THK BI,Iv OMAHA, sTUDAY, MAY 16, 1914. Sale of Pansy Plants Sale of Peony Bulbs Saturday we placo on snlo a large quan tity of pansy plants. All fresh and will bloom. Limit one dozen to customer. Saturday, wbllo they last Also big sale of roses and carnations Cut riower Sept. Mln floor. Assorted peony bulbs; red, pink and white. Good nnd hardy. On snlo Snturdny in the Basement, at, each 5c Hosiery Specials Men's $3 and $4 Shoes & Oxfords, 10 85c 25c $1.35 Onyjf Hose, 83c. Tho genuine "Onyx" hose, known the world over for Its ex cellence. Pure dyo thread silk with doublo garter tops, double soles and toes, and high spliced heels. Regular 1.35 stockings, Saturday. . . 50c Onyx llofic, 25c Women's silk lisle hosiery with medium weight "doublex" heels and toes and gatizo weight "polntox" heels, doublo soles, wide hem tops. Regular 50c quality, for ......... Women's Onyx Hose, 10c Flno mercerized lisle, full fash ioned hosiery with wld,e hem tops, double soles, spliced heels and toes. Hosiery of unusual merit and priced at i q only JLC Women's 91 SIIR Hose, 50c. Puro silk to tho top; also silk to tho knee with lisle reinforced top, soles, heels and toes. Full fashioned and rogular mado. ?1 quality, priced Satur- pjr day, at OUC Silk Boot Hose, J 5c Black fibre silk boot hose with lisle garter tops; also mercerized lisle with double soles, high spliced heels and toes. Blaen, tan and white. Spe- -i E clal, at IDC Children' Hosiery, 12 Jc Ribbed school hosiery for misses, children and boys. Doublo heels and toes. Fast color and stainless. Clack, tan, white and colors. ini Pair LdZ'tC SpringUnderwear Silk BloomerH at $1.70 Women's Milanese silk bloom ers. Splendid quality in pink, sky white end black. Regularly worth $2.60. Saturday 1.50 Silk Vests, 8c Women's Mllanoso silk vesta wth reinforced under arm uhlold, In white and dellcato shades, pink and sky. Rogular qq $1.50 values, at 70C Women' Union Suits at OOc Flno lisle Nushapo union suits In cuff and umbrella kneo styles, plain or crochet trimmed yc&ea. ueguiar ana extra aizes, Excel lent summer weight gar menta mmor weight gar- Ctf -worth 60o, at.... OUC Siegel Store's Silverware HAL Placed on Sale Saturday at PRICE and LESS Tho ontlre silverware Blocks of the bankrupt Siegel Store, New York, were purchased by us at a mere fraction of their real worth, and will be sold Saturday at a corresponding discount, making the most sensa tional sale In our history. All the silver tea sets, bako dishes and other hollow ware made by such high grade makers as the Homan Mnfg. Co., Rogers Silver Co., Knickerbocker Silver Co., and "Forbes; also all the sterling silver flat ware, tea spoons, cream and gravy ladles, etc., aa well a3 1847 Rogers Bros, table silver,, at half and In mariy Instances a third of Slegel's prices. ' , We illustrate a few of the amazing values. There are hundreds more quite as irresistible. This is '-the sale of a lifetime if you need anything in table silver. 1847 Rogers Silverware at Half Price . Cream ladlos. Slegel's price OOc. Our sale price, each COc. Tablo spoons. Slegel's price $3.50. Set of six for $1.80. Tea spoons. Slegel's price $1.75. Set of six for 05c. Solid handlo kulves and forks. Slegel's prlco $2.25. Set of six for $1.30. Oyster forks.". "slegel's price $2.50. Sot of sjxf for $1.20. Butter spreaders. Slegel's prlco $3.25. Set of six for $1.00. Fruit knives Slegol'B price $4.50. Set of six for $2:40. Flat handlo knives and forks, Slegel's price $3.50. Set of bIx fpr $1.00. Sterling Silverware Sterling silver baby spoons. Sleg el's prices 98c to $1.25., gA ur7Vr Sale price each. Cream ladles, gravy ladles, Slegel's prices $1.25 to $2 Sale price each etc. 69c Napkin rings and bon bon dishes. Slegel's price up to $2.98: gj-i Our sale price fc.Lsagr Aft s,,r. -- sot $2.85 Male of dull calf and tan calf In button or lace styl03. All the season's newest lasts. Includ ing heavy rubber soled oxfords, in black