THE OMAHA StWIUY UI4K- MAT 10, 191 1. 4 A Nebraska High School Debaters Who Meet at Lincoln Next Saturday EmereonWirxicr' Wymoro LCADETS. DEBATE SATURDAY rHish School Students of Stitc to T Meet in Annual Cantsst. TWELVE WIIL ENTER THE P.ACE C K Hodaes Supoxxoe OjLynrLS.Tioniposs - Pirc Ha-vvy TvocndlyMSCook W J)ox?crthy dtookey&alUvicw "Winner In the Vnrloun IlUtrlntn Io Tin In Contention nf proper System of IlcBiiInt the Trrists, . . LINCOLN, Neb.. May 9.-(Spec!aU The seventh' annual state debate of the Tfebrasko. Hleh School Debating league will be held In Memorial hall. University , of Nebraska, next Saturday morning-, itay 10 high school fete day betfnninic at 10 o'clock sharp. In that forcmle arena will ccmpeto twelve picked debat er! representing the schools that have won the championship honor In the twelvo dlstr'cts In the contests that be , can last February on the league ques tion for the yean "rtosolvnd, That the policy of regulating trusts la preferable Tto the policy of dissolving; them." i The program of the state debate la given below. The order of (peaking was determined by lot: I AFFIRMATIVE. I Charles DsWItte Foster, Kearney (west ern district). Lynn J. Montross, Plerco (northwestern district). George Troendly, McCook (southwestern district). Paul Stowell, University I'laco (east JWntral district). , James Cornish, Droken How (west Mtitral district). ft Clarendon Kempton Hodges, Bupcrlor Hsoutfcern district). Sl Lloyd Worley. York (central district). NEGATIVE, 'dtri'" etnlUon Atk'nson (northern J Michael David Nolan, Alliance (north-. j Fgorothy 8lookeyIlellavucastem .Atin U n?n,0.n .winter, wymoro (southeast- iii i BBBHsHreU, I Ml 1 iiTT ii -4.," I t jr.J.V1,"15.'61' Bnitle CroeU "fth cen IJrai district). -nf A Time of Speakl? v Jf Each contestant will spaR:lwloa-geven spmutes (except the first affirmative, who 6a eight and three m1nutes)in dlrecl sSument and refutation and then four minutes in rebuttal. ..Thtf Judges will be selected by the jsres'deot of the league, I'rof. M. M. (fogs, professor of rherorle In the unlver Mty. and the district championship 'ichool. Theso Judges will award first, lcond end third honors, ' One Experienced Debater. 'The representative of tho central dis trict will be Loyd Worley of the York tlgh school. Mr. Worley was born r 4gw, Neb., aid, before coming to York, tended school at Weeplnr Water, Crete, ,i i IT pdwmR.Si&Uion-Mttinson loydl'opl&y York. Wymoro nnd Ashland. He wrts. a con testant In the stato debate In 1910 as rep resentatlve of the Ashland High tohool. In the Central Nebraska Teachers' asso ciation's' debate In 1911 he was awarded third place. He. Is ii senior at York, Is editor of tho school paper Tho Nubbin -and has been a member of the scliool o debating Uum for thrco years. The eastern district will be represented by Miss Dorothy Stookoy of the IJelU vuo academy ant! Union High school. .She Is tlje datmhtcr of Dr. 8, W. Stookey, until recently provident of Dellovuo col lute, She has passed the greater part )( her Dcliool llfo at Deliovuc. 8h.n ranks high as a scholar. This Is the first year she' has taksfi i art In -ihtorscholastlc do lallnK, being ft -member of- Hrllevup'a team. In tVe last two SJti6t contests; with Nebraska .City and South Omaha. Itcprrsvnt Winning flohoiil. The east-central district will bo repre sented by Paul Stowell of the Unlvoraltv .KMace illgh soljJbl. "ilo U a senior, di$m I'lupiie nia, rugn rcnooi .course in uitee years with an eet!lqnt( recjrd alp' a scholar! Hr aa also 'been actlvo 'in various llnun of school notlvlty. For twa years ha has been a member of the clasa debating team which won the lnter class championship. Thta la his second enr on the University Placo team In Ihe league contest a team that has been awarded nlno successive victories and has been defeated but once. The Atkinson High school nnd the northern district will be represented by Kdwln IL Btr&tton. Attending school first In Missouri and then In Kansas, he came' to Atkinson about ten years ago. During his high school course he has Paul Stow&ll'UmveMtyPUca been an all-round leader In school activl-1 first year Battle Creek has been a mem ties and Iiqh made i high record as A ber of the league. Mr. Dlttrlck has spent scholar. He has been a member of the all his school life In the Battle Crook foot ball team for thrfe years, has been prominent In public speaking and has been a leader for three years In debating. As a scholar ho ranks umong tho very best In the .senior duns. t nnttle Crvek'n First Time. The north-central dlstrlet will send to the state debate Carl Dlttrlck of the Battle Creek High school. This Is the public schools except two years In e. Uerman school. He la prominent In school activities, has been very active in debate work