Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE TIKE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1!14.
J jaj I
"Tiz" For Aching,
Sore, Tired Feet
''TIZ" for tender, puf fed-up,
sweaty, calloused feet
and corns.
"Akt Br.
"TIZ'. b ih
People who are forced to stand on their
feet all day Vnow what sore, tender,
sweaty, burning feet mean. They uac
'TJZ' and '"HZ" curca their feet right
up. It keeps feet In perfect condition.
"TIZ" li the only remedy in the world
that draws out all the poisonous exuda
tions which puff up the feet and cause
tender, aore. tired, aching feet. It in
stantly stops the pHln In corns, callouses
and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah!
how comfortable your feet feel after us
ing '"riZ."' Vou-ll never limp or draw
lip your face In pain. Your- shoes won't
tighten and hurt jour feet.
Get a 15 cent box of "TIZ" now from
any druggist, department or general
store. Just think! a whole year's foot
comfort for only 26 cents. Advertisement.
Formal Request Filed with Inter
state Commerce Body.
State Railway foasnileaiea Will
Await Decision of pr I sari
Jartadletlea qaeetlea 1 a
Telrlatg Osaaha Traetlaa.
"Gains 22 Pounds
In 23 Days"
Remarkable Experience of F.
Gagnon. Builds Up Weight
"! was all run down to the Y.ry bottom."
rites r. ilernon. "I had to quit work I waa so
'Ak. Now. thanke to Karatl. 1 look like a naw
nan. I salnai 22 pounds In S3 dam."
"Saranl haa put 10 pounda on ma In 14 dara."
lata W. O. Hoherta. "It has mad ma aleoa
en)r what I ata and enables ma tu work
with Interest and pleasure."
' :-.r' . .. .
t nm, unowa. bobvbt body
"Before I took Barrol people need lo call nw
'aklnay' but now my name la rhaasml. My whola
bodT l atout. Hat gained li) pounda and. in
saining rat. I look like a new man," 'declared
an.ther mas who had lust ttntaned the Sargol
Would too too. Hka to quickly put tram 10 to
aa lha. of eood. eelis. ar-tnre - nesn. imi anu
aiiiarular tUaue batwaan your akin and bonea?"
Uoa't say it oan't ba done, wr It. Liat ua eesd
you free a Me petkaie o( .Saras an pro-re what
It ran do for you.
Mora ihen hair a million thin man and wom.a
have gladly made thia taat and that Saraol doea
suixeed. doaa make tbln folka fat eras whare all
else haa failed la boat pnrred ) the tramendoua
h.iainae. ww hava dona. No drastic diet, nran
H.m. olla or etnulalona. but a simple. home treatment, mi oik ire coupon anu
end for tills Free parkag today, enrloetng only
ID rente In .llrer to h.lp par paatage. packing, etc. The Sargol Co., 74-T Herald Bldg..
Blna.amlon, K. V. Take Hargol with your meals
and watrh It work. Thla tern will tall the story.
Thia coupon. wHh 10c In elleer te help pay
poetage. paklng. etc., and to ahow good faith,
nil Ilea holder to one aflo package of riarsol
Free. Addreaa the Sargol Oo., 74-T Herald
mug., ninahemton. N. V.
(F'rorn a Staff Correspondents
MXCOL.N. May 14. (Special.) A de
mand for lower freight rates on apples,
slimed by the railway boards of Nebraska,
Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, ma today
forwarded to Uia Interstste Commerce
commission by tha Xebiaska Hallway
Three different complaints have been
drafted, each ona running s gainst twenty. J
five to thirty-five railroad companies. All
of them set forth thst the rates charged j
on fruit rald In the territory Included
in the complaints are unreasonably Warn
In comparlxin with rates lnother sections
of the country.
The first complaint, relating to ship
ments esstward, deals with tha Mil
waukee. Madison. Indianapolis, Chicago,
reoria, pringfieli). Columbus, Cincinnati
and Louisville markets to which lower
rates ere requested. Tha fruit growers
are anxious to reach these points In the
eastern markets which rates now praa
tically exclude them.
