1 4-B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE MAY 10, WW. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD IIOSEWATBR. VICTOIl ItOSEWATER, EDITOR. Tho Dee Publishing Company, Proprietor. See "m-iLPiKo. fahnam and seventeenth. Entered at Omaha postofflce as second-class rriatter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. " By carrier By mall per month. per year. Pally and Sunday . fifo JS.'JO Dally without Sunday.... 45c 4.00 ITvetilng and Sunday ; .Mc 6.00 Evening' without Sunday .'. . .c 4.W Sunday Pee only.. 100 V'.'" 2t02 Fend notice or change of addrea or complaints of Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Pcpnrtment. . - R.EMITTANCE. Bemlt-bv draft, express tr postal order. Only two-cc-t postage stamps received In payment of small ae ceunts Personal cheeks, except, on Omaha and eaatern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha-Tho Be Building. South Omaha 2318 N street. Council Bluffs 14 North Main Btrcet I Incoln-M Little Building. Chicago 001 Hearst Building) New York Room U&. 2R6 Fifth avenue. St Louis Ha New Hank of Commerce. Washlngton-725 Fourteenth St.. N. W. " CORRESPONDENCE. r Address communications relating to news and cdl torlal matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. Al'ltllj SUNDAY CIHCULATIOX. 48,411 State of Nebraska, County of houglas, is. Dwight Williams, clrcultitlon manager of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that thr avrrag Sunday circulation for tho month of April. 19H, was 4MM DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. SubK rlbcd In my presence and sworn to before me tl Is 6th day of Mnv. 114. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public Hubwribcrs leaving tho city temporarily should have Tho Deo mailed tg tlictn. Ad drwi will ho chanRcd ns often tn requested. If only Blvcn halt a .chance, ','Doo" Cook might discover tt. wny out'for us down In Mexico. Tho White. Hduso mafrjAgo corombny in cluded tho word "obey." Mu'nt.'ha4o hoen an old-fashioned wedding; , ' With tl)o pxorci8d of reasonable paAlcncc,' General Funstdn may find 'glory eniough for nil in the flituation at Vara. Cruz, ' ' .-j. i L.,j The courts dowi east arfi atlll, wrestling with tho caeo Vf.tip rio'rry.lti Thaw.' Evidently tho Thaw lort'uno .atlll .holds out bravely. Missouri bull mopscrs -have already nomi nated tho colonel for president In 191G. Tho spontaneous popular uprising Is starting early this time. When tho sevon-for-a-quartor Initiative, ordi nanco was up, The Deo said that votGig iUwould bo buying a lawsuit. jThat'B. one prediction that camo truo. ; l4, " ; - Nature bursting into bloom In field and woodland Just now offers city-Jaded man and woman a priceless tonic for mind and body. Go to It and rejoice. , 'i t - It was tho ahah ofc Persia, w0 tfcltevrVwho customs by therein ar,k-, ''hfour.' country W hlro'i IU UUllQ lUr IIS. 8trango as It may seem, Huorta has boon oc cupying tho national palaco in Mexico City Just a little longer than Woodrow Wilson has been occupying tho Whlto Houso in Washington. Tho failure of Gfenoral Maas to mako good his domanda for tho water worka at Vera Crui f.oes credit to his gray matter. To convert his soldiers ln(o sieves would seriously mar tho ricturcsquoness of his army. Mothers' Day. Mothers' day has nevor impressed some men as much as others becaiiso of that sacredly Jealous rogard which normal . man has for mother above any other person. 8otno Inwardly resent tho suggestion of this observance as a presumption upon their lack of filial lovo or a necessity for Its Inspiration. Truth is men who aro men say with Colorldgo: A mother Is a mother still, The holiest thing alive. They may wear tho little flower In their Japel as n tribute to her, a token to the lovo which, as Drowning said, "begins nnd ends thero" in motherhood. Dut wo Imagine that many a mnn this day rather feels that this very public manifestation is a tresspass upon a rola-. Hon far tqo sacred for common exhibition; that ho feels ho would much rather . cherish tho Jealousy of his affection in tho .secrecy of his own heart. ' yet of course, tho significance of tho day, llko tho motlvo of Its author, Is noble, and so noblo mon fall Into tho observance, oven though fooling, many of them, that for a people prono to public days and observances this Is giving a superfluity to tho expression of a lovo that' stands alone, a love that ovon tho 'poots havo vied to express. Says Thockcry nnd nono better: Mother In the name for God In tho lips and hearts of little children. Dut men aro llttlo children In this relation and know, with Dr. Holmes, that Youth fadesi lovo droops; the leaves of friendship fall; 4 A mother's secret hope outlives