8 A 1'HK OMAHA St'XDAY BEE: MAY It), 1914. Council Bluffs WASHIMONJYENUE WINS Bine and White Captures First in Every Evertt IWO STARS MAKE GOOD SHOWING Schlott nnd Chnpmnn Come to Front In Krery Brent In Which Ther Are Entered Arenne n Second In Sleet Point 3Inde br Kach School. Washington avenue 8 Avenue D II Twentieth nvenue ft fierce street.... 1 Bloomer Second avenue .. Third street ; More than 000 pupils and teachers of the grade schools of the city took advan tage of .the fine weather and attended the third annual track and field meet at Merchant' park yesterday afternoon. Bach pupil carried colors that repre sented his school and when a favorite won cheered and waved them excitedly, Washington avenue school won easily, taking firsts In every event and coming in second In some. The Blue and White won forty-eight points out of a total of sixty-eight, The school's best men, Chauncey Schlott and Arthur Chapman, were easy winners. The events which were run off were In charge of J. C. Wat son of the boys' work department of the Toung Men's Christian association and Thyslcal Director Austin Do Vol. Stnrt with Ilunli. The first event -was tho 109-yard dash, iron by Chauncey Schlott, Washington avenue; Karl Williamson, Avenue 13, sec ond, Lee ' Kimball, Avenue II, ihlrd. Time, 0:12. m Arthur Chapman 'of Washington avenue won tho high jump; Lee Kimball, Avenue 13, second; Kldon Anderson, Washington avenue, third. Height, 4 feet 10 IncheM. In throwing tho base ball Arthur Chap man of Washington avenue was the win ner again. Fred Rhawl, Twentieth ave nue, second; Raymond Claytcr, Avenue II. third. .Distance, 75 yards, 29 feet and Inches. Chauncoy Schlott. who won the 100-yard dash, entered the 220-yard dash also and I easily won this event for Washington avenue; Itoy Evans of Avenue B, was fecond, and Earl Williamson, Avenue D, third. This event wo won In 0:28 flat. In the running broad Jump Chauncey , (Schlott, the Washington avenue school favorite, wen; Earnnat Radcllff, Wash ington avenue, second, and Stanley Hun ter, Pierce street, third. Distance, 1G foot and S Inches.' This was the only event In which Pierce street, last year's win ners, made a showing. It was a boost for tho blue and white, as they gained eight points. Tho 100-yard relajj was next .run bff. Washington avenue was first; Avenue D, second; Twentieth avonue, third. Time, 0:57. Close In 3tllrs Knn. The mllo run was won by Victor Chris tensen of Washington avenue; Donald Saarlcs. Washington avenue, second, and Arthur Spry, Twentieth avenue, third. Time, 6:56. In" this event Donald. Bearlcs was leading to the last lap, wheA Victor Chrlstenscn of the same school' by a spurt won out. The pupils of Washington avenue school cheered and waved their colors "when their team won the tug .of war. It was surely Washington avenue school day, as their athletes hail It on all the otficr schools. Chauncey Schlott, who carried off most of the honors for the blue and white, .Is a member of the local Young Men's Chris tian association and Is a good all-around athlete. Ho will crter high school next term and will try to make the high school basket ball team this winter. Most of tho boys who won first and second In events yesterday are members of the "Y" and receive their training under Physical Director DeVol. , How They Stood, Following Is a table of points by events: Wash. Ave- Pierce 20th Ave. nue u. Street. Ave. 100-yyd dash 6 High Jump 7 Hase ball throw. ,5 220-yard dash.. ...5 Broad jump 8 Belay 6 Tug-of-war .......6 Mile run 8 Totals .48 14 ROCK KILLS CONDUCTOR ON TRAIN; WIDOW GETS DAMAGES UKIAH Cal., May 9.-A Judgment of 120.001 damages against the Nnrthwesternl Pacific railroad company for the -death of her husband, was granted by the su perior court today to Mrs. George C. Meyser of El Paso, Tex. Meyser, a contractor, was rldlug on a construction train when three rocks weighing about ten tons each rolled down a J 35-foot slide and crashed through the train. One rock killed Meyser Jayful MicipatKHi of Motherhood There la apt to be a, latent apprehension bf distress to mar the complete Joy of expectation. But this Is quite overcome by the advice of so many women to use "Mother's Friend." This Is an external application designed to so lubricate tho muscles and to thus so relieve the pres sure reacting on the nerves, that the natural strain upon the cords and liga ments Is not accompanied by those severe pains eaia to cause nausea, morning sick ness and many local distresses. This plendld embrocation Is known to a multi tude of mothers. Zlaty people believe that those remedies which have stood the test of time, that have been put io