Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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The Beo Publishing Company, Proprlotor.
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Address pommunlratlons relating to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
APIUIj circulation.
State, of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.
Dwtght Williams, circulation manager of The Be
Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that
average dally circulation lor the month of April, 1214,
was 6Ms.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Wore ma
this 5th day of May. 1614.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public.
Subscriber leaving the city temporarily
should huvo The Beo moiled to them. Ad
dress will be changed as often as requested.
Anyone else, strawhatted yet?
For Madam Nordlca It proved to bo a, real
farewell tour.
Tho dandelion continues to puttop them all
as the great American yellow peril.
Statistically measured, marriage in Chicago
is a flve-to-ono shot. Well, It's a fair garablo
At that.
The socialists make a strong appeal to tro
respect and reason of tho country by repudi
ating Upton Sinclair.
No city plan Omaha may ever acqulro will
provide for crooked streets or harrow lanes in
the central section of the city.
"Rolnforce Funston Heavily at Onco" runs
a headline.' What Is tho need, with Richard
Harding Davis on tho ground?
Those American newspaper men taken into
custody in Mexico, and then roloasod, ought to
have a good story to toll, anyway.
Tho good ship Kron Prlniessln Cccolle, it
appears, did not land munitions of war,
but to transport mcssengors of peace.
For the office to seek the man used to, be r
political ideal, Now it's a froo-for-all ten-dollar
entry foe, and' tiio prize to tho swiftest.-
When our democratic reform sheriff waa so
lavish with flno promises be must havo had a
mental reservation for the 160,000 Jall-feeding
wr. Bryan my bellevo ever so strongly in
tho ultimato triumph of peacoful measures in
Moxlco, but ho has not as yet laid any 16 to I
odds, on tho proposition.
Whoover selected the Niagara Falls as tho
place for tho mediators to medlato doubtless
figured on tho war talk being drowned in tho
roar of the rushing waters.
C W Morse threatens to sua the New Haven for
iu,www. rvtws not. 1
The onco famous bankor must be counting
on several additional six months' Installment
of life.
J. Adam Bedo is again a candldato for con
gross irom tno Tenth Minnesota district. If ho
wins, as he should, wo may onco moro be as
sured of a fow bright spota in the Congressional
A Strong Presentation.
Former Secretary of State, Knox makes a
strong presentation of tho case against repeal
of the clause exempting Amorican coastwise
shipping from Panama canal tolls. Not only
does Mr. Knox apeak with as much authority
on the subject as can anyone, but he fortlfleF
himself from his own official experience and
communications in answer to Great Britain's
claims and protests under tho treaty.
Mr. Knox makes out clearly the sovereign
right of tho United States to protect and stlmu
lato its own shipping Interests, If it desires,
by remission of tolls, and thus to glvo our own
people benefits from the canol as returns on
their Investment and risk to which tho people
of other nations are not entitled. He shows,
further, that the uso of tho canal on tindlscrim
Inatlng terms by other nations Is made de
pendent upon their observance of such rules as
wo may prescribe, and there is no obligation to
bind our own shipping by tho same rules as that
of foreign nations.
The main point of It all is that Mr. Knox es
tablishes conclusive grounds for us to stand on
In contending that the tolls exemption clause In
vades no other nation's troaty rights. If that
bo conceded, or be conceded even to bo a con
troversial question, thon the pica of President
Wilson for repeal loses all its force, becauso the
only reason advanced by him is the Impairment
of prestlgo which wo would suffer abroad by
not living up to tho promise made In tho treaty.
The sole argument offered by him to Induce
democrats who had voted for tolls exemption to
reverse themselves, and in so doing to repudiate
the plank in the Baltlmoro platform explicitly
endorsing freo tolls, is tho necessity of living
up to the more sacred and moro binding promise
in tho troaty.
As we have more than onco said, pcoplo may
honestly differ as to tho policy of favoring our
own coastwise trade, but with tho pretense ol
tho troaty obligation removed, tho president has
no right to ask tho members of congress to slnt;
tholr own convictions on tho subject, and voto
to repeal a law which they themselves helped
to enact, and In whose wisdom they still believe.
r3 ff c?
The public utilities corporations. Would muc.i
prefer to have their rates and sorvlces regulated
by a state board, than by the local municipal au
thorities. For the same reason they would
rather have the legislature contlnuo to framo
our city charters than to havo them made at
home. ,
personal demo-
Saya Senator Hitchcock's
cratic organ:
There are scores of men In congress who are so
far superior to these writers of great financial papers
that there Is no means of comparison.
