Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    TirR BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1914.
Not Much Credence is Placed in the
Bug; Scare. !
Spring WkN Conntry frail Oat
Report that drensnstaaces
Aroand Coining- Crop Art
OMAHA. Mar It, 1314.
Little credence u given the report! of
bugs end flya as having Infeeted tha
wheat fields of Missouri until yesterday.
Tha ft porta vera mora persistent than
on sny previous-' day and to make tha
claims of deterioration - mora plauslbls
them were buying ordera from several
sections of that state. It would consume
too much valuable apace to print the
many telegrams received from scattered
sections of Missouri, telling of chinch
bugs and other inserts, but it Is enough
to say that poaalbly fifty points In Illinois
and Missouri reported crop losses or
possible looses.
Tha bug and fly reports not only In
cluded Missouri, but there were many
from Illinois. In addition to this, an a
help, was tha Improved trade in rash
wheat, tha buelmms for the last two day
being of a much larger description than
generally known in the trade. In addi
tion to the sales at t rticsgo on mining
and export account. Duluth made sales
Tuesday and Wednesday for export and
Kansaa City advices told of fair sales
there to go out via the gulf.
The news from the spring wheat coun
try told of conditions fsvorable for seed
ing, which. It Is said, will be finished this
week. Officials of the St. Paul road say
seeding is about done along that system
through the spring wheat country, with
the possible exception of corn; that In
only a small part or the lied river valley
wheat Is not fully seeded because of the
recent rains. V here seeding has been fin
ished the conditions are perfect for rapid
There was an unsettled msrket for rorn
yesterday, with the May future showing
a loss of c, while the deferred months
were up HtiHc The strength In wheat
was a help and there was some bullish
news from the southern hemisphere, the
weather being unfavorable for handling
the corn.
Oats were higher, with the undercur
rent one of strength. There was a big
falling off !n the receipts at western
markets, only l.'.V.OO liu.shi Is yeatetday,
compared with ISJ.JH bushcli one ir
Shorts covered In the provision market
during the latter part of the session and
prloea ehowed more strength. Those in
the trade who have been looking for a
falling off In the ho run. llils month are
.not disappointed became ( the lighter
ash wheat wss Kc higher.'
Cash corn was '4c higher ti''c lower.
Cash oats were if. lower.
Clearances: Wheat and flour. W.000
bushels; corn. 12.0U0 bushels; oats, 1S2.00O
Liverpool close: Wheat, M?'.d higher:
corn, fjd lower.
Primary wheat receipts" were .175,000
bushels, and shipments 761,000 bushels,
against receipts of it.VOOO bushels and
shipments of 5TB.0O0 bushels Isst year.
Primary corn receipts were 2tl,000 hush
els and shipments 802.000 bushels, against
receipt of 195,000 bushels and shipments
of 274,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 3oS,000 bush
els and shipments 942.000 bushels, against
receipts -of 490,000 bushels and shipments
of Gsl.OOO bushels last year. . ,
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
Chicago ....
Minneapolis .
.1 ho
... 4 i
, 41
Kansss City , IS .
ft. Ionlx ..: .: C s
Winnipeg' 186
Theso sules were retorted: Wheat No.
3 hard- winter:- S cars iwc. No- a hard
winter. 1 car, Wc; 3 cars, JKu.. No. t
spring: 1 raf, kc. Oats-Standard: 1
car.- SHc; i cars, wHc. No. 3 white. 1
ear. 88e; ,ears.' 87c. No. . 4 white: II
cars. ?T.XLC. Corn No 9 white . 2
70c. No. 1 white: 3 cars, (Sc. No. 3 yel
low: cars, e'tc. No. 3 yellow: 3 Cars,
c. No. a mted" I car. 140; 3 cars,
-acv 2 carsi . No. 4 mixed: IV, cars,
I.. U. rt - "i . . -j - .
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
S73Mc.; No. hard, 87&!os--:c: No. 4 hard,
.hi'atic; No. 3 spring. 7-iUHSVtc; No. 4
' rpring. $6gic; No. 2 durum, Mgrt7c: No.
3 durum, ttiMic. Corn: No. 2 white,
70-;" No. 3 white.- 6a'3iSc; No. 4 white,
b7tffc; No. t yellow, t-4t9Vc; No.
yellow. 67ti'i8c: No. 2. 8-Vaoc; No. 3, fcg
re: No. 4, "iStfVic. Oats: No. t white,
:W4?3!ic; standard, kVa.Wi-c; No. 3
white, SPitJ-tlc; No. t white, KiWile.
Barley: Maitinx, rio;c; No. 1 feed. U
4c.. Kye: No. I, R-fcMlAc; No. 3, b't'ifiiikc.
Features of the Trading; and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, May 14. Despite an opinion
by one of the best known crop experts
tnat hesaian fly Is no more prevalent
now than Is the case every year damage
reports from Illinois and Missouri today
awung the wheat market sway from the
bears. There was a nevous close at 't;4c
net advance. Corn gained Vue. oats "f a
He to 1c and provisions 7l't2'ac. t
Indecision if not pronounced bearish
sentiment ruled the wheat pit during the
first half of the day. Chunces of dry
weather increasing the danger of unusual
aamagd from hesaian fly appealed partic
ularly to tho shorts In wneat. Oeneial
demand as well, though broadened con
fciderably. Influenced to some extent by
the recent awift cutting down of caali
wheat supplies In the various principal
tenters, had its effect. A big decrease is
expected to be shown In tha visible supply
total Monday.
In the corn crowd bullish Argentine
news more than offset favorable weather
for the domestic belt. New York reported
renewed cancellations of Argentine Msy
shipments, tightness of receipts here
counted also against the bears.
The market for Mav oats guve ev.
dence of acute congestion. Other op
lions In oats merely followed the upturn
made by wheat and corn.
Packers' buying lifted provisions. The
strengtn of feeding rains formed ... a
material help.
Chicago future prices:
ArtlPlei Open. I Hlgh. Iaw. Close. Yes y.
Wheatl j I
May. 94SI 96',;
July.i 84 67
Corn I
May. 67 44 1
July. tj tn4i
Oau I I
July. 374) 3k4
Sept. 364 364
Pork I
July. 19 SO 30 00
Sept. 20 1 20 0741
July 10 074 10 la
Sept. 10 to 10 30
July. 11 174 11 25
Sept 11 30 11 374
94. i 944
M4I Wl '
67 M 074
064 66
37S 3" S7H
3541 W4 . 8i4
19 75 I 19 75
10 074
10 a
11 174
11 so
10 15
10 30
10 024
lti 20
11 224! 11 14
11 3 I It 274
Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 red.
94Vf(H7c; No. 2 hard. 8f.r96V; Nd. 2 north
ern, 7i1e; No. 2 spring, SHiiW4c.
Corn: No. 2, e'6':0c; No. 2 yllow, 1V(p
714c; No. 3 yellow. 704e. Oats: No. 3
white, 8S4fv; standard. 39'fl404c. Rye:
No. 2. 64c. Barley, 4Jj3c. .Timothy, $2 75
B4.S0. Clover, $.0uJ I2.M). Pork, $19.75.
Lard. $10 024. RH'. $l0.K7Ve 11.374-
BUTTER I-ower; creameries. l4?264c.
