Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OM'HA. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914.
Silk lisle Hose
White, black and col
ors, wide welt tops and
double soles, a
pair at
Silk nnd Linen,
Crinkled Crepe.
40 inches wide.
$1.7'5 quality, yard .$1.25
$1.50 quality, yard.. $1.00
$1.00 quality, yard 75c
Our Man Tailored
Suits to Measure
Tailored as you want
it to your speoial
measure to meet
your individual
requirements. Ours
is the most popular
shop in the city.
Embroidered Crepes
For Waists
Light, airy, filmy and
beautiful, in light blue,
peach and shell pink.
Embroidered with
dainty self tone fig
ures. Also white with
color main floor.
Attempt on Parf of Drys to .Advance
It Does Not Succeed
Hellevrd Snlnon Case Will Bp Heard
During Snmmrr by Onn it Dis
trict Judges, "probably
In Jane, ,
(From Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINES, la.. May lJ.-(Hpeclal
Tlepram.)-Efforts on the part of the
"drys" to secure a: writ of certiorari df
lectin? Judgo Ayres J 11 district court to
take up at onco tho lies Moines' saloon
petition, failed before the supreme court.
The UUer refused to take up the hearing
at tnu tlmo and continued H My! Sep
tember, t P . v V
It 1 anticipated that Jtho saloon 'petition
will he taken. up by the district court be?
foro that time, thus maklns the certiorari
proceeding unnecessary. As a remit of
lho supreme court's action this morning
It la believed that the saloon case wlt
be heard durlns tho iummer by one nf
the district Judges, probably In June.
Dental Society Conclude
SIOl'X FAILS. ,R. D.. May lS.-(Bpclftl
Tolf cram.)-After' aealon extending over
several days tho annual convention of
the South Dakota State Dental, society
concluded here today. Tho following offi
cers were elected; President, Dr. J. V.
Hmmots. flpearflsh; vice president, Dr.
It. C, Matteson.' lo ; Springs; eecretary,
J)r T. K, Johnson, llaptd CJtyj treasure,
Dr It. B. Driver, Philip. Itspld City was
selected as the place for holding tho next
annual convention;
Persistent Advertising Is the Burs Itoad
to Business Sueeefsv
New Buttermilk Product
Beutifi Skin Quickly
Even' woman Knows that buttermllK
regularly applied to the face, U the very
best beautlflerOn the world. Hut to usp
a sufficient Quantity of fresh buttermilk
dolly is not only expensive at the end of
the month,, hut Is messy, unmitigated
nuisance. It will bo welcome Informa
tion, therefore, that plain prtsotated
buttermilk emulsion, which Tceeps In
definitely, may be usd as k tofiet cream
wltli even better results than tho llnuld.
and with far greater couve ntenre; Ow
ing to Its consistency nnd lis pondensed
form, e, small 5ar or It goes as far as
sixty pints of fresh buttermilk for com.
plsxlon purposes. Alav. It renders the
definitely, may be used as a toilet cresm
the skin wonderfully and Is. of course,
perfectly harmless.
Any druggist can supply presolsted
buttermilk emulsion. It Is highly recom
mended by Hherman & McConnell Drug
10., lth and Dodge Sts.; Owl Drug Co.,
lsth and Harney Hta. Harvard Phar
macy, J4th and- Parnsm His-.- tLoyal
Pharmacy. :07-5 North ltli St
ll OMAHA BEE, May 14
V te
Eatltlea 1h bearer to choice of either !
the feeaHilful f oog books described below
vitu kcccmpujl by th aipou smooat opll tK ttyl wKUh
fOTtn tke itm ( the coat at pkcklas, xprM troa the Uctarfi caecklas. clerk
hit, and other aetrr aspon iUou.
A errand rn11.rtinn of all the old
X with the utmost care by the most competent authorities, illustrated with X
4 m rare ealaxv ot 6a wonderful oortralti of the world's greatest vocal srtists. &
mtnr in itTortte eottsract. I Bit dis nook contsins songs oi iiorae na iinonc,
Ssered end OMttt soosit Opcrstle sad Hstiootl songs SEVEN compl os bseks
la ort& voIksm, present omi coupoa to stsow you sre s resaer ot tnts paper ana
79c (or the beautiful heavy English cloth bindlne; psper Hndlnj. 49 u.