With the distinguished senator in congress,
that ought to go without saying.
A call Is out for the meeting of the republloon
state committee at the Millard hotel May ti. it u
Issued over the name of Otorge B. Dorsty, chairman,
and 8. B Corlion, reerotary.
Fred Younff. assistant foreman of The Bee's pres
room, nasred around-the cigars. It's a girl.
J E. Market, the well known hotel man. Is back
from California.
Alexander Williams, wholesale hardware dealer of
Davenport, Is., with his wife. Is spending a few days
in the city with Mrs. Millard, who Is Mrs. Williams'
Milt R. L'hl, bas ness manager of The Rural Ne
bteskan, left for Chleago.
R. E. Klttridge. night clerk at the Paxton hotel.
ht gone to Lock port, N. v.. to be away two weeks.
The sporting fraternity is on the qui vtve for a
fistic match bftween FeJI and Haeley, about ripe to
Working Through College.
From Stanford university comes the report
that one-tenth of the students there are work
ing tholr way through on tholr own resources
Possibly as largo a percentage In other Institu
tions Is doing tho samo thing. According to th
roport, these young men do whatever sort of
honorable work comes to hand. Some wait on
tables, nomo care for gardens, do domestic
vork, drivo automobiles, tutor, work at ste
nography, hold clerkships, act as janitors any
thing available and worthy. Moreover, the
Stanford branch of tho Young Men's Christian
association, which is responsible for the publi
cation of tho report, announces that theso youn;;
men are not only leaders In their classes, but
also In athlotlcs, forenslcs, dramatics and other
It naturally .stands to reason that tho boy
with grit and gumption enough to work his wa
through college Is apt to bo' a wlnnor wherever
"y6lf put h'lm.: " He Is Hkoly to byo a . much
keener sonso of the valuo bf tlmo and obbo..
tUnily than his irfatos 'not obliged to consider iol. root, tno, mils. Of course, young men
liavo been working their way through school
f6r a long tlmo. John H. Flnloy, commissioner
ol education of New York state and formerly
president of tho College of tho City of New
i. . .. -
torn, is among sucn. ho worKed his way
through Knox collego and was made president
of the Institution a few years after graduation
Lot it be emphasized again and again that odd-
cation, onco denlod except to those with meanH,
la avallablo nowadays to every one with getup
onough to roach out and solzo an average oppor
tunity. The Profit in Petts.
World's Work relates that the federal gov
ernment and levorat state governments have
spent $11,000,000 in fighting brown-tail and
gipsy moths, boll woeyll and cattle tick, whllu
tho costs of these pests to farmers in the de
structlon of crops, trees and cattle havo
amounted to more thon $3,000,000,000.
"Those losses," It. observes, "are largely the
price we pay for belonging to the family of na
tions, for several of the most destructive postH
were imported rrom foreign lands." Possibly,
but we aro,lrt the family of nations to stay. If
wo are going 'to put our membership entirely
on a profit and loss basis, let ub remember that
we gain as well as lose something; we gain, In
fAct, far more than we lose. But whether we
did or not, we would still find It unprofitable
to cancol our membership.
But tho pith of this observation as to, pests
Jb this, that what the Amorican farmer has to
ao is to rouow scleritlflc Instruction In the
handling of those creatures that Is, In combat
ting thorn. Of course, he Is doing that, Just as
he Is adopting scientific methods of tilling, sow
Ing and riaplng, and marketing and financing
10 somo exioni. mere, in that marketing, ai
World's Work suggest, Is whore the profit of
the pests to us comes in. With the proper old
ui our law-maKora me farmers will begin to
mako real progress under the scientists' direc
tion In the art of conservation, proceeding on
the principle that "prevention Is better than
cure," and that we havo now paid out enough
for our ignoranco and neglect.
be polled off.
Local newspaper men met and pasted memorial
resolutions for Samuel F. Donnelly, a former asso
ciate, who- died In New York. '
Complaints are being registered against allowing
"that old frame shell to obstruct (sixteenth street
Bear Farnsm, where It bas stood tor more than a
ronth in the middle of the street."
Royal Matthews and John H. Onion, two young
lawyers of Davenport, Is., are looktnx Omaha, over,.
Wth t&e proepect that Mr- Qtttm win local 'here.
It is generous to ascribo the success of Kau
sasjCltyJn capturing the regional bank for this
reservo district to tho unltod pull of Kansas City
business Interests... Don't overlook the political
pull, however, without which two regional banks
would never have been located In one and tho
samo state, nor the political handicap under
which Omaha labored and which proved to he
tho Insuperable obstacle.
