Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1914, PART THREE, Page 4-C, Image 30

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Vacant Property
4 C
HKAIj estate,
city rnormiTY Fun salu.
Come Out to
Wearne Park
Piok out a lot for a homo in n high grade
chrcfnllji-dovclopod Addition. , J
How to. Ivuch
"Wearno Park:
Take h Bonaon car
to 49th and Military
avenue, get off at
tract office.
Safoflmari .on
Ground, Rain or
w Shlno.
A. P. Tukey. & Son
Wo offer for tho first time three
houses, within walking distance, do
st rlbed as follows;
1422 No. 18th
Five-room cottage-, not modern ox
cept city water and gas; lot 40x140.
Price, $1,200. Torms to bo arranged.
1424 No- 18th
Seven-room, nil modern house,
with another room unfinished; good
tiro stablo in the rear; lot 30x140,
Price, 2 3G0. Terms to - bo ar
ranged. 1426 Noi 18th
Eight-room house, all modern; lot
30x140. Price, $2,350. Terms to
bo arranged,
Wo think these Uoubob will sell
very quickly. Better Investigate
them at once.
A. P. Tukey & Son
441-442 Board of Trade Bldg.
phone. DtAiR. B02.
Nine Room Brick
1018, South 31st
We now offer this large residence,
with spacious grounds, 97x141, for
tale at a greatly reduced price. You
couldn't build tho house for abovo
price and the ground Is worth
$4,000. Add to this J2.G00 only for
the dwelling and you will at oncd
realize yrhat a bargain this Is, es
pecially when one considers that an
ordinary well-built, 7-room frame
dwelling costs $4,000.
The Byron Reed Co
rhone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th.
Bungalow- Bargains
422S Ohio St., 4 rooms, $1,700.
4224 Ohio at., C rooms, $2,300.
4310 Lake St., 7 rooms, $2,800.
Reed Brothers
206 Brandels Theater Bldg,
Choice Building
West Farnam
Kast and west fronts on list from Har
ney south two blocks! High and sightly.
All street Improvements In and 'paid for
??f.? vaylng, which will be done soon.
Building restrictions.
Absolutely the best vacant strip of
ground p any site loft In this choice
neighborhood. (Jet our prices. Tho cheap
est vacant residence property In all
AMEUICAN SBCriUTy COMPANY, and Douglas Bta. Douglas Mis.
Hanscom Park
Owner in Chicago says: "Sell
ry C-room .modern home, and tho
best offor gets It." Corner lot 47x
126. paved street: two blocks to
Pan scorn park and two blocks to car
1 ne; located at 2338 South 31st 8t
in Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. Vhono Doug. 4270.
Beautiful Home
Six rooms and bath. Jarge living room,
uii iciurmea Dasemenl. oalc finish, on iiunts. uorner lot, lino,
Si?8' p4!ved lrf .J,Rnd', "V. Price.
ROM. Terras, ll.OCO sh, balanee ar
ranged. Let us show you this home.
BS,toIi,ilerent pr,ce''' Cau ror
J). R. BUCK & SON,
913 Omaha Nat. Back. Doug.
Realty Phqn0
Investment &
Company . ; ;
Hanscom Park
Wouldn't You Like
to Live in a House
of Your Own?
Hero la an Ideal home if one ti ever
built a brand now, olght-roomlwelllng,
exquisitely finished throughout 'and Ideal
mothers' and lover' home, with com
bination fixtures and cement basement
and laundry, also cement wnlki.
This house was, built'' by the owner for
his own Use. It cost "him over 14,000, and
ho built IF with the- belt material that
he could possibly buy. It Is without
doubt one of tho best built houses In
Omaha. Tlie owner would not think of
selling this pluco If he did not have to
leave tha city. ,
This place can be. bought at a great re
duction and terms to suit yourself. It
you aro at all Interacted In buying' a
home, let me show you this,
Will take pood lot as po,rt payment.
Nathan Somberg
423 Ileo Bldg.
$500 Will Buy
hi is, mil fix beatltirul now bungalow,
modern In every convenience and finished
mi TOjr ucimii location laeiu; paved
tfA nn till -I .1 .. . . I 1 1 , .