every trial under the varying; conditions of-age. weight, general health, etc, may be safely relied upon. And Judging by tho fact that "Mother's Friend" has been in continual use since our grandmother's earllsr years and is known throughout the United States it may be easily Inferred that It some thing that women talk about and gladly recommend to prospective mothers. "Mother's Friend" If prepared only In our ,own laboratory and is sold by drug gists everywhere. Ask for a bottle to-day md write tor a special book for expectant mothers. Address BradAeld Regulator Cc, cOT Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ot, Council Bluffs Perjury Charge Made ' Over Saloon Petition Upon an information alleged to have been filed by A. C. Ingalls, TOO Wash Ingtort avenue, baggageman at the Northwestern railway station, Marlon C. Harford, 807 Avenue D, one of the men engaged In securing names to the saloon consent petition, was arrested yesterday upon a charge of perjury. The name of Ingalls appears on the consent petition and he denies that he placed it there. Each canvasser was required to make an affidavit that he personally witnessed tho signing of eaph name to the petition. Tile Affidavit does not declare, however, that the sfeners are personally known to the. canvassers. The arrest of Harford created a good deal of Indignation yesterday. It was generally denounced as a "frame up," In which both Harford and Ingalls were unconscious victims. Mr. Ingalls is well known to be a temperate man and to be strongly opposed to licensed liquor traffic. Harford had never seen him to( hU knowledge and when a man ap proached Harford and said he wanted to sign the petition lie was asked the usual questions, If lie had voled at Jhe last election, Ma namo. nnd address. The fact that Ingalls' right name and address were given by the. fellow who was im personating him Indicates that It was intended for a practical Joke, or a trap deliberately laid. s Tho warrant for Harford's arrent was Issued by Justice Joseph. The bond fixed by the Justice was quickly provided. Library People at Annual Meetiug John M. OalWn, president, "Miss lone Armstrong, librarian, and members of ,tho library board went to Olenwood yes terday for tho purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Southwestern Iowa district of the Btato Library association. They wore accompanied by several others Interested In modem library work. Mr. Oalvin and Miss Armstrong were as signed Maces on the program, each hav ing prepared n paper to be Teaa. ine esyilons lasted all day and were well attended Following was tho program: , "Tho Llbrarlan-What More Shall se a .1,. m Allntntln nn vn rnmnnt Documents which Aro Useful and How tihall They Ue Ued In . i . m it t Inna ArmitmnC. How May the I-lbrary Co-Operate With the Kchooln In the Htuay oi ii-ns (a) "In Supplying Books for Supple mentary Utudlntf." Mrs. 15. U. Wood ruff, Olenwood. J .. (b) In Furnishing Outlines for a Sys tematic Course of Beading Through the Grades," luena ncnu, oiiuimimuuu. (c) In Telling dood Literature Only. During tho Story Hour," C. A. Woods, C.ffltS?A rn.nrWatlnir With the Teach em In Their, Story Hours, and Beading Periods," Ethel Beck, Leon. ' "Library Trustecs-Thelr. Besponslblllty for the Succets of th Library. Their Belatlons to the Library and the Li brarian." William I. Irwin, Shenandoah. "'What Can Be Done to Attract chll drn and Young Poople to tho Library? John M. aaivin. Caught 'Eedhanded ' and with the Goods Tim Colgun, Harry, alias "Dutch" Hall and Bill Orady ore In the city Jail await ing hearing on the Hargo of chicken stealing. They were caught red-nanded, for It was really the blood on their hands that led to their detection. Just before midnight Thursday they went to the resi dence of W. C. Burke, 214 Mbrnlngsldo avenue, and took eighteen of his White Orpington fowls seventeen hens and a rooster, the latter valued at . They killed all but the rooxier and stuffed the dead birds In one gunny sack and the live one In another. Coming down to Broad way the men made the mistake of taking a Pierce 'street car, mat wouia compel them to change at Pearl and llroadway to get art Omaha car. They got off at Ben ton street to await foe. an Omaha v car. The conductor noting the bl'.d on their hands and the feathers and blood on the gtlnnysacks made a surmise when they left, the car at Benton' street. He notified the police station and Captain Shafer and Officer Bascom met the flrstOmaha car, at tho Osden house. Both men denied ownership of the bags, although the con ductor said they had brought them aboard. Hall Is a paroled Iowa prison man and Orady has Just