TIJK BEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY U, 1QU. Kerne 5 THE PROFESSORS MYSTERY (WELLS HASTINGS WITH ILLUSTRATIONS fey HANSON pOOTM COPYRIGHT 1911 hy THE DOBDS'MERRILL COMPANY You Can Begin This Great Story To-day by Reading This First I'ror. urcifoy, wuit.iig ui u buumuan station lor a trolley car to take him to tho Alnslles, where he had a social en gagement, encountered Miss Tabor, whom ho had met at a Christmas party the winter before. She. too. Is Invited by tho Alnslles. vwhen tho belated trolley comes, tney stan. off together, to meet with a wreck. Miss Tabor is stunned und Crosby, assisted by a strange woman passengor, restores her, finding ull her things save a slender golden chain. Crosby searches for this and finds It holds a wedding ring. Together they go to the Tabors', whero father and mother welcome the daughter, calling her "Lady," and give Crosby a rather strained greeting. Cir cumstances fiuggest he stay over night, mid he nwukcnH to find himself locked In his room. Before ho can determine tho cause he Is culled und required to leave the 'house, Miss Tabor letting him out and telling him she cannot see him again. At the Inn where ho puts up fie notices Tabor In an argument with a strange Itulifn sailor. Crosby protects the sailor from the croud at the Inn and goes on to the Alnslles, where he again encoun ters Miss Tabor, who has told her hosts nothing of her former meeting with the professor. The two are getting along very well, when Dr. Walter Held, Miss Tabor s half-brother, appears and bears her away. Crosby returns to the Inn and demands to see -Miss Tabor. Held refuses, but Crosby declines to go until she tells him herself. Miss Tabor greets him In a strained way and tclla. him It Is her wlsji ho leave and never try to sec her again. JI says he will not unless Sho send fo'o him. That night bIio calls him to Join In a hprrlcd trip by auto tp few York. Tho chauffeur does not appear to relish the Journey, but Crosby flxe3 the 'ma chine and they are driven Into a crowded titnement district of the city. Hera they ascended several flights of stairs, and found the door at thp top blocked. Forc ing It open, they discovered the body of Sheila. Miss Tabor's nurse,' bleeding rrom many wounds, but with signs of life. Caruccl, thu strange Italian, who Is also Hhella'a husband, Is in a. drunken Btupdr in tho next room. The chauffeur weakens, but Crosby carries tho Injured woman down to, the car, and prepares to drive It himself. Crosby succeeds In elud ing' tho police, but tho' timid chauffeur escapes. With no further adventure the party reaches the Tabor home. Here Crosby learns that Dr. Held Is married 10 Lady Tabor's sister. The details of the adventure arc discussed, und the prpspect of Its getting lntp the papers. Prosby is informed that his former ejectment from tho Tabor home had been a bluff. Tabor explains hqw Sheila caroo to bo the wife of Caruccl, 'and the trouble, the Itlnn had niado for the family, Tho newspapers canto with sensational accounts of the affair, of tho night before, but ho 'rtnmfc? of the persons' who, carried off Mrs. Caruccl. Crosby and Mr. Tabor talk OVer tho situation, and Lady la called to the. door, where sho meets a prying and in quisitive y-oUng man named Maclean, who turns out to be a reporter, and a friend of Crosby. Together they set about to locate Caruccl and solvu the meaning Of a threatening note received by-Tabar. The man hunt leads them through a lot of low saloons, frequented by Italians, where CroBby finds twu suspicious looking men nre also searching for Caruccl. MacLcan informs' hint the' bll$ 'rtrVy asq Watching Caruccl nnd his companion- Crosby con. tults with Lady TabOr, when they are dis turbed by screams In a room upstairs He finds Mrs. Tabor badly frightened. Evidence that someone has Just Jumped from a wlndqw l apparent; at the dopf he meets two men who had followed him and MacLean on their manhunt. While talking to them he is called to the tele phone. Warned that Caruccl Is employed In a nearby grading camp', Crosby goes, to seek him, and gets Into a row, which is Interrupted by Shnjla, who calms Caruccl and sends Crosby back to the house, where he meets Mrs- Tabor, who starts to give him art explanation of the eltttar tion. CHAPTER XV. Mental Heacrynt