or tan calf, -vltn stitched tips. Every pair perfect In qual ity and finish. All sizes and widths. All worth $3 and $4, choice at $2.85. Women's Oxfords and Pumps Worth $3.50 to $5, at Pumps in col.oulal and flat bow stylfs, as well aa button and l.ico oxfords. Made of fine patent and dull leathers, brocades, fcfttlns and suedes. All this season's newest, lasts. Perfectly finished. AU sizes and widths. Including Mary Jane, Bulgarian and tango styles, $3.50 to $5 values at $2.85. Misses' and Children's $2 to $3 Pumps, $1.39 and $1.69 Two-strap and ankle strap styles with neat broad toes, In patent or dull leather. Also Roman saa dals. Their regular selling price is $2 to $3. . All 8lzes 8 to 2 at $1.00. Sizes 5 to '8 at $1.30. Straw porch slippers at 08c. Bjth slippers at 25c. '-, TonnIK oxfprds. All sizes 75c. ' Barefoot sandals, sizes up to 2, afe 08c Pump Buckles ' 150- pairs fine buckles for colo nial, pumps, -of cut steel, plantold, silver, jet, etc"., regularly worth up to $3; on sale Saturday In Shoe Section, Main Floor, , TCti. pair DC Ball Bearing Roller Skates With good heavy straps, $1.50 vnl- a rt ues, on sale Saturday In tho Toy See- K J Drugs and Toilet Goods 28c Danderlne, $1.00 size, bottle for OOC Bromo Seltzer, 5 0c sizo OO- bottle J&OC Sloan's Liniment, 50a size bottle . . . Sempro Qlovine, 60c sizo OQ for OC Dr. Charles' Faco Pow- 15c Nadlnola Faco Cream, GOo sizo q o for ZOC Pears' Unscented Soap, per cako .... 9c 69c Woodbury's Facial Soap, in cako, ....... 1C Cutlcura Soap, 2 5c caf!8. 14c Rublfoam or Sozodont, 25o size in for 1ZC Azurea or La Trefle face powder, box Epspm. Salts, y 1-lb. package ,. OC Kss of Peppermint, 2 ounco q bottlo 57 C Antlkamnla Tablets, 5 graln. tho 1 Q, dozen ...... IOC Mercoltzed Wax tho T. 53c 20-Mule Team Borax, B-lb. package worth 50c; 20-Mulo Tram Uorux Soap Chips, 25c size, com- ij blnetl value 75c, alt for.. ffrOG "Wizard" Oil Floor Mops, regular price $1.60; "Wizard" Cedar Oil, $1 size can, combined Eft value $2.50, all for. . . . ij 1 OU Sale of Dresses $10 A special lot of sample dresses In fine crfepe do chine, churmcuse, taffeta and figured crepes. Pretty dancing frocks, afternoon and street dresses, all worlh to. $22.60, on sale Satur day at $10. Fine Tailored Suits $15 A splendid selection of fine tailored suits In all the latest Beacon's models. Many have no duplicates. Rich textures, desirable colorings. Actual $22.50 to $30 suits, Saturday at $15. The New Silk Coats Annual May Sale of Muslin Underwear Saturday This is an annual event It is the greatest of its kind that is held wast of Chicago. Hundreds of Omaha women who have awaited this sate for week will buy their entire season's supply of Muslin Undergarments at the lower priced that pre' vail here. Nowhere else can you buy garments of such fine character at prices so wonderfully low. Misses' and women's silk coats for summer. Moire and taffeta, made with full kimono sleeves, draped collars, etc. Priced at $12.50, $15 and $10, Sale of Fruit Trees Saturday & Basement 3.000 hardy apricot trees. 4 to 5 feet high, such as generally sell for 16c tp 20c. on sale In the Basement, Saturday, for About 2,000 three-year-old plum trees, 4 or 5'feet high. Choice varie ties. Strong, hardy trees. I'Buslly sold at COc. Saturday lc 10c 45c Pretty nainsook slip-on gowns walk ing length skirts with embroidery or lnco trimmed flounco finely trim m o (1 drawers, corset cov ers and chemises, Special group nt 45o. 69c Empiro and kimono gowns long skirt length chemises whito potticoats with rows of laco insertion daintily trimmed drawers of oxcollent fubrics. Choice, each, at 69c. si.oo Nainsook and soft cambrio gowns and chemises slipover gowns with French embroidered yokes elaborately trimmed petti6qats and draw ers. Well gar ments, at $1.00. $1.45 Elegantly made skirts, gowns, chem ises, drawers and cor set covers of the rich est fabrics with trimmings of em "broidery and