Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Webster Desires to Commemorate
Blackbird, Friend of Whites.
Xitfeenma of HUlnrlr Chlrftnln of
Oner rotrerfni Omnhn Tribe of
Indian May lie Seen nt
Conn Honnr.
A statue. Including pedestal, thirty-tivo
feet high, tho fcmblanee of lllnckblrd.
also known as Wssh-ln-ga-sabc. nuted
chieftain of the Omaha tribe f Indians
when II was the ruling force over n nal
western area, to be erected on tho lawn
of the court house, la an Idea placed be
fore the public by John U Webs' er,
president of the State Historical sorlety
Blackbird was a noted warrior Bnd
leader and a friend of the whltrn who
never broke, faith, so Mr. Webster dc
Clares that Omaha coum find no finer
way In which to rommemorate Its earli
est authentic history. The city's war
veterans are agitating a movement to
place a monument In front of the court
house, and he believes artistic demands
would be satisfied by the niacin ot
two fine works of art there. The sub
Ject has been laid beforo Architect Jbhn
Frederick C. Hlbbard. a sculptor of OhI
cago, has prepared a model of the pro
pored statue ot Blackbird. Mr. Webster
was highly pleased with this, and ar
rangement have been made to place It
today in the entrance to tho court hou
on the first floor for public Inspection
Mr. Hlbbard spent considerable time
studying Indian lineaments and physical
makeup. Tho model prepared by him
shows blackbird mounted on a powerful
horse, ''one arm outstretched, and with the
other holding a strap with which to con
trol his steed. Tho features arc- rugged
and commanding.
The Idea of the statue ot Blackbird
came to Mr. Hlbbard through reading a
peech made by Mr. Webster at n meet
ins of the Mississippi Valley Historical
association In Omaha, which thus de
scribed the chief:
"In the earliest authentic days of the
Omahas they had & chieftain known na
Blackbird. Ho was n daring and in
trepid warrior that feared no man and'
shunned no danger. Ho had the spirit
of leadership that would have done credit
to an Alexander when engaged in war
fare with his common enemy, the Sioux;
but he welcomed and always maintained
peaceful relation with, the invading white
race. He encouraged the exchange and
traffic In commodities between the red
men and the white men. as we now ev
chance commodities, but in a larger de
gree, with tho brown men across (he
Blackbird's followers, obedient to hl
command, according f tradition, burled
htm upon "Dtackhlrd hill, sitting upon nia
favorite war horse, with his face to tho
eastward overlooking the Missouri .valley.
Suggested Memorial to Famous Chief
Relieves Hladder Distress nnd Weak.
Painful bladder weaknesses nnd irresru.
lar, sleep-disturbing action soon disap
pear when the kidneys are strpne and
healthfully active. Take Foley's Kidney
Fills for that burning, scalding sensation-
Irregular, painful aetlon-rlieavy.'sore Reel
ing and distress. You will soon ba rid
Of the Irritating acids' that tnflamo und
scald the bladder, und will like the prompt
tonlo and restorative effectthe quick re
lief from pain and distress and the de
cided good results. No others .work so
Swoli and so qulclfjy. "For sale by all
dealers everywhere', Advertisement.
Washington Affairs
Despite arguments that the federal
migratory bird law Is unconstitutional,
tho senate defeated nil efforts la nut
fdowh the (20,000 item In tho agricultural
. linnrnnpUMrm Mil f fir t I srr.rn,
H became apparent yesterday that the
jsenate cannot reach a vote on the pro
Mvosed repeal ot the tolls exemption clause
of the Panama ca"nal act 'for at least ten
'days or two week unless democrats
leaders make an extraordinary effort to
peed up the proceedings,
Stood Tonic Has
I bnportant Meaning
:Put the Right Sort of Vim
Whre Most Needed.
IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV JsK sbisbbbbmHHi? 'SHBRsbsbsbbH
ooo ' I
2-l 1
The Second Big Week of Our 55th ANNIVERSARY SALE Started Monday
Regular Christmas week activity prevailed in our salesrooms yesterday. All the
office help were pressed into service. Wo 've got the buyers talking now! Every
body that bought is happy! Piano Bargains (not Bargain Pianos) are going fast.
Oome tomorrow and save at least $100 on a high-grade Piano. We are representa-
uvea ior tno woria s oest maKcs oi Jfianos and Player-Pianos.