completed a year In the penitentiary tinder a federal court sentence for bootlegging. Spanish War Vets to Meet in the Bluffs The state reunion ot the Spanish War Veterans' association Is to be held In Council piuffs this year, probably June 11. It was originally scheduled to be held at- Sioux City. ' , Major Frank Kmory of Davenport yea terday wired Major Matt Tlnley asking him if the state reunion could be held here. An Immediate afttrmatlvo answer was returned, and Major 'Emory will be here Sunday to discuss the arrangements, Major Tlnley Issued a call last night for all Spanish war veterans in Council Bluffs and vicinity to meet at his office in the Baldwin block at 8 o'clock this evening (or the purpose ot considering the matter. Arrangements have been previously made to hold the annual reunion ot the Fifty first Iowa survivors In this city June 11, and the plan Is now to arrange for the full state reunion to be held at the same time. The plan Is also to organize to night a camp of Spanish War Veterans. Ileal Hstate .Trnnxfers. The following real estate transfers filed Friday were reported to The Bee by the Pottawattamie County Abstract com pany: Janr.es K. Osier and wife to Harry Necly,, lots 5. 6 and 7, block I, (.'arson, la., w. d .A 1 1.300 J. W. Morse and wife to Elsie C. ' Sorensen, lot S. block 4, Burns' addition, w. d ; hjo Charles T. Officer and wife to Frank A. Waybrlsrht. Int. S n,i 10, block i. Highland Place, w. d., Haltle T. Harl et al io W. 8. iiVr,- ,rH of lot. I, Woodcrest subdivision, w. d ;t,e T J,or', e "I to Clarence Arthur bmpkle. part of lot I. Woodcrest subdivision, w. d.. ! A,Ana M .J.'f&r, et al t0 John Davey. ot li. block X JpfferU Home Place addition, w. d!....... Clarence C. Door and wife to Thomas J. Young and Willoughby ye, sett neU S8.--j, w. d.... up 1,400 3U l.OOi Total, seven transfers ... .Cl SENATE BECOMES AMBITIOUS Advance! Its Meeting Hour from Noon to Eleven O'clock- HOUSE CAUCUS CALL IS ISSUED Ilesotntlon I.linltlnic Party l'rogrnm of Leirlslnllon Will. Be Con sidered Next Tuesday JVIsrht. ' WA8HINQTON, May -Plans for an early adjournment of congress took more definite shape today when the senate advanced Its meeting hour from noon to 11 o'clock and house leaders Issued the formal call for a democratic caucus next Tuesday night, when a "legislative pro gram" will be laid out. which will In clude adjournment as a leading feature. If the senate holds to the 11 o'clock meet ing .hour and Insists upon a few night sessions, leaders believe that the hope of adjournment July 10 may bo realised. Majority Leader Underwood has no doubt that the house can finish Its business 'be fore that date. The house caucus Tuesday will consider a resolution announcing It to be the senso of the party that antt-tVust, Interstate trado committee and railway capitaliza tion bills, the rural credits measures and the appropriation bills should be passed and the house then adjourn. It Is not expected there will be any opposition to Its adoption. Wherefore of Chnngc. Tho senate .changed its meeting hour today to hasten passage of the agricul tural appropriation bill. This bill has dragged along for more than a, week with little progress and several senators are anxious that It be disposed of before other appropriation bills are-reported. There was one cloud' on the adjourn ment horizon when talk was renewed of an uttempt to reach a vote at the present session ,of the proposed constitutional amendment for nation-wide prohibition. The resolution proposing the amendrnent was taken up In the house under a spe cial rule to be brought up within a week so that action may be taken promptly. There is little likelihood that the amend ment will bo taken up In tho Tuesday Caucus, but there Is no Intention on fhe part of the house lenders to - stifle It. Its passage requires a two-thirds vote and leaders expect the fight to be close. Vlctv if Senator, There Is a growing disposition on the part of senators to take the attitude that If the house passes the anti-trust legisla tion and the senate becomes so tangled up with It that there Is little prospect of an agreement for months, adjournment should be tnken without anti-trust action hy the senate. These. senators feel .that passage by the house would be assurance to the country that the party is carrying o'ut Its platform pledges and predict that next winter there would be ample oppor tunity to complete the work on trusts. Stock Subscriptions Forwarded Last Day Are to Be Received WASHINGTON, May . The reserve bank organization cornmlttce announced tonight that whllo this was th last date on which subscriptions of stock to federal reserve