Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday, May 15, 1914.
,1113 Omaha Country Club announces tho opening dato for tho first
luiiuiu uiuuur tinncc ui inc season iur oaiuruay evening, .viay -J.
JL T,1'S 13 a rrtM'Bnt car,,cr tnan most of tho members had expected,
;. uui mifiu jiuuiMur 01 BULiui niiuun are uoing given Rl mo ciuo
fach week, so It was decided to havo the formal opening this month,
j Juno 17 the lion Oreot Players will bo at tho Country club for an out
ffuor performance.- Those famous players will also bo at tho Lincoln Coun
try club tho latter part of May.
The women golfers of Omaha havo announced their summer' plans.
Shoy will meet each Friday morning at 10 o'clock, and the day will bo
Spent playing. After tho first fftur meetings the players will' be divided
fato four flights, and a pin will bo awarded to tho winner of each flight,
i Tho first four scoro cards should boslsned nnd turned In to Mrs. W.
T. Burns, chairman, or Mrs. Uruco Moffott, Miss A. Kimball or Mrs. W. K.
Shafer of tho golf committee, for tho purposo of assigning flights. Golfers
tailing to comply will bo placed at scratch.
Tho following. schbdillc for tho Women gblfc'rs Is announced:
Happy Hollow club; May 20, July 10, August .21,- October 2.
Field club, Juno C, July 17, August 28, September 25.
Country club, Juno 12, July 24, Seplombor 4, October 9.
Manawa, Juno 19, July 31, Soptomber 11, October 16.
Miller park, Juno 2C, August 7, September 18, Octobor .23.
Soymour Lako, July 3, August 14, Octobor 30. ' '
Union Pacific Officials Take Back
Their Old Titles.
Thane Who Unit Title of Allnnt
(frnrml Mnnnrr ott
nnted nn Snprrlntendrntn
i of Tliclr Ilrpnrtmentii. -
It A. Mafihnnc.
. Arthur". UewlnsUm
P. A. Urogart
J. JS. Summers
At 1 IKjed
funchcon at Aloha.
r A !.. Hftd wad hostoea at a dc
lfjhtful luncheon 'today' at her country
Kme, Aloha. Coven were pinned for:
Uon Ixiw
ae Colon
n McKeen
V& E. Martin
MIm Lynn Curtis.
Eastern Star Kensington.
jMrs. W. It. Adams will entorUln Maple
lgaf chapter, Order of ttlq Katrrn Star,
m kenainincn at hr homo Paturday
njternoon. Altlne her will bo Meadnmcs
la F. Thorns, Kato lUm.tiHjto'ir,, e.
lfudolph, James IIowAnl. W. H, TOiomas,
(tjarlea fthook and Mlqies Maruarct
MoNernfcy and prances l$aton: AuouUW
t$ets jrlU attend,,.
$ "
Audience with the Pope; ' .
Jtrs, Catherine Nnsh Will salV from
SSJilhampton Mny SI. Mr. and Airs.
Gqprgs Meyers of Debuquo wilt return
uh her. a wilt also hor nr'anddaughter,
Mtaa Catherina Cartan. Mrs. Naah and
Mlfl Cart an have spent the winter In
IKrlln. Mrs. Nash and Mr. and Mra
fyers havo visited Italy, Prance, Ilua
ata and England. Whlto in Italy they
hil tho honor of a private audlcnco with
the pope.
llnner Party.
$Ir. and Mrs. Charleo Teat Stewart of
Council Bluffs entertained at dinner-lost
.t. . .
O'pninif m nonor or mcir ; gucur Airs.
Jhn Kuykendali at Denver and Mrs.
Ptotnayt Cobb of New . Viirk, cUy, .iW
dtt-oratlons were llrs. Wjirdjs rogeq.-tuicV
iWei of the valley. Covers -were placed
fr. and Mrs. Joseph -Jlaldrfga,
Utr. and Mrs. John- TBtftwarti 2d.
Wlrs. John Kuykendali, iDYmver. u
ftlra, Putnam Cobb, .NewfitfcClts?. J
jMrs. Stewart AVIldman,'. 1 ;
Mr. K. AV. Hart A
9Mr. K. It. AVarren, ;' ; ,
jir. c. av. uuiu '4
At Happy Hollow.
The. SUty-six olub inembera will have
nn oxtra daneliiR party, preceded by din
ner, at tho Happy Hollow club, Friday,
May 3). This club hofl been Klvlnic dan
clns parties during the winter at Cham
ler'. At the-Brandeis.