lona. (Continued.) I tried to play up to tho situation. "It's Just the exaggeration of their care; for you, I suppose. You haven't been qulto well, and they yvorry needlessjy be cause It matters fo much. Didn't you use to feel the same way atjout Lady when she was little and getting over the measles" The next Instant I realized that I should hardly have used' the nickname; but Mrs. Tabor did not soem to have noticed my slip. She waa looking fixedly out through the parted curtains as though there was some one in the hall, and I Instinctively glanced the same direction. When I looked back again, she was stilt distrait, am I went ont "And a.nyway, it's splendid to ee you bo well at last." She smiled. "I haven't really been much laid up at all- I've only been a little overtired. People worry about me loo much. Mr. Crosby. I have a poor heart, but I'm always pretty carefu of myself; yet neither Mr, Tabor nor Lady can seem to let me out ot their sight. I doh't like It." . Sho brushed the hair from her forehead with a weary little gesture ot Impatience. Bhe looked very much as a pretty spoiled child might have. Yet I felt rather dis loyal to the rest of them In' listening. Ot course, Mrs. Tabor meant nothing; she was merely tired and fretful; but still, I did not like being made the confident of these family petulances, Lady; I knew, loved her mother devotedly, and so did Restores natural and youthful color and beauty to grey or faded hair. Positively removes dan druffpromotes a thick, healthy growth keeps hair soft ai)d glossy. Ia not a dye. Your menty back If pqj tliftory. Wc and il. U U Praltri-for trUI ls tat 1 sad duler to Phllo Hsy Specialties i., pewsry i. J- u o- a. rOa BAXB AMD BEOOUMEHIiaD BT KSXBHAN fc VoOONZTUt DKUO CO.. 16th and Bodge, 16th and Harney? 3t tnd rrcam, 307-203 tt. 10th. 1 Now Read On I e y t ? f 03. BRIAN HOOKER. Mr Tabor at least, he had given, every evidence or affection. How would you llko it. Mr. Crosby," sho added, "If you could never go out for even a walk all nlono? And Mr. Tabor has been acting so strangely nil this whllo as If he and Lady shared some secret that they were anxious to keep from me of all people." I was by now frankly embarrassed, and I must have shown it. "I don't quite sec why" 1 began. "Are you in the secret, too?" sho asked suddenly. My hair prickled. "No, of course not," I stammered. "And I don't really tl)lnk that thcro can bo any secret. Mrs. Tabori or anything they would keep from you." Yet 1 began to wonder whether sho were acting clovcrly In ignorance ot how much I really did know, or were actually guarded from all knowlcdgo of the admitted mystery. Whllo I scrambled after u safe word. I heard tho crunch ot wheels upon tho gravel. "There they aro now," I said. Lady and her father came hurrying Into tho room with all the air of having como homo merely to touch base, as the chil dren ay; as If they but wished" to In form themselves of developments before starting out upon another quest. Lady saw her mother first. "Why, mother dear!" she cried- "We " eho stopped. Mr. Tabor coughed. "Where Is Walter?" he asked. "Indeed, 1 don't know," Mrs. Tabor answered rather sharply. "What on earth do you want of him?'' Mr- Tabor smiled slowly and expan sively "I don't want him at all, my dear; but I do .very much want my din ner. Do you think It Is nearly ready? Lady, supposo you poke things up In the kitchen a little, if you can. I am nearly furnished." "Well," said, I, "I (tad nearly forgotten tbout supper, and I believe wo aro to have waffles at thq inn tonight," and I got to my feet. "Mr. Crosby, waffles or no waffles, you are not to go," t,a!d Mrs. Tabor. "Hera wo ate Just started upon a nice little visit, and these ravenous people of mlno como bursting li) from goodness knows where or what, agil becln clamoring for fopd. Since we must e,at, you are to cat wlh us." I said something conventional, with an apqlogotjc glanpo at Mr. Tabor. He was frowning at thp celling as It ho had not heard. It was hardly a comfortablo meal. 1 felt that I should not bp there, and that tho others, thpush for no personal fault of mine, were wishing mo out of the way; while- Mrs. Tabor confined hor conversa tion almost entirely tp me In a way that madp me obvousy a bulwark against them. Sho was bright and chatty