THE BEEs OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAY 12, 1014. Society TV. By MELLIFIOIA. Monday, May 11, 1914. THE gentleman farmer Ir the Ideal of probably half of the hard working business men of the crowded city, and many college men who fit themselves for a placo In the business world change their plans and go to the country Instead. "Back to the farm movement" Is one of the popular trends of the present time. And one dreams of sitting on tho wide verandas and the foreman tells you that there will bo wonderful crops. The cattle and pigs are fat and the horses are sleek and well fed; tho birds are singing merrily in the leafy trees, tho violets are In bloom, your motor Is drlvon up to the door and you "go to town" to do the marketing. But let me tell you some of the exciting thlngR that really happan. Just ask Mr. Charles Saunders, Mr. Myron Learned, Mr, Wayland Magot-. Mr. Louis Nosh, Mr. A. J. Love or Mr. Hubert Owen, all of whom havo heeded the call, "Back to nature and the farm." Mr. Saunders can tell you why ho missed a dinner encasement tha man who took care of the cows, went to town and did not return, bo Mr. Saunders remained at homo; no dairy maids being around, he did the milking. Mr. Magee can tell you how easy. It Is to handle a dozen or more of tramp harvest hands, who have been paid off Saturday afternoon and re turn most all hours of the night and morning for a "quiet Sunday In the country." Fortunately, Mr. Magee was quite an athloto at tho University of Chicago, and he has plenty of opportunity to use his prowess. Mr. Hubert Owen, since leaving tho University of Nebraska, has pur chased a farm near Missouri Valley. During tho cold woather this spring a mother pig and a litter of six young ones died of exposure, leaving one husky little orphan piggy. The little fellow was duly christened Clarenco and was brought up on a bottle. He soon became very chummy with Jerry, a beautiful Scotch collie of noblo birth, but the class distinction and the nationality seemed but to bind the friendship tho closer. "Where thou goost, there go 1" seomed to be their motto, and the well-groomed collie even tries to keep Clarence's face clean. Recently Clarence decided to see a bit of the world and started for Missouri Valley: Jerry, a bit apprehensive, accompanlod him. They ar rived safely at the famous railroad town, but It was too noisy for Clar ence, so after going through tho town he started off In the other direc tion and arrived at a farm three miles the other side of tho city. Tha farm quite pleased him and he was disposed to remain, for Jerry still ac companied him, so he was not lonesome. In the moantlmo Mr. Owen started efter the strange travelers and found little difficulty in following their trail, for many people had soen them. After a long tramp he found them at the other farm and started home, driving the grunting Clarenco before him. Back through the town thoy went and on toward home, "Gee, I hope the frat men don't hear of this," Mr. Owen said to him self as he saw the amused faces of everyone he met. Clarence Is threat ened with being locked up with the other pigs If he develops any more curiosity. For Prominent Visitor. Mrs. C. It. drive, Ifs of the former ambassador to Sweden, was honor rueit at a luncheon at the Commercial club thU noon, tendered by the Omaha Wom an's club. The luncheon was held In one of th private dining rooms, The decora tion were In Iliac and spring' floworo and Mre. Graves was the recipient of a corsage bouquet of white sweet pea. Mrs. deorge A. Whitney, preeldent of the Woman's club of Wadena, Minn., was one of the Bueets. Following- the luncheon. Mrs. Grave addressed the social science department of the Woman's club at the Metropolitan hall. Colonel and Mrs. Craves are the guests of Mr. Ralph K. Sunderland. Tho prtsont at the lunch eon were; Meedames- Mesdames- C II. Grave. K. E. Stantleld. George A. Whitney. Robert Glider, N. H. Nelon, n. t). Nee y, Frank Porter, J. It, Schneider, J J HIM, Jtaac DoujlHi, J. H. Uumont. Thomas