Many theater partlca wera Riven laat
evening' at the Ilrandela to aoa" Mr, Nat
Goodwin in "Never, gay lite.".
AA'lth Mr. and Mrs, Arthur rinto were
Mra. Hacl Jeano layne of Milwaukee
nnd Mr. and Mra. Frank Dacon.
Mr. and Mra. IJ. U. AV'ood, Jr., had
as their gueats Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert
Hoatetcr of rittabursh.
At the University Club.
' Mrar-Gujr'Co'x and Mrs.-John K. Mor
rison' enterUlned at-bfldgo this afternoon
at4tho Univorslty. club In honor of Mtas
Ora IWhrbouoh, a. May bride. Four,
tables wero placed for tho bridge game.
Farewell Party,
A enjoyable farewoll party was given
AVedneaday evening In honur of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Charles Kllllan, who will leavo next
week for an cxtenivo trip through
Europe. Those present were:
Mr. and Mra. Jacob AVotowa.
Mr. nnd Jtrs. Frank TJartos.
Mr. and Mrs. John Huffy,
, Mr. and Mra. Krank Yun.
' Mr. and Mra. Itoublcck.
Mr.iand Mra. Frank Hermansky.
Mr, and Mra. John vltavaa.
Mr. ana airs. Charles Kllllan.
Mrs. Maria Altmam
; Misses Mlsaea
The Hlno system, so far as the 'applica
tion to the Union Pacific rallrtmd. Is a
thin? of the past, and the sovcrat dfflclals
who under Its provisions wero assistant
general managers have had their original
titles, superintendents, and so on. re
stored. AA'hllo officials nrc not talking,
It Is hinted that after a thorough trial, It
wns declared that It was not a success,
resulting In confusing authority, with
posslbto shifting of responsibility.
AVith the abolishing of the system, C.
K. Fuller, who Under it was assistant
general manager, now takes on hla old
title, that of aupcrlntendent of motive
power and machinery; AV. D. Lincoln,
another of thd assistant general man
agers, takes up hla old title of aupcrln
tendent of transportation, while It. I
luntloy, another official -who was known
as an assistant general manager, now haa
tho tltlo of chief engineer, the same as
e possessed beforo the change.
Under the Hlno system, the creation of
titles extended to trainmasters and de
partmental heads out on .tho line. Their
qld titles were nil dropped and each man
became an assistant general superinten
dent Now this In all .done away with
and thoy tako back their old titles that
their particular lines of work entitle
them to.
No Clin ii ur In Pnr.
It Is asserted that tho boosting of titles
failed to carry an increased salary, so
that reverting back to tho old plan doea
not make anly ehango in the size of the
pay roll.
The Hlno system was .brought about by
a Major Hinc, an army officer, who con
tended lliut army rules .rould be applied
n railroading and that by Its adoption in
business, a concentration of rcsponst-
illlty could bo secured that otherwise
woudl ho Impossible. On tho Union Pa-
clflo It waa tried for nearly a year and
pronounced unsatisfactory,
Tho ureat AVestcrn, after being taken
out of th hands of tho receivers and
coming Under tho control of tho Morgan
Interests, started In to try tho Illne
system, but upon Investigation, aban
doned tho Idea of Its Introduction' .tho
head officers deciding that in railroading,
it coma not be npplled In a aatafactory
InnaiM. Kllllan.
Dlnnche Bnrtos,
Iden Wedding Anniversary.
Wr. and Mrs. Absalom Waggoner Issued
imitations today for a reception to bo
clyen Thursday evening, May ii. In cele
bration of their fiftieth or golden wed
dtig Anniversary. Tho tnvitatlousinre un
tuAially attractive, being engraved in
figd, with the date ISM In ono corner
a&d the dato 3814 In nnother corner. Mr.
aVJd Mrs. AVaggoner have lived In Omaha
n&ny years nnd have a host of, friends.
Engagement Sinner.
dellghtrul dinner was held at the
odmen of tho AVorld building ycater-
In honor of Miss It Chapman's birth-
and the announcement , of Miss UI
Phllpa' engagement Those present
ere: . .
Kama Chapman,
AWdry Cronk of
Xogan. la.;
Mbcl Nelson,
rarra MeMullen,
lfilrel Hlllmtr,
Mrle Bkupa,
Aina Chleborad.