We Aro Exclusive Roproscntativos
For the World nest Pianos and
Player Pianos, including tlio
Also a complete Aeolian lino of Pian
ola Pianon nnd the Schmollcr &
Mueller Plnycr Piano.
QJX rroposcd toT Lowt House l,avm.
Police Fund Will Run Out Before
End of Fiscal Year,
liflrnl Cattle Jlayera Inrltril to Go to
Lincoln to Inspect ft toe It fat
tened on Many Varieties
of Vera.
With ihreo months of the fiscal year to
run tho police fund Is In such shape that
tho board and police chlet must make
seme arrangements tor laying ofC thfc
men- According; to present figures there
will he an' overdraft of more than IS,20Q
bytho end of the year. At present there
Is fS,2?2 left in the fund, It costs the
city about $2,C0O to run the department
for oneimonth.
Tho bpard was told ot the exact
amount of the fund at the beginning;
of the year, There is no doubt that the
poll co fund will havo to be increased in
South Omaha. Treasurer P. J. fatln,
acting under' the advice of Hlty Attorney
Murphy, will not turn money from the
Interest and sinking fund, where tho city
charter says It must go. in order to swell
the police fund. Both .the city treasurer
and city attorney would llKo,to see the
police fund increased, but not by taking
from other funds. ; - t
the park fund' is practically depleted,' as
Is tho library fund, in which thrro re
mains only a few hundred dollars. On
the library board has fallen the necessity;
of paying out $500 for 'grading which;
should hav;a .been pad for by the city
council, President IMayfleld says. The
which will be here next Monday have
been completed by the local order of
lied Men.
Tho Willing Workers of tho First Chris
tian church will meet this afternoon at
the church, Twenty-third and 1 streets,
hi a regular meeting.
The Ladles' Aid of the West Q Pres
byterian mission will meet nt the home
of Mrs. P. Martin, Forty-eighth and U
streets, Thursday afternoon.
The Ijidlen' Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will moot this after
noon at the homo of Mrs. C. At. Shlndcl,
Twenty-second and U streets.
South Omaha camp No. 1,005, Modern
Woodmen of America, will glvo an en
tertainment tomorrow evening at the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows' hall.
Twenty-fourth and M streets, to its mem
bers and their families.
Mlsi .Ruth Atkinson entertained at
luncheon Wednesday In honor of James
Gould of Van Wert, lav Those present
wore: Misses Marie Crovlston. Bonlta
Hollenberger, Clara Bailey and Huth
Atkinson and Messrs. Arthur Dross,
I.loyd Atklnsdn, Ulcnn Wiggins and
James Gould.
William Atkinson was given a birthday
surprise party . Monday ovonlng by a
number ot friends. High flvo was played,
prises being won by Qus' Long. Mrs. Reg
gie Wallace, Mrs. Gilbert Atkinson and
Harry Atkinson. Those present were:
Messrs and' Mesdames I. 11, Shamblen,
Qua Long, A. A. Atkinson, K, W, Crevis.
ton. A. H. Atkinson, TL U Dunlap, N,
K. Carter, II. F. Atkinson Reggie Wal
lace, James Huff, Hoy fitacev and Will
iam Atkinson nnd Mrs. Ilollenberger,
Misses IJonlta Hollenborger, Margaret
Martin and Ruth Atkinson and Messrs,
Al Meldlinger, Bud Btacey and Uoyd Atkinson.
Brand Hew Upright
Pianos, worth $250.00,
25 Brand New 88-Hote
Aeolian Player Pianos, $Too
These Pianos Comprise Makes That We Sell the Year Round and
Are Specially Priced for This Sale Every One Guaranteed
Molrc arrangements now to Attend this great salefor your own sake for yotir family's" sAko, Nor or beforo has a gale boon announced
like this, where yon can see practically all of th World's Best Pianos standing side by side for your seloction.
Each Piano has been thoroughly overhauled In our factory
Many of thoso Pianos are jost. like, new, and wo guarantee every ono of them,
and put In perfect condition. Every Ploon listed below is a barcaln.
Krcltnl by Sf rir.("Wflpon. " '
A most delightful concert was given fpr
tho benefit of tho, St, Mary's Avenue Cdn
cresatlonsl church last 'ovenlnr by Mrs. would benefit if the S0O ver htabelle Crawford -Welpton, assisted by
t To tone the blood mfA& to enable it to
throw off sccumultted Impiifitlts, to In
prtit the red corpuscles ant) to put toe
blood-m&kinc orgsns Into scca active condi
tion ss to produce that conscious tenittloa
fit what we frel as b'tlth.