thein all. "Manifest Destiny-" , Tho "grab-Mexico" advocates and tho "on-to-Panama" shoutern talk glibly about "mani fest destiny." It Is Inevitable, they toll us, that wo should tako over all of tho country lying botwecn us and the Panama cannl. Tho Louis ville Courier-Journal goos back to Stephen A. Douglas for quotations In point: "We must havo Cuba and Mexico and Contral America," said Douglas. "Ours is a progrosslvo nation and acquisition is lnovltable to progress. As a young, vigorous and growing people wo must obey tho scriptural mandate to Increase and multiply, and, as fast as wo lncreaso and multi ply, wo mustoxpand. It Is tho law of our bolng, It Is manifest destiny. Yotf could not resist It If you tried." . Tho "manifest destiny" idea is fascinating and alluring, but, unfortunately, has Its weak spots. No bno can glvo any convincing reason why destiny should tnko us to tho south sooner than it does to tho north. Canada la Just as fair and Inviting as is Mexico, and wo have Alaska, to connect up with on the other side of It in counterpart to tho canal on tho far side of Mexico, and both are equally "manifest." JJestlnj is rib respecter of points of tho com pass, bjut it1 discreetly travels, along tho lino of least resistance. While thero is general agreemont with tho conclusions, tho heat of the California Railroad commission on tho Pullman tipping question Is oxcesslro. Very few dollars cscapo that way before tho tourist reaches tho Golden state Subscriptions t0 roservo bunk Btock will not bo rejected for arriving too lato if forwarded within tho legal tlmo limit. Yes, and if noces-' sary R belated subscription might be back dated rather than keep any lukewarm bank out. The widow of Joseph Fols announces that Ph. will keep up tho fund which her husband devoted to the single tax propaganda. If some of our local pIprIc taxora do not connect up with he fund, they aro not as smart as wo think they nrt. Where the Miner. Show Wisdom. ".'vjt not the part of wisdom for the miners -In Unorganised states to engnge In a general nrlk'e at ttijsl particular time. . . JSVo believe that we can betten;ftld our-'gallant, brothers lit Colorado by remaining ai'wortC thulTln uflng In o. financially Jur fullest suppqrtttfTt.he men, women and children, who "have long engaged In tho great struggle This action by tho United Mlno Workors of Amorlca through tholr International oxecutlvo commlttoo will commend Itself to tho sobor thlnklng pcoplo at tho country and should es tablish a precedent fortho futuro In nil Indus trial disputes. Tho direct strike. Itself. Is hard enough to Justify, the sympathetic strike in tho ..... . . mmuH oi most people is indoronslblo, silly and futile. It Is not only cutting off tho noso to splto tho face, but It adds to tho Imposition upon tho Innocent third party, tho public, which Is in no way responsible for tho conditions of tho. revolt. Tho courso adoptod by tho organlratlon argues Itself. Dy ovory rule of logic not only will It onable the miners In "organized states" tho bettor to aid their follow workmen in Colo rado, but It will also tend to simplify tho prob lom at Issue and hnston tho solution. Moro ovor, it should conservo a dogreo of public senti ment on the Bide of the miners, while tho op posite decision might havo forfeited tho last claim to sympathetic consideration from tho public. Until tho coming of that longed-for day of no strike whatever lot ug look to this precedent for deliverance, at least, from the sympathetic strike on tho part of all' trades unions. 'What Is everybody's business is nobody's business." Decause tho city hall has not been bos eged by persons Interested or disinterested in the pending electric light contract is no TZT1 W y .th coramls'ors should not se that tho city's Interests aro fully safeguarded. Italy's bill for war goods used against Tur key In Tripoli mounts up close to 200.000,000 Meanwhile Italian immigrants are hurrying away from tho burdens of a land-grabbing ven ture. Territorial aggrandirement is more Precious to monarchies than human welfare. via Over 1.000 people assembled at Ihe base ball grounds to witness an exhlblUon came between the ic-nUr team and a p,clce1 nInet Tne UtUrt " r Orwell and Bandet on one side vnd Durke and Jamison on the fcr-,r. The fielding honSr. were carried off by Dwyer and Bryan and the batting was led by Bryan. Funkhouser and Dwyar. The score was 30 to 7 Jn favor of the regulars. The boys of the Thurston hose company sprinkled a portion of Sixteenth street. -It was a good Job and If they could spare time to visit other streets It would bo appreciated." Governor Orant of Colorado, with Edward Eddy, wea here on business connected with the smelter. The