Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    run hkk: omaha. fkimay. may 15, i:m.
Fidelity Btorag Taa Co. pong. 1U.
Mar aVoot Print It Now fleacon I'res
Uf Ming- rUtur--uri-Crrdn o
Monthly Xncons for lata Uoultl. Boa
Wham yon know gas lighting yu pra
ter tt. Omaha lias company. 10 Howard
trcct. loulaa 06.
Goodrich Qnaranteed OardeB oaa,
balf-lnch Whirlpool, five ply. ll'V- foot
at Jaa. Morton A Fon Co. Buy now.
Would Polloa Jnd- John N. Paid
win, ranrtlrlata for the rerutllran noml
nation for poll- JudKe. haa filed In the
nf fl of the county treasurer. C. II.
Hllyer. republican. Ima filed aa a candi
dal" for Justice of the ;race.
Haw Trial for Leati A new trial In
the rape of Kred I.entz, Fifteenth an1
Kamam Mret. thaixed with selling
liquor after hour ha been called for
by City Prosecutor Kred Anheuser aii'l
ha been set for Saturday afternoon.
Win XMaenea stew U?hts Member
of the Deer Park Improvement Huh will
meet thin evening at Vinton at haul
to rllsn; the proposed IlKhtlng con
tract n under consideration1 hy the
rltv council. Speaker rted on the
subject will address the assembly.
TVo Bate on Klleajre Baala rasrenger
TraJflc Munajrr Fort of the Inlon
Pacific lr bark fiom Chicago, where.
with other railroad officials, he worked
out a division of the farea to ha received
from Panama exposition visitors next
year. The prorating In on a mileage
Thleres Take Caab aad Bpectacl
Bam Harris, TV; Burt street, haa In
formed the police that e-rrieone gained
entrance to hie house Wednreday even
Ing hy raising the basement window
and carried away 13) In cash and three
palra of spectacles The thief left the
front door open when he left.
Schaoor Tlaad $S and Coeta A.
Erhnoor, 115 North Twenty-sixth itreet
who. h!le riding a niotrcycle at Twcnt
e ond and Kmtnet Mteets, Wednesday
afternoon, collided with another tnni-hlne
on which were ridln Abe Htune and
fmed V anl wli in police court for
reckless dilvtng.
Wa'.tera at Chicago 'Jeneral ManiMf'T
'altera of the Northwetcm It m
Chicago !n conference with trie executive
ant tp.rUng officers of the sjstem
Th a meeting will have to do with freight
business and extra train eervlie during
the cnm'ns I'lmmir In the e ent It la
thought that It is needed In the western
portion of the road's territory.
Perpetual Injunction 8uit Now Be
ing Argued Before Mnnger.
Cite. Anion of the Corporation aad
llerteree (hat Dollar aa ttmll
Be 1 wreaseaahle aad
The final hearing In th case of the
(it company against the city of Omaha
baa started he fore Judge Thomaa t".
Munger In the t'nlted fttates district
court. The r-aae Inatltnted In IDIl has
progressed slowly owing to the diffi
culty In securing the depositions and the
numerous motions which have been ar
gued In the case. In which the gas com
pany seeks to obtain a erettial In
junction restraining the city from en
forcing the dollar gee ordinance, and
further asking that the dollar gaa ordi
nance be declared null and void.
The contention of the city la that the
law which gave the ntty authority to
frame and grant the franchise Is un
The gaa company claims that the law,
even If defective, a point which Is not
conceded by the plaintiffs la the case,
that the subsequent action of the city
In exacting and receiving the royalties
and other acta en the part of the '
company, haa constituted a ratification
of the franchise whk h counsel for the
gas company refers to In argument of
the' case, aa the contract between the
city and the gaa company.
Herd man Oaeaa Cue.
W. T. Ilerdmsn opened the argument
for the gas lompany, outlining the Is
sues of the se. The action of the gas
company was originally based on th
talldlty of Its franchise contract with
the city, executed In 195. and upon the
furtlier ground that the rates specified
In the dollar gas ordinance were uurea
eonable and confiscatory. The second
ground, that the dollar rate Is confisca
tory, has bten dismissed. It being -the
contention of counsel that the Issues of
the case were confined to and would tie
decided upon the question of the contract
W. l. Ilerdman and W. U McHugh
of Omaha with J. W. Dana of Kanass
'Mty are appearing for the gaa com
pany, while Ben Baker and W. C.
bert represent the city of Orruha a' the
Frost Reported
in Several Sections
Throughout State
Scattering sections throughout Nebraska
were visited again by frost Wednesday
night, according to station reports re
ceived by th tpilroade. Freeaing
temperature we recorded In aome local
' lt!e.