KGrJ Higher: receipts. J.454 cases: at
mark, cases included, 174(Sta4c; ordinary
firsts, 174eiMc; firsts, 144 UV-
CHEESr-lrregular; daisies, l4&liic;
twins. 1446144c: Americas, li4c;
longhorns, l.Vjylic.
POTATOES Steady : receipts. 36 cars;
red. 6oaic; white. 6y72c.
PtUUTRY Alive, higher; fowls, 17c.
BUTTER No. 1, l-n- cartons, Tic; No.
1. 0-lb tubs. To.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 2Sc; Ameri
can fcwiss. 3c: block Bwlaa. 23c; twins,
H4c; daia'es, 134c; triplets. 134c; Young
Amarlcar bo; blue label brick. 174c; lim
burger, . .0., 3oe; New York white, 30c.
FISH White, lie; trout. 16c; large crap
pi as. lie; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe,
twr pair, 4)uc; salmon, 21c; halibut, lie;
buffalo, 94c; cbanncl catfish, lie; pike,
l..'; pickarel, 9o.
POUI.TKY Broilers, 30c; hens, 13e;
rocks, loe; ducks, 12c; geee, 10c; turkeys,
17c; pigeons, per dosen. 90c: ducks, full
feathered. 12c; geess, full feathered. 10c;
uuaba. No 1. 31. 60: No. 2. 6uc.
FRUITS Oranges: Extra fancy aunklst
navel, $3.00 per bog; l'wa, -. per dox;
Imm, $3 2s per boxi 17s. 30ue. Hs, 260s,
50 per box; Med sweet, lTKa, MOs. Ties.
jssa. 32ta, MS per box. lmoi:
Extra fancy Golden Bowl. '", Won, t to
per box; fancy Sliver Cord, and StMs.
$4 50 per box; extra fancy Sunk 1st Trail,
and 3Ws, 85.00 per box. Orape fruit:
Kxtra fancy, bin, H 26 per box; extra
fancy, 48, $4 00 per box: extra fancy. ,
13-fiO per box; Indian River. Ms and SO.
Jo.x) per box. Apples Ben Davis, fi 24
per box; Hen Davis. SKM per bbl. Cali
fornia cherries, $2.15 per box. Strawber
ries. Louisiana, extra fancy. 24-pint case,
82.BO per crate. Pineapples: Cuban. 24 slie.
$2.50 per crate; 10 slse, $2.75 per crate; i
sise. $3 00 per crate. Bananas: 81is&90
per bunch.
VEGETABLES Home-grown spinach,
Sfc bu. Cabbage: New Texas, to per lb.;
California, lc per ID. Texas t enow
Bermuda onions, 81.16 per crate; Crystal
Wax. $2.50 per crate. Peppers, SOo per
basket. Fancy Florida tomatoes. $4 00
per crate; choice. $3.60 per crate. Cucum
bers, hothouse, $1.00 per doaen. New beets,
carrots, turnips, tc rer doien. Celery,
$1.50 per dosen. Head lettuce, tl.60 per
dosen; leaf lettuce, Oc per donxen.
Onions, home-grown, lf.c per doien.
Radishes, 80o per dosen, parsley, c per
doxen. Oarlic, Italian, 20c per lh. Horse
radish, $1 85 per case. Shell popcorn,, to
per lb. Cabbage plants, 75c ner box.
Tomato plants. 7&c per box. Asparagus,
home-grown, per doscn bunches, 36c per
box. New potatoes. No. I, 86.5m per bbl.;
No. t. $.M per bbl.; new potatoes. Sc per
lb.; Red River seed potatoes. 90c per bu.;
extra fancy Colorado and Wyoming,
white stock, 90c per bu.
HONEY New Colorado. No. 1. !4 frame,
I 83.00 per case.
MlscKUiANEitrs fugsr wainui
dates, per box, 91.2a; salted peanuts, per
can, $1.60; No. 1 California, per lb., $1.S;
pecana. per lb., Sl.rn: filbert, per io.,
16c; almonds, per lb..Tic; Brasils, per lb,
.tc; popcorn, per lb., frc.
Carat and WMt Helaa ttnlletla.
Corn and wheat region bulletin of tha
United Htatea Department of Agriculture.
weather bureau, at Omaha, for tha twenty-four
hours ending at a. m., votn
meridian time, Thursday, May n:
Temp. Main
Stations. High Low. fall.
Pt. cloudy
it, cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Clear ,
Ashland, Neb.. M 34 .00
'Auburn. Neb... 1 .00
B ken Bow. Nb 62 00.
Columbus, Neb. S3 32 .K
Culbertson, Nb. 67 39 .02
Falrburv, Neh.. 7 . 30 .00
Fairmont, Neb. 2 " .00
Jd. Island, Nh. M M .00
Hartlngt n. Nb 2 37 .00
Haattngs, Neb., fit . 35 00
Holdrege, Neb. Ri i .00
Lincoln. Neh... 2 SR .00
No. Platte. Nb 62 40 .00
Oakdale. Neb.. 31 .00
Omaha. Neh.... SO 42 .00
Tekamah. Neb. as .00
Valentine. Nb. M 34 .00
Alta. Ia M 3S .00
Carroll, la 1 37 .00
Clurlnda. la.... 2 42 .00
Sililev, la 62 36 . 00
Htoux City. Ia. 63 41 .00
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 3 a. m
No. of Temp. Rain-
Statlons. High. lxw.
Columbus. O IS
Louisville, Ky... 22
lndla'polls. lnd. 13
Chicago. Ill 24
St. Louis. Mo.... 1
Pes .Moines, Ia. 24
Minneapolis .... 62
Kan. Ctty. Mo.. 32
Omaha. Neb 17
62 .
Temperatures have risen slightly In the
corn and wheat region within tne ibsx
twenty-four hours, but the weather con
tinues unseasonably cool In the western
and northern portions. Freeslng tem
peratures occurred Isst night In the tipper
vallevs and light to heavy frosts with
frcexing-weather occurred in localities In
Nebraska, Kansas; and the upper lake
region,- '. I.. A. WELSH.
-Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
Kansas f Ity ftraln aad Provisions.
3 bird. WVi04c: No. J red.' 87V38Hc;
Mav. R7V,c; July. 80c.
CORN No. 3 mixed. 73fl73H; No. 3. TOfl
714c; No. 2 white, 74c; No. 3, 72g73c;
May. 7flc; July, &)c.
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 40Vtc;
No. 2 mixed. 394jC.
Bl'TTER Creamery, 22c; firsts,
seconds, IKo; packing stock. 154c.
K(1!4 Firsts. IScr seconds. 16c.
IOL'L.TRV Uens, 14c; springs, 15c
Liverpool Grain Market.
Strong; No. 2 red western winter. 7s 64d;
No. 1 Manitoba, s d; No. 2, 7s 6d. Fu
tures, steady; July, 7s 34d; October, 7a
CORN Spot, steady: American mixed.
6s 84d. La Plata futures easy; July, is
!d: September, 4s a.
St. I.onls General Market.
PT. I-OCIS. May 14-WHEAT-No. i
red. 9ofcK;c; No. 2 hard, 93fa9S4c; May,
93ic; July, 83Vfi3Hc.
CORN No. 2, 724c; No. 2 white, 724(8
734c; May. 70-V: July, 6Sc.
OATS No. 3, 894c: No. 2 white, 414c;
May. WiiSWic; July. 374c v
Minneapolis Grain Market.
