'J'JE BEE: OMAHA, TfESDAY, MAY 12, 1914. Thompson, Belden & Co. ANNOUNCE AN EXHIBITION BY THE MANILA TRADING AND SUPPLY CO. (Importers) xrith offices nt Hong Kong, Mnniln and Cal cutta, commencing today (Monday) and continuing throughout the week. Your presence is requested at this ex hibition of rare and cxclusivz Oriental w res and fabrics from India, China, Japan and the Philippines. Including hand embroidered waist, dress and coat patterns, table and bed linens, Hnomos, Mandarin coats, trimmings, ivories, brasses and a host of other useful and decorative articles. Miss J. P. Gibson, who is well versed in the lore nnd traditions of the Orient, is in charge and will be pleased to meet Omalm people interested in this dis play. Second floor. Tuesday White Goods Specials $1.75 72-inch Linen Sheeting $1.50 a Yard $2.25 no-inch Linen Sheeting $2.00 a Yard $2.00 81-inch Linen Sheeting $1.75 a Yard $2.50 90-inch Linen Sheeting... $2.25 a Yard MPWWg 4 AMP DEMOCRATS ARE DESPERATE Friend, rf Maguirc Seeking to In duce vcrchead to Change Mind. WANT TO RUN FOB GOVERNOR They Fear Strength Mnhrr Slay De velop In Triangular Guberna torial Fight nlth nrjrnn and fierce. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May ll.-(8peclal.)-Thal a desperate condition exist In the demo cratlo party today la made evident ly another attempt to convince Governor Morehead that should so back on hla election promise not to accept another term - governor, Wnco the- governor haa come out for congress there haa been a big effort made by the friends of Congressman Mugulre to get the governor t change his mind and make a try for the democratic nom ination for governor. There Is method In the madnesa of these persona for several reasons, With the governor In the raco for the democratic nomination for con Kress, tho Maguro men understand that the little congressman, will, stand no show of getting th'e'homlriall&h They vont htm out of tho wuy anil they want hln In the gubernatorial fight becausn they fear the strengtlj which ( Colonel ,John a. Mahr mfcy develop iriVWroc-cornerod fl8hwJt'lV.Charo 'V. Bryan nnd.Ocorgo W, :per4', dividing ,thV lfy.kjv'otf..' and'' Cofonel Mahtsr1 getting trie Wet support. They f.vfylthat' )t (hy i'un Coax the gOverhof , baci nfok'ttio 'race, there Is a much uttter Tor Jlngi-tro to land the congressional" nomination nnd ' tho Bryan flnd ' llertfc tolloucrVi know, that their chances' will bo. rnoUo belte'rMvlth iho governor drawing support which under ordinary clrcuinstancea would go to Hahcr. Will Make Vlg'orona JSffort. It Is expected that this week a very Vigorous effort will be made by 'the Bryan-Berce-Magulro faction .to. coax the governor to Klvo up his -congressional as pirations and seek aga.n to win a second term a governor. Of course Uryan and Dtrg will stay out ,ot the wgollatlona personally, but their friend will do the Ulkjng. i However, the governor appeura to have a pretty good Una on the situation,, llo recognizes very well that with thy pres ent split up condition of too drnoyratlo party In the. statu there Is no certainty that he could bo elected .to a second term as governor If he was -nominated. , Whon he looks over the election (inures of two rears ago he dlscovera, tliaj ho, polled more votes In the First' congressional district for governor than Magulr.e, did for congress by J. 110. In Tact, Jif re celved more votes In every couptyithan did Magulre, the records 'snowing thst hi. evtn received thirty-five niore In Lan caster county, MaBUlrtj'a own home, than did the congressman, tho records showing 110 more in Cass; JU In Johnson, thirty five In Lancaster, V& In Nemaha, thirty one In Otoe, forty-six In I'awnee and in Richardson oounty, the governor's, home, he received iZQ moro votes than Mogulre. In studying these figures tho sovernor feels that there la no reason , why he should get oft of the congressional race track, which looks good to lilin, atd go oqto the gubernatorial track, which looks mighty humpy Just now from a demo cratic standpoint Governor Not to lie Fooled. To the average politician of the demo cratic brand the fight for a state office i 1 HOME JTONGJ-JACRL JSONG B00R5UP0N rKtv tNItU OT inc. Ij OMAHA BEE, May AS EXPLAINED BELOW SEVEN SOAJG COLLEGE SmGS IONE OF THESE COUPONS! entitles the bearer to a enolee oi citner oi the beantllul Bonn books described below rki accompaid by th hhom amount ! oppotlta tha stria lctd, vrMch , T cTira lbs turn of tk cat M pAcklns, exprsu from lb factory, cbacUas, clerk i Urs, and Ur nscetMry nptau tlsnu. "SONGS THAT NEVER 0R0W OLD" ILLUSTRATED A orand collection of all the old ! . 