Drown, J. R Webster, II. J. Holmes. T. 8. Orenor, Edward Johnson. C Lanikoy Smith. Studio Huticale. Mrs. John M. Jlacfarland and Mrs, Latham Davis cave the last of a rerlo or enjoyable muslcalea at their studio Sunday afternoon. Lilacs were uied In decoration and the program was played by Mies Alice Davis, planlste, who gave, severs! Chopin selection; Mrs. J. A. .. Kennedy gave two vocal selections, ac companied by Miss Edith Thomae and MJsa nuth Ganaon. accompanied by Mis Luelle Cornlth, gave two Vocal number. Violin numbers were rendered by Messrs, Kugene Pake and Earle Htlrllng. who cave two duets, and Ml Hasel Wilcox, selo number, for which Mr. Henry Cot played the accompaniment. Mrs. Herbert Roger, assisted In pour ing coffee and abont forty gueats were present. For tie Brides. MUs nuth Dillon entertained Saturday afternoon for Miss Msrta Beavers, a June bride, and Mlts Irene Shepard, a bride of this fall. The tea table had a center pleca of Mrs. Ward's roe nnd tea wa poured by Mrs, Louis Swartslander. The guests were, "Issei- Ml.ees Mereede Bhepard. Louise Heltfeld, M arte. Ba vara, Irene fihepard. Ann noberteon. Kllsabeth JHnley, Florence Wester- Jesilca Tucker. an. Dly Fry. Mesdames Mesdamet Leater Morgan. Loul Swartslander, Los Angeles; Charlea Campbell. Bridge Club MeetT" Mr. Lout C. Nesh wa hostess this afternoon at her home for the meeting of one of the Monday bridge clubs, Ml Claire Ilelene Woods rd was a guest of the club and the member are Mrs. Jerome Magee, Mr. C. V. Smith. Mrs. B. T. Swob, Mrs. "W. D. Hoford. Mr. T L Davis. Mr. Samuel Burns, Jr.; Mr. Olenn C. Wharton and Sirs. Louis C. Nash. For the Future. Mr and Mr. Jame n. Bone will tnter tain at car1 at their home thl evening, complimentary to Mr. and Mi. J. S. Rheln, who leave soon for Rockford. Ill, In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mr. George Berllnghoff of Lincoln are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Berllnghoff Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson ha returned' from a visit In New York with her (liter. ! Hon, and Mr. George A. Whitney of Wadena, Minn., are In the city a guests i their niece. Mr. Horace J. Holme. 1 Mr J. W. Thomas ha returned from a! budntss trip to El Po. Tex, Many Mexican refugees are In El Paso and' Juarts. and many weslthv 1 I lies from Mexico are at the hotel In El Pao. Mr. and Mrs. George flwoboda left Sun day afternoon for New York. ihnn iv,. sail May it for Germany. They will sol to Berlin to Join their daughter, who Is; in sciiooi mere ana to visit reluv Mrs, John Macfarland and son Donald, Flan to Uave the Utter part of Jyn to yWt Mrs, MacXarland s other two sons HONOR GUEST AT W0MAF8 CLUB LUNCHEON TODAY. EUROPE HASJTS SUSPICIONS Gravel Declares Countries Not Sure of Uncle Sam's Mexican Motive. HUMOR IN AMBASSADOR'S JOB Former ItepreaentatlTe In Sweden Telia Rome of the Pnnny Thlnst Peculiar to the Work In Forelsrn Land. That all Europe Is Inclined to retard us with a suspicious eye and that In a case llkft the present difficulty with Mexico tho European countries aro Im bued with the belief that we are actuated by no other motive than that of meed, na stated by Colonel Charles II. Graves of Duluth, former ambassador to Bweden, In his address on tho "Diplomatic Service" at the Commercial club, at noon, He men tioned this only Incidentally In connec tion with bis discussion on the function of an ambassador. He said an ambassa dor could do a great deal tinder the cir cumstances In setting aright the mind of any European country on the subject In hand. "We cannot send a special envoy to nil the countries of Europe at a time like this," he said, "In order to tell them the American attitude In this particular In ternational action that Is attracting at tention. 