. riwq mm 1'n.TiiiK an pain
tor;- houso has five lame rooms and bnth
viii win, uuur, uiiu iinq unBcmeni, jr. you
want to sea something different, come out
flllB ,nM,AnM .. . I ln.1, ILI. 1
.. . '" iw iw hiio uuuia over.
See the beafutlful effects obtained through
.no u ui iicumtm cciunga in parlor ana
dining room; built-in bookcases In living
room and beautiful built-in combination
buffet and china cabinet In dining room.
This bungalow Is a little beauty and
finished so completely that your time will
be well spent In coming out to look It
over. Price. W,W,
Payne & Slater Co.
618 Omaha Nat. liank Bldg.'
Chance of Lifetime
$275 Cash Down
Balance $27 a Ma.
win Duy xnis nranu new b-room. all mod.
ern cottage located at 4724 North Slth
oycryiiung is comrseio an
tunlties to rent this property at t6.0o
month. His terms aro slightly above the
rental value. This Is a good chance to
get. a new homo on rent basis. Tha
monthly Vayinent Includes Interest and
principal. Como out today and sea It.
l'rlco only 12,575.
Fred W. Shotwell, Agt.,
8S4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Hldg. Doug. li.
T 1
Hanscom Park Snap
1126 South 32d St.
Jv'lne rooms, nil modern, east
front, on paved street; paving paid
in full; West Side Park car line right
In front of houso; beautiful shade
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th.'
West Farnam Lot
Bast front lot on 41st street. 41.3x110 ft,
one block north of Davenport street.
Paving paid In full. High, solid ground.
Must bo sold at once. Investigate.
George & Company
Phone P. T8& to; t-jty Nat. Hank Bldg.
' . . ..
floor; bed rooms, rlth toilet and bath
on tha second floor. Hot water heat, full
v v wweasvav r. Li, tuiiELi uii asm
basement umintMl. wtih kq.I rmii un.
laundry rooms. This s very well built
and will make a lovely home. Shown by
7J Omaha National Uunk. Douglas :UiO.
pnoi'KiiTY von SALE.
Mu$t Be Sold ,
OPEN TOD AY-3i CO TO 5:30 P. M.
' , 2502 North 18th St
$2,M0 Flile, brand new. 6-room cottage, all modern Except furnace; (piped for fur
nace, which can bo added at any time); splendid .arrangement of rooms)
parlor and dining room In oak, colonnade openlrtg; two nice sized bedrooms,
t with Urge closctai dandy kitchen, with built-in cupboards; stairway to 'attic,
which Is partly floored; fine cemented basement; east front comer lot;
built honestly and represents good value.
2713 Pratt St.
t2,m Vive artistically arranged rooms of good sire; large living room with gen
uine press brick fireplace; Krenc h doors separating den (or front bed-
i room) from living room; ouk flni sh In living room, den and dining room;
fine bathroom, tiled walls and best of plumbing fixtures; nice lleh't
, kltchhen with two built-in china closets and work table; floored attic,
cemented basement: guaranteed furnace. We cannot too strongly empha
size how attractive and how well built It Is.
5109 Burt St.
$o.DOO Fine, two-story dwelling; brand new and ready to occupy. Uullt right
from top to bottom. Located o n a paved street, surrounded by attractive
dwellings, It haa large Jiving room, with press brick fireplace and built
in bookcases; flno dining room, bu rlapped; panel strips and plato rail; but
ler's pantry, nice sized and orran ged kitchen; three fine, .large bedrooms
upstairs; also splendid sleeping po rch, suitable for sun room In winter;
dandy bath room, cotnpletely equ loped with best grade plumbing; founda
tion in press brick; full cemented basement, with coal and fruit bins; laun
dry facilities and one of the best furnaces on the market. Window and
door screens for all outside open Ings. Purchaser to havo prlvllego of se
lecting lighting fixtures. Suitable terms can bo given If desired.
