Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1914.
Ihflax of Foreign Students to Amer
ican Colleges
Btutlmta Unrolled In Profeaalonnl
Schools Actl-rttlra at Nrnrbr
Inatltntlona Edncnttonnl
Statistics compltcd by tho National
bureau of Education show that there
were 4,223 foreign students at colleges and
universities In the United States during
1913. This Is an Increase ot 677 In two
years. These students were not con
centrated at tho larger and better known
Institutions, as might be expected, but
were distributed among 275 different col
lose, universities and schools of techno
locy. Canada had tho largest representation,
with 653 students. China and Japan were
not far behind. There were 6M Chinese
students and S16 from Japan.
There are 100,000 students enrolled In
professional schools In tho United States
this year, according to figures compiled
by the bureau. Of thews 85,102 are In
endowed Institutions: tho remainder in
Institutions supported from public funds.
Tho various professions are represented
as follows. Theology, 10,9iT5: Jaw, 20,878;
medicine. 17,235; dentistry, 8,015; pharmacy,
6.1G5: veterinary science, 2,324; nurs
training, 34.11T. New York stato has tho
greatest number of students in pro
fessional schools, 13,9l3. Illinois comes
next, with 11,333, and Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts and Missouri have 9,937,
C.858 and 4,493, respectively.
IlEM-nVlin COIiIiEfSE,
Friday looklnr after the erection of the
nw administration building.
The closing number of the lecture
course for the second aemestet was given
In the auditorium on the evening of May
The normal male quartet, assisted by
Prof. Keckley of the department of ex
pression, furnished the entertainment.
Dr. J. T. House of the department of
literature and sociology received word
Thursday announcing his election as pres
ident of the Municipal University of
Toledo, O. Dr. House looks favorably
upon the position tendered him and may
take charge of his new worle at the close
of the present semester. He has been a
member ot the Wayne State normal fac
ulty since the organliatlon of the school,
coming here from the University of Chi
cago, from which Institution he received
his doctor's degree.
The following members of the gradu
ating classes have recently received no
tice ot election to positions In school
work: Ituth I Pearson, grammar de
partment, Sioux City, la.: Alwine H.
Meyer, German and 1-a.tln. Wnyne High
school; Minnie V. Bergman, fifth and
sixth grades, Plalnvlew; Harry I). Oll
dersleeve, science and mathematics, At
kinson; Margaret C. Schcmel, principal
of high school, Osmond.
chosen president" Herbert Hosford vice
president, Frank Wilkinson secretary
treasurer, and Ralph Noyce was re
elected as manager of debate.
Miss ChrlstlanUick, tho college libra
rian, gave a practical talk on books and
reading before tho Young Women's Chris
tian association Tuesday.
The Young! Women's Christian associa
tion meeting Sunday afternoon was ad
dressed by Mrs. Anna H. Heed of Crete.
The scrvlco was a mothers' day meeting
nd appropriate readings were, given by
Kllicl Hough and Lola Ssmcs.
A. W. Melville, who nttended Ioane
from 1905 to 190S. visited the college
Wednesday. His homo Is at Sterling.
The annual concert by tho Girls Glee
club was given Friday evening under di
rection of Miss Luetic Heed of the voice
department. Tho club has a membership
of sixteen. The first part of the pro
gram consisted ot four songs by the club.
duet by Mildred Potter and Trllla Gard
ner, a contralto solo by Miss Grace Coch
ran and a reading from Peter Pan by
Miss Olive Hester. Part II was given
entirely to the singing of German, Swed
ish, Scotch, Norwegian, Husslan and
American folk songs by tho club, assisted
by Gladys Rcttenmaycr, Mamlo Icnhart
and Hene Ilurton as soloists.
Dr. Charles It. Drown, dean of the Yale
School ot Religion, and moderator ot tho
national council ot Congregational
churches, visited the college Wednesday.
Vocnl necHnl, Field Meet Atrnrda
nnd Domestic Science.