banks could, bo made by banks that areto-become, members of. the 'sys tem. It would receive, such subscriptions as were- forwarded today, although they may not reach Washington for several days. -The penalty for not completing subscriptions Is forflture of tho charter of the' bank. Tho committee's mall today Included hundreds ot subscriptions ot stock, but no official statement of tho receipts was made. The minimum capital for each ot tho" twelve reserve banks had- been -subscribed yesterday. President Wilson has under considera tion names ot several men for the place on the federal roservo board left vacant by the declination ot Klchard Olney to serve. Among those considered Is Charles S, Hamlin, assistant secretary ot the treasury. Mr. UHmlln Is from New Eng land, the section from which the selection la to be made. While It Ir known tho president has reached no decision as to tho appoint ment, it' was said authoritatively today that his choice would not fall upon any member ot his present cabinet. Missouri Moose Wants Teddy and No Fusion KANSAS CITY, May 0-Thc state com mute of the progressive party came out flatly today 'against fusion with .the re publican party and ended Us meeting with the adoption ot a resolution favor ing the candidacy ot Theodore Roosevelt for president In ' 1918. 'The committee also pledged Itself to begin a campaign at once to aid the wemen of Missouri In their efforts to secure the ballot. Practically every section ot the state was represented. The plank ot the platform referring to Colonel Roosevelt reads'. "We congratulate our great leader, Theodore Roosevelt, upon 'his sa'fo return from his remarkable trfp or scientific and geographical exploration Ih South, America and the progressives ot 'Missouri call upon htm to again lead, us In the national campaign In 1916. We are tor Roosevelt for president." EMPORIA, Kan., May 8,-Full progre slve tickets havo been announced In forty four counties In Kansas, according to a report raado to the state central com mittee of tho party. suffragists are pouring into the National capital WA8HINOTON, May . "With delega tions from nearly every state In the union here and with more arriving hourly, everything was in rvttdinesa tonight for the women's suffrage procession and demonstration tomorrow when between 5,000 and 10.000 suffragists will march from the White House' to the eapltol and demand the passage ot the Brlstow-Mon-dell resolution -proposing a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. It was raining Irere tonight, but the auffrage leaders declared they would march, rain or shine. QUIET IS R.EP0BTED TO' PREVAIL IN VENEZUELA LAGUAIRA. Venezuela. May 9.-Qu!et Is reported to prevail throughout Vene zuela. Contradiction was given Ih offi cial circles todaV'to the report thatrthere was a revolutionary movement In Coro. General Jose Antonio D'avtla. revolu tionary agent of Ciprlapo Castro, has left the Dutch Island ot Curacap for Trinidad, Three Are Elected to Succeed Baer in Coaland Eail Firms PHILADELPHIA, May ?.-Kdward T. Stotesbury of Oil-, city', a member of J. P. Morgan & Company and of theDrexel firm of bankers of Philadelphia, was to day elected president of the Reading company, the holding corporation forNho Philadelphia & Heading railway and Phil adelphia & Beading Coal and Iron com pany. Theodore Vorhees, vice president of the railway company, was made president of that corporation, and W. J. Itlchards. vice president and general manager of the coal and Iron company, was elected president of that organization. All three sucleed In the presidency of the different companies the late Ueorge K. Baer. At the samo time Mi. Stotesbury was elected chairman of the board ot directors of the railway company, and also of the coal and Iron company. With the election of these presidents tooay, five men now fill five places In the Beading-Jersey Central system held alone by Mr, Baer. While no announcement was made. It Is ta!d Mr. Stotesbury will follow closely the policy of Mr. Baer, with whom the new president was in accord. California Shriners 'Received by Mitchel NEW YOBtf, May 9-Downtown Nw York was offered atspectacle of oriental Pomp and color today when four temples of Shriners from California with poten tates' at their head, all In Arabic dress. preceded by a band of 120 pieces, marched from a Hudson river ferry to the city hall plaza to be received by Mayor Mitchel. A stand had been erected on the plaza from which the band playod during anil iho reception. The Slirlnci aie . . way to a conven tion at Atlanta Mayor Mitchel complimented the visit ors on their state and Colonel George Fllmer, .potentate of Islam temple of San r rancisco, . returned the compliment In kind. Large crowds, massed' on tho plaza.. waited through the concert ot what the mayor had described as "an exceptional band." CONFEDERATE- VETERANS APPROVE WILSON POLICY JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 9.