W tmtly'rscMsmaul th kaarr clstb UsiUf. u it Is a book taat will Uatfcrmr.
f MAILORDERS Kitber book br psreel pott. Include EXTRA Ttcnti wuhln in miles t
to ceoU tuiayia rmleti (or sretur dittances stk pottmstter smount to Include tor 3 Is.
Fashionable Coats and Capes
The styles fashionable Paris has
accepted and wears with pleasure
on so many occasions. This is a very
complete showing of exceedingly
distinguished apparel.
Of interest is the new
Tampico naval capes
in blue
Crepe do Chine Blouses in scv
erai marming now siyic
came In yesterday, priced
Wear the LAGRECQUE tailored underwear
because it fits perfectly and retains its
shape, all styles sizes 34 to 46.
Princess slips, gowns, short and long skirts,
combination corset cover and short skirt
or drawers. Chemi-pantaloon-drawers and
corset covers, close fitting skirts, plain or
trimmed with lace and embroidery, made
of cambric, nainsook, mull, net and silk
crepe all prices.
Dr, Smith Elected
Imperial Potentate
of theilystio Shrine
ATLANTA, Dr., May 13.Dr. Frederick
It. Smith of Damacus temple, Hochestcr,
N. Y today waa elected Imperial poten
tate of the Imperial council, Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine, at Ha annual conclave
here. Dr. Smith succeeds William W.
Irwin of Wheollng, W. Va.
The selection of the next place of meet
ing and the election of Imperial outer
guard were two important matters which
were expected, to como before the Im
perial 'Council' Nbbles of the ' Mystla
Bh'rlno at Its- business meeting today.
There has. boen keen rivalry between' Ban
Francisco and Seattle for the hpribr of
entertaining ' thViBhrlners next year, It
having been agreed thathe 1915 conclave
would be held on the Pacific X-'oast.
Kvents on the program today Included
an exhlbltln drill by all, patrol guardian
patty to the visiting women of the con
vention by 'Mrs. .John.Blaton, wife of the
governor of-fleorgfa and a dinner compli
mentary to the newly elected Imperial
potetato and members of the Imperial
council tontsht
The committee appointed to select the
meeting place for the 1915 conclave re
ported, In f.avor of Seattle, over flan
Francisco. The final vote will bo taken
lato today,
Seattle was chosen as tho 1915 meeting
Fletcher's Servant
Went for Mangoes
For Admiral's Mess
VEIIA CltUZ. Mexico, May 13. Hear
Admiral Fletcher's servant, a Filipino,
has been placed under arrest In the Mex
ican lines, according to a report which
reached headquarters today. When the
servant disappeared It was believed he
had deserted. It was learned, however,
the Filipino had no Intention of desert
ing, but had entered the- territory con
trolled by the .Mexican troops in order to
get mangoes for the admiral mess,
lorra nnetora nt Sioux City
SIOUX CITV, la., May U-The sixty-
third annus I session of .thq Iowa State
Medical sgctety opened, here today. , Fye
hundred'iapctors. are In attendance, IJreSfj
denial 'Yf pan of Iowa City, called 'jhe
ccitv,cnupri. vi ;craor.
Stella Stan Hart In Wnnnvray,
STK1.UA, Neb., May 1J. (Special.) Fred
Chard, who resides west or Stella, met
with sp accident caused by' his horse
scaring -at a motorcycle, which -resulted
In having both bones of one arm broken
near the wrist, . '
1 . .
Key to the Situation-Be Advertising.
favorite tones comniled and Selected 4
Balmacaan coats in
many pleasing new
styles at
; $10.50
The Store For Shirtwaists
Declare the State Should Step In to
Require Study.
Dr. Inrs Phlllirlck AdTomtes New
System In Order ,lo Provide',
Itetter Service to All the T
' People.
(Frqmti Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., May Jl-(SBegial-)-The
meeting of tho Nebraska, State Eclec
tic association being held at the Mncoln
hotel has developed some warm speeches,
that ot President J. N. Campbcll. ln which
ho attacked the chiropractic, tmochatio
therapy, metaphysical and, other methods
of druglessi healing, being, .ampng -thel
He said tttcrr was no restrjettoft Kthrpvjn
around the followers of those", .methods.