80 It Is the function of the am bassador to do this, He has been In the foreign country for some time, Ho Is known nnd respected, If he Is the right kind of an ambassador he ha made friends and formed Intimate relationships with the men of affairs In the country to which he Is ambassador, so that a few words from him nt a tlmo like this will do much toward setting the mind of that country aright on our problem really I with a country like Mexico." Ilntnorna !lilc of Job. Colonel Grave gave much of hi time to a discussion of some of the humorous phases of an ambassador's life. He gave his personal experience with a woman who had written to him asking that ho get her a divorce at once from her hua hand In Sweden, an she was then n America and had met a man she wished ' to marry, Another experience was that with a woman In Philadelphia, who had writ ten to her lover, u Mr. Peterson, In Stockholm. She wrote Ambassador Graven a pathetic letter saying Peterson had not answered her last letter and sho wanted the ambassador to look him up at once and ascertain the reason. He replied that the Potersons were more numerous In Stockholm even than tho Smiths In Philadelphia. Again a colored woman culled on him at Stockholm and secured passports to' go Into Russls. "I'm an artist," she explained, as her reason for wanting to go to Ituasia. "Water color or oil?" asked the am bassador. "Oh, no, sir," she explained. "I's a pong nnd dance artist." I nut thl wa not the last of her. In a tew week tne ambassador received tt tetegram from her at St. Petersburg reading, "Wire at once money for fare back to Stockholm." FIFTY THOUSAND FOR CHURCH This Amount Already Subscribed for First Presbyterian Building. ONLY SMALL PORTION NEEDED Twentr-FlTr Thousnnd More Will Fetch Ainltnlile Totnl Up to ncfUlrrmrn( for - .11 rtictnrr. An active but quiet financial campaign for the new First Prcsbyierlan church, to be built at Thirty-fourth Rnd Farnam streets, already has resulted In subscrip tions to the building fund amounting to almost $.7,000. J?alo of the present property at Seven teenth and Dodge streets Is expected to net almost 175,000, and women of the church are now engaged In raising :i separate fund of tl3,0y as their share In the fund, so less than $23,00) In pledges remains to be secured before the fund Is completed. The new edifice will cost In the neighborhood of J15O.0O) when fin ished. Alfred C. Kennedy is chairman of the finance committee. Women of the church also plan to raise several thousand dollars for church fur nishing and equipment. The $12,000 or gan, a memorial to the late Mrs. Joseph H. Millard, will be given by Senator Millard and his daughter, Miss Jessie Millard, through the Women's Aid so ciety of the church, of which Mrs. Mil lard was a member. A meeting of the members of the church will be held soon at which plans of the new church will be shown by means of ntereoptlcon slides. Robert Dempster Is chairman of the building and plans committee. For the Went nnd Ker.rnna, Tired out, weak, nervous men and and women need Electric Biticrs helps tho nerves and tones up the system. Wto and 11. All druggists. Advertisement. 7lvs. C.H. Graves Strangely Acting Man Arrested for , Following Woman! May Mllllgan. lfOl North Nineteenth I street, after being followed about the 1 cltv thn better nart nf RunHlv nfternnnn ' by a peculiar acting Individual, solicited the aid of Officer Wade at Sixteenth anl Dodga streets, "Whntdayamean by followln' this lady about," demanded Wade. "Why, officer, I love that young lady dearly and want her to go homo with me," replied the Individual. "Oh' la she some relative of yours?" asked Wade. 't don't 'keep company with that man," Indignantly vouchsafed May, "Come nlong, you," hissed Wade be twixt clenched teeth, and the Individual came. At the patrol box, while the pas senger was waiting, he calmly looked Into tbe policeman's' face and inquired. "Of ficer, what wa that girl' nameT" Wade answered In a foreign language. At police headquarter the Individual, who was- charged with "disorderly con duct," put up a $60 cash bond for his appearance In court. He fatted to appear for trial. Jack. Ellsworth, Belmont hotel, wa the name with which he was regis tered by the desk sergeant. I THE BEST I I 'CAKES 1 H TTi.CaJe That Mail M in Your Mouth and H Mules RputaUwu 0 for Cooks W Are Made INN xiris.1. - Iw issj vrii.ii riour WJ and daughter, Miss Ixulse Macfarland, In Uoiton. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Mcdtlton are enter taining their niece, Mrs. McUuffln of Cin cinnati, who plans (o remain for a week or two lunger. Mis Dora Alexander, supreme clerk of the Woodmen Circle, leaves tonight for Lincoln to attend the Eastern Star con vention, which open Tuesday morning. Little Chicks Have Ride in Violation of Parcel Post Law Two doren very live and very hungry little chickens came to Omaha through the parcel post. In sp:te of the fact that It Is against the rule to send live chick en through the mall. The little chick ens, without any mamma or guardian or caretaker, came al the way to Omaha from Eagle. Neb., by special delivery parcel post. For a time they were held In the postmaster's office pending a decl slqn of tho official a to whether or not the little chickens should be returned to the person who sent them here or de livered to the addressee. Pottmaster Wharton finally decided to let them stav In Omaha, when his secretary suggested that one of the little chick might d If It had to go home through the bumpy, stuffy mall sacks. German Players Meet With Local Success The return engagement of the German Theater company was given Sunday night at the American, when the players presented "Kin Geschledene Frnu" be fore a Urge audlenee. "Kin Dunklcr Punkt" was played by the same company lait Wedneaday and the German Alll anee. tinder whose auspices the player msda the trip to Omahs, Is much tni couraged and will likely Interest other performers to show here It Is now practical!) assured that the German Theater company will visit Omaha again next fall Mrs. Emma Speel First Heat Victim of Year Emma Speel, 40 years of age, died during Sunday night at her home. 709H North Eighteenth street, from hear trouble superinduced by heat. Mrs. Speel was sitting on' the front porch of her resi dence Sunday evening and complained to a neighbor, Mrs, Annie Doyle, that the weather waa unbearable. She had not since been seen and Mrs. Uoyles called this morning. The door wa unlocked, and walking Into the bedroom she found thn body of the stricken woman with a fan In one hand. Mrs. Speel suffered a stroke of hrat prostration last summer and had since been under the care of Dr, J. C. Huben backer. Coroner Croby has taken charge of the body. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES SHOWING A DECREASE Contagious diseases, which had Invaded several section of the city to serious extent In March, were considerably re duced during April, according to the re port ot the city health commission. The record of case is as folloVs. March. April Diphtheria TS M Searlet fever S2 IS Smallpox 61 4: Chicken pox 10 4 Health Commissioner R. W. Connell be lieves the number ot cases will be still fuxther reduced during the summer months. The contagion during the win ter were more extensive than usual, ow ing, according to the health commissioner, to the unusually mild weather. The best cake flour is Swans Down. For many years tha best cake makers in home and shop have used it exclu sively. It always, makes the lightest, whitest, finest cakes. A trial pack&go will convince you. Swans Down Prepared CAKE FLOUR (Not &lf-RIaIn0 4s far different from bread flour. It is especially pre pared. It Is low in gluten, which means that it com bines best with the egg, butter and sugar, and makes tha lightest cake. Swans Down Calco Flour comes in oonvanitnt packages fresh, clean and sanitary. Keeps fresh the year round. Phone your grocer today for package and you will fc delighted with the re sult. No uncertainty about cake making if you uu Swam Down Cak Flour Our Cak Sct$U Booklet, telling you all about caka making and containing many tested red pee, is free for the asking. Writ for it now. All GcxkCrocTi S$tt Sumtu Down CaJu Float Valuable Coupon la each package. Igleheart Bros. Dep&O Eranirille, Ini. Also makscs ef Bwaaa Dowa Purs Wheat ftttasl Bran mm Bwas Down Fun TY&eM Onhaat Flour. FUNERAL OF C. C. SCHAEFFER HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON The funeral of the late editor and news, paper man, Charles C Srhaeffer, wa held Sunday afternoon at t.X) at Prospect Hill cemetery. Old resident and pioneers were well represented. The sermon wa delivered by Rev. Mr Qraber. The pall bearer were Harry Hayward. Ed Dupln, Ioula Muter, Louis Zaakowtkt, Walter Nelson and Oeorg Nelson. ! fii 8 1 1 We Are Omaha Distributors of Kayser Gloves and Underwear. Our Annual May Sale of Muslin Under wear Next Saturday. 