A militant suffragefte In New York doclares
that no woman should live with a man more
than four years. If all were built on the mill
twit plan, the sentence of mere man would be
barred In thts country by the constitutional pro
vision forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment."
Governor Morehead has doubtless been dul)"
reminded that he would have illustrious prece
dent for throwing his hat Into the ring notwith
standing previous declarations that under 40
circumstances would he seek or accept another
Distrust of Legislature.
OMAHA, May 11. To the Editor of The
Bee; Your editorial on 'Distrust of Leg
islatures" Is useful because It Is Instruc
tive, but neither It nor the conclusions of
Governor O'Neal entirely disposes of the
topic. We are stilt aufferlng from the
swing of the pendulum that led the "con
stitutional fathers to separate as far as
possible the legislative and executive
functions of government. Their experi
ment of adding the Judiciary as the third
element of the governmental trilogy hAS
had the undesirable effect of establish
ing a sort of fetich worship, with the
courts as the object of popular adora
tion, or objurgation, as the course of
Judicature may square with public opin
ion or desires. This devotion to a fetich
establishes In the minds of the masses a
notion that remedial legislation Is always
efficacious, which notion. In Its turn.
leads to the conclusion, equally fallacious,
that all evils may be cured by legisla
tion, and this brings about the continual
experimentation by lawmakers.
I would add to the suggestion of Gov
ernor O'Neal that the executive bo com
bined with the legislative, and that the
Judicial be restricted to Its proper func
tion of administering the laws. And
when this has been accomplished I would
further suggest that a distinct effort be
made to clear the minds of all people of
the foolish Idea that evil of any or every
sort will vanish simply because prjhlbl-
tofy laws havo been pasred.
Who Pays (he Cost t
RRADBHAW, Neb., May ll.-To tho
Editor of The Bee: There Is a question
Just now being asked by many of our
taxpayers In regard to who will pay the
cost that has accrued and that will accrue.
regarding the mobilization of the Ne
braska National Guard, should such n.
thing as mobilization take place. Will
It be the national or state government?
Again, In the - work of organizing a,
Third Nebraska regiment, and the bring
ing, up of tho present state mllltla to a
war footing, and all the various expenses
attached to such an undertaking? No
one seems to know, and there are a
good many who think that Governor
Morehead nnd General Hall were some
what previous In their enthusiasm to do
so much and go so far In tho work of
raising troops before there waa any direct
call from the president.
If anyone has taken the pains to 'look
these questions up and has learned the
facts In the case, they can confer a favor
on a good many Bee readers by entering
The Bee Letter Box with a concise state
ment or explanation, JOHN B. DEY.
Letter from n Politico! jr.enthe.n
SOMEWHERE, May .11. ToC the Editor
of; The Bee: Yturblde sailed for Europe
In January, ls3. On July 14, 1823, he re
appeared and landed near' Tamplco, . was
captured, and soon afterwards shot to
death ,by order of Santa Anna. Thus
e'ndedtho. career of, the first emperor.
It' Is "a groat pity, "that, when he left
this world, he did not take Santa Anna
along with him.
At tints time Santa Anna was 2? or 8
years of age. For the next, thirty years
or, more, tho biography of Santa Anna Is
thi history of his unhappy country. It
Is beyond tho province of this article to
go Into the details of his career. Nero
was hardly more cruel. The Benedict
Arnold of history and the lago of fiction
could hardly eclipse him in Infamy.
After the Independence of Mexico, the
Mexicans divided themselves Into two
parties, the clericals and the liberals.
Santa Anna, Mlramon and the other ras
cals lined up on the side of tho church
Though Santa Anna never Joined a party
or attached himself to a man that he did
not afterwards betray. Born at Jalape.
In 1795 or t94, he had received a mili
tary education. Santa Anna served
agnlnst Hidalgo and Morelos mentioned In
previous articles; attached himself to the
fortune of Yturblde, to whom he owed
his advancement to the offlfe Of brigadier
general. As before mentioned, he effected
the overthrow of his benefactor, yet
both were rascals; and the misfortune of
either was the happiness of Mexico. Tho
Ins and outs of Santa Anna are diversi
fied reading. First dictator, next prest
dent then exile, he kept Mexico In a per
petual turmoil.