Sargent, according to the Burlington
report, was the coideat point in the state,
there the hermometer Indicating de
gree above zero. At Sutton It was 12; at
Hastings and Crete, tt-, at Red Cloud.
Brown rilia, Rulo and Table Rock. to.
Osrdener on the market yesterday
arted that there we no frost either
, pr downba river, in the. vldaity of
.Crib. -
r, v. ', .
..r w e--i.i
'...' . ;
: ... R !t
, . . . - M
r; I
Assistant to President Buih Assert
130,000,000 Will Be Raited.
New Teirk Hanker" Hefnse in Ki
lend Time and t.nald Line Are
Seentlaai for rsad Meet
Large tlbllgatlna.
Ctmpletlon of the ten eilia floors of
th new Fontenella hotel building waa
practically assured at a meeting of tna
board Of director ft the bull ling A -..
nnd mortgage for th ptirpnaa
authnrlaed, and th leasing company will
take enough of the second mortgage
bonda to furnish tha money for th com.
pletlon ef all th floor. Th second
mortgage will be for M.onn, if whlelt
tr&nnn will gn for completion of th
flonr. Ill.ono will pay for th xlra
twea'y-two ft of ground bought
ytsr ago. and ln.4no will go Into th
treasury. President O W. Wattls of the
company waa alo guthorlaed to proceed
with hi arrngtnnta for tha ,n
first fort tags loan, which he haa been
negotiating. Tha question of the rale of
Interest thin loan hoti14 carry hag mA
th only delay In closing II. Bis pt t
will prubthly ba pld.
Dr. Klnar'a Steer I. If PIMa.
Tor eenstlpttton, torpid llvr, allow
complexion. taelr frequent tiee will
strengthen ard add tone to your ytm,
All druggists ,Advrttment.
Omaha Boy in Midst
of Firing at La Pa3
Hugh Bherwood, the Omaha lad who re
enlisted In the Cnlted htatee ravy when
th wr acare cam to a head, wrltea Ui
Edward to.-ekal of tha Unltt-Doeekel
Drug company he got a taste of real
action at L Pas. Hex., where his ahlp,
the) I-awrene. went to secure American
refugees from Mexico. Th Lawrence
asked for coal and It waa refused oy
tha martial government, so the crew
proceeded to tak th coal anyhow. Th
Mexican offered earn objections, but a
few shot from the chip's gunf and the
determined attitude of tha men orer
cam th objections. Th Lawrence took
aboard quite a number of refugee, as the
federal snd rebel are In almost con
stant action In that neighborhood, ac
cord I r.g to Eherwood.
l (.'. Msrkham of Ht Louis, aealstant
to ITesldent Hush of the M.seourl raclflc
railroad, ia In town, having come In from
the aouth while out on a trip over some
of the rompany line. While Mr. Mark
ham doe not pretend to speak for Pres
ident Bush or the executive committee
of the road, he Is of the opinion that no
difficulty will be experienced In raising
the $10,0ii0,0Oii by June 1 and which la re
quired to be paid over lo New York to
take rare of notes that fall due on thct
The l.V.0"0 is not money that we
borrowed by the Missouri Pacific, but
Inatead, i an obligstlon of the Western
Pacific. Owing to the Immense cost of
construction and the numerous costly
washouts that followed, the Western wss
compelled to hate that Ki,VA,0). so It
gave short time notes, payment of which
waa guaranteed by the Ienver Rio
Grande, another rtould property. The
Mlsaotirl Pacific got Into the deal by en
dorsing the not and la now In position
where It may have to pay them unless
an extension Is granted, hkh now seema
to b Improbable, aa aome of the New
Tork bsnkera holding the paper have re
fused to g e more tl,r,e.
Mr. llarkham ert that at this see-
an of th year crop prospects threogn
the whole of Missouri Pcf!c territory
were never so good as now. In Kansas
he saya they are falsing of a yield of
lW.00.Oor to WtWi bushels of wheat,
and If either ettlmate ahould be reached
It would be a bumper crop.
Key ts tha Bituatlom Be Advertising.
A Care tare- 'r tisattk.
Mrs. Wm. M. Thompson of Battle
Creek, Mich., writes: "I bar bee
troubled with Indigestion, soar stomach
snd bad breath. 'After taking two bottles
of Chamberlain's Tablet f am welt
These tablets are spleadtd notta better.
All dealersA d-vrtlemer)t.
f ., A,
u J
: 1 1 a
if - !
V f
Just right in Quality,
just right in Purity, just
right in Flavor
Blue Ribbon
I just right in every respectjust right
all the time. Rendered and kept to by
constant care in the selection of mater
ials, skillful brewing proper aging.
The Pabst Company
Ti Doj-W
1X7 LarBc-f- OMAHA. KEB.