5;500Your choice of two exceptionally f
nay neon occupied a (ew months d
, sodn. They are brand new and ca
, besides many attractive featurea, h
be fully appreciated. Tho locatio
scorn nark und Westsldo car line.
fine alirrntihrlinfiTA: nice nhnrin trn
consider small unencumbered cat
cfty as part" payment. ,
A representative will be at tha
thorn. lfv-tho weather permits.
These ore flrst-clara nroDertles
pectlvo buyers. Easy terms, wit
Scott &
Douglas 1003,
s . Bargain
New, 2-story. 'i-room and sleeping porch;
all modern, large living" room, dining
room and kitchen on first floor; 2 bed
rooms, enclosed sleeping porch and bath
on socond floor; oak finish on first floor
and oak floors throughout ontlre house;
newly decorated; full basement, furnace
heat, with oil burner attached; automo
bile garage, built for two machines; lot
00x12s feat, south frontt street do. veil:
only H block east of Kountze Park. J lave
no price, want an offer, as owner must
' Two-story square, all modern. h"ome of
six rooms and sleeping porch; first floor
finished In oak, with oak floors through
out: entire houso newly .decorated: mod
ern plumbing, combination fixtures; full
Dascmcni, lurnsce ana launury connec
tions; nice lot and paved street. Prlca,
Jl.WO; $1,000 csUh and tho rest monthly.
Drand new. all modern. 6-rooms. hall
and bath; oak finish, oak floors; book
cases, plato rail and paneled walls, en
ameled and tiled bath, guaranteed plumb
ing, furnaco heat, laundry connections;
nice lot, good neighborhood. Price, $3,310;
easy -terms.
Drand new, all modern bungalow, five
large rooms; oak In .two rooms, oak
floors throughout, tiled and enameled
bath, modern plumbing, full cement base
ment, furnace heat, laundry connections;
lot DOxlzi. only block to car, close to
new UO.000 school. Price; $3,160; terms,
or will consider a vacant lot on any of
the abovo, '
103 McCague Uldg. Douglas 1653.
$5Q0 Will Buy
3S18 Leavenworth St., a beautiful new
bungalow, modern In every convenience
and finished In every detail. Location
ideal, being between the West Karnam
and Field Club districts. Ieavenworth
car posses the door. Paved streets on ull
sides and paving nil paid for. House has
fivo extra large rooms and bath on one
floor, and fine basement. If you want to
see something different, come out this
afternoon and look this house over. See
the beautiful decorations In all the rooms
and notice the beautiful effects obtained
through the use of beamed ceilings In
parlor and dining room, built-in book
caxes In living room and beautiful built
in combination buffet and china cabinet.
In dining room. This bungalow Is a little
beauty and finished so completely that
your time will be, well spent In coming
out to look It oveA Price, $3,000; terms,
$K0 cash, balance monthly. 3823 I-iaav-enworth,
same arrangement and price.
Payne & Slater Co.
616 Omaha Nat. Uank Tlldg,
A. P. Tukey & Soft
Harney St. Home
At 3820 Harney we have an up-to-date,
mod. 7-roora house, finished In
hardwood and birch; gas, electric
light and: furnace, everything lu
first-class repair; let 50x100 feet,
with driveway on tho west; street
paved and taxes nil paid. This is a
ury comfortable home, but Is a tittle
too small for the present owner and
ho lu very anxious to sell the prop
erty at once. We can make very
reasonable terms on . this place
Price, 16,500.
A. P. Tukey & Son
441-442 Donrd of Trade Bldg:.
Phone Doug. 502.
A Good Bargain
3622 Mason. St.
' $3,250
This Is a nearly new -toom, modern
home, located In one of the best residence
districts of Omaha; Is comparatively
S!.0l.?:Jn anJ ' Jut north of the K1EU
CLUU, where values are Increasing.
Owner on account of needing a target
home, has reduced his price for qutoa
sale. Oo out right away and look It
over. Owner will show you through.
Fred W. Shorwell, Agt.,
SI Omaha Nat. Ilk Hldg. Doug. 12S9.
New Cottage
On Mason street, a half block, cast of
4Sth. We have a new modern cot
tagi and largo lot for $t,$00. The house
number Is 61 Mason street, but'do not
disturb tenant. We will arrange to show
you through If Interested.