and Is a student of very high rank. He Intends to take a college course, ut the state university probably. In mechanical engineering. Tho Pierce High school will send as representative of the northwestern dis trict Lynn J. Montross. Before coming ICHOES OF THE AHTE-ROOM jkodera Woodmen of America Will . Celebrate Mothers' Day .. jtJUEKAH DISTRICT TO Otorge Webber, Otto Llnde, Wm. Hunt linger, Edward Kaiser, Wellington Frye. Bandy Morrison, Chas. A. Tracy. Tho committee In charge of this scrvt vice are: B. A. Chappcll, Chris Motten sen and James Hughes. rauoh of the Odd Ketlotrn to llnvo Annan! Session nt South Omaha tiucies to Hold' Me mortal Hervlcen. Mothers' day Is to bo celebrated by an appropriate program by Magnolia camp "a 1,833, Modern AVoodnton of America )(all, Twenty-fourth street and Ames ave nue, Hunday afternoon. Henry F. Moy nrs, consul of the camp, will preside. The Urogram w:il consist of songs, prayer and rwldrtMes as follows: fChatrman Henry K. Meyers. .Son-"Just Before the Battle. Mother," fngregatloo. . ' Prayer nev. Charles H. Fleming. (f8olc"ltotk Me to 8lejei, Mother " Miss Humphrey. ; . ' . r- . (Address Judge W- W. ilabatlgh: - 5 Anthem First Methodist Episcopal 5ioir "Address Hev. Charles H. Fleming. Kong- 'Tell MoUier I II Be There." Hirst Itthodlst Kplscopal choir. Benedictlon-Bev. F. N. Hess. OBnnd Concert' ni A'lurrlcan Thentir, Union Pacific lodge 'No," 17, Ancient Order of United Workmen, band, wia give an extended musical program at the American theater Friday cvenlni. May is. The program will consist of twelve num- iters, besides tho United Brethren cho.r ?nale quartet, which will render a pro ftM of several numbers. Up to date q.bOO seats have been reserved and a tu:i noun Is not doubtful. Several prominent wlemters are slated to make a few io marks regarding the succbs of the band -snd the good music they have been ren dprlng dvrlng the last thrio y.a s jf their organisation. Programs will bo pub. Jwhed In ten days. T cke'ts mny be ex changed for reserved eaU after May . Anclrut Order of United Workmen Oats City lodge" No? SS will hold a May Sirty Tuesday, for members and famlllss, t the hall In "tne Swedish .auditorium, . Union Pacific loJge'o. IT will hold a h(jf inflation and Brother, tj. il. T. Jlle Hn will be the. speaker of-the evening. Seventeen hundred and seventeen mem br for No. 17 is the cry ot the promo tlon committee. MEET Independent Order of Odd KellwiYs. Tho annual Bcbekah district meetlni; for the second district will bo held lri Odd Fellows' hull, South Omaha, next Friday afternoon and evening. The meet- ing will be held under tho auspices of Alpha Rebekah lodge ot South Omaha, with Mrs. Thomas Qulloway, president of the d'strlct association, presiding. A splendid program has bcp prepared for the occasion and n. large attendance la expected for both the afternoon and even ing sessions. Mrs. Lucy A. rteed, d!od at Hebron this stato. last Wednesday evening. It is claimed that Mrs, Reed was the. oldest living number of the Rebekah degrst In the United etatcs, she having become a member of the order at Pecatonia, III., In 1SJI and has been In continuous good Standing ever since that date. The Re- Dexan degree was not recognized as a part of Odd Fultowshlp by the sover elgn grand ledge until Mi, so tho lodge that Mrs. Reed'' Joined was one; of s. number of lodges organised outsldn the Jurisdiction ot-.tho order. Mrs. Reed was ii years of age at hor death and was a "member of Progress Rebekah lodge No. 3) of-llttrpn. Canton Kir ilUlard N?. 1 Installtd the following officers last Wednesday evening: W. O. Torrey, captain; J. R Gilljany, lieutenant; Benjamin Dtmough, ensign; Darius Hartaon. treasurer! C. M. Coffin, clerk. Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work In the first degree next Friday night. Samuel Jacobs an old-time membor qt Omaha lodge No. ? IsrltUa'ly '111 at the residence of bis daughter, 831 South Twenty-econd alrfet. ' Walter Hoagland of North- Platto was a Visitor at Omaha lodge No. 2 last Fri day night. Committees have been appointed by all o.f the Omaha lodges to prepure for a Jo-nt observance ot Memorial day. Ruth Rebeksh lodge No, 1 will give an entertainment nt Odd Fellows' hall next Saturday evening. Dannebrog lodge- No. S1G will put on the second degree next Friday night. loyal Yeoman tins been urged to attend this dance, and It he or she cannot dance should bring sotno provisions and help this family, who are In dlro need. As this Is the last dunco of tho season which is open, to jLho public, Ben Prlcstman has arranged u very attractive program of music for tho evening. Trllir of IIpii Ilur. Mocca court No. 13 will have a class for initiation Thursday evening. " All members havo been Invited to attend. ingtoh. but for