Tbls Is the loclcal effect of utlnc the
famous blood purifier, 8. 8. 8,
uaii toe pecpic you meet eotapiain or
Conncllnien Itela'y Conraet.,,4
Attain tho shy city council failed to
award contracts for paving, although
men are lying idle w'lillo the council de
liberates. Yesterday the esteemed coun
cil failed of a quorum. Mayor Hoctor,
wraty over the continued hindrances
placed In the way of public improvements,-
sent out a policeman to brine thh
absb'ntoes In, but 'the cop was unable to
find tho needed 'officials. Those absent
were John Hlha, republican; iJohn Cava
naugli, democrat, and I'nt Lavelle, dent-ocrat-
Anunbr of the contractors ot the
city say tholr work Is tied up by the
delay, .Theme contracts should havo been
let three Weeks ago, Mayor Hoctor stated.
When queried on the reason for the de
lay, the mayor cryptically remaiked to a
reporter: "1 nm too full for utterance."
AmonR tho laboring men the delay is
felt becauso the' contractors are forced
it lay oft it tho contracts, are not let,
Yesterday the James Parks Construction
company laid oft thlrty-ftvo men because
thu contracts were delayed,
Library Hoard Appreciative,
At a meeting ot tho library board a
resolution was adopted expressing the
appreciation ot the board for the effi
cient services rendered by Dr. A. N,
liagau, (chairman ot the committee on
building and grounds. Among other acts
of public generosity. Or. liagan has
lately had a row of elm trees planted
around the library grounds, and thU
Veary nuicli
stagnant brain. Jangled
ftloleo Wood Mllllltcn, Miss Adclyn Wood
and tho Misses Madge ,and Kt6lse West.
Miss Adelyn Wood opened the program
with an "Allemande" by D'Albert, fol
lowed by "Etne Llebesnovelle" In three
movements by Wolff. -MUs Wood has
ample technique and plays with clarity
and style, her delicately spun runs in
the Wolff number being especially ef
fective. This novelty to Omaha audiences
was a beautiful thing, each movement
being true to its name In, atmosphere and
tonal coloring, all ot which Was well
brought out in the playing, rfor an en
core Miss Wood played a "Gavotte-" from
the suite in D minor by D'Albert.
Mrs. Welpton maintained her well de
served reputation for artistic singing in
her shard ot the program, her irjejr fleet!
contralto voice being used most advan
tageously, and her Interpretations being
as always, tru to tho spirit ot the song.
She sang two groups, opening the first
with "Quando a te Weta" from "Faust,"
by Gounod, following with a brilliant
"Mandollnata" that sounded decidedly
Mexican and which was sung with vivac
ity and abandon. A rather unusual "Lul
laby," by Itopartx preceded a "Dance
Song," by Thome, which completely fas
cinated the audience and won as an en
core "Wind Fairies." by Walte. In' her
second group Mrs, Welpton did espe
cially nice- work in "Summer Italn." by
Wllleby, the lovely restful "Oao Tao
l Sleep," by lusher, and the exultant
"Spring Song." with which she closed
the program. For an . encore thla time
tho audience received Del Ulego'a charm-
with no expense whatever to the library I , ,.Bhadow MarCh."
DOara, . -Mlllll-.n ntm-nrl Orlorr'. A mlnnr
t-oncerto wun miss woca ai mo nicorui
Strres. and a wonderful destre to lay down
lid luit nult. Mail of thoi nion(r hiTa
Ibeen using neprlncs that spaisodlralty flare
sp ths serres only to die dawn again. -as
nle thev mutt. Arold nfrrs tttmulinli.
rtiear la nlnd tbat tbls worn-out fettlng is
fiat to pear blood, to bacteria in tbe water
Jou drink; to the multiplying of dcttruc
germs in tbe blood faster than thy
an be overconi by the white corpuielest
iad to wbat is knswn as autoktaxiunla. tbat
jcondltlon where the venous or Impure blood
accumulates faster than it can be replaced
"by tbe red arterial blood.
B. S. S. has long bera famons as- a blood
urlnr, and its artlon by elimination ot
Hbe Irritating poisons (hat infest the blood,
,1i one ot the very Important thing to know.