Harrison & Morton
914 Omaha Natl Bank.
Douglas 311
Tho Persistent and Judicious L'ta of
Newspaper Advertising la the Road to
Uunlnrss Success.
So. 33d St.
Inc. well built two-story dwellings. One
urlng the winter, but will be vacant
ch has hIx -rooms and sleeping1 porch,
ut they must bo seen Inside and out to
u Is Ideal, only one block west of Han
Closo to Windsor school and Field club;
es In front; puved street Owners would
tagc, or aooa vacant lot on either prop
abov proprtles 3:00 to 6:30 p. m. to show
and ishould bo looked over by all pros
h a reasonable discount for cash for our
Hill Co.
3W-7-8 McCague Hldg.
Special Bargains
Electric Pianos
an3 Spring Motor' Coin Opor
at6d instruments at less than
half price. Easy mon.thly
$600 Pianola
$660 Majestic,
now, . . , ,
$700 Standard,
$ 0 Oo'jUgina ' Orchestra! $225
$760 BeVVyVwood,"
$760 Standard, 'lfc375
Schrnoller & Muel
ler Piano Co.
1111-13 Farnam Street.
Can Be Finished
PROM $7,000 TO $3,000. Three 7-room4
strlctijf modern homes; living room, din
ing room, kltcbtn. sun room, pantry, en
try and small toilet room -on first floor;
3 bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch and
largo bathroom on second floor. These
three houses arVnow under construction
and plastered Inside, ready for finish.
Facing Demi Park. S5th and Cuming Sts.
Part cash, monthly payments; balance
6 Interest. Phone owner and builder,
1109 N- Slst. So. Omaha. Phone So. 19S1.
Something Right
in a
Real Bungalow
New, complete and up-to-date;
five rooms and bath; oak floors, oak
finish und beautiful decorations:
largo attic and basement. Located
at 6517 North 24th St., only half u
block from Miller park. Price,
3,360. Terras.
Norris & Norris
00 Dee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270.
Cheapest Lots in .
. Dundee
.1T1,?A..ooauUrul nl"' 1118 highest point In
the Village of Dundee, north of Cuming,
between 4Sth and DOth Sts., Is Just being
brought Intj easy access by a new grade,
sidewalks, paving and water service.
!EM:;..,.0, ore a" a'Khtly as anything In
the Village and much cheaper. Kino half
block of east fronts on grade, command
ing view, floe neighborhood. Only $500.
Two of thfbest lots in that part of the
village, south and west front, $1,S0Q lor
the two: will subdivide. Paving to be
constructed to this comer, with city
These lota will all go to a higher figure
In the next year,
Sit Brown Illock. Doug. I960.
For Sale or Rent
6-room house, modern except
heat. Nice porch, east front;
'trees. Will sell cheap', 1624
North 125th St., So. Omaha.
Dr. R. G. Rice
Just the house for two families that
want to locate close to each other.
balance like rent. These houses are Just
finished and ready to occupy; thoroughly
modern 7-room half bungalows, located
at Sl and lira Marcy St. First floor
Jias reception hall, with mirror door, liv
ing room, dining room, tun room ami
kitchen; oak finish except kitchen. Bes
pud floor haa threo nice bed rooms and
tiled batik Full basement, with best or
furnace. ?outh front lot. with all spe
rials in and paid for; lawn nicely sodded
shades on windows; wjndows cleaned.
Workmanship and material at the best
and arrangement convenient for the
housewife, l'rlcu only $3,'0. Own for
Inspection from J to 5 p. m- today. He
turn and see these houses. They are rr
alnly fln nrnl clew to two car lines.
Come and se them today.
JOS Boston rJtort Bldg. Doug. $107
Lots! Lots! Lots!
H MileS From P. 0.
Water, Sewer, Gas,
Ceihent Walks,
$10 Cash
$5 Monthly '
Only eight' lots at this figure,
.every ono at grade; east fronts' on
2 1st St., between Martha and Caa tel
ler Sts.
$60Q-$650 -
Buys a beautiful lot ott 23d.