known. what purpose Is not Peters Buvs Street Gar for $50 Down and $25 Every Month "Jim" Peters, Lamonl, la., bought a street car from an earnestly speaking stranger at Tenth and Pierce streets at the ridiculously low price and conven iently easy payment plan ot 15) down and (26 per month, without Interest. Peters was .strolling around near the defot ttndvwhHc" walking ne&r the car house on South Tenth street was ac costed by a ' gentlemanly looking fellow who was Irrislstlbly talkatlvo. Ho took tho visitor In the barn and uftor enum erating tho cash receipts each vehicle gathered In dally he declared that he was a Boiling agent for tho company anu that an especial "Iqw figure ot JoOJ was bolng quoted on the conveyances. Piters paid JW down and .signed a res ulur receipt .and agreement to let 125 per month ot the receipts go towards dim inishing tho amount still due. The stranger walked away and Peters went back to the depot, itls good fortune kept bobbing up In his nilnd and v(htn a car went-by he stopped Jo watch It go south. Polleomaiv.. linger noticed the fellow and I was attracted to his cur.dslty In tho car Pttera could not withhold his enthu siasm any longer and ..walked, over to the officer und vouchsafed with gasoonde gusto that he had bought One bt "them , and that' from the coining nVornlng on he was going to be on the easy roiad to riches. , Unset, listened us long us he tould then told J'aipra that he had already reallxea hid riches In notvftegot.a.bje p;rience. COUNTY HIRES LAWYERS IN JAIL FEEDING LITIGATION A resolution, passed by tho Board ot County Commissioners., authorises em ployment by tho county of Myron L. Learned and Joseph T. Votava as at torneys to defend the county In all litiga tion made by Sheriff Felix McShane. The Jail feeding suits comprise tho litigation In question. IVAN E. SNELLING ESTATE SUES UNION PACIFIC ROAD A suit for 2,93 In behalf of the estate ot Ivan E. Sneltlng, who was killed In an accident on the Union Pacific railroad March 14. 1913. has been brought In dis trict court. Snelllng was engaged In caring for stock when he surtalned the Injury which reeultcd In his death. tv Derce be rllendej sfiitvl 1 Jlaiil; VretAi. IZU fcial intcrrst b la !.!) JvarOculorir la sutttnentatlua and dlmte. This It his third year as mesu br of the Pierce Jt'i.h school team. In 11)13 he materially helped to put the team In tho final district debate against Ran dolph. The Alliance High school, champion of the northowestern 'district, will bo rep resented by Michael Dayld Nolan. Ho Is a senior with a high rank as scholar. This Is-the third year that he has repre sented AU'nnee In the contests of the High School Debating league Winn In First Year. The speaker from the southern district will bo Clarendon kempton Hodges of tho Superior High school In which he Is a Jun'.or. Born at Superior he has spent his school life here. As a student he Is one of the best In the school. He is ac tive In general school affairs. This Is his first year In Interscholostio debate. Tho Wymore High school, leader In the southeastern district, will send to the state debate Emerson Winter. He Is taking the German science course, but has managed to take two years ot Latin also. In all llnrs he Is an unusually strong student nnd he Is looking forward to a college course. He has been study ing argumentation and debate since he was In tho trnth grade. The McCook High school and the south western district will be represented by George Troendly, a member of the Junior class with an excellent record as a scholar. He entered the- McCook High school on graduating from the eight grade In a rural school. He began work In argu mentation and debate last fall and was a member of tho team that won from Tren ton and, from Oxford. Another Experienced Debater. The representative of the western dis trict and tho Kearney High school will bo Charles DeWltto Foster, son of Charles E. Foster of Lena. He attended sohool at QentervlUo. la., 41D02,-1S08; .a,t Marysvlile. Mo., 190S-1911;.' 'North platto High school, 1912-1913, and he has been at tho Kearney High school for two years 1911-1912 and this year. Ho ranks high as a scholar. In athletics he Is also Interested, winning the position of tackle on the all-state team. He was a member of the Kearney debating squad In 1911- 1912, in which year he was a member of the argumentation class and represented the sophomores In the debates, and tnls year he was on the senior class team as well as on the school team. He Intends to be a lawyer. Broken Bow's speaktr for the west central district will be James Cornish. His early schooling he secured In Dis trict No. 73, Custer county, and he en tered the Broken Bow school on complet ing the eighth grade. He Is a member ot the Junior class. Last year