lace of the most exquisite character, $1.45. Bargains in Princess Slips Beautiful princess slips of fine quality, trim mod with laces and embroideries. Open front or back. Priced $1, $1.45 and $1.95 Extra Size Garments Extra sizo drawers at 45c, 69c and $1. Extra sizo night gowns at 69c, $1, nnd 1.45. ' Extra size skirts at $1.45, $1.95 and $2.50. Combinations Combination of corset cover and drawers and corset cover and skirt. Lace and embroid ery trimmed, special at $1,45 and $1.95. Fine Undermuslins Very dainty aa well aa elaborately trimmed combination gowns, skirts, corset cover and chemises. Pretty styles with fine embroideries and laces. May sale d QC special Px Great Values in Underskirts A special lot offered during this sole includes beauti ful laces and embroideries. Many garments are manu facturers' samples and are slightly soiled from Handling. The values are as high as $10 each. . On sale, at- $2.50 and $2.98 An Importer's Sample of French Silk and Colingerie Gowns, combinations, skirts, slips, chemises, drawers, corset covers, tango bloomers, tango ruffles, boudoir caps, etc., with trimmings of dainty laces in medlcl, Valenciennes, cluny, mllan and shadow. Also exquisite hand embroidery In dainty designs. Some on tine sheer handkerchief linen. $10.00 for French lingerie worth up to $22.50. $7.50 for French lingerie worth up to $15.00. $5.00 for French lingerie worth up to $10.00. 1 $3.98 for French lingerio worth up to $8.00, $2.98 for French lingerie worth up to $0.50. $1.98 for French lingerie worth up to $4.00. $1.00 for French liugerio worth up to $3.00 Beautiful French-American Lingerie Priced Very Low A fortunato purchase including several lots of this popular muslin wear at way below reg ular vuluos are offered in this May sale. French American Embroidered Skirts. Single and double paneled fronts, q embroidered scalloped edge and elaborately embroidered designs. Worth f 1, at OJC French American Corset Covers. Scalloped urn- i French American Embroidered Combination Suits broidered edges and dainty embroidered on. in envelope and Teddy Bear styleB. 7C tVV Worth up to J1.50. at I JK on flno nainsook. 00c values. Other Big Bargains Corset covers4 drawers and brassieres. Garments worth up to 35c- In- this sale at 17c. , Night gowns in slip oyer and' open front styles, lace trimined. Worth 50c, at 33c ' . Crepe drawers. Regularly worlli 35c, special 18c. . ' Combination garments of Corset cov er and drawer and "corset covet and skirt. Lace and embroidery trimmed at 91.00. , , Corset covers and braBsieres, lace and embroidery trimmed. Worth to 50c, at 25c. Brassieres, trimmed with good qual ity embroideries. Worth 30c, special 0c Children's Muslin Underwear Children's pajamas. An odd lqt of samples and odd garments, worth up to 11.25. at 30c. Misses' striped gingham petticoats. Worth 25c. at 18c. Children's 25c rompers it 10c. Children's 12, He .drawer at 7c Children's 15c drawers at 10c. Children's 25c gowns, at 18c. "Ideal" waists for- boys and girls. Regular 25c values at 18c , A Wonderful Lot of New White Hats $00 Nearly 200 beautiful summer hats of tine laces, Mllan hemp, white hemp, etc., smartly trimmed with new ribbon, flowers and ostrich fancies, actually worth up to $12.60, on sale Saturday at $5. Genuine Japanese Panamas Six new blocks, genuine sun bleached untrim med Japanese Panamas, shpwn for the first time Saturday at $2.50 and .$3.75. Child's Dresses A large assortment of pretty little wash dresses for 6mal girls. Mado of good percales, ginghams, cham bray nnd lawns. Regular prices up to $2.50. On sale Saturday at $1.50. Oliver Twiqt Dresses Tie popular new "Oliver Twist" dresses, modeled after the dresses of the day of the celebrated Dick ens character. Priced at 81.08. 82.08 and 83.08. ' Coats Worth to $6.50, at $2.89 ,A J.K8" ,co,,ect.,on, odd lots and samples of children s coats. Including numerous pretty S2i "f tSS Coa,B worth up t0 c-50'