THE OMAHA SUNDAY RKK. MAY 10, 1014, 3- B Y, W, 0, A. Girls to Give Gymnasium Entertainment What Women Are Doing in the World Cluli Cnlendnr. SUNDAY Mother' day; Young Women' Christian association vesper service?, 4.-90 p. m.; Clio Study club. Miss Pauline . Rosenberg, hostess. MONDAY Social sclenco department, Omaha Woman's club, 2:15 p. m.; Per sian history clnxs, public HbraryrlO a. m.( Omaha Woman" club luncheon for Mrs. C. H. Oraves, at Commercial club; Omaha Society ot Fine Alts, room 31 Young Men' Christian association. TUESDAY-Young Women's Christian association gymnastic- carnival, Audi torium; Omaha chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, public library; Monmouth Park Mothers' league. S p. m French history class, public llorarj North Side Motlieis club. Mis. K. v. Miller, hostess; Woman s ChriMau Temperance un on tederatton, Jaiiiit halt. WEDNESDAY Story Tellers' section. Associated Collegiate Alumni, Mrs. Byron Clark, hostess; .Miller Par Mothers' Circle, scnool nudltotmm. Omahn union, Roman's Christian iciu pcrance union, lecture room Youtw Women's Christian association; Hook club, Mrs. W. 15. Shephard, hosts-Mcklmi-y auxiliary, H'nal unth, jlai 'ji.t hall, 8 p. m.; Husy Uee Kensington rlnb. Mrs. 3. 11. J lan, hostess. THL'IISDaY-uramatlc section, Asso ciated Collegiate Alumni, Mrs. IS. M. I". SiilndtriaiiU, no&tess; wyclie Story Tol lers' league, public library; B. 1C. chap ter P. E. O., sisterhood. Mr. Huyun Mycr hostcsx; Bmniti Iloagland Mower mission; Benson baptist Missionary circle, Mrs. C. 1. Sheffer hostess. FRIDAY Nebraska opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mua junti Aon roo Wallace hostess; French hutory nml civics classes, public library; Benson Women's Christian Tejnpernnce union, Mrs. H. N. Hawkins hoiitess. SATURDAY Annual meeting Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Mrs. J. M Bate man hostess, Delta Uela Deltu miimi tty, Mrs. i . F. Kunofl hostess. US E. M. II. SUNDEItt.AM) will bo hostess for the la- meeting of the dramatic set--1 tlon, Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Thursday afternoon. Amateur Vndertaklng" and "The New Drama" will be the general subjects. Miss Louise Stcgner will have as her topic, ''The New Drama;" Miss Elizabeth Klewit. "Great American Play;" Mrs. Ralph West, "California Grove Day;" Miss Eva Marty, "Greek Theater of University of California:" Mrs. Harvey Newbrnnch, "Revival of Pantomime;" Mrs. J. M. Bateman, "Petersborough Pageant," and Miss Theresa Tracy, "Play ot Today." Mrs. J. M. Bateman will be hostess for the annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Alumnne Saturday. The bust-, ness meeting and election of officers will be followed by a reception. Spring flowers will be used In the decorations. Mrs. Harvey Newbranch, Mrs. Roy Sun derland and Mrs. Edward Syfert will have charge of the refreshments and will be assisted by Misses Eva Marty, Juliet Griffin, Blanche Coffman, Olive Coffman Sarah Sanborne and Elizabeth Klewit. Musical selections will be given by Mrs. LeRoy Savell and' Miss Kllzabeth Fry. One hundred members will attend. The story tellers' section of Association ot Collegiate Alumnae meets Wednesday with, Mrs, Byron Clark at her apartments In the New Hamilton. Irish, Indian, Japanese and a selected story will be told by Misses Mary Phllllpp, Nona, Bridge, Edith Hatght and Mrs. E. M. Syfert. Election of officers for the com ing year and a social hour will follow the protram. The last meeting ot the Omaha Wom an's club for the year, that of the social science department, will be held Monday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. Reports will be received and officers elected for the coming year. All members of commit tees for the Baby Bhow, which was con ducted recently by this department, are especially asked to be present as a dis cussion