The voice department of Bellevue col
lege,, under the direction of Miss Kvelyn
Hopper, gave the last of the seasonfo
series of Informal recitals at Lowrie hall
on Monday, May 4. Thoso contributing
olos were Miss Susie Klnnlcr, Spalding,
Neb.; Miss Marguerite Jack, Tckamah,
Neb.; Miss Quelle Fleming. Cedar Bluffs,
Neb.; Miss Helen Heydon. Ponca, Neb.;
Miss Gertrude Danlell, Fort Crook, Neb.;
Miss Helen Hamblln, Tekamah. Neb.;
Carleton Yoder. Wymorc, Neb,; William
Flndicy. Bcllevue, Neb., and Velman
Rice, Pierce, Neb. Tho Bellevue college
quartet, composed of Miss Helen Ham
blln. Tekamah, Neb.: Miss Jeannette
Goodwill. Tekamah. Neb.;, Raymond
Jones. Bancroft, Neb., nnd Velman Rice,
Pierce, Neb., closed the program with n.
double selection. A social half hour fol
lowed tho recital. Tho annual formal
recital of this department will be given
ot the college during the last week in
Last Wednesday afternoon the girls ot
Bellevue college had a field meet and B's
were awarded in chapel the next morning
to the- following girls: Miss Bernlce
Mitchell, Belden. Neb.: Miss Goldlo
Mortcr. Alnsworth. Neb.; Miss Ida Koch,
West Point, Neb.; Miss Helen Heyden.
Ponca, Neb.; Miss Marguerite Jack,
Tekamah. Neb.; Miss Florence Banian,
Itandolph, la.; Miss Deanna Crowell,
Walthlll, Neb.; Miss Anna Johnston,
Council Bluffs, la.; Miss Ceclllo Camp
bell. Omaha, Neb., and Mis? Benlah
Bur'kett, Missouri Valley. la.; Helen Alien.
Auburn. Neb.
Tho domestic Bclence department of
Bellevue college under the direction of
Miss Sarah Bailey cave a aencipus
l.r.nkfiuit on May 8. at which Prof. W. A.
Peters was guest of honor. On May 9
the advanced class In domestic science
.,rtnined the juniors of tho college.
President and Mrs W. E. Nlclioll enter
talned the members ot the senior class
at dinner Friday.
Interesting: Kvcnta Preceding Com
mencement Kxerclara.
Announcement has been made that Dr.
Ozora 8. Davis, p resident of the Chicago
Theological seminary, will deliver the
baccalaureate address at Illinois college,
Jacksonville. 111., on Sunday, Juno 7.
The commencement address will ' be de
livered on June 10 by Dr. John M. Coulter,
head of the department ot botany of the
University of Chicago.
The students ot the college are planning
to give an Klltabethan May day on
Thursday. May 14. This Is a biennial
event, and one of the chief events of the
spring term. Tho old English folk dances
are reproduced as accurately as possible.
The whole student body, incostume, par
ticipates In the festival. A professional
teacher from Chicago Is training the stu
dents. The students of the classical depart
ment, under the direction of Prof. R. II.
Tanner, will present a Greek play, the
"Electra," on Tuesday, May 19. Original
muslo for the chorus has been written by
an instructor of the conservatory. Tha
lerformanco will be given In the evening
on the campus.
President Rammelkomp will attend the
ponference ot Presbyterian college prest
dents held In connection with the meet'
lng ot the Presbyterian general assem
bly In Chicago.
Surprise of the Colleue Chorna Entertainment,
The college chorus delightfully enter
tained the public last Tuesday evening
in chorus and solos In "H Trovatore."
in Union hall. The surprising feature of
the evening was the singing ot Mr. Mun
son, until recently the possessor of a
very good barlton voice, but on this oc
,..lnn undertaking the tenor role, with
x.i.. -nmtnrfr In the duet of the
"Miserere." accompanied by. the full
chorus. His voice waa as clearly tenor
in tone as one would care to hear and It
was a treat to hear him. Other soloists
were Miss La Prath, Mr. Hasch ana Mr.