American Methodist Episcopal churoh. corner Wghteenth and Webster streets. Is arranging; an en tertainment for tha benefit of the pastor, Rev. Blrl Mitchell William Vinegar. Frank. Blmma and .Carter Duncan have put up a prise for the woman who' re turns the largest amount of money from the ticket sales. A deed filed conveys lot I. block J. Qakhurst addli t on, from James m. Woolworth, to It. R Fonda,' for a consideration of fCCO. Barker & Mayne offer for rent at Ulxtuanth and Viirnam, a flrst-clasa brick store and basemeut for CTj per month The Church Progressive. Churchmon with mental vision reaching be yond the .vestibule of a church are more and more enlisting advertising as an Invaluable as sistant. They realtze that In dealing with tho world at largo they must utilize tho main avo nucs of enlightenment and education the modern 9wapaper. "Advertising," says Rev. Dernard Vaughan, tho noted Iondon preacher, "Is tho art of arresting the attention of tho pub lic and telling whoro best to find what it most wants. Why havo wo music, ritual and preach ing in church If not to advertise tho supplies wo possess? Tho end in view being so splendid, wo are more than Justified in advertising as tho moBt legitimate means of drawing the public attention." Rov. Vaughan strikes tho koynoto of religious forward movoment. Distrust of legislatures. Whenevor a legislature Is in session in Ne braska the question most eagerly asked by the public is, "Whon will It adjourn?" The legis lature Is viewed as a necessary evil to bo tol erated as woll as may be, but to be gotten rid, of as soon as possible. Wo are apt to havo tho impression that this odium attaches to our own particular legisla ture, and not .to other legislatures, but we may assure ourselves the condition, instead of being unlquo. Is general In practically all the states. That it 1b tho same in Alabama as in Nebraska may easily bo gathered from an article con tributed to tho current North American Review by Governor O'Neal of that state, In which ho endeavors to find tho causes for tho distrust of stale legislatures and to tell how that distrust may bo mitigated, If not removed. Governor O'Neal asserts that while disap pointment with results achieved by legislatures has brought down upon them all sorts of prohi bitions, restrictions and limitations upon tholr power, yet, notwithstanding these efforts at re form, tho legislative output has not been im proved. Governor O'Neal thinks tho remedy is to widen again the legislative nuthorlty, and so euro responsibility by increasing tho powors anl duties of tho executive. He wants annual ses sions, larger salaries, more expeditious pro cedure, smallor membership, bigger constituent districts, and, above nil, amplor veto powors. Although a domocrat and chief executlvo ot a state In tho heart of tho solid south, Governor O'Neal, let It be noted, doos not even hint at the Initiative, referendum or other form of direct law-making to remove tho distrust In the legis lature, but puts his chief reliance In strengthen ing tho executive. ""Wo should not undertake to abolish,, but rather to reform our law-making bodies,' Is his conclusion, "and to make our state legislatures what they wore Intended to be deliberative assemblages, not timid or vacil lating, swept by every temporary breeze or pop ular clamor." Nature Faking Again. As If tho war-germ wero in tho atmosphere, wo 8oo a chanco for nnother sot-to over nature faking as the outcome of n declaration that the Invention of tho spineless cactus is a fake. The credit for producing the spineless cactus, as we nre all aware, has been claimed for Luthor Dur bank, the plant wizard, but hero comeB tho usually peaceful Dr. Dessey, who ranks as high ns any of thorn as a botany expert, and says thero was no necessity of breeding a spineless cactus for, feeding to cattle or for any other put pose, becauso thero aro many natural spine less cactuses to bo found, and no self-respecting cow would eat one, anyway. Now, If that controversy had arisen betweon certain other naturalists wo are sure thero would bo no settlement by mediation or arbitra tion, for one or tho other would ' be made to swallow tho cactus, spines and all. In view, howovor, of tho proved noncombatant disposi tions of both Dr. Dessey nnd Prof. Durbank, wo bellovo it will not be necessary to call out the forest reserves. Charity, Cold and Hot. The chlof burden of all tho talk at the chari ties and corrections meeting recently lield hero was that charity should bo systematically and scientifically co-ordinated, tho Ills of tho body toclal, like tho Ills of tho body corporal, should be treatod by oxports familiar with causes and effects anj applying remedies both preventive