The electle physician, he complained, Was
required to take a long course of study.
but tho druglcss healers could practice
without much study. Ho called attention
to one sanitarium In this state which was
being run by a mechano-thcraplst, which
had a number of patients. Before the
owner of this sanitarium took un the
practice he waa livery stable keeper.
He said that many of theno practitioners
were formerly regular physicians who
took up the new method because they
couia make more money at It.
Other speakers were' W. A. Dyers. Lin
coln; O. M, Moore, York: C. A. I.utKen.
Auburn, while a number of papers were.
read by different physicians In attertd
The convention closed this evening,
rbyslclans I'nlil by. State.
In the future. If tho Ideas ot Dr. Inez
Phllbrlek of Lincoln are carried out, all
physicians will bo licensed by the state
and paid by the state. This plan she ad
voratcd In a speech nt the Stajv MeJIcal
association being held at the Ltndell
Her plan was advocated by some and
opposed by others, but some of those
who opposed the proposition were will
ing to admit that It might come later.
Dr. Fhllbrlck sold that with the physi
cians trained by the state and paid by
thr state tho poorest people would get
the benefit of the very best experienced
physicians and would havo a tendency
to restoro to health many patients who
aro now ill because fees are easy to get
and continuous.
Dr. Monroe of Omaha opposed the plan,
saying that It was unjust and Inade
quate.. He then complained of the Doug
las C6unty Medical association and was
called, down by Dr. Mansfelde of Ash
land, who, In turn, was called down be-
causiLof the personality ot the arcument.
Dr. J. M. Dannlsterot Omaha, a retired
armyorricer. gpoke of government on
trol of tho matter. He told how Cuba
hart boen freed of yellow fover by th
bayohet after It had had control of the
Island for years, and It had taken a.t6ut
ninety nays to do It.
A very long program was carried out
In the session today covering most of the
diseases with which the nubllo Is m6st
acquainted. Dr. A V. QmOon spoko on
"rue vermiiorm Appendix."
Alvarado Says He
Will Shoot Any Agent
Sent Him by Huerta
NOQALES, Sonora. Mexico, May IX
A proposition from the secretary of Jtho
Interior at Mexico C)ty that the consti
tutionalists, send a commission to the
capital tu arrange for the amalgamation
of all contending factions In Mexico was
transmitted yesterday to General Al
varado Jiy General Tellex, the Huertlsta
commander at Guaymas. Telle offered
to send a fedsral commission to the con
stitutionalists to make preliminary ar
rangements, but Alvarado repllsd that ha
would promptly execute any emissaries
sent Into his lines,
The purpose pf the proposed conference
In Mexico City, according to General Tel
lex, was to combine all factions against
the Americans.
In his reply. Alvarado said the federals
wer murderers and traitors and the des
tlnlea of Mexicans vtere la th hai
Diplomatic Relations Between Em
pires Practically Suspended.
Contest for Political nnd llrlliclocn
Control of Ilnlknn Itrglnn nrlnjtn
Condition to n Stnte of
Nfnr IVnr,
VIENNA, May 13.-Ono of tho shrewd-
est members of tho diplomatic corps in
Vienna, when asked recently about tho
relations between Austrla-Hupgary and
Hussla, bluntly answered that there were
none. For tho last two years there prac
tically has been no Itusslan ambassador
at the court of Vienna. Nomlnnlly, of
course, there has been an ambassador,
but he has always found some pretext
for being absent from his post, leavlwr
th official duties to a councillor of em
bassy, who has carefully abstained from
doing anything. Similarly, Austria-Hun
gary's diplomatic representation at Kt.
Petersburg lies been almost equally per
functory. Count fizapary was appointed
ambassador to Hunsla last October, but
up to tho present has spent only three
weekB at his post, his absence being
vaguely ascribed to family reasons.
For somo tlmo past there has becrf
considerable tension In the relations be
twen tho two empires, the precise reasons
for which aro difficult to explain. Tho
whole situation Is full of complications.