May. 90c; Julv. 01c: No. 1 hard. c;, No.
1 northern, 93S0SC; No. 2 northern, 914J
Local Aecarltie.
QunUil"ns fitmltia t Bi:rn. Brlnkar a Otx.,
441 Oauha National bank bulldlos:
Rid. Aak4.
rommspaealth Ufa loauraaca' Co.. H4
Der Co. pfd M MV
Kl I'm. Tax.. Wttur i. ISM in 1.7t
Kalraioot t 'reamer ptl 7 pr cant... lie
Fairmont Creamery or conl (liar.. 4 JH
roi Hirer Ruttar On 1M U
ll.wnar N.K (tlr Hll ta. IH3I.... M I'M
Kln Co., Wuli , Road M. 1M 1H WS.JS
lul.ltDl Sa. 138, J B I03-4I
Lincoln Co., Nh.. Pridsa 6a. 1521.. 10S 101
Morrli t Co. 4ia. I2 M
N.w York ma'a tvta , PS 1"
rurha Kler. l.t. A Pcaar S Ml.. l Ij1
Cliy of Omaha Sewer is. 114 101 WIS
MI of Omaha ". VA
Omaha A C. B. Pt, Kr. I. 1124
omsha '. B 11. Brt.1a...
Rlvoralda to.. C,lt., it. 1SS0 ...
elern Broa. pf4
Saa PIo. Water ta.. IX
Hwlft A Co. la. 1J44
101V6 IOC
1A3U, 1M I
BS 41
Jftt4 lftl at
Kwlft CO
in:, in.v
t; m
Klnui It St. T. 6a. !.
j Sioui en Telephone (a. -.lit.
ifw Omaha ''
".t4 nj
1 nlnfl Stork Yarril. Omaha
?1 lni
U4 M
West Paoa. Trac pr ea'M aotaa.,
Coffee Market.
market was very quiet, but generally
teadv todav a ted after opening at an
advance of lH points worked up another
n.ini or two on scattered buying, which
appeared to come from shorts. The close
was steady at a nei auvaina vi
nninin Sales. 5.600 bags: May. 6.5V; July,
8 Hay; 8nptemler, R.kic; October, S.fttc;
Deeember, 9.07c: January. 9 13c; March.
9 25c Spot, quiet; Hlo No. 7. 8c; San
tos No. 4. llc Mild, dull; Cordova, 14
lc, nominal.
Metal Market.
quiet at $3 5i3.6. London, 13 7sd.
Spelter, steady at $.Vl(i6.. Iondnn,
121 7s d. t'oper. steady; snot and July,
S.i;l5iV(jl4.i; elfit-trolytlc, $1420; lake,
nominal; castings, 14 4fj 14 12. Tin, firm;
siot. $.73 90'o.4 10; July. $34.0534 25. AnU
mony, dull; Cookson's, $7.10-' $6. Iron,
quirt snd unrhsnged.
London prices; Copper, quiet; spot,
tnfl; futures. ifi3 l'.?s d Tin. easy; spot,
1M ir.a; futures. 1155 10s. Iron, Cleveland
warrants, 61s 74d.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. May 14. HAY Prairie, choice
upland, $14 004.14 60; No. 1. $12 Ouru 14.00; No
2, $10. uoti 12.410; No. 3, S (iWSlo 00; cholcs
midland, $13 Of813 50; No. 1. $irootri3.f);
No. 2, 10..13 00; No. 3. $.OU&10.00;
choi lowland. $10 OTijyll.00; No. 1, $9.on
10 i0: No. 2. S7.0ifT.ii0; No. 3, 15 Ofv-uTJ 00,
Alfalfa tTiolce, $14.00: No. 1. $13inlS6;
No. 2. tlO.0tatlU.U9: No. 8. $ 6 10.00;
Straw: Choice oat or ry, ri'QV-w,
choice wheat, $6.00fet.50.
tot ton Market.
tures closed very steady; May, 12.94c;
July. 12.47c; August, 12.29c; Oi-tober and
Deccinlier, II.Hmi; January, ll.Klc. Hpot,
steady;, middling. 13.40o; gulf. ll.6c.
The market closed steady and within a
point or lo of tha best at a net gain
of from 9 to 31 points.
I.lVEKPtM)U May 14 COTTON-Spot.
esaier; good middling, SOld; middling,
7 42d: low middling, 1 944. Sales. lO.oul
Wool Market.
IONDON. May 14.-A sals of sheep
skins. 6.7O0 bsles. was held hers today.
The demand as strong and prices ad
vanced. -
Demand for Cattle it Light and Val
ues Are Lower.
Opening- Yalaes Are Below Wednes
!' t lose, hst Final lrlees
Are Tea Oats Higher.
Sheet) Arc Higher.
SOVTH OMAHA, May It, 1914.
Receipts were: (Tattle. Hose. Sheep.
Official Monday 1KH 7. ISO 1.791
Official Tuesday IU !. lo.l.w
Official Wednewlaj.... t.ll .i t."1!
Estimate Thursday.... 3.400 7.500 fc.000
Four days this week.ll.K: SI.KW 20.7H
Same daya last week,.14.M3 32.074
fame days 3 wka ago,.17.1M 1
Same days 3 wka af 0..17.t M.K1H
Ssme days 4 wks ago..lS.W 32.907
(Same daya last year... 10.1.10 40,443
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at tha South
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date, as comptu-ed with last year:
1014 mil Inc. Dec.
;"le 31.M$ m.m 14.2M
" 1,057.431 :,OHO.I44 U.M3
""-P fli.OiO 131,001
The following table shows ttie rang of
Prtceg for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock market for the laat few daya. with
.Data. mi. U13. 11912.11911. IXH). 1 10. lns.
I 17
( IC
7 trj I 74:
7 !
7 Oil
6 (6
I Hf
6 46
April 30
I lt4
ally 1..
May I..
May ..
May 4..
May ..
Hay 7..
May I..
May ..
May 10.
1 i?W
I 31
7 ill I 61
6 41
2 T 63) 6 74
6 34
I 25
7 4
7 62
I 63
( 62
t 94,
7 Oil
( MS
9 00 7 04
I 361
I (1
1 1 7 H S 3
t 21
7 44
7 t
1 ;
9 271 I
9 13 I as
6 37
I 3Vl I 14
6 34
6 34
6 39
iKS I 10
7 Ml I 71!
W M 7 ' R 77 11
May 11
iS I 7 Ml t 321 9 3i t 97 6 41
I 41 M I safll B n vi, BUi as .
May 12.1 1 iul 1 11
if ,l,;l.,.f"M M 7 44 S 971 io, 7 04 K
May 1. I 1 , g Q 7 6B 3 7 Osi I 24
S So 1 K 7 VI I (I 1.'
Receipts and disposition of live stork
at tha Lnlon atock yards. South Omsha.
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock
yesterday :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C M. A Pt. P...
Missouri, Pacific t
Union Pacific l
C, N. W., sast 9
C. N. W.. west M
C, St. P., M. & 0 10
C, B. V Q., east 6
C, B. Q.. west 20
C, R. 1. ft p., eaat
' H. I. & p., west
Illinois Central 4
Chicago Great Western.. ..
Total receipts 106 lot a
'wwrns or .o.. Ziu JIV9
Swift & Co 612 1,931
Cudahy Packing Co.... 610 1.414
Armour Co Sf 1,1
Sch warts Co , .... 144
J. W. Murphy 1,506
Morrell 17
Uncoln Packing Co.... 11 .....