I have said Mexicans were divided Into
two parties, clericals and liberals. To
show what call there was for a liberal
party, let facts speak for themselves;
sixty-five years ago, the population of
Moxlco was more than T.OCO.OOO. The
country contained 1M monastarles and
nunneries, with a monastic population of
2.OJ0 nuns and 1,700 monks. The seculor
clergy did not number 8,200, The num
ber nsslgned to each priest, monk or
curate would make a respectable city.
The annual revenue of the church, which
wt-nt to this body of men less than 5,000
was more than 190,000,000, or more than
$18,000 tq each. The entire real estate of
Mexico was valued at liSO.OOO.OOOt of this
the church owned JJTO.OOO.OUO. In othur
words a body of men constituting less
than one-tenth of 1 per cent of the popu
latlon owned one-third of the real estate.
Beside this, the personal property of the
clergy alone was valued at IIM.OOO.OOD,
Let the Standard Oil company and the
steel trust h:de their heads In shame.
The Lady Shoe Shiners.
. OMAHA, May 4t.-rTo the Editor of The
Bee: Trie trust Ibusters of the Twentieth
Century 8hlnt'nr parlor Wish to tell the
public that we aro working under strict
rules, and one of the rules Is that we are
not' allowed to make dates while on duty.
Anyone caught Is dismissed Immediately,
We are girls unfortunate In getting office
work, and couldn't lire on the wages If
we eould. I don't think any one can cay
n word about the place If they ever
visited It, as It Is certainly conducted
under good rules. The only kick ever
n.ade. I think, was made- by girls who
came here and ildn't make, good, because
t wasn't work they were thinking of
when they came here. One Ctrl Was
taken out of here because aha was undr
dct. It waa not the fault of the com
pany, as she gave her age, and aurned
papers, that she was IS, and as far as her
going wrong. It Is false, and we haw
Vroof as to that. We are getting good
wagvs. and are trying to make an honest
living. If we were Immoral girls, we
wouldn't b working In shM polish for a
II ring; we would be dotnx as others suns
doing. All we want Is a chance to show
oar caUsr are all white.
Talk About the Weather
An Explanation of How Official
Forecasts Are Made by the Bureau.
Editorial Pen Points
Unties of th? Wcathrr Man.
The great variety of weather turned loose In this
country. In and put of season, keeps weather sharps
on the Jump to make their forecasts measure up with
results. How does the weather man do It? The ques
tion was put up to the chief of tho weather man In
Washington by the Brooklyn Eagle correspondent,
and the Department of Agriculture furnished the
answer following:
Tho weather forecaster does not look out of the
window and guess. Ho Is not weatherwlse like the
old salt who scenM the approach of a storm without
knowing how. To the signs by which the orainary
citizen decides whether to take his umbrella with him
or leave It at home he pays no attention. Give him
Ills telegraph wires nnd he can make his predictions
as accurately In a wlndowless cellar aa on the top of
New York's highest skyscraper.
"Twice a clay, at 8 o'clock In the morning and 6
'clock In the evening, reports are telegraphed to
Washington from about 2W observers stationed In as
many different localities In the United States and
Canada. In these reports the observers do not voiun-
eer their personal opinions about what Is going to
happsn. They confine themselves to a Plain siaie-
ment of the actual conditions at that particular mo
ment, the pressure, or weight, of the atmosphere; the
temperature, the direction and velocity or tne wino,
the amount of rain since the last report, and so forth.
From this Information tho weather map of the United
States Is made up, showing the conditions that pre
vail In every part of the country. 8lnce there are two
maps for each day, It Is obvious that ny comparing
them a forecaster can keep track of the course and
progress of both storms nnd periods of clear weather.
From that, the next step Is to predict wnat son 01
weather will prevail for a day or two In any given
"This map Is the basis for all scientific weainer
forecasting, A glance at It will show mat 11 is
divided into 'high pressure areas' and low pressure
areas.' These are technical terms used to describe
the regions In which the weight or pressure of the
atmosphere Is great (high) or small (low). At sea
level, the baromoter, which is used to measure ths
weight, will register thirty inches under normal con
ditions of tho1 atmosphere. When It registers more than
this, sny 30.5 or 31. the pressure Is 'high;' when 23.5 01
less, 'low.' In this way the height of a column of
mercury In a barometer Indicates the weigm or tne
air, Just- as In a thermometer it Indicates tne tem
H peril of Storms.