There are religious and racial questions
Involved affecting primarily the two
countries alono. Then there Is the old
rivalry for predominance In the Balkans
and finally the many differences between
thu triple alliance and the triple entente,
which exert a most Important lnfluonce
on the relations existing between the
individual countries in each group.
nnanln Incident Vpaeta ThliiKH.
I'p to the time of the Austrian annexa
tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908.
the relations between the two countrlos
had been apparently quite friendly. They
had made a working arrangement In the
Balkans regarding conditions In' Mace
donia, and although It had not accom
plished much, everything was moving
along smoothly. But the precipitate move
ot the late Austrian foreign minister,
Count Aebrenthal, In the annexation of
Bosnia, upset everything. The Russian
minister, Iswolsky, felt that lie had been
duped by his Austrian colleague and
never forgave him. Blnco then Iswolsky
has been Atfstfo-Hungary's bitterest
enemy, nnd since, he Is one. ot the most
'Influential personages In the Huaslan
national committee he has been able to
r.iuko thing very disagreeable in many re
spects 'for tho dual monarchy. Indeed
there Is very good authority for believing
that an Auatro.-nusslan war was very
near Just befoto tyo Bajkan war broke
put In the fall.Of 1912. It was only through
Uq strong personal effort,-! of the ven
erable Austria" cji?peror, .Francis Joseph,
that such lfitalror.he;.-i.y'as preyented.
It la thought tnat Emperor Nicholas was
just as much, .opposed,. to a war, but he Is
)io politician npu. oy no -means strong
pr.gugh to )pi;i-t,BB.cK me .ureoranaa in
tho Huislau natlopR.1. committee.
. . .
Personal Rrlsitlons CorUlnl.
The personal .relations between lht two.
Imperial families arc qt the most cordial
character. It Is sometimes even said
ithHt tho Hapsbiirgs aro realyspro-Rus-K, But In spite of all these things no seri
slan. Thq Jat'e ArchduKiv Charles LoulilP1'80" talks ot war. In fact, none of
brother of Ihe critft'ror .and' TatherVjjfc Sm'PPwers Interested Is really ready.
Archduke Francis .Ferdinand, the heir to, ""Ml wants to complete, Its railways
the throne, was always; a great friend of
Russia,, and :hlr sympathies in that di
rection are believed to have been, to
somo extent. Inherited by his son.
Archduke Charles Louis, who was the
patron ot the principal Austrian Indus
trial associations nnd a very far-sighted
man, perceived the Important role that
commerce and Industry would one day
play in lnterniflonaT relations,' at least
tninty years before European statesmen
had begun to p&y.jwy attention to thesa
factors. He kneiy yery well that Russia
would never he likely to injure Austria's
foreign comrnerce very much, while Ger
many would some day 'ruin it. Russia,
Luetics having an enormous home market
to supply, hns practically no great Indus
tries, while Germany Is constantly on the
lookout for new markets to conquer.
Events have proved the correctness ot
the archduke's views. Twenty-five years
ago Austria-Hungary almost monopolized
the trade of the Balkans and Turkey and
Egypt. Today the bulk of the trade In
these countries has gone Into the hands
ot the Germans. Indeed, the aggressive
methods ot Qprrnan merchants In trying
to capture Austria's commerce In the
near east are bitterly, resented by their
Austrian rivals.
FlRht I.nrKely Religious.
The sympathies and feelings ot the two
governments and the two peoples are
Very different from those prevailing be
tween the rulers. The so-called national
committee In Russia is most violently
nntl-Austrlan and. Is straining eVery
nerve to gain absolute control of ths
Balkans. The 'fight is largely a religious
one. Russia wanting to bring alt the
Balkans under the sway of the Orthodox:
church and to force the Roman Catholto
part ot the populations, as well as tho
Musseimans to aoKnowieige the su
premacy of the Russian church. It Is
this which explains Russia's hostile attl
tude to King Ferdinand ot Bulgaria, who I
has remained a Roman Catholic, although
he permitted his eldest son. Prince Boris,
to Join the Orthodox church. Russia
would never consent to gratifying Catho
Ho Ferdinand's ambition to become ruler
ot the Balkans.