WeBt fronts on 24th. graded, nav
ing in and paldt $1Q cash and $10
licr month buys any lot over ?700.
Buy Now"
Before the sale 6 per cent dis
count for all cash. Salesman will
bo on the ground this afternoon.
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th,
( 1301 DODO 10 STREET.
C-room Modern bungalow, modern
throughout, hot water heat, grate and
well arranged, well located property on
reasonable payments.
B-room cottage, nearly now, modern and
up-to-date, screened porch; parlor, din
ing room, kitchen, pantry, two sleeping
rooms and nice bathroom with enameled
tub, lavatory and medicine cttBe. hot air
Turnace, cement walks. Price $3,300. Want
1717-1719-1721 S. 29TII AVE.'
Threo 8-room brick houses (row), mod
ern conveniences with lot 75xlL0 feet fac
ing Hanscom park. Annual rental $900.
Property owned- by nonresident anxious
to sell. Think $7,600 will buy It.
Suitable for' subdivision In choice loca
tion for flats and cottages. Tract 128x239
fect .surrounded by paved streets, good
homes, close, to street car lino and easy
walking dUtanco from business center.
Can be subdivided Into ten choice lots.
Price $10,000, Want offer. A good propo.
sltlon for builder and subdlvlder.
345 Omaha Natl. Rank Bldg.
Beautiful New'
Close In Easy
' Terms
This very beautiful new house has
every desirable convenience and Is lo
cated on paved street and car line.
Has vestibule, reception hall, living
rocm and dining room finished In oak
also kitchen, pantry ond lurge back en
try on first floor,
It has a combination stairway of oak
2 beautiful,, well lighted, airy bedrooms
and bath On second floor. '
Full cement basement, with built-in
fruit closet and coal bin.
This house will bo sold on terms to
suit It taken right away.
Telephone Douglas 2924 any day ex
cept Sunday and I will arrange to show
you the house. o
Dandy Lot
Easy Terms
42x130 ft., south front, high and
sightly, splendid view; two blocks
to car; close to school; sewer In and
laid for; water and gas within flf,ty
feet. Buy your lot now. Put your
savings Into Omaha real estate.
17th and Douglas Sts. Doug. 5013.
Field Club, District
Seven Room House
Living room, wltn fireplace and beam
celling; beautiful dining room, oalo finish
and oak floors throughout: 4 bedrooms,
finished In white enamel; all rooms nicely
decorated. Complete In ovory detail, even
to toilet In basement and clothes chute.
PriU7$lo. at 3539 Wft,nut
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Uldg. Phono Douglas tfTO.
160 Acres N&ar
$125 Per Acre
..Within 6 miles of street cars. All
smooth land, finest soil. Alfalfa made 5
tons per acre this last season and sold
for $11 per ton; 100 acres of this farm
In alfalta.wlll bring $5,000 per year. Im
provements fair, for sale by owner. Ad
dress V 111, Bee. -o
Save- Commission
' Elmwood Park District.
Six-room, new, modern bungalow; first
floor finished In oak, second floor yellow
pine, white enamel finish. ' Price, $1,700;
$500 cash.' balance monthly. Phope owner.
Rungalow Ilnilder, 1109 N. list at..
South Omaha. Neb Phone South 19S1.
West Davenport
Corner, paved, high "view, new lo
callty, 4Sxl50; water, gaa and sewer
all for $40 per tt.. J1.S0O? Pay
$1,000 cosh ond will build to suit.
1016 Omaha National. Doug, 2715.
A Few Choice Investments That
You Should Investigate at Once
Every one a special bargain and'you cannot fall to appreciate them. .
Income $2,125.,
Per Year
. Six apartments of C and rooms each,
In a well constructed 3-story brick build
ing; good location,
Annual Income
At the southwest Corner of 23th and
Dodge Sts. we offer you a brlajc building,
consisting of six 4-room apartments, one
3-room apartment and two 8-room apart
ments, situated on 80x115 feet of ground;
almost new. One of the best constructed,
well located Investments we have on oUr
list. As part payment on this building
we will toko In good farm land or a de
sirable stock of merchandise. Owners
will make very reasonable terms on this
property, and It does not require much
money to handle It.