Ikformkl Tea, . t
Mrs. Robert Doinpster nnr Miss Desale
ATyin entertained lAformally at a tea
Thursday afternoon at their home in
3or of their guest, Miss Ada Beverly ot
Lwdon( England,
Lillian Phelps.
Ksthcr Foran,
Donna McAndrcws,
Avis Tyrrell,
Dolly Jicoh,
Naomi King,
Klltt. rtoyce,
Maria Hermansky.
Mrssrff. -
Tidward J. AVotowa, JWwant Hermansky,
Adclpu ltoublcok, Charles J. "Kllllan.
Joseph Tlcjiy, ' .
Truelock-Duf f y . Weddiht
ir. and Mrs. M. J. AVaaeok 'announoe
the marriage ot their slater, Miss Mar-
WnJt t.M. f . r rv.
lock of Kentucky, which took placo at
fit Bernard's Church Thursday. Uttle
Miss Helene AA'accka, niece ot tho bride,
was bridesmaid, and Bernard AVoseck
vv as bostmanr
For the Future.
Mrs. Walter a. Preston will entertain
ui luncueoii nun .rucgaiiy ni iter nonio in
honoi ot Mrs. Hazael' Jesse Payno ot
Alilwaukee and Miss Ada Beverley ot
London, Eng.
Bridee Club. '
Mlsa Florence Liver entertained one ot
tho Thursday bridge ciuba this week at
her home. Twelve membera were present
and Miss Margaret Clayton of Hannibal.
Mo guest of Mlsa Kuth Glabaugh, waa
a guest of the club.
Triangle Tango Tea.
Mlsa Margaret Hofman entertained
Thursday afternoon for the Triangle club
at her home with a tango tea, Thosa
present were;
Annable Sinclair,
Helen Sinclair,
Oneida Moran,
Jenny Wilson,
Alice Onell,
rarities Blood
With Telling Effect
Gives Conscious Evidence of
Its Direct Action.
Forty-four captains and lieutenant tr
tho piibllo school boys gardening clubs
met with J. J. fSoinervllle, aupcrlntendent
oi tho clubs, Thursday night at tho
Young Men's Christian association build
ing. I'lahs Were mado for instruction In
gardening and for inspection of the gnr
dens now being cultivated by almost
1,800 public school boys. Tho lads nn
contesting for prises offered by the Com-
merclals club and tho Young Mjon'
Christian ossoclatlpn for; the beat beets,
rudlahes, lcttucq nnd onions grown dur
ing tho spring. Prises will be awarded
at a big exhibition to bo Held at tho as
sociation building1 June M. -
A lbttor from J, Milan Harper, Ster
ling, Colo., inquiring wholhcr a mar
riage Uccnso Was issued to J. S. Yocum
nnd AHco L. Harper on March 30 proved
puwllng to employes In tho office of the
clerk of tho county court. It was dis
covered that on May 1, 1012, a llcenso was
granted to J, Milan Harper and Allco
Yocum, who gave her address aa Daven
port, la. The. apparent tangle In names
and Identities so far haa not been solved.
Unusual Price Reductions Will Make Saturday a Good Shopping Day
We Won't Attempt Lengthy Descriptions, But Every Department for Women Contributes its Bost Bargains to Make This a Banner Sale Event.
The Stocks aro All Now Assortments Complete Slylos Correct And Reductions Havo Been Made Without Regard to Pro" 3.
Sale of Trimmed Hats
A Bargain Evont of Un
usual Interest to You
Your unrestrlctod choice of 5 tables
IBS bate In tha season's farored
styles la Milan, Hampa and Tagala
trlmmsd In flowara, fancy feathers.
sUclmps and ribbons. Hata ivcrtb
from S7.EO to $10.00, special Satur
day, at
Spring Dresses
In Silk or Wool
worth to $17.50
All tho newest styles in tnffetn, crcpo
do chine, poplin and tvooI creped. All col
ors, all now dresses; greatest Tallies In
town. Worth to 917.J50.
Women's Suits,
Latest Spring Styles
Worth to $25....
AH now models, with pretty tunic skirts,
In serges, gabardine, poplin and rrepe.
Colors navy, lnbrador, tan, green, etc. Tlio
liest suit values tills senson.
Women's Spring Coats
In moire silk er wool ssrg-e.
Silk lined throughout In
Oopsn, ross and black. All
nw t7ls.
