Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1914, PART ONE, Page 10-A, Image 10

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United States Warships Won't Try, to
Prevent Landing of Munitions.
Wo American Ship nl Port Wlirrr
Expected rnrsn imcbtiritrd
and Xone to rtc Sent
I There.
Real Estate Men to Have a Busy Time Here This Week
WASHINGTON. May 9.-Navr depart
ment official said tonight thnt the war
ships of the United Status would make no
effort to prevent the landing of arms and '
ammunition for the Huerta covcrnment
at Puerto, Mexico. Rear Admiral Badfer
had reported that the German steamship (
Kron Prlnressln Cecllle, believed to liaye
on board a part carso of munitions of .
war, was duo to arrive nt Puerto, Mex-
Jeo, early today and that another vessel j
;was understood to be on the way.
Officials pointed out that If tha Kron i
Prlnxetsln Cecllle had reached port on j
ttms It was likely It had discharged Its i
cargo daring the day and that n train i
which brought refugees to Puerto, Mex-
ico, yesterday probably already was
carrying the munitions to Huerta'a capital
None to De Sent.
The United States has no ships at j
Puerto, Mexico, and It Is said none will J
he sent there. ;
The Morgan liner 1211a Is here and prob
ably will be drafted for sorvlco by the
government. It was reported that cer- i
tain railroads had been asked by the War
department to keep in readiness to han
dle a large number of troops on short
notice. Major General J. Franklin Hell
will arrive here Saturday or Sunday to
take command of the Second division.
All day the railroads delivered quanti
ties of supplies for the army, and as fast
s possible these were loaded on the
transport Kllpatrlck, which had orders
to sail as soon as loaded. Tho Kllpatrlck
will carry 100 horses. The Baltllla was
almost ready to leave for Vera Cruz to
night with permanent camp equipment
for General Kunston's troops. Several
torpedo destroyers sailed for Vera Crux
late today. '
Fliers Iteadr In Umbnrlt.
The Second division, now at Texas City,
embraces the Fourth brigade, composed
of the Twenty-third, Twenty-sixth and
Twenty-seventh regiments, and the Sixth
brigade, composed of the One Hundred
and Tenth, Klghtecnth and Twenty-second
regiments. There are also In camp
at Texas City two battalions of en
gineers and the Fourth field artillery.
The company of army aviators at Fort
Crockett hero Is ready to embark.
Later Admiral Iladger cabled that the
second ship bringing arms, the German
steamer Bavaria, probably woutd not ar
rive, for two weeks. The Bavaria sailed
from Hamburg April 23 ahd Is expected
to touch at one or two South American
ports before going to Mexico.
It became known tonight that the State
department had known for aome time
through consular representatives that tho
Kron Prlnxesslu Cecilia and Bavaria
were carrying shipments of arms to Mex
ico and that the Navy department was
asked merely to keep tho government au
vised as to, the movements of tho vessels.
A cablegram from Admiral Badger late
tonight announced that the Kron I'rlnz
cssln Cecllle arrived at Puerto Mexico
during the day. Whether the vessel hud
discharged its cargo was not stated.
Col WW Pmce'3tJJl T J),Usbury T F. G. Sznilh-Mumeapoli
Real Estate Men
to Have Busy Time
HereThis Week
There apparently Is a mutual and posi
tive understanding among the real estate
men of the olty that the majority of
them will be off duty Monday or Tuesday
to welcome and attend the meeting of
the executive committee of the National
Association of Real Estate Exchanges.
There will of course be enough working,
force of tho different offices nt their
place of business to attend to tho urgent
business that may come up during these
two days. But they all seem to have a
spirit of hospitality to the extent that
they are not going to leave anything un
done that will make tho event ono long
to be remembered. The program as out
lined will be as follows.
Monday Reception at depot, from 7
o'clock to 9; breakfast at tho Rome hotel,
9 to l'i o'clock; executive meeting, 10 to
12:50 o'clock; luncheon and meeting at
Commercial club as guests of the local
exchange, 12:30 until 3 o'clock; automo
bile rldo around the city, 3 to 5 o'clock;
visiting friends, 5 to 6 o'clock; banquet,
6:30 o'clock.
Tuesday Automobllo ride to South
Omaha, going through packing houses,
lunch at Packers' exchange, 12 o'clock.
PJde back to the city to the Omaha
smelter, which they will go through and
Inspect, after which the visiting members
will presumably take their departure.