"Low prebsure usually means strong winds, rain
and rising temperature; cool, clear weather. For a
reason to be explained later these 'highs' and 'lows,'
as they are galled,, travel In a general direction from
wont n east. The' forecaster notes tneir progress on
the map, perceives their speed and their route, nnd
then predicts the tlmo or xneir arrival i oi.vw....
point. If they traveled, like a snip sjecrcti oy u-
pass, an exact course to the cast, ana 11 iney mo
inv.HHhlv nt the same speed, then weather forecast
ing would be a simple sum In arithmetic, like calcu
lating the time when a raiirona tram runnms mi
miles an hour wjll jfrrivo at a station KO miles away.
.mm. r not railroad trains. They travel In
Jin easterly direction, but they do not travel due east.
Thcdr .speed Is liable to cnange, ana mcy nro
by the presence of other storms, ny mountain ranS,
largo bodies of water and many other things which
niako weather prophesying the complicated science
that It Is. The skeleton of the science, however. Is
the progressive of those 'highs' and 'lows' eastward
across the country.
Thi. nrntrmsa Is caused by the shape of the earth
and the well known fact that hot air . rises. The
(rnii un in tho regions along the equator neais
great masses of air, which rise and drift toward the
north and south pole. As the earth revolves from
west to east these masses cjre carried along iron 11
at the same speed, uui, as is ci, n"",
equator revolves much faster than the ple. which
are practically stationary, in much the same way as
thn rim of a wheel revolves faster man me nun
Therefore, these masses of air, revolving at tne same
,o tho mutator, begin, as Uley approacn me
poles, to move much faster than the earth beneath
them. There Is a constant movement of the atmos
phero from west, to east, a movement which becomes
more marked the nearer one gets to me poico.
fitsnlflcance of this "West Wind.
"This, of course, does not mean mat tne wina
always blows from the west. The great current flows
in that direction, but surface conditions cause In
.....vahlA orfille wh'.ch are the winds we feel. Into
t low nressuro area, for Instance, the air rushes from
overy direction. Thus. If the center of disturbance Is
to the west of us. we will have an easterly wind ns
the nlr rushes toward this center; when the storm
has reached and passed us on Its easterly way we
,m k.v wpnternlv winds. For this reason it is
common to say that west winds mean clear weather
"The nlr that flows Into the low pressure area
obviously must go somewhere. Since It Is coming In
from every point of the compass the ony available
place Is up. As it rises It cools and contracts. In the
process the moisture It contains Is condensed and we
i.v rain. That Is. we are likely to. It cannot be
stated, too emphatically, as there are many things to
be considered which may make exceptions to the most
fundamental rules.
"in regard to temperature everyone has noticed
that rain In winter means warm weather, in summer
cool weather. This arises from the fact that heat
iv.ln more easily through clear skies than through
clouds "and moisture- In the daytime heat reaches the
.wt, tn b absorbed In the atmosphere. In summer.
t,.rrnrf. when the days are longer than the nlgtita.
the earth Is being heated for a greater part of thn
intv.four hours than It Is being cooieo. in winso
nif.r the clearer the weather and the easier It Is
. ,. in travel, the hotter It grows. In winter the
reverse Is true. The cooling time Is longer than the
huilnr. and the clearer It Is the colder It grows.
Thus the peessure of the atmoaphere Is the key to the
weather, affecting the three vital questions 01 rata.
temperature and wind.
People and Events
1'hllndelphla Ledger: You never can tell
what war will bring forth. For example.
Uncle Sam Is using his Influence to neu
tralize the oil business In Mexico; al
though ho has been attacking It for years
on this side of the border.
Philadelphia Record: Dr. Cook has
found a champion of his North Tolo pre
tensions In Senator Polndextcr of, Wash
ington, most vociferous of the progres
sives, who wants congress to give the al
leged discoverer a vote of thanks and a
gold medal for his "services to science."
There seems to be a good deal In common
between Cook's claims and progressive
protestations. Neither will stand a close
Springfield Republican: It Is a sober
ing thought that there were more deaths
from carelessness In the streets of New
York during tho month of April than
there were deaths of Americans In the
seizure of Vera Crur. Forty-five per
sons were killed In the streets, of whom
twenty-three were children and of the
twenty-three ten were claimed by auto
mobiles, six by the street cars and seven
by horse-drawn vehicles. Vera Cruz
claimed sixteen.
Philadelphia Ledger: Many of the
refugees from Tamplco aro too bitter in
their criticism on account of the with
drawal of American ships. The adminis
tration evidently had good reason fur
bellexlng that the German and British
ships would do all the protecting neces
sary, as they did, and there were reasons
of policy which made this solution of tho
problem desirable. Tho case Is yet to bo
reported where an Amerlcnn naval offi
cer has deserted citizens In time of need
without providing for their adequate protection.
husband of h suffragist and th. other Is
the husband of ar antl-suffraglst,
Washington Star.