10,000 Sample Pieces of Fine Lace On Sale Tuesday These laces are the sample stocks of one of the largest manufacturers in Europe. They came to us direct from Plauen. Germany, and include values that are actually as tounding. We urge you see these laces Tuesday. The samples are from 12 to 18 inches long. They are insertions, bands, edges, galloons allovers, motifs, yokes and medallions. Most of them arc matched sets. ' Included are Venice laces, baby Irish effects, net top laces, shadow laces, black silk Venice laces, Cluny and silk floss laces. Widths of 1 y2 to 18 inches. These are sample lengths of laces such as sell regularly at 50c to $2.50 a yard. The entire shipment is divided into four great lots for quick disposal, at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c for each piece. k Small sample pieces of English A Hover Laces about -4 yard long, suitable for baby yokes, fancywork, dress I trimmings, etc. On sale. ter tsiecti. ........ JL Sample Strjps of Laces Worth up to 10c yard 8,000 yards of sample pieces of French and German val laco edges and insertions to match. Lengths of of a yard to 2 yards. Qualities worth to 10c yud, on Halo nt, yard 10B 2 k 25: 2lc Pretty Wash Dresses, 1.98 Misses' and women's wash dresses of tissues, voiles, ratine, cords and linens. Makers' samples. All -worth $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. Choice, f - nn In the basement pl70 House Dresses Women's house dresses of light and dark color percales. Pretty styles, excellently made, Very special, 'n. basement 50c Bungalow Aprons, 37c 45c Percales Yard wide fancy light and dark dress percales, standard quality. Desirable lengths. n I Yard , 0fC Bungalow aprons of good ginghams and percales. Well made, tape bound, have pockets and belt back. Cap to match. Regular 50c values, in rj the basement ) C Petticoats Black and colored sateen Petti coats, also stripe and plain color wasn petticoats, worth jO 50c and 75c, at )OC Sheets Good weight bleached seamless sheets, 72x90 and 81x90. 60c grade. Slightly imperfect. on Each 07C Sample Waists Pretty waists of whlto anil col ored materials, voiles, lawns and lingerie. Worth to o $1.50, choice OOC Dress Prints Thousands of yards ot fancy1 drees and.shlrt prints, fast col 6rs. Specially priced o t for Tuesday, at, yard 5:C How to choose lace curtains ' THE durability of a curtain can never be judged by ap pearance alone. The washing qualities depend upon the strength of a tiny, hidden bobbin thread which ties together the threads of the design. In every Quaker Lace Curtain, the bobbin thread is the strongest that has ever been used in a lace curtain. That is why the beautiful Quaker Lace Curtains have a durability all their own. I You cannot make a better choice than from the wide range of beautiful Quaker designs. It will be to your advantage to visit the curtain departments of merchants who feature Quaker Lace Curtains. I i QjjakerIace Curtains QUAKER LACE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Maktn of Qualtr Lttt CurtaiiUi Qualir Cnft-Latt and Quakir Ltctt. A Cheery Apartment Summer seems twice as long if you are 'living in an apartment that seems stuffy and close to you. Why don't you start this very day to looking for a pleasant place to live. You can do this with out trouble and with no loss of time simply by turning back to the Want Ad pages of THE BEE. Here you find the best places at the most mod erate prices.