enough, but I could plainly feel'' the uneasiness, under it; and aa the meal progressed sho tjecame more uneasy 81)11, now and then suddenly turning In her chair pr laying down her fprli with Mfflc abrupt de cisions that came to nothing, as if sho were hesitating on tho brink of a plunge. Twice slip stretched, out a hand tor silence, listening over hou shoulder a mo mcnt, and then h'Tfylnf hack ntR th,c meaningless and disrupted conversation. As wo were eating dessert, Dr. Rold carac in. fpr a moment. That la, he fame as far as th.e floor, pn4 I thought Mr. Tabor made sonic sort of gesture to njm below the table (op. At any rate, ho turned on bis heel and left, after a nervous word or two. I looked around tp eep iirs. Tabor's tape set an4 stern, every little prettiness of expression fled. I must have stared, for she smiled after a moment, and nodded, at me, mysteri ously as f I ulono shared the secret of tho dislike she had voiced In the after noon. "Come, mother, "dear." Lady said softly. "Here are tho rest of us nearly through, and you've hardly touched your 'ice."' Mrs. Tal)or looked up, vaguely apolo getic. "Why, Miriam, I'm sure I beg your panjon. ' she said. And very meekly she took up her spoon. Qf course it was the most natural slip In the world, and meant absolutely noth ing; but I could npt put put of tny mnd the feeling that somo unrecognized bomb had been exploded in our midst. I could not be merely imagining Lady's deepening color, nor tho nervous hurry wlfh which she forced the conversation; Sir. Tabor and I helping as best we might, and. at best ungracefully. 1 could not shake off that sense of a common consciousness whose existence none pf us admitted, of something vividly present In all our' minds but not to be noticed In words, which makes It so difficult for a-wh,ole company to ijeep their countenancq In the face of an untactful situation; the strain which people feel when one unconscious bote afflicts tho rest, when a stranger rushes in upon the -heels qf an upfinlshed in timacy, or wljen somebody makes an up meptlonable slip of tho lopgue. I knew that Lady and her father were embar rassed by the same trifle which emljar rasscd me; and through the laborious unconsciousness of the next fow minutes, the name of Miriam rang In all our cars uptll Hie very ar spewed as It were to grow heavy with thp weight qf her In visible presence. Th,e tension grew mln uto by minute us vyq talked, until I felt as If I could hardly keep on. And Mrs. Tabor, lopklpg up In a cpmfortless patuo and finding us all ut gaze, broke doyy-n entirely. Her eyes filled, ijnd she pushed back her cbalr "George, dear," she asked plteously, "what Is the matter? What has come to you all?" Then as Mr. Tabor hesitated for an apswer. she turned H'h a despair ing little gesture tq her daughter. "Tou tell me what It Is, ijlriarn," sho cried. Mr. Tabor, rose from the table. "With your permission, my dear, Crpsby and I will gq out and, smoke," he said. "There Isn't anything tho matter. You only fmaglno It; you need Lady tq tel you. bo." Mrs. Tabor turned to me quickly. i'You can smoke here Just as well," she said hurriedly, "I like It- And be'ldes, you are the only one who seems to have any thing to say this evening. These other dear stupid people are both acting aa If we were sitting at baked meats Instead of a pleasant ice. I can't Imagine what has got Into them, unless they have som dark secret of their own-" She was rheerlng visibly as she spoke, but with the est words her fare clouded again. I did my best O keep the talk moving after that, though heaven knows what I found to ray And at last the meal as ovr (To Pe c ontinued Tomorrow My Sweethearts '!! buve," quoth Betty to mc, "two everlasting sweethearts! And I canqpt tell you which I love tho best, for I lovo one with tho 'wlierovcr I am clear acrostj the world I sljall adoro you,' and the other with 'wherever you bo clear acroLS the world I raUBt go with you.' One's big hand I havo gripped and held since 1 first staggered ajong on rolling llttlo feet with tho wind In my skilnny, feathery halr. The hand of the othor Is u nw thrill "that closes on mine and draws, mo into new country into pew lands, whoro tho sky hums bluer titan all blue; whoro tho larks rise into its stunning tizuro, threading spldep. .notes