Complaint No. !. dealing with ship
ments north and northeast, names Min
neapolis. St. Paul. Diiluth and 8outh
Dakota as objective points for. rats re
duction. Complaint No. I applies to the southern
states of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia
and Mississippi.
The country Included In the complaint,
dscsribed as tha greatest apple growing
section in the world, takes in the follow
ing portions of tha four states:'
Nebraska Six counties bordering the
Missouri river.
Kansas Five north astern counties.
Iowa Five southeastern count!.
Missouri Eight northeastern counties.
Roars! Will Await Ceart.
Representees J. A. Davis of Omaha,
who filed the !x-or-a-quarter complaint
against the Omaha Council Bluffs
Street Railway company before tha State
Railway commission was at the capitol
yesterday. Inquiring when his complaint
would be taken up. The commission has
indicated It would prefer to allow tha
complaint to rest until the supreme court
haa announced rulings on some Important
cases which have been submitted, and
which involve tha powers of the commis
sion in Just such cases as the Davis com
plaint Invokes.
Report on Caws ait Theater.
; C. M. Day, special veterinary examiner.
completed his Inspection of 116 dairy cows
at Tbedford during tha last ten days
and has submitted his report to tha state
veterinarian. Tha examination was
ordered whan Dr. Kigln discovered
tubercular eattle In tha hards which wars
being sold for blooded stock at Tbedford.
Day reported that thirty of tha IVi
cows he examined had symptons of
tuberculosis. ,
Pool Files sva Popallst. '
: Labor Commissioner Charley 'Pool
a cog yesterday whan he wanted to cop
tha populist nomination for secretary of
state. . Ha has already filed for tha
democratic nomination and filed a populist
petition today from O areola. He forgot
to fill out tha acceptance ' blank accom
panying the petition, however, and ha
must do this' within five days or tha
petition will be thrown out.
Confer Over Rates.
C. J. Lane and H. Rockingham,
representing the Union Pacific railroad,
H. H. Holcombe of tha Burlington and
II. W. Jonea of the Northwestern, all of
Omaha, held a conference with members
of the railway commission today, with
reference to tha new class freight rates,
which tha commission will announce In
a week or ten days. The visitors supplied
the commission with several tables of
figures, which thsy asked ba considered
before definite action waa taken.
Iaapw't Rifle Bssgt,
Adjutant General Hall mat Captain F.
C. Rtritslnger, regular army officer de
tailed by the War department to Inspect
the new range site for tha guard, at
Omaha yesterday and the two left im
mediately for Plattsmouth to look over
the grounds. Tha site covers about too
acres of land.
Former Tecumseh
Banker in Trouble
at Spokane, Wash.
TUX LMtJKJl. Nb May 14. - Speiial.)
The Information Is authentically given
out. here that Charles M. Chamberlain,
wrecker of the Chamberlain Banking
house In this city, Is in serious trouble
at his home in Spokane. Wash. Mr.
Chamberlain has been living at Spokane
for aome two years. pre1ous to whirh
time he resided at rullnian. Wash. It
la ststed that tha charge against Cham
berlain Is forgery snd that his trial will
Ik gin there Friday. The statement la
that the man who is pushing ths suit
against Chamberlain la George Oray. a
former boras buyer of this section of the
country, but who located In the north
west a few years ago snd prospered re
markably financially. Chamberlain haa
either been In the employ of Mr. Gray
or In a partnership deal with him, and
stories van" as to the amount Involved,
running from a thousand or two to aome
1j,0P0. However, that ha la to come tip
for trial this week there Is no doubt, and
four of Tecumseh's cltitens, County Clerk
J. P, Kelley, Attorney Frank U Dins-
more, P. !. Jones snd Sheriff EX !.