1, . I. L.a . I. k n . t Willi llic Uliliuat vj lite iiiuv vwiii.iiiv ,,,v, ...m...v.. a rare cralaxv of fin wonderful oortraitf of the world' greatest vocal artists. x . .' . . VrtaVlJ ia4rpriieCMJUipt lOWJMt dooji 9 Sacrrd and Collect tents; Operatic and f aserra sua centre tents: irncrauc sna la ONE Tdlums. Pretest ONE ceooon to f IsONEnusu. FrtcatorUict.opento V PIC i .-- i .:r.-i i . T? i:.t. IIC lur iiic UC4UIUUI jlfavy iiik Wa atronilr racofanianil br clotk Z MAIL ORDERS- tther book by parCtl post. ibccbU its tojoo mutii lor ireaier aittsncei T SIXTEENTH -STREET looks a great deal llko a forlorn hope for any follower of Andrew Jackson at the present time and with the unctrtaln out look for the future there la not going tx bo much crowding nround the office of tho secretary of state to get a chance 'o 'file- for a democratic nomination for any state office Nobody In tho btatfl knows tho political situation better than Gov ernor Morehead. He doesn't wear a plug bat nnd a long tailed coat very often.' but hla head la working nil tho time and If tho- Eryan-ncrBe-M4gu.ro combination pulls off anything on him they will havo to be particularly smooth. Tho governor might !-o willing to sacrifice himself for tho good of h!a larty, but ho I not liable to go Into a slaughter to i,)p 0ut tho B..DV-M. "outfit.- OSTRICH PLUMES COME HIGH Production Increasing In the i; nit eel Htatca nml.Prlcra firorr Wings. Tho first Importation of ostriches Into the United States was made In ISS2 from Bouth Africa Into California. Several other Importations followed nnd It was ono of those later Importations that brought Into this country jtho North African or Nubian birds, captured In the. province or Nubia, North Allien. -.The majority of birds In thla-cotfhtrV today ro ine result or theso few lmportn Hons of birds Into Cnllfornlal'anfcpn - lata almost wholly of tho RoutrT jifrican breeW. i'-.'1 . ' ' A I Si . ine, ostntnes arc no longer, confined to ne' locality, tflit nre rapidly spread ing throMji the south, and aro being succesa.fuilf keptas ,$r north as Penn iW'anln. Cfstrlch farm's aro In Califor nia, 'Arizona, Texas, Arkansas,1 Florida and Pennsylvania. There aro about ten fsrms that have more than 100 birds each, five farms that havo moro than ICO birds' each, nnd one fafm that has more thnn t.OOO birds. In all there aro about twenty-five farms In tho United States that are making a business of os trlch farming". The total aggregato of birds on theso twenty-five farms amounts to about 7.100, of which 6,Vi are In Arl jtona Philadelphia Ledger. ' HYMENEAL llnrily-ICellogg. LOOA.V.I Ia., May ll.-(8peclal.)-Mls May Kellogg and Frank Hardy of Logan were united In marriage hero Saturday evening at the home of the bride's rarents. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Kellogg. In the presence of Immediate relatives of the brlcY nndi groem. The-Rev. II. Frank lln Galloway of tho Baptist church' of Logon wnh 'the officiating ' clergyman. The bride and"gr66m Will be at homo to their friends on Fifth street' In Logan. Pointed Inrngrapha. And most 'of ou lunatic, asylums are Shoes inay como and shoes may go, but men kick on forever. J The loudrr a mnn talks tha easier It Is to aiscivdlt everything he says. 1 Some women look as If they hud nut uiuir rmniurjiuns on wronK siae out. "Can't affopl It," .Is a stingy man's ox cusp, but It seldom leads to bankruntcv Opportunity has been known to look a mm up ror me purpose opdownlng him. To keop cool when you find yourself betveen two flres-tbat requires nervo. There Is value In great strength of mino, ana conuort in strength or never mind. Gentlemen are necessarily conceited be cause a gentleman never forget himself. Sometimes a married man dlsllkea to visit people who try to make him feel at home. Our cities are full of eminent lawyers, but there's still room In the pre-eminent class. Chicago News, 1 ... , ineya v JDNW-IOVE SVHQS 12 BOOKS IN OAIE OPERATIC JWGf favorite sonsrs compiled and selected ? MAmnA,an 1 1 1 ,, a ,l Will. T : . . - t..