of the work and effects ot the contest will take place. Omaha union, Woman's Christian Temperance union, meets Wednesday at 2:30 P. m. In the Young Women's Chris tian association lecture room. Mrs. Kdward Johnson will give a report on the recent visit of Dr. Katherlne Bement Davis. Reports bf superintendents wilt be received, the meeting closing at 4 o'clock. A propaganda committee will be named by the Omaha Suffrage association to engage speakers and place them for lec tures In Omaha c vicinity. This was the decision at a meeting held Wednes day afternoon. Plans for an active sum mer campaign aro being made by this noc!ety. A birthday spoon was presented to the small daughter ot Mrs. Rebecca Show, In continuance of a custom ot the organization thus to remember ad ditions to the families ot their members. Wc Arc Exclusive Local Agents for MACEY and GUNN Sectional Bookcases We Are Exclusive Local Agents for McDougall Kitchen Cabinets. $1.00 Down, 1.00 a Week Brings One To Your Home Gigantic Sale of High Class Furniture OwIiik to Uio lateness of the season, we Imvo dono very little business on -our high grade furni ture Tills Is nil new, purchased during .liuiunry, and has lieou on our floors less tlmn two months. Wo nro determined to sell this furniture, rather than carry It over for the fall season, auid offer all our "high grmle, complete, sit I tea of bedroom furniture, dining room furniture and living room furniture at apo dal prices, commencing Monday morning, .May 11th. This Is nn opportunity that very seldom comes t the furniture buy in public. When you realize the high standard of' nil these, suites offered at special prices, selected from the world's best matters, and carrying not only the manufneturer's guarantee, but ours as well yon will renllre that these mo values, the like or which has never been offered to the. buying, public before. Wo nre listing below twenty complete suites of bedroom furniture, twelvo complete suites of, din ing room furniture, ns well as a number of odd pieces. Realizing, ns you must, that tlieso reductions aro bona fide, It places within your reach the highest standard of furniture, known to the world, at ptttrca f medium grndo furniture. Au)onc building new bo men, contemplating buying in tfto noar future, should avail themselves of this opHirtuulty. the author; Miss Helen Sommrr will tell the story and give a criticism of the play; and Miss Rosenberg will Speak of the symbolism. Mrs. W. E. Shephard will entertain the meelng of the Book club, Wednesday morning at 10.15 o'clock. n. K. chapter of the P. K. O. sisterhood, which was Just recently organized, meets Thursday at the home of Mrs. Haydn Slyer. A 1 o'clock luncheon will preceed the business meeting. The Wyche Story Tellers' league meet Thursday at the public library. Norse folk lore stories will be told under the leadership ot Misses Agnes McElroy, Margaret McEhanuy, Fitzgerald and Duke. The Priscilla sewing club was orzanlzed at the home of Mrs. C. T. Alsmdn on Wednesday afternoon. Green and white wore chosen for the club colors and meetings will be held every two weeks. Mrs, Ci L. Hargadine was elected presi dent; Mrs. Ernest Bailey, socretary, and Sirs, Paul Alsman, treasurer. Mrs. Charles Gross, Mrs. Joseph I.lmbaush and Mrs. Harold Helems are other members. Chicago is making gigantic plans to entertain the 19,000 club women who will attend the biennial comcntlon ot the Gen eral Federation of Women's clubs, June 9'V). The visiting women will be enter tnined right royally and will bo conducted on many sight-seeing tours. Boy scouts will act as guides In conducting Incom ing women to hotels. The Omaha Society of Fine Arts will meet Monday afternoon at 2:30 In Room 316, Young Men's Christian association. Election ot officers was held at the last meeting of the Symposia club, at the home ot Miss Miriam