Wool Walking Skirts
$L.ld Price $5
Xn oheoksi plaids, strlpss
and solid colors In ctrtres,
honeyc6mhs, ate. Befular
$6.00 skirts.
New Silk Waists
M Crepe de Chine
and Tub Silks
With low ncka snd short
sleeves In all colors and
flowered affects. Hand
somely trimmed.
$1,50 Lingerie Waists at
Dainty snmmer waists In lawns,
vollc.t, crcpo and rice cloth, In
-wlilto or colors; lace and Insertion trim
i Dainty Hew Wash Dresses $ J 9 5
In all tho season's popular
materials; whlto or colored,
in dainty flowered effect showing fash
Ion's latest style changr-s.
Messalinc Silk Petticoats
All silk messallno In a dozen dif
ferent styles and In all tho new
colors. RcEular price $2.50, Sat.,
Tango Beads Tho New Fad
Regular $1.50 beads In all colors;
not painted, but celluloid enam
eled. ' '
Sale of Untrimmod Shapes
$ CC Worth to
WW $4.80
Shapes of extra Quality and In all the
newest blocks. Every shape In tula
lot worth double, and more, the sale
New Stocks Received This Week
xkw annoy rlousks
Now Skirts with long Tunic of
solid Color nnd Undcr-Tuulc of
Roman Stripe.
New Rlack Walking Skirts in
"Cliutta-Cloth." They wear like
iron, shako the dust and featuro
the new tunics.
Body of Beatrice Oates found in
Rear of" Davenport Street Home.
wife's death other than ho was worried
over her falluro to return homo. The
Ontes woman la known to tho authorities.
Coroner Crosby will hold an Inquest
Torn Clothing Shows that There
Wns ft fHriiRKlr Piece of Msn'i
Cont la Found In Drnel
Woman's Hand.
Beatrice- Oates, colored, aged 19 years,
1315 Jones street, was found dead at nn
early hour It) the rear of 1724 Davenport
street. The victim had been abused and
fingermarks wero on tha neck.
The body was. fauna by It. C, Balloy,
who notified tho 'police. Thsy declared
upon arrival that tho "woman had been.
dead a number. .of hours.. Not much has.
yet been ascertained about tho murder,
Dtirlnif tho night several persons called
over tha telephque at tho police station
asklnR about tho victim and whether sho
had been arrested on a' chargo of some
kind) Dotectlvca , aro now working on
Uio case.
Tlio woman's clothing from the waist
down was badly torn, while tho Kround
Immediately around tho spot where the
body waa found showed marked Indica
tions thut a struggle bad taken place. A
ploee ot striped blue sorgo cloth found
near tho dead woman's hand and evi
dently torn from th coat of Tier assailant
Is practically all tho police havo to work
one. Tho woman's husband, John Oaten,
a colored barber, waa placed under arrest
by Dotectlvca Sullivan and Lahoy.
He so far denies any knowledge of his
Tho women of th First Methodist
church ot South Omaha will hold a tag
day In South Omaha and Omaha to
day for the purposo of raising money for
the new church that ia to bo built. Tho
women have already raised $2,000, and
they have agreed to ralHO an additional
Jl.tOO. in the morning tho triggers will
canvass South Omaha and the stock ex
change and In tho afternoon will tag on
tho' downtown streets of' Omaha. Head
quaHera will bo In' tho Omaha National
bank building and women bearing tags
will1 work out from there. 'Tho following
women will havo chargo ot tha taggers:
Mrs: P, H. 8hlcldss president:. lira. 1 D.
Cirssy, Mrs. Strycker, Mrs.
Mrs. Phillip and Mrs. Koote.
Tha city' firemen's oall team defeated
tho Paxfon hotel n'no Wednesday. Thie
Roma hotel team, which has beaten tho
firemen once this season, Is now offering
to play tho ladder climbers again for a
pursei of $50.
Two postal employes sonneted with
tho Omaha postofflco are.Mrfb.ujfJ-fyi an1
grave doubta are entcrtalnefprCthc ret
covery of either ot them. Put 3. Cor
coran, a mall collector living at SSOS
Charles street, is in a critical condition
at his homo with an advanced caso of
tuberculosis. Friends af! 'a:rrSiigl!ng tu
l-.nvo him taken to a sanitarium at Den
Vcr, where, It Is Is believed, tho chang
In climate will old his recover'.
William N. Lyon, 1316 South Fifty
fourth Street, 4 letter carrier from sta
tion B, is In a critical condition at ltn
inanuel hospital, whero an operation fot
nppondlcltls was performed.