Livery Auto Strikes
Young Man on Street
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May 9.-(Spe-
clal) Charlea Humphrey, a young mar
ried man and son of Deputy Revenue
Collector George C. Humphrey, was run
over by D. Kelley, a livery automobile
driver, in the heart of the business sec
tion today, the fourth victim of the kind
within a few weeks. HIb left leg was
broken near the thtch and he waa badly
shocked. It Is not expected that the
Injury will be fatal or crippling for life.
To the Ladies of Omaha and Vicinity
Wish to Announce a Display of Rare
Lace Bargains for Monday
that are unquestionably among tfie most attrac
tive ever offered by any store in the land.
Our lace buyer has jast returned from New
York where he secured the surplus of two
of America's most prominent importers
and Monday, May 11th, we'll give our cuttomers
full benefit of the mo$t fortanate lace purchase vim ,
ever made. See 16th street window ditplay.
Come Early Monday Hayden Bros.
3. 3 Thorpe Minneapolis A G Clash Cleveland CL Simpson Kansas City
News, of Insurgent Successes Con
tinue, to Reach Vera Cruz.
Itnmoreil to Ilnve Tnken Cnernnvaca
In Slate of Mnrelos Hltuatloit
In Mexico City Hnld to He
Aorinnl, i
Mention of Ferrer
Causes an Uproar in x
Chamber of Deputies
MADRID, May 9. A figure of peech
used today by Francisco J. Ugnrte, mini
ster of nubllo works, was tho cause of
a violent scene in tho chamber of deputies.
The ministry of public works has been
inversely criticised by soveral deputies
for its connection with the construction
of a new railway.
In replying Benor Ugarte, who In 1900
wan procurator general and reported on
the unsuccessful appeal of Francisco
rerrer, founder of the modem bcIiooI, for
a reprieve from the sentence of douth Im
posed upon him in Barcelona for causing
a revolutionary outbreak said: "My
critics have been holding mi autopsy on
a corpse which does not oxUt."
fienor Castravldo, a republican deputy
nd editor of El Palsu leaped to Ills feet
and shouted;
"The only corpse hero Is that of Ferrer,
and It still Is palpitating."
Pandemonium then broko out, rcpubll
' cn deputies shouting thut Ugarte was an
assassin whllo the government supporters
retorted by calling the republican' black
American Private Is
Killed by Mexicans,
According to Reports
VERA CRUZ, Mevtco, May S.-Prlvuto
Parks, orderly for Lieutenant Colonel El
more Taggart. who disappeared lnsldo of
Mexican lines yesterday with two of
Colonel Taggart'a horses, was put to
death by tho Mexicans near Tejora, ac
cording to a report received here tonight
This information, however, was not re
garded as conclusive. A Mexican rail
road man, the authority for the report,
said he waa told by ono of Maas' soldiers,
with whom ho had n talk In the vlalnlty
of the alleged execution, that Parka had
been killed. Ho said hIso that the Mexi
can soldier told him that two nights be
fore another man, dressed like an Ameri
can soldier, had beii executes.
Colonel Tuggart went by train today as
far aa the break In the railroad near
Tejera to try to get Information about
Parka. He said he heard the same, story
as that told by tha railroad 'man.
DENVER, Colo.. May 9. Twenty-six
members of the Industrial Workers of
the World were pardoned late today by
Major J. M. Perkins and released, from
the county jail on . recommendation of
Alexander NUbet, commissioner of
safety, and permitted to speak on tho
streets. The men were serving sixty-day
sentences for shaking on ttie streets
without permit.
Certain atreet corners designated today
were tonight occupied by speaker. Three
hundred members of the Industrial
Workers of the World are reported en
route to Denver.
.Dr. Klug'a New Life Pllla
eur4 'Mr 13. 11. Ooodioe, Dallas, Tex.,
of malaria and biliousness. Best regu
lator of liver, stomach and bowels, tic
All druggists. Advertisement.
'VK11A CRUZ, Mexico, May 9. Reports
of rebel victories continue to reach Vera
Cruz both through refugees and In un
official advices, tho only sources of In
formation through which tho city learns
what Is going on olsqwhere in Mexico,
"it waa reported today thut Emlllano
Zapata had taken Cucrnavaca, capital of
tho rtuto of MorcloH, which Is within
forty miles of Mexico City. Close uu-
Hervera of tho situation say, however.