Davis. Miss Edna Levlne is the new president, Miss Nora Pred, secretary; Miss Hannah Kulakot Bky, treasurer; Miss Sophia Welnsteln, re porter, and Miss Elizabeth Hart, scr-geant-at-arms. Mrs. F. F. Miller will be hostess for the North Side Mothers' club Tuesday afternoon. Roll call will be responded to with quotations from English authors. Mrs. George Crocker will have a paper on the '"Chinese Republic"; Mrs. Frank Ayer, "I-ife and Works ot George Eliot." and Mrs. B. F. Parks, "Resources of South America." Miss Winifred Travis will give a reading and Miss Daisy Bor ton will sing. The Monmouth Park Mothers' league ! will meet In the auditorium ot the Mon mouth Park school Tuesday at 2 p. m. An Informal program will be presented by members of the organization, to which all mothers In this school district aro Invited; Mrs. Orletta Chittenden, supervisor of klndergactens, will address the Miller Park Mothers' circle Wednesday after- noon at 3:30. Musical numbers will be I given by Mr. Will Hethertngton and Mr. Felix Splrk. Themeetlng will bo held In the school auditorium Mrs. C. H. Graves, wife of the former ambassador to Sweden, will be honor guest at a luncheon given by the Omaha Woman's club Monday noon at the Com mercial club. Following the luncheon Mrs. Graves will address the social science department of the club at Metro politan hall. All members wishing to at tend the luncheon are to notify Mrs. Ed ward Johnson. The Busy Bee Kensington club of the Ladies of the Modern Maccabees, will be entertained at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hale Wednesday afternoon. McKlnley Ladles' auxiliary to B'nal B'rlth meets Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at Barlght hall. The club rooms proposition will be discussed. The Federation of Woman's Christian Temperance unions of Omaha will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at Barlght hall. (Continued from Page Nine.) The first Gymnastic and Folic Dance carnival given by the Omaha Young Women's Christian association will be held Tuesday evening, at the Auditorium. Over 300 women and girls will participate In the gymnastic exercises, games, folk dancing and camp drill, which will be presented under direction of Miss Clara Brewster, physical director ot the Young Women's Christian association. All classes will participate In the gym nastic drills. Members of the Bernasco club, Burgess-Nivsh employes, will dance the Highland schottlscho In Scotch cos tume, while 150 children will play singing games. A swimming drill will be given and Miss Clara Brewster will perform solo dances. Most Interesting will be the competition between relays ot Camp Fire Girls of America, un organization similar to the Boy Scouts. The Blue Bird group, under the guardianship of MIbs Carmelita Chase; the Ahneahs, Miss Margaret Solomon, guardian, and the Omahas, Miss Helen Buck, guardian, have entered Into the contest. They will pitch a camp, build fires and cook a meal. At a signal, the teams, bearing regular camp Impedimenta, will race to a given point. One girl will carry bedding, another the tent, others provisions and faggots for the tire. When camp Is ready andlie meal cooked, the first team seated around the fire will give the camp fire call. At the second' signal, camp will break, every sign belnsr re moved, even the embers. Honors con sisting of ceremonial costumes, beads and feathers will be the reward. The program for the evening ia ma fol lows : Grand match. Dumb bell drill. Junior singing games: "I See You," "Carrousel," "Children's Polka." Swimming drill, aesthetic dance. Aesthe tic clog. Zig-zag relays. Junior relays. Mass drill. Body building exercises. Volley ball and polo. Camp fire relay. Glow warm drill. Intermission. Solo dances by Clara M. . Brewster: J Bluctte Polka, Challt. Humoreske, D'Voralt. .Wooden Shoes, Chullf. Highland