' I a n u p. all
klnde, shadow
flotinclngii. linen
clunys, net nr
Irish cn-chet. etc ,
;lrd ..MVlZ
Uj lT jiStore Hour: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. B&turdAyi Till 0 P.M.
rXiUy, May 16, 1014.
N tl n oek end
wis dg, lne-
tlnne, flouncing,
matched set, Jkn
n a0 vluee at.
rM ... i22c
mVtentl an1 ilarnej.
Your Choice Friday From Our Stock of
REGARDLESS of what tb former price nmy lmvr Jon, or how Wrvimiogljr
Wautiful tho hat may be thorn are no rr"trirtion norm laid bh'kIo, but
very hat ip inrludol in thin offering at $5.00.
Sale Starts Promptly at 8:30 Friday Morning, and Nat
urally the Best and Prcttutt Will Go first
Every hat in the entire apuortment in a mart and charming Btyle and you
may have one to match each frock for there in no two alike.
.Tust such hats an will grace the various nmmer functions garden partie,
commeneementH, dansantn, country club parlien, all the indoor and outdoor
event" of warm weather.
Come and come early and take advantage of thin moiit wonderful offering.
srgs-Vask 0. aand ltt.
On Bargain Square No, 1 in
the LINEN Section Friday
Rnertal lot of union huek towels. htDitltCbe4
union dmsk toweJg. tarklsb bath tiU, Uc
trimme'l drsar scarf. mbrollre4 drstsar
acarfs. 24il4 tsptcf
nlaeea. BattSQbarE
dolHew. all )DD gUSt
towels, rrldsr at .
jga C- Twr.
Choice 10c
Odd Pi cc es of
WHITE wUk (old Hoe. In.
rltidloa putura. bakers,
dinner plali. rrupt and saqcers,
ptunars, coTrad dlsbes, etc..
aaally worth lie to
10c Meb. Mstcbad
acts ca bo nad
rii4r, cbolca, oaeb
tuass aTart
aiBoss, arc.
On Bargain Square No. 2 in
the LINEN Section. Friday
34t4 draws work renter pi Is BaXlenbsrc
renter places, !ac tiinmad dressar ergrfs od rer
tr placws to match, t-rr4 plecs of anion tablo
damask, 10-ysrd pieces of all Unaa crash, 10-yard
plaoa of diaper rlotfc.
l-yard ploeta of 4tiarh
Parslaa tawa, bath room
rues, ate, eawb
aargess-Waab C U mv.
Choice 39c
Thcae COATS at
lattead of $18.00 or 120.00
X aataplo
coati. most
ly only otio
of a style or
kind, bat all
aliM for
women aad
misses a r
Tha mato-
rlala aro tha
a a o a'a
most dewty
abla la aa
ty blvo, tan.
black, un
co grsa,
black, ate.
Vary P
clal for Fri
day, at. !
arfaasv-sTasb O. riar.
Remnant Lengths of Silks Friday
That Were 50c to $1.25, Yd. 39c
THE langtbs ara 1 to I yards aad Includa such
favorad wssta as foulards, tafftas, meassllnes,
pongeejs, sres, poplins, tab silks, widths to to
2 Inch as; formerly ltd to 1.2(, Fiidar, tha yard. . . ,
I MUk Poplfaas, 07
In a full lino of plain ihadoa. 3
Inchoa wIJa, reu)sr
prico II. aaJ plica, yd O C
grt--a C Waia
IJSM MewtaOino Mlks. Mr
atrlps and cbacks, prattf lino
of colors; 34 In. wlda;
raff, price. fl.Ji, at,
12 He and 19c Yd.
SHORT lanftbs of raff alar
lie to ICte mataiiaJa.
leofftha 1 to I rard. lacJadiac
ratines, cropaa. cities balls tea.
madras, mails, ate, X to 49
Inches wldt aad srerr deslr
abla eolor,' mdar, yard-
12cand 19c
4A-lsv-h VoUer
With acat prlatad floral da-
rgns en white
(roands, yard . .
fffesa-kTaak Oa
NOTION Special,
Met e e 1 1 r
frame. a 1 1
tM. Ie f m
kind for.. I W
mas seem t&
ail widths. II
yard bolts. Cm
ls a-t.. OB
EmbroiiWy odcte Ac kld,
yard Ic
ttBB. !'. bOS.'
H'MWirt4 a4s
fetr slea C.
ftena bate ( fMl
; aa)
r.tMM fw.Li- 1 ere. M
ee. tried
card f-r.
sWara Msyilsvff. ail rotors, lost
brelt for e
KieA'li t.r
hUii. Ih A,
klad 6
Hair rfm la all
ar.aydea. m I
ISe bind
SsrJ'ar (ron
Z"."4. 25o
aatrt braid. I
yd lta.JI C.
cot,l' 1M B
Home Dresses at
THET' E 15
valusa aad
yoo will a
pr aetata thej
faot Brt
thoroacb I j
whoa y a
awa than.