UibJ. Zaprttu could have taken It at any
tlmo as only u slight attempt has been
inn do to defend it. Reports of rebel suc
cesses still arti being suppressed In the
capital, and tew persons there know of
General Vlllu's sternly uppioach from
tho north.
Americana travelling between the cap
ital and Vera Crux are Impressed moat
by tho solicitude of Huerta'a officers for
the safety of all foreigners, especially
Aiucrlcuns. Those Americans having
homes In Mexico City urn permitted to
pass the lines, but others aro refused
permission to puss on tno ground that
they will merely add to tho burdens of
tho Huerta government In protecting
them. Tho recent utmost of two English
man who HUbscquontly wcro released,
called forth a reprimand of tho federal
officers from President Huertu,
Conilltloun Are Normal.
Travelers who arrived hero from tho
capital today report that normal condi
tions exist there.
Tho military off'cera In Vera Crua uro
itgreed that some extension ot the Amer
ican lines U dcslrublu for tho protection
of tho food and water supply ot Vera
Crux. Thoy desire tho extension to em
braco the district all about the city. It
Washington approves, tho troops hero
probably w.ll be Increased for un exten
sion of tho lines, thus leaving the ad
vance base marine regiments free for- any
calls from coast town.
Reports received from Mexico City say
thut refugees ura moving freely from the
capital toward Puerto, Mexico. The
shortage in tho oil fuel supply probably
will reduce the fucllttlea ot tho railroad
within tho next few days and the federals
are expediting the movement ot foreign
ors toward the coast.
Tho naval transports Hancock and
Morro Castle are still here
Sluim Order of Acqulttut.
JUAREZ. Mexico. May (.-General Fidel
AiU, uhlof of anna ot Juarez, signed
today the order ot uouulttul of James
Iciun, an "American nogro, who was ur
rettod In Juarex about two months ngo
on the chargo ot being u federal spy.
It was oharged litf liad Incriminating
documents In his possession when ar
restad. He wua tried und acquitted, but
waa not reteated, 'the final order ot ac
quittal only being signed today. The
older will b presented to the court to
morrow, when It is oxpectod Logan will
bo released.
Order of Curruusn,
Kb PASO, Tex May 9.-General Car
runta. according to an announcement U
day, has ordered Rafael Musqulx, sr..
who had beta appointed to establish civil
governments In the towns throughout
Coahulla. to mako preparations to open
tho coal mines of tho state. These mlnen
Inelude tho following: Rescondido, La
RomIIu, I .a Pasltos, Phoenix and Patau.
Americans are interested In several of
these properties.
General Francisco Murgla la maktng
preparations to attack Monclova. whlcn
has been seized by about 40) federals.
who fled from Piedras Negras. General
Murgia's forces consist of about 1,300
men. Monclova Is tho, only town except
Soltlllo now held by the federals In
Demand Not Met.
The demand of General Rodrlgo Que
vndo that - three largo 'American cattle
companies give him sums aggregating
$10,000 under threat that he wbuld de
stroy the windmills on their lands, has
not been complied with. When the. tlmp
limit fixed by Qucvcdo expired at sun.
down tonight the money had not been
left as ho directed at a lonely hacienda Nogales, Ariz.
Instead tha three companies, the Pa
lawan Land and Cattle company, tha
Corralltos Cattle company and tho Ban
Pedro Cattle company, mado Impressive.
appeals for protection to General Villa,
General Carranxa and W. J. Bryai;,
secretury of state. They are awaiting
anxiously to see what action Is taken
by the band under Quevedo, for It Is
estimated that if the windmills aro de
stroyed a million dollars worth of cat
tle would die of thirst within a week.
Former Urliratllrr Genernl.
'Quovedo formerly waa a brigadier gen
eral In the Mexican regular urmy and
fctlll Is said to maintain a nominal al
legiance to Huerta. When Chihuahua
passed into possession of the constitu
tionalists, It is said, he escaped across
the border, where he recruited a band
of federal deaerters and refugees and
led them baok into Chihuahua . He hus
raided ranches a far south aa Aguus
Callentes and also Is said to huve run
off stock from this side of the line.
Two American Killed
BAN DIEGO, Cal., May S. Two Amer
icana were killed and two seriously
wounded while defending tho Cinco Mlnas
stamp mill near Guadalajara from an
attacking forco ot federals, according to
a telegram received by H, IS, Crawford
from British Consul Percy Holmes today.