Schottlsche. Swedish dances. Illeklng, Kull Danseli, Swedish Clap, Trallen. PI Omaha chapter, Daughters ot the American Revolution, will hold its an nual meeting and election ot officers Tuesday afternoon at the public library. Mrs. E. C. Conley of Omaha will pre sent 'a flag to the Grand Island High school during the stato meeting of the Woman's Relief corps, which convenes ,ln Orand Island Wednesday and Thurs day. Mrs. W. A. Dillworth, Mrs. Conley's mother. Is the organizing regent for a now Daughters of the American Revolu tion chapter In Holdrege, The Pythian Sisters will hold their state meeting at Lincoln on Tuesday and AVcd,nesday. Maeterlinck's "Blub Bird" will be the subject for the Clio Study club at IU last meeting for the season, at the home of Miss Pauline Rosenberg, this after noon. Miss Ida Kulakofskv will civ .. sketch ot the personality und genius of Summer Is Here This certainly lias boon a slack spring for the Dry Cleaners. Hero it is May lOUt and twe out of every three men you meet sti'l wearing winter suits. However, . hot weather is due this week, so you better have your light weight clothes cleaned at onoo. Send them here for eHre ful and painstaking work. We guarantee satisfac tion. "There's a difference." The PANTORIUM "Good Gleaners & Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St. Phone Douglas 963. Guy Liggett, Pres. ANY HAT IN THE STORE EXACTLY PRICE BEGONNING MONDAY ALL $10$, HATS ON SALE at; I ALL $5 $50 HATS ON SALE AT. ALL $20 $ HATS ON SALE AT. 1512 DOUGLAS STREET OMAHA'S ORIGINAL OUT PRICE MILLINER. 200 HATS $2.50, $5 and $10 Your choice of over 200 dress liatn. An excellent variety of nobby new nlmpcs In all the latest fctyle and colors Micrially priced at $2.50. 85.00 SIO.OO. For beauty and deidgn this assortment will be hard to equal. KnMly worth double. Come early while the assortment Is complete SCHADELL Living Room and Library Furniture $175.00 throo-pleco Parlor Suite, mahogany, volour covering, looso cushion settee, extra heavy, set complete. Special 8100.00 $135.00 Mahogany Socretary, reproduction of tho Colonial desk and uooUcaao combined. Spe cial 805.00 $110.00 English, Gentleman's Lounging Chair, tap estry covorlng. Spoclal 875.01) $100.00 Hand-carved Mahogany Chair, tapootry covering. Special 805.00 $125.00 Chippendale Sofa, covered In covert cloth. Special 890.00 $125.00 Mahogany Sofa, empire period style. Spo clal 875.00 $85.00 Mahogany, Tapestry Covered Setteo. Spe cial 800.00 $95.00 Mahogany, Colonial scroll style, donlm cov ered Davenport, very massive. Spoclal. 870.00 $101.50 three-piece Golden Oak Parlor Suite, black leather covorlng. Spoclal 880.00 $110.00 throo-pleco Mahogany Parlor Suite, black leather covorlng. Spoclal 885.00 $70.00 Mahogany Franio Davenport, donlm covered. Special 840.00 $87.50 black leather Turkish Chair, hair filling. Special 865.00 $80.50 Hand-carved Mahogany Lounging Chair, wool tapestry covering. Special 305,00 $71.50 Wostmlnstor style, mahogany ChnTr. Spe cial 850.00 $110.00 Davenport, over-stuffed, bnll feet, covert cloth covorlng. This piece Is 8 feot long, over all large luxurious piece. Special 885.00 $90. OQ over-8tuffod Davenport, Colonial stylo, green donlm covering. Spoclal 875.00 $100.00 Denim Covered Davenport, mahogany feet. Spoclal 875.00 $52.00 mahogany large Lounging Chair denim, cov ered. Special 840.00 $58.00 mahogany frame, over-stuffed Chair. Spe cial 845.00 $74.00 Mahogany Lounging Chair, tapostry covor lng, loose cushion seat. Special 860.00 $75,00 Hand-carved Mahogany Chair. Spe cial 850.00 $80.00 Mahogany Chair, silk Sheraton velour cov ering. Special 860.00 $05.00 Mahogany Wing Chair, tapestry covering, Spoclal 845.00 $55.00 Mahogany Sottee. Special 840.00 $00.00 Mahogany Arm Chair. Spoclal. . .$40.00 $85.00 Dull Mahogany Table, hand-carved, after tho Chippendale period. Spoclal 865.00 $35.00 Bookcase to match Table. Spe. . .