-Presi dent Wilson's policy In the Mexican situation was endorsed by the twenty fourth annual United Confederato Vet erans' reunion which concluded Its ses sion here today. The resolution sets forth: "That this convention recognizes the groat wisdom and discretion of the presl den ot the United States and will heartily support such action as he may tuke." Another resolution approved the peace Jubilee to be held In Vlck'sburg, Miss'., next year. 7t declared the Invitation to federal veterans to "meet ' confederate soldiers on' southern soli to approved, pro vided, the spirit, of- the occasion be to ac cord equal honor fof patriotism to Jeffer son Davis, leader of he people of the south, and Abraham Lincoln, leader of tho people of the north." Nearly 2,000, automobiles were In line in .the annual parade today. A few of tho veterans attempted to march, but their formation lasted for only a short distance. ' - FARLEY ARRIVES IN ROME ON A VISIT TO JHFP0PE ROME, May 9.-Cardlnal Farley arrived In Rome today on a visit to Pope Plus. AVhen the pope learried that the Amer ican prelate had reached Rome he ex pressed a desire to see him soon. Several Tnembcra of tho college of car dinals and other church dignitaries vis ited Cardinal Farley nt his hotel this afternoon. When asked concerning the situation In Mexico Cardinal Farley expressed a hope that the mediation program under taken by the South American powers wouia prove eiiecwve, cringing about a settlement of the controversy between Moxlco and the United States. He said ho waa convinced that President Wilson wos a sincere advocate of. peace and did not desire to add to the territory of the United States by conquest WEEKS REQUIRED BEFORE AMERICANS ALL GET OUT WASHINGTON, May 0. Rear Admiral Badger estimated In a dispatch to the Navy department tonight that It prob ably would be several) weeks before all American refugees are out of Mexico. He reported that the steamer Esperanza left Puerto Mexico, early today with 631 refugees aboard and was expected to arrive off Vera Crux tonight. The Mex. Ico, . which arrived at Vera Cruz lost night, will take 170 ot the refugees on the Esperanza to New Orleans. Tho Qtty ot Tumptco sailed for Pro- greso today to collect refugees from the Yucatan district. When the Morro Castle returns from Tamplco, Admiral Badger said, all refugees then at Vera Cruz will be transferred to It and It will be sent t-j New Orleans. MAJOR GENERAL STOPS AT CALEXIC0 ON TOUR CALBHICq, Cal., Moy 9. Major Gen oral Arthur Murray passed an hovr In Calexlco today as part of his tour of In spection of the border. 'lie went to Yuma, Ariz., tonight and from there, will go to Andrade, Cal., the last point on tne BCr der In his department' Colonel Juan Lajero, commander f the Mexican federal carrlson at Metlealh gave out today another statement t his . ,ntenUon8 toward Americans, sayln he ,ntenaed t0 keep peace south ot tho line I , ,w ,oi .,. , i im.. as long as that policy was not in viola- tlon of his military duty. His mUUta companies, encamped here for several weeks, entrained tonight for Loa Angeles, where they will arrive tomorrow morning, Ttiey have been replaced by federal troops. NEGR0 SH0T TO DEATH AS BARN HE HID IN IS FIRED ST. JAMBS, La.. May 9. Driven from hU place of refuge when a posse tired a barn in which he was hiding, Sylvester Washington, a negro, was shot to death near here today. Before ho was driven from cover, the negro shot two of the posse, ratauy wounding one. Washing tor was wanted for slaying one white jnian and wounding another. COUNCIL OF WOMEN ELECT ! Countess of Aberdeen Is Again Chosen President. TO HOLD OFFICE FIVE YEARS Tele-tram of ThnnUa Is Sent to Her llmlmnd, the I.onl Lieutenant of Ireland, for Her Service. ROME, May 9. The countess of Aber deen today,, was re-elected president ot the International Council ot Women. Her re-clectlon was almost unanimous. The countess will hold office for five years. Mrs. May Wright Sewall ot Eliot. Me., .was re-elected honorary president. Among the other officers chosen today ore: Mme. Jules Sulegfrled. France, first vice president: Kroken Hennl Forcham- mer, Denmark, second vice president; Mrs. Henry Dobson, Tasmania, third vice presiaeni; i-rauiein uence saiamon, ner- mahy, corresponding secretary; Mme. Alphen Salvador, France, recording sec retary, nnn Airs. vv. is. Bamora, Canada, ticasurer. Committee