Mad o f
atnp4 aad
rbevked pr
ca)w aad
fflnffhara al
m p I I I I
Cham bray.
Low, roaad
r aquaro
aack, a 1 1
aatly trim'
mod, splaa
did fltUiff
d r o aeag
desirabls sev
letWa o f
color laga.
Vary special
rnday, a t,
C yieaw.
Sale of Lawn
Needs Friday
Oak Ur 14 to K-ltcb. 2A
14 to IC-tnch. rugraatd
4 ctt'itg blades, ae'f sbarrii
laff, 14-lccB. 14.60 alo
14-tacb. bail tetrltf AAh
lH&ch. ball tear1aff M 7
High wbeej. f ill tall bn,ff
14-tacfe mower $A.7S
IMaca c-ower AAA
Hiffta (rada fteter umA.
fcifh wbel. bla-dea
It-iica tsowr A
ll-isca iLoetr MM
2';-lt,cb tAOwcr (104
MsBsew (jraa Cm. aljliSt
at. (siraal4 bottoia . . . a
CtttH Crwao fsCchew. gay ..
at t
fa lee taa fail rolls. 1
asar feet, for Te
la full rolls of II raaetsf
Jeet. ! Qvara fwet . .
In the Economy Basement
Women's $3 and $3.50 Pumps and Oxfords, $1.89
THEY'RE lb aeaacn a lata. sy1g la colonlaJs, button
and lac oifords: broke i m aaaortmesls la II. a
aad ft. I line, all sti repreBted, hit not rery b1m
ia earh style), pair
Childress's rxfords, $1 Jt9 "Womum't Ot fords. MsV
Bstoa or lace s'yle ta ail slaea: ' Oifords aad MBpt, solsII aisaa
bt laevtbars. wra tt. fJl 39 : aly of rears la r fit or
frlday. . 114 Ihm, rriday, pair. . 071
i: U. II-
Maalla at Ac
fUmasnt of Bleachad Mialis,
ard wldt. pnl rrt- C
day. th yard
Towe4a a Vc
Hack or Tarktsh towwla. plaia
aad eolorwd bor4rs. 1
Friday. c UfiC
rtar Clock. Ac
rxape clh. J7-ta. wlda. e
frtday. tbo yard OC
Waet'S Iter Vawta. Hc
Lrw aah aad airla.
ftll upwd. war er, forUZC
SV VaUm Mu, S4
Tor boys. Porwaa asewb. short
slte-a aad kt;
war t. mday. oach. .
Wbsb 'a Hoe.
Black cxa. out also,
fall seaaslswi. rrlday.
Maw mm BwyW
ftVrtc sol lad aavd
to 7; war Ht. to .
Friday, caoieo
Mew 'a H"m. tHe
Black or taa cottoa; all Ql
aU, vary spwrlaJ, pslr. OjC
Mnar'a Miirta. V.
Ooo4 ejialiuaa gxd good pat tare t
aB ft okars Uaaderad caff,
all silffbUy s'iVed, nr
Friday, c hoa 4OC
. 10c
1. ad sew
Remnant of Wah
Cooda, SVtc
thoasaad yard of
was ffo4. short
Vawfftta of 1 to t yards, la
dadfiff fopllas. lavas,
era tea, pwrcalaa. fflsfbaats.
tc.. If soid off tbo aclt rrvo
womld b Ue to 2sc. Friday.
sr. .rr? sic
74 fwrawaa mt
Xow lerw ct bast, loaf skirt la
bwUoto. ooaUl or aav- A (
bar . 7lc ktad. tvr..HVC
Ur. Cpmttmtym, 64W
1m alffbt ffowaa of aalaaoolr,
alaboratoly trlsiaod ia ls. a
breddery tBdaJVes and rtbta
rta bwadiaff, war r r
C f'r OilC
7c Oywws ad 4c
Also fall Vaafftb patttcoaa. asa
brotdary aad laco trlfla if)
av4. were 7e. for i7C
2c Maalia) tfrwwatra. ITc
With halubod ritn. alao
a:aaock crs ner. with
est troidery s4 rlbaw
tngsai!as, warajie. for
Odkr Hraaaiews, 3l
Brcrkaej riaao, trlouiad wta
broidry. l klad. ni
for t 1 C
im Ctsff1aias.
4 Baai xpbyr ff!ahaaka. avVsv
did aseortaveat of eoiors aad pat
tans; relr prVo
iBsriresft-Kuh Co. ETtrybodj'i Etora ICtb sA JUrsssszszi