-!-., i. conuint songiornomr ina i.dyi l iinuus, riuonu wnii-aiui compni taum show you arc a icsdcr oi this paper sod An T liuiii umiuiiisi vvi uinuins. Uadlas. as it la a book that will Uat forarar. Q. Inrlnde EXTKA T cenit within iw milt 1 ait potiraaiifr amount w irKiuqo ior j ids. SUPPLANT AMES PROFESSOR Prof. Paul 0. Taft Takes Flaoe of Prof. Kennedy. HEADS EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Insubordination la Chanted hr I'rof. IVnmnti, Who I Snld In llo Able in I'd rti loll Kililrncc na In Ila Existence. 'From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la.. May ll.-fSpeclal Telegram ) Prof. Paul C. Taft has leen selected by the State Board of Education to take the place of Prof. Kennedy at the head of the agricultural extension department of the state college at Ames. President Pearson removed Prof. Ken- 'nedy today and the Hoard of Education Issued a statement defending Its position in regard to tho matter. Taft has been connected with the ex tension department some time. The charg against Kennedy It that of In subordination and It Is declared the pres ident haa evidence which may be used to show this fact. Crnsntlnn at A mm. AMES. Ia., May 11. (Special Telegram.) -A bomb burst In the Iowa State college faculty this afternoon when President Raymond '"a. Pearson of Ames sent n letter to Prof. W. J. Kennedy, director of agricultural extension at Ames, asking for his immediate resignation. Director Kennedy had not answered the letter this afternoon. The bitterest strlfo In the history of agricultural education In Iowa Is expected when Kennedy leaves Ames. Paul C. Taff, now on the exten sion staff, or 1-rof. It. K. Bliss, head of the animal husbandry department of tho University of Nebraska, Is slated to suc ceed Kennedy. President Pearson's let ter follows: Prof W. J. Kennedy, Agricultural Ex tension Department, Morrill Hall Campus Dear Prof. Kennedy: 1 regret to have to say that I consider the situation has become Intolerable by reason of your own actions, nnd 1 am obliged to ask that you offer your resignation to taxe circct at onco. very truly yours. n. A. PKAIISON, President, NATION PAYS TRIBUTE TO MEN OF NAYY WHO DIED AT VERA CRUZ (Continued from Pago One.) button that a man may Klvo was Ueortte J'olnsett of the commonwealth of Penn sylvania, Ho was In his twentieth year and served as seaman on tho United States stcamahlp Florida. Tho others of the Immortal nineteen In whoso honor this memorial Is held today were: UOSWELL, LOUIS F1LVNK, chief gun ner's mate, battleship Michigan, Coulter vllle, 111. DEFABBIO, GABRIEL A gunner's mate, battleship New, Jersey, Uatavla, N. Y. DM LOWRY. FRANCIS I'.. seaman. battleship New Hamrohlrc, Pittsburgh LEVOU1CK, FRANK, ordinary sea man, battleship,' South Carolina, Blakcs burg. Ia FISHER, ELSIE C, ordinary sfcaman, battleship New Hampshire, Forest, MIbs. FRIED. JOUIH use AH, orainary sea man battleship Arkansas. Gretna, La. I'ROHLICHSTEIN. E. H.. seaman 'UatVlcshln Now Hampshire, Mobile, Ala', llAuuKHT v, uanieij a private, marine corps, Cambrlge, Mass, JLA.HE. DKNNE' J., seaman, batl tfw Hampshire. New York City, , MAHTEN. SAMUEL, .private, . r batticsnip marine PERCY, ?UFU8 KOWIUi, private, larlno co'rpa, C6ncord, N H. 'v ' m l'OINoriir, ucuitue., seaman, Dame shll) Florida, Phlladolnhla. tfCHUMACHKIL JOHN , coxswain, battleship Florida, Rrooklyn. 8M1TI1, OHARLE8 AULKN, ordinary scumun, battleshlt Now llampahlre, Phil adelphla. 