and corrective. Tho haphazard, off-hnnd distri bution of alms was properly pronounced to bo wasteful, inoffoctlvo and only brooding more poverty by encouraging dependency and destroy ing Incentive to' self-help. Assistance to the unfortunate should bo oxtended through organ ized and specialized agencies under contrallzdd 'supervision to, prevent duplication, and to glvo Just tho kind of nld needed. If all our charita blo efforts wore combined In this way tho re sources available for them would be conserved, nnd tho porcentago of cases successfully han dled vastly Increased. All this will be ungrudgingly conceded; nnd the fact that system- Is ns osaentlal to effl-cli-ncydh charity ns,1n business can n'ot beoni trovcrted.oyot the personal giving an"d' the-Unscientific hand-outs continue becauso in many ii. stances charity must bo'sorved hot or not at all. With most poople tho chord of sympathy la struck on tho spur of tho moment, and tho responBo colnos by impulse regardless whether it is Buccorlng morltorlous need or merely pro moting ImpdBture. It would bo a cold world Indeed If tho sight of apparent suffering or neglect did not stir up compassion. The real problom of our organized and co ordinated charities is to got the warmth into it that characterizes tho disorganized personal giving. Not charity cold, but charity hot, or at least not lacking warmth, must bo included in tho ingredients of tho prescription that Is to alleviate or cure social dependency. Catching the Passing Breeze. Catching tho passing breeze Is tho llfo of trado in moro ways than one, as witness tho haste of tho book publishers to push volumes about Mexico, while public attention is riveted in that directions Fast on tholr heels aro tho moving plcturo mon, who aro already unwind ing reels of Mexican incidents snap-shotted in action. Tho pext turn of tho wheel will glvo us tho Mexican background for tho sensational melodrama, and tho Mexican flavor will per vade the short stories and the novel Just as they carried tho roflox of tho Philippines after the war with Spain. It Mexico does not soon mod ify our fashions and get into our food, it will bo historically exceptional. The Gorman government has little of tho fear of combinations so common In tho United States. Unity of action is encouraged rather than decried. Tho personal intervention of tho emperor on tho first of tho year checked the war of emigrant rates betweon tho Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd steam ship lines. A8 a result of friendly Intercession a practical combination of IlfboO.OOO ocean going tonnage has been effected and cut-rating banlshod from nearly one-half the tonnago of Germany. Tho death of Gonernl Sickles does not close tho roster of union army corps commanders, as some writers assert. Genoral Orenvllle M. Dodgo of Council Dluffs Is one of at loast two Hying army corps commanders, tho other being General Ostorhaus, who was retired as a briga dier genoral of the rogular army. He is tho dean of American gonerals, 01 years of age, arid living In Germnny. his native land. Opportunity beckons and laurels await the public official who will lead tho small consumor of public utilities out of tho bondage of double prices. If an 8-cont wnter rato is a good thing for manufacturers. It is equally Important in conserving tho welfare of the family. Electric current in largo quantities can be had for 6 cent and less, but the family must pay doublo that rate for a home necessity. Students were tho principal nolsemakera'ln the "demonstration" against the United Statos made before the Mexican embassy in Drussels. Whenever an indictment of an educational sys tem is needed you may rely on the students I doing, the job People and Events SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. Cher'T)p! Before many nays tho' straw hat will challenge the weather man to do his worst Striking waitresses In Chicago nre giv ing a striking boont to the self-serVo-plnn of gathering In a moal. With food prices doubled and scarce tit that, the high cost of living 1$ snuggling on tho arms of Vera CrUz. These charming coot days of Jlay arc peculiarly helpful hb confervntors of energy for' a safe and sano celebration eight weeks hence. FIfty-soVen varieties of languages and dialects aro spoken among the insurgent miners In Colorado, but you couldn't dis tinguish one from the other In tho eh'oot ing. ( Tho parading suffragists In Phlla-. delphla wore daffodils and the defiant" antls viewing the scenery from the curb smothered their bosoms with roses. On both sides the sniping didn't go beyond shooting fierce glances. Qucn Eleanor of Bulgaria haa decided to postpono her visit to the United States, scared off by tho