So far from tending to clear up' the
complications in the Balkans the recent
wars have left the situation moro com
plicated than ever- Count Wltte, the
Russian statesman, recently declared that
only the flist act In the great drama has
yet been played. Now Is the Interval be-
notice. See us at once for terms, etc. ; : :
The Conservative Savings and Lean Association
tween the acts. How long this will last
nobody knows perhaps a year, perhaps
only a few rdonths.
Ciar Wins Over llnniiinnln.
One Important result of the Balkan con
flict Is tho change In the attitude of
Rumania towards Austria-Hungary. Up
to a few months ago Rumania was al
ways looked upon as being tho friend of
Austria. Military strategists, Indeed,
In considering Austria-Hungary's strength
usually added Rumania's five nrmy
corps. But In the negotiations over tho
treaty of Bucharest, Russian diplomatists
cleverly contrived to placo Austria In an
Unfriendly position towards. Rumania.
Count Berchtold's efforts to secure n
revision of the treaty n the Interests of
Bulgaria gave great offense to the Ru
manians, who have always bcon very
Jealous of the threatened supremacy of
that country In the Balkans. Rumania's
geographical position compels It to rely
either upon Austria-Hungary or Russia.
And If the dual monarchy Is going to side
with Bulgaria, Rumania will havo no
alternative but to turn to Russia.
But here again dynastic views must be
taken Into account. King Charles Is a
strong ruler, who has always been
friendly to Austria and neither ho nor hi
ministers are likely to bo greatly moved
by popular outbursts. They are con
vinced that a close union with the triple
alliance Is the surest way .to defend their
country against the overwhelming might
of Russia. But whether King Charles'
successor will take an equally strong
stand against public opinion is another
Talk of Uenernl Wnr.
From tho violent of the articles re
cently published In the semi-official Jour
nals in SL Petersburg, Vienna and .also
in Berlin, It might be Imagined that a
great European war' was Inevitable, but,
happily, this view finds no support In re
sponsible quarters. Tho truth Is that
several comparatively smalt things havs
occurred recently to cxclto much Irrita
tion between Russia and Austria-Hungary.
Austria Introduced very vexatious
passport restrictions on the frontier,
which caused much annoyance to Rus
sian travelers, Galucla Is said to be
swarmed with Russian spies, while Rus
sian Poland is overrun with Austrian
secret agents. There has been a series of
espionage trials in Vienna, where thu
accused havo been shown to be in tho
direct employ of the Russian military at
tache and contrary to the usual practice
in tnese proceedings no attempt was
made to keep secret the name of tin
foreign country Implicated. Many thou
rands of Russian roubles are alleged to
have been spent in trying to corrupt the
poor peasants in Qalacla, while Austrian
spies have been doing their utmost to
persuade tho Poles across the Russian
frontier that they would be much better
off under Austrian rule.
Thero havo been other things, too, of
importance. Russia has been spending
large sums in increasing Its military
forces In Poland along the German and
Austrian frontiers and also Is building
somo hundreds of miles ot new railways
for strfiteglo purposes. It Is believed that
Frnpce Is urging It along, having made
It A large loan upon the understanding
that most of it would bo spent on arma
ments. And just now tho Russian min
ister ot tho navy has ordered, that no
materials tio bought for Russian dock
'yard's or private shipbuilding yards from
either Austria-Hungary or Germany. This
action is the more serious as the greater
'part ot such material Is purchased out- Russia.
and-to Increase Its army sufficiently .to
repress the revolution which would cer
tainly break out at home Immediately
war was declared. And Austria-Hungary
Is Just now changing Its army from a
thrce-year to a six-year service, which
means considerable dislocation of mili
tary forces. And so it is generally agreed
In the most competent quarters that after
all the peace of Europe Is In no imminent
IMvrnrU A. Bdirnrds.
YANKTON, S. D., May 13.-(Special
Telegram.) Edward A. Edwards, pioneer
and civil war veteran, aged 73 years, was
burled here Tuesday from Christ church.
Episcopal. The deceased was the son of
Colonel Thomas A. II. Edwards, formerly
very prominent ' In Kalamazoo, Mich.,
and tho grandson of Major Abraham Ed
wards, United States Army, president ol
the Michigan territorial council from
1824 to 1S32. He left a wife, but no
Georire 8 Rrore,
BALTIMORE, .May ll-George S.
