Tal
cum p o w d er.
25c olio 1 O
for .. . 1&C
La Blacho Face
powder. All
Pompelan mas
sage cream.
Lydla P i n k -ham's
size .. 49 c
Theatrical cold
1-lb. canTrTfl
Pluto wator.
35c size
Fletcher's Cas-
'torla. Regular
size . . 19c
Cream M a r -
qulse. Regular
50c size
Pobeco Tooth
paste. fj
50c size ( C
Hays' Hair
Health. 60c slzo
Llsterlne, $1
bottle. 49c
Mennen's Tal
cum. Tho S5o
can ..
Danderine, $1
bottie 49c
Dainty Melorose Toilet Preparations
Be Eeautifa 'Tie a Woman e Duty
A VELVETY complexion and a dainty akin with absolute freedom from wrinkles, blackheads, enlarged
pores, pimples, tan and sunburn may be obtained from use of the Melorose Toilet Preparations.
nerfVomVfa'aKe Sd Uan.ln I rrcUan Xoloxoa Sowdtr I rf.oUoa Mtloros. Kong
form; gives to the skin n
tho dainty slow of youth; JSzjP
regular 6O0 lie, special
Xi rotita QeralfUsa acsiiaf Oraam
H la the toilet cream de luxe for
wasted and shrunken tissues, wrin
kles, crows' feet and all facial Cftn
cream which eradicates all
lines from the skin and
will positively not stow
hair: resular 50a ilie
XUlorosa Beauty Xall VoUsh
Daintily tint and polishes OC.
the nails
Xelorois San I. art re
Gives a brilliant, lasting O Cn
lustre to the nail, at
WlUard Waito Oo.'s Xloa aaaloxos
The true orfor ot fragrant Attn
roses, prtca. per ounce. .......
starsTurlU BOt Tho Towdssr
The velvety beauty that the Mar
cuerlta Sylvu facs powder Imparts
to the skin will delfsht you; used
by queens and princesses; Cflp
priced at oub
acararuarlta Bylva rsrfaxns
Exquisite and refreshing; usually
sold at tz tho ounce; our I
Perfection X&loxoa Powder
Equal to any lace powder on the
market; Imparts a dainty, velvety
finish to the skin; praised aa
by all who use It; regu- .".Hi
lar 50o slse
lCarguarlta Sylra Complexion Boap
Especially recommended for babies
and dainty skins; special at, O C -
per cake fcUU
Karguerlta Bylva &onre
CHvos the delicate bloom of Cfln
youth; price ,., "
X Petite arUl&a raoe Powder
People of most discriminating tastes
will find this preparation meets
fully with the most exacting Rflfi
demanda; price. OwU
X.a Petite OeralAlns Srx Kouge
Imparts to the skin a tint not to be
detected from natural color- C n -
Ing; price ,
la PeUte Oeraldlne Hall Polish
A very superior nail polish; jg
blemishes; price
Xa Petite aeraldlne Perfomae
A very delightful, fragrant and
lasting ooon special at, per
WUUrA "WTUte Oo.'s Vacalr
Oalega Tablets
A perfectly harmless and superior
tonlo and norvo builder. Ingredients
of this tonic are the purest and best
Obtainable; contains pure Imported
3alega or Goats Rue. Look for the
name on the box; Wlllard White Co.'a
Vauealre Qalega Tablets; regu. 7Qn
lar price II; special at
Lyons' Tooth
powder. 2 5c
size -fl f
f or . . . AlC
Pure castile
soap. 1- 1 r -lb.
bar LdUC
soap, 55c doz
en, a T
cake .... OC
Lapactlo pills.
100 in OC.
bottle. aCOC
Jergen's Violet
glycerine soap.
Cake f-
for OC
Aspirin tablets.
6-gr. 2 1 q
doz for 1C
Rubber gloves.
All sizes. Spe-
palr... 24C
Peroxide of hy
drogen. l-lb,
bot- Q
tie ...v. aC
Seidlltz pow
ders. 10
box 1 1
for . . . IlC
20-Mule Team
borax soap.
bars 1 0
for... IOC
Phenolax waf
ers, 100
tie ... 29c
Tiz for sore
feet. f
25c size Ii3C
Sloan's lini
ment. Aft
50c size oCaC
Horlick'B malt
ed milk", hosplt-
size $2.59