Feel null nnC SlnirKlsur Stnrt Yonr
Liver to Worklnar.
It beats all how quickly Foley Cathar
tic Tablets liven up your liver, overcome
constipation, and make you feel lively
and active again. They aro so .pleasant
to tjkc, and th,eV never gripe or moke
you fec.1 at alj sick. Thoy are thor
oughly Cleansing. 3S L. McKnlght. Fort
Wprh, Tex., says: "My disagreeable
symptoms wero entirely removed by tha
thorough cleansing Foley Cathartic Tab
lets ga'vo me." They're a wonder and
cost only 23c. For sale by all dealers
everywhere. Advertisement.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
V .ii . . A
$4I?-Special for Saturday-$4!f
Saturday, .May 10, wo will offer a number of very nttractiro
Furniture Specials Chairs, Tables, Settees, Hammocks, etc.
Valued up to $10.00 for $4.75.
Misses '
Helen Brandrls,
Clara Hotmin,
Marguerite Mc
Cartney, Irene Hosewater.
In and Oat of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Temple Robinson or "Waterloo,
Neb., Is spending tho week-end visiting
her sister, Mrs. Ouy Cos.
Mrs. Charles II. Aahton haa returned
from a three weeks' visit with her
mother, Mrs. J. IU Ervlne of Lincoln.
Mr", and Mrs, Meyer Frldsteln of Mil
waukce arrived this morning- to spend tho
wook-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bergman.
Mlra Eisa Davis of Oak Park, 111., who
has been visiting hen aunt, Mrs, Chester
Sturtovant, rcturna home this evening.
Mr. and Mra. James x'lumb of Cedar
Itaplds, la.,- arrived lost eventnp to visit
Mr. and Mra. Julius Kcisler, ttf North
Orortleth street.
Miss Hcth Vail, who -has been visiting
her erandnjofher.Mra. Martha Heth,
for some- time', left Thursday for her
homo at Jlpughton, .'-Mich,
Mlsa Alfce" Dovey of Plattamouth, will
sal' MayU for" Paris"; on the "Uyndara
Ilolland-Arnerlcan. line.", whera she will
remain about",ivq months.
Mlsaea An'ua .aHdi Btbe) Fry left Tues
day for a twe, weakaV trip, to tho cast.
They will stop' in Chicago. Niagara, New
York City and -Atlantic City before their
Mr. IS. A. "Wurater tot Milwaukee will
nlcht, U Itch and redness are son nJ , , v "lwnu a Qny
Titoittj brclss lmraeaiaieiy. I"' ''"" uaugnier, oirs. unarie
rAs a Batter t fact, there is ono lngredl-1 Beaton apd Mr. Boaton. Mrs. Wurater,
rtif ID S. B. S. which aerres tha active pur-1 who haa ben spending a fortnight with
m B. B- th famous blood pur Iner, almost
itlk u It iwetni lta war tbroueh tb dr-
i-Bjatlon. IU action Is so direct that very
In nm tnrm flf aVln ftlTllrilon thB
tu body to tha sealthr ana juaiciou teiect
t& of Us own essential nutriment. That
istwhy It rrsentrjitea th blood supply j why
tFhas tueh a tremendous lnfluenca in oxer
rpBlBg; ecxemt, rssb pimple, and all kla
ind In reenerttlDg tb tlssoes B. "S. H.-
naa a rapta ana jkwto aonaoui eucci
fcia all tbc irritating iBfluencea that
rsjuw rbeoraatlsm, core throat, weak ejts,
las of weight, tbln, pal cheeks, and that
weartnew ot muscle and nerro tbet Is gen
eatlly experienced as spring fern. Get a
ttfttle of B. B. 8. at any drur store, and la
.Jtw Ujs yod will not only eel btigbt and
eerg?uc. nui you win dc ids picture or
her daughter, will
with Mr. Wurater.
return to Milwaukee
Houg Kong folding
tallies of unique design
nnd great convenience.
Mndo of sjilit bamboo
with folding Btancl and
detached trays. Top
tray is 27 inches in diameter.