"vVe havp several choice pieces of ground on which wo aro building or
can bu'lld desirable Investments. If you want something buljt to order, or
have any special Ideas as to the kind of Investments you want, see us and
we will arrange to flnanco any reasonable building proposition.
Home Close to
.Miller Park
On Omaha's
Prettiest Mile
The beautiful new six-room house, lust
finished, is modern throughout and Is
substantially built and beautifully fin
ished only a block from 24th Street car
This house has a vestibule, large liv
ing room (Z3xl4tt) with brick fire place
and coat closet In living room. Oak
Btarway leading up from living room.
The .living room and dining room are
finished In oak, '
The walls are tinted a pleasing hue.
There are 3 nice large bed, rooms on
second floor, with walls tinted the elec
tric fixtures are very beautiful.
There Is a full cemented basement and a
high grade furnace.
This hquse will be sold on easy terms
If taken right uway.
Telephone Ubuglas 2926 any day except
Sunday and 1 will arrange to show you
tbf tiouse.-ro & '
Model Home.
Corners on Miller
Price $4,150
New and strictly modern S.story resi
dence, with beautiful living room and
dining room; oak finish and oak floors
throughout. Three fine bedrooms and
bath on second floor, .Latest design1 In
lighting , futures and wall decorations;
full basement; complete In every detail,'
corner lot. 6501 N. 24th St. .Terms,
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270.
$3,wOr-jOoa, , tune-room, moacrn nouse,
1.1. n 1 , flnn.. AlAltHl
Ml.u uai .,..
light, full basement, south front
lot, imw; imviUK jjbiu, netu ;i.
$2.500 Six-room house at ."HO North 33th,
nn east front lot. 40x135.
12.750 Seven-room, modern house, on
Ixcu6t, near 18th, with paving all
12,700 Seven-room, modem house,
oak floors. .
o tJVl VIa. V I.-1.' rtifnirnlnu. et
room, oak finish, modern and up
tn In trnnA lnrntlnn.
$1,75J Fiva-room story-and-half h'oue;
almost new; jorwxizo, uv jrain;
on easy terms.
44x132, on Blnney, near 2th, W00.
80x122, Corner 45th ond Miami. $900.
60x110, corner 20th and Sprague, ,060.
H)xl22. corner Soth and Corby, U.250.
100x120, corner 30th and Miami, 11,500.
60x175, at 3507 Burt. $2,000.
647 Omaha National Bank Building.
Phone Douglas 1234.
' On 34th Str. Be
tween California
and Webster Street
Two Lots $1,300
Ownsr has Instructed us to sell thee
two lots In the next ten days, and the
above price la an Indication of his sin
cerity to sell. This bargain neods no
lengthy description, as everyone can tell
you that the price Is far below surround
ing values. 4
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St.
Bargain in Lots
N. W. corner 36th and Hamilton,
Uxl27, paving paid, ?1,250.
Boulevard and 30th, 40x92 14,
?600. . .
Double corner in Clalrmont, 47th
und Miami; surroundod by new
homes; east front; splendid building
bite, $1,500.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
208-10-12-14 diate Bank Bldg.
Tyler 1536.
Bemis Park
In the north Dart of the nemla p,w
district, a block from tne Harney Car
line. Is a 7-room cottage, well kept and,
modern except heating. It Is a south
front, on Seward St . number Slip. Owne
lives mere, going 10 in country.
win sell at a bargain, J3.6D0. Jt MBka Ilk
a H.OU0 place, and In that sort of a
uwirici. v ioqh iiiuae 11 interested
Harrison & Morton
IIS Omaha Nation Panic. Douglag 314
Why Pay Rent? '
This desirable 6-room, strictly modern
house, that was, built by owner for a
home, can be bought on easx payment.
It-Is on a large south front lot, good
neighborhood, close to school and car
Address S420 Parker St. See today.
Douglas 200. 50S Bee Bldg.
Income $1,620
Per Year
This building consists of threo 8-room
brick flats, finished In oak and birch;
east front; high class location, within tlvo
minutes' walk of the business district.