as thoy go; where thu grass Is deep and sweet and starred Illicit with love-blossoms; where tho golden mist o dreams lies low and blinding. One Is wearing bare on tho top of lili frosty head; there aro spider-web wrlnitles nt his eyes, und a mazo of amlly, whim sical lines around his kind, tight mpnrli. Tho pther Is how can 1 'splain this person to ypu? maybe my eyes aro swimming with dream uiid so I can't see right. But straight and tall he stands, ruddy-brown and smooth, bold and daring and keen-eyed, with youth's quick hand pu his shouldor, with ugllo feet that c,n dance on icy floors with mo or climb ambition's twisting stony trail. With on I havo uhumtned and laughed for twenty years, asking a squllllon questions, lean- rr- The Give-Away By DOJIOTHY DIX. Fifty is tie rfUc-away ags with women. It Is the psychological moment when llfo calls a woman's bluff, and when she has to put all of her cards down on the tabe, facu up, so that all the world may ttt what she has and Is. All of her llttlo pretenses, suddenly fall to pieces all her little subter fuges suddenly be- Icome transparent. ' Everything that she has thought and done and been all her life rises up ' and claims her ap its own. I Youth, of itself. Is an Impenetrable dlgule that no body cap fathom. The greatest cop nolsseur of llvfng pictures cannot tell whether ypung girl Is going to mak a beautlfuj woman or not, for practically all young creatures are pretty. Every girl of 18 has, tho dewy eyes, the fresh complexion, the lustrous hair, that makes what thp French call the beauty ot the devil. But when a woman Is to these evan escent charms are all gone, and If she Is still beautiful she must have been mod elled by nature on as classical and en during lines as u Qreek statue Fifty Is 'he give-anay for looks wh-n tho I Merely prtltj woman a prottinesq dls- Ave. Fifty Is the Time When Life Audits Its Account With u wumuii iolves Into thin air, and she turns Into a rag and a bone ami a hank of hair, or elfc into the lvng sepiblanoe of :i pornmbulatlng foather bpd. Fifty U the gvp-ttway age about a woman's Intoll'gencv. The high spirits of youth and its childish curiosity often pass cm rent for cleverness. Wo see a young Clrl with he faco lit up with anlmail-m, chattering n,nd laughing, and wo Judgu her to be bright- Wo kco her vividly Interested In koIii about and taking part In every nev thine that comes along, and wc Jump e.t the conclusion Hint she is one of the woniun vhu grayp life ut every point. This may be true or It may not bo rue. hu may havo Intelligence, or her sprlsht liness may be Just the sprlghtllness of a kltton that wears ofr when she reaches maturity. There's no way of telling whether the uparklo In a young girl's ties thu light of Intelligence or the freshness of Just being 18, but when a woman Is 50 she gives away her moutal status to the last fraction of a hair, Hhe's got fifty years qf living behind her, and It has either broadened her sym pathies K that they take In tho universe or ese they havo narrowed down to what the neighbors wear and her grandchil dren's teething. Oh. there's no hiding ffom the public, whether you'v got scrambled brains or good gray mattcr"ln your hradpece when you are Fifty Is the give-away age for women about character You can't tell anything about a girl's disposition from her far. bcause there nrp no Hues o go by, just by the !mt a woman Is 5Q her eve. ' emotion ha.n rlhed its story on i-r fae Look ut the little flno jipei around Copyright. 19H. International News nnu ntt iucs n llulunci; womniiK ejes, Qno glance will e you whether they have l)n mudu there by fifty year of smllng and good nature or by fifty yar of fretting and worrylug. Look at the curves uround her mouth. It's tm trick ut nil ti tell whether they are lines of tenderness antj 0ffecton i)r thu bltloc linos of nagging and Jealousy and 111 nuture. Thu very mouth thit liaa kissed and ropforted takes on a d(ffotint turn fioni tho one that has quurroled- At U) a woman can no longer hide what sho U spiritually. It conies cut In her face ijndfr tho heaviest .VMffr H 1't'o clalniH ltef In splto of hg njoa'. ta: fullj cultivated manner. It's her .houahtu anil hei attlludo toward 'life that make a woman beautiful at W, and If ho s thought uyll thought apd he" ftlritude