-Hnrrfinir. The first two sang most de
lightfully the famous duet, "Home to Our
Mountains," Mr. Hasch having a re-ra.-i.Mv
nnrn and melodious baritone
vnin fnr a. mere youth. Mr. Novotny,
basea, and Mr. Harding, baritone, nan
rtied two solos In an artistic manner,
Miss Mary Buttorff was particularly
pleasing in rendering the difficult arias
of "Leonara" and has unquestionably a
hHiliunt future before her. Her voice Is
evenly developed and beautiful In qual
lty. The chorus handled its work in a
way that reflects the highest credit to
Prof. Phillips. The accompanist was airs.
The Bohemian club, thirty strong, oc
cupied the chapel hour Wednesday morn
ing In an Instructive manner. Edward
Novotny gave an address on Bohemia,
dwelling particularly on the educational
development of the country. Misses
Krlsl and Hohl sang a duet In the Bo
hemian tongue in a pleasing manner. The
object of the club is the study of the.
Bohemian tongue in some of the beat lit
Student of Y. W. C. A. Give Enter
taining; May Program.
The May festival conducted by the
Cotner Young Women's Christian asso
ciation took place Monday evening, May
4. A May pole was erected on the south
west corner ot the campus and a dozen
girls furnished entertainment with a
May polo dance. Supper waa served in
the church basement, after which a pro
gram of music and readings was rendered
and Flossie Strain and Orvllle Johnson
were crowned queen and king of May.
H. l. unit or trie class or 1309 was
married to Miss Fay Osterhaut of David
City at the home of the bride's; parents.
on Tuesday evening, May E. Mr. Brltt
is director ot the Britt Lyceum bureau.
The delivery ot the Cotner Croaker, the
annual put out by the Junior class, was
made last Thursday.
Last Thursday the annual election ot
editor and business manager ot the Cot
ner Collegian, the college publication,
took place. Cleo Dixon of Blair, Neb.,
was chosen editor for the next year and
Timer Strain of Bethany business man'
The Juniors banqueted the Seniors last
Thursday evening in the blue room of the
Llndell hotel. Thirty-four members of
the two classes were present. Elmer
Strain, president ot the Junior class, was
toastmaster. The following toasts were
responded to: "Complete Transactions",
Hazel Cope; "Bills Payable and Bills Re
celvable," Ernest Malloy; "Padded Ac
counts," Carey Martin; "Balance on
Hand," Mrs. Charles Evers; "The Exam
iner's Report," Lawrence Dry; "The New
Enterprise," Harry Hill.
H. O. Prltchard, president of Eureka
college. III., formerly pastor of tho
Bethany church, was a chapel visitor
I'ushlnir Work on (.trie Dormitory
for Summer School.
The work on the girls' dormitory Is
progressing rapidly. The men arc now
engaged in putting on tho roof, and also
In completing tho interior ot the building.
Mr. Sweltzer, who was In Chadron In the
interest of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation, gave a very excellent address
to tho students at chapel last Thursday
Tho Vcreln Germanta held its regular
meeting Wednesday ot last week. This
meeting was the best attended ot any
meeting since the beginning ot the last
Miss Agnes Wilkinson, who received an
elementary certificate hero last year.
has been re-elected at Atkinson with an
Increase in salary.
The class day exercises of the seniors
will be given on Thursday evening, May
1, at the Normal.
Saturday afternoon. Miss Copeland was
the delightful hostess to the Faculty
Ladles' Kensington nt the homo of Mrs.
Jeffers. Miss Copeland, assisted by the
Misses Swcberg, Delzell and Pollock,
served a delicious two-courso luncheon.
Kducntlonnl Notea.
Tho Altoona (Pa.) High school serves
lunches daily to 1,500 students at a cost
ot ?H to 10 cens. There is a net profit
each year ot about J1W.