South Omaha Pkg. Co.. 11
Joel P. Co $23
Kay Pkg. Co tbb
W. B. Vansant Co 4
Hill & Son a
F. B. Lewis , 4 .....
Huston Co; 3
.1. B. Root & Co.., ' H
J. H. Bulla 11
Rosn Bros 7
SullU Bros 33
Rothai.uld 24
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 51
Christie ;.. 3)
Higgins 7
Huffman &
Roth 3s ...
Meyers 7
Tanner Bros 11 .....
John Harvey 73
Other buyers 137
Totals 2.41B 3,407 6.717
CATTLE About sn average run of cat
tle showed up In the receipts today, some
1.400 head, but the four days' supply has
been fully 3,000 short of last week. Qual
ity of the offerings showed some Im
provement as compared with Wednesday
and the dressed beef men took hold of
the desirable offerings In rather better
shape, although at quotably unimproved
figures. With a demoralised beef market
down east and warm weathsr approach
ing, the demand for rattle Is compara
tively limited, and undertone to the trade
Is far from strong. Choir yearlings sold
up to $8.35 today and the best of tne
heavy beeves did not fall far short of
that figure. The general market la all of
10f15c lower than It waa at this time
last week, the fair to pretty good grades
receiving the brunt of the decline.
The market for rows and heifers was
reasonably active and fully steady. There
were only about a dosen straight loads
on sale and demand from all sources was
decidedly healthy so that the movement
wss free while It lasted and values are
now fully aa good as they were at this
time last week. Veal calves were active
and firm and the same Is true as to bulls,
stsga, etc.
Supplies of Blockers and feeders were
light as usual and although there wua
not a very extensive country demand de
sirable offerings found a ready sals to
yard traders at fully steady figures, and
the market Is closing tor the week fully
aa strong aa a week sgo, with every
prospect of a good clearance.
ivuotatluns on cattte: uood to prim
yearlings, W.3Cj.00; good to choice beef
atoore, $4.2b9.Ui; fair to good beef steers,
.imu w; common to tair De( steers,
7.4u.(w; good to choice corn fed heileis,
t7.60ps.aO; good to choice cornfed cows,
64 v7.40; tsir to good grades, $t.O0ia4i.7J,
common to fair grades, $4.6txtt4.00; fcood
to choice atovkera and feeders, 17.4644. lo;
lair lu good slockera ana feeders, li.tutj
7.75: common to tsir stackers anl feeders,
J7.00Sr7.u; stock cows snd hsllers, M umj
1.75; stock cslves, M 60tzs.25; veal calves,
IT, bulls, slags, etc.. U-iti.J).
RepresentatiNe aaleai
Ke. A. rr. h . , a. Pr.
1 aw IM 6 Hat I it
11 liaf 1 M 1 10,4 n
I' a ! vo it mi a h
M 1H 7 14 U4 I hi
11. ll 1 IS 4 1M 1 to
17 ..I"4 lb 61 mi , M
II ) 7 l IIM I tb
11 li 7 M ) mi a
II "'I 1 II 14 1 44
41 ...U44 I H) II 1471 1 IS
11 li7 I 00 , (7 lis) 1 ta
II Ml 0 m HXl I to
171 t Id Ml 144 I tt
11 Kiia ia M ie4 1 it
11 H SIS It I4U S 76
.. aai I 1 a :o 44
4 no 7 30 leu t to
I 1 76 I M III
7 I l t7 1 j,
11 44 7 M ht tin
1 64T 7 hi u lost I
I 4 7 SO 14 ?l 1 M
J K 7 90 7 711 1 44
I 4 7 4 lir 4 is
1 mo lis 1 ie (M
II 7 I 71 1 IM 4 as
t 4 I 7 J4 ltt 71
I iaia 4 1 n n 4 ts
1 W a 1 , a,,
9 H4S 4 14 11 iis 4 to
I lnxt II 1 124 I m
I I" I II 9 ton 4 to
1 sao t t I iko 7 on
I m 1 1120 it
I tie 11 . im 1 r
it irr 1 4 1 1 mo
1 to 1 ltu) T
4 nil 4 so 1 iiu t 10
1 7H 4 aa 4 tot T 41
1 S l Ml f aa
1. s I 71 11..'. P-.J t IS
II 4 1 1M J M
1 MO T IS 4 174 at
I is 1 4 44 T an
la 044 t a 4 tat I oa
' "bclU m
I I7S I 7 1 lit 4 sj
1 1414 I 14 l 1 -
1 II IT 1M4 I Tl
I Ill I M I ima r
1 IK 4 1 t ins T ne
1 10 4" 1 lire ran
1 ia 4 ta 1 tn t ia
1 ! ' I Ml fp,
1 1400 I 41 444 T Pt
4 9 I" I 141 IS IS
I Sen 1 pniiM
5 9 aa f fs ia ra
1-'..' 1 P 1 IM 11 aa
1 1 i ,M u as
.1 M
I SIS 7 46 ( 714 7 St
HOOB Receipts this morning wsrs varr
moderate, only about 111 cars or 7.600
head being received. The rour days total
la S1.1S6 head, nearly 1,000 smaller than a
week ago. and better than 9, "00 short of
the same daya last year.
Before, going Into today's marked It
might be well to mention that In the
end the bulk of Wednesday's supply -a as
sold to packers at prloea that were a big
nickel lower than Tuesday's average,
moat of the aalea being made around
$H.12Miti.16. with a few down around $S.0,
A fairly complete Hat of tne packer aales
will be fotind In this column nncer the
regular list of representative sales.
Trade opened rather dull this morning,
and during the early rounds It looked
as though ' packers Intended to play a
waiting game again today. Shippers
bought a tew early around i lMi 9 but
aside from this the early trade was dead,
and It was well along towards 10 o'clock
before killers finally began offering
prices that were at .least a nickel lower
111 an yesterday's late tra1. No one aa
-Hilling to sell at these figures, however,
and values gradually strengthened up
until the first aalea were made around
$H.l&. being fully steady, and in many
oaaes strong with yesterday's packr
market. Even after some sales had been
made on this basis, prices continued to
Improve so that In the end a good share
of the offerings sold at figures that were
fully So higher, and the extreme close
was 10c up, with some sales showing an
advance of flat lOo over yesterday's
l-.iller trade. On the whole, values are
anywhere from steady to a dime higher,
and the average market Is fully 6c better
than Wednesday's late trade. Towards
the close the movement became very
lively, and everything was cleaned up
before 11 o'clock.
The bulk of the sales wss made at $S 15
rS.26. quite a number of closing aales
reaching the latter figure, which waa the
highest paid.
A. lh. rr.
141 sf) ia
341 SO 1 10
Sit ... l
let M 111
r: 1W 16
art ho 111
111 o 1 it
174 ... I II
IM ... Ill
144 ISO I 16
11 ..
A. Sh. rr.
.... IB 11714
...,iaf so I 1714
....xm I ITS
....svi ia I tit
... 114 1M I l"S
...,a ... 1 17, ... I 17s
...M ... I'
....137 ...
... 7 ... I
...til ) 10
... Ml C W
.... 10 !
