Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SATt HDAV, MA 1G, 1014.
11 you miss this Suit Sale you will repjrel it. The bargains
are remarkable. Sale starts a! 8:30 Saturday Morning
Jasl Received
New Voile
Waists al
$1.00, $1.25
and $1.50
Julius Orkin
Jnst Received
dc Chine
Waists at
$3.50, $5.00
and $5.95
Saturday, Fof One Day Only,
Three Hundred Women's and Misses9
1 $25 Suits at $10
IN order to reduce our larg stook of Women's Suits we
I have selected just three hundred garments that former
ly sold at $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00
Saturday you can buy any one of these Suits
for only Ten Dollars. Every woman acquain
ted with high grade workmanship and fashionable
styles, in addition to the best of materials, will re
alize what a very special offering this is. You will
be surprised when vou see them. You will find all
the new wanted materials, all the new colors, scores of clever models iir
Women's and Misses' sizes. Bear in mind that these suits have been
taken out of our own regular high class stock. If you intend to buy a
suit now or later, we want to say that by all means try to attend this
great sale Saturday.
Smart, New Summer Dresses
Just Arrived, Wiil Be Specially Priced tor Saturday
.95 $.95 $7.50 $C.75 $
Julius Orkin, 1510 Douglas St.
aturday The "UNION" Offers All
Ladies' Garments at One-Third Off
Take your choice from our entire stock
of stylish spring suits, including silks,
worth up to $35.00; on sale Saturday, on
credit, at one-third off.
Our entire stock of this spring's ladies'
nobby coats, different lengths, in all the
new materials; on sale Saturday, on our
easy credit terms, at one-third off.
All our beautiful dresses, including silks,
crepes and serges, all sizes; go Saturday,
on credit, at one-third off.
Men's True Blue Serge Suits at $9.75
There was such a demand for these men's all wool, true bluo serge suits
last week that we were forced to wire for a large shipment aferffe w
for this Saturday's selling. Come tomorrow and got one or Sl tH
these stylish bluo suits, worth ?15, on credit for only IfVB W
Ladies' Boys' Sails House Ladies' Hats
Wftiett Choose from Rrjiceac Tak0 yur Pck
broken lines of "v8 f V, entire
Tour choice of 150 boys' double limited number stock or trimmed
pretty waiaU. Ml breasted suit. 1 5 JresKf 'w o rT! ha's Saturday
SjfrMt a,-$1.75 SS5,.95o Half Price
Oral Arguments in the Dollar Gas
Case Are Finished.
linker Ai-Ktirn thnt Contract Cannot
ne Con.trupil to Take Aimy
from thr People the nlltht
to Fix the nnte.
$1 a
Is the Popu
lar Way at
The Union
One chapter In the fight ot the Gm ,
company ealnt the dollar Raa oral- j
nance will be closed early In June, with
tho submission of the printed brief and
testimony In the case, before JudR
Thomas C. Munger of the United States ,
District court. The oral arKUivtcnts
have been concluded, IV. D. McMugU
speahlnK last in behalf of the gas com. '
pany. I
In his morning argument, Mr. McHugh '
discussed the conferences between the t
real estate exchange, the city council,
and the officers of tho gaa company I
with reference to the granting of the j
frnnchlso now In force. Judge McHugh
sought to show that there was the great-;
est possible publicity nttendtng tho pas- i
sago of tho franchise ordinance Coun
sel for the gas company by numerous ,
citations, exploited their argument that
th Nobraska statutes were constltu
' tlonal, whllo the attorneys for tho city
of Omaha, W. C. Lambert and Ben
Baker, argued the technical unconstl
' tutlonallty ot tho act which gavo tho
.council authority to grant the franchlsn
and fix tho rates at which gas should
be sold consumers, under that contract.
,f --. i ti o t V n , ,til. dn.n will Vim n.r.
I, I'lV.UIIIU .llf.fc .il'l. i k. VJ ..... -v .ua
, rled to tho higher courts?" asked Judge
Munger o the attorneys.
"1 don't know whether the city will
take It to tho supremo court, or uot,"
replied W. D. McHugh boforo ccMnsol
for the city could reply. Tho crowd In
tho' court room laughed.
Attncka Conatltntlonnllty.
Attacking tho constitutionality ot the
amendment of 1S93, C. Lambert laid
particular emphasis on the fact that tha
amendment referred to a section of the
statute, which provided for the construc
tion of water works plants, instead ot
gas manufacturing and distributing com
panics. The amendment was to section
61 of tho general statutes, while the
other provisions for the regulation ot gas
companies and other public service cor
porations, were found In section GO. The
counsel for tho city referred to the pass,
ago of this amendment na a bit ot
'stealthy legislation," and Intimated that
it was made to apply to tho wrong sec
tlon of tho statute for the purpose ot
deceiving the people.
Den Baker, followed Mr. Lambert, In
sisted that even It the amendment In
question wore valid, the wording of the
amendment was to ambiguous that It In
Itself was unconstitutional In Its applica
tion. Ho contended that' tho phrase ot
tho empowering act, "fix rates during the
period named In tho ordinance or con
tract," meant during tho existence of
the council, and not forever, as had been
suggested. He further declared that It
their construction of this phrase were
accepted, the rates fixed In the electric
light ordinance might hold forever, stnee
their franchise had been held as a per
petual one,
No Nejsntiye Ratification
"You cannot construe this franchise to
mean that the people shall not have the
right to fix, rates," declared he. "The
council cannot by lta inactivity, ratify
a franchise, which If It Were submitted
to, the voters today, would require the
positive action of all tho voters. The
city and the people are not seeking to
destroy the franchise nor tear down tho
property of the gas company. We are
merely contending tho right to fix the
rates. The laws protect the gas com
pany from any confiscatory rates,
Therefore, they are now merely contend.
lng for an amount In excess ot the fair
charges, which they should receive, and
trying to hide behind an unconstitutional
I law, which put In force .a franchise.