$65.00 $40.00 Mahogany Arm Chair. Special. . . .827.50 THIRD FLOOR. Fumed Oak Living Room Furniture $;t(i.00 Fumed Oak Morris Chair, Spanish leather spring seat. "Special 827.50 $12.00 Craftsman's Desk. Special '39.75 $51.00 Adjustable Hack Chairs with foot rest, fumed oak. Special 810.00 $45.00 Adjustable Back Chairs with foot rest, fumed oak. Special 836.50 $52.00 Fumed Oak Ilockor and Chair, loose cush ions in back. Special 842.50 $70.00 Fumod Oak Library Desk Tublo, IIOxGO-lncli top. Special 850.00 $34.00 Fumod Oak Chest, cedar lined. Spoclal 827.50 $82.00 Fumed Oak Settoe, spring seat, real leather covering, 4-Inch corner, best Arts and Craft de sign. Special 365.00 $54.00 Fumed Oak Library Desk. Special -840.00 TIIIH1) FLOOR. Bed Room Furniture $079.00 Adams Antique Mahogany Bedroom Suite, cane panels, comploto suite for 8550.00 $029.25 Eight-piece Poster Mahogany Hedrooni Suite, twin beds, dressing table with triple mir ror. Special 8500.00 $619.00 ISight-ploce Louis XV. Mahogany Uedroom Sulto, full size bed, beautiful carved ornaments on top as on all tho Louis XV. period. Spoclal 8475.00 $617.00 ISIght-ploce Sheraton Inlaid Mahogany Uedroom Sulto, twin bods, dresser, dressing tablo somnoe and throo chairs. Complete. .8450.00 $601.50 Eight-piece French Groy William & Mary design, complete Bedroom Suite, full size bed, cane panels, plate glass top, hand decorated. Spociul 3535.00 $532.50 Five-piece Poster Bedroom Suite, twin beds, largo dresser, chiffonier and dressing tablo. Special 8375.00 $4 65.00 Four-piece Colonial Scroll, extra heavy, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suite, full slzo bed, 60. inch dresser, highboy and Dressing table. Special 8375.00 $435.00 Three-piece, hand-carved, four poster Bod, Dresser and Chiffonier, solid mahogany, a repro duction of tho French Colonial. Spo. .8345.00 $406.00 Flve-pleco Colonial Scroll Solid Mahogany, Napoleon Bed, full size. Special 8335.00 $374.50 Seven-ploco Bodroom Suite, white enamel with blue stripes, glass top over cretonno lining, full size bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table, desk and chairs. Special 8275.00 $330.50 Iilght-ploco Mahogany Bodroom Suite, twin bods, French Colonial post. Special. 8250.00 $319.50 Soven-pleco Sheraton Bedroom Suite, full size bed, dresser, dressing table, chiffonier and chairs. Special 8250.00 $315.00 Throo-pleco Sheraton Inlaid Mahogany Bodroom Suite, full slzo bed, dresser and chif fonier. Special 8225.00 $304.00 Seven-piece Circassian Walnut Bodroom Suite, full size bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and three chairs. Special 8245.00 $295,25 Soven-pleco Golden Oak, extra largo dress er, 54-lnchos long, full slzo Bed, Dressing Table, Chest and three Chnirs. Complete for. 3225.00 $289.50 Five-piece Blrd's-eyo Maple Bodroom Suite, full slzo Bed, dresser, Chiffonier, Dressing Table and Cheval Mirror. Special 8230.00 FIFTH FLOOR. Bed Room Furniture Odd Pieces $250.00 Gcntloman's Mahogany Chlffo-roba. Spo- cM Svl'SO.OO $90.00 Gentleman's Mahogany Chlffo-roibo. 8pe- c,ttl .'870.00 $100.00 Mahogany Dresser, 54-lnch lcmg. Spe- c,nl 867.50 $S5.00 Walnut Chiffonier. Spoclal 565.00 $P2.00 Solid Mabognny Dresser, 54-Inch. long. spoclal $67.50 $72.00 Sheraton Chest of Drawers. Spo. -8CS500 $72.00 Sheraton Dressing Table, trlplo mirror. Special 'fiSO.OO $51.00 Golden Oak Heavy Scroll, 44-bich Princes Dresser. Special '$35.00 $27.00 Golden Oak Heavy Scroll full size Bod. Spe cial .., 919.50 $88.00 Mahogany, Chiffonier, odd. Spe. .'844. OO $92.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, odd. Spe. ..tOQ.OO $75.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, odd. 8pe..837 50 $05.00 Louis XV. Chiffonier, Bolld nmhogany. Spe- $72.00 Louis XV. Mahogany Dresser. 