presidents were elected as follows. Mrs. Wltloughby Cummlngs, Canada, finance: Mrs. George Cadbury. England, Ptaco and arbitration; the Rev. Dr. Anna Howard Shn'w, New York, suffrage and rights cf citizenship; Fiaulcln Dr. Van uoru. Holland, laws concerning tne legal position of women; Mme. Avrll De Salnte- uroix, t rance, equal moral stnnuara ami traffic In woman; Mme. Girard Mangln, France, publlo health: Mrs. Ogllvle Gordon, Scotland, cducutlon; theTountess Danlell Canozzl, Italy, emigration and Immigration; When the announcement of her re-election was made the countess of Aberdeen in an address said she had hoped a woman of another nationality would re lieve .her of the responsibility of the of fice of president The members ot her family, she added, desired her to abandon the trying position and she hud only con sented to be a candidate for re-election when she was unanimously requested to do so. Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett ot Washington, D. , president of the American section created a laugh 'by novlng a resolution that a telegram of condolence bo sent tho earl of- Aberdeen, lord lieutenant of Ireland,, on the re election of his wife. When the laughter had subsided the assembly adopted a motion to send to tho earl a telegram ot thanks for the services ot the countess. Mrs. Sewall also adarcsbed the assem bly and thanked the council for her re election as honorary president. NINETEEN CONVICTS SAID TO HAVE BEEN SLAIN BY MAAS VERA CItUZ, Moy 9. A Mexican brought Into tho city today a report that General Gustavo Maas hasiut to death nineteen convicts he released from prison Just beforo the Americans occupied Vera Cruz. Among tho prisoners Maas re leased and armed to assist him In the de fense of Vera Cruz were many well known criminals. Since tho Americans drovo the federals out of Vera Cruz these men havo been robbing and killing people In the region not protected by either the Mexicans ,'or the Americans. General Maas Is sold to have rounded up one band of the former prisoners ahd executed all ot them. CAN PUT TORPEDO BOATS THROUGH PANAMA CANAL PANAMA, May P. Colonel George W, Goethals, governor of the Panama canal nn. said today that he would put tor nedo 'boats through the canal at any time Secretary of tho IjaVy Daniels aesirea him to do so. He also said that he would ask Secretary of' War Garrison's approval to send ships through the canal on or about May 15, as he ontlclpatea a thirty.- foot channel cut through the slide at Cucaracha by then. The barge line, which Is to aid the rail way In transporting freight across the Isthmus, will .bo In operation next Mon day. HUERTA WILL SEE CAPITAL IN ASHES BEFORE FLEEING VERA CRUZ, May 8. Mexicans arriv ing here today from Mexico City say that General Huerta shows ho Intention of abandoning ,the presidency of Mexico. The president, they assert, Is popularly credited with having made the statement that he would see the capital In ashes before he left It. Rlbels In the vlelnlty of the federal capital, pa.tlcularly the followers ot General Zapata, are continuing their campaign against the Huerta admlnl tratton. NATION MUST ACT OR FISH SUPPLY DECREASE ATLANTIC, N. J-, May 9.-Unlcss the government takes Immediate action to regulate the use of nets and pollution ot streams, the supply of fish In the rivers of the country soon will be exhausted and a great number of persons employed In the fish Industry will be thrown out of work. It was asserted today by Rep resentative Charles Llnthlcum of Mary' land, In an address before the conven- tlon ot the National Association of Shell Fish Commissioners. The Persistent (ma Judicious Use ot Newspaper: Advertising is the Road to Business Success. Bacon Candidate for Office. STELLA, Neb., Ma 9.-(Speclal.) Charles Bacon Li a candidate for tho postofflce nt Shubert, as E. L. Evans Lwlll retire from the office July 1. Mr, Bacon expects to"' take the civil service examination at Falls City next week. Culls from the Wire As a sequence, to the aoiuliUl Thurs day at Terre Haute. Ind., of Mayor Don M. Roberts of the charge ot conspiracy tn primary and election frauds. Special Prosecutor Roach dismissed all tho cases in wnion tne mayor had Deen ' Indicted tor alleged; election frauds. The appeal of the state of New York from the dcclslun of Federal Judge Edgar Aldrlch. granting Harry K. Thaw's petl- uon fur a wni oi naDeas corpus to pre vent his extradition to New York, waa filed at Concord, N. II., yesterday. The appeal contends mat the court erred In nine particulars. At a Joint session yesterday at Memphis of the National Conference on the' Edu cation of Backward. Truant. Delinquent and Dependent Children and the Ameri can Association of Officials of Charities ana i;orrecuona, miss J una. p. Lathrop, .chief of the sxvernment'a chtldren'a bu. reau, made a plea for co-operation be tween official and volunteer agencies In cnua wciiare wora. JUflvA J. X Txitt.' nt 1van rlt. if. was re-elected president ot the National Old Trails Road association at lu annual convention at Indianapolis yt&terday. The 1915 meeting of the association will be held at Grand Canyon. Ariz. Other offi cers eieciea are; ov. Harvey M Shields. Dawson, N. M., vice president and Frank A, Davis, Herrlngton, Kan.. sou vw; -muuicr. oneer w c. t.