Roberts hava gone to Spokane to appear
against Chamberlain, their testimony to
be as to Mr. Chamberlain's character
and his experience In the banking bust
ness here, and the .long drawn-out litlxa
tlon which followed.
Boys Who Robbed
Store at Talmage
Are Out on Parole
NEBRASKA C1TT , Neb., May 14.-Spe-clal.)
Three boys, Bunny l.uckey, aged
14; Everett Robertson, aged IS years of
age, and Marlon Marshall, aged IT, all
sons of farmers residing near Cook, In
Johnsoffcounty, went to a dance near
Talmage on Saturday night, and while
there concluded they would do something
out of the ordinary. They stole an auto
mobile belonging to William Berg and
went to Talmage and entered and robbed
the store of William Kramer. They were
apprehended Monday night by Sheriff
Fischer, brought to this city, where they
confessed and returned all the goods.
They ware taken before Judge Begley of
the dlatriet court, who explained the en
ormlty of their crime and paroled them
on their good behavior until tha next
term of he court. All are bright boya,
never having been guilty of any crimes In
the past and are sons of prominent farm
ers. '
Not until week starting Sunday, May 17. will any living soul in Omaha witness at the Gayety
Theater the griping 6-reel film production
til LJ Immi L I In nl Lai Vsm! Xwirkxi
Vy I I LJ ULi Zy
n r
MMta attLOM tMkMH Mlsfcisiill
Identically as It was displayed 200 consecutive times at Weber's Theatre, on Broadway, N. Y. City
YORK, Neb., May U-lSpeclal.Wiidge
Wray, president of tha Town and County
club, recently organised, haa announoed
the board of directors as follows: James
Harvey, A. W. Thompson, Dennis Mee
han. C. E. Bandall. W. I. Klrkpatrtrk,
W. A. Harrison. Wade Read, W. K. Oould,
Dr. O. P. Shldler.'C. O. Ltnetrom, W. C.
Baer, William Stein, to represent tha
town, and Orvllle O. Jones, Cort McCar
thy. William Brooks, A. A. Barr. Frank
Moyer, R. F. Oetty, Albert Peterson. T.
H. Clifford. Phil Rlmsdale, T. C. An
dresent, Robert Florer, Ed Klone, to rep
resent the country.
You can get rid
of itching with
HAT .relief I The ery first
application of Resinol Oint
ment stops the itching and your
tortured skin feels cool and com
fortable at lest Won't you try
the easy Resinol way to heal
ecseroa or other akin-eruption?
Doctors have yrttcrihtd it for
nineteen years.
testae! Ola wt rut. with tha kelp ef Keeta
Eoas. elaar a ray ptmplaa and blarlr hear! a.
aad ia a sttoet valuable hausaaoU remedy
for aarws, bona, boils, piles, ate. Bold by
elldrasrtet. ForeampLesrrtl taRcaiaol.
Pept. I-S. Baltiawre. ML
PAIRBURT. Nab., May H.- Special.) -
Asserting that her newly wedded hus
band became Insanely Jealous of her and
atarted a system of espionage by employ
ing private detectives, after she left
Falrbury to go to Bock Valley, la., to
secure bar personal belonginga la a hos
pital so that shs might properly frrnlsii
her home In thla city, hss caused Mrs.
Mary V. Rats to file a suit in district
court for sllmony against her 'husband,
Arthur J. Hats, a wealthy property owner
of thla county and who is rated at be
tween tAOOO and 1100.000.
Mrs. Hats has employed ex-County At
torney C. H. Denney to represent her in
the case.
Prior to ths marriage, March , tha
plaintiff had been a nurse and a superin
tendent of a hoapotal at Rock Valley.
She asserts her husband has never ex
pended any money on her, notwithstand
ing the faot that ba owns three valuabU
flats In. Bt. Louis and approximately 600
acres of land in thla county.
The plaintiff la 30 years old and is un
usually pretty.