6TRKAM, ALRIN ERIC, ordinary sea man, biittlcahlp New Jerey, Brooklyn. BUMMBRLIN,. RANDOLPH, private, marine corps, Wlllucoochc, Ga, WATSON; WALTER L ordinary sea man, battleship Arkansas, Orleans, Mass, liARSHU.VIiaER. CLARENCE R Vlr glnla. PULLIAN, HENRY, Virginia. "I hand you, sir, tha names of theso heroes recorded high on tho national roll of honor that they maybe preserved In the archives of our republic. Their ser vices will be held in lasting remembrance by 'a grateful people." I'rcslilent'a Address Informal. President Wilson had no formal address prepare for ceremonies at the Brooklyn navy yard today. Secretary Daniels read to him the names of tho nineteen Ameri can dead In whose, honor tho services were lold. The .president's reply was de llvered . with 4 slow , Impresslvcness, Hla voice was low and fervent and his face was grave, "Mr. Secretary." he said, "I know tho feelings which characterize all who stand about roo . are not.,fellngs that can ba expressed In eloquence or oratory. For my own 'part I havo a mixture of feel ing. The feeling that ' Is uppermost Is ono of profound grlet that these lads should have had to go to their death. Dut yet I feel a profound pride and envy that they should have been permitted to do their duty so nobly, "Their duty Is not' an uncommon thing. Men are performing It In the ordinary walks of life, but what gives these men a peculiar distinction Is that they did not give their Uvea for themselves, but gave their lives for u because we as a nation called on them. 'Are you sorry for the lads? Arc you sorry for tho way they will be remem bered? 1 hope to God, none of you will Join tho Hat, but If you will you will Join an Immortal company, and while there goes out of our hearts an affectionate sympathy for them we know why we do not go away from this occasion with our hearts cast down, but with confidence that all will be worked out. "We have gone down td Mexico to serve mankind If wo can find the way. We don t want to fight theMexlcans, we want to servo them. "A war of aggression la rjdt a thing In which It Is proud to die, but. a war of service Is a war In which, it la a proud thing to die." The president then referred to the cos mopolitan personnel of the vlotlms, "I listened to the list." ha added with profound foellng, "because they were not Irishmen, or Germans, or Hebrews when tlvey went to Vera Crux, They wcro uam, u nu msiier wnere their I people came from they did the things that were American. " ar Is only a sort of dramatic repre sentation, a symbol of a thousand forms of duty. I never was In a battle or un der fire, but I fancy It Is Just as hard to do your duty when men aro sneering at you, for when they shoot at you they laice your natural life, and when they sneer at you they wound your heart. As I think of these spirits that have gone from us I know that the way Is clearer for the future, for they have shown us the way ' hen tho president hsd finished there was a moment of silence then Rabbi Stephen Wise delivered a prayer for the dead. The religious service ended with a prayer by Rev. John P. Chldwlck, chaplain of the Maine. H wa nearly noon when a navy bugler stepped for ward and "taps sounded above the crowd standing bareheaded and silent. The president and secretary Tumulty with Dr. Grayson entered an automobile and were taken back across the bridge to Manhattan. Tho seventeen coffins remained on the parade ground for half .an hour, still guarded by the sailor pallbearers and then there were taken to tho naval bar racks for distribution to the escorts that will convey them to family homes. Silent ThnnsaniU Sec Pnrnde. Two hours before the city was astir, " seventeen flag draped coffins wcro re-1 moved from the boat deck of tne ar mored cruiser Hiontana and placed on caissons on tho plaza In Dattcry park.) Few witnessed this ceremony, hut thous ands later lined thn stiects to watch tho J slow procession wind Ita way to tho navy i yard. Perhaps not since tho Dewey pa rade haa there been such a spontaneous demonstration. That, however, was a noisy trlbuto to a returning victor, this a reverent one to tho returning dead. The weather could not havo been better. Tho sky was almost cloudless and thero I was Just enough breeze to stiffen, afloat and ashore, the thousands of flags which flew at half mast Silent thousands, long before 8 o'clock, began making their way toward lower Manhattan; others massed about tho city hall, where tho procession was to halt briefly; still others lined tho approaches to the Manhattan bridge and finally a great throng gathered at the navy yard, where eulogies were to be aald. Many wore llttlo bows of black; others wore bands of black on their sleeves. Wilson Rides In Pagrennl. President