- u woman gpraMllimn mmmm mil mmm DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Improved Sentiment in Commercial and Industrial Channels. ACTUAL PROGRESS IS SLOW tlrllllnnt Outlook for Winter "Wlirnt Crop Inspires Confidence In Future, According to Publication. NEW YORK, May 9,-Dun's Review to day says: There Is nn Improved sentiment In com mercial and Industrial channels, even though actual progress Is slow. Tho bril liant outlook for the winter wheat cron Inspires confidence In the future and tho splendid agricultural prospects uencrally constitute the best feature of the situa tion. Statlstica of trndn mnv,mdiila im mn. fllctlng; gross earnings of railroads re porting for the month of April were 1.9 per cent leas than 'last year. Failures this week are 321, against 274 last year; in Cnnada, against 23. BRADSTIUSET'S TItADU REVIEW NEW YORK, May 9.-Bradstreefs. to day says: Because of excellent probably the best that ever prevailed at this season, sentiment tends to veer to ward the line of nntlmlam unri J", trade, especially at the west, ex- niDim moderate expansion. Industrial lines as yet do not reflect this cheerful feeling, however. Country trade Is seasonably slow. At ;5 1mi t,,mo Industrial operations in the leading lines are slow, and therefore , i-unsuieraDie idleness. For the week.- tfoltn,... . LfSiV8 :w,Jfatwexporl8 bushels, lifM7K1'160bu',nelsi bnnk clearings 423,756,000, a decrease of 1.4 from last SOULS ARE WITHOUT SEX. IS DECLARATION OF ROGERS "The Spiritual Significant nf v,', Suffrage" was the subject of an ad dress by U W. Rogers of before the suffrage society vestrdv afternoon at the city hall. Mr. Ro said that souls must bo sexless and that masculinity and femininity aro condl tions of tho physical plane. That h.. of souls functioning through the fern inlne form were leading the less stren uous life in the physical world, he said, but the demand for tho ballot was a demand for more of the lessons of life a larger development of Intellect and a greater share In tho responsibilities of me wona. M'ADOOS AT SUMMER WHITE HOUSE FOR THE HONEYMOON CORNI8H. N. H., May 9.-.WIIllan O. McAdoo. secretary of the treasury, and his bride, who was Miss Eleanor Ran dolph Wilson, daughter of the president, arrived today to spend their honeymoon at Harlakenden, tho summer wmi House. Throe sen-ants preceded them here bv only three hours and the great house which has not been occupttd since lust fall, had barely been opened when tho couple entered. Frauds JoNr')ta IJrttrr. VIENNA, May 9. Imnrvpm.nt .o. noted In me luliiIi nf ..imiA,i,. Joseph today, according to the bulletin Issued tonight. The bulletlng added that otherwise his condition was unchanged. Is Baldness Among Women Increasing? y lgs. colored or otherwise, rats, i Switches. Irflnifnrmntlnn. r.u.H.. . shurp metal hair pins, artificial waving methods, singeing and a round doze.i Bir.ui.y moaern devices, nave com bined to ruin the hair of many women, so,there l decidedly an Increase in bald ness, though lwtely the magailnes and papers have rather stopped the advance or hair trouble by showing that simply air. sunshine and proper care will U velop heavy, bcMitlful hair upon anv JLe.aJl,.Grfat 1ar.e "n0"1"! be taken when washing the hair to not remove niore than the excess oil from the head. A perfectly safe, ecftnomlcal. cooling, ln vU itlng shampoo can be had by dla so vinx a teaspoom'ul canthrox, which every good druggist has, in a cup hot water. This mixture cleanses gently, yet thoroughly, and drives lo (he scalp and hair the vigor that Insures scalp, health and hair-beauty. Canthrox sham poos make the htead fiel good and are very beneficial where hair Is faded, dull arid brittle, the regulav use of whlcii will greatly enrich the color of the hair and give to It a beautiful gloss and son ness. Advertisement. Perfection Tho nnhll. 