Crawford was driven from the homo of
a friend In Guadalajara during the re
cent antl-Amcrlcan demonstrations and
arrived hero a few days ago on Uio Ger
man atcumcr Marie, n company with
hundreds ot other refugees.
No names woro mentioned In tho dis
patch, which stated that fifteen other
Americans engaged In mining pursuits
near Guadalajara, have- embarked for
San Diego on the ateamer Cetrlana at
Tho Cinco Mlnaa mlnea aro among the
largest In Mexico,
Cnrrauia at Torreon.
TORREON, Mexico, May 9. General
Venustlano Carranza, first chief of the
constitutionalists, arrived here today with
his staff and members ot his official
family and established his temporary
capital here. Among those In the party
were: General Maclovlo Herrera, General
Tomas Urblna and General Manual Chao,
who had been governor of the state ot
General Villa met General Carranxa at
tho station and escorted the party to his
residence here. Government officials to
day took occasion to deny reports that
General Chao had been threatened with
death by General Villa. Generals Villa
and Chao spent a part of the day together
at constitutionalist army headquarters.
where they engaged In earnest convene
tlon and later dined together. There was
nothing to Indicate friction between them.
Constitutionalist officials asserted the
necessity ot having every officer of ex
perience in the field in the campaigns
against Saltlllo and San Luis Potost
cuused his departuto from Chihuahua.
General Carranxa and the officials ot
the constitutionalist government will re
main hero for a time. Their future move
ments will depend on the successes at
tending the constitutionalist arms.
Bankers Refuse to Extend M. F,
Twenty-Five Million Notea
If Back Hurts
Begin on Salts
Flush your Kidneys occasion
ally if you eat meat
In -Session When ICuhn, Loeb A
Company Issue Statement
nnd Adjourn to Meet
KBW YORK, May 9. TJio latest at
tempt to readjust tho finances ot the
Gould railroad system came to naught
today, when Kuhn, Locb & Co., bankers,
announced their refusal, to extend the
$23,000,000 of Missouri Paclflo railway
three-year notes, which mature June t,
Tho bunkers declined to state the rea
sons for their conclusion, except to say
that "conditions governing the affairs of
the spropcrty do not warrant such an
undertaking by them at this time.''
It is expected that a detailed statement,
dealing with Kuhn, Loeb fc Co.'s exam
ination ot the Missouri Pacific by their
experts and probably Incorporating tho
substance of their communications to the
Gould Interests, will be Issued next week.
Directors of the Missouri Pacific were
holding a special session at the time the
bunkers Issued their statement, but soon
adjourned to meet again, tomorrow, when
It Is likely that Home arrangement will be
mnde to meet the Missouri Pacific notes.
This may be dona by an Issue of hew
notes, bearing u higher rate of Interest,
or may be effected by an extension of a
year or more, together with a cash bonus.
Bpcyer & Co., who floated the notes now
falling due and officials ot which firm
are represented In tho Missouri Paclflo
directorate, would not discuss tho latest
turn of events, except to express the be
lief that tho demands of the noteholders
would bo met.
Missouri Paclflo nnd other Gould Issues
were among the weakest features ot the
day's reactionary stock market
The Csuir of nheuntatlam
is stomach trouble, lacy liver and de
ranged kidneys. Try Klectria Hitter.
regulates Uver and helps kidneys to
work. 60c and 11. All druggtata Adver
Ilogan Uulls nase llall.
Marty HoKarf. one ot the most success
ful managers in the minor leagues, haa
about retired from the game for good,
unless something good turns up. He Is
now In Youngstown, O-, .conducting
No man or woman who eats meat regu
larly can make a mistake by flushing the
kidneys occasionally, says a well-known
authority. Meat forma urlo add which
excites the kidneys, they beoome over
worked from the strain, get sluggish and
fall to filter tha waste and poisons from
the blood, then we get aide. Nearly an
rheumatism, headaches, Uver trouble,
nerrousoeas, dizziness, aleepWanaaa and
urinary disorders come from sluggish
The moment you feel a Ann aoha in the
kidneys or your back hurts or if the
arlne Is cloudy, offensive, fuU of bqOA
sneat. Irregular of plus sag or attsoat
by a sensation of scalding, step eating
Beat aad get about four eusoes ef Java
Baits from any pharmaey; take a table
pootrfal In a glass of water before break
fast and la a few days your-IsMaeas wttl
aet fuM. This famous salts is mad from
the aeid of grapes, and lemon. Juloe, com
bined with llthla, and has been used for
generations to flush and stimulate Mm
kidneys, also to neutralise the acids la
urine so It no longer oausas Irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is Inoxpenslre and oannot
Injure; makes a delightful effei esoont
llthla-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep tho kidneys
clean and active and the blood pure.
thereby avoiding serious kidney oomptl-
the charm nnd
uplifting infltt
ence of good
music into
your homo.