Wilson arrived In tho city from Washington shortly after 7 o'clock, almost unobserved. Ho was taken Im mediately to tho home of hla friend, Colonel E, M. House, and thence to the Uattery, to take a place In the procession. It had at first been arranged that the president was to go to the navy yard to receive tho natlon'a dead on government ground, but at the last moment Presi dent Wilson changed his mind atad waa driven to the Uattery, so na to partici pate In tho ccremonlca from beginning to end. Twenty-four mounted policemen ltd the way. Behind them wero the corauinefl bands of dreadnoughts Wyoming and Texas and behind tho bands 600 blue Jackets from the ships. Next came tho coffins In slnglo flic. At tho side of each rodo a policeman and at the corner of each caisson marched a national, Bar(j8'T1cn. Tho Stars and Stripes alone covered tho caskets. Behind the last caisson came the car riages bearing tho president, the secre tary of the navy, senators and congress men and representatives of the state an J navy. Gathered at thcclty halt wero perhaps 10,000 spectators. From there the route lay north, across Manhattnn bridge to Broolrtyn and the navy yard. Thcro tho ceremonies wero simple and compara tively brief. A hymn by tho battleshlpa' bands, an Invocation by Chaplain Wil liam G. Cassard of Annapolis, then President Wilson's address. Trayer by Rabbi Stephen S. Wlw and Father John P. Chldwlck, chaplain of tho Maine, fol lowed. Three volleys fired 'by a detach ment of marines from tho Texas and "taps' by a bugler completed the pro gram. Zapata Menaces Huerta from South WASHINGTON, May ll.-Perslstent reports from Mexican sources that the revolutionary leader, Zapata, In the south orn part of the republic, Is an Immediate, menace to Huerta and to foreigners In Mexico City, led the State department to day to seek all the Information on the subject. Foreign ambassadors and ministers here, whose countries have diplomatic representatives In Mexico City wero ap pealed to by tho department to Investi gate thoroughly alarming rumors con ccrnlng Zapata's threats and tho actual movement of hla forces. Tho department also asked tho foreign diplomats for In formation as to actual conditions In Mexico City, particularly the rumors that Huerta's position Is rapidly weakening. Picture Slasher Wins Hunger Strike LONDON. May 11. Mrs. Mary Wood, tho militant suffragette who on May 4 mutilated Sargeant'a portrait of Henry James In the Royal academy, waa re leased temporarily from prison today. She was In a very weakened condition from the effects of a hunger strike. ELEVENYEAR-OLO BOY ENDS HIS LIFE BY HANGING HARLAN, la.. May U.-(Spectal.)-Leo, the lUyear-old son of Mrs, Christina Ramey of this city, committed aulcldo by hanging last night. m Tho little fellow had been sent homo from a neighbor's, where he and his mother were visiting, and twenty minutes later when his mother returned home she found the body hanging In tho bam. Tho boy had taken a rope with which he had been Jumping rope and, tlelng one end to a beam In the barn and making a slip noose of the other, platcd.lt about his neok. He then lumnnl from the manger, where he had climbed In fastening the rope to tho beam. The boy has two brothers who are In the hotel business In Fremont, Neb. I.onnn Win 11a ar Hull Tnnrney. MISSOURI VALLEY, Ia., May 11 ( Special.) Whiting. Dunlap, Logan and Missouri Valley high school base ball teams put on a tournament here Satur day, with the Honors going to the Logan, team. The first gamo was between Mis souri Valley and Dunlap, and the score stood IT to 10 in favor of the local team. The second game was between Whiting and Logan and the score was 1R to T In favor of Logan. Tho third game was between the winning teams and resulted In a landslide for Logan- by a score of 17 to 6. Ray Hubbrad of Logan was the umpire. Conductor llllrv Itrarlim Home, ATLANTIC. Ia., May tl.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Hugh Riley, conductor, arrested April !1 In Terra Rlauca. Mexico, and thought killed, arrived here with his wife yesterday Supreme Court Adjourns. WASHINGTON, May 11 -The supreme cnurt today announced no important rail road rate ase An islens. The r .rt I k a recess until May T' MINES WILLSTAY CLOSED Secretary Garrison States None Will Be Allowed to Open Now. CONTRADICTS MAJOR H0LBR00Z Head of War Department Say Ho Order Win Issued, Against the Importation of Strikebreakers. WASHINGTON, May ll.