he began the study of debating. As student he ranks well up among the leaders of his class. JtnaFDAiucr, Sanatorium This institution is tho only ono In tho central west with separate buildings situated In their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering It possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted (or and devoted to the treatment ot non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage bolng designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment ot select mental cases requiring (or a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. V ' fraternal Order of Kairlea. Benson Aerie No. 1S02, Fraternal Ordftr f Eagles, wilt hold annual memorial ser vices on Sunday afternoon at S o'clock fet the Benson Auditorium, to the mem pry of departed brothers as follows Pert Chllds. Wm. Chadwell. Chris Jor. ihuuen, papMurphivJ-vA. JCarroi, Joseph Decker. J. E Dollon. Rudolph Bchults, KntshtH nnd Lndlra of fteeurlty. . Omeska- rounoll, Knights and Ladles of Security, will, give a dance Monday even ing at Myrtle- hall, corn Fifteenth and Douglas streets. j , . ' Ilrotlirrhooil of Amerlcnn Veomrn, " Women of Ihe Brotherhood of American Yeomen will give a' benetit dance WednesV day evening for the benefit of a' family who are In destitute circumstances Every ADMIRAL AND MRS. BR0NS0N ON WAY TO WASHINGTON i Schmoller & Mueller's 55th Anniversary victrola Oner $1.00 DOWN THEN $1.00 a Week $82.50 Come on in, fellows! It's 14 Dollar Suit Week at Benson & Thome's v.:, Sizes for Young "Men and for Men up to 42 stout LIbN Three of New York's foremost tailors made these suits especially for this event otherwise the price would be 20 dollars or thereabouts. JUST AS PERFE AS WHEN PUT AWAY tilanV-Af. flnrl mnriT artifilftS fif filotMlLIP will bo safe from moths, it kept in tho lower drawer of a Lnger "Cedar-Lino" dresser or chiffonier. The cedar bottom has a mild, pleasant cedar odor, which permeates tho whole dresser. Luger "Cedar-Line" Dressers and Chiffoniers Cost you nothing extra for this feature. Yet you save the cost of a cedar chest and the space it takes up in your bedroom. When you see the other Lnger features the attractive appearance (a large varloty of woods and finishes in stan dard, colonial and our new straight line styles), the careful finish, the Tigid durable interlocking construction, the easy-working draw ers, etc., you will never be satisfied with any but a Lugerv" Cedar-Line." Your furniture dealer probably sells tho Lnger "Cedar-Line." If not, write us. JL Luger Furniture Company Minneapolis, Mann. 1 This Superb Home Outfit Complete, only ' ACmlral nrotison ot the Vnlted Statjs navy, accompanied by Mrs. Uroneon, an j on their way to Washington, coming I from the Pacific coast on Union Pacific Northwestern &. the Los Angeles limited. The admiral will pass through Omaha at 9.40 o'clock this evening, stopping here (Ive minutes. It Is under stood that he has been called to Wash" We are going to place SO Outflta In the homes of 50 responsible citizens on the Easiest Terms Ever Offered, Pay $1,00 in order to bind tho burgnin Then $1.00 a Week. These Terms Have Never Been Equaled. This Victrola, Style X, with 10 doublo-fnced rec ords, iO superb musical selections, only I $82.50 SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO 00. Victrola and Grafonola Headquarters. 1311-13 PARNAM ST. In selecting an office location keep in mind that the business center is moving west. "With the Court House, the new hotel, the City Hall, tho Library, tho new Masonio building, two theaters and all kinds of other business all west of 17th Street, there is no question as to the future. The Bee Building offors tho best office location in Omaha for the present and the future. "When the new Court House plaza is complete il will bo a delightful and refreshing outlook. Here are a few offices we can offer you now: Three (fine offices, single or en suite, on. the fourth floor; ' north light; 300, COO or 960 square feet; will arrange partitions and decorate to suit tenant; water, heat and modern electric lights free. Prices on application. Large corner room, fifth floor, with vault and water; also adjoining rooms en suite if desired; 400 to 800 square feet, as needed; north and east windows; 17th Btreet side of the building; newly varnlahed and decorated; can be occupied at onco 40.00, $02.50, $80.00 Fine east side room on sixth floor, with two private offices and reception room; water, heat and light free; 320 square feet; very desirable for lawyer, doctor, real estate, etc $30.00 Nice room on beautiful court, with vault, water and private office; newly decorated; ready now, at $18.00 Other rooms ... $10.00 to $50.00 For offices applj' io tho Superintendent, Eooni 103, TheBee Building Co.