Almost new, and one of tho finest lnvest-
. .... .. - . i
ments in tne cny. uooa' reasons iur Bon
ing. Income $2,694
Per Year
At the southwest corner of th and
Chicago Sts., you can purchase lSJxlM
feet; street Improvements paid; -paved
alley and three largo buildings, well
rented, The owner Is anxious to dispose
of this property and any reasonable offer
will be accepted. Look It over.
& Heyden
Near Cass and
Handsome and artistic within and
without brand new house, excep
tionally well built; located on a flna
souh front lot In a district whero
ground values keep ascending; only,
a few minutes to town via tho Far
ca'm car; six flno rooms, sun room,
sleeping porch and tiled bath; good
r.tttc and high basement, with grade
entrance: oak floors and hardwood
finish throughout. You will want
it if you see it. Arrange with us to
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
208-10-12-14 state Bank BAg.
Tyler 1536. 9
New 7-R. Home
934 So. 38th Ave,'
Oppn Today From 2:30 to 5:3p ,
This new 7-room house on tha north
west corner of 38th Avo. and Mason Sts.,
should bo seen to be appreciated. Situ
ated on a large corner lot, .with room
enough to build aonther houso on' the
rear. Only two blocks from the car line;
1 minutes' ride from tho business center.
Paved street; In good neighborhood. This
house jias reception hall, living room:
dining room and kitchen on the first
floor, finished In oak, except the kitchen;
second story has three, large bedrooms,
sleeping porch and sun Parlor combined.
All floors on first and second stories are
oak; all rooms are nicely decorated; fine
bath room with highest class plumbing
fixtures. Small payment down, balance
like rent.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
A Fine Home
In Norwood .on
Florence Boulevard
mLUi!ifin!8he1.a autl'ul new residence.
Finished In oak and oak floors through
!i,oA larEe llvlnKrom with fireplace.
fftS18' "Pen talrway, beam ceilings.
f?ji'ii,K r.oom ,,,h flr. large, buUt-ln
sideboard. V-sawed oak wainscoting five
reet high, beam celling and beautiful wall
2f,yaii?!5i?i ,ar? butler's pantry; good
s zed kitchen with rear entry; four nice
sleeping rooms and bath on second floor:
,arf0. m".'0 u11 bailment with .laundry
and toilet. Lot 45x3)4. Price only J4.950.
and. upon Investigation, you will find this
an exceptional bargain. Terms.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee nidg.
Phone Doug. 4J70,
$400 Will Buy '
A very cozy, home-like bungalow on
Lln,.tf-' 'V,11" E00U 8Ie(l lt running clear
Jack to alley, pretty lawn, fruit and gar-
fita'u i rffil .? ULi-. niarK. "?wi A rooms,
-.v......, ut.uiaicu, i luuro ana wooci-
nely, nlBhe1i handsome- clectrlo
"'u"i oanuary piumDing, per
feet furnace, front and rear vestibules,
large screened-ln porch, large closets
grade entrance to cemented basement: in
San '.i&V1 thB e,ual to this bungalow
for W.OOj In any grow ng district. J W0
cash, balance Ike rent.
Payne & Slater Co.
616 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Low Priced Lots
On Easy Terms
Close to Car and School
Lnts In AlrC3a TA irtti t
i?It..?rf T.hey ore the best low-priced
lota sri rlnan in ...a i
to X0 each: 'Te'v.
mrh p. . a" amount each
Sndntw H,.SLouJL.?r.".op ?y Pbone
HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St.
Will Build For You
MA Wllit in V. . . 1 1 ,1 n j .
tho wir. W ""U " iiuio nome in
the West Farnam district, on a lot that
can ba gotten at 1,DW, and Is k great
bargain. We will' but d to your plaS.
Shly0U.?" M'.'iw Payment
Harrison & Morton
816 Omaha Xafl Hank. Tel. D. 314
40th .and California
New house. $ rooms, 4 bedrooms and
s eeping Porch, oak and brch finish; 3
blocks of cathedral. Irjce. H.S0O,
Glover & Spain
19-30 City National. Douff, Sttt