AIJSO Natural willow clialrs, graen reed chairs, brown split reexl
TT , cl,alr. Kreen lawn benches maple eetteea. with cane seat
and back and canvas couch hammocka, together with i -f c
golden oak clialrs and rockers, alt valued up to 10. Special. .V 4s I 0
SOo Window Bhades, truido from
odd colors of best hand made
opaque. Qood rollers, ripe- IQ.
clal, Saturday loO
35c Cretonnes and Hllkollnra, In
all colors, for window drapes and
porcn rumiiure coverings. nn
Hpeclal. yard
f "MV ..V4.ll.
edge or Insertion; all
colors. Special, pair.
with Cjuny
SI, 95
$1.00 and 1.25 Porch Itugs,
27x54, special... 75
$1.50 and $1,75 Porch Rugs,
36x72, special ... . . ...SI
Odd lot of Thrum and Thread
nigs, Kllmarnocks and El
Hamman Bath rugs, 30x60
and. 30xG3, valued up to
$C,15; special Saturday.
at S2.50. S3.50
eaton & Laier Co.
415-17 So. 10th St.
Paymcnta if You M'ish.
So many people hava already become
; interested. In the spelling bee to be held
si uie loung .Mens christian associa
tion Tuesday, May M. that tiecretury A.
K. Baton expects at least SO entries.
He haa nnnounced aomo of. the prices.
An unabridged dictionary will be given
eew life. ft. B. 8, U prepared only In the to the winner. Handsome prises will
lSfe?H!j,cfATu5,i ? ni Bifi5,-VtnSi ' Uso wrfl the "t best apeUers
Swift Bldg Atlanta, Oa., who maintaia a ioti-. , . ",.'.
Tiry ffllelent Mrtlcal Department. whre all am?" , cna!!d 1fomicn-LA priroar'
so tu?e soy mooa oitoroer or a suiooorn ' '""" vw mu w mi uwnr pnxc.
Pmay write freely for adrtce and a
book of instruction. 8, B. B. Is told
here by druje stores, departmeat and
1 store, bat beware ot all substitute.
: accept tbtm.
Don't mill Julius Orkln's aale pf won -en's
suit, worth up to S, for 110. 8c
adv. page 11
The Ideal Family Beverage
Anheuser.Susch Co. of Nebr.
Family trade supplied by
Gu H. HANSEN, Dealer
' Phono Douglas 2506
VOU'VE no idea of the value or the extreme satisfaction men
J. A find in the wearing of
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Clothes
Unless you havo actually worn them, then you know. There's the satisfaction of know
ing you're dressed in the very latest and best fashion; that you have the finest quality in
material and workmanship that can be bought at tho price, and that vou've actually
saved money, for H. S. & M. 8ultB will outlay two of tho ordinary kind. We feel a good
deal pleased at the selections we have made for you you'll feel tho same when you see
An oxtensive showing of suits; mado from foreign fabrics. ' They are the equal of
$35.00 and $40.00 suits. See them Saturday at $25.00. See 16th St. window display.
A Remarkable Showing of Fine Suits at $14.50
Come in Saturday, early, and pick
from these fine suits at $14.50. - 4
All of ihese suits nro very fine ox
nmplos of skillful, thorough tailoring, with
handwork wherovor handwork is needed.
Fine in fabic and finish. They are fit to
travol in ally company.
The materials in the suits are carefully 4
selected woolens -overy thread pure wool.
There are plain blue serges, which are al
ways desirable, and the smartest patterns
in fancy grays and browns and blues. In
stripes, shepherd checks and pencil stripes. These
suits are worth $20.00, They bear our price ticket
at S14.50.
An Immense Showing of New Furnishings at Bargain Prices
Men's $1.00 Muslin Night Gowns,
all sizes, 1G to 20, cut long and
full, on sale at " 19J
Men'a $1,30 and $2.00 Pajamas
and Night shirts in madras, pon
gee or crepe eloth, on sale
at 98S 60c
O lnlr Men's Hocks, guaranteed to
wear 6 months, two lots Satur
day, per hox 49S S1.35
Men's Bilk Lisle Intenvoreo Socks,
white and all plain colors, thu
best on the market, at. . . .25c
Men'K 25c and 83c Silk Lisle Sox,
all colors, perfect, at, 15c.
and 12 C
Mens Four-ln-Hand Ties, 5c and
25c values, on sale Saturday, big
variety 12 C. 7C
Men's Snsponders, to $1.00 values,
all best makes, all styles, on sale
at 49c. 39c. 25c
Men's All Linen Handkerchiefs,
extra special values, at 8
and 12 '-4 c
Men's 10c Handkerchiefs, c
'or o5c
Men's Sample Dress Shirts, up to
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