!H which In the matter of rates, Is not
Hamghen May Sue
Oitv to Get Sewer
Building Contract
Suit against the city to force the let
ting of a M5,000 contract Is threatened
by J, .J. Hanlghen, a contractor, who
submitted a bid on the Paxton boulevard
storm sewer betwen Thirty-third and
Thirty-eighth street, after which all bids
were rejected on motion of Councilman
Thomas McOovem. wno sold there was
not sufficient money available to pay for
tho sewer.
Hanlghen maintains that this money Is
available and that It Is discrimination
not to give him the contract, since he was
low bidder.
The bids were opened May 6, and on
motion of McQovcrn, May 12, all bids
were rejected.
Hi" to
Is the big day for Bee Want Ads
To Avoid Disappointment
. . .
. bring your Want Ad to The Bee office
V before 7:30 tonight. Or you can tele
phone your advertisement and have it
. charged. Before you forget about it, call
T.ep' on. Tyler 1000 THE . OMAHA BEE
Everybody Readt Dea Want d$.
Falrbrpthera' band of the Fourth regi
ment ot Nebraska National Guards and
the Youne Men'a Christian association
band have been hired to play In city
parks this summer.
The schedule, not Including the special
occasions when these bands will play, has
been arranged by Park Commissioner J.
IS. lummel as follows:
Blvervlew l'ark Sunday, May 31; Sun
day, July 5: Sunday, August 2; "Sunday,
September i.
Hanscom Park Decoration day. May
90; Sunday, June 14; Sunday, July 19; Sun-
flnv. AUCUdt. Zi.
Uemls Park Wednesday, June, 3;
Wednesday, June 24; Wednesday, July
tir.n.oilnir A Itrrllut 1fl
Fontenclie Park Sunday, June 21; Sat-
UroB-y July i Runuajr, iuij uuimy,
A 1 AA
Miller Park Wednesday, June 10;
Sunday, June 28; Sunday, July 13; Sunday,
Augunt 10. , M r . ... .
Kountzo Park Sunday, June, 7; Wednes
day, July 8; Sunday, August 9; Wednes
day, September 2.
Municipal Field. Thirty-second and
Dewey Avenue Wednesday, June 17;
Wednesday, July 15; Wednesday, August
5; Wednesday. August 20.
The United Btateo naval substation fo.
recruiting purposes established hore last
July ha been abandoned and the men
In chargo ordered to report to their re
spective commands. The order applies to
the substations all over tho country anl
comes from the head of the department
This abandonment Is taken to mean that
the Navy department haa been recruited
up to Its full strength.
Great sale Saturday of 309 women s
suits worth t IS for ;i0.
Jl Ml 3 OHKIN, U10 Douelu St
50c to $2.50
25c, 50c, 75c
50o, 75c $1.00
Indian and
Cow Boy Suits
95c to $2.50
45c to $1.50
45c, 75c, $1.00
15c, 25c, 35c
25o, 35c, 50c
Children's Suits Great Reduction
We have taken all of our broken lines of $6.50, $7.00
and $7.50 suits (they having been our best sel
lers), about 75 suits all told, and have marked
them for quick selling at
They are the new colorings grey, brown, tan, blue and black and
white mixtures and blue serge, made in Double-breasted, Norfolks and
Bulgarian styles nnd n gront number of those suits hnvo two pairs of trousers, giving dou
blo life to each suit and added to this splendid offer wo give Free with each suit pur
chased a. classy spring cap. Can you beat it?
CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS Here is another chnnco to' buy wash suits
at a fraction of their worth Russian and sailor blouse suits that are
slightly soiled and worth up to $2.00 are offered now for, suit
WAISTS Boys' odd
blouse w n i s t s thai
sold at 50c,
to close at. .
Boys' Union Suits-
Balbriggan, nainsook
and porosknit, in reg
ular and ath- Atln
letic styles. . . .rJC
6fft Wot more than six to ono customer.
BUI 1 u0 This Colonial 9-OunceTumbler (worth 5c oaoh)
Pure Gal. Wines
35c and
50c and
75c per
1309 Farn&m Strt.
IM Whiskies
80c and
$1.00 and
$1.25 per
$1.25 and $1.50 bottles of Extra Old Guckcnhoimtr Ry or O"?
Cedar Brook Bourbon or O. F. C. Bourbon, SaMday Only H&wiB-SstUIng Q
Two Doors East of I 50c lotlle Fine Port WE SHIP Everywhere
W. O. W. Skyscraper Wfaa Saturday for . . . Send for Price List
Saturday, May the Six
teenth, Nineteen Fourteen
tends a cordial invitation to the muslc-lovlng
public of Oaaha and out-of-town visitors to
attend its formal opening, Saturday, May 6 th, 1914. .
rHE MERTEN COMPANY will apprecidte
an opportunity to show visitors their line of
Pianos that for richness and clarify of tone,
perfecfton of mechanical construction, and beauty of
finish, are unsurpassed. An acceptance of their invi
tation to a leisurely Inspection will entail no obligation
to purchase.
On this occasion we will distribute dozens of cutfloxe.
ers and an additional souvenir in the form of a useful
lillle article that a lady may carry in her shopping-bag. ' '
The Merten Co.
A .
fc Y- JL. xt 1 ta I