Good All Round
aids to rood health and to the
strength, comfort and cheerful
ness which depend onthecondi
tion of health are the famous,
time-tested, safe and speedy
let weerw.ere. U keaaa, tie.
HASTINGS. Neb., May 14,-(Special
Telegram.) The purported will of John
O'Connor, leaving all of the $100,000 estate
to John Culllvan of Omaha waa filed to
day In the county Judge's office.
The will is signed by John O'Connor
and witnessed by J. H. Culllvan of Chad-
ron and I. K. Scott, of Toledo. O. Tt la
dated February . John Culllvan Is
named as the executrix. Cullvan has not
explained why ho did not produce tha
ill till now. A former will In hla favor
waa rejected because It had not been
Senator (.rare Files for Primary.
ALMA, Nab., May 14.-(Speclal.)-8en-
ator J. M. Grace of Mascot filed yester
day as a democratic candidate for a sec
ond term to represent this senatorial dis
trict. Mr. Grace does not bsllevw in tha
hoodoo "IS" aa he baa thirteen ohlldrsa
and filed for office on May IS, and If
elected expects to get seat No. It In ths
Ji'i-'Jilir New.large.1
Aged Nebraska City
Man Is Missing
NKBRAfKA C1TT, Neb, May 14. (Spa
tial) For soma time past Richard Vltta
of this city, aged S9, haa been working
for a sewing machine company at Lin
colq, waa taken sick a week sgo Saturday
and waa sent to his boms with his son
in this county, but. for some reason never
reached home. His son snd daughter are
greatly alarmed at his continued absence
anil fear he Is either sick or met with
foul play, as he had some little money
with him.. He Is a very active man for
hia years and has traveled a great deal
They hava sent out letters all over tha
ststa to relatives where they bad tha
least auspicloa that ha might have gone.
Coraparjnle General
Nrw vonH-HAvate-pama
cmsisct srawrs Te oonTmssiT
fast, turbine.
e and twin
irons Xew Tort -wsaaeaaays
1m Prwvesoe Mar . June 11 Julr It,
La Lorraine Jaa. I. July I. Aaa, I.
L Baoe Juae 1. Julr J. Julr St.
Sail May 27, Jiim 24, Julr 15
Lars ewe elaas (IT) aaMs. twig aares
steeastups. Wuaerter service.
Poeular srtcea.
rreaa ST aw Tor Saturdays
Reohamaeau Mar St. Juae tu.
CkLaso June t Au( J, u fa
Ktasara Juaa II. Julr U. gape it
Oaaadlaa Berrtoe
Montreal-. Qnebee Marra
La Touralae Mar to. June 17.
- Tea captain, aa aeca. steaaier.
acAvmxcs w. xomnwx,
a. West. Ag-t IS M. lasaraers
Ohloage. or I.ooal Aa-sate.
Klalaey TresM aad Weak Bask.
Htgna of breakdown In health; fclectrlc
Hitters gives sura relief and lusting bene
fit from its use. 50c and f 1 09. All drug
gists Advertisement.
II. C. Shit!.' Tourist Agency
Agaat for JU1 Trajta-AUaatta aad
travu-lsGliie staimihlp I. In aw.
Represent Thoa. Cook It Hun, Unl
rerslty Travel Hoclety, Temples and
Raymond II Whltcomb Europeaui Tour
Companies. Ltea!riptlva literature
uid all Information.
Ill aVeath lh art. Vaoaa Song. SS8.
atotterSaai yaria Iadesi erUa
teas a - Moscow SU. lrotersbore;.
Da iNHK Jaar 3 KURSK Juae It
RUSMA Juue t ( UK Juae U
1st (aela Rrm-feiUjK. tea a u; M caa..
let OWn L.ISAU. T 4 ua: M eaWa.