...Ml ... If
. .. at 1 4.' 911
... is m is
... in im 1 to
...m on1
... s im vi
... I t?s
... xo lis
... 40 I I
,...Ui ... IK
16 110 ... I 16
.... 131
... 211
71. 131 ... I H
as US ... I II
71 211 ... I 11
U 170 0 I It,
71 ?44 ... Ill
7 11 ... 1
4 54 ... 1 16
ft) Ill 141 I II
Kl ar4 ... I 16
M IK! ... I 16
44 147 ... I IS
17 571 0 1 tl
13 . IM I IK
! .
l .
11 inn ... on
SHEEP It was again aulte evident to
day that the packers still wanted some
more lambs, either wooled or clipped, for
in making their purchases they paid little
attention to weight and prices wers gen
erally strong to a dime higher. The buy
ers went after the strong weight lambs
almost as eagerly aa the lighter grades,
which has been getting the preference of
late, and as a result of such conditions
the price range narrowed somewhat.
There being plenty of snap and vim to
the market throughout practically every
thing In the lamb division aa sold snd
weighed up comparatively early !n tha
forenoon. While It did not seem to mat
ter what the lambs weighed from 70 to
80 pounds wore naturally the most pop
ular with the buyers.
A cut of the Mexican wooled lambs at
$8.90 yeeterday commanded the even $9.00
todav, which makes a new high price
since $9.10 In April of last year. The toppy
clipped lambs moved up to another rec
ord breaking price for the season to date,
the new top being $8.00. The bulk of the
clipped grades had a r" at $7.6o4n.90,
chiefly according to weight.
It was a nominally steady deal In aged
sheep, there being not many hers and
the demand being correspondingly light.
A small lot of woolsd ewes brought $6.60
An advance of nywhsr 4X)47Oe la quot
able cm moat all grades of lambs since
the opening of ths week, or. as compared
with the Isst week's close, while the
raoeinta moat of the time have been
around normal for thla season of the
year, though possibly not quite up to
taut week and two weeKS ago. I ne emi
mita fur the week to date la Bonis 39,621
head, compared with 33,109 for the same
days last week. 30.2M two weeks ago and
r; ion vear in Of course, practically
11 nf the recninta Wlin ma eaceuiiun vi
a few loads of clipped ewes hsvs been
lambs, most of -which were on ths clipped
order. Tha mutton supply has been so
iirbt that values have not been inor
oughly tested, but what have been of
fered srs closing . 15tf2bc better than a
week sgo. .
ouotattons on sneen and lambs: Wooled
stock: Lmbs. Mexican, $8.0r9 10; lambs.
nod ta choice westerns. xi.WKtia. 10: lamos,
fair to good westerns. $H.2.f48.W. Shorn
stock. Imba, good to cnoice, i.oma-.u;
lamha. fair to snnd. ti.zrai.M.' yearlings,
good to choice. $50igi.75: yearlings, fair
to Bood. S5.7ncSs.2s: wethers.- good to
choice. $o.7Mii.OO; wethers, fslr to good,
I3.60ffjo.75; ewes, good to choice, $5.26
S.60; ewes, fair to good,
No Av. Pr
949 ahorn lamha 92 7 90
231 shorn lamha 90
49 shorn lambs 90
259 Wyoming shorn lambs 94
26tJ shorn lamha TT
113 shorn lambs 77
242 shorn lambs 37
97 So. Dakota wooled ewes. ...,.10
i(t So. Dakota wooled lambs.... 7H
7 08
7 W
7 bo
8 00
S 00
7 90
8 7S
t 00
7 6
7 66
7 00
S no
7 Si
7 s
s 7;.
7 00
9 00
797 shorn lambs
2719 shorn lambs
221 shorn lambs
M culls
27C shorn lambs
2IS shorn lain be
119 shorn lambs
170 shorn ewes
f.O spring lambs
22 shorn yearling ewes....
H Mexican ewes
28 wooled Mexican lambs.
.. 74
.. 74
.. 71
.. 0
.. W
.. IW
.. 73
.. 80
.. 71
Kansas t 111 I I ve Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,000 head; market steady: prime
fed steers, $8.o0ra.l0; dressed beef steers,
$7.64.sO: western, t7.2b4Ml.76; southern
steers. $ti.&OS?.00; cows, 4.6oro)7.50; heifers,
$7.0O-0 On; stackers and feeders, S6.6)ij(tl.26,
calves. fl.6Utjll60.
HOrJS Receipts, S.OflO head; market,
steady; bulk, I ypa.82V4: heavy, $ Hf
S.'-p; packers and butchers $i.2Vtf)S5;
light, pigs. S7.7i2i.oo.
SHEEP AND LAMBS KecelptS. 4.000
head; msrket, strong to 10c higher;
lamba, $i.74iS.16; yearlings, $S7bj4.7b;
wethers, t6 z6i.0O; ewes. $4 "64(6 M.
CHICAtKl, Msy 14. CATTLE Receipts,
4.VW head. Msrket week; beeves. $7 ?f
9.J6: steers. $7.1 OH. 20; slockers snd feed-
ers. (j.bO; cows snd heifers, t3Vort
k.'TO: calves. t7 6010.75.
HOOH Receipts, 1,0jk head. Market a
shade higher; bulk of sales. x..voo 4n;
light, S abiita.46: mixed, tn 20o.46; heavy,
$'.00'crS.4; rough, toOKan.lR; pigs, tl.&Xr
SHEEP AND LAMKH-Receipts, maio
head. Msrket slow; sheep, $n.4.2f;
vearlings, tri.O0i726; lambs. S)'.36ij4).36;
springs, tT.iXulO.OO.
g. Leo la Live sloek Market.
relpts, 1.0 10 head: market steady; native
beef steers, $i.bud9.2b; cowa and heifers,
84 2S00.U). stockers and feeders. t5.0wti
t.00; southern stears, $6.7bQS.0O; cows and
heifers, $4.6orj.6, native calves,
H041SI Receipts. S.600 head: msrket
ateadv: nles and lights. $7 018.50: mixed
and butchers, $0.86438 SO; good heavy, po.awrf
MHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. $.200
hesd; market strong; sneareo muttons,
t4.7bfc6.tiO; sheared lambs, $7.00a.10.
t. Jasepk Llva Black Market
Receipts, 000 head; market, steady; steers,'. cows and heifers, .,
oalvea. SiOOqiO.OO.
HOliS Iteeipts. 6,00 head) market,
steady ; top. 8 36; bulk, lSl.Vo.
Bll EEP AND UUBH-Receipts, tOa)
head; market steady; lambs. t7.an4jD.10. -STOCKS
NEW TORK. May 11 A vigorous buy
ing movement aroused ths Mock msrket
si ths outset todsy from the spsthetlc
condition of the last few sessions. In an
effort to break the deadlock, room traders
took large blocks of the leading stocks.
Reading and Steel la particular were
bought heavily.
These tactlca were effective In raising
prices all tnrougn tne list witn several
gatna of a point or so In ths first few
minutes. The fell of Tamplco, presum
ably removing the oil properties there
from tho fighting sons, caused a Jump
of three poll ts In Mexu sn 1'stroleum,
which has large Interests In that city
The market closed strong today. Htesdy
strength dominated today s dasl'.ngs from
beginning to end. Final prices showed
gains of 1 lo t points. Traders who had
been unsuccessfully opposing tha upward
movement bought In their short contrsrts
In the laat hour snd gulns aers extended
In all directions.