shadows of war. Hav ing had recent and very dlsagrecablo ex perience in that line at home, the printed ecreama of the caglo would be painful to her cars.. Back In New England dandelions are quoted at 18 cents a peck, with a limited supply. Here In Omaha dandelions can bo had for tho asking, with the cost of digging thrown In. What this country needs, next to Ilucrta's scalp. Is an ade quate means of moving the western crop of dandelions to tho famishing Interiors ot New England. Some base ball ferret, rooting below the aurfaco for cause for effects, notes that In four-fifths of tho cities whose' mayors inaugurated the leagues' season, the re spective local clubs are bumping along at the bottom of the percentage column. The suggestion that mayors are base ball hoodoos deserves the earnest considera tion of Pa Ilourke. Conauela Vanderbllfs husband, tho duke of Marlborough, harked back to tho ancient profession of auctioneer and disposed of quite a bunch of corner and lnslda lots to high bidders. Tho Job was woll done and brought considerable coin to the duke's treasury. Despite reports to tho contrary evon a duke can do eomo plain work when taxes force him to It. WOMAN'S ACTIVITIES. Miss Gertrude Saber of Davis, Okl., Is a nattvo of Iowa, where she was a school teacher. Sho Is now an expert on mineral titles and has Invested heavily In oil and gas lands and also owns a great deal of zinc and lead lands. The plan for assisting with prizes work along the lines of scienco of art that was contemplated by leaders In the general federation has been abandoned. Thero meemed to be some misapprehension as to tho real object of tho Plan, which was entirely altruistic, and so it was given up. Mrs. J. J. ilrown of Denver, a survivor of the Titanic, was the first society woman In tho country to offer her serv ices as a Red Cross nurse In case of war ln,Mexico. She will not only help nurse tho sick soldiers, if necessary, but will purchase medical supplies, for tho hos pitals, r Mrs. Claronce Lo Bus.-iof Lexington. tyiX,,, Is contemplating. the; purchas of a rac.ng stable which may eventually be tho nucleus of an Important brocdlng establishment. She is a great admirer of the thoroughbred, and last year gavo a day's racing for the entertainment of her. friends. Sixteen hundred girls in New York, under tho name of Girls' Protective leagues, are now working together In New York to help save other girls. It lb believed that lack of fun and recreation aro responsible to u great extent for tho misfortunes of one kind or another that befall girls. , EDITORIAL SNAPSHOTS.. Washington Post: When It comes to ft matter of terms, wo aro bound to admit that for free flowing expressions tho Mexicans havo the best of us. New York Post. Applications for Wlll llam J. llrynn's famous lecturo on "Tho Prince of Peace" may now be filed at the State department. Terms on request Boston Transcript: It Is to be hoped that Nelson O'Shaughpessy doesn't re ceive the usual reward" handed out by this administration to veteran diplomats who have nerved their country well. St. Louis Republic: California haa started out to evolve a tlpless variety of Pullman car porters, but It had better stick to the Japanese question and other simple matters like that for the pres ent. Philadelphia Ledger: This man Fun ston has n habit of slipping out of camp oer night unt returning the next morn ing with tho leader of the enemy in his krupcack. Mr. Hucrta will do well to mediate. Cleveland Plain Dealer: A patriotic Ok lahoma show proprietor has offered the government COO burros for use In Mexico. Thus early in the game we are trying to avoid a repetition of the canned meat scandal of 1S9S. Buffalo Express: The Mexicans can live on beans, as the Japs lived on rice In tholr war with Russia. Wo have a rufiged, rough-and-tumble enemy to han dle with our soft-palmed militia, but our militiamen have the superior Intelligence, and tt Is brains, not brawn, thut wins every fight. Given three months drill ing, our citizen soldiers will have hard muscles and brown faces that will make them more than tho match for the enemy of the tropics. ? From 81nvc to tlold. Philadelphia lUcord. Before civilization had outgrown sav agery the more advanced nations used to go to Africa for slaves. Now the tlda has turned. Gold is the master of tho world and Africa furnishes nearly one half ot the annual output. The nugget and not tho negro Is now the African at traction. The outturn of gold from Af rican mines for W13 was nearly JM8,0W,000. A Vnnlshril Hour jr. Philadelphia Ledger, Colncldentally with the opening of the gates of this country to Japanese refu gees from Mexico oomos the announce ment that Japan will participate In the