-No mines will be permitted to reopen In the Colorado strlko district for tho present. Secretary of War Garrison announced today. He denied that orders haa been Issued for bidding the Importation of strike break ers, but explained that while the situa tion remained threatening, tho mines not already running would be kept closed until, In his judgment, their opening would precipitate no further trouble. "It makes no difference whether strike breakers are imported or whether tho labor Is on the ground," said Mr. Gar rison. "The question Is whether their em ployment would start trouble. "We are not going to permit anything that would aggravate tho situation. The mines will bo allowed to roopen Just as soon na conditions warrant." Statement liy Major Holhrook. TRINIDAD, Colo.. May lO.-Presldent Wilson through tho War department to day instructed Colonel James Lockett, commanding federal troops in southern Colorado, to permit no Importation of strikebreakers nnd announced that .a time limit would bo set at once within which delivery of arms must be complefed, ac. cording to a statement by Ma lor W. A. Holbrook tonight. Major Holbrok said both subjects would bo treated In procla matlons later. Colonel Lockett tonight announced that tho War department had determined to permit the rehabilitation of the strikers' tent colony at Ludlow provided tho fed eral military officers, ar given a roll of tha Inhabitants, together with the ad dresses of their former places of employ. mcnt and provided further that a union man of strong Influence Is place In chargo of the camp with whom tho military offi cers might confer. "Who Shall He Employed. In his statement upon President Wil son's Instructions upon strikebreakers. Major Holbrook said that the command ing officers here had been advised that no man shall bo employed in ariy mine In tho Colorado coal fields who has not been actually In Its employ April 22, the date the president's first proclamation ordering the federal troops Into the field waa published. No mine that was closed down at the time of, or bofore, the strike will bo per mitted to reopen, according to Major Hoi brook's statement, but all others may be operated under full protection from tho government. Strikers formerly employed at certain mines will bo permitted to return to work at tho specific places of their former em ployment If they choose and If they aro desired by their former employers, ac cording to Major Holbrook. Proclamation Llkelr In connection with the president's an nouncement that a time limit would be set upon the'dellvery of arms, Major Hol brook announced tonight that the. War department would probably Issne an early llsJBa! and feel your thirst slip away. You'll finish refreshed, cooled, satisfied.1 23T US! Demand the genuine by full name Nicknames encourage substitution. the coca-cola co. SfHV ATLANTA. GA. Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. proclamation. After that, according to Major Holbrook, forcible search and seiz ure will begin. Strikers today surrendered twenty-four additional arms at tho San Rafael tent colony, making a total of ninety-six weapons given up by the strikers to fed ral officers yesterday and today. From mine guards In tho Trinidad and Agullar districts federal soldiers have collected 190 arms, mostly rifles, and one machine gun. At Forbes the guards and tho few farm ers In the neighborhood turned In a total of fifty-five guns. The strikers sur rendered none. LAMAR AND LEHMANN OFFICIALY NAMED BY SECRETARY BRYAN (Continued from Pago Ono.) Inland nf I.nhnn on tha east coast of Mexico between Vera Cruz and Tamplco, landed a party and arrested the light house tenders, who were released after they had turned over the Instruments and apparatus for operating the lighthouse. Tho mediators were asKed to mane renroaantMlnns to thn United States government In connection with the armistice. FANNING AIRS HIS VIEWS (Continued from Page One.) the office of governor was