You can ret A. 8. S. at anr dru store.
jbut taks no other so-called, blood pnrfl.
R. H K. I, nnp,t w vimlBtil- nMAitrfi
'and yon will make a great mistake to have t
(tome enthusiast palm tig A m'reury. arsenic;
.or iodide of petath preparation tbat may
(do you Irreparable bano,
, S. a a is prenared br Tbe Swift Specific
Co.. 638 Swiff nidg.. Atlanta. Oa.. and if
you thaT any deep-srated or obstinate blood
irouDif. write IP tacir Jiedteal
free adtlce,
to do so.
DeDt. for
It wilt be worth your while
, fc5SBstfBBB8BB8SsLsssssssssa
nilu Invites Uuycrs.
l'rof. It. K. Ullss ot the department of
animal husbandry, University ot Ne
braska college ot agriculture, was A
visitor at tho stock yards yesterday. Ho
Is inviting a number of expert cattle buy
ers to visit the state farm at Lincoln on
May'' 2!, J3eet Producers' day, to' pass
judgment on the sixty head of 3-year-old
steers that have been feeding On a va
riety of rations there tor the laat five
l'rof. Bliss Is the most prominent can
didate tor director ot the department of
agricultural extension at Amcsr, which
was vacated by the dismissal ot Prof.
Fire Drives Out Sleepers,
Inmates of the house run by Charles
Buih, negro, at tit north Twenty-seventh.
street, ran three blocks to the fire hall
to give an alarm at S:4S this mornlnf.
although they had to pass a tire alarm
box on their way. The fire department
found two mattresses afire In different
parts of the house, it Is said. The build
ing la operated aa a rooming houae by
Charles Hush. All the Inmates escaped
in their nlghtclothes. The damage
amounted to several hundred dollars.
Mnglc City Gossip,
II. J. Lltlman of Leigh was at the
stock yards on business yesterday.
Th West Hide Mothers' club will meet
with Mrs. aeorgo Dunn (his afternoon at
her home.
U J. qulnby lectured last evening at
Et Luke a Lutheran church on the ques
tion of single tax
Office space for rent in Bee office. 3H
N street. Terms reasonable- Well known
location. Tel. ooutn zi-
Ada Kensington ot the Eastern 8tar
will meet Thursday afternoon with Mra.
William Berry, lilt N street
Miss Ituth and Lloyd Atkinson gave a
Dirtncey surpne 'lT last Thursday
evening for Marie Crevltton at her home.
final arrangements for the jg carnival
piano. It has often been the writer's
pleasure to hear Mrs, Mllllkcn play, but
never was she heard to better advantage
than last evening. She Interpreted this
remarkable concerto with finish and tech
nical skill, and did some lovely tonal
work In the Holler "Lullaby," which she
played as an encore. Mrs. Mtlllken and
Miss Wood hrc both pupils ot Mr. Lan
dow, and ills influence in gracefully
turned phrases nnd tonal balance was
noticeable In the work of both. Mrs. Mil
liken also accompanied Mrs. Welpton in
a moat satisfactory manner.
Miss Madgo West played two violin
numbers, 'Au bord d'un IUtlsseau." by
Solsdetfrc, and Krelsler's graceful "Lie
besleld." She draws a warm resonant
ions from htr-vidlln, and Interprets mu
slcally. She responded wun Kreitiers
"gchon Marie," which proved so ac
ceptable to the audience that she waa
recalled to repeat it
Misa Elolse West appeared as an able
ccompanlst for her sister- The concert
was most successful mvslcally and must
have been the same financially, for there
were but few vacant seats even at the
extreme back of the church. II. M. IL
9.175 Btcxcr & Hons Upright, now . . . .SI 60
$300 Mondolsshon Upright, now . . . .8135
? 100 Kmcrson Upright, now '8250
9-160 Schnioller & Mueller Upright, $195
$4no Htcgcr & Sons Upright, noV . .8175
$200 Columbus Upright, now S"75
$200 Unydon & Son Upright, now. . .g. .50
$50O Stegcr & Sons Upright, now . . S250
Free Stool Free Scarf
Free Seleotion of Music
With All Player Pianos
$350 Ivers & Pond Upright, now. . . .$160
$275 Xewby & Evans Upright, now,. .8125
$450 Kmcrson Upright, how 8275
$300 Voight Upright, now ....... . -8148
$350 Stanley & Sons Upright, now. . 8225
$30O Wagner Upright, now 8175
$-100 Mueller Squaro IMuno, now. . . .8 - .20
$500 Voso & Sons Square Piano, now $ 25
$550 Auto-Grand Player Piano, 88-note,
now 8285
$000 Shubcrt Plnycr Planer, 88-notc,
now 8205
$050 Schmollcr & Mueller Player Piano,
now 8325
$700 StuyvcRont Pianola Piano, now 8450
$1,000 Wober Pianola Piano, now... 759
525 GOLD
Watches 4
As an extra offer to Induce people to take adrontage of the
low prices offered during this sole, we will glvo every purchaser
of a Piano or Player Piano a Beautiful Gold Watch absolutely
FItEE. We will also glvo one of the watches to any person .who
furnishes u the name of any person who is about to buy a piano.