Alual terror 7Jlntrhnr Ml ptd... I'S
Amar. 1WI Siiaar... USInov. tlarvaatar . . . . I'
Amee. Wttea Oli 4islulalll S N IMS
Amer. s, Hrf. . . . 4 M. ISclflr I"
Amr. ft'iaar hf....M'Mo.. K. A T 17
Amer. Tl S Tel . . . ttf V lhl(h Valla 140
Anac. attains 1.... MNal!,aal teas 44
lt-kta Y. tVnlrl V
Atlantic Oaat L. . r.ltiNnrfU a W I0.
PaUimere a O aiHN.irtharn Vacifle... .li
Hrol R T MHfannarlieole 1HH
Caoarilaa lai-iftr....1KNrwtle1e la Ill
ChmiMka A o MVPnlinon Pal. far IKS
Olnase N. W. 11 Keadlnt 1S
Chi , MO. A "t. P. a'H.k llao Cn l
VWv Fval S Iron.. ir ito ptil 4
!. a Sonlhara... Jlsoiuharn Pacific... "
TVbI. A Huaon I alhern H I4'k
Penror Klo 0 ... 1Ht nlon ParlMe t7s
Itna T r. a Htael . .. ai
Can. Klertrlr 14TV4 do pM IV
H. Kor. pfd 174 Watwuh I
ot. Nor. Ore etfa... SI Wotm 1'nlon W
llllnola Ontral ll Nw Haren 14
Internor.-Met. ...... 1441
Idea York Money Market. -
steady. I4j3 per rent; ruling rte, l
per cent; closing, lSti per cent.
TIME 1X5 A NS Steady, sixty and ninety
days, 24 per cent; six months, 3 per
days. I V; demand, $4 Mtl6; commercial
Mils. $4MV ,
SII.VKR Bar, 641-; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, strong; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
ss follows:
1'. P. rf. la rag . M I. . dah. 4a. IWt I3H
dn emipnn aial.lsatt a at rare la Ml
. g. ai res tlHl.ortitard la IH
do coupon lot I a N. ua. 4a MS
f . rag 1i M. K. A T. la 4a TS
do coupon loasMo. !. r.
Panama la eoupoa. .100 N T (. sea. ISa as
A mar. Al U OOS do deb. 4a Pi S
Amer. IWtoo Oil la MSN. T. C. 4Sa. IMI o;s
Am. T. T. r. 4Sa MSN. Y. S. 4Sa Ill
Amor. Smelting a..UMSN. Y It ad). It ... W
Am. Tnbaoco a . Ills NT. Y , N. H. a H.
Armour i 4S. 1144 r. aa lis
AUrhlaon s. 4a ... N A W. c. 44a.. 101
do c. 4a. ltan.... ps 'No rse. 4a rtk
A. r. U elt. 4a... piH'O. S U ref. 4a...
Pal. A Ohio 4a 4SPar. T. T. la IS
do r 4Sa . M "Peon. r. ISa. IHS aS
Rath. Hloel ref. Is . M do can 4a 1"!
Brook.. Tran. r. 4a Har (toe. la 114
(e. ot Oa. la lniSHeadlns San. 4a .... tS
rvnlral Leather la.. aSHep Kiaal la. 140
Chea. A Ohio 4Sa . 3SI I A , r. r. 4i 71
do c. 4sa 11 m L.. g rna. 4a.. 70
C. B. A U j. 4a..7Sa A. W ad. IB...T6H
do gan. 4a iS'o. Bail Tal. Is.... t
C. O. W. a tlSSo. Par. r. 4a MS
O at A I' c. 4 St IdlSSo. -ac. ref. 4a.... US
do sn. 4Sa IMSIi. Rail-ar Is lots
C R I A P ell 4a 1S dn (aa. 4a 7IS
aa rf. 4a TTHT-ioo rr. la. ..lots
r. A .V. ISa 67STea. A Pan. m..l01S
C. A B. ref. 4Sa ... nsThlrd At. on. to.. rS
n. A R. O. rat. 6a.. 40 Vnkm Paalflo 4a.... TS
IMa. Harurltlaa 6a... 14 do c. 4a l'4
Krla r. 4a IB) "1 V, M. Ruhbar ta....iniu
do ss. 4a 1st'. S. steal la lonu
Ten. Blartrlo Us l(m Va. Car rhem. 6a.. S
O N. lat 414a iooWanaah 1H la iflftU
llllnota Can. ref. H H Wkal. falrvn 4Ha..tlH
Inter-Mat. 4H...... 77HWeat. Rlae. ft. pr. . 44 V4
K C. So. ref Is.. P44
Bill. Offare4.
London Hfock Market.
tINDON. Mav 14. American securities
wers aulet, with a, good undertone during
the early trading today. At noon prices
ranged from uncnangea to p above
Itaak Clearlnas.
OMAHA, 1 Mav 14. Rank clearings for
Omaha today were $l,t01,IV8.76, and for
the corresponding day last year 12,77 J,
440.75. American Business
Methods Without a
Peer, Says Baldrige
In an address before tha Retail Credit
Men's association at ths Loyal hotel an
Wednesday night. Howard . II, Baldrlgs
upheld tha business system .and methods
of Americana as being without a peer
In ths world. Touching upon ths credit
s tems of foreign countries and the hon
esty ot American tourists abroad, ths
speaker pointed out that ths Yankee was
ths poorest of all qulbblers'on price. If
the article In tho bsrgaln suits him ths
price of It Is a secondary consideration.
He has ths money snd spends It for ths
things he most desires.
This fart, ha said, has awakened a
trust In foreign tradesmen to the extent
of their seeking accounts with Ameri
cans. And , quite happily Ahs trust Is
seldom violated. . .
Others who addressed the assembly
were: I. A. Benedict,, Thompson, Belden
ft Co.; W. U Hotiman. Nebraska Cloth
ing company; Phillip Aarons, Fred Broda
gaard and J. M, Glllan. Vies President
C. E. Corey . presided, snd Miss Essie
Aarons furnished the mualo for ths occa
A meeting of tha Association Opposed
to Woman Suffrage will bs held at the
home of Miss Janet Wallace, 2410 Harney
street, this afternoon at V.90 o'clock.
Miss Geneva Msrali will talk on "Ths
I'selessness of the Ballot." A psper will
be read by Mrs. Herrlt Fort on "Indif
ference of the Woman Voters In the Buf-
Irage States," and Miss Alice ailchrtst
will give some practical suggestions for
enlisting ths co-operation of ths wgge
esrnlng women.
An Injunction suit brought by ths wster
district to test the right of the city of
Omaha to forbid by ordinance the placing
of water meters In pits beneath side
wslks has been filed In district court.
City Commissioner Thomas McGovern
snd Chief of Police Dunn who. It Is al
leged, have Insisted upon enforcing the
ordinance, are made defendants with
ths city. ....
Fred Young, one of tne sis elevator
conductors who struck st tha Woodmen
of ths World building Wednesday noon.
Is bsck at work .None ot ths other men
have been tsketi back. John N. Crawford
manager of ths building, said ha be
lieved thst Young was dragged Into tha
strike psot against his all). The elevators
hsvs been manned by new men and arc
running regularly.
A bank book showing deposits of O. C.