4S-lnch long. Spoclal S60.00 $120.00 Louis XTV. Mahogany Dtttsseo, 63-inch long. Spoclal , 385.00 FIFTH PJiOOK. Bed Davenports of Highest Type at Less Than Manufacturers' Cost $125.00 Tapcslry Covered 7-ft. long Bed Daven I'ort 380.00 $120.00 Solid Mahogany Frame. Bed Davenport, black leather covorlng M 380.00 $92,50 Mahogany, Bed Davenport, black leather cov ering S75.00 (76.50 Mahogany Bod Davenport, black leather cov orlng 860.00 $74.50 Golden Oak Bed Davenport, brown leather , 360.00 $100.00 Golden Oak Bed Davenport, blacJ); leather 360.00 $30,50 Green Denim Box 'Couch, cedar lined 822.50 $32.50 Bed Window Scmt, Mahogany end pieces, denim covering 817.50. $40.00 Green Denim Cowred Box Couch..327.50 Dining Room Furniture $906.00 Adam's Antitfuo Mahogany finish, solid Mahogany Dining Room Sulto, consisting of twelvo pieces; burfet 72-lnch long, Serving Tablo 48-Inch long, China Closet 54-lnch. wide, glass sholves and mirror back, table 54-lnch by 10 foet, 2 lamps for buffet and 6 chairs. Spe. 8750.00 $685,00 Inlaid Sheraton Mahogany Dining Room Sulto, consisting of twelve pieces; 72-inch buf fet, 56-Inch china, mirror back and glass shelves; tablo 54 inches by 10 feot, tea, cart, 2 buffet lumps and C chairs. Complete for. . .8500.00 $034.00 French Colonial Post Dtnlng Boom Suite, claw foot, consisting of twolve pieces; 72-inch buffot, china closet, serving table and G chairs. Special 8525.00 $607.50 William and Mary Mahogany Dining Koom Sulto, twisted legs, carved chairs. Complete tor 3300.00 $368.50 Sheraton Mahogany Dining Room Suite, no inlay, dark brown finish, consisting of ton pieces. Special $280 00 $295.25 Fumed Oak Dining Room Suite, William and Mary design, twisted legs, consisting of nine pieces; 6 chairs, table, china and 72-Inch buffet. Special 3210.00 $264.50 Nine-piece Fumed Oak Dining Room Suite, legs on table, chairs and china closet all twisted the famous spool pattorn. Complete suite for si no on $250.00 Scotch Gray Dining Room 8ulte, inlaid, consisting of ten ploces. Special. . . .3175 QO $120.00 Fumed Oak Mission Style Buffot, 80 Inches long, 4-inch post. Special 885.00 $96.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, 80 inches long, 4-Inch posts, plate rail back. 8peclal $75.00 $80.00 Solid Mahogany Buffet, 48-lnch long. Spe cial S40.00 $205,00 Mahogany, Berkey & Gay Buffet, 54 inches long. Spoclal ,v 390.00 $90.00 Mahogany Buffet, 54 inches long. Spe cial 850.00 $105.00 Mahogany Buffet, 54 inches long, scroll feet, Colonial post. Special 875 00 $140.00 60-lnch Mahogany Buffet, Colonial scroll, beveled plato mirror. Special 890 00 $120.00 72-Inch Mahogany Buffet. Spo.. $90 00 $57.00 China Closot, Mahogany, claw feet. Spe cial 830.00 $45.00 China Closet, mahogany Sheraton lines. Special 825.00 $120.00 Mahogany Table, 54 Inches by 10 feet, Co lonial scroll. Special 875.00 FOURTH FJiOOR. Rugs at Special Prices $750.00 12-10x14-7 Austrian Hand Tuft. Sp- dnl $450.00 $280,00 10-8x11-5 German Hand Tuft. Spe cial 8195.00 $195.00 10-11x14-3 German Argos. Spe. 8145.00 - - - - -. ..... .- . rjj OiltUV $88.00 9-10x13-1 German Saxony. Spe... $44 OO $95.00 10-6x13-6 Amaxln Rug. Special. .$75 OO $76.00 10-6x12 Arabic Rug. Special 35750 $63.50 9x12 Arabic Rug. Special $50 OO $60.00 11-3x12 Ardahan Rug. Special. . .84750 inft nO 10.(1x12 nnvnl Wlltnn HnnoUl d-t-'rv u;,iM! luu-u uigeiuw Arueuei, special $60.00 9x12 Blgelow Ardebel. Special. S53.50 7-0x4-10 Arrnn rtllmrnn Snnclnl ' ; - ---- j.vvrvF nu.uo ..-uxiu-o Argos uumren. special. .828 50 $101.00 2-8x24-0 Argos Rtimren. Special. 80500 18:88 $12.25 2-3x4-10 Hand Tuft Rug. Special, S8.00 315.00 S25.50 2-3x4-10 Hand Tuft Tlntr ' Rnaxlnl $26.00 2-3x4-10 Hand Tuft Rug. Special. $16 OO $31.00 2-3x4-10 Hand Tuft Rug. Special. $20 00 SECOND FLOOR. 1.VJ2 DOUGLAS HT. Beaton ? Laier Co. PAYMENTS If You Wish 415-17 South 16th St. you live out of Omaha, Ti a a . - 4 1 . . : w xiuc lur catalog.