Think of tho
happiness that
beautiful mel
odies, rjlayed on
the rich-toned 5fgr fi Sons Piano,
would give your family!
Every one should know of the
charming, artistic tone qualities
of the Stager & Son Piano,
You surely know two persons
who aro interested in purchasing
a piano. If you will send us their
names, we will gladly mail you fivo
pieces of good Popular Sheet Music
Upright fit Grand Piano
Have merited and won the great
est success. They are made in the
largest piano-factories in the world,
at Steger, 111., the town founded
by Mr. J. V. Stefrer.
Our new biff Piano Catalog la
full of handsome illustrations and
valuable Information. Yours
rreo lor the asking.
1111 out the coupou below
and manUon bcEXUtnuDt
Number when you mall It,
DokQt eTtaKftS0KSriAN0.KFC.CO. I
Bluer BUMiar . vucai. iu.
PIM scad um your bur Xt Ptano CU-
U. alao I Bies ( popular nuW Fn. I
u Madia iik ciffl u inn h uum m
to buy pisnoa
IilBB..... ........... ....... ........ ,....
Btmt. .E.r.D. ........ I
k Town......... r.O. Di...... ...
asm ssrp ssssss
Question Answered
Tubes last longer and
serve better, because the
special Firestone antimony vulcan
izinp; process insures extra densi
ty and toughness of texturo. They '
are mnde of finest Para rubber, built
layer upon layer and extra thick.
Maximum resistance against beat and
wear; a long, "lively" life; no stretching
out of ahaoe
" America's largest Bzolasivo Tire
and Wm Makers"
2830 JParnam SC., Omaha, Neb.
Soma Offlee and 7oetoryi Akron, Ohio.,
Branches In Ail large CHI-.
One Extra Tire
You Can Get Four Goodyears, with All-Weather
Treads, for What Some Charge for Three
Tofky's gret question meant tire users b All-Weather Treads
What in tho proper price ? And no other maker offers anti-sldcia which
Goodyear No-Rrm-Cut tires used to cost compare with Air-Weather treads. You can
ene-Sfth more than others. Yet they gained see this at a glance. The All-Weather tread is
top place because of extra merit double-thick, tough and enduring. The blocks
Now 16 makes cost more up to one-half " deep the edges ore sharp. Wet roads
more. Oi aeveral makes, three tires w31 cost are .grasped with resistless grip. Yet the
as much as four No-Rim-Cuts. tread ant and smooth and regular. It runs
like a plain tread on dry roads.
Are They Worth It?
Are they better tires?
They can't be. We have tried for years
to improve these tires have spent $100,000
yearly on research and experiment. Yet
we've found no way nor haa anyone else
to show lower coat per mile.
Do they lessen trouble?
That is unthinkable. Not one contains
our No-Rim-Cut feature,
which has ended rim-cut
ting entirely. Not
one gets, as ours
do,the-On-Air -z
cure. This extra
process costs
us $1,500 daily
to prevent wrinkled
fabric, the mam cause of
Not one does what
wo do to prevent loose
treads. Our. method is
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With An-WMtker TreaU or Sawfe
Vast output has brought Goodyear prices
down. We make as high as 10,000 motor
tires daily. We hove modern factories, new
equipment Our experts are efneient And
we sold tires last year at an average profit of
Qj4 per cent
We are giving you the benefit of Goodyear
popularity. When we made fewer tires, it
was Goodyears that cost
the extra price.
Get the best tires
made, but get
them at Good
year prices.
Skimped tires
ore costly nt any
price. But it also is waste
ful to pay $5 to $15 per
tire more than we now
ask you.
Any dealer will sop
ply you with Goodyear
Tble Ciaapaar has bo conactlsa wUaterer wttto any o rukW ooaoum which tha 0odfaBaau
Any Dealer can supply you Goodyear Tires. If tha wanted
size U not in stock tie will telephone our Local Branch.