tni'.ard (ha woihl Is hard and 3Bfh njt all I he umsuoiir and complexion unefltl. lets In the world cat; help her. Abqve al, W Is jie give-away age f r wqmen as regards the affection of tho about then). At M a woman's phyilcp! fusclnatlons aie gone. She. attract men with her beaqty bor phoun acquainiances wun tpo lute of her youth. It she holds her lamilv anil fr i i. because she has bound them H her by a lhnll.nn.1 unli... b.t.l. . t . . ..M"t- Mi',;.uiu ut uj gononess and helpfulness and IcnderniWJ. We h'ar a lot about mdde-ag. wr-nun, loslpg their husband's love, .id wit a! trlbuto It to the wc-Tien' waning pul ehrllude, but no man evor forsakes wife of SO who halt hrnr n.n, n-ni. --" -- -.. and who has always 5n hi not falth- e .1 . . .. . ' I luiuuut pmi uKrm-a ( j ,n mi)ni HI jNo mlildltsged woman tni ha-i lx-cn a good friend to the i oil ever lacs friend when the If 50, $ By Servlc Ing and listening, holding tho board that Uo drove the nail. Into, reading bin book over bis shoulder, trampling with him through the breezy country silences. Win ouo my comradory has just begun, our hands have only Just met avid our feet fallen Into step Qn tho road that winds and turns and sings away whither? And spmotiniea, when wo turn our heads und lock our winded hands still cjpser nnd look deep Into one- another's stranger-lover eyes with sober Hps (and we stumblu doing this), why, forget my ong, long chumming with my older Lovo! Wnn one, I have known homo nnd lived .. guarded garden. With tho other I will know tho bltter-tjwoet of loving a wild, free laud and perhaps a dove nest In thi. end that I shall hol to build. WltJi ony I havo always takon: wth thq other mtHt also give, I am the 'Baby' or tho ono, and tho other ho Is mine (for all men are. llttlo boys, and the woman win loves thorn mothers thorn). In ono'n eyes 1 look, an,d find there strong, deep, 3plendld loving-love for me unthinking, unselfish, unending, tonder. AnrJ then--and then I turn my face about and search my other lover's eyes. And thore I find Jove, too passion and caressing, glimpses pf- my House of Life and all tho wordless things that Uo under the ajch of Love's hurrying rosy feet. "Two swoothcarts havo I and thoy llko each othor." NULL BRINKLEY. Advice to By UKATHICJ3 FAmiW.X Tlierf Is -No Much Lnn, Par MUs Fairfax: Is there a law In the PnlUd Hlatcs that t-an comwl u wlfi to tiy in Ihn hoiitii from morning til, night unless her husbatid takes her qut. A IIEA11T r'HSTWKKU WFK. Thupk heaven, there l no such law but fliere are laws providing puiiIhIi ment for all men who treat tholr wives with cruelty. Indifference and neglect Tell Jilm of these laws and don't i? afraid. Hutb. Dear Mtss Fairfax: I am twenty and keeping company with a very pretty girl Whq Is tbe only child of a widow. Upon remarking the uncommon whiteness ot her hands the other day, she said Hint the uttrlhuted It to he fact that jier mother nevtr lets her do housework, even cleaning her shoes for her, apij taking them off for her on muddy days. po you think a girl who would ask her mother to do these things for her Is nqturatly selfish, or docs It In this rase prove a spoiled child? ISNCIAaUD. Uhe Is spoiled, which means that she 3b ANDEHBILT 3of el Qjhirtlfburth direct east aZdark Grftkmue.TfcvIorJt "WALTON H .MARSHALL. Mnaer. An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation. Summer lazier Nell Brinkley the Lovelorn Is selflrh. The happiness of the man who marries such a girl 's most un certain. "Mia."' I.f All Jleaiia. Dear lls Fairfax! I work In a shop wih a number of older ladles und we had an argument -over what we should call them. My their first name or "Miss.' as I am a good deal younger than they C. A, 1. It would bo disrespectful under thh rlreumetrini'cs to call them anything but "Mss" Smith or "Miss'1 Jones. If friendship warrants a more Iqt mate -mode of address it la pleasing style to rail an older woman " Mis Jane or ".VJIrs" Mary. (ilvr Hor an Kuirai(emenf Ftlnp. Dour Miss Fairfax; I ,im keening com- I puny with a young lady, Is it proper for me to give her a diamond ring, or will my other kind of rlny do? MhYRK po you moan to marry her? Then hy all means give her un engagement rlng u dlapiond if you can afford It. If she loves you any rlrg you give her will seem beautiful. .'V