When six normal school professors at
Fresno. Cal.. found It was going to cost
207 to Install the new play apparatus
on tno normal school grounds, tney got
together and did it themselves at a totaj
cost of J2o.
A course In soolal service for parents
has Just been given at the National Kin
dergarten college, Chicago. visiting
nurses, d aysrroundB. juvenile courts anu
social settlements were some ot the topics
A series of meetings for vocational dis
cussion In the Abilene (Kan.) High school
promises to develop Into a vocational
club. The boys of the school listen to
representative men In different fields of
work tell of the requirements and re
wards of their particular Kind oi wont.
In a "rabid advancement class" in Bos
ton, composed of the thirty-six brightest
dudhs or the mm and sixtn graces ana
placed under the direction ot one teacher
rrom entrance to completion or course,
tho children finished all tha work ot tho
sixth, seventh and eighth grades in a
year and a hair, uniy one nour a uay
was allowed these pupils foi outside
Prosjram of Exerclaea for Fourth
Annual Commencement.
The following is the order of exercises
for the fourth annual commencement:
Thursday evening, May 21, commencement
concert riven under the auspices of the
department of music; Sunday, May 24.
baccaulaureate services, semon by Dr. J.
A. Beattle; Monday, May 25. program by
the training school; Tuesday, May 26,
senior class play; Wednesday, May 27,
Philomath eon-Crescent literary contest,
Thursday afternoon, annual field day
events; Thursday evening, alumni reunion
and banquet; Friday, May 29, graduating
exercises, class oration by vr. u. u
Harvey, president of Stout institute.
In the classe of 1914 there are ten can
dldates for the elementary state certifi
cate, eight for the Junior certificate,
thirty-nine candidates for the diploma or
first grade state certificate, nineteen can
didates for the professional life certifi
cate and one candidate for the bachelor
of education degree.
Architect J H Craddock of Omaha and
J. P. Riddle of Crelghton were In Wayne
Interesting Hevlvnl s of May
May day waa observed at the college
In the usual way. In the morning the
students turned out to see how much
work they might be able to do to beau
tify the campus. In the afternoon the
crowning of the May queen. May polo
dances and folk dances took place on
the campus, witnessed by the largest
audience of friends who have visited the
college In recent years. The selection of
the May queen is by becret ballot and is
always unknown until she appears. This
year tho lot rtil to miss jieien Jones,
who acted her parts with seeml-ft grace
and dignity- The crowning of the queen
was preceded by the grand march foi
lowed by the heralds who announced the
coming of the queen. The coronation waa
followed by the maid's dance, the May
pole dance and peasant dances by twenty
of the young ladles of the college.
During the week chapel talks were
given by President Crone on some ob
er vat Ions made on his trip in the east
in the interests ot the college, and on a
later morning, on the presidents of the
college whoso pictures were' presented, to
tho college within the last week and were
hung in the chapel. An Interesting ad
drrss.was given on Saturday by Dr. Spur-
reon of London on "Things Worth
The new chairs for the reseating of th
chapel came last week and are now In
Miss Yelte of Hebron, sister of Charles
Velte, class '14, and Mlis Danly of th
Kearney normal spent some time at th
college within the last week.
The May Outlook was issued last week
Among other things it gives a complete
program of commencement week,
Dean Remp has been called to his for
mer home In Ohio because of the Illness
of his father. He will return the Utter
part of the week.
Award of Cash Prise In Ilepartmen
of Bloloary.
For the first time In three years th
JS5 cash prize given by Dr. J. F. Stevens
of Lincoln In the department of blolagy,
was awarded to Miss Bessa Potter.
At an election of the Doane college
Foresnlo association William W. Werts
captain of the 1)11 debating squad, was
Wood and Evans
Divide Honor Post in
Western Handicap
CHICAGO. May 10.-Warren K. Wood,
western amateur champion, and Charles
Kvans, Jr., former holder of that title,
divide the post of honor In the annual
handicap list of tho Western Golf asso
ciation Issued yesterday by Secretary It.