"My daughter has recently secured a
position as stenographer In a large of
fice." . ... '
"Is she a success?
"Seems to be. She has already received
three offers of marriage." Louisville
Ragged Rogers-be lady In de next
house give mo a piece of. home;rnade
cake. Won't you give me someniin , .
Mrs. Spiteful uenainiy. " "" "
pepsin tablet. Boston Transcript.
"Mary, why didn't you sound the din-
pgSJm, 1 i,ouldn;tHflna.lUtable
"Why there t is on the hall table.
"Please, 'm, you said this morning that
was the breakfast gong." -The SKetcn.
Time was when poet did "P1" J.
To clothe his thought In flowery
Miss Elder Poor Mr. Dubb Is so absent-
minded. He bought me a box of candy
on his way up to call last evening, and
tler Friend He left It on the street .car.
I suppose?
Miss Elder No; he ate It. Indianapolis
He Darling, refuse me, and I shall
never love another girl!
She (briskly) What I want Is a man
who will promise me that If I accept him.
'Who are these two weary-looklne
men who both admit they are afraid to
go home?"
"One, replied Miss Cayenne. "Is the
, t
In fact, redundance was the rage
In prose essay or prosier fiction,
In sixty-seven different togs
The poet his pet thought kept drees
Ing. Till Its identity was lost, ...... ii
And finding It required some guessing.
Time Is when diction' must be brief.
Ideas clad In raiment scanty.
Eschewing Milton's ornate rtyle.
Refraining from the trills of Dante.
And In tho fiction of today
Crude facts appear In scant apparel
Except upon tho funny page ,...,,,
Where the hero finds some friendly
Tlmo was when my lady hid her form
'Neath bombazine nnd hoop and bustle.
And yards and ynrds and yards of skirt,
That awed men with Its awesomo
Balloon topped sleeve obscured the ami,
Soft silken puff eclipsed the dimple,
And from this intricate mass of stuff
Peered forth the womr.n pure and
Time Is when fashion has decreed
Against the yards and .yards of skirt
ing ,
And femnle forms in scant attire
Their charms In public are-asserting; '
Redundancy lp dress has gone ,
The way of super-flowery, diction
But halt and observe, of what' Is left
Not all Is truth, three-fourths Is fiction.
V. .
Redundancy in dress dear me!
Had Just stepped out-my ink was dry
ing When out of the dim past I see
Those ancient draperies come a fly
ing; But tho' my lady is decked out
With fold on fold and-frill on frill
The bare Idea has not flown.
Somehow It hovers round her still.
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It congress Intends handing oat void medal for
heroes of fiction, George Ads will Insist on recog
nition for Indiana's fiction colony,
Durlnr April there were forty-fire deaths doe to
street accidents In New Yprk City, This puts the
Vera Cms record of seventeen In the lower boxo
f the. scare board.
Br wkt of showtnx' thefr recxrd for- the arrait
American detective, WUllam J. Burns, the people of
Marietta, Oa., last Friday escorted him out of. town
with a shower of eggs.
Dr. J. W, Bolotln. who was bom btlnd twenty
sis years ago, has passed, with the highest gradj
at musr entrant, the crAnitTuittat fhr attenribis pfryxfr
clan of the Tuberculosis hospital of the Oak Park
lnrirmary In Chicago.
George Thompson of Atrfrfsutu Kwif bs iivuix J
off voUnr for presidents, lie has ruled at erery
election since IMS and, with the excepUon of Franklin 1
Pierce, has never yet "wan his wrtu" E- saya thai. 1
either hlfl Judgment la pnar cr ho la a. h amino. J
Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson, the president's
eldest daughter, will be one or the editors of a new
migr1 to be humefaed la Jos fhr promoting- the
Uso of public school hmiHRE ns uanUna of cnnipsratlwa
enterprise and tacrefni, fijeuusa C taaasam. euois
ssl and aa putukv polllinr n&taa,-
rp.t nizgfc Bnarmn, C. S. X, vho win haw
charge at aB the. ertii c inn'.irnc shipv'lnsT through
the Panama gnuraatml from. Annapulla In ISKX
and with the excentSm. c six; yaun tm hesn at sea
ver stnta. He bu hoot sxotmil thu wurlt Om times
and has cmnmamted. iiitpr In nearly every big imrt
In the. warML
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