Bruce, prominent as a civil engineer and
railroad builder, died at a hospital hero
yesterday. Mr. Bruce had been at the
hospital for some time, undergoing treat
ment for an Injury of the foot, which
occurred in Tennessee whllo he was do
ing some engineering work there. Mr.
Bruce built the Florida East Coast rail
way. He was 62 years old.
Joseph PospUll.
Joseph Posplsll, aged 70 years, 1312
South Sixteenth street. Is dead from'scn
lllty. The deceased came to Omaha In
ISS2 from Bohemia, his native country.
Mermen's Talcum Powder
Wo Guarantoo This fA AMn Thts Is the Regular
To Do Fresh Stock . . C PGr hW 25o Sue
One to a Customer Not Sold to Children.
PLEASE NOTICH: We ask you to buy Just 5 cents worth of something
else to get this bargain, to protect us from stocking up other dealers.
Sucfwsors to Schacfer's Drug Store 15th and Douglas 8ta.
N improved, or to improve, real
on hand. No commissions to pay. Loans
repayable in full or in part any day without
Seven children aurvh him Mrs. C. Shan
non, Anton Posplsll, Mrs. K. C. Schlndlcr,
Frank Posplsll, Mrs. G. Fhranck, John
Posplsll and Miss Emma Posplsll. All
rcsldo In Omaha and suburbs.'
(Continued from Page One.)
south as Facho Del Macho, where Gen
eral Rublo Navarrete Is still located, have
been moved to Cordoba.
The Mexican outposts while chiefly of
a -detached character aro almost In sight
of tho Amerlcsn lines, but it is reason
ably certain that tho total number of
Mexican troops within striking distance
is less than 3,000 men.
General Navarrete addressed the editor
of a local newspaper, Los Succso, regard
ing tho reported movement by his forces
against Vera Cruz.
"I bog that you deny this news," said
General Navarrete, "since In accordance
with orders we havo received, all offen
sive movements have been stopped whllo
tho armistice lasts."
'Continued from Page One.)
allst lines. General Gonzales has seized
all the Mexican yachts and launches on
the Panuco river and will use them to
transport his troops when necessary.
Thorc are 6,000 unemployed In Tampico.
Somo ot these men have been obliged to
take up arms in the federal ranks, ac
cording to a message, while many have
made their way to the constitutionalist
lines and enlisted Under General Gon
(Continued from Page One.)
Creek, In Routt county, tonight or to
morrow. Major W. A. Holbrook started
for Routt county today' to take command
ot any federal troops to be stationed In
that district.
Two men arrived from California, seek
ing work In the mines. They told the
military authorities that having discov
ered tho strike still was unsettled they
wanted to be sent back home.
, Under tho supervision of federal troops
strikers continued today to re-establish
their tent colony at Ludlow, which was
destroyed by the battle on April SO. Up
to noon only one tent had been erected
to replace those wiped away by flames
in the fight in which more than twenty
peoplo wero killed.
Tho new colony will be laid out In
streets, with b paces of thirty feet be
tween each tent. Miners ot each na
tionality will be In a division with ft
leader In command. Peter Qulnn, a
union leader, will bo In charge of the
entire colony.
As soon as the colony Is populated a
census will be furnished to the army au
thorities, In compliance with the demand
ot Colonel Lockett.
CHICAGO, May 13. Because everybody
"listens In1' and hears tho neighborhood
news hot off the wire, residents of
Byrone, Oglo county, Illinois, don't won't
to give up their old fashioned party lins
system for a modern, up-to-date system,
with individual service.
That Is what they told members of the.
Illinois Public Utilities commission yes
terday, when the Byron men asked per
mission to Install modern devices and In
crease rates.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
LaGrippe and Colds
InL&Grlppe and Colds, An U-tamnla(A.K)
Tablets are unexcelled, as tbey stop the
pains, soothe the nerves, and bring the rest
so greatly needed by nature to restore the
system to health. Physicians have used,
these tablets for over twenty years, In the
treatment of oolds, fevers and lasrlppe, and
have found no other remedy more useful la
these conditions. AnU-knmnla Tablets aro
so inexpensive, so pleasant to take, so sat
isfactory In their results, and so useful in all
conditions where there Is pain, that A-K
Tablets should always be kept la the house
tor the tlmo of need. Many ot our ablest
physicians obtain perfect results Jn la grippe
and oolds, by cleansing the system with Ep
som salts or"Actolds", a very good cathar
tic, putting the patient on a limited diet, and
administering one A-K tablet every two or
three hours. This treatment will usually
break up the worst, case in a day or two,
while in milder cases, ease and comfort fol
low almost Immediately. These tablets aro
also unexcelled for Neuralgia, Rheumatlo
Pains, The Pains ot Women, Indigestion
and Insomnia. All druggists have them. .