Panama exposition. The old Trum-Pe-clflc bogey seems to be burled out ot sight. Fnr from Triupf luir. Pittsburgh Dispatch. Wage on the farm have risen faster than in the cities, according to Depart ment of Agriculture statistics. But they have not yet risen far enough to turn tho trend ot labor from the cities to the farms Springfield Republican: At the kalscr'r request the liturgy of the Lutheran church Is to contain a special prayer for aviators. There should be a clause added for aviators who are so unfortunate as to come down on Russian soil. Philadelphia Bulletin: Evangelist Billy Sunday will "do" Philadelphia next win ter, at the' Invitation of .the Philadelphia Ministers' association; and what better evidence la thero that his prostlge Is growing 'In religious' circles. Houston Post: Our pastor has notified us that ho disagrees with us In politics' this year. Tho truth of the matter Is, we are having nlmost as hard a time keeping olir pastor straight In politics as ho has keeping us straight In religion. Now York Tribune! A sweeping en dorsement of the policy of President Wil son toward Mexico and his efforts to avoid war was given by the board of bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church In semi-annual conference nt the First church, Germantown. Both the presi dent and his cabinet wero "heartily com mended for patient forbearance during months of disorder and the prompt ac ceptance of mediation." Thla endorsu- vment, coming from a body of mon repre senting one of the most Influential and progressive Protestant denominations In the United States, with more than 4,000.003 Communicants In this country, and mis sions in all parts of the world. Is one of thi strongest received by the administra tion 'during the present crisis. CYNICAL REMARKS. The easiest way to convince a woman la tp agree with her. . It doesn't tako an athlete to Jump from the frying pan Into the fire. We never see the worst sldo of some people until wo get the better of them. The gill who accepts her first suitor misses a whole-lot of valuable experience. The man who has a diploma from the school of experience Is pretty well fixed. Tho man who gives himself away can't expect the world to value him very highly. You can always flatter a man by ask ing his advice, but you don't havo to act upon It. The man who gets there with both feet Is apt to regard the world as his door mat. Some people get so used to waiting for something to turn up that they aro In clined to dodgo It when tt comes. Don't dcsplcc an humble beginning. To master tho violin It Is necessary to play second fiddle first. Many a man Is like an ostrich. By closing his eyes to his own faults he imagines that other people are equally blind. The laws ot gravitation decree that what goes up must come down. This Is a comforting theory to apply to tho high cost ot living. A girl shouldn't marry a man unless she knows all about him. On the other hand. If she knew all about him, she wouldn't marry him. New York Times. MUFFLED KNOCKS. They fall in lovo at first sight Then they get married, taken a second look and fall out Sometimes a man never realizes that ho la fat ffntll he discovers that his stomach is crowding him away from the table. A man can't help being bow-legged. But If he adds wide whiskers to his other calamity there Is no hope for him. A now metal can stand a strain of 1,000 tons to the square Inch. Shucks! Any fat woman's straight front can beat that The main reason for the high cost of living is that most of us can bull our selves into the belief that we can afford things wo can't afford. When tho second baby comes along, paw has to buy a new .baby buggy be cause the old one doesn't match the new babe's complexion. What has become of the old-fashioned souso who used to look nt himself in the mirror back of the bar and sing "My Mother Was a Lady?" We are all ready to condemn a man who speaks disrespectfully of tho dead. But If he says something ornery about tho living we are all ready to applaud him. An eastern oculist says that gazing at an object against which tho sun Is shin ing causes myopia. Anyway, when the sllhouet shows up we are going to risk ono eye. There was a tlmo when a rainy Monday set the community back because the women folks would have to put off wash day until Tuesday. But nowadays the laundry wagon arrives, no matter what the weather does. Evory now and then you will run up against the sort of man who will short change n newsboy out of a nickel and drop the nickel In tho collection plate on Sunday and Imagine that he has paid his faro to heaven. Cincinnati Enquirer. WHITTLED TO A POINT. Lovo Is a disease, but not chronic. Many a friendship has been cut short by a long