Frank In tha City National bank of
Kearney, a railroad ticket to Kearney
and. a baggage check were found neatly
bound together in a mail box at the cor
ker of Fourteettt and Dodge streets. The
property Is being held by Assistant Post
master J ernes I. Woodsrd, pending the
ldmliflcatlun of the property by the
rc u v itii 1 im nniiPT ?
Ths Board of Education is still worried
over ths qusstlon of who shall he second
vies principal at ths Central High school,
but It la now certain that a woman will
be selected.
C. E. Reed will e named principal snd
J. F. Weolery first Vice prljielps.1. There
are several a omen candidates for the
position of second vies principal.
Philadelphia Takes Great Pitching
Duel from the Naps.
Roth Teams Live Senaatlnasl Kxhl
billon of S'leldlna Forty-Three
Men Fare the Alklellee'
I'Hll.ADrci J'llIA. May 14-Ths great
est pitching duel of the aesson hers,
which was between Plank and Hagnrmart,
was won today by Philadelphia froip
Cleveland In thirteen Innings, I to 4. The
tally waa scored by ffc hang on a base 011
balls and Hagerman'g wild throw when
Plank bunted. Both teams gave a sen
sational exhibition of fielding. Only forty
three men faced Plank In thirteen Innings.
rUeVMAri. rHIL.APKl.Pltl
iimi i c ah 11 o a r
Turner Ik I S 1 0OMrln. If.. Ill
.lotinaton. Ill til S 1 olllna, xh.. I 4 4 1 I
Jai-kaon, rf. I I I S tlBoker. It . . I 1 SI
lavloie. Ib.i I I I LMrinnla. lb. I 114 I 0 1
Wood.' if.... 1 sis ostnina. cf . . I 4i
, " " : ! I I .rrfl' ; A i
Ilasensaa, pi I 4 I tHrkans, a... I S I I
riaak. p.... 8 0 14 4
Tntele ....41 414 11 S
TolaJa ... X ltt 2
No one out when winning run scored.
Clevelend 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Philadelphia ...... 000000000000 11
Two-1. sen hit. Baker. Sacrifice hits:
Hagerman, Strunk, Plank (1). Stolen bass:
Johnston. Double plays: C arisen to Olson,
Collins to Kopf, Kopf to Mclnnis;
Piank to Kopf to MclntiiS. lft on bases:
Cleveland 4; Philadelphia S. Bases on
balls: Off Hagerman, t off. Plank, L
Struck out: By Hagerman, ; by i'lank,
9. Wild Pilch: Hagerman. Time: 1:16.
empires: O'Loughlln and Hlldebrand.
Tigers llefeat Yanks.
NEW YORK, Msy 14. Detroit defeated
New York todsy, S to 1. Dubuo pitched
sensstlonal ball, holding the Yankees to
two lilta, both msde by Packtnpaugh.
Kestlng also twirled a great game, but
fnlteren In the eighth after tha Yankees
secured a one-run lead In ths seventh.
DsmoiT. nkw yrniK.
Atl.H.O.A B AS H O.A.B.
uah. aa.... 4 18 4 IMaiaat, lb . t 4 8 1
Kav'nask, lb I 1 IS OHerasll. rC-, 8 189
tiobtt. of.... 8 10 1 IWaleh. It.... 4 t 1
(Vawford. rt 8 4 1 OWIIIIans. Ik 8 110
Mlah. If ISIS S4'oob I I 4
noma lb... 8 111 PHnlitan, of.. 4 4 10
Voarh ....11 PMareaner. a. 8 8
Gainer, lb . S 4 OrerllnP'lL PS I 8 8 1
Mart4krtr. lb 4 1 S STn.a4'la. tb S I 8 I
staoaira, p.. 8 I 4 IKaailnt. p.. 8 S
Dutme. p.... 4 18 v.s!4wall, p.. 1
Totala ....11 S It tl 1 Totals ..., S St 10
Hotted for Burns In eighth.
aHattad for Williams In ninth.
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 8 08
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 t 0 -
Two-baas hits: Pecklnpaugh, Kavan
augh. Stolen bases: Cobb t2. Bush. Peck
Itilvaugh. Sweeney, left on bases: New
York, 4; Detroit. S. Bases on oatis. .irr
Keating. 6; off Dunne, 8. Struck oit: By
Keating, ; by Caldwell. 1; by Dtibue, 4.
Hit bv Keattna: Bush. Wild oftch: Keat
ing, lilta: Off eKatlng. 6 In seven and
one-third Innings; off Caldwell, 1 In ons
and two-third Innings Time; 1:47. um
pires: Chill and Sheridan.
enatora Taka Game.
WASHINOTON. May 14. Washington
best out Chicago today In ths tenth In.
nlng of a pitching battle between Aysxs
and scored on rtnanxa aouDie.
of the tenth, Oandll, first up, singled
and scored nn Hhsnks double.
For nine Innings Moott held tha locals
hltless. Not a Washington player got
aa tar aa third In that time, score :
rwrnmltt- rf. 4 I I I OMaallar. rf.. 4 1.4 I
Bemr. . 4 0 S 1 IPnelar. lb... 4 S 1 1
('haaa. lb... 4 1 11 1 IMIIan. at... 4 SSI
CMIioa, If.. 4 I OiUooll. lh... 4 I 14 S
Roma, rf... 4 IS OHhaoka. M .. 4 1
Alnvk lh... I a a I IMnma. Sb. ISST
soma. lb... 4 111 lMriinae, sa l a i a
Soaalk, a... 8 I lHeerr, S.... I 1
BooU, p 88 OArraa. p.,.. I 0 8 0
Tntela ... II l7 14 S Totals ....SO 110 14 t
None out when winning run scored.
Chicago 000000000 00
Washington .... 000000000 11
Two-base hit: Shanks. Three-base
hit: Chase. Stolen bases: Collins, Mc.
Bride. Double play: Morgan to Mc Bride
to Gondii. Lett on bases: Chicago, .4;
Washington. 4. Bases on balls: off
Hcott, S; olf Ayres, 1. Btruck out: by
Scolt, S; by Ayres, 1. Tlms: 1:00. Um
pires: Dtneen end Conolly.
Red Bog Blank. Brtiraa.
BOSTON, May 14. Ijoonard held SI.
Louis to four hits toray and Boston
scored a 1 to 0 victory, Hamilton was
generally effective, but uardner s Hires-
base hit. followed by angles inrieia out
In the second Inning, gave tha Red Bog
the run which decided the game. Ik-ore;
BT. Lot'l. BOSTON.
AB.H. O.A.B. AS H O A B.
Shxtlaa, af. . 1 4 I Ollooeer, rf.. 4 4
Howara. ap. a a a i vioraaa, so., a s e i a
pnui. sb.... 8 s 1 I oiwia. II... 1114
Will I. ma. rl I I i4pekar. cf 8 4 8
B. WoliLor, rf vticott, aa.. 888
('.Walker, If 4 I 8 1 OUarriner. 8b. 8 111
iMrr, lb... 41
Waraa. as... S I S
Acne, c.,.. 81
Jroblna. ... 11
I OKosis. Ik.... SIS
8 K'arrtsan, a. 8 8 II It
1 0 Leonard, p.. 8 S 1
8 Totala ... T 17 11
0 4
5 0
Hamilton, p S 1
hums4nr, s
Miller 4 10
Wallace ....I 4
Totala . . . .14 4 14 14 1 '
Ban for Hamilton In the eigth.