1 n - . tu x. . i criecuon; .Manufacturers Seek Perfection- the Master Mind Compels JVrfection-Wl.ole Teeth IlenUstry U Per' DR. TODD 4Q3 Blrandels Bldg. ROCK ISLUHDNEEDS FORTUNE Sixty-Five Millions Necessary to Put Road on Proper Basis. BAIL EXPERT GIVES HIS VIEW W, McKennn, Hired Jiy Com mittee of Ilonilholilers, ainUcs Report n to Conditions nnd Requirements. NEW YORK, May 9. Approximately J6S.000.000 will be required to effect such economics and general Improvements as are necessary to place the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific railroad system on a proper physical and financial basis, ac cording to F. W. McKenna, a rallroaxl expert, engaged by tho bondholders' pro tective committee of. the railroad com pany, whose report was made today. Mr. McKenna') report, which has been awaited with much Interest by holders of Rock Island Securities. Is more ex haustive than that made some weeks ago by T, M. Schumacher, the chairman of the Rock Island company, who estimated the system's needs at $49,000,000. Regarding the road's physical condition, the McKenna report says abput 20,003 cars ought to be retired. He recommends an Investment of about UB.000,000 In now cars, which would Incrense efficiency by at least 60 per cent, he estimates. Capital requirements, as contemplated by Mr. McKennn, call forabout J41.000.000. the expenditure of which, he says, would result In Increased revenues over oxlstlng conditions of at least Jo.COO.OOO. Construction of a short lino from Chi cago to Kansas CJty by way of Peoria, 111., and Keokuk. Ia., would also have a potent effct, rays Mr. McKenna, in re ducing transportatlpn expenses. These and other Improvements, he belloveB, would go far towards restoring -the stock ot the railway company to at least Its pnr value. PASSENGERS SPIT ON FLOpfT, CONDUCTOR OBJECTS; KILLED CHICAGO. May 9. William Laird, o street car conductor, was shot and killed nnd II. A. Kellcy was seriously wounded tonight when Laird remonstrated with three passengers for spitting on tho floor ot the car. Joseph Ksposito, one oi three , from whom a revolver with five empty chambers was taken, is held by the pollco as the slayer. MOTHER SEES AVIATOR SON KILLED AS PLANE OVERTURNS I'TICA, N. Y May 9. Perclval Van Ness of this city, an aviator, was killed today When his new biplane turned turtle. Von Ness and his brother, Jesse, had Just completed the new machine. Their mother witnessed the tragedy. Washington Affairs Arguments In the last case to be heard hy the supreme court until next October were mado yesterday, it is understood nn attempt will be made to decide the 150 cases beforo adjournment for tho summer. The court .prooamy win nom ucscions io announce opinions May 11, May IS, Juno 1 and June 15. Hereafter tho second Sunday of May win hn National Mothers' day. The sen ate' yesterday agreed to the h6uso resolu-" tlon requesting the president to Issue a proclamation naming, next sunany ao Mothers' day, designating' as' Mothers' dav in the coming years the tesond Sun- day each May, Wonderful Treatment For Corns, Callouses and , Sore Feet. Millions of people who endure daily torture from sore feet will welcome the Information that ther Is now a simple treatment that positively and quickly cures foot ailments of all kinds, You can say goodbye to corns and callouses: bunions; swollen, aching, bad smelling ana weaty feet. This treatment .workt right through tho pores andr-mov(i the cause .' th trouble. Use It once and your feet feel delight ful: use it for a week and your foot troubles will be a thing of the past. "Dissolve two tablespoonful of Caloclde compound in a bisln of warm water. Boak the feot In this for full fifteen minutes, gently rubbing the sore parts." Amazing re--suits follow. Caloclde Is known to best foot doctors. Any druggist will supply it. A twenty-flve cent package la said to be enough to put the worHt feet In' fine condition. Caloclde pre pared only by Medical Formula Co., of Dayton, Ohio. SPECIAL OFFER I 88-NOTE PLAYER MUSIC The Big Chicago nit, "THIS IS THE LITE." Tbs most fascinating and brilliant song nit of the season in. special this weak only. . t0 300 slightly nsed rolls Just as good as nsw as an extra In- nr. dncement, only uu "We are giving a 80 discount on oar complet stock of new player music and sell tha best grade of rolls sold tn the city. Schmoller&tiueller fj PIANO CO. B Doug. 1633. 1311-13 Parnam.- OCKA.V TIIAVBU. ROUND THE WORLD CJsrt's arrangements set the standard. De l.uxe touts with small grouns and keenly Interested directors of experi ence. Features: (Septsmbsr tonrl i Pa . esllne, Slam, Philippines. (October tonVi "Oarden of Allah." Java" (DtcembSJ tonr) North China. Ko,eX EastwaM ar.d wtward tours. Send for uroS Prank O. Clark. Times BMg., h ow roiil or local Affsnt