R. Stone No player has been put on the
one mark, but eleven are rated at two
strokes. Among these are eight Chicago
J. A. Jevno and Norman Mnclleth,
two los Angeles players are In his list,
but the namo of Jack Neville ot San
Francisco Is among the missing. He
held nit the Pacific coast titles last year
and his name may have been omitted
through the failure of the Claremont club
to send In Its ratings. Of the 190 clubs
In tho association forty-one fnllod to
make reports.
Frazer Hale of Chicago, who is In Eng
land to compete In tho British amateur
tournamnt, advanced from a rating of
flvo last season to two, as did J. A.
Jevne. Donald Edwards Mf Midlothian,
Chicago, gained one stroke, now being
rated at two with his brother. Kenneth
Edwards. Edward P. AUIs, tho young
Milwaukee golfer who gained prominence
In the western classlo last year. Is now
In the ranks of players rated at three,
being promoted from five points.
which lie declared he did not know that
he was assignee of nny parties and sup
posed the suit was brought to recover
merely the amount ho paid which was
only $100. His attorneys were not pres
ent In court and after reading the affi
davit, Judge Westover granted his mo
tion. Some of the assignees accuse Mathts
of betraying their Interests, and will at
tempt to get the motion set aside as
far as they jxro concerned. A number of
other stockholders have been threatening
to bring either civil or criminal notion.
The rase was set for trial Monday and
It was expected that at least seventy
witnesses would be sworn for the plain
tiff. A quantity of depositions had been
taken by both sides. Mnthls says that
hj had been trying to have the case
dismissed for tno months, but that his
attorneys had refuted to do so.
Only One Coupon
Sufficient Now
Here Is nn Opportunity to Save Iloth
Time) nnd Trouble nnd Get
n Tlook.
The distribution ot "8ongs That Nevor
Grow Old" Is to close In a few days, and
in order to bring it to a brisk wind-up
and give Its readers a greater advantage
than ever The Hee has abandoned the
six coupon plan and now anly one coupon
Is required.
It Is said that to save time Is to lengthen
life, and here's a chance to save both
time and trouble.
Tho book In question Is being distrib
uted throughout the country by leading1
nowspapers. It contains tho old songs,
every one a reminder of the dear, dead
past, recalling the happy dayo of chit-
hood around the home fireside It Is
splendidly Illustrated with portraits of
tho world's foremost vocal nrtlsts, slxty
nlna photographic reproductions In all,
which alone aro worth more than tho dis
tribution price. You will come nearer to
getting something for nothing than you
ever did before, or probably ever will
Ask your friend who got one of those
volumes, or if you got one, get another
one for your friend.
ThOHe residing out of town or those
who cannot come to this office will wel
come the low parcel post rates bt mail
ing. For cither book by parcel post .In
clude extra 7 cents within 150 miles, 10
cents 150 to 300 miles, and for prcater
distances ask your postmaster amount to
Include for three pounds.
Don't delay, na the. close Is only a few
days away. Clip that coupon and fmtm
by tho stx-tn-one proposition. It Is all
explained under the song book coupon
printed clesewhere In this issue.
Kenrnrr State Normnl Notea,
Thn iwnnd none recital bv Mrs. Stead-
man's students occurred on Friday even
li g. given by Miss Georgia Botsford,
mezzo soprano.
The Normal class ot the Congregational
Sunday school was pleasantly entertained
uy juiss iuary liiwiuiu uu Rniunm
Mlii Anna Hanson of the Class of 1913
has been offered a position us teacher of
domestic science In the schools of
Spokane, Wash.
Miss Anna E. Caldwell, director of
Idnriorimrtpn. nPCUIlled tho ChBIWl hOUT
on Thursday with a talk on the lion-
tessorl system, comparing ii wun ine
kindergarten work.
riiri li. Welters of the manual train-
hi- rinnnrtment la on tho ground making
extensive preparations for beginning His
work at the opening ot the rummer ses
Th. ninth nr. mi i I Miv sunper given by
the Young Women's Christian association
was a great success, socially and finan
cially. The proceeds are to be used In
tendlnr delegates to the summer confer
ence at Estes Park.