When they buy you get your watch free. Who do you know that's
ready to buy a piano? Plenty of watches for all.
Free Railroad Fare to All Ont-of-Town
Purchaser During Thla, Sale.
131 1-13 Farnam St
Tnm Oldest and
- Largest Piano
House In ths west
OLD-TIME HtolUtN I ur uuwri
BLAin, feb., May, 18.-(8polaljgi
George "P. DeTerrtple, a pioneer resident,
of Blair, afced 63 years, died' at his resi
dence In this" city at 4 o'clock this morn
ing, lie hod been suffcrinff for several
months with sclatio rheumatism, which'
finally settled In his kneo, where he had
been wounded by bullet when a- boy.
On Monday ho had a paralytic stroke.
Mr. DeTemple was born in Buffalo, N. V.,
and enlisted at -tho ago of 16 aa a drum
mer boy In the- Seventy-eighth New York
volunteer infantry and later 'in company
H. Fifteenth United States Infantry of
the' civil war.' Ho came to Kobroska in
tho lato '60s and to Blair in I860, he year
that Blair City waa laid out. Ho was
married --to Slles Catherine-. F. Murray
October 51, 1S73, ,at Plattsmouth, Ne.u.,
who with two sons, Frank, and George, of
Chadron, survive him.
Ho had been . connected with the J", H.
Plau Real Kstate company f6r over four
teen, years, rcrvlng as Justice of the pca.'c
and police Judge tor a number-of vcars
and filling tho offlco ot county Judge n
soveral occasions when tho regular Judges
were absent, lie was a member of the
Odd Fellows' lodge and Grand Army post
of thla city for over thirty years, u'he
funeral services will bo held on .'.'hurs-
day and interment will be in the Blair
N. -Uhderhlll, secretary of .the Denver
Terminal company and Joint agent for
the Omaha-Denver railroads, according to
a report to the railroad .officials hero,
fired a revolver bullot Into bla head in- ids
room In ono of tho Denver hotels, kllllng
himself Instantly, Tuesday afternoon.
Underhlll was well' known by the
Omaha railroad officials, having been
here frequently and having; had many
business transactions with all of them.
IAsk the- Soda Man-k t
; " he'll tell you the
crowd drinks
Hssilr BLsiar .jBSBBiBr S bbbbbbbbbbbsb' ssaV
sBBBBBK BBBB)L-rfB7 isBBBKBSsSV-siiiiiiiiiiWalBBBBlelr sBBBBSr BBSTH Kfm' isBBf LsBF El
Persistent Advertising Is the Sure Road
to Business Success.
Movements of Ocean steamers.
Port. . Arrlrtf. sll4. .
UtlKiSea Kgrtl C4-M.... ,
M0L4-ENIKJ Bol irui
rilll-APeLPIllA Butarom. . . .
IIAMBURO. Mllhoals
MAMtU KlnroM
IjONtlON . ... MlnnMpolU.
HAVRE, . JtorlB. . . .
HHAKUuAl WUih4.. .
riUMK atBU . . .
NKW YOHK Manuel Csle,
x r wtiatis
Hja tjBSjVBjuflv
you see an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola.
The drink with dash
vim vigor and go to it
The thirsty ones one
best beverage. Deli
cious and refreshing.
Demand the genuine by full name
, Nicknames eneoursge sabstitntlon.
You Will Find
More Genuine.
Fred King Brewing Co.
I uxuc
I m MercantileI
Camnanv Ssr
Dou 1889.
And Have a
Gase Sent Home
Yon will miss a choice list n
home-like, toTltlng placn. if
you fall to read tho Itoom and
Board Want Ads today.