Ctnulnm A-K Tablmtt har thm K math
P. 3. A-K SaliH for Sortt.
estate. Funds
161 Harney Sheet, Omaha
$1.95 $1.95 $1.95 $1.95
$3.00 and $4.00
CO m
in 111 liio 11c w co i.
in u u vj i o, un oaic
Thursday at
Be sure to come
I!a House of Menagh
a "The Store for Gentlewomen" k
1613 Farnam St.
$1.95 $1.95 $1.95 $1.95
A20-cent lunch of
clean, pure wholesome food Is
400 times better to Work on than
a $2.00 feed in a .Lobster Palace.
Look for this PURE FOOD SIGN
Quickserv Cafeteria
Basement City Natl Dank BIdgH
Or Boston Lunches.
210 South 10th St.
1400 Uoucins St.
1408 Farnam St.
Fire, Tornado, Liability. Plate Glass,
Burglary, Accident and Autpmoblle.
W. Charles Sundblad
609 Faxton Block Phone Bed 1881.
Eastward Ho!
June, Jnly, Autrust and September
Cottage Park Hotel
Winthrop Centre, Mass.
On the North Shore, commanding it
magnificent vtow.
Pino Bathing and Boating. New
G arose.
4 miles from Boston by rail
10 miles by Boulevard
Good roads In all directions
Accommodations for 200 guests. Ex
cellent cuisine. The preparation ami
servinfr of sea food a specialty. Ko'r
Booklet and rates apply to
WITJiTAM "W. DAVIS, Man'jr. Director,
Boston Office, IS State St. ,
By. the.
Short Sea-Route
FroB Montreal & Quebec
A6 tte Mtrnt Acwit for rrtlulr
K&MVJi&2jIjL Dally Mat., 16-36-BOo
jjFarar BvngsM iB.a5-50.750
The Blsarre. Seml-Orlental Travesty.
"The Legena of the Ring." Sam J.
Adams, Florence Mills and SOME cast,
Engagement Closes Friday Night,
ladles' Sims mat. Week Bays.'
Sun. & Wit.: Famous Feature Films,
"Smashing the Vice Trust." Dally at
1, 3. 7 and 9 p. m.
Supported by Slargaret axoreianl in ths
Three-Act Parclal Comedy
Prices; Sts..; Bat. Mat.. 25c-l.
NEXT WEEK- gwgt.. b.
Richard Bsnnatt In "DAMAOSd QOODB"
Five Show Days
in Greater Omaha
at a new 16catlon svsry day.
Commencing Matinee Monday, May IS
j p. m. Two FcrtonnuicM Dtll I p. ra',
O En Especially reduced prices OCn
fcwU for Greater Omaha only. OOU
Grand Street Parade Each Day, 10 a. m.
Mon., May 18 :th and Larlmore Fits.
Tues., May 1& Ktth and Burdette Sts.
Wed.. May -2Sth and California Sts.
Thurs.. Msy a th and Dodee Sts.
Fri., May 23-2lth and Castellar Sts.
(Bandar sttemoon. May 17, ths
mssafftrU will bs opsn free M above
location from 3(30 to 4:30 p. m. no
Sunday Dsrformanoss rlvsa by this
Tta how tht catm to 1 1 din tad chlldrra ind
vblco Ur nur attend without uart.
PXQTO-nkT 8 ABO 9T. TMb Week:
THE; j All Seats 25c
Daily aiatlass. at Wight. 8.
kousn pasx,
Omaha vs. Lincoln
aiAX lsi, 1a, 14 nna 15
j Friday, May 1H Ladies' Day.
Oamsi Called 3 P. m.