Rev. Noble Strong Elderkln of Ply-
tnnnih church. Lawrence. Kan.. Will
rreach the baccalaureate sermon May 24,
and Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp of Boston will de
liver the commencement annress jmbv m.
taking for his subject "Prizes ot Llfo."
Nebraska Wesleynn Notea.
ThA nmmntln rluh will nresent the
rmnm lhn nlnv "The Doll's House" on
next .Monaay evening, ji ib given unurr
the direction of Prof. Knox and aiiss
Champ. ,
Th rwltnl for unflereraduatlon of Mi's
Ethel Garten, student with Mr. Aller, will
cccur on next Thursday evening.
nv. Mr. Keener of the First Presby
ter nn rhurrh of university 1'lsce gave a
very substantial message to tho students
last Wednesday morning at chapel.
I. nine Uncle and Weak Kldneya
greatly helped and often cured by Elec
tric Bitters. Keeps kidney and stomach
In healthy condition; gives prompt relief.
50o and Jl. All druggists. Advertise
Key to the Sltuatlon-Dee Advertising.
Crelghton University Glee club closed
Its work of the year Thursday evening
when tho board of governors met at the
Loyal hotel. The work of the club net
with approval on every hand this yar,
and prospects are bright for a repetition.
The board . of governors recommended
that a comic opera be attempted by the
students next year and this class of pro
duction may be attempted. Only a few
of the singers will be lost by grodutiMon
this year and the club probably will be
enlarged next year. Arrangements are
under way for a more extended trip for
the club next year.
WISNER, Neb.. May 10.-(8peclal.)-Wlaner
defeated Pender on their home
grounds yesterday, 8 to 1. The feature
of tho game were the pitching ot Mo
Gill for Wlsner, he allowing only, two hits
and striking out tourten men, and the
fielding of Fleming. Score: R.H.E.
Wlsner 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 t 3-8 8 2
Pender 0 0100000 0121
Batteries: Wlsner, McGlll and Thomp
son; Pender, Harris, Farley and Drlggs.
Three-base hits: Paulsen and Racely.
Wlsner will play West Point on the
home grounds Sunday.
Heat Known Cough Remedy,
Dr. 'King's New Discovery, best for
coughs', colds, hoarsness and all lung
troubles. First dose helps. 60c and Jl.
All druggists. Advertisement.
FREMONT. Neb., May 10.-(Hpecla!.)-The.
case of Chris Mathls against J. C.
Cook, W. 8. Cook and noy R. Cook, to
recover $22,000, money paid by himself
and sixty-five others for 'stock In a
couple of Jarbldge, Nevada, mining com
panies, on the ground of fraud, was dis
missed by him yesterday and the
costs paid. Mathls filed an affidavit, in
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;sev loric lit), ninnuarti routes
Netv York City, other desirable routes ,
Anbury 1'nrk, X. J., stnndard routes
Anbury 1'nrk, X. ,!., oilier desirable routes
HoNton, Mas., (via Montreal) '.
Hoston, Mass., direct
Montreal, direct rail routes
Quebec, P. Q
Portland, Maine, via Iloston
Portland, Maine, through Ht. Lawrence River region,..
IlitiiRor, Malna
liar Harbor, Maine
Halifax, Xovn Hcolla 53 59
St. Johns, X. It 47 QO
J l.l'J (111, lit ' a.,,.)
Lnko George, X. Y. ,
Saratoga Springs, X. Y.
Alexandria Hay, X. Y. ,
KlngHton, Ontario
Muskoka, Ontario 32,45
Toronto, Ontario
lluffalo, X. Y., standard routes , . . , , 35 50
llufralo, X. 1., other desirable routes 33 rq
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mar limits. "Low Bates Eaat"' leaflet on applica
tion. Call, write or telephone and let us help 70a plan
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