Batted for Williams In the eighth.
St. 1-otlls.. 0 S 0 ft 0 0 0 0-0
Boston 01000000 a-,
Two-bsse hits. Hamilton, O. Walker,
Kngle. Three-bass hit: Gardner. Hits:
(if 1 Hamilton, 7 In seven Innings; off
Bsumgardner, none In one Inning. Bao-rifli-e
hit: Bhotten !. Stolen bases:
Williams (2). Wares, Miller. Double play:
Yerkes to Scott to Kngle. I .eft on bases:
St. Ixiuls, 4. Haeea on bslla Off lon
srd, a. Btruck out: By Ieonsrd, : by
Hamilton, I; by Haumgardner, 1. Time:
I mplres: Kgan and Evans. ,
1IUSTANTON, England, Msy ll.-Mlae
Gladys Ravenscroft, womsn's champion
of the United Slates, and Miss Cecils
Ijeltch won thslr matches today In the
semi-final round of ths British women's
golf championship played here.
Miss Ravenscroft's opponent waa Miss
Muriel Dodd, holder of the British and
Canadian womsn's championships, while
Miss Leltch met Miss E. Orant-ffuttle.
Each of the winners defested her op
ponent by one up.
Gaston Morris, auto . rarer who par
ticipated In the Elgin, ill., meet, tha
Vanderbllt cup race, grand prlx and Ia
dianapolls speedway races, waa given 110
and costs suspended sentence In police
court for exceeding the speed limit While
driving a touring car on West Farnam
street. Officers Emery and Wheeler
made the arrest,
Fred Nelson was fined to and costs for
speeding, while C. R. Lander, arrested for
the same offense, was dlachsrged.
I For the first tlms this season Ihs Rome
1 hotel bell team was beaten Wednesday.
I The city firemen trimmed them neatly by
la score of IT to 4, the gams telng played
at Thirty-second and Dewey avenue.
' Orleana Defeats Oxford.
OXFORD, Neb., May 14. (Special.)
The Orleans High school bsss ball learn
defeated the Oxford team on the local
diamond Wednesday afternoon by a score
of S to 7. Tha gsme was featured by
hsrd hitting and many errors. Munson,
Oxford's left fielder, the first man up,
made a home run on the first ball pitched.
Batteries: Orleans, landerireen and
Si-hang; Oxford. Pettygrove, Lea is and
Ucndler. , I mplre; Bar bee.
Teachers and All
to See Ball Game
School teachers gnJ pupils will see ths
ball game between Omaha and Topeka
May 22 as guests of Pa Rourks. Presi
dent C. T. Walker of the Board of Edu
cation took the matter tip with Superin
tendent B. V, Oraff and teacherg will bs
notified thst they are Invited to sttend
the game and chaperon their pupils. Ths
teachers, especially, have been urged to
attend with the promise of "a good tlms
and A victory for the home team."
Another Twirler
Signed by Eourke
Once more has Ta Rourke purchased
a new pitcher. Thla tlms It Is Tipple
from 1 the Columbus American assocl-
O.alion team
Tipple la a big husky right
hander who looms i r
!-,,'. ,,
rt Oroxer who Is
p some higher thsn
himself of smpls
proportions. Tipple reported for duty
snd Is ready to hitch Into the harness
kt AST-time Johnny rails. It Tipple goes
good and Willis snd Grover prove to be
ss good In future games as they wsrs
In their opening- battles Pa will prob
ably swing the axa on some twirler es
pecially as George Stevens will toon be
out In a uniform. ' '
The third round of tha high school ten
nis tournament baa been played and tha
results srs ths following:
Larmon won from Caldwell; toora, 8-4,
Flothou won from Blocking; score, 8-4,
Brotherton won from Oardlpee by ds
'"it. ; . . v
rowelt won from Olasen, soore, S-L SA
One match wss also played In, tha
scml-flnals, Powell .winning from Brota
erton bjr a 100 re of 8-0, 6-1, l-t , .
Mashing Blocked
at the Carnival by ;
Carrying a Baby
How "mashing" may be eliminated an-,
tlrely and without the ' mbarraashisj
drawback of pot lee proseoutlon wsa
demonstrated last night at tho Owl's
carnival at Twenty-first and Psul streets.
Two exceedingly handsome young women,
unattended, were strolling around tha
midway, taking In tha sights, and many
a young bucko caught his breath sharply
and kept tils eyes glued upon thsm. Sot '
not a solitary remark: wss mads. -
The reason waa thst one of the girls
carried In her arm a tiny little bundle,
which she frequently hugged . . and
caressed. - v
"Dot the kid with her. Trobably th'ol'
man's lurking In ths offing," was ths re
flection of the mashers. '
But only the ticket-takers at the vari
ous concessions knew different- Whan
they tried to get three -tickets from tha
two young women snd the "kld't they all
admitted "It wss on them," because the
'kid" waa plaster parts, and hsd been
woa at one of the various raffles. It
looked tha Bert, though, and the results
It brought wers so pleasing to the young
woman that she declared It Vo be 'better
protection than a policeman beau.
"I'm going to buy one for my sister.
too," shs declared. ' " ' "
'And I'm going to gt ons fur myself,"
said her companion.
Then they took In the show called
Country Club Has ; ;:
500 Sheep at.Work
Eating Dandelions
A flock of 500 sheep have bsen put to
grass on the golf course at the Omaha
Couhtry 'club for the purpose ot- ex
terminating the dandelions which' have
been causing much difficulty to golfers
on the greens. The species of sheep em
ployed regard dandellns with more
favor than they do grass, So that: the
greens themselves are not damaged. At
first but TOO cheep were put - to grass.
but so great waa the success of ' the
project that e more were put-to -work
en4 It la. expected that ths dandelion
Will ,be kept down. , ......
.Contracta will bs roads ty Park Corh
mlssloner J. B. Itummel with tha Young
Men's Christian association anJ ' Fetr
brother's bands to furnish musto 'for the
perks this summer. The piioe has been
agreed upon and will be announced whets
the contracts are signed" Friday. . . .i
George Oreen, who. usually furr(lslia
the park music during the summer, asked
for all ths work or none,' it Is understood,
and Commissioner Hummel . has sllm
Inated him.' v
Ths money to pay for thess park con
certs is donated. Ths - street railway
company and the brewers have so far
given all that baa been received toward
this purpose.
James Hunter, 86J3 Ui street, was
s rreated by Officers Brtnkman and Doian
at Twentieth and Paul streets Wednes
day evening aa a auspicious character.
Hunter wsa complained Of to the police
by residents of the district, who declared
that he attempted to persuade sorus
young girls into Joining , the carnlvsl
attractions, lis waa sentenced by Judge
Hascall to ten daya In jail. .
Thievee overlooked about 82.000 worth
of diamonds In the safe of. tho John
Corby establishment. 15 U Webster street,
Wednesday night, when they entered the
store and stole about !0 worth of mer
chsndlsa. Ths strong bo was unmolested.
Irk Iteanarke.
Mrs. A. I Luckle, Fast Rochester. !'
T waa a victim of sick headache stid
despondency, caused by a badly west
ened and debilitated condition ' of "her
stomach, when she began taking Ctii
berlsln's Tablets. She says. "1 found
them pleaaant to taks. also 111 lid and af
fective. In a few woeks' lime 1 p. as. re.
stored to my former good health." All
dealers Advertisement.