A. JOHN HON a (V).. tei W. Klasla St..
rhlrmae or lral Asenta.
lilll Allliiia.., rev. i, c0. aMkUruaul
4e days. Iu up, ln-ludlng shore ea.curaioas
rraak O. Claxk. Ttines Blag., Mew Tots,
W. B. Bock, .117 aTaraaas Oamaha.
, ,j-'.u- V
f t C. -
The wise man of business, no
matter how vast his enter
prise and responsibilities, leaves the management of his home to
his real "General Manager" the wife who knows the daily needs
of the family and who plans for the conservation of their health
and strength. The housewife who knows
has already solved the servant problem and the problem of the
high cost of living. With Shredded Wheat Biscuit in the house
it is so easy to prepare in a few moments a deliciously nourishing
and wholesome meal in combination with baked apples, sliced
bananas or canned or preserved fruits. It means sound bones,
healthy tissue and clear brain for growing youngsters as well as
strength and endurance for grown-ups.
Always heat the Biscuit in oren to restore crispnes. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits with hot milk or cream will supply all the energy
. needed for a half day's work. Deliciously nourishing when eaten in
combination with baked -apples, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or
canned or preserved fruits. Try toasted Triscuit, the Shredded Wheat
wafer, for luncheon with butter, cheese or marmalade. '
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
IsrgVrt SSCb ,
in the
442 Ships
Warla'i Largest Slrtsiihlpi
JINK 6, 9 A. M.
sag regnlarlj thereafter.
MAY 20, 10 A. M.
aad regularly thereafter.
Praa. Uaoola...Mar SI, AM
amerika May 83,10 A.M.
aterlaad May as. 10 A M.
tSatavia May 83. 1 I' M.
tOraX Waideraee June 4, 2 KM.
. Second Cabin only. tWlll call
at Boulogne. tHamburg direct.
Gibraltar, Naplea and Genoa.
a. . Xambavg. .May IS, t P.M.
. 8. Moltka. . . .June 8, ( P.M.
B. a. Hamburg. . June 30, 1HM
B. . Moltks....July 18,3P.M.
CRUISES to the
Land of the Midnight Sun
teoVaad, Orkney aa4 faraa
Islands, loelaag, Bpltsbergsa,
sTorta Cape. BTorway.
Vtton HAMorRo
During ivwrm, JXJXT and
T lotor Z-ulss" aad
1 MW.- f I
14 to aa DAYS
H aoa.Bo i p
Writs for booklet.
Haicbitrg-Aicerlcaa Lint
V 150 W.Kaadolph fill
VL h OhioeeTO, lie.
or leual
h HI )() HVc3M
a ii
When Meadows
are Green
S THBRK anything in tba world that looks
more contented than a good oow In a
good masvdow?
Yes, thare Is on thing that look more
contented, and that is a good farmer la a
good field of wheat or corn. For be has the
human Intelligence to appreciate the great
harvests that the earth can yield.
People are learning their lessons these
days. People who have starved in the city,
on meager, unwholesome food. People who
have Starr axl their minds with meager, un
wholesome Uvea are learning the lesson that
only the earth can teach. In every big city,
every Sunday, thousands upon thousands of
them swarm out through the railroads and
the trolley lines to some little suburban
woods, or aome nearby farm heavy with the
burden of its yellow hart est.
remaps you nave not yet caugut me spirit
ui mis uiuveiuieui lowaru me iana. remaps
you are already too near to it to appreciate
how good It is.
Hat Just remember this, the thing which
all these other people missed Is the thing
which you are going to mis some day. The
longing which they now have la the longing
which you are going to have before you die.
And the sooner you get that longing and ,
the sooner you satisfy it the better for you.
A little land Is the thing you need most In
the world.
Turn to the Farm Lands advertising la
the Want Ad of this paper. Do It now. See
how easy It la to own a bit of land, especially
with the easy payments that are usually of
fered to you. Answer some of these ads, sad
mention The Bee, please, each time you do
for that will be a help to us as well as to you.
V I 19,1 U '
f t - ' . .-W'AIiT
mil 6 .;,), h' ,,ir; v
i a II as VI
hi, 11 i 1
Mi l T ' -
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