tongue. As a man thlnketh. so he may be; but ns ho saycth. he seldom Is. Don't attempt to take advantage of a mule; he is. apt to get back at you. Bad luck Is one of the things that comet to those who sit down and wait A taste of extreme Joy Is all right, but as ft regular diet It loses Its flavor. " Any Irian can bo fairly happy if he is satisfied to lot other people do his worry ing far hlra. Tho man who tells the truth, tho whola truth and nothing but tho truth is called a. knocker. Somo men arc troubled with temporary Ccafncss! It all dcpendB on who is talking and what Is wanted. It a man dodges when his wife throws tho coffee pot, It's ft sure sign that he has been married only a short time. No woman who believes In the eternal fitness ofthlngs will marry a man who Is so tall that she can't reach his hair. A girl may work hard to obtain a hus band, but that doesn't necessarily Indl ctte that she will tako In washing and scrubbing In order to support him. Chi cago News. PASSING- PLEASANTRIES. TTndA Bnm Sap here. Huerta. let's com bine the virtues. .... lluerta carranzai now so . uncie oum , vo bi.vii -' iitinn.d viu rnntrthnt the resignation. Baltimore American. "What are your views on this ques- U "1 7 haven't any," replied Senator Sorghum. "I can't find time to go Into Its abstruse economic aspects. I m too busy making up my mind which way It will be healthy for me to vote." W ash ington Star. Noah had Just landed on Ararat. "Fortunate!" he exclaimed. "What's fortunate?" askod Japhct. 1 1 ft. 1 . . .4.1- l.ln oil nl'Pf wltll iiiui we Kul ni.o " - thousands of years before thero could be. any misunderstanding about equal tolls. Washington Herald. "So Miss Bangs didn't get any damages In her breach-of-promlse suit. Couldn t she prove anything?" "Bho proved too much." "How was that?" ... . ,,, "Rhn drew such a dcture of the falth- Im mnn that sho convinced tho Jury ha wasn't worth 30 cents." Cincinnati Eh-' qulrer. Alice What! Mr. 'Worth proposed to , you! Everyone says he's ft woman hater. Knthprine Yes. but I don't seem to bo tho woman. Boston Transcript "My friend, do you use tobacco?" "I do." "Then let mo quote you a few statis tics. In addition to spending $1,000,000,000 per annum on tobacco, smokers cause an annual loss of $90,000,000 through fires." "You can't charge any of that to me. I only use tobacco to chew. Kansas City Journal. MOTHER'S DAY, 1914. When waves dash high. When the rough winds cry, When the song ot life's sea Is a moan, When clouds grow dark And threaten the barque, When I'm out on the great waste alone Whose voice do I hear, In the midst of my fear. Softly lulling my thoughts to rest, Whose face do I see. Calm and prayerful, by me? Always Mother's, the dearest and best Oh! often her voice Mad", my sad heart rejoice, In thOBO old days, that long since are gone. When Joy would expand . At the touch of her hand, And deep darkness give way to the dawn. Tears were soon dried With her at my side, And sorrow and pain would not stay When Mother came near, , With her smile or her tear All my troubles soon vanished away. Today, her sweet voice Makes my sad heart rejoice, As in those old days, long since fled As memory flowers. In love's golden bowers. Peep through tho leaves that are dead. Mother's soft touch, That I long for so much, I can feel on my furrowed brow still And can (see thoso dear eyes. That could never disguise, With mother-love-llght again fill. . 'Twas Mother who knew Of the false and the true Of the heartache, tho sorrow and bliss. Perhaps I may find Another as kind, In the next world, but never In this. When Peace, like a dove, Breathed her mcssago of love Overflowing the heart with Its Joy 'Twaa Mother who blessed, As they left the home nest. The dear fledgling girl and boy. I'll write her today, (I will not delay) That my dear, loving mother may see There Is much I would do For the one kind and true, Who has sacrificed so much for me. I'll send her, I say, A letter, today, That great Joy to the loved one will brlngi Or, back to the nest Where the fledgling found rest. Fly once more to the sheltering wing. GRACE WILES HALL. Plattsmouth, Nob. 6F air ONE-MAN TOP Comfort in motoring has a new meaning with the Packard one-man top. This top is easily raised or lowered hy one person. Sockets clamp to ends of windshield stanchions, eliminating straps. Curtains over all doors, except the left front door, arranged to open with the door. Because it combines advanced features of convenience with its maximum service qualities, the Packard car appeals most strongly to exacting motorists. Orr Motor Sales Company 2416 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska LINCOLN niCnWAY CONTRIBUTOR Q4sk the man who owns ono