not regarded seriously. On raved tho morry squabble from 8:45 In tho evening until 10. Then gradually the outer rim of onlookers fell away and the self-appointed delegates slunk back to their homes, farther apart on tho subject of who should be tho ap proved democratic candidate than when they started. And when all was said and done, George Yager announced that there would bo no chance for the election of a democratic governor next fall with tho party thus ripped to pieces. DEATH RECORD Colonel John C. C. Mayo. NEW YORK, May 11. Colonel John C. Calhoun Mayo, democratic national com mitteeman from Kentucky, died here this afternoon at the hotel where he had been 111 since April 25. Colonel Mayo was brought here for further treatment after blood transfusion at Cincinnati had failed. The National Capital Monday May 11,1014. The Ilonse. Met at noon. District of Columbia taxation bill de bated. Representative Neeley, West Virginia, Introduced a resolution to Investigate the Judicial conduct of Alston G. Dayton, federal Judge for the northern district of West Virginia. Reprcsentalve Walsh, New Jersey, In troduced a resolution appropriating $20, 000 for the Installation of an electric de vice In the house to reduce the time of taking roll calls. , Judldary committee continued hearing of testimony regarding impeachment Charges against Associate Justice Wright of the District of Columbia supreme court The Senate. Not In session. Meets Tuesday at 11 a. m. FOR THAT "RUN-DOWN" CONDITION Maki Yourself Feel "Fine-at-a-Fiddle" If the severe strains of business and social life aro beginning to tetl on you and you are In a run-down condition, glvo your Internal system a- bath, This la effectively accomplished b; simply dissolving a llttlo Rheumasalts In a glass of water, nnd you have a de lightful carbonated drink that cleans ou' tho Btomach and Intestines, cllmlnatci toxins and poisons, and leaves the Intes tinal canal cloan and sweet. If you aro bothered with constipation headaches, sallow skin, coated tongue bad brcnth, Indigestion, biliousness, ncu ralgta or rheumatism, Rheumasalts will fix you up In short order. Rheumasalts act quickly and gently or tho bowels, liver and kidneys wlthou griping or nausea. It Is a uric acid sol vent as well as a sallno laxative. Rheumasalts contains no Phcnacetlne no Caffeine, no Acetanllld, no Calomel' Rheumasalts Is the safest, most pleas and and quickest laxative known. II comes In 25c, hOc and $1.00 bottles at druggists. If yours hasn't Rhcumasolli send money direct to Rhcumabath Com. Jiany, Dept. S35, Minneapolis, Minn., and we'll send you a full-slzo bottle prepaid. For sale by all druggists In Omaha and Council Bluffs, ATKItmpH mwun oroRcmHi Mary Jane Pumps FOR THE KIDDIES , , It ls-Umo now for thoso-hard-toed, dressy .-little ankle, v&trap sandals, known as, the Mary Jane. We have them In white duck, white nubuck, patqnt colt and gun metal calf, turned or welt soles, low or sprinc heels, n Children's, according to slue $1.00 to $2.50 Growing Girls, sizes 2J4 to 7, low, flat heels $2.50 to $3.50 Gun metal calf and rtQ ff and white duck. . p3.UU DREXEL 1410 Fnrnani. LIVER PILLS Sugar-coated and all vegetable. Dose, onlv one pUl at bedtime. For corutl pation, bilious headache, indigestion. AS Pills. Sold for 60 years. Ask Your Doctor. tSUi AMUSEMENTS. "OMAJgA'a row cjbKter" QKttgXMJfAMMA D"7 Mat., 18-23-50C flPt-V1Par Evnsrs.. 16-35-80-750 TBS rSTAZi SHOW TBXS EEABOIT. g THE TROGADEROS BJSa The Dlxarre, Seml-Orlental Travesty "The Legend of the Ring." 8am I. Adams, Flbrenco Mills and SOME cast. Engagement Closes Friday Night. Indies' Sim. Mat. Week Days. Sua A Wk, , Kunoua Feature Films, "Smashing the Vice Trust." Dally at 1, 3. 7 and 9 p. m, BRANDEIS "wVi&i.r1-' MB. WILLIAM HOBOS In a pur. play, "The Road to Happiness" Sv.nlngs, too-8 3. 00; Mat., 35e-$1.50 Thr.a Wights, Slay 14.10.18 s Sat. Mnt. SCR. If AT O. aOODWXST Zn th. thrae-act farcical com.dy. "STIJVSB BAV DIE." Pric.S I ET... 35ot0$1.50j Mat.. 350 to $1 PHOTO. yiAY BBABOST. This W.ski "THE I All Seat, 25c I SPOILERS 99 Dally Matlnss. 3; Wight, a. BASE BALL BOTTBSm FABK. Omaha vs. Lincoln MAY 12, lit, 14 and 13 Friday, May 13 Ladles' Day, Games CaUtd 3 F. sc H If